Transcripts for WFLF 94.5 FM [Fox Newsradio 94.5 WFLA] WFLF

WFLF 94.5 FM [Fox Newsradio 94.5 WFLA] WFLF 94.5 FM [Fox Newsradio 94.5 WFLA] November 13, 2019 060000

It's time to slide over baby. To Jason Smith show with my karma and he's going to make you feel. He did. Get off to look you're sick given it's a you get back in. To Rock once again from the Geico studios of Fox Sports Radio with my Carmen Here's Jason Smith . Sports Radio waiting all night for the slow over baby long haul Oh you did it I'm Jason Smith the man of my left radio left on your radio left or right is my Carmen our best of podcast goes about an hour from now on i Tunes Google Play Fox Sports Radio dot com You can use the i Heart Radio app i Tunes Google Play Fox Sports Radio dot com The I hope radio at the scene of the whole show parts of it whatever you want rate us give us 5 stars will love you forever and ever and ever just. We spent a lot of time tonight on the sign stealing controversy surrounding the Astros the Dodgers will be having the banner for the $2700.00. On the sour Frostburg will be doing interviews of Clayton Kershaw but you get to play him in ping pong I did on time. Your late hour to 1010 minutes. But other big news tonight in Major League Baseball the Giants have their new manager and it Steph Curry the Giants have their new manager and it's Gabe Kaplan former Phillies manager who was fired because he couldn't finish above the Mets despite the fact he had Bryce Harper. Is now managing the San Francisco Giants Well we've got to get him some pitching some of those young guys perform a lot of pressure because you have to have a fall guy Bryce Harper comes to town and you know when rockets all say the Giants are not going to like that post game spread in the clubhouse don't think about how it nutritionally it's all going to change right you're going to get all your here's your specialized post workout pre workout everything else your choices are gone it's going to be muscle milk to drink that's it that's going to be kale chips will be like the big forbidden item hey not too many kale chips Ok Rick James Madison Not too many kale chips are right I don't eat too many of them probably talking to Pete Carroll right now right they have that person on staff everybody has their own personal I shake when they get off the practice field you have your joint you need your own actualize one is meant you're at your best oh it's the same thing I mean look he used to come out with us 2 Crawford Crawford ran across crawl you here here's the here's a shake for you but he used to come out with us all the time and you'd ask him a question about something you were going to eat. He was the best guess I look at he follows me on Twitter and and I follow him and he was the best guest we had him on before he became the Phillies manager we would say he he can talk about nutrition like forever but he would to tell me things that I've you know I can't eat that man he can't he can't eat that he can't eat the you know you gotta eat this guy and he has still has a blog I think with all of his food tips then rethink Yeah oh it's all about tips crude tips how to make the most you know of each meal from a nutrition standpoint to maximize your day and then again it goes back into that personal performance man they've got and there's a whole field that's just blossoming when you want to do that that could be your next life better yet never going to peak shape Oh all right so here's your why would I as a 10 see what I eat and then just do the opposite. So that's fine that's a book that's how I do it if see what I eat when I go have a donut you have a cucumber. Because it's almost all water delicious Cuchulainn I have a sandwich you have a carrot. This is Rich rules to life follow me around I'll get you in shape that's right and we get a workout No no no when I take a nap you take a nap you know that that's fine but the food that's how it works when I have ice cream you have lettuce one that's a rip off isn't it but not Romaine I mean that gets kind of dicey back and forth so we want what I want the the iceberg lettuce about growing Internet no no no no all right all right so congratulations agave Kaplan welcome back to him that's great I mean he didn't have to wait too long to find another gig obviously the ties going back to the Dodger organization is what the familiarity now is the enemy he's now your enemy I hate him. You've got a World Series you're using world words like hate Yeah you brought up the Giants I'm sorry all right fair point your point so well done sorry well you get to go ahead Welcome back Gabe Kaplan no. Managerial ranks in San Francisco the great d.j. His dreams and underachieving with the Phillies were his ticket out of Philadelphia . Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about but now you're managing the Giants so good luck Cape Kapil or do you think he plays poker as well as give Kaplan does. Starting line up that in 1st Arnold or Shaq batting 2nd want Epstein 3rd Vinnie Barbarino cleanup Freddie Boom Boom Washington batting 5th Epstein's mother batting 6th principal Woodman vice principal Woodman batting 7th Julie his wife Brad Bolduan they're catching. And then the pitcher spot will come up for the sweat hogs. I feel like I need to buy a sweat hog really do you think Berman at this point is calling people on the phone late at night just so he can do that to people yes I have no doubt you'll go by the ball to video you know it's me who knows what's going on it's 4 o'clock in the morning what's going on I don't what's going on Wheaties gave Kaplan a lot because he got fired by the Phillies and they had him on the spot but now welcome back as the manager of the giants t.j. . He's not going to be t.j. Oh to put the phone down it's like I'm listening but you know just just just can't go doing your thing all right I'll call somebody else sack to snake on my Nokia it is t.j. My Yeah I mean that's that's the life except when he's doing Countdown there's no forward fumble game on this snake from Ken Stabler d.j. . There's no escape from New York in this game of snake Plesk and t.j. . Wow there is no Damien from Jake The Snake Roberts in this game of snake or plumber or future college football hall of famer going in this year hey I like that. That's right I'm done now I think I we're we're in the 4th you're on you're not done but thing is where the 4000 you're not going to know because I'll drive home tonight we'll go did I really do enough Gabe Kaplan prove or and I want to take on if I want you to know but I feel no that's me I feel like I've done enough I feel like I feel like I've done and I think this now becomes another podcast for us to do I feel like I'm random bits that you can go on cause the middle chair to the head. Prosper you give away the punch line no no I'm not going to walk oh my god that's your kind of got him on I thought I had a couple of more I didn't want to go back to the old I don't like a pen stuck in your neck. And Dan Aykroyd was. Obviously t.j. The names of all changed from the Phillies to the Giants since he hung around but his end though the managerial dreams have remained and they've turned around on the west coast t.j. . I hate you tonight Joe brought to you by Discover card we treat you like you'd treat you what are you going to do when he dies. Why somebody got a gun who gave capris never going to know maybe 150 years old and exact like that you know forever. Science is going to save him 1st I meant Boomer was. Going well because I'm worried about you. I think this is a legitimate concern you know because you have been obsessed and you went into retirement he was in retirement because now you're doing counting and you've been you you want to hear something incredibly stupid I'm taxes and as I'm worried you when you saw the incredibly stupid because I'm sure you could c.j. So for 3 or 4 years I did fantasy zone directing of course and then they hired a bunch of people from n.f.l. Network and so course they put all those people you know you in your good friend Adam rank right no that was fantasy zone this is this is this is fake this is on direct t.v. So I would get to go back and forth it's like red zone except it's for we did we did fantasy football so I be the one going game to game to a bit of analysis all this stuff and any time somebody scored a touchdown we had a fun boom or nickname for I would say it like Cameron break I would say trying to make Tampa Bay break again t.j. And I do the whole thing right yeah and my manager it was like I was going on the air and cursing and saying all kinds of things I was supposed to say you got to stop that man just not people like Berman and I go Do you really think someone is turning off the television because I don't think Cameron breaks a touchdown by saying make America Bray to get people to like him people and and I would go for 7 hours and if I just did one he would sell my producer has got to stop that you know people like Bill Maher and like oh my god really do come on here I mean here's And that's what that's how to deal with don't don't don't don't do a Chris Berman impression who didn't like Herman I no I don't know I really liked him he was icky parrot like your of him so we need people to like that's like people say they don't like it who's They use the day they don't. They don't like everybody says happen old t. When you say they go it's like when President Trump says everybody says well everybody so much they move them too and. Hey come on prime time is back and you still get paid for Oscars watching prime time on the up I know he is as he's getting ready to Mexico City as he's getting ready to what he's going to Dodger Stadium and then getting I don't want to. Take you that parade high all the way to back you can is better than burger I'll give him that. Well you know it's kind of tough to Anyway I want the burger Bobino back I mean you know I get has really falls off. Why are you so violent tonight the Dodgers won the 2017 World Series so yeah right they did so he's a violent drunk. Go out with Frostburg Madge is going to get drunk and started yeah we're going to have to stop him from. There is a guy you want hear another funny story. Starts calling everybody do you do you do you. My name is on my name is Dan. One of our colleagues much worse right all right well well. Whoa that was fun I didn't you know brilliant I'll tell you that's great all kinds of people hate Berman man don't tell me he had a good run yes but he talking about me anyway why should the n.b.a. Be afraid after what they saw in the Lakers win over the Suns tonight we've got that coming up next as well as why Frostburg going to be even drunker as he raises the 2017 World Series banner at Chavez Ravine. It's Fox Sports Radio I. Just don't. Think you know is. Right we do a lot of things and that's why you love. 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The end of the vast 2 minutes we went from watching it and my daughter Zoe goes when's the next one she couldn't wait the last like a minute is a big game changer. To go back in time in the right yes they do in a hot tub nice pretty good that's what happens Robinson makes it appears as good yeah told you just don't concern you hang up the phone Larry I saw cars with comedians get in there Ron and. Part of the Star Wars universe Congratulations to them I won't spoil it for those that are fans of long time yeah leave it at all Jason Christopher situs Yes Christopher Titus is and I didn't know if he was there you know I did a little bit of just digging just to see how deep the catalog was right searching some random things contacted some friends that haven't quite been convinced. Can you search you know here's a couple of shows again that's their own ass out there and then the lists are obviously out of what still in circulation with other streaming services and contracts that need to be adhered to there's a couple of things song of the South that'll never appear. In any format for for the service but you know a couple of brand new things you have the man to Laurean might my daughter when I talk to are a little bit earlier was watching the lady in the Tramp I mean live action that they did oh yeah she's pretty excited and so cute and so fun and I'm going to watch it again I'm like Well now you've got work to do do they still share the same piece of spaghetti or no spoiler I don't know it's gluten free now. Really yeah I think they have to reality because in San Francisco said I gave chapel is going to come and it's only a mayor but I know there's got a law there just you want it like crazy I'm almost like almost I got a bunch of the shows that my kids watch when they were really young so they were excited to see those were back in circulation right because with the new shows they get a kick to maybe if you don't have a high enough cable package right it's that whatever part 3 is like having the you know Cho he does need this that the other so I don't know it'll be fun just make sure you still get your work done don't skip like. You do like they while you're watching mad long oh that's the thing I mean you've got to get I mean it's well done it's done it looks for oh it looks like mandatory it looks like it has the feel of rogue one that's kind of how it looks and has the feel that it's done really really well. And I thought I was really impressed and like Ok this is a pretty good 1st episode and said it looks like 38 minutes so it's like it's not like you know what sounds like a one of those bloated hour and 15 minute things like 38 minutes my car number and the next one and it's a yes and you know you don't just want to 38 minutes you just want the running clock and be done with it but yeah I mean a great reviews some pick up says people the crush of people trying to get on board 1st thing when it launched I mean last night you know I got out here and waiting for Mitt dying to come see you right to get a word like I don't know it was right I mean I don't know if they are standing there with his finger extended and just saying not yet for you jerk Oh. So while everybody else is potentially going down the rabbit hole 29 teams in the n.b.a. Are going AWOL really this guy starting to heat up because. He. Boehner didn't have it ready tighter than you have already while you can always have a ready I know you're looking up gave Kaplan is like you want to be best friends with I do that is he's the we were just talking about God not the manager of the Giants now you guys are talking about him Jason period and Berman in my head he is healthier t

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