Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20160127 :

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20160127

shelley: donald trump says he will not participate in thursday' s primary debate. he said he knows a bad deal when he sees one. good evening, i' m shelley walcott. tom: i' m tom griffith. adam sexton joins us now to sort out what the decision could mean for both iowa and new hampshire. adam: he is rewriting the rules of how to run for president. he is continuing to campaign as only he can. donald trump is taking his ball and going home. he is pulling out of thursday' s republican debate on fox news, pointing the finger at fox anchor megyn kelly. he will hold its own separate event to raise money for veterans. >> fox is going to make a fortune. i' m not a fan of megyn kelly. i think she is a third rate reporter and frankly is not good at what she does. i think they could do better adam: former wmur political director scott spradling, veteran of many a primary debate stage, says there' s a chance this decision could backfire for trump. >> this is a very risky maneuver because what could happen is a lot of people tune in on thursday night, and without trump there, it's other people offering closing arguments, and he could lose ground, especially among those people who decide late. adam: spradling says while trump will likely draw attention with his event, the problem is, he' s leaving the main stage wide open for his chief rival in iowa, ted cruz. >> cruz is battling neck and neck with trump in iowa right now and it' s close enough to be too close to call. a move like this, with cruz having a good night thursday night, he could pick up iowa because of this one maneuver. adam: or he might not. as spradling notes, trump has broken many a political rule in this race and his poll numbers have remained strong. he' s decided to ' go his own way' in the past and it' s paid off but as he told first in the nation voters in farmington last night now is the time to close the deal. for president. believe me. adam: after his thursday been -- event for wounded warriors, he will be coming back here to new hampshire. shelley: earlier this evening, fox news announced the lineup for thursday night' s debate. here' s what the stage will look like if trump skips the event. kentucky senator rand paul will return to the main stage, after only being invited to the undercard debate two weeks ago. to qualify for the prime-time debate, a candidate had to place in the top six of an average of recent national polls, or the top 5 in an average of recent new hampshire or iowa polls. the 4 republican presidential candidates qualified for the undercard debate. this is the first debate since august for former virginia governor jim gilmore. tom: an abc news-washington post poll released this morning finds a growing number of republicans believe donald trump will win s nomination. 64% say they believe trump will be the nominee, up 25 percentage points since november. trump' s support among republicans nation-wide hasn' t changed since last month. ted cruz has gained a few points to 21%, and marco rubio is the only other candidate with double-digit support. while nearly all candidates are focused on iowa ahead of next week' s caucuses, ohio governor john kasich was in new hampshire today. the boston globe endorsed him for the republican nomination last night. >> so anyway i' m running for president and i can' t believe yesterday, last night i found out i got the endorsement of the boston globe. that' s like, i am in complete shock over that, yeah. tom: kasich spent today holding town halls in new boston, rindge, and amherst. as you decide who will get your vote on primary day, can help you out. candidates stand on the issues, hear their answers to a series of questions on major topics, and watch our prior coverage including candidate cafe and conversation with the candidate. shelley: manchester' chief is taking the state' s heroin crisis to capitol hill. he will testify before the members of congress in the morning about what new hampshire is doing to combat opioid addiction. tonight he spoke to our jean mackin before he testifies. jean: chief nick willard is scheduled to testify before the senate judiciary committee at 10 a.m. wednesday. he told us he' ll have 5 minutes to make his point before taking questions and he plans to use every second getting his message across. >> i' ve been given the rare opportunity to sit down with senators in the u.s. government and talk about the issues we face. jean: manchester' s police chief has arrived in washington, d.c., along with the assistant chief carlo capano. their tour of the senate and capitol building shared on twitter by senator kelly ayotte. his expertise on combating the opioid crisis in new hampshire. he hopes his talking points can help on a national level. >> just how devastating fentanyl is, and i don' t think a lot of people know that. continuum of care that' s really going to be at the center of it' s not a law enforcement issue, it' jean: chief willard will encourage legislation and funding for treatment and recovery, not only in new hampshire, but across the nation. >> i feel a sense of responsibility. i represent all the chiefs of hampshire, and new hampshire citizens. jean: for that reason, chief police uniform during his he says it' s also a tribute to his officers, the men and women on the front lines of the opioid crisis. in manchester, jean mackin, wmur shelley: wmur will have live coverage tomorrow from washington d.c. as chief willard testifies. you' ll hear what he had to say to senators tomorrow on news 9 at 5:00 and 6:00. tom: a crash in manchester this afternoon injured a police officer. a car and suv collided on beech street, taking out a utility pole with live power lines. firefighters used the jaws of life to remove the officer, who suffered a severe leg injury but he is expected to survive. no one else was seriously hurt. police say a landlord supplied the tip they needed to arrest a man wanted in two robberies. goffstown police say christopher aldrich robbed the citizens bank on church street yesterday afternoon. he is also wanted for robbing a clerk of a concord store over the weekend. police say they received several tips after releasing the surveillance pictures yesterday afternoon. >> when we' re able to get someone in custody within 12 hours, that' s a huge message that it sends out to the rest of the people who think that they can come in and take advantage of our businesses and our residents. tom: right now aldrich is being unrelated charges. shelley: hundreds of documents in the dzhokhar tsarnaev boston marathon bombing case will be released. a federal judge ordered today that the documents be released publicly. among the documents are search warrants, reports of expert witnesses, and dna reports. tsarnaev was convicted and sentenced to death last year for the bombing, which killed three people and injured more than 260. for the first time, we' re seeing the isis member known as jihadi john without a black mask. abc news obtained the photos today from a report circulated online by an isis-affiliated media outlet. u.s. officials say they killed jihadi john with an airstrike in november, and isis confirmed the death last week. jihadi john was first seen in a video in 2014, showing him apparently killing new hampshire journalist james foley. tom: community members came to a fallen marine tonight in hingham, massachusetts. hundreds lined the streets, as the family of corporal christopher orlando arrived home. orlando was among 12 marines killed when two helicopters crashed off hawaii two weeks ago. the search for them was called off after five days. tonight, a scholarship was established in the name of a medal of honor recipient from new hampshire. staff sergeant ryan pitts was awarded the medial of honor for his bravery in fighting off attackers and refusing to leave his men during a deadly battle in afghanistan. the ryan pitts scholarship fund will help veterans. shelley: the two men involved in a fiery plane crash this summer in north hampton are telling their story of survival. they suffered serious injuries when their plane went down right after takeoff. today they thanked those who helped save their lives. mike: these two men have been flying together for years and they were out for a fun afternoon on a summer day when the unexpected happened. reunited for the first time with the people who cared for them ronald gagnon and roger cross are saying thank you. >> your community is very fortunate to have you. mike: in june the two maine men were taking off from hampton airfield when the piper cherokee began to shake. >> he says are we going down? and i said yup. mike: they believe a shift in wind caused the problem which usually isn' t an issue at high altitudes. >> at 250 to 300 feet, there' s nothing you can do, so the one thing i did learn in flight training was if you' re in a ditching or crashing situation, try to keep the nose of the plane up. mike: they crashed into the woods about 150 yards from a home. then the plane caught fire. >> the only door on our plane was on the right side of the plane. tried to open the door but it was jammed in the ground, so at that point, the fire started to come in the plane. caught his arm on fire. his arm was bubbling. mike: cross, a lieutenant in the coast guard, broke through the windshield. >> i' ve always been taught in the bad and focus on what is good, which wasn' t a whole lot at that point. mike: he got out, but gagnon was stuck in his seat, so cross went back into the burning plane to save his friend. >> he comes back in, climbs up into my window, over my lap to release my seat belt. that' s how he burnt his left hand. mike: more than 10% of cross' s upper body was burned. he was airlifted to a boston hospital. gagnon suffered burns and 18 broken bones. regional hospital' s trauma center. >> i just can' t tell you how much of a difference it made. i' m very, very proud to have come to portsmouth. mike: the two are grateful for each other in those dramatic moments as well as first responders and hospital staff. >> i was very humbled by the support and the treatment that i got. i just can' t thank you enough from the bottom of my heart. so thank you very much. >> they are still healing, but they have their mobility back. they say they will fly again. news 9. tom: looks like they got great medical care. coming up, after week of no movement, the action the fbi took today in oregon. shelley: plus were celebrating the 100th anniversary of the new hampshire primary. next, a look back at some of the iconic moments that influenced the course of history. >> authorities say shots were fired as their rested people who have been occupying a national wildlife refuge in oregon. the arms group c -- seize the property as part of a long-running dispute over public lands in the western u.s.. the fbi says occupation leader ammon dundy and four others were today. the new hampshire primary has evolved from its early days to we now value. tom: and during that time, there changed the course for a campaign, the election, or the s a look at a few of them. >> it was never planned to be this way, we got it sort of by default. >> general eisenhower with new hampshire as an arena is the candidate in the most hotly contested primary in history. >> for the first 50 years, the ballot just contained the names of those who wanted to be delegates. and next to the name it would include pledged to our favorable to. >> and therefore what we start here in new hampshire today, i believe must succeed next summer and next november. >> the role of the primary is to let the people decide. it was an effort to democratize the effort of selecting a president. >> we' re #1, we' re #1, we' re #1. >> i remember when we couldn' t find a microphone. >> by attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward. >> more people began to learn about the presidential primary. >> will the sound man please turn mr. reagan' for a minute? reagan: is this on? mr green, will you turn that microphone off please? reagan: you asked of me, i am paying for this microphone, mr green. >> new hampshire voters are cantankerous, they' re independent, they make up their own minds. and they' re also smart. >> you have to be able to answer an unstaged question in an unstaged place with a real heartfelt answer. >> i have so many opportunities for this country, i just don' t want to see us fall backwards. >> new hampshire' s role is to provide the broadest possible opportunity to the most candidates to test their message. we' re going to reclaim our >> a new commitment to support environmental restoration. it' s the sacred duty of the united states of america to defend freedom. >> i can' t thank you enough. we are on our way because of you. >> we are different than the other campaigns. >> i want to be the president that reminds you of the guy that you work with, not the guy that lay you off. >> in the end, our future is tied to people. >> let' s take back america. god bless you new hampshire. tom: i think we should vote for mike haddad for president. pretty good weather for january. mike: almost 20 above the average. there is still some time left. we still have to get the on the primaries. it can be quite active around that time. we will see what happens. look at the ice out there on the big lake. a little bit out there today despite the warm-up. as we go through the next few days, temperatures will not be ideal for adding much more eyes but we should hold onto a little bit at the big lake. don' t even think of venturing out there because right now there is still plenty of open water. in concord today, 46 the official high. 31 average, so well above that but nowhere close to the record high setback in 1963. and a very cold record low of 29 below setback in the 1870' s. 30' s and 40' s across the board, anywhere from the great north woods all the way down into central and southern parts of concord at 45 degrees right now, dew point it 32. all those numbers well above the average and look what' s coming down the road over the next two days. despite a cool down, running above the average right through the end of this week. temperatures begin to coast down a bit but still remain above the norm. upper 20' s north, 30-34 central and southern new hampshire. those are right at the overnight low temperatures. a warm start to the day tomorrow. there is slightly colder air building in the great lakes and will drift in the next few days. no 50 degree temperature like we saw in nashua today but low 40' s not out of the question. scattered snow showers developed during the early part of tomorrow morning and last through tomorrow night. once again to thursday it is dry showers by friday. snow showers in the mountains, try again on thursday and another round of snow showers possibly anywhere as we go into friday. most of the precipitation is offshore with the developing coastal storm, it will be nowhere close to new hampshire. of exchanging the snow showers up north, temperatures we normally have for highs this time of year. a nice stretch the be dusted the end of the week and a scattered snow shower anywhere on friday. a couple more like flurries saturday afternoon as the warm front moves in them sunday through at least tuesday, temperatures remain above average. assignable cooldown next week and that may be preceded by the whether you can always run for dogcatcher. s go over to jamie and find out what' s up in sports. congress doesn't regulate wall street... wall street regulates congress. it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight to take back our government. [ horn honks ] okay, this is u.s. cellular, and this is verizon. now, same phones, but with u.s. cellular you get 6 gigs of 4g data for only $40 per month -- and u.s. cellular's network was built to work in places like out here, here, and here. so, with all of that, why would you ever go to verizon? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for just $40 a month plus get $300 back. jamie the boston bruins have : been busy so far this week. a win last night against the philadelphia flyers, and they hosted the anaheim ducks tonight. last game before the all-star break. and that means bruce boudreau was back. the first-ever coach of the manchester monarchs is the coach of the ducks because head coach jerry york was there to drop the victory. the bruins strike first, just 40 seconds into the game. zach trotman with his first goal of the season, set up by david krejci and matt beleskey. 1-0 boston. but the next 2 goals belong to boudreau's bunch, including shea theodore on a power play set up by corey perry, who had the other goal. so after one, 2-1 anaheim. 2 more goals for the ducks in the 2nd period. way too much time and space for kevin bieksa, who scores on the slapshot. 4-1 after 2 periods. ryan spooner sets up zdeno charra for a wrister and his 7th goal of the season, 4-2. but the ducks win this one 6-2. jonas gustafson played the first period in goal for boston, but was ill and was taken to the hospital for observation. the bruins are off for 6 days for the all-star break. girls high school hockey, lebanon against the combined team from st thomas-dover. good pressure by the raiders here, a quick shot from the point by elle brine, the captain and gracy lindsay was trying to macbride held the line in goal. first goal of the game, it goes to the home team in white. a shot from the point by maisey kettlewood. 1-0 st thomas-dover. another chance for lebanon, lauren goodell with a shot but macbride makes the save. st thomas-dover wins the game 4-1. top 10 college basketball showdown in new england, number 10 providence hosted number 7 xavier. xavier in blue. they had the friars on the ropes. a 3 here by miles davis. 40-28 xavier. providence trying to come back. ben bentil with a 3, but only the 2nd made 3 pointer in 20 tries at that point for the friars. a tough shooting night. 3 pointer by jalen linsey. 75-68, their first top 10 road win in 20 years. northeast 10 action, snhu hosted the le moyne dolphins. early on, devin gilligan working down low. nice fade-away jumper to get the penmen going. rodney sanders 3 pointer. the snhu penmen win 83-53. high school basketball, portsmouth hosted coe-brown. coe brown in red and crashing the boards here. jayson cleveland with a miss off glass. taylor dow is there for the rebound and score. great pass here, aj mcmanus inside to the big guy, joey glynn he scores, and portsmouth led 30-8. coe-brown coach david smith looking for answers. and the bears get a jumper from the corner by the lefty gunner scott spenard. portsmouth too tough though. cody graham creates the turnover with a good defensive play, then the clippers cruise to the 82-50 win at home. the 2016 summer olympics in rio de janeiro begin on august 5 and the olympic marathons will be held on the final day of competition, sunday the 21st. the 3 men and 3 women that will be on team usa for the marathon will be chosen at the olympic trials on february 13 in los angeles. and how about this, 7 of the olympic marathon trials are from new hampshire, including this runner. amherst native alexandra varanka, her qualifying time was run at the chicago marathon in 2014. she said making the trials was a huge goal from a few years ago, and she is honored to be going. if you like to hear from her you can see the complete story on our website, tom: still to come on news 9 tonight. boston' s museum of fine arts has added its first-ever piece by painter frida kahlo to its collection. represents a first in the artist' announcer: where do you line up with john kasich on the issues? take the kasich quiz! forced obamacare expansion in ohio. voted for massive defense cuts and defended the process that closed pease air force base, which cost thousands of local jobs. even had the worst rating on spending of any governor in the country - republican or democrat. john kasich - wrong on new hampshire issues. right to rise usa is responsible tom: the museum of fine arts in boston is adding a new piece to its collection its first from the artist frida kahlo. shelley: this is the painting, called dos mujeres or two women. experts say the women are two maids, who kahlo had known since childhood. it was the first painting that frida kahlo sold. on the back are a number of signatures from kahlo' s friends including painter diego rivera, who she would eventually marry. the painting goes on display tomorrow. shelley: thanks for joining us for news 9 tonight at 11. tom: jimmy kimmel live is next, have a good night. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] (phone ringing) by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders,

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New Hampshire , United States , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , Goffstown , Boston , Massachusetts , Farmington , Virginia , North Hampton , Oregon , Lebanon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Hampton , Hampshire , Illinois , Maine , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Brazil , Iowa , New Boston , Ohio , Hingham , Capitol Hill , Chicago , Hawaii , Americans , America , Marco Rubio , John Kasich , Jayson Cleveland , Devin Gilligan , Mike Haddad , Christopher Aldrich , Jean Mackin , Megyn Kelly , Jonas Gustafson , Tom Griffith , Ryan Spooner , Hmm , Cody Graham , Bryan Pitts , Coe Brown , David Krejci , Frida Kahlo , Joey Glynn , Adam Sexton , David Smith , Zach Trotman , Ronald Gagnon , Kelly Ayotte , Nick Willard , Bernie Sanders , Shelley Walcott , James Foley , Corey Perry , Christopher Orlando , Jimmy Kimmel , Shea Theodore , Los Angeles , Rodney Sanders , Roger Cross , Diego Rivera , Lauren Goodell , Jim Gilmore , Taylor Dow , Bruce Boudreau , Ted Cruz ,

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