Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20160728

we embrace it as one people. stronger together than we are on our own. that's what hillary clinton understands. this fighter, this stateswoman, this mother and grandmother, this public servant, this patriot, that's the america she's fighting for. and that is why i have confidence as i leave this stage tonight that the democratic party is in good hands. my time in this office, it hasn't fixed everything. as much as we've done, there's still so much i want to do. but for all the tough lessons i've had to learn, for all the places where i've fallen short, i've told hillary and i'll tell you what's picked me back up every single time, it's been you. the american people. it's the letter i keep on my wall from a survivor in ohio who twice almost lost everything to cancer but urged me to keep fighting for health care reform, even when the battle seemed lost. do not quit. it's the painting i keep in my private office, a big-eyed green owl with blue wings made by a 7-year-old girl who was taken from us in newtown, given to me by her parents so i wouldn't forget. a reminder of all the parents who have turned their grief into action. it's the small business owner in colorado who cut most of his own salary so he wouldn't have to layoff any of his workers in the recession, because, he said, that wouldn't have been in the spirit of america. it's the conservative in texas who said he disagreed with me on everything, but he appreciated that like him, i try to be a good dad. it's the courage of the young soldier from arizona who nearly died on the battlefield in afghanistan, but who has learned to speak again and walk again. and earlier this year stepped through the door of the oval office on his own power to salute and shake my hand. it is every american who believes we can change this country for the better. so many of you who have never been involved in politics, who picked up phones and hit the streets and used the internet in amazing new ways that i didn't really understand, but made change happen. you are the best organizers on the planet, and i am so proud of all the change that you made possible. time and again, you've picked me up. and i hope sometimes i picked you up too. and tonight, i ask you to do for hillary clinton what you did for me. i ask you to carry her the same way you carried me, because you're who i was talking about 12 years ago when i talked about hope. it's been you who fueled my dogged faith in our future, even when the odds were great, even when the road is long. hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope, america, you've vindicated that hope these past eight years. and now i'm ready to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen. so this year in this election, i'm asking you to join me to reject cynicism and reject fear and to summon what is best in us to elect hillary clinton as the next president of the united states and show the world we still believe in the promise of this great nation. thank you for this incredible journey. let's keep it going. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] >> the roar is deafening here in this arena. president obama delivering a speech, a powerful one embracing hope and optimism, a passionate endorsement of hillary rodham clinton. at times an artful takedown of donald trump, a call for americans to participate in democracy. there was some familiar refrains there. yes, we can. and the audacity of hope there in the final part of his speech this evening. >> it was the rebuttal to trump that he's been dying to give for months. you could tell -- there's the moment. [ cheers and applause ] >> the symbolic passing of the baton. chuck, you call it the moment that he has waited for. >> yes. >> also the moment she has waited for. >> and they have been looking forward to this speech, the clinton campaign, also for months. they knew they needed him as the character witness. i have to tell you, this night went as well as it could have gone for hillary clinton. if her numbers don't move after all of this tonight, then you've got to ask yourself when will they move. >> you know, this is also about and i thought the most dramatic thing that he said endorsing her was she's better qualified to be president than bill was or than i am. it doesn't get more than that. but he also understands that her election and this campaign is about extending his legacy. that's an important part of it and that's why he's throwing himself into this campaign. >> i keep thinking about barack obama, the lawyer. this felt like a closing argument. it was a point-by-point recitation certainly of his record, her qualifications, a takedown of donald trump, including acknowledgement of hillary clinton's weakness but a rebuttal to that. and here they are together. i'm thinking about all the times hillary clinton as secretary of state would travel to other countries and say in our democracy, even though we were bitter rivals, in the end i went to work for him and that is how democracy works. that is democracy at its finest. >> one amazing moment in here is when he basically separated donald trump from the republican party. he criticized the cleveland convention and said it wasn't republican or conservative. they are not trying to make the republican party own trump, they want the republican party to come to their side. >> america has a choice. we were all in cleveland, we heard the messages there, we have heard the message here. the choice couldn't be any starker. the vision of america that we heard in cleveland versus the one here, there is no comparison. >> we've heard this whole riff about there are two americas, there are two americas. well, we're getting two distinct radically different visions of it and there are people that don't recognize the other description. >> well, the big difference, obviously, between the two is this is a cross section of the democratic party. in fact the modern democratic party. i've never heard a president's speech in which there was so many references, for example, to same-sex marriage and the changes that have occurred in america in the last eight years that he's been in office. that's a profound change. and what he is doing, it's going to be interesting to see the republicans who stay home are not keen about donald trump, can they make the move here. that's going to be the real test for them. can she reach out to them in a way that they feel comfortable with who she is and where she's going to take the country. >> but i think it's interesting to both of your points that they are making a concerted effort tonight to reach that middle. it used to be an article of faith that in a general election you tried to reach those swing voters. but because our politics are so polarized, recent elections have been more about driving out your base and talking to your base and we saw that in this convention with the democrats and at the republican convention certainly, but tonight not just barack obama, but also tim kaine making that reach out to that independent voter, to a voter that calls him or herself a republican. tim kaine said, hey, if the republican party is the party of lincoln, we've got room for you over here. >> how about michael bloomberg, this is a guy that spoke to the republican convention in 2004 as mayor of new york city and here he is now as the former independent mayor of new york city speaking to the democrats. look, trump -- i think democrats no longer view trump as an opportunity to win. i think they are trying to make the case to republicans, he's an existential threat to democracy, come with us. >> and now we look to tomorrow, as this was the bar. you have to think that barack obama just raised it for hillary clinton. >> look, i never have thought -- she is never going to outshine some of the speakers here. tonight i would argue is always going to be and some in the clinton campaign have believed that tonight was more important. she can't botch tomorrow, but that tomorrnight was as importas tomorrow. >> don't forget bill clinton had a barn burner speech and they thought, wow, how is barack obama going to surpass that, so i think the stage is set. she's got to rise to the occasion, but there's precedent for it. >> a night of star power here in philadelphia. that, unfortunately, will do it for us. night three of this democratic national convention. be sure to tune into matt lauer's exclusive interview with chelsea clinton tomorrow morning on "today." we hope you'll join us again tomorrow night when hillary clinton accepts the nomination. for chuck todd, savannah guthrie, tom brokaw and our entire nbc news team, i'm lester holt. good night from philadelphia. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" the case for clinton. a surprise dnc appearance for hillary clinton after president obama says she's more qualified for the oval office than he is. russian roulette. donald trump asks the kremlin to expose hillary clinton's e-mails. and flooding fears. this was the scene on the shore today. the high water could be more widespread tomorrow. nbc 10 news starts now. there has never been a man or a woman more qualified than hillary clinton to serve as president of the united states. >> the democrats make their case, while striking back at donald trump. >> you cannot believe one word that comes out of donald trump's mou mouth. >> he's trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. give me a break. that's a bunch of malarkey. >> and tonight, the republican is making headlines of his own. >> russia, if you're listening -- >> good evening. i'm jim rosenfield at the wells far bgo center. that was donald trump call withing -- calling on russia to find hillary clinton's missing e-mails. and just moments ago, perhaps you saw this, hillary clinton making a surprise appearance, walking right on stage after president obama's speech here at the dnc. tonight we have live team coverage. we begin with rosemary connors. >> reporter: a familiar greeting for president obama who first addressed the democratic national convention as a candidate for the u.s. senate in 2004. while he's been the center of attention here as the nominee in the last two presidential elections, tonight he shined the spotlight on hillary clinton and her experience. >> nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the oval office. you can read about it. you can study it. but, until you've sat at that desk, you don't know what it's like to manage a global crisis or send people to war. but hillary's been in the room, she's been part of those decisions. >> reporter: the president seemed to admit that she may be a better-prepared candidate than he was in 2008 during his first run for the white house. president obama called clinton someone who gets back up when knocked down and never quits. >> and that's why i can say with confidence, there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not bill, nobody, more qualified than hillary clinton to serve as president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: this is a quick trip for the president, as he's only touching down in philadelphia for a few hours. but clinton supporters hope his words will have a lasting effect on this convention and beyond. i'm rosemary connors, nbc news. >> and president obama may have been the headliner, but the vice president got the crowd warmed up for him. an emotional joe biden slammed donald trump saying the republican nominee is unfit to sit in the white house. >> a man who seeks to sew division in america for his own gain and disorder around the world. a man who confuses bluster with strength. we simply cannot let that happen as americans. period. >> at one point during his speech, the crowd began chanting "not a clue", in reference to donald trump's ability to relate to the middle class. tonight the country was introduced to the man who hopes to be the next vice president, tim kaine, who had a folksy speech that included a donald trump impersonation. >> we're going to destroy isis so fast, believe me. there's nothing suspicious in my tax returns, believe me. >> and you can see vice president bidenen j enjoyed tha one. what do the delegates think about tim kaine tonight? >> reporter: there were times you could tell he really had had crowd chantsding with him, getting them to talk back to him from the audience. in addition to taking on donald trump, he told his own stories to an audience getting to know him and a room where some know him well. >> for my friend, hillary clinton, i humbly accept my party's nomination to be vice president of the united states. >> reporter: in philadelphia, virginia senator tim kaine officially joining the ticket and joining in at one point to a chachbts in spanish. >> yes, we can, yes, we can. >> reporter: right up front his own delegation cheering ha they called a virginia son. >> a governor, and now senator. >> reporter: and now vice presidential nominee. how does it make you feel? how does it make people from virginia feel? >> proud and excited. what can you say? >> just wonderful to us. but literally could not have happened to a nicer guy. >> reporter: putting kaine on the ticket doesn't sit well with come bernie sanders supporters. >> people know him at the local level and they've worked with him a long time. >> reporter: he tells me kaine built up trust. what would you say to bernie sanders supporters who are not comfortable with him? >> give him a chance. >> reporter: kaine reaching out to them. >> we all should feel the bern, and we should all not want to get burned by the other guy. >> reporter: i grabbed some delegates not from virginia after the speech to get their take on things they told me they thought he did a good job. they liked that speech tonight, one in particular liked how he incorporated spanish into it. a skill that could prove very powerful on the campaign trail. >> ending gun violence was one of the themes. and the speakers included gabi giffords who survived a bullet to the head in 2012. a major philadelphia figure also took the podium tonight, nbc 10's george spencer is here with more on that. >> reporter: former philadelphia police commissioner ramsey now seven months out of his role but fighting a concern that still plagues all of our streets. >> i've seen the costs of cun v -- gun violence. >> reporter: ramsey said hillary clinton is the quote, steady leader for our time and in an interview with nbc 10 afterwards, he disputed claims that donald trump would be the law and order candidate. >> if what you're talking about is using the police to go back into communities and alienate, you know, 50% or 60% of the residents there in order to get a job accomplished, then i think that's why we're in the position we're in right now. >> reporter: ramsey told the convention crowds neighborhoods like many here in philly need outreach, not vitriol. >> the bond bean law enforcement and communities are frayed. but we can't play to america's worst fears. we need to champion our greatest hope. >> and for ramsey, this all is so personal. he recounted for me the names and dates of all eight officers who died on his watch with the city. five of those officers victims of gun violence. >> he did that with us. >> amazing man. thank you. all right, back to donald trump, or i should tell you first about former new york city mayor michael bloomberg knowledamong the prime time speeches. he pulled no punches about donald trump saying i'm a new yorker, and new yorkers know a conwh when we see one. trump accused of treason for calling on russia for hillary clinton's e-mails. >> mr. donald j. trump. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> reporter: donald trump referring to e-mails of the personal server that hillary clinton used while conducting official business as secretary of state. in ohio trump didn't back down. the clinton campaign was quick to react. >> that is a galling statement from the republican nominee for president of the united states. >> reporter: trump's running mate was quick to clarify. in a statement, governor pence warned of consequences if russia was caught supplying. but this didn't quell the outrage at the dnc. >> it is inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be that irresponsible. >> that borders on treason. never before have i heard of or seen a dcandidate, for presiden or anything, invite a foreign spy agency to hack america's computers. >> donald trump with all his rhetoric would literally make us less safe. we can not elect a man who belittles our closest allies while embracing dictators like vladimir putin. >> and in the hour since donald trump's controversial invocation, the house speaker and two former directors of the cia and nsa have come forward to criticize his message. nbc 10 has partnered with fact you can read what our fact checkers found during both conventions. let's send it back to you in the stutd yoe. >> on day one, unifying the party was one of the main goals. from the energy on the floor tonight, it seems they've achieved that. in large part, a far cry from monday. >> the optics when hillary clinton came out and they embraced, barack obama and hillary clinton embraced. certainly a strong message there visually, of unity. >> all right, we'll see new a few minutes. jim rosenfield. another big story we are tracking tonight, an alert for severe storms tomorrow. people in sea isle city got a taste of wet weather. cars and people surrounded by high walter. some people made the dangerous choice of driving through it. sheena, that was one small storm. severe weather could hit a more widespread area tomorrow. >> that's right. especially if you are in delaware or south jersey. but we do have a first alert out for almost the entire area with the exception of the lehigh valley tomorrow through friday night. that's going to be because of the concern for flash flooding. strong thunderstorms will be moving in. and a flash flood threat for most of the area. so all the areas in green, that's the flash flood watch issued from thursday to friday night. heavy rain and thunderstorms could be causing localized creek flooding. here's your forecast for the morning. trie temperatures in the 80s. expecting to get back into the 90s for some areas, but around lunch time is when we'll see scattered showers and storms developing. more tomorrow night. i'll show the timing of that coming up. chaos outside the convention. the tense moments during a protest at the wells fargo center. plus, take look. a 12-foot snake on the loose. what could make you breathe a sigh of relief. ♪ lenny kravitz, rocking the dnc. broadway's fine ehad the mic earlier. ♪ what the world needs now is love sweet love ♪ >> 44 singers in all passed the microphone down the line in a performance of "what the world needs now". it was a message of unity as the democratic party tries to come together. some bernie sanders supporters still are not sold, though, on hillary clinton and tonight there were tense moments outside the arena where brandon hudson is joining us. what's going on right now? >> reporter: well, it's calmed down considerably in the last hour. you have a group of people that have rallied around, and they're now going down broad street. they were just sitting down on the street right outside of patson and broad, facing the at&t station where they are now marching down broad street. who knows where they're going, but they appear to be somewhere in this area. and also we want to give you a look at what's going on, just to make sure things don't get too out of hand, we have pockets of police outside in this area. as you said, things did get a little tense. we want to go to some video from earlier. and we have news from nbc news investigation team. there in was an outer fence that was broken and rushed near brought street, outside the wells fargo center. several people did get through the outer fence and have been taken into custody. the fence is secured now, and there's no breach to the secret service-controlled perimeter. what we can tell you, inside this group we met a lot of bernie supporters. a lot of them have been looking at possibly supporting third party candidates. we caught up with some earlier today. take a look at this story. in front of an energized capacity crowd at the philadelphia friends center, dr. jill steen talked political revolution, one started by bernie sanders that she says speaks to the 99%. >> a party that stands up for the justice that we actually deserve and that we've been fighting for. >> reporter: the green party presidential candidate is becoming more appealing to bernie sanders voters who refuse to back democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton. some of those supporters we met at fdr park. >> my eyes have been opened. i will never vote for her again. >> she has, like bernie, spent her whole life for people. >> reporter: joseph rafferty is a libertarian. he's hoping that gary johnson will help influence folks in his race. >> it's like a protest run as a write-in candidate. there's no third party option. >> reporter: the libertarian party told nbc they've received more interest since clinton and donald trump payment presumptive nominees. >> it is not wasted. it is not a vote for hillary. it is not a vote for donald. >> reporter: give me a run down of what's going on right now? i heard things got tense, but it's calmed down. >> if's very, very peaceful now. it didn't get that tense for us. but we had about seven people chose to go over that fence, despite warnings not to do so. even earlier. with the potential repercussions would be. federal charges. for whatever reason, they chose to do it. i mean, multiple officers sitting there waiting for them. it was over before it started. i don't understand that. they were told this afternoon by me and multiple people out here that they would choornl fface f charges. and they will. it was a female that got caught up in something that was on fire, she burned her leg. and medics treated her. it was not that big of an issue for us. we're not going to let anything get out of hand. the officers were in soft clothing, never in president obama protective gear. >> reporter: brandon hudson, we'll go back to you in the studio. >> we'll keep an eye on that  situation. the. another big story we're following, the storms we're tracking for tomorrow. sheena parveen joins us. >> the first alert is for later on in the day tomorrow through friday night. if you look at the seven-day in the bottom of the screen, you'll notice the next two days outlined in red. that's a first alert. another thing we are watching before the storms get here is the heat. so today we made it into the 90s. tomorrow we expect the same thing. that would be a seven-dayfinall breaking us out of that, a flood watch from thursday night into friday night. heavy rain and thunderstorms, a potential for flash flooding. the rain is not here just yet. it's still pretty par ofar to t west, moving into kentucky and tennessee and the ohio river valley. we will be watching this closely into tomorrow because we do expect these spotorms to be strong. the yellow shaded area is the greatest risk for severe forms tomorr -- storms tomorrow. we're staying quiet and dry for the morning commute, but into lunch time and the early afternoon. this is 3:30. pop-up thunderstorms developing, and midnight friday, we do expect heavy rain to be moving in. that's why we have the flash flood watch tomorrow night through friday night. 4:30 in the morning, heavy rain. many of you will still be sleeping, but we could be waking up to flooded roadways. i think the heaviest rain will be early into the morning. and we have a chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms through the weekend. tomorrow temperatures will be in the 90s for the philadelphia area. packer park, 90 degrees. humidity could make it feel close to 100. allentown, 89 degrees, scattered showers for new jersey. 84 in long fort. if you're in harrington, 89, feeling like 101. then we go into the weekend friday. scattered showers and storms, temperatures in the upper 80s for most of the area. then saturday and sunday and we'll be back in about the mid-80s. so finally breaking out of the heat wave with the rain in the forecast. over the weekend we do have shor showers and storms in the forecast. stay tuned, we'll be right back. carmax offers a 5-day money-back guarantee, so you can return a car you purchased for any reason within five days for a full refund. now, this is not some kind of advertising gimmick. it's just the right thing to do. like saving puppies in a hurricane. or helping a tortoise across a busy road. or not eating someone's yogurt when it's clearly marked with their name. i know it was you bill. i'm not mad; i'm just disappointed. to recap: 5-day guarantee, puppies, tortoises, yogurt. the man who shot president ronald reagan is headed home. today a federal judge jointed john hinckley jr. full time conva lessant leave from the hospital where he's been since 1982 after being found not guilty of shooting the president by reason of insanity. prosecutors have dropped all charges against the remaining officers charged in freddie gray's death. baltimore's state's attorney called the decision agonizing. she blamed the police department for not being able to get the conviction. freddie gray's death sparked riots in baltimore. ♪ good is in every blue diamond almond. ♪ from whole natural to wasabi & soy sauce. good is a catalyst, good is contagious. it's a wonderful feeling, a magical feeling, and once it gets going there is no stopping what you can do. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. proud sponsor of the us swim team a followup tonight to the search for a giant exotic snake on the loose in south jersey. tonight we've learned the 12-foot-long boa constrictor has been returned to its owner. a woman spotted the 60-pound snake under the front steps next to her dog. the snake is not venomous but dangerous. it is legal to have them as pets in new jersey. breel' be right back w be right k k k k k ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ maybe almond breeze tastesg so goodfrom santander bank. because it's the only almondmilk made with california-grown blue diamond almonds. ♪ of course, if you ask one of our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. ♪ almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. tomorrow the dnc wraps up. chelsea clinton will speak here tomorrow night, just before her mother formally accepts the presidential nomination. then the 2016 dnc will gavel out for the final time. and we will be here to bring it to you live from the wells fargo center, and for now, back to you at the studio. >> laughter and cheers in that arena. we'll see you tomorrow. that's nbc 10 news at 11:00. i'm jacquelyn london. for sheena and all of us, thank you for watching. and we do have a stormy day tomorrow. >> we expect it to be in the 90s and scattered showers and thunderstorms. localized flooding. so we'll be tracking that. >> the tonight show starring jimmy fallon starts right now. we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- matt damon, david feherty, musical guest, sturgill simpson, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 509 spokane. what up -- >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey. sit down. enjoy yourselves. welcome. welcome everybody! boy, oh boy, that is a hot crowd. [ cheers and applause ] wow, wow, wow! welcome. welcome, thank you so much. welcome to "the tonight show." this is it, everybody. you're in it. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] it's a hot show tonight. [ cheers ] here's what people are talking about. guys, last night hillary clinton officially became the first woman in u.s. history to be a major party's presidential nominee. [ cheers and applause ] which means somewhere right now susan b. anthony is looking down on us and thinking, huh, i thought it was going to be beyonce. [ laughter ] but you know -- [ cheers and applause ] still could be. and during a video message at the convention, hillary addressed little girls who might be watching and said, she may become the first woman president, but quote, one of you is next. [ audience aws ] every little girl in america was like, yeah, you look like you've been having a great time so far. [ laughter and applause ] focus my attention to becoming a kardashian. that's -- they look like they're having fun. [ cheers ] they're doing it right. but the big speech of the night came from bill clinton. he opened by talking about the first time he met hillary in college. saying that he saw her in a a flowery dress with long blonde hair and that they talked and laughed for hours. [ laughter ] afterwards, hillary was like, aw, that wasn't me. [ laughter ] oops. [ applause ] i did it again. [ laughter ] i played with your heart. [ laughter ] i got lost in the game. [ light laughter ] bill also talked about how hillary rejected his first two marriage proposals before saying yes. then republicans said, aha! she is a flip-flopper. [ laughter ] she said no then she said -- [ applause ] the big story continues to be the leak of the dnc e-mails. and most people seem to think it was a result of russian hackers. the kremlin of course denied it, although putin did say, i'm touched that you would think i would do something so evil. [ laughter and applause ] i'm blushing. [ cheers and applause ] i'm blushing on the inside. [ laughter ] and did you see this? in a press conference today, donald trump actually called on russia to hack and release more of hillary's e-mails. [ laughter ] take a look at this. >> but it would be interesting to see -- i will tell you this, russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: critics are saying a a statement like that could be considered treason. in fact it's so serious that donald trump is now up 15 points in the polls. i mean -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that counts -- >> steve: that's how bad it was. >> jimmy: that's how bad it was. he's up again. trump also said today that he never tried to change his mind about picking mike pence as his running mate. he said he's never had a second thought in his life. [ laughter ] then he said or a first. [ laughter applause ] i just blurt it out as it comes. wall. china. [ laughter ] great wall of china. [ laughter ] listen to this, a new report reveals that the army special opps command unit is switching from android to iphone. yeah. [ audience oohs ] representative from special opps released this statement, "we believe that the iphone is a superior piece of hardware that offers better tactical capabilities." then he said, excuse me, i'm getting intel of a level three pikachu two clicks from the north. [ laughter ] permission to engage! [ cheers and applause ] and get this guys, a company in japan has developed an arm pit fan -- [ laughter ] that clips to your shirt sleeve -- [ laughter ] to help to keep you from sweating. [ laughter ] yeah, that tiny fans for your arm pit. yeah, you know, cause having sweat stains can make you look like an idiot. [ laughter ] oh, yeah, is it 100 degrees outside? i wouldn't know. [ laughter and applause ] no. i'm going to drone my way back over to my desk. hold on a second. [ laughter ] and finally, some more bad news for the olympics in rio. apparently some olympic teams are saying that the athletes' housing is unsanitary. there's no hot water and there's a failing sewage system. when they heard that, new yorkers were like, how much is the rent? [ laughter ] we have a great show. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for the roots! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks very much, everybody! it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead tomorrow night. from the highly anticipated new movie, "suicide squad," will smith will be here! >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got something fun planned with will. so be sure to tune in for that. plus we have great music from usher, who will be here. it will -- [ cheers and applause ] then on friday, margot robbie, nick cannon, and martha stewart will all be joining us. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a good week. but first, we have a fantastic show tonight. we are so psyched that this guy stopped by. he is back as the title character -- [ cheers and applause ] in the jason bourne movie, opens everywhere friday. big-time movie star, matt damon is in the house! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: love that guy. >> steve: a delight. >> jimmy: love that guy. matt's gonna tell us about the new bourne movie then he and i will test our interrogation skills in a little game called "box of lies." >> steve: ooh. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: plus, this guy's also one of my favorites. he's hilarious. he's a golf commentator for nbc sports. he has his own show on golf channel and he's heading to rio as a correspondent for the olympics. david feherty is on the show this evening. [ cheers and applause ] he's a funny guy. and we have great, great, great, great, great music tonight. i love this guy so much. he's a country music superstar, sturgill simpson on the show tonight. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sturgill simpson is awesome. like a hidden treasure or something in there. [ light laughter ] it is amazing. i don't know if you heard rehearsal today but he sounds -- >> steve: oh, he's fantastic. >> jimmy: like a country, like, van morrison or something. it's just -- you're just gonna love it. it's loud, it's great. it's so good. he's a talented guy. >> love you! >> jimmy: i love you, too. [ cheers and applause ] thanks. guys, we live in the information age. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: yeah. the information age. and with all that information out there on the internet, you might think you know everything there is to know about every topic. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: but the fact is there might still be a few things you might not know. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: i'll show you what i mean in a segment we call "three things you might not know." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: cause i want to help everybody get three things you might not know. first up is the rio olympics. >> steve: oh, yeah. >> jimmy: okay? you think you know it. >> steve: i know everything. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] well they're starting next friday, you know that. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: what? >> steve: what? oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: didn't even know that one. they're starting next friday. some people say the city isn't quite ready. but i don't know, do you -- that's what we do know. here are three things you might not know about the rio olympics. first, the olympics will be broadcast simultaneously on nbc and webmd. >> steve: oh, i did not know that. >> jimmy: you might not know that. >> steve: no, i did not know that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: next, the most anticipated part of the opening ceremony is the unfurling of the giant mosquito net. which is beautiful. [ laughter ] >> steve: beautiful netting. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it's gorgeous. i've saw a little -- >> steve: hand woven. >> jimmy: and finally the water quality in rio has just been downgraded from toxic sludge to hot tub on the bachelorette. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] but that's the good -- >> steve: that's better. >> jimmy: that's a good thing. >> steve: that's come up. >> jimmy: barely. barely better, but still. >> steve: with peroxide you'll be fine. >> jimmy: the next topic is tim kaine. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: do you know everything about him? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well we all know that he's hillary clinton's running mate. we all know that he's a senator from virginia. but here are some things you might not know about tim kaine. first, he learned spanish from "dora the explorer." [ laughter ] did you know that? >> steve: no. i did not know that. >> jimmy: you didn't know that? >> steve: i did not know that. >> jimmy: i did know that one. next, you know he cuts all the crust off his sandwiches and then he only eats the crust. [ laughter ] >> steve: really? really? >> jimmy: why not? >> steve: they call them kaine's crust. >> jimmy: that's my favorite part -- that's my favorite part of the bread. >> steve: yeah. [ light laughter ] crust it up, man. >> jimmy: i need a whole grain -- why don't they just make the whole bread -- >> both: out of crust? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and finally, he once performed in a male strip club under the name candy kaine. [ laughter ] >> steve: oh, i did not know that. >> jimmy: you didn't know that? [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: no. >> jimmy: you didn't? >> steve: i was not aware of that. >> jimmy: you didn't know that? >> steve: i did not know that. candy kaine. now i know. >> jimmy: our final topic is "the bachelorette." >> steve: oh. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: we know about that. of course they aired the men tell all reunion this week. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: but here are a few things you might not know about the "bachelorette." first up, whenever a guy gets kicked off and starts crying in the limo, the driver slowly raises the partition. [ laughter ] >> steve: really? [ applause ] >> jimmy: doesn't want a stunt like this. i don't want to get involved. >> steve: me? no thank you. >> jimmy: next you know that it's single-handedly keeping the helicopter business alive. [ cheers and applause ] i thought we'd go on a romantic date around the park. and -- ♪ when i first saw you in the helicopter ♪ >> jimmy: and finally, in the final episode, the winner will get down on one knee and pop the question, "jojo, will you go on dancing with the stars with me?" and there that's it. [ cheers and applause ] that's "things you might not know." we'll be right back, everybody, with matt damon on the show tonight. matt damon! 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's got to feel good, buddy. >> that is wonderful. thank you so much. >> jimmy: that's gotta feel good. matt damon, we're so happy that you're here, buddy. >> me too. thank you, guys! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hope they like the movie. [ laughter ] i think they will. they'll like it. i want to talk about jason bourne but i want to hear about your life in general. >> how much time do you have? >> jimmy: i know, exactly. because i read everything about you. i've seen you on talk shows. you've been on like jimmy kimmel, i've seen that. >> no, no, no, no. >> jimmy: no you haven't. [ laughter ] >> i haven't. >> jimmy: no, that's right. maybe one day.

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