Transcripts For WDJT CBS Overnight News 20160916 : vimarsana

WDJT CBS Overnight News September 16, 2016

Look at you you are pretty good at this [ applause ] dr. Travis i will tell you what, you have been through a lot, but you still have one beautiful smile. Shes a trooper. Dr. Travis now that you have been dealing with this, do you get bullied at school . Yes, sometimes i get into an argument with a girl, and she was calling me names and saying i cant believe you live like this, you are ugly. And it was too much to handle. [ audience oohs ] dr. Travis i can tell you right now, girl [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] dr. Travis absolutely beautiful. You said it. Theres no place for bullying. I think you are sending a very, very strong message. Thank you dr. Travis we are lucky to have you on this show, because we have our very own plastic surgeon, dr. Ordon, and aniah went to see him for a consult. You must be aniah. How are you, aniah . They call me dr. O. What a sweetheart. What she went through, some of the most difficult injuries to treat. Because its not just like a clean cut. Those teeth get in there and they sheer. They tear. Tell me what bothers you the most when you look at yourself. This scars a little too big. Uhhuh. Theres like a dent right here. I saw your original pictures. Boy you have come a long way. You my mouth. Theres a number of big challenges with aniahs face. Sometimes when i am eating here, it hurts and when i bite it, it will hurt for days at a time. Can you give me a big smile. Can you pucker . I can see right here theres a really enlarged turbinate that is almost completely obstructing that side of her nose. This is a really challenging case. And as a plastic surgeon, i can i get versus doing another operation on a 10yearold. I will have to give it some thought. . . Dr. Travis so, dr. O, first of all, thank you for seeing aniah. My pleasure. It was a pleasure of course to see aniah. And travis, you have seen the dog bitetype injuries in the emergency room. When theres an injury like that on the face, its not just soft tissue. Its not just , in the skin. Its what the Key Structures thab that are below the skin. With an injury to the facial nerve. There was through and through juris in the mouth and in the nose, as well, which has affected the function. And the inside of the nose from the way it healed is pretty obstructed. Dr. Travis is it harder to breathe and things like that . Sometimes when a snore, it catches my breath, and i cant really breathethatch. I keep a drink by my bed so i can grab it and drink it. Dr. Travis you are doing the best you can. And you wonder what hope is there . I have given this a lot of thought, like i told you i went back and reviewed the photos and i feel theres a lot of room for improvement. And if you and aniah, here, are on the same page with me, i would like to do this aniah. I would like to do this with my team, [ applause ] the dr. s chopra ordon foundation , would like to do this for you. Thats okay baby. You can cry. The quality, it will not happen overnight. But we will definitely make things better for you for the first time in a long time i feel like i can breathe, i can smile. Like, to know that this is gonna happen, my heart, it just goes up into my chest. Oh, [ applause ] dr. Travis you have been through a lot. I understand that theres something you like to do. Are you a sewer . You yeah. Sometimes a sew clothes my for dog. I actually have [ applause ] oh joanne fabrics are gonna give you 1500 worth of arts and craft supplies oh, my gosh. And your very own sewing machine [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] oh, how neat. You do well with clothes you may end up a plastic after this is all said and done are you willing to come back . Yes dr. Travis thank you so much for coming here and sharing your story [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] thank you dr. Ordon, and dr. Chopra, thank you celebrity chef Rocco Dispirito shows you how to cut calories and boost flavor. Burgers included announcer then the top secret treatment giving Hollywood Alisters a picture perfect pout. Time for operation hot lips. Announcer thats coming up announcer coming tomorrow its the zika scams you need to know about. You will put yourself at risk. My life or my legs announcer how this man my life or my legs announcer how this man lost his legs to hero . . . . The best moment to be happy. Is the one happening right now. Life. Enjoy all of it. You brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day, right . Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. . . [ applause ] . . Dr. Travis want to know how to cutical ceese boost nutrition cut calories and boost nutrig nutrition here to help us is Rocco Dispirito. Thank you dr. Travis the idea is to eat foods that help you burn fat and help you lose weight but taste scrumptious. Use protein powder to cook, bake, and make food and reduce the amount of carbohydrates, the empty calories in pancakes. I removed the flour, theres no flour, j powder and eggs and a little bit of fat. Thats it. Dr. Travis this is a puree, of blueberries. Thats cooked, yes. Yum. 15 grams of protein now, where there would have been 77 grams of carbs, its only 5 grams of carbs. You turn a high carb breakfast into a hi protein nutrient dense breakfast whos working o get vegetables to stick together, right . Is absolutely. So what i did here is a made a curry in a hurry, curry flavored, it has indian garnishes, these are for you to try. Dr. Travis i started to eat a lot of currybased veggie burgers, surprisingly so good. And curry has a lot of health benefits. The turmeric, and curcumin. You could use a bun. A gluten free sprouted bun, inside is the relish made with coconut yogurt. Grated carrots and mint and tomato. And the burger. And theres sugarfree ketch up at the bottom. You are not doing the whole thing . Dr. Travis no. No. I dont know how to eat on tv. Can you give me a lesson . So you take your pinkies here. And [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] watching you eat that was it myself. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] oh, my gosh, yes dr. Travis you i have to give you credit. Theres nothing worse than taking a bite out of a veggie burger and theres no juices. I applaud you. If you go to a big chain restaurant, this is 549 calories. 23 grams of fat. This is 123 calories and 2 grams of fat. Dr. Travis and i can taste the turmeric in nice lovely antiinflammatory spice. A strong antiinflammatory. So, stirfry. Lots of white rice are the empty calorie. Here i use chopped bean sprouts. Sauteed so it looks like rice. Seeing it believing. Try it out. I replaced traditional soy sauce with coconut aminos, lower in sodium, of course. And you dont get that gmosoy issue. Course. Theres also chia seeds in here to keep the rice. Geled chia seeds keep the rice together. And we are talking about 325 calories 14 grams of fat to 97 will grams of calories and 1. 5 grams of fat. And the anticalorie carbs are gone dr. Travis and one of the other things i love, we have the colors of the rainbow up here, with all of these veggies, you are looking at all of that gr yes dr. Travis and fiber, of course, fills you up. And our gut bacteria is so important, loves that fiber. These are all very tasty. Thank you so much you are welcome, you are welcome i am excited because my daughter is a vegetarian and you gave me 3 new things to make for her. Dr. Travis youall should be fired up, because everyone in the audience is going home with roccos new book, the head to www. Thedoctorstv. Com. Thank you, sir, always a pleasure. More to come dr. Travis coming up, the top secret treatment giving hollywood a listers a pictureperfect pout is time for operation hot lips uncer then. The results are in on the caffeine bracelets. Do they give you a gavinated kick . Caffeinate add kick . Thats coming up. . Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. I had that dream again on the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] dr. Travis are you worried about getting a picture perfect pout . Here to let us in on the secret that the celebrities use to get the picture perfect pout, is jamie. You never know when you need to be ready for a close up selfie. So its time for operatin hot lips lips. As long as i can remember, they are so thin they are not even noticeable when i smile. My daughter has the best lips. She definitely got her lips from her dad. Very lucky. I go nowhere without lipliner. This is amazing, it is traditional filler adding volume with micropigmentation. What kind of lift are you going for . Luscious lips. We can do that. I jessica to did the border and the pigmentations the master. This is called micropigmentation, we will fill the border, matching her pink color. When she wakes up or at the beach she will be on point with her luscious lips. I think you could go down as faras here. Being far as here. Being able to put on lip gloss, would be great. Lips. Nurse jamie and patient jamie are here. Look at what patient jamie looked like before. And here she is today [ applause ] yeah [ applause ] all right, so, jamie, i always say with these things, all that matters is how you feel. What do you think . I so love it. You have no idea [ cheers and applause ] [ applause ] i am looking at you, and it looks so natural it is. And when you just thin bit of your own natural lips, you cant really fill it. You need to first create that border. Restore the vermilion border to keep the bow. You are using these organic dyes to basically jessica will pop in the color, she adds pigmentation, its not just loss of the border, its also to the coloration, because, you know, jamie was always tied to wearing lipliner and lipstick. Hours. We free her of doing that. Dr. Travis i dont know how long the fillers last but will the pigmentation last . The pigment will last up to 3 years. We stay away from doing the permanent ones because, what happens is, the contour of your face changes so if you get a permanent tattoo, and you tattoo it in the shape, this luscious shape that shes requested, then what happens is, the contour changes, your face changes and then you are locked into we just touch it up. Yeah. In future years. It stays on naturally. And fades out naturally. Thats good about not being permanent. Dr. Travis i like this idea today. Some people dont have enough pigmentation and they may think doing more and more filler is the answer. But sometimes people i met friends who are a little disappointed because they wanted more lip, but not thicker. Or not too thick. At you, jamie dr. Travis am really impressed i am impressed with how natural it looks. Yeah, it looks really good. Dr. Travis operation luscious lips, is that your they call it the model maker. You are camera ready 24 7. Its pretty awesome dr. Travis i love when we can profile new treatments, um, and this is certainly one that clearly had a great result with jamie. Glad you are happy. Nurse jamie, thank you very much. Thank you. Dtr announcer being the president of the United States accelerating the aging process like no other job on the planet we have the jawdropping sneak peek at what hilary and the donald could look like after spending time in the oval office. Plus, everyone at home has a chance to enter the wordoftheday giveaway find out what it is, thats coming up . . Dr. Travis heres whats breaking in todays news in two. Announcer hollywood rallies for Vice President joe all right, most stressful job in the world. In my opinion . President dr. Travis experts claim that president s get two years older for each year they are in office. [ audience oohs ] dr. Travis which, i get it its its hard on the president but i get it. We reached out to a specialized ageprogression company. Clinton versus donald trump would look like 8 years from now. Lets show you what they predict. Uhoh she looks like george washington. [ laughter ] dr. Travis wow. All right. [ audience oohs ] he had a face lift in between. I dont think so. But, you know, being president is a pretty stressful job, i guess. I wonder how stressful hosting a tv show is travis as hes aged. We have been on tv whoo [ audience oohs ] we have been on tv now 8 years, so, this is [ applause ] this is his progression from year 1 to year 9 [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] but are you ready for the kicker . If he does this gig another 8 more years, this is what hes going to look like [ audience oohs ] how about if i do it another 8 years dont show it [ laughter ] [ applause ] lets stop right there. Dr. Travis i am curious why they gave me your haircut. Maybe it will be thinning by then. Your hair hasnt thinned a bit. Not really. Dr. Travis all i have to say is, hey, we still have hair. So yes. Despite aging a little bit, and hey, if you want to prevent gray hair, eat protein production of melanin, keeping your hair looking luscious. Luscious is the word of the day. [ chimes ] enter the word of the day luscious on our website, www. Thedoctorstv. Com for a chance to win our giveaway. Its a gift card from new cocoa, offering Natural Coconut Oil hair Care Products that are 100 vegan. [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] dr. Travis and, we must feel like we are at the beach because everyone in the audience is going home with one. Enjoy. We will be right back [ applause ] announcer coming up, the results are in on the caffeine bracelets. Do they really give you that caffeinated kick. And then the doctors prescription guaranteed to save you hundreds of even when youre taking an antidepressant. You may still be struggling with depression. You try to put on a brave face. But inside, the symptoms linger. In fact, 2 out of 3 people taking an antidepressant may still experience unresolved symptoms. When added to your current antidepressant. Rexulti brexpiprazole has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. It may help you feel better. Without giving up the progress you may have made call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior, worsening depression, or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in those 24 and younger. Elderly dementia patients taking rexulti have an increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor if you have high fever, stiff muscles, and confusion to address a possible lifethreatening condition. Or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. High blood sugar was reported with rexulti and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. Other risks are increased cholesterol, decreased white blood cells, which can be serious. Dizziness on standing, seizures, trouble swallowing, and impaired judgment or motor skills. Dont give up on the progress you may have made with your current antidepressant. Talk to your doctor about adding rexulti. And feel better about facing the world. You may qualify to get your first 30 days free. Visit rexulti. Com for details. Wait. Wait. Perfect. Shness with just water and a dash of sea salt. Nothing else. So its allnatural and delicious. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Nothing else. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Caffeine bracelets i highlighted earlier have given the audience testers a bit of a buzz. Joined currently by lisa leslie the Energy Bracelet and you are wearing them now. It claims to release caffeine. It lasts 4 hours. They claim a Consistent Energy boost. Curious, ladies . Thoughts . I think they worked great, actually. I am a nanny. Yesterday i did not have my coffee like i typically do. And i felt energized. Played with the kids all day. I did have to put a new patch in at about 3 in the afternoon. I was coming down from the caffeine. But, i thought it was great. Thats called a double esspresso. [ laughter ] dr. Travis drew, you have been wearing one. I am tester 4, i have. I feel a little, are you little . I kinda felt that. A little bit. It was nice. No big crash, you dont feel it come on. Its mellow. Dr. Travis heres my thought. This is one of lifes greatest pleasures. I would hate to lose it. I would 100 miss it. You know what else i dont like about it . I know, but heres what i dont like. Dr. Travis i am worried. Caffeine, like any pharmatype agent, you can get to a point where you are nice little caffeine buzz to, like you said, you are feeling your heart racing. You gotta be careful. I worry with these new products, doze control, if you are Drinking Coffee and then an energy drink, you forget you have the bracelet on, you gotta think about that. I am ready to do 10 more shows today [ laughter ] [ applause ] you have been good today. You have been a good host. I am proud of you. Thank you. Dr. Travis thanks for trying these out. Ladies. Do you miss your coffee . I want another patch. Pretraining patch. Right before a work out. Dr. Travis we can arrange that. Certainly, very interesting. More and more products out there with caffeine. I always have to say be careful with caffeine, its a stimulant and easy to get too much. We will be right back. Announcer coming up, the doctors prescription thats guaranteed to save you hundreds of calories. Thats coming up. Dr. Travis heres two. Announcer how Bradley Cooper turned his grief into action . . If youre searching for something that finally relieves your pain, new icyhot lidocaine. Desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. Dr. Travis do you all everyone here is going home a winner from the doctors wordtheday giveaway. By hanging out in the studio audience you could also be a winner. Its easy, for tickets head to www. Thedoctorstv. Com or call us at 323thedocs. We will see you soon . . [ cheers and applause ] . . Dr. Travis you can stay in the know with our doctors news in two. Check it out . . . . I would stand up with that lady right there. Tom hanks and his wife, were among the biggest names world of medicine and politics and entertainment. A program of the Entertainment Industry foundation raised over 111 Million Dollars to fasttrack cancer research, provide new therapies and save lives. Many of the celebrities came to news in two to share their personal connection with cancer. I am really proud that this organization is raising a lot of money to of some pretty brilliant scientists we are saving lives now; and we will continue to save lives in the future. Besides the fact that i went through it on a firsthand basis with my father, a lot of my friends have had cancer and a lot of friends have had loved ones who had cancer. At the end of the day you have to have a lot of strength and be a warrior. We can do something real. We are not pretending and for me as a cancer survivor, i feel like i can make important it is for funding

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