Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160311 : vi

Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 11PM 20160311

live from cleveland's news center cleveland 19 news starts now. >> denise: we are following breaking news in bay village. a fatal house fire and one person has died in that house fire. >> romona: sara goldenburg has been on the scene all night. sara, what have you learned in the past half hour? >> reporter: it is a tough night . we learned that it was likely a woman who died in this fire. fire officials say that an elderly couple lived in the home. a man was able to escape. if you look at the house now, you can see how much damage was done. firefighters right now are if you look at this video from earlier, you can see just how massive this fire was. neighbors tell us they could actually see the flames and the smoke from the highway. we are located near i-90 off clegg road and at least five firefighters responded. it was a team effort out here. here is what a neighbor and the fire chief had to say. >> we were just leaving to go to a mig and driving down the road seeing the lights and fire trucks and the flames coming from the house. you coobt see much other than the -- you couldn't see much other than the flames. >> i have done a number of fires like that, but they all leave a sinking pit in your stomach. it is sad to see. >> the state fire marshall is out here tonight and they are looking into the cause of the fire and the coroner is is working to make an identity on the victim found out here tnight. 19. >> romona: now to a story many of you were talking about. two propane tanks were catching fire and exploding at crocker park. >> that explosion shook homes and businesses at least a mile away. somehow no one was hurt in the blast in the construction area at the shopping complex. scott taylor is live with reaction to a situation that could have been so much worse. scott? scott scott i want to -- >> reporter: i want to show you where we are. westlake police have things blocked off, but as we move over to the zone area in the construction site where the blast occurred, and you can see the scorched building right there. above that windows that were actually knocked out. fortunately no one was hurt. this construction site was lit taken a closer look at what started the fire that lead to the blast. the blast happened this morning on the south side of crocker park and westlake at the construction site of the new american greetings building. cleveland 19 is being told two 1,000-pound propane tanks caught fire and exploded. >> a few minutes before we felt some rumbling and we didn't think it was thunder. then everything shook. >> watch the video again. the tanks catch on fire and for a moment it is going to be okay. construction workers are nearby and in a blink of an eye it blows up. i am being told when the explosion happened one of the construction workers across the street took off running and he didn't have any idea what was going on and he did not stop running until he hit those wood. trader joe's was evacuated and the streets were blocked off. the blast was so strong employees tell me their office shook. ben haney who was just pulling into the driveway had a front row seat. >> i had noticed a few things going up in the air and started to hear hail hitting the surface of my car. >> back out here live at the blast zone, investigators know what caused the blast. the propane tanks. they are still trying to figure out what caused the fire that lead to the blast. they were out here all evening long. hopefully by tomorrow morning and in the next 24 hours you will know more about exactly what happened here. scott taylor, cleveland 19. >> romona: we were curious how much force the eke plosion packed. explosion packed. the tank held a thousand pounds of propane. blasting power as nearly 1400 sticks of dye dynamite. >> denise: close call there. ben carson will officially endorse donald trump as the republican candidate for president. tonight just days before tuesday's primaries the four candidates took the stage for a mostly civil debate. >> i think the republican establishment or whatever you want to call it should embrace what is happening. >> this election, this debate is not about insults and it is not about attacks. this election is about you and your children. >> i am against any changes to social security that are bad for my mother. >> there are more 18-year-olds who believe they have a better chance of seeing a ufo than a social security check. we have a lot of seniors who are nervous. >> denise: now the candidates will turn their attention to the five states including ohio where voters will head to the polls, and the 358 delegates >> romona: this could be the last we see of john kasich. we were wondering during the debate how the governor performed. >> dan: this is a last ditch effort for john kasich to try and win this state. now remember, these are the numbers i showed you last night. the latest ohio polls, fox news has kasich winning by five points, but that's the only one. cnn says trump wins by six and quinnipiac by six and trump by three. we decided to ask and i talked to him about 10 minutes ago. he is the professor and did john kasich do enough to sway some voters and maybe push him into ohio and what grade would you give him? >> i would give him a b because he has done the same thing he has always done. donald trump and talked about his past. none of it resulted in him doing any better. you can't get a higher grade than a b if you are pretty much maintaining a status quo. that's what john kasich has done tonight. >> dan: so he is not impressed by john kasich's performance. and mark rubio must win in florida, his home state. did he do anything? the professor said neither of them did. denise? >> denise: with the ohio primary just five days away, you can expect more visits from some of the candidates over the next few days. donald trump is scheduled to be at the ix center for a rally there. the event starts at 2:00. and then later that night hillary clinton will be at the baptist church. on sunday john kasich will hold a town hall in strongsville at the rec center. >> romona: a home in bay it centers around a child pornography and exploitation investigation. agents served a warrant on the $1.5 million home on lake road. we checked with the fbi officials and no word on any arrests or charges. >> we now know how many bank branches will close after the merger between huntington and first merit. in giaga lake and lorain counties there will be 28 closures or consolidations. in summit and portage counties, the proposal is to consolidate and close 10 branches. and in stark, five will close or merge. hunting ton bank officials will stress that they will offer all employees a chance to transfer to another hoe location if theirs is closing. >> romona: let's talk about our browns. are they any closer to landing a new quarterback? reports out tonight say they are in the hunt for colin kaepernick. tony zarrella is here now. tony, is this a real considered good? >> tony: i spoke with a couple people close with the broncos and they are pretty confident that colin kaepernick will end up in denver. john elway loves him, but more than that, if the price is a second round pick, which it is, the super bowl champs giving up the 63rd overall pick is more than browns giving up the 32nd overall pick. big gap there. and which kaepernick are you get ?ght one who lead the 49ers to the superbowl 2012, the one with two strong seasons after that and the one who plummeted to six touchdowns and five interceptions before being benched. losing his coach jim harbaugh obviously didn't help. the odds are he is going to denver, but we'll keep you posted. as for the guys guys who has left the browns one the organization. i'm gonna have that in sports coming up in a bit. >> romona: can't wait for that. some browns fans are disheartened after the team's far. we looked into how much they have spent on tree agents in last 10 years and the answer may surprise you. the browns have spent $500 million on free agents since 2006. that's the 6th most in the nfl. now in that time the team went 51 and 109. >> romona: this picture has people talking on social media. >> denise: what do you think? is it a ghost or an op tau cal illusion? check it out. tin knew ewi sh -- tina ewing snapped this picture. look at the reflection in a nearby mirror. it appears the statue's mouth is open with teeth showing and the eyes are piercing. these are a few of the comments on our facebook page. beverly thinks it is an optical illusion while gloria says it is creepy. we want to know what you think. join the conversation on our >> romona: i agree with gloria. days after a deadly fire in a suburb, a commune continues to come together to help those who lost their homes. >> denise: also ahead, a new study linking a popular food ingredient to a killer cancer. we'll have the details coming up. jeff? >> jeff: let's look at doppler max network and we still have light rain out there. it is winding down. we get a short break and then some more rain arriving over the weekend. details coming up. >> breaking news and weather 24/7. live from cleveland's news center driven by don joseph toyota in kent, this is cleveland 19 news. >> romona: donations continue to grow including a fund set up for a 4-year-old victim who died in a fire. tonight tiffani tucker has details on how you can help and what church volunteers are doing for victims to help them get back on their feet. >> there were several families that were hurt in this situation and there have been even more families who stepped up. >> they rallied to help the family of a little girl killed in an apartment fire. 4-year-old keegan is unable to hills drive. keegan's mother hospitalized and three other families managed to get out. >> they lost everything. things we take for granted. >> they say clothing and food donations continue to pour in for all of the victims of the fire. the church is even providing temporary apartments for the displaced victims and finding furniture for the 50 families. >> we are providing them with gift cards to restaurants and also we are giving people food that are staying with relatives until they are able to go out on their own. >> a sense of comfort during a difficult time. a reminder that there are those out there who care. >> without the community we wouldn't be able to do these things, and it does give you a lot of hope that your fellow man truly does care about you. >> reporter: tiffani tucker, cleveland 19. >> romona: we which caned in at an early morning fire and fire. this one started before 5:00 at the laura hill apartments. one person was treated for smoke inhalation. >> denise: after an investigation into possible misuse of money at the wounded warrior project, the charity's two top executives have been fired. the investigation found the charity for veterans spends 40 to 50% of the money donated on overhead and fancy parties. in comparison other charities spend 10 to 15% on overhead. in 2014 alone the wounded warrior project took in more than $300 million. >> romona: a new study shows dietary carbs like those found in white bread and bagels may increase your risk for lung cancer. researches compared 2,000 patients with lung cancer and 2500 others. glycemic index were more likely to develop lung cancer. it raises the blood glucose numbers which could play a role. >> denise: nestle is recalling several products the frozen digior no's and stauffers and lean cuisine after they found pieces of glass in their food. we posted more details on this recall on cleveland >> denise: the parent company of men's warehouse and joseph a bank announced it is closing nearly 250 stores nationwide because of poor sales. the company has not said how many companies will be closing and how many workers are out of a job. there are nine men's warehouse and eight joseph a banks stores in northeast ohio. >> romona: want to tell you video about kids used as slave labor and they are doing what they can to stop that practice and changing the world. we went to cleveland for tonight's ramona's kids. >> they should stop child labor. traffic traffickers should stop kidnapping children just to make chocolate. >> they were very upset about the conditions the children were working in and just the fact this these children were not in school and they would work long hours. >> romona: kids at linkin park academy watched the documentary, the dark side of chocolate, which shows kids kidnapped to work on cocoa plantationss on the ivory coast. they wrote letters to nestle and hershey who both have businesses in the ivory coast. >> they never had a chance for an education and a normal childhood. >> i think they can hire like older adults to do their job. >> so far, no response from the companies, but both nestle and hershey say in the past few years they are starting to move over to the fair trade sources for cocoa. >> let's look at the roof cam. it has been a slow process and finally the rain is starting to move out. the fog has lifted and let's go to the temperatures and that's what you are feeling right now out there. 42 cleveland and 41ashtabula. tomorrow morning will be dry. a scale of one to 10. the midto upper 30s along the lakeshore. some light rain going on from manaway middle field. south of youngstown and still some pockets of light rain in the greater cleveland area. this is the last gasp. finally the dryer air is starting to take hold. light rain and mist from akron down to worcester of we will start out with quite a bit of cloud cover. tomorrow will be a seasonal day. as the morning wears on they are look at increasing sun. overnight mostly cloudy skies. tomorrow 47. you have the north wind off the lake. that will keep things cooler becoming sunny and your forecast high at 48. the planner tomorrow, 41 at 7:00 a.m. 43 at noon. partly cloudy. increasing sun by five. will be the next alert. that will be for the rain moving in. after the 47 tomorrow we will sneak back up to 61 and sunday 71. and monday low 70s this next system will spark afternoon showers and storms. to make things even more spring-like this weekend we turn the clocks ahead an hour before you go to bed. we have the rain developing on saturday night and into the day on sunday. so saturday will be the dry day. afternoon showers and storms, look at tuesday. 70. a windy day, but partly cloudy. bad news is by the time we hit st. patrick's day, we cool down. that could change so stay tuned. here's the buzz. >> now it is time for the buzz mill outlet. >> romona: and coming up, adam levine is going to be a dad. >> denise: and get ready, "sharknado" 4. busey will play tara reid's character father and cheryl tieggs. >> romona: adam levine and his victoria secret model wife are expecting their first child. the 26-year-old is about four months along in her pregnancy. the couple who got married in 2014 has said they would like a big family. >> denise: i'm sure all of the men think she is a hottie. a former browns player lashing out at his former team and now, this is the serpentini chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. >> tony: the jacksonville jaguars have one thing in common with the browns. they haven't had a winning season since 2007 either. he signed down there because he said he wants to win take that with a grain of salt. he deserves to get paid and 35 million and he signed there because the browns for some reason didn't want them. >> i am the last to bash the city of cleveland. it is just as confusing to me as it is to the fans and the city of cleveland and everybody on the outside looking in. how do you lose two pro bowlers and an up and coming right tackle and, you know, one of the best returners as well as up and coming receiver in one free agency class? i don't know. he does president know, but he will join me on the mcdonalds sports zone following cleveland 19 news. quarterfinals at the q. they were in trouble against eastern michigan. they trailed by as many as 12 and then they final -- finally heated up. he had less than a minute to go and win it by two. zips play bowling green. indians over the padres 9-4. that's four straight. and if that doesn't make you happy, these will. the z awards. let's roll. >> no sticking our heads in the sand this week. we are off and running in the z awards. yes, that is an ostrich. surprised? we cover all corners of the globe. >> what a sensational catch. >> but, back here in the states they are already in >> and it is a great diving catch and then tagging and moving up to second. >> and incredible buzzer beaters this week. we start with the women. >> the final field goal of the third quarter. >> and that one goes. oh! >> although the guys got it down too. but it is impossible to top this thriller. not one, not two, but three, three buzzer beaters and four over times and one sparkling z award. as for the hypers teg shots -- high percentage shots -- >> put that one in the dunk contest, the 360 slam. dunk. >> and with that we're out of here and taking our friend with us and congratulations to all of our winners. >> the z awards history, ostrich and a game of cricket in the z awards. the cricket, i can't tell >> romona: all right, jeff, lots of rain. >> jeff: yes, and then it will be ending and it will be dry. eventually we will see sunshine. noon 43. mostly sunny at 5:00 and 45 degrees. we'll be midto upper 40s for our high. >> denise: much chillier though. thank you for joining us. all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. come back today. you'll get 30 meg internet, tv, phone and more for $89.99 a month. and ask how you could get a $300 reward 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(cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: hey! welcome to the "late show." (cheers and applause) >> stephen: thank you, everybody! that's nice! why not?

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United States , Bay Village , Ohio , Bowling Green , Akron , Cleveland , Florida , Strongsville , Michigan , Denver , Colorado , America , American , Stephen Colbert , Scott Taylor , Jim Harbaugh , Ben Carson , Scott , Adam Levine , Tiffani Tucker , John Elway , John Kasich , Ben Haney , Tina Ewing , Don Joseph Toyota , Tara Reid , Hillary Clinton ,

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