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Generations on baseball and football and basketball, millions of americans paused, stopped, took the time to steal a glance, follow the action or in some cases watch the entire game as the u. S. Played germany in hopes of advancing at the world cup in brazil. It turns out the u. S. Lost to germany in a game more exciting than the 10 final score would indicate. And yet the u. S. Gets to advance to the next round, something that may confound the new soccer fans watching the world cup for the first time. They say you cant win for losing. But that is exactly what happened to the u. S. Squad today. Nbcs katy tur was among the huge crowd at one of the biggest gatherings today in chicago. Reporter today might as well have been a national holiday. From supporters at home to the warriors on the road in brazil whose battle cries filled the streets, american fans decked out in face paint and team colors, ready to take on germany. The torrential rain not enough to dampen their enthusiasm. Team usa has fought in extreme weather before, last year in a snowstorm. Today, ball on the pitch, eyes glued to the screen, it seemed everyone was cheering. In the nations capital, the president on air force one, uncontrollable joy in denver. But 54 minutes in, germany scores. It is 10 to germany. Reporter a collective groan from coast to coast and here in chicago. You guys seem so nervous. I am. Reporter the suspense, too much even for this reporter. Katy, tell us whats happening. Reporter it was close. Who was supposed to be doing live tv. Work was an afterthought for a lot of us today. My boss had some family obligations. Reporter online, many said they cleared their schedules. Total life stop, no phone, no appointments. Others called it multitasking, working, but checking the live stream. No need for excuses at this office in miami. Our boys lost in the end, but it didnt really feel that way. Next round of the world c cup usa nobody thought we would to it. Reporter have you ever been more excited to lose a game . No reporter welcome to the world of world cup soccer where a loss can still be a win. Next up for team usa is belgium on tuesday. Thats also an afternoon game and millions will likely be watching that as well. We are in grant park right now and although it is empty, they are still playing soccer behind me. Brian, it might not be nascar, but youve got to admit, its getting pretty infectious. It is, katy tur, grant park in chicago after a long day there, katy, thanks. In other news tonight, this story out of washington where the Supreme Court today struck down one of the toughest laws in the country intended to limit protests at abortion clinics. This case involved painted lines on the sidewalk in massachusetts and how far protesters would have to stand back. Todays ruling will affect similar laws in other states and opponents of abortion are calling it a big victory. Our justice correspondent Pete Williams at the Supreme Court tonight. Pete, good evening. Reporter brian, good evening. This court is deeply divided on the issue of abortion. But it was unanimous today in declaring that massachusetts went too far in trying to prevent violence at clinic entrances. Massachusetts was trying to avoid scenes like this theyre lying to you and theyre going to kill your baby. Reporter patients of abortion clinics hassled. So the state passed a law painting a line on the sidewalk. Inside that line, no protests. But the court ruled in favor of Eleanor Mccullen and others who say the noprotest zones violated their free speech. When they need somebody to care for them and i care, i truly care, but then when we get to the buffer zone, i have to stop and then they keep going and i lose. Reporter writing for a unanimous court, chief Justice John Roberts said, a painted line on the sidewalk is easy to enforce, but the prime objective of the First Amendment is not efficiency. The sidewalk, the court said, is one of the few places left where people with a message can be confident theyre not just preaching to the choir. What massachusetts cant do is simply round everybody up and haul them off to jail if theyre speaking close to an abortion clinic. Reporter at a minimum, todays ruling dooms similar places were going to provide places for staff, for patients, for the women in massachusetts who are trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Reporter womens groups say the same Supreme Court that denied them a buffer zone has a big one of its own, no protests in front of the plaza. No approach zones that move with a patient entering a clinic but casts a legal cloud over them. The court today all but killed the president s power to appoint people to government jobs when the senate is in recess. In modern times when the senate is controlled by the opposing party, it convenes briefly every three days during breaks. The court said today a recess has to last at least ten days before the president can use that power. So that means the senate can block recess appointments whenever it wants. Monday, well get the big decision on the obamacare issue. Tonight, responding to pressure from some lawmakers, president obama is asking congress for half a billion dollars to train and arm the rebel fighters in syria which could mark sml of an escalation in the u. S. Involvement in that war. The white house said the rebels would be vetted before giving them assistance to make sure u. S. Equipment doesnt fall into enemy hands, like were watching right now in iraq with isis. Andrea mitchell says they have been secretly arming the rebels through cia. In the american midwest, water levels are rising tonight still and the flood emergency in some places likely to get worse as even more rain is expected. Its already having a big impact on agriculture, among other things. Nbcs john yang is in carver, minnesota, tonight, south of the twin cities, following all this Severe Weather. John, good evening. Reporter good evening, brian. This is what a lot of minnesota highways are looking like tonight. If getting from point a to point b means crossing a river, youre probably going to have to go miles out of your way. And this is also what a lot of farms have been looking like, too. The midwest got a muchneeded break today as summer rainstorms moved south and east. In north texas, slowmoving storms brought flash flooding, 335 inches of rain fell in an hour, faster than storm drains could carry it away, stranding drivers and closing roads. In upstate new york, downpours triggered flooding and mud slides. In the town of vali falls, firefighters rushed to stack sandbags in hopes of holding off rising waters. Ive been chief here for 13 years. Never seen this much water in the village before. Reporter Rushing Water damaged homes. I had to move my car. Half any driveway is gone. Reporter the mississippi, missouri and red rivers continue to flow over their banks, swollen from torrential rains earlier this month, just hours after harley finished planting corn, more than 4 inches of rain fell in just two hours, wiping out 10 of his crop. Hes 74 years old and hated seeing his fourthgeneration family farmland under water. How did it make you feel . Its kind of a feeling in your stomach that you you got kind of a sick feeling on it. Reporter now the region is bracing for more rain and fearing more damage. Many states, south dakota, minnesota, iowa and nebraska will see several days of Severe Weather and also heavy rain. By the time all is said and done, some of these areas that are so soaked may wind up with as much as 6 inches before the weekend is over. Reporter one estimate puts farm losses in minnesota at 7 million so far. And forecasters say that even without any new rain, a lot of rivers are going to stay above flood stage until well after the fourth of july. Brian . John yang, carver, minnesota, tonight. John, thanks. The ceo of gm said today its possible there could be even more recalls beyond the 20 million vehicles already affected by this series of problems the company has identified. In an exclusive live interview with matt lauer on today, mary barra talked about the issue that started it all, those faulty ignition switches that have been linked to at least 13 deaths. She was asked if the company has tried to hide the problem. I dont really think there was a coverup. I think what we had, there were silos of information. So people had bits and pieces and then didnt come forward with information or didnt act with a sense of urgency. And its simply unaccept zblbl that report she was talking about was commissioned by gm. It cited a memo from 13 years ago by a company engineer who discussed an ignition problem. We learned today howard baker has died. He was an american politician, a veteran senator and what we used to call a statesman. Its hard to compare him with anyone in Politics Today because they really dont make them like howard baker anymore. He was american political royalty and yet there was nothing regal about him. Howard h. Baker jr. Of tennessee remained the same while times changed around him. He played a role in changing american politics, beginning with a question he asked during the watergate hearings that has remained in the american lexicon ever since what did the president know and when did he know it . Reporter a republican senator investigating a republican president who later became the first president to resign in disgrace. Howard baker was the son of a legendary congressman, the soninlaw of everett dickerson, a lion of the senate the battles not over reporter baker spent 18 years in the senate, the first republican tennessee ever sent to the u. S. Senate and he married a senator. Nancy landon castlebaum of kansas who survives him. The senator loved photography. And with his camera he chronicled what he saw in his life of public service. When the camera was on him, we saw a rumpled, comfortable, affable man. He made a run for the presidency but sacrificed any future hopes for high office to help a sitting president. He became Ronald Reagans white house chief of staff and in guiding him through the iran scandal might have saved his second term. Those who didnt love him respected him. He was both minority leader and majority leader in the senate. A republican so moderate it might make him a democrat today. When all the senators lined up to pay tribute to howard baker, along with bob dole just a year ago, it felt like a goodbye. And it turns out it was. Like so Many American men of his generation, howard baker was a veteran. He served in the pacific and world war ii. He switched from engineering to law school and engineered many a compromise in public life. Howard baker was 88 years old. Well take a break. Still ahead for us on this thursday evening, spectator views, seeing the world like weve never quite seen it before. Tonight, the gamechanging technology coming of age today. And later, taking flight, a woman with a very personal connection to Amelia Earhart attempting to retrace her final journey around the world. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Defy gravity with juvederm voluma®. Apples may fall, but the apples of your cheeks dont have to. The first and only injectable gel approved by the fda to instantly add volume to your cheek area. As you age, its not just about lines and wrinkles your cheeks lose volume and can sag. Voluma instantly adds volume to create contour and lift to the apples of your cheeks for a more youthful profile. For up to two years. Temporary side effects include tenderness, swelling, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, pain, redness, discoloration and itching. Ask your doctor about nonsurgical juvederm voluma® xc from the 1 selling family of fillers. Sorry newton, not everything has to fall. See before afters at juvederm. Com. Juvederm voluma®. Defy gravity. The Company Gopro webt public today on wall street with a 3 billion ipo and investors sent shares soaring 30 . A lot of people want a piece of the camera maker, capturing life in a way that until recently just was not possible. We get our report tonight from nbcs stephanie gosk. Reporter the small waterproof seemingly indestructible gopro poses a simple question, whats your angle . And everyone who uses one has a different answer, from the irresistably cute to the stunningingly beautiful, to the simply heartstopping. A highdefinition camera that can be strapped anywhere, only limited by someones creativity and the laws of nature. Today, founder and now billionaire nick woodman took the company public. He spoke with cnbc. We make it easy for passionate people around the world to capture and share incredible Life Experiences in the form of compelling content. Reporter woodman, an avid surfer, came up with the idea over a decade ago. When he wanted pictures of himself catching the perfect wave. Here he is on qvc in 2005 at 29 years old. Wouldnt this be great for the whole family on a Family Vacation . Reporter by the time the daredevil decided to skydive from the atmosphere, there was little question what camera would jump with him. This video was good, even if these wound up getting arrested. The gopro is a really good way to show off secret skills. Here we go. Impressive, huh . Unless, of course, it was gymnast darren who did that flip. I just got it on a pole. Gives you cool angles. Reporter this cameraman says the camera has radically changed his options. You can mount it anywhere, cant you . It gives you a unique perspective on capturing shots. Reporter but in the end, the gopro was made for the amateurs, what woodman calls a life camera, no matter what your point of view. Stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. Were back in a moment with a major ruling tonight and a big fight over big drinks. Yep. Stirred it. Mmhmm. Drowned it again. Mmhmm. And now just feel if its cold. Yeah. Cool. [camera shutter clicks] [whistling a tune] smokey just gave me a bear hug. I know. I already posted it. Our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat. The flavors, are anything but. So whether its taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. Or the smoky spice of the southwest. Or bold, adventurous thai flavors. You always get flavor thats anything but flat. And always with chicken raised without antibiotics. New flatbread sandwiches from panera. Each 360 calories or less. Try one today. Youve reached the age where you know how things work. This is the age of knowing what needs to be done. So why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to you doctor. It is once again perfectly legal to brandish a large sugary beverage on the streets of new york city. The court of appeals in new york has ruled the city board of health overstepped its bounds and tried to make law with the big soda ban on drinks over 16 ounces which was first famously pushed by former mayor bloomberg. Theres no arguing about the huge amounts of sugar in big drinks and its effect on the american diet. But one judge wondered if a ban on triple decker burgers could be next. The humbling political stat of the day, a new Pew Research Study showing four in ten americans can correctly identify which Party Controls the majority in the house or senate. For the record, republicans in the house, democrats in the senate. With the july 4th holiday now within striking range, a bit of a mixed bag as we approach what is always the biggest travel time of the summer. Aaa is projecting 41 million of us on the roads driving 50 miles or more. An improving economy means more people on the road. But what we pay for gas is now at a sixyear high. And if youve raised kids who are teething, this may be familiar to you. The Soccer Player whos become known as the guy who bites. Luis suarez who plays for uruguay has been speuspended fo nine matches by the gorining body fifa for the bite he put on his opponent a few days back during the world cup. He has been disciplined for biting twice before. When we come back, a young woman hoping to make history in the air retracing the flight of her famous namesake. My dad has , or afib. He has the most common kind. Its not caused by a heart valve problem. Dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. Thats why i take my warfarin every day. But it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. In a clinical trial, pradaxa® Dabigatran Etexilate mesylate . Was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. And unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. Hey thanks for calling my doctor. Sure. Pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. 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Then came news the two amelias were not related. If you believe anything for 30 years and youre told its not true, its tough to take. Reporter but she decided to fly on. At 31 years old, this earhart also hopes to make history, becoming the youngest woman to ever circle the globe in a single engine plane. The trip is expected to last nearly three weeks with 17 stops in 14 different countries. Shell fly 28,000 miles, 80 of it over ocean. This is home for the next few weeks . It is. Reporter earhart will share the cockpit with an experienced copilot. This is clearly her dream. And now its come to fruition. That looks awesome. Reporter their journey begins today in oakland at a hangar tripping with earhart history, the place where the original amelia started her voyage. When i think about the feelings of opening up the hangar door on the morning of the flight and seeing the same view that amelia saw, its really special to me. Were taking off reporter she gets a farewell call from her dad. Happy tears, right . Reporter then its time to take off. Just goes to show that i think there are still adventures to be had and things for people to get excited about. Reporter a journey inspired by a name, empowered by something deeper. Joe fryer, nbc news, broomfield, colorado. By the way, unlike the original flight path of Amelia Earhart, we are able to track this flight all the way via gps. Tonight it shows the aircraft and pilot resting for the night in colorado. You can track it via our ne website, nbcnews. Com. That is our broadcast for a thursday night. Thank you for being here. Im brian williams. We hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. Good night. Rob lowes scary vacation disaster caught on tape. Now on extra. Brand new video, rob lowe, his wife and kids, rescued from an out of control flood in the south of france. Weve got their vacation diary and what robs saying today. Beyonce and jayzs top secret wedding video revealed. Musics billiondollar couple expose their home movies. World cup mania. Usa. Will ferrell leads the Holl Hollywood stars showing their stripes. Samantha harriss emotional interview about her new cancer strike and how her husbands been her rock. Now trending, the final photo of model katie clearys husband just hours before his suicide. Plus, Britney Spears broken up . What we just learned about the couples gossip. This is extra at e Universal Studios hollywood, the

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