Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News This Morning 2016022

WTKR NewsChannel 3 News This Morning February 26, 2016

,,,, voiceover the key of david with gerald flurry. Gerald frry greetings, everyone. The apostle paul said that we will reive a reward if we have a work. He talked about the christians reward in i corinthians 3, verses 12 through 15. And he said, now, if we want to have a great reward we have to have an outstanding work. And what does that consist of . He also said that the day was going to declare our wk, that if it ourselves but we would lose our reward, we would lose that great reward he talks about. And he said you can be sure that your work and every mans work is going to be manifest, every one of them. Everybody will have their work to be known. But what kind of reward are we talking about . And wt kind of a work does it actually require to receive that awesome reward that god is talking about through the apostle paul . I mean were talking about a work that is really going to astonish you and all of us more and more as we learn it deeply. Aul said that we must be a Master Builder and builder on gold and silver and we lose our reward. Now, its really very clear what g says about this reward and how we achieve it with a certain work. Its in very much detail throughouthe bible and you can understand it, so lets discuss that great reward, gods great reward today and ill show you from your own bible how you can achieve that reward and how you can receive that reward that is going to galvanizeour life and just truly astound you in every way if you deeply learn it. Thats what god promises to all of us. Notice ezekiel 40 and verse 4 and the man said unto me, son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that i shall shew thee; for to the intent that i might shew them unto thee art thou brought ezekiel 40 and verse 4. And ezekiel at that time was in prison, and this message is to israel and yet israel had gone into captivity over 100 years, so there was no way that ezekiel could deliver that message, but it is a message that must be delivered today. It is prophecy for this end time now, thats what this is all about and god says, look, there is a work here and god says, well, now, you set your heart on that work Herbert Armstrong used to say often that your spiritual growth is in direct proportion to how much your heart is in the work of god, the work that god has given us to do. And i want to explain that to you so we all understand what that is. There great reward that god talks about. So were being judged, gods very elect are being judged today, right now, it stays in i peter 4 and verse 17. But let me read to you that verse again from the new king james version, and it says and the man said to me, son of man, look with your eyes and hear with your ears and fix your mind on everything i show you, for you were brought here so that i might show them to you. So god says, well, i brought the messenger me so that i might give these things to him, thats to thnations of israel, and we explain that in our book on the United States and britain in prophecy, and you can easilyknow who israel is; it certainly of that message to him, as well, d says, now, look, i have something i want you to do, a verymportant work that i want you to do. now, you just have to understand, and this is not understood by most christians, i have to tell you. And that is, first of all, god is not concerned about you being saved. Hes concerned first of all, for why he brought you here to him. He says, i want you to deliver my message, and in the process, if you do it the way you should, yoll be saved, and youll also receive an amazing reward. so we have to do more than just be involved selfishly in some work of god. But the big question i well, what does god want you to do message . Notice verse 4, the last part of it. For this is why you have been brought here, that i might show it all to you; then tell the house of israel whatever you see, or declare to the house of israel whatever you see. Now, you see, that is a work that h to be done god says you must declare that to the nations of israel, and even others, and that is the work hes talking about. And he says, now if you do that today before christ gets here, youre going to share jesus christs throne for all eternity. now, that is truly a marvelous reward thagod has in store for us. We have to of course warn the world about the earth just before the messiah comes. Just before that, theres going to be lot of trouble, and youre seeing that storm build right now before your eyes. All you have to do is just look around at whats happening in this world, and that storm is already on the horizon and everybody can see it. But the messenger and the supporters of that message have to declare it to israel and other nations. Ezekiel 33 and verse 7 so thou, o son of man, i have set thee a watchman unto the house of israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. My mouth, god says. Now, this is a message, god says through ezekiel, that is from the very testament, that you have to live by every word of g matthew 4 and verse 4 , every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god. The Old Testament and new testament ishat comes out of the mouth god the bible is jesus christ in print, and all those words came out of the mouth of god with a few errors made by the translators but you can easily work those out if you understand your bible. You can easily solve those. Its not difficult at all. Well, it does take some hard study; i will say that. But here is an example from the Old Testament and the new testament that this is the living word of god it comes right out of gods mouth both in the old and the new prophecies are coming pass just exactly as he said they would, and many of themade, those prophecies made over thousands of years ago. And this bie is a godplane message its a message from god to man, telling us what is going to happen andhat we ought to be doing about it. Notice verses 8 and 9. It says when i say unto the wicked, o wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood ll i require at thine hand. A serious charge there. 9 nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; see, if you warn him, get the message out there, the messengernd the supporters of that message, shall die in his iquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. See, youre going to be delivered god physically and spiritually in many ways. But this message is mainly for two nations of israel. That, again, is explained in our book on the United States and britain in prophecy. But here hes talking mainly about a physical protection, and he gives us a lot more than that. But physical protection in a world like this is worth a lot just look around and see how dangerous this world is. But god says to the messenger and the people supporting that message, that if you dont warn, if you dont declare this message, their blood is on your head. Youre guilty of their blood. Now, thats a serious charge, and thats where our works will be burned and perhaps our own tragedy. God rewards us in this world and in the world to come. But notice what it says in romans 8; these are some of the most amazing scriptures in the bible, some of the most inspiring youll ever read in your life. Romans 8 and verse 17, it says and if sons, then heirs; heirs of god, and fellowheirs with christ; provided we suffer with him, in order that we may be also glorified with him. We can be glorified with christ. We are heirs with christ, if you can believe that. That means were going to share his throne if we declare this message before christ gets here. Were going to be sharing his throne. Revelation 19, verse 17 says his gotten ready, really built character by doing gods work, and she is ready to rule with jesus christ on his throne forever what an astonishing prophecy that is and christ and his bride will be sitting on the throne of david. Now, paul wrote this book of romans, and he also wrote other books, and hwrote several of them while he was in jail. They put him in jail because he declared this book, this word of god, and ended up beheading him because of this word, so you can certainly have trials and tests if you obey god. And as paul said, we have to suffer with him. We do have to face trials and tests at times, but he says if you do that, youre also going to glory. Now, thats something worth pondering and not just reading quickly, but this is something you need to really deeply understand. Notice verse 18 for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. In us. Well be sons of god, godbeings, it says here, and paul says, look, yeah, there are trials and tests, but its not even worth comparing with that wonderful reward that hes going to give you. Its not even worth thinking about or comparing it to what youre going to receive at the end of all of this. so lets look at verse 19, it continues in these wonderful waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of god. Now, thats the universe hes talking about. This is a dynamic truth this is the universe and god says of this creation, that it waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of god that universe out there, something is not right with it, something is wrong, and god says its waiting for the sons of god its waiting for the people who are declaring gods message today and all the rest of humanity that will be saved eventually thats going to be able to correct that problem out in the universe. Its waiting for the sons of god to rule with christ and begin to set everything in order, make the that, blossom as a rose, all of that to be done in the future, and that is a big part of our reward if were declaring gods message today. Notice verse 21 because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay, and obtain the glorious liberty of the sons of god. Can you imagine that . The universe, in many ways, is in a state of decay, its in bondage to decay. Well, did god create it that way . No, he didnt. No, he didnt. But we have to declare this message before that bondage is removed. Then when christ gets back here, were going to begin the process of removing all that decay from the as i said before. Look, any time you talk about all this decay and all this bondage, and the universe is actually waiting for the sons of god, its obvious that we have something to do out in the universe the universe is groaning, well see in a moment, waiting for the liberty of the sons of god, waiting for that. Now, we have to have something to do out in the universe; its so obvious. And yet how many people do you hear talking about this mindboggling hope that god gives us . It is truly remarkable when you think about this opportunity god will give us to beautify the universe and be offered leadership to us for all christ comes. Thats actually the agreement that god has made with us. But decay is a direction; its a direction thats all wrong. If you want to look at genesis 1 and verse 31, god says after he created everything and talking about the creation of the earth, and he said everything was good, very good. Its always very good when god creates it. Now, the universe wasnt complete, but as far as it was complete, it was very good. Notice, let me read that again to you. Verse 21 because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay, and obtain the glorious liberty of the sons of god. Well, where did that decay come from . Well, it came from satans rebellion. Isaiah 14 and ezekiel chapter 28 will explain it to you. God did not create that universe the way it is today. Its in a state of decay because of that rebellion of lucifer and onethird of the angels. And our book also on the incredible Human Potential explains that in really great detail. But what a hope it is, and you can just imagine this. Really, in many ways youd have to say its a dead universe, but its going to be brought to life. All of that vast universe is going to be brought to life, and the sons of god are going to lead that process. Verse 22 we know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now, and not only the creation, but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the should read, the redemption of our bodies. See, god used the ancient farming methods thats still the practice today of having the spring harvest, and he likened that to the firstfruits. The firstfruits of the harvest . Well, thats in the spring. And he says those who are declaring the message today before christ gets here, are likened to those firstfruits. Then the great fall harvest will be after christ has returned, and thats likened to the time when god will give everybody whos ever lived a chance to receive a glorious reward and eternal life. Because they dont go through the trials and tests that we do today, so they wont be rewarded in the way that we to take advantage of that. But first, you see, if youre going to help god reap that fall harvest, youre going to have to be in the first harvest. You and i are going to have to be in that firstfruit harvest. Thats what paul is talking about here. Well be the firstfruits. Now, just think about that universe just groaning today, groaning, waiting for the glorious liberty of the sons of god do you think there isnt work for us to do out in the universe . Why all these scriptures if its not for us . It would be ridiculous to have all of these verses. And yet, i hear very little about them in this world of christianity. Why not . Look at what paul is saying here. Verse 24 for in this hope, we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. This is the revised standard version. For who hopes not see, we wait for it with patience. Five times he mentions the word hope in two verses i think theres more about hope in those two verses than any other two verses in the bible paul just keeps trying to get our minds on this hope he was in jail many times, several times, and he was killed by people in this world, t it didnt faze him at all because he had his mind on this pe, and he knew he was going to be helping god beautify the entir universe for all eternity, and share christs own throne. He knew that, and he knew it so deeply that he wasnt mourning because he was going to die. He knew the future belonged to him in many, many ways. And he said, to go through today, to the glory thats going to be vealed in us, in what we become and in what we do with all of those rewards, youre not going be sitting around mourning about something thats happening in this life thats, well, certainly trying. But we have to learn to rejoice in those trials, as paul did. But just think about the very elect is going to become the bride o christ. They have to be on a godlevel to be the bride of christ and share a throne with jesus christ. They have to be sons of god and in the fily of god for all that to happenwe have a booklet on gods holy days or pagan holidays which . And i tell you, you need this booklet, and i hope youll request it because it has gods hes doing now and what hes going to do in the future and what hes done in the past. You need the booklet. Im telling you, it is a very inspiring view of gods plan for all of mankind. Notice daniel 12 and verse 1 and at that time shall michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time this is the time were living in right now. Im lling you, were into trouble like there never has been bere, Nuclear Proliferation all over this earth, weapons of mass destruction. Its just indescribable how bad it is. Daniel goes on to say and at that time thy people shall be one that shall be found written in the book. So he has to protect his people because it gets so bad. But notice what it says in verse 3 and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Let me read that to you again and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn, turn many to righteousness, you see, you have to declare a message to turn these people to righteousness. And if you do, theyre going to shine, as the stars for ever and ever and ever. And thats what god is talking about here. Thats what he is talking about. But you have to turn people, you cant just sit back and do nothing. We have to get involved in gods people to god. And god says, look, youre going to shine like the brightness, the brightness of the firmament, and youre going to shine like the stars forever and ever and ever thats what paul saw thats why he was so moved and stirred, and wasnt even fazed by the fact that they were going to behead him shortly after he wrote some of these words. It is truly an amazing example he set for us. But look, god is going to give us this, and its the leadership position that god is going to give us for all eternity, sharing it with jesus christ on his throne. Until next week, this is gerald flurry, goodbye, friends. The prophet isaiah delivered one of the most painted a vivid picture of a peaceful, refreshed earth, and an endless universe to be beautified bthe god family. Request our free booklet isaiahs endtime vision to understand how the desert will soon blossom as the rose. Learn how the sufferings of the present time dont even compare to the glorious future of all mankind. Today, gods people face a vicious, desperate enemy satan the devil. Read isaiahs endtime vision to see how satan successfully destroys isaiahs vision for so many of gods people. You need not experience the same fate. Those who overcome satans deception will receive gods greatest reward. Holidays such as christmas and easter are extremely popular worldwide. What does god say about these observances . Request our free booklet pagan holidaysor gods holy dayswhich . For a heavenly viewpoint on the subject. Most people dont realizehat god has his own set of special daysdays not ordained by m, to keep the annual holy days properly. From the crucifixion of jesus christ to the resurrection of every human being who s ever lived, the progression of gods master plan for man is made clear through the holy days. Study pagan holidaysor gods holy dayswhich . To learn the deep meaning of gods holy days. All our literature is available free this is a paid Program Brought to you by the International Fellowship of christians and jews, presenting the plight facing gods chosen people today so that you can be a blessing to them through your prayers and loving support. instrumental music there are elderly jews, survivors of the holocaust throughout the former soviet union who are struggling to live, who are alone. Who have indeed witnessed the greatest forces of evil, i want you to look into their eyes that are haunted still by the memories of the past. In boundless love as a christian, i read through the passage. screaming how the lord drove out from the temple the brood of vipers. screaming how great was his fight against the jewish poison. instrumental music today, after 2,000 years with deepest emotion, i recognize the fact that he had to shed his blood upon the cross. Im haunte

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