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Ill put this enter motion. You see the pockets of heavy rain moving northeast. Thats the forecast through the morning hours, pockets of heavy rain and gusty winds. 50s this morning but 30s this afternoon. Falling temperatures. Even though the showers will clear up this morning, gusty winds are likely throughout the day. Well talk more about that and when we might see some 60degree weather coming up in a few minutes. Sarah time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. Danielle thanks, sarah. Good morning, everyone. Lets head outside. Heres a look at the zakim bridge, leverett connector. The roads a little bit slick there. Lets go to the map. No major issues out there. Looking good 93 southbound, 128 into boston. Route 1, no major issues. South of town from braintree the boston expressway northbound, ten minutes this morning. South of town, route 3, 24, 95 looking good. Lets go to the pike from framingham everybody into boston, that drive mostly green. No issues. Take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head from braintree to boston. Into town on the pike from 128, 12 minutes. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge 11 minutes. If youre taking the t this morning, its on time. Back to you, guys. Sarah we begin with breaking news this morning. A teenager struck in the street in mashpee. Christa just 13 years old, and he had to be rushed to the hospital with lifethreatening injuries after being hit by a car. Lets head out to the scene with the latest. Lets go to 7s Nicole Oliverio. Nicole . Nicole christa, this accident happening here in mashpee around 8 30 last night. Police have obviously cleared the scene and were waiting for an update the see just exactly how that teenager is doing. Police say that the chief will give an update at some point when they know more about that boys condition. Again, right now theyre saying he has lifethreatening injuries. Officers they 13yearold boy was walking when he was hit by a car. They initially called for a medflight but the boy being ended up taken to Cape Cod Hospital. According to reports, the driver did stop and stay here at the scene. And there is no word on whether injuries. Officers now are investigating exactly what happened. For now were live in mashpee, Nicole Oliverio, 7news today in new england. Sarah breaking overnight, crews remove the s. U. V. That slammed through a packed west newton restaurant, killing two people and injuring seven others. 7s victoria warren is at the scene. Vicki, this morning investigators are expected back at the scene to determine what led up to this accident. Victoria the District Attorney says at this point its too early to tell why this driver didnt stop. Take a live look behind me. You can see the pizza shop that this car just came crashing into. Didnt stop at a light and just went right through the window. We know two people who died were customers. That car didnt stop until it hit the pizza oven inside. A car pulled out of the sweet tomatoes restaurant in newton after a tragic accident that left two customers dead, seven others rushed to the hospital. We have serious injuries. 6 00. The pizza place was dizzy. The District Attorney says the car never stopped. Witnesses say the building shook. The car had gone right through the restaurant, pushing the coulter all the way back to where the ovens are. The car was kind of elevated, so you could tell there was something, stuff underneath it, whether it was chairs or people. It was pretty bad. Victoria this man was just a few car lengths behind and says he doesnt know why the driver never stopped. He saw paramedics loading stretchers. They were just screaming. They were hurt. Victoria people who work nearby say they ran the help, but there was nothing they could do. It looked like something had exploded. And the vehicle was way inside, i mean way back. If you know the layout of the place, you can see the car was pushed way back in. Theres broken glass, broken wood. Victoria they say this part of newton is very closeknit and theyre sending prayers and love to everyone involved. Its a nightmare. I might know people in there that got hurt. Everyone knows everybody else. Certainly its heartwrenching. Victoria the District Attorneys office has not released the names of the two customers who died at this pizza shop yesterday. Their investigation continues. We do have an update this morning on some of the victims that were brought to the hospitals. Two of the seven victims were expected to be released from the hospital last night, and we know at least one of the victims had serious injuries. Live this morning in newton, victoria warren, 7news today in new england. Christa all right, vicki. Thank you. The other major story this morning, supertoday results coming in over night. Lets begin with republicans. Donald trump the big winner this morning claiming victories in seven states including massachusetts. Texas senator ted cruz winning alaska overnight to go along with his home state and oklahoma. And marco rubio finishing first, picking up his first state, minnesota. As for the democrats, Hillary Clinton matches Donald Trumps haul of seven states won. Securing victories in four states including his home state nearby in vermont. So a very tight race for the democrats here in massachusetts. In fact, the winner was declared hours after the polls closed. So heres a breakdown of the numbers with a few precincts left to report, clinton has 50 , sanders 49 in massachusetts. Just 20,000 votes separating these two candidates. Lets go to 7s Byron Barnett who is covering the democrats this morning. Byron, it sounds like theyre both looking ahead now. They certainly are. Hillary clinton was the big winner oon the democratic side, winning the lions share, but Bernie Sanders is putting out his message that his Campaign Lives to fight another day. What a super tuesday. Byron after a big super tuesday win, Hillary Clinton celebrated with supporters in one of the next battleground states, florida. And while not mentioning him by name, she clearly set her sights on donald trump. We have to make america whole. Byron clinton won seven of 11 states, including massachusetts and Southern States, many with large minority populations such as arkansas, where she was once first lady. She talked about her strategy going forward. Instead of building walls, were going to break down barriers. The stakes in this election have never been higher. And the rhetoric were hearing on the other side has never been lower. Byron vermont senator Bernie Sanders thanked his home super tuesday. It is great to be home. Byron sanders also won oklahoma, colorado and minnesota. At the end of tonight, 15 states will have voted. 35 states remain. And let me assure you that we are going to take our fight to every one of those states. Squarely on the future and how his vision differs from the g. O. P. Frontrunner. Do not allow the Donald Trumps of the world to divide us up. Byron but while sanders celebrates his super tuesday win, clinton increased her alreadybig lead in the delegate count. Including superdelegates, clinton now has 1,000 compared to sanders, who has less than 400. Live in the newsroom, im Byron Barnett, 7news today in new england. Christa thanks, byron. Here in massachusetts former president bill clinton visiting polls in west roxbury and new bedford on tuesday. In fact, youre looking at the scene in west roxbury. We received dozens of emails from voters who were concerned about the former president being too close to polling stations, even really making it difficult to vote in new bedford. So we reached out to the secretary of state, and his office is telling us the problem in new bedford was parking. No one actually had trouble voting. And he added that no election laws had been broken there. Sarah now to the republican race. Precincts reporting this morning, frontrunner donald trump comes in with 49 of the vote. John kasich and marco rubio trail with about 18 followed by ted cruz and ben carson. So trump is now threatening to break away from his g. O. P. Rivals in the delegate chase. 7s nancy chen is in the control room now with more for thus morning. Nancy sarah, good morning to you. Donald trump had a big side on the g. O. P. Side, winning a majority of states on tuesday, but ted cruz and marco rubio also saw some success. They hope they can keep the momentum going as four more states get ready to vote on saturday. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Nancy tuesday proved to be another big day for donald trump. The g. O. P. Frontrunner won seven contests on super tuesday. In his victory speech, trump focused his attention on a potential november showdown with Hillary Clinton. Once we get all this finished, im going to go after the assumption shes allowed to run, which is a big assumption. I dont know that shes going to be allowed to run. And i think thats frankly going to be an easy race. Nancy senator ted cruz earned three victories tuesday, including a win inis home state of texas. He says candidates who havent yet won contests should consider dropping out. As long as the field remains divided, Donald Trumps path to the nomination remains more likely. And that would be a disaster for republicans. [audience booing] for conservatives and for the nation. Nancy late tuesday night, marco rubio learned he won his first state as he finished first in minnesotas caucus. Before learning about the results in minnesota, rubio spoke to supporters and continued looking forward. When i am president of the united states, we will not just say save the american dream, we will expand it to reach more people than ever. Nancy now, Ohio Governor john kasich has yet to win in vermont, and he says he will win his states primary, thats going to be on march 15th. Now, ben carson also doesnt have any victories yet, but he insists he has no plans of dropping out of the race. Live in the control room, nancy chen, 7news today in new england. Sarah stay with 7news on air and online for the latest voice your choice coverage. You can always get updates at 7news. Com and the 7news mobile and tablet app. Christa so were off to a very busy start here on this wednesday morning. Still ahead, were hearing from the wife of thread line driver as investigators release their final report on what caused the train the take off from the controls. Sarah and while you were sleeping, astronaut scott kelly returned to earth after spending nearly a year in space. Well show you the moment he touched down. Rob and while you were sleeping, temperatures have been warming. Were tracking rain and only rain, but very heavy rain moving toward manchester. Well track those showers and 60plus degree weather coming up. Danielle good morning, everyone. Roads looking good this morning. Give yourself a little extra time this morning. If youre taking the t, it is running on schedule. Well be right back. I think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Sarah welcome back. 5 15 on this wednesday morning. Its feeling warm outside. Christa warm and wet. Lets get a check of the forecast now with rob eicher. Rob its only going to be hours sadly. As we head into the afternoon hours, things start the clear tumble. All day long gusty winds will be a threat, especially as we head into the afternoon hours. Some of that cooler weather gets here. Combine the breezy weather with cooler temperatures, and it will really feel chilly tomorrow morning. Then were talking about our next system, possibility of snow as we head into friday. Look at the numbers, 52 in boston. 40 at midnight. So while you were sleeping, temperatures have been warming that means were tracking rain. Other than the highest elevations of Green Mountains and the White Mountains of vermont and New Hampshire, not expecting anything icy this morning. Winds currently sustained on the order of 10, 15, 20, close to 30 sustained in nantucket. Were expecting frequent gusts on the order of 40plus miles per hour, especially for the coastline as we head throughout the day today. So Strong Enough that you need to be concerned about the possibility of maybe some branches coming down as we head through this afternoon and into the evening hours. Right now leading edge of light rain just making it to billerica. We have slightly heavier stuff behind that, and sudbury getting rain. These things, as you can probably tell, are zipping 60plus miles per hour. These showers will come up on you very quickly. A case where its all quiet and you get a batch of heavy rain. Thats whats happening in manchester in the last couple minutes. Really heavy rain moving in there. Zoom on out so you get the bigger picture. Pressure and a cold front. As this sweeps through, much cooler weather will start to move in here as you head into the afternoon hours. Only expecting rain for the morning. By the time we get the lunchtime. Rain is out of the picture. Skies are clearing. The winds will be picking up and ushering in very chilly air. Thursday morning, were talking windchills down in the Single Digits likely. Then lets walk through our next system here. This one will be a coastal storm thats going to kind of come up from the south. But the question is does it hug the coast, or does it go more out into the ocean . Right now looks like its going to be a glancing blow with snow beginning in some areas friday morning and lasting off and on mainly for the south shore, the cape and the islands through the day on friday. So how much are we talking about snowwise . Maybe one to three inches for the cape and the islands. Maybe a coating of snow for parts of norfolk and Plymouth County. Today 55 degrees in the morning hours. Falling to the 30s as we head into the evening hours. Tomorrow wake up, actual temperature will be in the teen, but it will feel more like Single Digits when you factor in that wind. High temperatures barely getting to the freezing mark thursday anthony again friday, a little bit of light snow, mainly for the cape and the islands. One to three inches not out of the question there. Flurries for boston, flurries possibly in newton, as well. But that would be about it. Then look at that. 64 degrees on tuesday. Guys, something to look forward to. Christa okay. We like that. Live and hope, right . New this morning were hearing from the wife of the driver of that runaway red line train. You remember that story back in december. Mbta Officials Say that he did, in fact, violate safety procedures causing that train to take off without a driver. And they say these photos that youre looking at show the cause. A microphone cord wrapped around a control dial. This investigation shows the driver also tampered with the dead man feature of the controls and did not secure a hand brake. His wife says what happened, though, is not entirely his fault. Hes a good man. Hes a great husband. Train. You know, the supervisors told him to get off. How many people tell people to get off of a running train when theres nobody else to back them up . Christa so the train, as you know by now, took off there from the braintree t station with passengers on board but no driver. Luckily none of the passengers were hurt. The train was eventually stopped. The report says to improve safety the t should install cameras inside the cab and change the design of the cars. The driver, meantime, David Vasquez was hurt when the train hit him as it started moving on its own. The 25year veteran has been fired, but his attorneys say hes appealing that decision. Sarah a woman with an incredible story of survival when a tornado rips through a part of louisiana. Kyra johnson got caught right in the middle of the twister but was able to save herself. You see her running up to a the doors are locked. So she braces herself behind a soda machine while the tornado rages right through on top of her. I just braced myself right here between the coke machine. It wasnt even holding on. It was just to brace myself. Sarah oh, my word. Just two minutes before the tornado hit her, johnson took the video of the storm from a distance. She said she didnt even notice the tornado coming, though. Nasa astronaut scott kelly touching down on earth last night. The commander spent 11 months at the International Space station, the longest any u. S. Astronaut has been in space. You can see him giving the thumbsup after being removed from the spacecraft in kazakhstan. Two other russian astronauts returned with him. They all underwent field tests immediately. Kelly says he is feeling good. It must be such a bizarre feeling, though, to be in space floating around for almost a earth with gravity. Christa which is interesting that you mention it, because thats why he was there, to talk about the effects on the human body for that length of time, comparing them of course to his twin brother. But i loved what his twin brother, a retired astronaut, also said, because theyre comparing the two. He got the fun job. I got the easy job, just kind of hanging out here, you know. Ism right, right. Christa its 5 21. New hampshire is reporting the states first confirmed case of the zika virus. How health Officials Say a woman contracted the disease. Sarah and a bizarre burglary case in bellingham. Wait until you hear who two brothers are accused of stealing from. Put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. [ male announcer ] maybe you have a dentist you like. Thats cool were not here to break up a good thing. But not every dentist does everything the same way. Need a crown . Some dentists need two appointments and a couple weeks. Others use cerec, technology that creates a highquality crown in just one visit, which is awesome. So, how do you find a dentist with awesome . 1800dentist. We learn about you and find a match. Find a dentist with awesome. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Rob quick look at the radar. Have some light rain approaching boston. In fact, light rain basically all around 128, some pockets of down 495, by far the the heaviest rain approaching manchester here on top of manchester, just kind of dumping in manchester at this hour and then heads up for the folks in hampstead. These showers are all moving off basically to the northnortheast very quickly at about 60mph. So hampstead, methuen, youre next for the heavy rain. Clearing out by lunchtime. Sarah thanks, robb. Rob. The bruins beat the garden. Lee stempniak and Johnmichael Liles suited up for boston. And rhode island native noel achari made his nhl debut. But a familiar face provided the big play as Patrice Bergeron scored to break a tie late in the third period. Bs won 21. They take on the blackhawks tomorrow night. Christa celtics coach brad stevens has been honored by the nba. He was named the eastern conference coach of the month stevens led the cs to a 93 record last month. Boston is currently in third place in the conference standings, as well. Theyve been doing well. Theyre on a roll. Sarah up next at 5 30, concerns on the campus of harvard this morning. The troubling diagnosis sending students to the hospital. Reporter were live this morning in newton after a car crashes into a restaurant leaving two customers dead. Christa and were also tracking breaking news developing. Police investigating after a . 13yearold is struck by a car overnight in mashpee. What were learning about the is that coffee . Yea, its nespresso. I want in. Youre ready. Get ready to experience is that coffee . Sarah breaking news now at 5 30. Struck in the street, a teenager suffering lifethreatening injuries this morning after being hit by a car. Christa also breaking, live in west newton where crews worked overnight to remove an s. U. V. That crashed into a busy sarah and Hillary Clinton waking up a winner, battling Bernie Sanders to a narrow victory in massachusetts super tuesday contest. We have the updated delegate count for both parties. This is 7news today in new england. Christa okay. 5 30. Bring along that umbrella for today, huh . Im christa delcamp. Ism and im sarah french. Definitely rainy out there. And its warmer. Lets send it over the rob eicher with more on your forecast. Rob while you were sleeping, temperatures have been climbing. 40 at midnight. Now 54 in boston. 55 in norwood. 35 in jaffrey. Even there temperatures are above freezing. Cant rule out maybe a speck or two of a mix in some Higher Elevations in wyndham county in southern vermont, but for the most part this is all rain. Light rain approaching thes be area. A little light rain up and down the expressway south of town. Get further north and its fairly heavy rain in manchester. These showers zipping off to the northeast, moving at like 60mph here. So heads up to the folks in hampstead. We have some heavy rain that very shortly. Were only talking showers for the morning hours. By lunchtime, the rain is out of here. Skies are clearing as we head into the afternoon hours. It remains gusty, but look how the temperatures fall. In the 50s this morning down to the low 40s and eventually down to low 30s by dinnertime. That breeze will make it feel even colder. Talk more about that. When we can see 60s coming up in a few minutes. Christa easy does it on the roads this morning. Danielle thats right, christa. Two hand on the wheel day. 93 from somerville into boston, no major issues out there. Heading into town from the north, mostly green. No issues there. South of town, from the braintree split into boston, that drive just ten minutes. Thats easy so far this morning. Route 3, 24, 95, all looking good. Lets go to the pike. An easy drive, as well. Take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head out the door this morning. Again, about ten minutes into braintree into town on the pike from 128, just 12 minutes. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 11 minutes. If youre taking t this morning, its on time. Back to you, guys. Christa danielle, thank you. Tracking this mornings breaking news, police say a 13yearold boy has lifethreatening injuries after getting hit by a car in mashpee. This happened around 8 30 last night. The boy was taken to Cape Cod Hospital and according to reports the driver did stop and stayed right there at the scene. Well have a report on this coming your way in about 15 minutes from now. Sarah breaking overnight, crews removed the vehicle that slammed into a busy restaurant in west newton. Christa the impact of this crash killed two people. Seven other people are injured this morning, some of them seriously. Lets go out live to 7s victoria warren. Vicki, they were concerned what might happen to this building once they removed the s. U. V. Victoria this s. U. V. Was shop. Behind me. They have been boarded up. The s. U. V. Was removed overnight. Street, crashing into the windows. It didnt stop until it hit the pizza oven. Overnight crews pulled that car out of newtons sweet tomatoes restaurant. The accident killed two customers inside in addition to the two people killed, seven others were hurt. Witnesses rushed in to help, but they say there was nothing they could do. It almost looked like something had exploded, and the vehicle was way inside, i mean, way back. If you know the layout of the place, you can see the car was pushed way back in, and theres broken glass, broken wood. I mean, i dont know how it jumped the curb and went that far inside, but the car certainly was way in there. Victoria Newton Police last night tweeted out, our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families in last nights tragedy. The District Attorney says they continue their investigation. The driver of the s. U. V. Was among the injured. He was breakthrough to the hospital. Injured, two people were expected to be released from the hospital last night. At least one of the victims has serious injuries. The District Attorney says at this point theyre not releasing anybodys name. Live this morning in newton, victoria warren, 7news today in new england. Sarah super tuesday results are in. Hillary clinton closed in on the democratic nomination by wrapping up big wins. Clinton won seven states, including here in massachusetts. She also scored victories in several Southern States as well as texas and virginia. The former secretary of state fell to sanders in colorado, minnesota, oklahoma and his home state of vermont. So heres the updated delegate count. Clinton picked up more than 400 delegates last night alone, and now she has a commanding lead with 1,055 delegates compared to 418 for sanders. On the republican side, it was a big night for donald trump, as well. He won seven states, including here in massachusetts. As well as alabama, arkansas, virginia. Senator ted cruz picked up muchneeded wins in oklahoma, his home state of texas and alaska. Cruz used his victory speech to urge the rest of the g. O. P. Candidates to exit the race and allow him to challenge trump one on one. He says its the only way the defeat the billionaire businessman. Florida senator marco rubio picked up the first victory of his campaign by winning the minnesota republican caucuses, leaving john kasich and ben carson as the only candidates without a numberone finish in a nominating contest. For the republicans, trump has 315 delegates followed by ted cruz, with 205, and marco rubio with 106. A candidate needs a little more than 1,200 delegates the get the nomination. Christa we have more news today. Boston police arresting a suspect in several armed robberies in the back bay. They say officers on patrol saw 30yearold Jose Manuel Lopez near boylston street. In these surveillance pictures. They say he was armed with a 12inch kitchen knife during some of those robberies. We have more news now. Two brothers are facing some troubling charges after allegedly breaking into a deceased mans home in bellingham. Police say 36yearold Stephen Landry and his brother mark broke into a mans home several times and stole a number of things, including his checkbook, which they used to write themselves thousands of dollars worth of checks. Police also say they ford the homeowners body inside the home and they believe it had been there for months. The brothers have been charged with breaking an entering and theft, as well. Sarah a health scare has everyone on high alert at harvard youth. School officials have confirmed that two students from the Divinity School have contracted the mumps. Harvard says they have swollen salivary glands. The school is telling those students the stay away in order to not spread it to other students. Right now the school is working to figure out how the students were infected. First confirmed case of the zika virus in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire department of health says an adult woman got the virus from sexual contact with a man who traveled to a zika hot zone country. She has fully recovered from the virus and is not pregnant. Christa all right. Its 5 37, and the report you may not want the hear before you hop in the shower this morning. I hate these stories. Coming up, the items that you use daily that can grow bacteria that gets transferred to your skin, as well. Sarah and an adorable golden retriever fitting with braces taking the internet by storm. Why the dogs owner says the animal needed the dental work. Rob poor guy. Ive been through that. Tracking heavy rain, well tell you where these showers are going and well have a look at up. Danielle good morning, everyone. Give yourself a little extra time on the roads this morning. Heres a will be at the braintree split. Traffic is slow getting on the about ten minutes from braintree were also keeping an eye on an foxborough. If youre taking t, its on time. Rob watching the radar over the last half hour, notice how quickly these things are moving. Leading into the rain on the other side of 128 half hour ago. Now already approaching cape ann. These showers moving on the order of 60 plus miles per hour. Generally light stuff in dedham. But just off to the west, we have heavier rain moving across wellesley, needham, dedham here in the next few minutes, next ten to 15 minutes. Also got a batch of heavy rain from amherst over to greenfield that will be moving into northern worcester county. So pockets of heavy rain, well be tracking these through the morning hours, clearing out this afternoon. Another look at the sevenday forecast coming up. Christa okay, rob. Thank you. Lets take a will be at whats trending today. Its almost spring. With that comes a Little Spring cleaning. According to the experts, there are some sneaky places bacteria could be lurking, especially in the shower. I dont want to hear this. Sarah what were showing, i mean, its kind of gross. Christa okay. Its a loofah apparently this is a real hot spot for the bacteria. So theyre saying that, you know, really theres an Expiration Date for some of these things. Toss your raiser after using it three times. Are you kidding me . Sarah nah. Its fine. Christa throw out loofahs every three weeks. If you dont, they could lead to skin infections. Sorry. Im just the bearer of great news this morning. This is a great story, though. This adorable puppy showing off a mouthful of braces and melting hearts everywhere. This is sixmonthold wesley. The golden retriever got braces because he was having difficulty chewing and closing his mouth. His owner says he stopped playing with his toys because of the pain and started losing weight because he couldnt eat because it hurt so bad, so the braces have been on for about two weeks and should be removed soon, but hes doing just great. Sweet little wesley. Christa i dont think the other dogs will tease him one bit. Sarah no. Beautiful smile. 5 42. We have lots to get to, including our know and go. Its going to be a busy day of cleaning up in parts of the south. A look at some of the damage done by a possible tornado there. Sarah and were live in mashpee. A teenage boy rushed to the hospital with lifethreatening injuries after he is hit by a car. Sarah and new this morning, what a report from the navy finds about the u. S. Sailors captured by iran back in i do everything on the internet. But, its kind of slow. My friends say i should get fios because its the fastest. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. husband were out of 2 i wonder what else could be better around here . husband i heard that. Switching to Better Internet is now easier than ever. Only fios has the Fastest Internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. Get 100 meg upload and download speeds. Plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Caress presents the wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to relnce up to 12 hours. Christa good morning. If youre just waking up, it is wednesday. A little rainy out there and 5 46. Its time the start know and go here. Sarah heres what you need the know and go. First lets send it to rob eicher with more on your forecast. Rob know that traveling this morning, heavy rain and gusty winds will be a concern. Temperatures have warmed up to the point where were no longer concerned about icy travel, but heavy rains and gusty winds through the morning commute clears out. No worries coming home from work today. Very late this evening, if there are still wet spots on the roadway, as temperatures fall that could turn to icy spots. 54 currently in boston. 35 the cool spot in jaffrey. So everybody above freezing, in fact well above freezing from the boston area south. Those are the current sustained winds. 10, 15, some spots close to 30mph. Thats sustained. Order of 40plus miles per hour, mainly near the immediate coastline, and not just this morning but throughout the day. So do look out for that. But well only be tracking showers for the next couple hours. We have real heavy stuff approaching wellesley, needham, these moving off to the northeast, further to the south, another batch moving in toward dover, westwood, norwood here shortly. By far the the heaviest rain in between manchester and nashua and chester. And these showers moving off to the northeast. So heading toward the coastline, but either way very quickmoving showers will be the issue through the morning hours. All part of a storm system as this rolls through much colder air will start the fitter in here later on this afternoon. In fact, look at the temperatures. 54 in boston. 54 in new york city. But 18 in buffalo. 25 in pittsburgh. That is the incoming air. It will be one of those days where the temperatures fall and its going the stay cold heading into the weekend, which means our next storm system will likely fall as snow. Right now it looks like it will be just kind of a glancing blow. It will be an ocean storm. Of norfolk, most of Plymouth County one to three inches possible. This would be friday for the cape and the islands. Were watching that next storm, a glancing blow on friday, mainly for the southeastern sections of massachusetts. But look at that. It warms up as we head to the early part of next week. 64 degrees on tuesday. Sarah time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. Danielle thanks, sarah. Good morning, everyone. Lets head outside. Heres a lock at the expressway. Not looking too bad this morning. Roads definitely going to be slick out there. Give yourself a little extra time. Lets go to the maps from braintree into boston. Northbound on the expressway, that drive is up to 17 minutes this morning. South of town in foxborough, were keeping an eye on an accident. This is on 495 southbound at route 140. No major delays from this incident. As you can see, the pike from framingham eastbound into boston, mostly green. So no delays to tell you about there. Thats the good news. Heading into town on 93 southbound, a little bit of slowing through lawrence, and then as you head over 128 into route 1 looking good. Take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head out the door this morning. About 16 minutes on the expressway from braintree to boston. Into town on the pike from 128, just 12 minutes. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge 11 minutes. If youre taking the t this morning, its on time. Christa all right. Were tracking breaking news out of mashpee where a teenager was rushed to the hospital after getting hit by a car. Were told that he has suffered lifethreatening injuries. Sarah Police Spending the overnight hours at the scene trying to piece together the moments leading up to the accident. 7sology 7s Nicole Oliverio live with the latest on the investigation. Nicole . Nicole sarah, police still trying to figure out what happened. This accident happening around 8 30. They say the driver was here on this avenue in mashpee when the 13yearold boy was hit by a car. There was an initial call for medflight, but he was rushed to Cape Cod Hospital. Were told that that boy had again, police saying that that driver did stop here at the scene and speak with officers. Afterward there were reconstruction crews here trying to figure out exactly what caused that crash. Again, we know that 13yearold boy police last say had lifethreatening injuries. Were waiting for an update from the chief. Thats the latest live in mashpee, Nicole Oliverio, 7news today in new england. Christa lets go to more breaking news. And crews removing that s. U. V. That slammed through a restaurant in west newton during the dinner hour killing two people and badly injuring several others. This happened at sweet tomatoes pizza on washington street just after 6 00 last night. And the force of that crash actually pushed the pizza counter back into the ovens. Witnesses say the driver never even slowed down here. Seven people were all taken to the hospital, including the drivers of the s. U. V. He was treated. Hes expected to be okay. Investigators are trying to figure out exactly how this all happened and why. Well have a live report from west newton coming your way at ism our other big story this morning, super tuesday. Overnight results came in from alaska, the last state to vote, and ted cruz won the contest there. Christa despite that late win, donald trump and Hillary Clinton really waking up the big winners this morning. Clinton won seven states, including massachusetts, but it was a tight race here for the democrats. Just 20,000 votes separate her from her rival Bernie Sanders. Also trump winning seven states including massachusetts. The frontrunner here coming in with 49 of the vote. Also in massachusetts, john kasich and marco rubio are in a battle for second place with a few precincts left to be counted. Ted cruz and ben carson rounding out the top five. Cruz is urging the other candidates to drop out of the race so he can challenge trump one on one. Sarah happening today, a cruise ship is ready to return the port after weather concerns and a norovirus outbreak. Royal caribbeans anthem of the seas is returning to new jersey after operators say they are expecting some Severe Weather. Ship. Also the ship has seen an average of ten cases of norovirus a day during the last week. In february a journey was also cut short when the ship sailed right into a wild storm. Now the National Weather service will start serving an area near birmingham, alabama, to see if a tornado touched down. Four people were hurt during the storm, and some homes were even damaged. Trees and power lines were also knocked down. Christa the former cab driver accused of killing two College Students in virginia is expected to sign a plea deal this afternoon. Jesse matthew, jr. , is accused of abducting and murdering 18yearold Hannah Graham in 2014 l and 20yearold Morgan Harrington in 2009. Last year a judge sentenced matthew the three life sentences in a separate case, as well. Sarah new details. A hearing has been set to decide if the residents of flint, michigan, should be exempt from paying water bills. Christa attorneys for the residents of flint say the city despite providing them with leadtainted water. Now, this started more than a year ago when officials in flint switched the supply of the citys water to save money. That hearing is set coming up for march 17th. Sarah new this morning, the ten sailors briefly held captive by iran in january may be punished for mistakes they made leading up to that incident. According to cnn, the investigation found the sailors failed to hold a standard operational meeting before setting sail. That reportedly led them into iranian territorial waters where they were captured and interrogated before being released. Christa 7 healthcast now and expecttant mothers who take vitamin d supplements could improve bone health. Babies born during the winter months whose mothers took vitamin d had a greater bone mass than those who did not take the vitamin. This could reduce the risk of a child breaking bones while he or she is young and also as an adult. That sleeping in a place thats exposed to street lights may be disturbing your sleep. Participants in a study that lived in welllit areas were more likely to sleep less than six hours a night. They were also more dissatisfied with their sleep quality than those people who slept with less light exposure. Christa all right. Now on 7news, tax day is getting closer, and if you end up getting a refund this year, you might want to be caringful what you do with the money. So according to a professor at northeastern, you should never use your refund money to pay down credit card debt. This is interesting. Kind of surprises me. They say that doing so doesnt help your longterm financial situation since the debt may actually go up again in the future. Also they say dont put it in your savings account since Interest Rates are so low. And dont put it in your Checking Account either since the extra money might encourage you to splurge on items you didnt need. The best thing to do according start a 401 k or other retirement account. There you have it. An emoji that looks like you could be available in the near future. Specialists with google have submitted a proposal recommending that emojis be editable, meaning each user could customize faces to resemble his or her own appearance. This proposal was submitted to unicode, which is essentially the governing body of emojis. Im just saying, do you get to end dead it based on what time of the day and how you look . What can i say . This already exists. Bitmoji, and its amazing, rob. You got to download it. Its so fun. Rob can i make one that looks like me . Sarah you can. Rob i cant see anyone watching that. Christa you have that . Sarah yes. All my friends do, too. Its great. Rob Stormy Weather here. In the opposite corner of the country, likely dry. Cooler weather off to our west. That will be moving in. Consequently, temperatures today dropping. Danielle said it best yesterday, temperature is in the morning. Yep. 55 this morning. 31 this evening. Staying cool for the rest of the work week. Sarah if youre just waking up with us, a lot to get. To breaking news in mashpee. A teenager rushed to the hospital after being struck by a car. Christa and while you were sleeping, crews removing the vehicle that slammed enter a busy restaurant in west newton, love shooting hoops. But you know what things from me just like ive learned a lot from her. She helped dad start his business. And she even fought to put now, mom helps make laws especially when they need it most. Hard work i can do. Kelly im kate and kelly kate and we approved this message. My i. T. Guy t the sktop support tech supervisor. Antomers knowing right when their packages arrive. Ing realtime delivery notifications. Ism a busy morning of breaking news. A 13yearold boy rushed to the hospital when hes struck by car in mashpee. The latest on his injuries. Christa crews in west newton working overnight to secure the scene of a deadly crash at a restaurant. Here. We need another car. I cant believe that Something Like this happened here. Christa this morning several victims still in the hospital. Sarah new super tuesday results coming in overnight. The big winners taking shots at each other. America never stopped being great. Im going to go after one person. Thats Hillary Clinton. Sarah can the top challengers make up ground . This is 7news today in new england. Christa good morning, everybody. It is 6 00 a. M. On march 2nd. Im christa delcamp. Sarah and im sarah french. A little warmer out there this morning, but we are dealing with some rain, so lets send it over to meteorologist rob eicher with more on your forecast as you take a live look at boston on this rainy wednesday. Rob some light rain in and around the immediate boston area, but there are some pockets of heavy stuff. Worcester already over onethird of an inch. Boston just under onetenth of an inch so far. Not out of the question when this is all said and done, could be totaling half inch, even threequarters of an inch in spom spots that have seen heavier rain. 54 in norwood. 36 in jaffrey and nashua, the cool spot. All Winter Weather advise voice have been canceled. Were only talking about rain. But look how quickly these showers are moving new york some cases 60mph. Its a case where it will be quiet and a few minutes later all of a sudden you get a batch of heavy rain. Thats what happened to the folks inwich. Quiet a minute or two ago. Now a batch of moderate to heavy rain heading over toward stoneham and melrose within the next couple minutes. Do look out for some pockets of moderate to heavy rain and gusty winds as you head to work this morning. That clears out this afternoon, but it gets breezy and cooler. 50s this morning. Down to the low 30s later this evening. Could hit 60 in the seven day. Well talk about that in a few minutes. Christa all right. Danielle gersh is standing by with fast track traffic on this soggy morning. Danielle thanks, christa. Thats right. Looking outside, you see we have some traffic and the roads looking a little slick out there. No major issues. Lets head to the maps now from braintree to boston on the expressway northbound. That drive is up to 20 minutes. After granite avenue. So something to keep in mind. South of town, still keeping an eye on this accident. This is in foxborough on 495 southbound at route 140. You can see no red there. So no major delays from this incident. The pike from framingham eastbound into boston, mostly green. So thats a pretty easy ride into town there. 93 southbound, slow and go from lawrence over 128 into woburn and enter boston. Route 1 is looking pretty good. Lets take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head out the door this morning. 20 minutes on the expressway. Into town on the pike new york delays there. Just 12 minutes. 3 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, no delays there. Sarah thanks, danielle. Breaking news this morning. A terrible crash in mashpee. A 13yearold is struck in the street by an s. U. V. Christa right now that boy is in the hospital. And were told he has lifethreatening injuries. Lets go to 7s Nicole Oliverio at the scene. Nicole . Nicole christa, were chief to see how that teen is doing. This accident happening last night around 8 30. Officers say the driver was driving here when the 13yearold boy was walking and hit by that car. Now, the boy was taken to Cape Cod Hospital. There was an initial call for a medflight. According to reports the driver did stop and remained here on the scene. There is no word on whether the driver suffered any injuries. Officers spent a few hours with the reconstruction crews trying to figure out and investigate exactly what caused this crash. But again, at this hour, police are saying that 13yearold has lifethreatening injuries. Were live in mashpee, Nicole Oliverio, 7news today in new england. Ism right now were following two other big stories. The big wins from super tuesday. Well hear from the candidates. But first a deadly crash into a restaurant in newton. And theres breaking news from overnight. Crews removed the vehicle from inside the pizza shop amid concerns over a possible collapse of the building. Also concerns over a gas leak restaurant from their home overnight. 7s victoria warren live on the scene with the latest. Victoria good morning. They were able to safely remove that s. U. V. Overnight. And you can see live behind me this restaurant boarded up. This accident killed two customers who were inside of this restaurant last night. Witnesses tell us that this car just came crashing through, and it didnt stop until it hit the pizza oven. A car pulled out of the sweet tomatoes restaurant in newton after a tragic accident that left two customers dead, seven others rushed to the hospital. We have serious injuries. We need another car. Victoria it was just after 6 00. The pizza place was busy. The District Attorney says the car never stopped. Witnesses say the building shook. The car had gone right through the restaurant, pushing the counter all the way back to where the ovens are. The car was kind of elevated, so you could tell there was something, stuff underneath it, it was pretty bad. Victoria this man was just a few car lengths behind and says he doesnt know why the driver never stopped. He saw paramedics loading stretchers. They were just screaming. They were hurt. Victoria people who work nearby say they ran to help, but there was nothing they could do. It looked like something had exploded. And the vehicle was way inside, i mean way back. If you know the layout of the place, you can see the car was pushed way back in. Theres broken glass, broken wood. Victoria they say this part of newton is very closeknit and theyre sending prayers and love to everyone involved. Its a nightmare. I might know people in there that got hurt. Its just. This is a close community. Everyone knows everybody else. Certainly its heartwrenching. Victoria the District Attorneys office and the Newton Police department continue their investigation. We have some updated information on some of the victims that were brought to the hospital. We know the driver survived the crash. The driver was breakthrough to the hospital. One other person, they were expected to be released from the hospital last night. That leaves five people in the hospital this morning. At least one of those victims has serious injuries. Live this morning in newton, victoria warren, 7news today in new england. Christa vicki, thank you. Lets go to breaking news now. On super tuesday, the final results are in, and for the republican, donald trump has racked up seven states. Ted cruz taking alaska overnight and earlier won his home state of texas and neighboring oklahoma. Marco rubios first and lone win comes in minnesota. Sarah on the democratic side, Hillary Clinton is celebrating victories in seven states. Bernie sanders winning four states, including his home state of vermont. Its really tight race for the democrats here in the bay state. Christa a near Record Number of voters turning out. Hillary clinton inching out a victory over Bernie Sanders, 50 to 49 . Just 20,000 votes separating the two candidates. Lets go to 7s Byron Barnett. Byron Hillary Clinton was the big winner on the democratic side, winning the lions share of super tuesday primaries and caucuses. But Bernie Sanders is putting out his message that his Campaign Lives to fight another day. What a super tuesday. Byron after a big super tuesday win, Hillary Clinton celebrated with supporters in one of the next battleground states, florida. And while not mentioning him by name, she clearly set her sights on donald trump. America never stopped being great. We have to make america whole. Byron clinton won seven of 11 states, including massachusetts, and Southern States, many with large minority populations such as arkansas, where she was once first lady. She talked about her strategy going forward. Instead of building walls, were going to break down barriers. The stakes in this election have never been higher. And the rhetoric were hearing lower. Crowd we love bernie we love bernie byron vermont senator Bernie Sanders thanked his home state for giving him a win on super tuesday. It is great to be home. Byron sanders also won oklahoma, colorado and minnesota. 35 states remain. And let me assure you that we are going to take our fight to every one of those states. Byron but while sanders celebrates his super tuesday win, clinton increased her alreadybig lead in the delegate count, including superdelegates, clinton now has 1,000 compared to sanders, who has less than 400. Live in the newsroom, im Byron Barnett, 7news today in new england. Sarah and for the republican, donald trump taking almost half the vote in massachusetts with 49 . The closest rival is john kasich with 18 . Hes followed by marco rubio, ted cruz and ben carson. 7s nancy chen is following the g. O. P. Race. She joins us now with reaction from the contenders. To you. As expected, frontrunner donald trump had a big night on the g. O. P. Side, winning the majority of states on tuesday. But ted cruz and marco rubio also tasted success, and they hope they can keep that momentum going as four more states get ready to vote on saturday. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Nancy tuesday proved to be another big day for donald trump. The g. O. P. Frontrunner won seven contests on super tuesday. In his victory speech, trump focused his attention on a potential november showdown with Hillary Clinton. Once we get all this finished, im going to go after one person, Hillary Clinton, on the assumption shes allowed to run, which is a big assumption. I dont know that shes going to be allowed to run. And i think thats frankly going to be an easy race. Unanimous senator ted cruz including a win in his home state of texas. He says candidates who havent yet won contests should consider as long as the field remains divided, Donald Trumps path to the nomination remains more likely. And that would be a disaster for republicans. [audience booing] for conservatives and for the nation. Nancy late tuesday night, marco rubio learned he won his first state as he finished first in minnesotas caucus. Before learning about the results in minnesota, rubio spoke to supporters and continued looking forward. When i am president of the united states, we will not just save the american dream, we will expand it to reach more people than ever. Nancy Ohio Governor john kasich has yet to win a state but he did finish second in massachusetts and vermont and he says he will win his states primary on march 15th. Ben carson also doesnt have any victories yet, but he insists he has no plans of dropping out of the race. Live in the control room, nancy chen, 7news today in new england. Ism former president bill when he visited polls in west roxbury and new bedford. We received dozens of emails from currented voters about the former president being too close to polling stations. Even making it difficult to vote in new bedford. We reached out to the secretary of state. His office tells us the problem in new bedford was parking. No one had trouble voting. He added no election laws were broken. So whats next in the race for the white house . There are several contests saturday, including the kansas caucuses and louisiana primaries. Democrats will also caucus in nebraska. Republicans have caucuses in kentucky and maine. The democrats will vote in maine on sunday. Christa all right. Still ahead at 6 11, just an incredible view inside a tornado as a woman hangs on for dear life and manages to survive. Scott kelly back on mother earth after 340 days in space. Sarah history made overnight. Record for time in space. Christa also ben afflecks surprising fans as they admire the batmobile coming up. Rob no strong storms or Severe Weather here, but there are some pockets of heavy rain moving across the area. Thats the back edge of it right there. Well track these showers and have a the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. A breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Homecoming . It s awesome. 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Com wh we go tthe stor i nd my boof honeyunchesof oats ani m chking to see if packageit. Be cereal the world ght ther ifhe last letters were p, thats me sarah welcome back. 6 15 on a rainy wednesday morning as you take a live look over boston. Christa it looks like this will be sticking around just for the mornings. Thats the good news. Maybe some clear skies later on, rob . Rob exactly. Were dealing with rain for the morning hours, unfortunately only dealing with the warm weather for the morning hours, gusty winds just about all day long. Much cooler weather rolls in overnight tonight. The wind stays strong some that combination means a very chilly start to your thursday, and cold air sticks around through the work week. Our next storm system will likely be snow rather than rain. But with these numbers, its solidly rain. 54 in norwood. 49 in beverly. 53 in bedford. 36 the cool spots in nashua and jaffrey, but even there above freezing and all Winter Weather advisories have been canceled. The current wind sustained, not that bad, 10, 15, some spots closer to 20mph. But were likely going to see frequent gusts widespread over 40mph as we head through the rest of the day. In the meantime, tracking some showers and we zoom on in here and take a look. Notice how quickly these things are moving. Its one of those cases where it may be quiet and a few minutes later all of a sudden a shower pops up on top of you. Zoom in. A little light rain just approaching downtown. And then up and down 128 here, got mainly light rain. Pocket of slightly heavier stuff. Thats the case as you get up toward the north shore and the seacoast here. Little bit heavier, little bit steadier around portsmouth with pockets of some slightly heavier rain. All these showers moving off to the northeast, the back edge of this, back edge of the rain just now making its way into western mass. We only have another couple hours. Then the rain stops, much Colder Weather starts to roll in here, in fact, look at the difference. Got 50s on this side of the storm system. Other side of the storm system, temperatures are in the teens. Thats what well be waking up to tomorrow morning. Thats the incoming air. Head into the afternoon hours, already about lunchtime, skies are clearing out. A good bit of sunshine later on this afternoon. The story will be strong, gusty winds. Were dry on thursday, but here comes our next storm system. It will zip over to the North Carolina coastline and gain a lot of strength. The question is, does it hug the coastline or head more out into the ocean. Right now looks like its going to be a glancing blow with snow beginning in some areas friday morning and continuing for parts of the south shore, the south on and off for most of friday. And add it all up, could get one to three inches for the cape and the islands. Maybe a coating for parts of Plymouth County and Norfolk County as you head through the day on friday. But 55 this morning. Falling down to the 30s and clearing this afternoon. High temperatures struggle, barely get above the freezing mark on thursday. But if you can get through that, 64 on tuesday. Christa okay. When you have this much rain and wind, never really a great thing for the morning commute, danielle. Danielle no. If you have that personal day, maybe take it on a day like today. This is a look at the, pray this morning heading into work. Its a slow drive. Lets go to the maps from braintree into boston, northbound on the expressway, that drive going to take you about half hour. Accident. This is in foxborough on 495 southbound right at route 140. Though. The pike from framingham eastbound into boston, mostly green. A little bit of yellow. No major delays there. 93 southbound, slow and go from woburn and enter boston. Route 1 looking pretty good, though. Lets take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head out the door this morning. 26 minutes on the expressway from braintree to boston. Into town on the pike from 128, just 12 minutes. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 15 minutes. The t and the Commuter Rail back to you, guys. Christa thanks, danielle. A woman with an incredible story of survival when a tornado louisiana. Kyra johnson was caught right in the middle of the twister but was able to save herself. You see her running up to hardware storing but the doors are locked. So she braces herself behind a soda machine while the tornado rages right on top of her. I just braced myself right here between the coke machine. It wasnt even holding on. It was just to brace myself. Sarah just two minutes before the tornado hit her, johnson took a video of the storm from a distance. She said she did not even notice the tornado. Christa nasa astronaut scott kelly is back on earth this morning. The International Space station. And he was the longest of any u. S. Astronaut in space. So scientists were studying that. So he is given a thumbsup after being removed from the spacecraft last night in kazakhstan. Two other russian astronauts returned with him, as well, an they all underwent field tests immediately. He says hes feeling good. Also a bright blue fireball lighting up the sky in scotland. This was captured on dash cam video by a driving inspect r instructor. You can see the glowing object to the left there. Some residents say it caused a loud boom. Experts say it could have been a meteor that burned into a fireball. Weve seen cases like this before. Sarah i know. Coming up this morning, heres what the wife of the mbta driver being blamed for the runaway train incident, what she says happened that day. Christa and startling video of a School Officer assaulting a student. And this is clearly outraging parent this morning. Sarah and surprise. Batman is inside the batmobile. Building a better bank starts with looking at something old, like this. And saying, really . So capital one built something new caf\s. Where you can unwind with free free Checking Accounts. No minimums, fees or gimmicks. And a torated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs. Right here. Thats banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . New englands energy comes from a pool of energy producers. Eversource buys it at a set market price and delivers it to you. But that pool is shrinking, causing Energy Supply rates to go up and down. So were working with partners across the region to increase our natural gas supply and bring in affordable, clean hydropower from canada. Were leading the way toward the solution. Because more energy means lower Energy Supply rates for you. Eversource. Chris kind of spotty, hit or miss light to moderate rain in eastern mass. But a band of heavier stuff moving into western mass and western connecticut. Thats the back edge of it. Rain and warm weather this morning giving way the clear skies and gusty winds this afternoon and falling temperatures going from the mid50s this morning. Low 30s this evening. And staying cold. Cooler than normal for the rest of the work week. Sarah all right, rob. Thank you. The bruins beating the flames at the garden. Fans had a chance to welcome three new players to the team. Lee stempniak and Johnmichael Liles suited up for boston while they were acquired for mondays trade deadline. Also rhode island native noel acciari made his nhl debut. Big play as Patrice Bergeron scored to break a tie late in the third period. Bs win it 21. They take on the blackhawks coming up tomorrow night. Also forward zac rinaldo has been said back down to providence, but before he returns to boston, hell have to sit out for five games. The nhl suspended him for a hit he delivered in sundays game against tampa bay. This is the fourth time hes been suspended by the nhl. Sarah ben affleck with a super surprise for some fans. Check this out. Who do you think would win in a fight, batman or superman . Superman. Who said superman . Christa oh, my gosh. Thats awesome. Sarah the actor who plays batman in the new film rolled up at the Warner Brothers studio tour in the batmobile. Then he invited some fans to join him for a ride. This was promotion for a new competition for fans. Hey, ben affleck here to support some great causes. I teamed up to invite you to join the cast of the premier of sarah yes, the lucky win her ride in the batmobile with affleck and take a helicopter ride with henry cavill, who plays superman. They will also spend time with the stars during the premier. I cant wait to see that movie. Christa yeah, thats pretty cool. Would have liked to see the muscle suit, the famed muscle suit. That would have been nice. Sarah then you dont have to work out as much, right . Christa still ahead, parade problems to talk about in south boston. St. Patricks day organizers upset after city officials cut the parade route short. Ism and a health alert at harvard. The troubling diagnosis sending students to the hospital. Reporter and new information this morning after a deadly accident in newton that killed two people eating in a your daughter wants to stay organic. Your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. You want to stay free from artificial preservatives. And your debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with Small Victories like stop shops natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 items. Christa were following a 13yearold boy struck by a car in mashpee. What were learning about his injuries. Sarah overnight developments in the deadly crash into a newton restaurant amid collapse concerns. Christa Hillary Clinton and donald trump closer to the president ial nomination. We have come too far to stop now. Nobody, nobody, nobody is going to mess with us. Christa now can the other candidates catch up after super tuesday . Sarah an mbta driver blamed for causing a runaway train. He was told to get off the car and fix the train. Sarah this morning his wife is telling a different story. This is 7news today in new england. Sarah good wednesday morning, everybody. Its 6 30. Thanks for staying with us. Im sarah french. Christa im christa delcamp. All right. Our fare city has definitely seen better day, but all things considered, i think were wearing the rain pretty well. Sarah, did you remember your boots this morning . Sarah well, i always wear the same boots in. Theyre just a disaster. Theyre ruined. Christa at least they keep your feet dry hopefully on a day rob as long as they work, doesnt matter what they look like. 52 currently in boston. 53 in plymouth and bedford, and 36 the cool spot in jaffrey and nashua. Everyone well above freezing. So this is all rain, all Winter Weather advisories have been canceled. Were only tracking rain. We have one shower that rolled over boston. What you saw in the camera there now rolling over logan and heading toward winthrop here. These are very spotty hit or miss in the immediate boston area. Steadier from ipswich up to portsmouth. Right behind that, a break in the action. You get some rain, and a few minutes later it will come to an end, and a few minutes after this you get another round. The back edge moving into western mass and connecticut. That band is much heavier, but the trend so far today is these showers falling apart as they move east. But well watch that. Thats it. After this band of rain in clear out. But the gusty winds remain for the rest of the day and temperatures follow in the 50s this morning down through the low 40s this afternoon, down through the low 30s and breezy this evening. Really going to feel kind of well talk more about that in the sevenday forecast in a few minutes. Sarah lets send it over to danielle with a check of the woadz. Danielle thanks, sarah. Lets go to the maps. Thats slow drive from braintree into boston, about half an hour. This is your slowest drive out there so far this morning. South of town, were still keeping an eye on this accident. This is in foxborough on 495 southbound. At 140. No major delays from this incident. As you can see there, the pike from framingham eastbound into boston, you see some yellow. There so we have some minor delay, but no red means no major delays. Thats the good news. 93 southbound, youre stop and go from 495 over 128 into woburn and all the way enter boston. Route 1, youre not slowing until you hit somerville. Take a look at those drive times if youre getting ready to head out the door this morning. About 26 minutes on the expressway from braintree into boston. Into town on the pike from 128, thats not a bad drive. Just 13 minutes. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 29 minutes. If youre taking t, or the are running on schedule. Back to you, guys. Christa all right, danielle. Thank you. Lets get to some breaking news. Police say 13yearold boy has lifethreatening injuries after getting hit by a car in mashpee. It was around 8 30 last night, hospital. The driver did stop at the scene. Well have a report from the cape come up in about 15 minutes. Ism breaking overnight, were getting a look at the smashed s. U. V. As its removed from a restaurant in newton. Two people were killed and several injured when a driver dinnertime. Christa lets go to 7s victoria warren with the latest on what weve learned from overnight. Vicki . Vick vehicle good morning, sarah. Police continue their investigation. No word yet on what caused this crash. Live behind me, you can see the pizza restaurants. Windows are boarded up. This car were told came flying down the street, crashing into the windows. It didnt stop until it hit the pizza oven inside. Overnight crews pulled the car out of newtons sweet tomatoes restaurant. Customers who were inside at the time. In addition to the two people killed, seven others, including the driver, were hurt and rushed to the hospital. Witnesses rushed in to help but they say there was nothing they could do. Almost looked like something had exploded. And the vehicle was way inside, i mean way back. If you know the layout of the place, you can see the car was pushed way back in and there was broken glass, broken wood. I mean, i dont know how it jumped the curb and went that far inside, but the car certainly was way in there. Victoria Newton Police tweeting out, our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to all the victims and their families in last nights tragedy. Newton police and the District Attorneys office continue their investigation. Again, they say they dont have any information at this point on what led up to this crash. The driver did survive. He was rushed to the hospital. In fact, were told he was released from the hospital last night along with one of the other victims that. Hospital still this morning. We know at least one of them has serious injuries. Live this morning in newton, victoria warren, 7news today in new england. Christa lets go to super tuesday and the results are in. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton relishing their victories this morning. Clinton is much closer to the democratic nomination. She won seven states including massachusetts by a slim margin. She also scored victories in several Southern States. The former secretary of state fell to sanders in colorado, minnesota, oklahoma and his home state of vermont. Heres the updated delicate gout. Clinton picking up more than 400 delegates last night alone and now has a commanding lead of 1,055 to sanders 418. On the republican side, donald trump winning seven states, including massachusetts, alabama, arkansas, georgia, tennessee, vermont and virginia. Senator ted cruz picking up three wins, including one overnight in alaska. He won his home state of texas and cruz used his victory speech to urge the rest of the g. O. P. Candidates the exit the race and allow him alone the challenge donald trump. And florida senator marco rubio picking up his first victory of the campaign. He won minnesota. The republican caucuses there. That leaves john kasich and ben carson as the only candidates without a numberone finish. For the republicans, trump has 315 delegates followed by ted cruz with 205. And marco rubio with 106. Now, a candidate needs a little more than 1,237 to nominate a republican in this race. Much more for the democrats. Sarah were following more news today. Boston police arresting a suspect in several armed robberies. They say officers on patrol saw 30yearold Jose Manuel Lopez near boylston street. They confirmed that he is the man in these surveillance pictures. They say he was armed with a 12inch kitchen knife during officials announcing the first confirmed case of the zika virus in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire department of health says an adult woman got the virus from sexual contact with a man who traveled to a zaira hot zone country. She has fully recovered from the virus and is not pregnant. A health scare has everyone on high alert at harvard university. School officials have confirmed that two students from the Divinity School have contracted the mumps. The school is telling those students to stay away in order to not spread it to other students. Right now the school is working to figure out how the students were infected. Christa coming up, a new runaway red line report blaming the operator from this story back in december. Hear what the drivers wife says happened on that day. Sarah outrage of video that shows an officer slapping and kicking a student in school. The fallout from this assault. Christa and parade organizers in southie pretty route coming up were about to show you an incredibly low fare. Like all our fares, you get two free bags and zero change fees. Because whats the point of an incredibly low fare if youre just going to stack fees on top of it . Our sale fares have nothing up their sleeves. Book them now at southwest. Com low fares. Nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. Christa it looks like there are some problems for the st. Patricks day this year in boston as organizers say the city is trying the change this historic route. The parade in southie could be cut by more than half. Reason for the route change is Public Safety to save must be. Theyre thinking around 100,000. Parade organizers say they dont want to break tradition, though. Were not happy. Why not . This takes the historical significance out of the parade. This is not just the heights. The parade needs to go down here. The parades in boston are for different reason, but when it comes to Public Safety and comes to making sure that we have the people safe. This really messes things up. Christa the parade has been marching through south boston for more than 100 years. It has to pay homage to those who fought to get the british out of boston harbor. Sarah a Police Officer in baltimore, maryland, caught on camera slapping and kicking a young man in school while also swearing at him. The person who took the video says it is a student being hit. The Police Department says they are investigating what happened in the video and the officer has been reassigned but not suspended. Morning after cutting short its voyage because of weather and a sickness on board. Royal caribbeans the anthem of the seas pulls into the dock in new jersey less than an hour ago. The trip was cut short by two days mainly due to storm, but there were also several dozen cases of norovirus on board. Back in february a journey was also cut short when the ship sailed right into a wild storm. So not a lot of luck for those passengers. Christa for that ship, too, right . Up next we have the days top stories. We have breaking news, lots of it. We have to talk more about supertuesday and what the candidates are saying about their performances at the polls. Reporter and were live in mashpee where a teenager has been critically injured after being hit by a car. I t out oforkpand i goo the ste, ansomebody s,psmellin around, m i smelcookies. I y, oh nyou ju smell m i st got o of work its 6 45, time the know and go. Breaking news, a teenager hit by a car and rushed to the hospital in mashpee. Reporter the latest on the Police Investigation into a car that crashed into a newton pizza place leaving two people dead. Sarah new results in overnight in the republican race for the white house. Donald trump has a super tuesday. Byron and Hillary Clinton keeps rolling, moving closer to clinching the nomination. Sarah all right. Time the know and go. Christa lets begin with weather. We have rob eicher in for chris. I hope you like green because you have a lot of it behind you. Rob thats good news as we head into the evening commute. This morning ice is no long ear concern. Temperatures have warmed up. Thats not an issue. But youll likely encounter some showers on your way to work, possibly some heavy rain and gusty wind. That all clears out later. No concerns coming home from work. 52 in boston. 54 in norwood and 36 in jaffrey. So everybody above freezing at this hour. So winds on the order of 10, 15, 20 sustained. But we are getting gusts a little higher than that. Were expecting frequent gusts over 40mph as we head through the evening. We had one little shower over boston. Thats now moved out. The immediate boston area fairly quiet, but just off to the west, there are some heavier showers approaching leominster and worcester. These all moving off to the northeast, and im going to zoom on out a little bit further on the other side of 91. That is the back edge of this. That will be rolling east, so we could see again some heavier showers here in the next hour or two. And behind that band of heavy teens and the 20s nch thats the cold air. Thats the incoming air for one of those days where temperatures actually fall. Mid50s this morning. Down to the low 30s late this evening. When you wake up tomorrow morning, temperatures will be in the teens and it will feel like Single Digits and a big change is coming temperaturewise in the next 24 hours. Sarah 6 47 right now. Time for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. Danielle thanks, sarah. Here is a look at 93 southbound. This is somerville. Its a very slow drive. This backup extends all the way back almost to 495 on route 93. So its not a fun drive over 128 and into boston. Route 1 is not as bad. A little slowing through saugus and then again through somerville. South of town, the expressway from braintree into boston, over half an hour there. We do have an accident. This is in stoughton on route 24 northbound at 139. Starting to cause some delays from that incident there. From framingham, you can see a little bit of slowing. Then its a she drive into town on the pike. There lets take a look at those drive times if youre getting morning. 26 minutes from braintree to boston expressway northbound. Into town on the pike from 128, 14 minutes. Not too bad. There 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, that drive over half an hour. If youre taking t or the are running on schedule. Back to you, guys. Christa breaking news and a 13yearold boy critically injured after being struck by an s. U. V. In mashpee. Sarah lets head out to 7s Nicole Oliverio with more on what happened. Nicole . Nicole . Sarah all right. Breaking overnight, the s. U. V. Involved in this deadly crash is pulled from a pizza shop in newton. Lets send it out to 7s victoria warren as investigators trying the figure out what caused the driver to plow into this restaurant. Victoria good morning, sarah. Still a lot of questions about this accident. The District Attorney says they dont have a cause yet. Live behind me, whats left of the restaurant, the windows boarded up. Two customers inside died. The car came crashing through. It didnt stop until it hit the pizza coverren inside. This was all a little after 6 00 last night. This restaurant was crowded at the time. Overnight crews pulled the car out of newtons sweet tomatoes restaurant. Two people who were customers inside died. In addition to the two people killed, seven others were hurt. Those people were rushed to the hospital. Among the injured, the driver, some people who worked in the restaurant were hurt and some other customers were hurt. Witnesses described a very chaotic scene. They tell us they rushed in to help but they say there was nothing they could do. A car had gone right through the restaurant, pushing the counter all the way back to where the ovens are. Sarah the car was kind of elevated. You could tell there was something, there was stuff chairs or people, it was pretty bad. Victoria so the investigation into this accident continues. We can tell you that those seven people who were brought to the hospital, two of them have been treated an released. Were told that one of the people released was the driver of this accident. Police will surely want to speak to him as they continue their investigation. We know one other victim was brought to the hospital with serious injuries. The District Attorney has not released the names of anybody involved. Live this morning in newton, victoria warren, 7news today in new england. Sarah were going to go back the breaking news with 7s Nicole Oliverio with the latest. Nicole . Nicole sarah, we know a teenage boy was critically injured after being hit by a car that. Accident happening here in mashpee around 8 30 last night. Now, according to police, they say that car hit that 13yearold boy as he was crossing in the intersection. A man who lives in the neighborhood says the impact actuallies toed that boy into you can see the damage done to that car. Now, according to officers, they say the driver stayed at the seam the whole time, stayed with that teen. Initially there was a call for a medflight, but the boy ended up being taken to Cape Cod Hospital. The last we know is that police are saying he has lifethreatening injuries. We are expecting an update from the chief. Were live in mashpee, Nicole Oliverio, 7news today in new england. Christa nicole, thank you. Now super tuesday and the final results are in. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton celebrating major victories in their respective parties this morning. For the democrats, clinton racking up victories in seven states, including massachusetts. Bernie sanders winning four states, including his home state of vermont. For the republicans, trump taking seven states, ted cruz winning the last contest of the night, alaska. He also won in texas, his home state, and oklahoma. And marco rubio getting his first win out in minnesota some a near Record Number of voters here in massachusetts turned out at the polls. Sarah donald trump having a lot to do with the high turnout. Votes in the bay state, nabbing 49 . The closest rivals are john kasich and marco rubio with 18 followed by ted cruz and ben carson. s nancy chen is following the g. O. P. Race. She joins us now with more. Nancy sarah, good morning to you. Donald trump won seven states tuesday, which makes it ten victories for him in the past month. And his momentum on his side, trump is now looking ahead to a possible showdown with Hillary Clinton in the general election. After learning of his victories last night, trump spoke at his club in palm beach, florida. He promised to springen the Republican Party and hopes more people rally behind him. I am a unifier. I would love to see the Republican Party and everybody get together and unify. And when we unify, there is nobody, nobody thats going to beat us. Thank you very much, everybody. Nancy and while he didnt enjoy as much success as trump, texas senator ted cruz did win three states on tuesday. As neighboring oklahoma. And overnight we have learned he also won the alaska caucus. Now marco rubio also earned his first victory of the campaign as he won minnesotas public caucus. Despite not getting any wins on tuesday, john kasich and ben carson both say they are staying in the race. Five more contests will be held this weekend. Live in the control room, nancy chen, 7news today in new england. Christa tight race for the democrats in massachusetts. Hillary clinton inching a victory over Bernie Sanders 50 to 49 . 20,000 votes separating these two candidates. Lets go to 7s Byron Barnett with reaction from them. Byron it was the biggest night yet for Hillary Clinton. She continues to lengthen her lead as the democratic frontrunner. Clinton celebrated with support centers florida, one of the next battleground states. Clinton won seven out of 11 super tuesday states, including a close race here in massachusetts and several states in the south. Clintons democratic rival Bernie Sanders was also he thanked his supporters in his home state of vermont for giving him a win there. Sanders also won oklahoma, colorado and minnesota. Both candidates talked about the future with their sights set on the republican frontrunner donald trump. Sarah instead of building walls, were going to break down barriers. The stakes in this election have never been higher. And the rhetoric were hearing on the other side has never been lower. Do not allow the Donald Trumps of the world to divide us up. Byron but while sanders did win four super tuesday states, clinton increased her alreadybig lead in the delegate count. Including superdelegates, clinton has racked up more than 1,000 compared to sanders, who has just over 400. Barnett, 7news today in new england. Ism new this morning, were hearing from the wife of the driver of that runaway red line a new report from the mbta finds procedures causing the train the take off without a driver. He also admitted to investigators it was his fault. The 25year veteran has been fired. The investigation shows that the driver tampered with a dead man feature of the controls and didnt secure a hand brake. His wife says, though, what happened is not entirely his fault. Hes been with the tee for 20 years. Hes a good man. Hes a great husband. And he was told to get off the train. Him to get off. How many people tell people to get off of a running train when theres nobody else to back them up . Sarah none of the passengers were hurt after the train took off from braintree with no one at the controls. It was eventually stopped after going through north quincy. The report says to improve safety, the t should install change the design of the cars. Christa finally this morning an emoji that looks like you could be available. Kind of an alternative i guess to bitmoji. Specialists with apple and google have submitted a proposal recommending that emojis be editable so you can customize faces to resemble your appearance. This proposal was submitted to unicode. Well see what they say. You were introducing me to the world of bitmoji. Sarah you have to download it. If you dont have it, its so fun, rob. If youre a star wars fan, you can insert yourself into it. Rob i have a feeling people have seen enough of me already this morning. They dont need a rob eicher emoji. Spotty showers up and down the north shore and south shore. A break in the action and then a different story. Heavier rain into worcester and leominster. Back edge around springfield and hartford. All those rolling across the area as we head through the morning hours. Temperatures fall through the day, from the 50s this morning christa all right. The today show is next. Good morning. Something for everyone. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton each win seven super tuesday states, tightening their grips on their partys nomination. Once we get all of this finished, im going to go after one person, thats Hillary Clinton. Instead of building walls, were going to break down barriers. Cruz, rubio and sanders, will they be well enough to stay in the race . A new piece of debris has been found that could be from

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