Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160901 : vimar

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160901

cindy: you got it. any impact will be toward the end of the holiday weekends later sunday into monday. right now it is moving 60 miles per hour, nearly 300 miles southwest of tampa and you can see that it's expected to strengthen to a category one and make landfall down the big bend area. for there it will begin heading into the but for this point it is moving in our general direction, still a lot of uncertainty as to the track of the storm, but it will be in our vicinity as we head toward the holiday weekend. in the meantime, a lot of clouds out the door, thunderstorms out the door, and you can see rain through western connecticut, a lot of the focusing south of the pike over the next few hours -- have an umbrella for the and a lot of that activity is focused south of the pike. right now we want to get you out to the roads and see how we are doing. olessa: good morning. we start off at the pike with a check by allston brighton and traffic is nice and light in both directions. no problems right now, overnight construction by the zakim bridge and again as you travel on the expressway . heading south you are in good shape on 24, no problems on 95, construction clearing a great lane avenue and then again southbound. so far transit buses will start on schedule. >> there will be no amnesty. randy: commitment 2016, donald trump doubling down on his immigration overhaul. now voters will have to decide on his controversial plan. emily: our erika tarantal is tracking the developments. and erika trump is not backing down. erika: anyone who thought the gop candidate would soften his stance on immigration was clearly wrong. >> we will begin moving them out , day one, as soon as i take office, day one. erika: fresh off a private meeting in mexico with that country's leader donald trump reaffirmed many of his controversial proposals to crack down on illegal immigrants in the u.s. his speech was fiery as he crowd. >> number one, are you ready? >> [cheers and applause] >> are you ready? >> [cheers and applause] >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. erika: some of the plan's main points, no amnesty for illegal immigrants trump said their only path to citizenship will be leaving the country and applying officers to create a new deportation task force. and a special screening test for all potential immigrants what he called an ideological certification. he added his plan would be fair and compassionate but said our greatest compassion must be for american citizens. certification. what did you think of the speech and trump's plan? you can add your voice right now on our wcvb facebook page. randy? randy: some families joined trump to share how their lives have been impacted by undocumented immigrants. among them a milford family. the eyeopener's juli mcdonald is in that community this morning with their story. juli: the parents of matthew denice were one of several families who spoke about why they're voting for donald trump. and immigration was front and center. denice was hit and killed in 2011, by a drunk driver who was in the country illegally. nicolas guaman was convicted, and sentenced to 12 to 14 years in prison. he's now appealing. denice's parents took to the >> my name is marie maloney and our son was 23 years old when he was dragged a quarter of a mile to his death by an illegal alien . horrified witnesses were banging on the truck trying to stop him. >> if donald trump or president in 2011, our son and other americans of the alive today. juli: the denices have concerning illegal immigration here in massachusetts including a push to defund sanctuary cities that shelter undocumented immigrants. live in milford, juli mcdonald, wcvb newscenter 5. emily: democrat hillary clinton firing back at the trump plan. her spokesperson saying quote, "donald trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric and attempted to divide communities by pitting people against each other and demonizing immigrants. that came hours after the candidate herself criticized trying to make up for a year as insults and insinuation by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. that is not how it works. emily: clinton spoke in cincinnati yesterday. vice president joe biden will campaign for her in battleground ohio today. and clinton running mate senator tim kaine will be in new hampshire today. randy: other storie' talking to students today about an 11-year-old boy who was shot in the face. police say it happened accidentally, while two 11-year-olds were looking at a gun at a home on linwood street yesterday. it's unclear if they were home alone at the time. the boy is in serious condition at a boston hospital. emily: police are boosting patrols in shirley after a jogger says she was harassed by a man in a green van. the woman says she was running on hazen road yesterday when a stranger pulled so close to her, back seat. the incident happening just 20 minutes from princeton, where a jogger was murdered just over 2 weeks ago. new this morning, a heartbroken wife sharing her grief after a shuttle bus tragedy. it was breaking news on the eyeopener yesterday. our antoinette antonio is live at logan airport with new details on the crash that changed so many lives. antoinette: it started here, seemingly routine. joseph rodriguez, his wife and a friend got onto a hotel shuttle less than 15 minutes later two of them were dead. rodriguez's wife tells the globe she woke up face down surrounded by broken glass on route 1a. she remembers a police officer telling her an ambulance was coming. that's when she realized she didn't see her husband. joseph rodriguez and sandra arreola both from texas were killed when police say the car. they had come to boston to help a friend move into northeastern university. from her hospital room, rodriguez's wife tells the paper, he was an excellent person. i have no words to express. he was the best husband. state police say they are still investigating to determine if criminal charges should be filed in the crash. the shuttle did have seatbelts but it's not clear if the passengers were wearing them. four other people were injured in the crash but all are expected to survive. antoinette antonio, wcvb newscenter 5. randy: new details about a taxpayer funded private party. the governor's response to a story first uncovered by five investigates. attorney general maura healey facing a new lawsuit. her probe into two gun companies that's prompting backlash. cindy? cindy: some hit-or-miss showers this morning. and the impact it will have here. erika: and cindy's not the only one keeping an eye on those hurricanes. the breath-taking images, taken emily: 5 investigates uncovering new details about a private party paid for with your taxpayer cash. two state officials were suspended after we started asking questions. we found one of those men dcr commissioner leo roy singing last night as part of an event at the hatch shell. the performance comes the day after the state suspended him and deputy commissioner matthew sisk for a week without pay. they used dcr employees to plan a private july 3 party at a condo owned by the state's republican national committeeman dcr rented golf carts driven by dcr staff to transport guests from the party to the vip area at the hatchshell for the holiday festivities. >> is this how managers in your administration act? >> no, which is why they are suspended. they betrayed the public trust. emily: those week-long suspensions start tomorrow. randy: getting body cameras on boston polic to start. after another delay. marijuana use on the rise. the new study that shows some changing attitudes toward the emily: take a look at these photos from the international space station. the iss got a mesmerizing look at three powerful storms. hawaii-bound hurricane madeline which has been downgraded to a tropical storm. hurricane lester in the pacific ocean. and hurricane gaston in the atlantic. and cindy it's tropical storm hermine that we're worried about here? cindy: yeah. down the road. righ you can't see it spinning in the forecast has become a category one which -- we haven't had a hurricane hit since 2005. want to show you the computer model, the possible track. to see how all the lines are really close together? that the on that point the is a low confidence forecast sunday into monday. it is already producing at the center, and this is going to be a huge rainmaker as it lifts up the seaboard with the potential for six inches of rain all the way through the carolina, and we are hoping to get some rain out of it which would be a good thing around here. along big band width of the potential for a storm surge. here's the official forecast making it a category one. by the time it makes landfall and coming through the carolinas, and then you can see the white: of potential, anywhere in this cone by the this, it is going down the record books as the drive august on record. we will get some thunderstorms that worcester county but right now there is your rain get baskets of thunderstorms weakening in eastern connecticut heading into western rhode island. there's a shower between finch what an marshall. this is how the morning will go -- a slow-moving pto clause in the threat for showers through the day. behind it there is probably more comfortable air. we started out in the 60's and 70's, austin at 74, and notice that temperatures do not come out of the 70's today -- the best chance of showers is going to be a long and south of the pike, not just the morning hours but by lunchtime -- the focus as will brighten up late in the day but we will clear things out overnight and tomorrow we're back in the sunshine. -- it will be turning more comfortable to the north, high-pressure settling in for friday and saturday but there is the tropical storm getting closer, bringing in more clouds, rain, and possibly even wind toward sunday and monday. if you have plans for the holiday weekend and you are heading to the ce dealing with some rain and wind. but if you were traveling north you could see some cloud cover by labor day on monday. lots to watch. olessa: so for the roads are quiet, no problems on the expressway -- that's a check by the south bay mall. lots of overnight roadwork, a on the expressway with this project wrapping up shortly by mass ave. new issues south of town and we are clearing the construction on 128 a great plain avenue and again as you make your way further north. construction picking up by chapala road. trains and buses on schedule. emily: right now, two major gun manufacturers are fighting back against a new probe from the massachusetts attorney general. the lawsuits from glock and remington are in response to a sweeping investigation by she's demanding the companies turn over a wide range of documents, including safety complaints. according to the globe, newly released court documents show healey's argument that glock firearms are prone to accidental discharge. she's concerned that the company has long known this. this is healey's second high-profile battle against the gun industry. in july, she moved to ban the sale of altered, military-style rifles that evade the state's ban on assault weapons. says, quote, " we are seeking information to better inform our residents and to protect them from any safety or manufacturing issues with guns sold here. remington and glock sued healey in suffolk superior court claiming she is abusing her authority. randy: the body camera pilot program for boston police is delayed again. the program was supposed to start today but will now begin on september 12. an agreement signed in july would have fitted 100 volunteer officers with body cameras for six months. but no one volunteered, so cameras were assigned. the patrolman's union is fighting that move. emily: a new alzheimer's drug is showing promise against the debilitating disease. scientists say the drug is effective at destroying the plaques that build up in an alzheimer patient's brain. that helps stop memory decline. larger studies are now underway to test the drug, which researchers stress is in the early stages of development. shows attitudes toward the drug may be changing. an increasing number of adults are now using pot. marijuana use rose almost 3% among adults 18 and over from 2002 to 2014. the report also found that the number of daily or almost daily users nearly doubled from 3.9 million in 2002 to 8.4 million in 2014. randy: trending stories now, a historic moment at the u.s. open. the retractable, 150 million dollar roof at arthur ashe stadium closed for the first time during a tc the roof was built after the u.s. open was postponed five consecutive years because of wet weather. players say the most noticeable change was the crowd noise. rafael nadal defeated andreas seppi in last night's second round match. emily: a surprise celebration for a war hero in concord. the u.s. navy sent 40 of its finest chief petty officers to serenade 92-year-old captain tom hudner on his birthday yesterday. he helped rescue a downed pilot during the korean war. that downed pilot, jesse brown, was the navy's first african-american pilot. randy: how about this for a welcome back to school? sasquatch came out of hiding just to help walk kids to school in portland, oregon. he spent the morning teaching kids how to be safe. and he definitely had some drivers paying attention. paying tribute to the man, the myth the statue? emily: the special unveiling at fenway park for big papi. that's ahead in news to go. then new on the eyeopener at 5:00, giving kids a head start outside the classroom. outdoor learning year round. we'll check out the pros and kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. i'm kelly ayotte.: and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- throwing millions in false, negative ads... i'm out here knocking down every lie... because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... i approved this message because no matter what they're throwing at me... i'll never stop fighting for you. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you randy: time for your early news to go. emily: counselors in will be on hand at abington schools today, after an 11-year-old boy was shot in the face. that boy was seriously hurt in what police are calling an accidental shooting. it happened while two 11-year-olds were looking at a gun at a home on linwood stree it's unclear if they were home alone at the time. randy: this easton man is expected in court today charged in a jewelry theft in sharon. police say michael meade is the man seen in this surveillance video, stealing thousands of dollars worth of goods from the shop sunday morning. meade was held overnight on $25,000 bail, ahead of his arraignment today. emily: a framingham teen is sentenced to one year in prison plus probation, for a robbery that sparked a campus lockdown pleaded guilty to larceny and assault and battery in the february incident. police say he and another man tried to sell fake drugs to a student, and got into a fight. his co-defendant, shawn wyatt, is serving two years in prison. randy: shark sightings closed two cape cod beaches for swimming. four sharks were spotted about 300 yards off shore between nauset light beach and coast guard beach in eastham yesterday. swimmers were able to go back into the water an hour after the last sighting. emily: dilma rousseff is out as president of brazil. the country's senate voted yesterday to oust their first female president after accusations she broke financial laws in her managing of the federal budget. rousseff's vice president, now her nemesis, was sworn in yesterday. cheers on board as the first u.s. commercial flight lands in cuba for the first time in more than 50 years. the historic flight took off from fort lauderdale yesterday u.s. transportation secretary anthony foxx made the trip. the new era of travel is an effort to curb tensions between american and cuba, stemming from the cold war. randy: the patriots prepare for their final preseason game tonight. they'll head to metlife stadium to take on the new york giants. tom brady is expected to travel with the team, but it's unclear if he will play. this will be the last time we'd get to see brady on the playing field before he serves his deflategate suspension. kick off is at 7:00. emily: the red sox head into september with an unlikely win. tampa bay was cruising last night until hanley ramirez ignited the crowd with a grand slam in the fifth. sox take the lead but the stubborn rays tie it up in the eighth. aaron hill knocks in the go-ahead run in the bottom of the inning and jackie bradley junior adds insurance. sox win, 8-6. they head to oakland to kick off a nine-game road trip. before the game a special slugger made out of 35,000 legos. the lego master builder says all the bricks used are from stock straight off the shelves, so technically, anyone can build their own big papi. keep in mind, this one took 290 hours to design and build. randy: quite impressive! [laughter] cindy: something that has been getting bigger is the deficit in southern new england from rainfall, up over eight inches now in boston and nearing the eight inch mark in worcester. i expect we will get worsening conditions but that may change forecast up and down the seaboard, including into our area. we could get some rain out of this tropical storm spinning south of tampa, already pushing rain into florida. it is forecast to become a category one hurricane before it works of the seaboard. we are looking at showers, most concentrated over connecticut, with a few thunderstorms as well. a lot of the shower activity will stay south of the p through the afternoon, our best chance of seeing with whether. a lot of clouds around today with temperatures in the 70's, warmer down toward the mid-atlantic. outside of that there isn't a lot going on. we have high pressure building in on friday into saturday and as we get into saturday evening some rain and wind through the holiday weekend. you break it down as the eyeopener continues. >> you can't just smuggle in, hunkered down, and waits to be legalized. randy: donald trump, taking a hard line on immigration. his tough new proposals, and the local family driving home the message. emily: new details on the state's transgender rights law, coming out today. the grounds for arrest in certain places. encounter in shirley. the exchange leaving her unsettled. on the eye for this thursday morning. emily: tropical storm hermine is starting to make a mess in florida. heavy rain and flooding are in place as the system moves in. and cindy's tracking the potential effects on the holiday weekend here in new england. good morning, i'm emily riemer. randy: and i'm randy price with

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