Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20171122 : vimarsana

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20171122

it is all dry. there are no storms and there are no airport delays. so no issues. you can see in center city philadelphia on the parkway it is clear. traffic is not really an issue. i think everyone took a little bit of an early break today from work. philadelphia 46 the same in wilmington it feels like it's in the 30s witness wind and you can see throughout the northeast and even to the west in chicago temperatures in the 30s and the 40s as colder air moves in. temperatures falling through the 40s to night by the 9:00 o'clock hour. we'll be in the lower -- lower 40s and then by 11:00 o'clock, we're talking about 37 degrees with a northwesterly wind it's going to be a cold start to the day for your thanksgiving as you head out. temperatures in the 20s. we'll talk more about that and of course the holiday weekend weather coming up later in the broadcast. i'll is he see you then. >> come on in and warm up. >> looking live allentown right now. before you head out the door this week toned see friends and family or hit some shopping deals, make sure to take the weather authority with you with our fox 29 weather app you can find it in the apple and google play stores. be sure to turn on push notifications so you get those alerts sent right to your phone. >> developing story on sex assault accusations at a local high school. a counselor at philadelphia's high school for creative and performing arts capa face as list of charges tied to sex assault and endangering a student. >> police arreste arrested that counselor yesterday. fox 29's joyce evans is looking in those allegations tonight. joyce? >> reporter: well, iain, it was a special victims investigators they just gave us this information. they say it was an 18-year-old who came forward and he reported that when he was 1617 earlier this year that he had several sexual encounters with the counselor. he says that they took place inside the counselor's center city home and here inside the counselor's school office. he also told police and gave them police say some explicit messages and photos that allegedly were sent by the counselor. >> i asked my daughter about it sean really aware of anything which i was glad that it hadn't affected her. ebony knee join reactioning to the request of counselor brian cyber. he's facing four counts including a sex assault and criminal use of cmmunications facility. >> i'm glad he's out of here. >> reporter: mothers, grandfathers, and big brothers picking up philadelphia creative and performing arts students leaving on holiday break. >> it's crazy. any time that you have somebody in authority like that, a lot of times they get carried away. you know, and think they can do just about anything. >> not any more. according to a statement from the philadelphia school district saying in part "our students safety is our top priority. and this type of alleged behavior will not be tolerated in any of our schools or by any of our staff. ". >> wow! >> reporter: sources tell us cyber was one of the college counselor at capa for the past eight years. he was removed from school october 9th when administrators first learned of the accusations. and they say police were alerted and the first notices went home to parents. >> that's reassuring, you know, that's reassuring theriacking. that's good. >> reporter: days later the source says, cyber was suspended without pay. >> you think your teachers are supposed to be there for you. >> jordan just home from college surprised a sister a seep your and dance student hadn't menti mentionementioned to him. >> mcfarland had two granddaughters at capa loving every minute. >> bad people all over. >> the culture is great. they work together a lot. i'm sure everybody will be okay. >> reporter: police tell us tonight that cyber is still in police custody. he's being held on $75,000 bail. he has a preliminary hearing set for december 7th. iain. >> all right, joyce, thank you. now we've got update for you on story you saw first on fox last night. philadelphia police have released the mug shot of 86-year-old emily coakley who faces charges in a bank robbery. police say she had a gun and demanded $400 from a teller at the td bank on the 3700 block of walnut street. the 86-year-old is now been charged with aggravated assault, robbery and other related offenses. investigators are still searching for the remains of two residents missing in the west chester senior living fire. crews have been going through what is left of the barclay friends senior living community. yesterday they found the remains of two residents but they're still looking for two others who they presume are dead. more than two dozen people were hurt in the fire last week and investigators are still trying to zero in on what started it. ice cream might not be in high demand when the weather is cold that did not stop a couple of robbers from hitting the north philly ice cream shop. two men walked into the store on the 200 block every north tenth street told the clerk they had a gun asked for money out of the register. they got it and they took off. police say surveillance video showed the men arriving at the store in a honda suv. well they got that car. now they're after the men. sad day in lower burrell, pennsylvania, as an officer is laid to rest. family, friends and law enforcement officials gathering today for the vaughn p funeral of new kensington police officer brian shaw. the 25-year-old was shot and killed during a traffic stop on friday. the suspect 29-year-old ram mel holt was arrest tad home in the hazel wood area of pittsburgh nearly four days after being on the lamb. thanksgiving coming a little early today for about 150 philadelphia families who received thanksgiving baskets courtesy of the chosen 300 minute trees. people are feeling very thankful for the generosity this time of year. some of those who turned out today living at or below the poverty level. several dozen volunteers are helping to distribute turkeys and all kinds of food so that everybody has a full tummy and their hearts are touched. chosen three hadn't dread made a big difference today. they make a big difference every single day but especially today. >> it's real important. for me it's a little help, but for like people that really don't have nothing, it's like everything for them. >> i'm just working living pay by pay, you know, so, yes, it does help. it helps out a lot. so, upping, whatever i don't use today i might use, you know, for just my home. >> chosen 300 minute trees provides 150,000 appeals a year in the philadelphia area. now if you're interested in getting involved the organization is always in need of volunteers and of course donations. major change for retailers this year as they rev up for the big holiday season after racing to open their doors earlier and earlier, many stores are moving now in the other direction. >> so it's really kind of, what would you call like a christmas shopping creep? >> may be. >> of the sorts. shifting back to black friday. fox 29's bruce gordon joins us live from south philadelphia where it look like a few cars are very few cars are hyped you, bruce. you're all by your lonesome it look like. >> reporter: well, i'm going to be. lone lee eighty three tomorrow morning by tomorrow morning. by tomorrow morning this lot should be empty part avenue growing retail strategy that has more and more big chains practically bragging about closing their doors on thanksgiving. at this shopper purchased this cooking pot for the thanksgiving day meal, best she bought it on wednesday. burlington coat factory like a growing number of major retailers across the country will be closed on thanksgiving day. the store manager was putting up the holiday calendar while we were there. at lose whether you're starring that do it yourself project or getting a head start on christmas shopping, don't plan to do it on that you are key day. home improvement giant here and around the country will close its doors for the day. >> we want to make sure our employees are recognized haven't time with their family just like everybody else. he work hard all year round it's one of the few holidays we do all have off and it's great time for to us share that time with our families. >> reporter: after years of big chains trying to out do each other and getting a head start on black friday, the tide is turning. more than 70 major retailers this year will give their in store worker the day off. and customers we talk to like a thanksgiving without the chaos of consumerism. >> you can do a little shopping before ahead of after black friday why not. let that be a special day. >> i actually think they should be closed. i think everybody deserves to have a day off with their fami family. >> i'll be feeding the homeless so, you know. >> no shopping for you on thursday? >> no, i'm going to go friday catch macy's. [ laughter ] >> reporter: survey from best black shows 16% of shoppers like being able to do their in perp buying on thanksgiving day. while 58% oppose stores staying open on the holiday. most small businesses figured this out years ago. >> mike mckeon nan pharmacist and co owner at zen teen ya'll pharmacy at third and schneider. back when he was working his way up the ranks at the major pharmacy chains he and his co-worker spent all the major holidays on the job. now as boss he closes his doors for the holidays. >> it's definitely a better atmosphere. more of a family atmosphere he here. so we treat them like family sometimes when we can, and definitely the holidays are part of it. >> reporter: fox 29 has comprehensive list of the big stores closed on thanksgiving day. of course, these stores will still be making plenty of online retail profits. of course, in the process, they'll be avoiding paying at least some of their workers holiday pay. maybe that's part of the strategy. iain. >> probably, bruce. all right. thank you. we are in the heart of the holiday season. are you about to use a ride sharing service to get around? we'll take a closer look at those price spikes that you can see. kristen. >> as the eagles continue to win each week you have to wonder, can they keep it up? ahead in sports what they say is their key to success. >> kristen you had some family traveling today, right. >> i did. so did i. and your family is in studio right now. >> it's the countdown to thanksgiving, my friend. looking life inside the philadelphia international airport as thousands make their way to friends and family coming and ♪ my little girl is in the newsroom waiting for the show to end so we can go out for dinner. if you're traveling like her you might order a uber or lufthansa some point this week. it could mean a price spike of upwards of a hundred%. hank flynn went to find out a way around it all. >> i think at the end of the day even with spike charges for extra demand it's still move affordable than regular taxis. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm physical uber spot atth street station a lot of demand and very little supply tomorrow night thanksgiving eve. price spike my take is come on i got you. we can get through this. no need to below money. he loves uber and through riding it he's learn to dodge high traffic price spikes. >> yeah, i guess so. then also you just learn not to order them when they're big concerts in town or big events or political people. things like that. >> reporter: or holiday home comings. the experts say uber and lyft ride prices will sky rocket wednesday night. uber driver eric jones says lots of people go out the night before thanksgiving. >> its there's going to be high demand on rides needed so in that case what the company does is, it races the fare just like you were saying in the free mark. the fares will be raced ten, 20, possibly even up to 100% of what a normal ride would cost on the busiest times. >> reporter: i got on the phone with a who found add sight called ride guru. basically, they compare uber and lyft to taxi cabs and other ways of getting around. he says you're best option is going to be fluid. >> just leave the bar 30 minutes beforehand you might just happen to avoid a surge or at a train station arriving at your, you know, at your family's hometown even walking a few blocks away from one of your train stations may help. >> reporter: experienced riders say they won't be part of any high demand. >> no, i won't be part of the demand. >> reporter: [ laughter ] >> i'll be fine with whatever i want to do. you never know, you know. >> reporter: there are apps that claim to help dodge price hikes but ride guru couldn't recommend one. he added that in some peak cases taxis can be a better deal than ride sharing or go crazy and do what you did before ride sharing came around. ride with friends or if it work, take public transportation. heaven for bid. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ >> better have your tokens if you're here in philly. >> tokens. >> they are. >> mike shell hal an incredible weekend from his cute as well making half court shot at the sixers game saturday night. >> that thing was all net. it was all net. and today the sixers surprised shelly's classmates at school they went to his school. which is amazing right there but they also gave them chicken biscuits and coupons for free chick-fil-a. >> franklin is there obviously. the cow there eat more chicken all 1600 students at marple newtown high school got coupons for free chick-fil-a. a good day in. there he's the man of the day. >> the woman of the hour fox 29 weather authority kathy orr, of course. >> here's life look at rehoboth beach, delaware right now on this thanksgiving eve. so what can we expect for turkey day? kathy orr's holiday forecast is just 15 seconds aw away. >> what a night out there. the wind is blowing. the temperatures are falling. so if you're going out tonight pack the wint gear the scarves the winter coats the boots that's what everybody is out wearing in old city philadelphia tonight. in center city getting ready for the big parade tomorrow. temperatures are falling through the 40s. the high today 57. that was shortly after midnight before cold front moved through and then everything changed winds became northwesterly still gusting to about 30 miles an hour. take look at the temperatures. 30 in the poconos. 40 in pottstown. 46 in wilmington. northwesterly winds getting that temperature down to 47 in millville and in wildwood. gusting close to 30 miles an hour out of the north in philadelphia. gusting to 26 miles an hour in atlantic city. look at that. the poconos gusting to 36 miles an hour. those winds slowly subsiding late tonight. ultimate doppler you can see few clouds out there but basically we'll have mainly clear skies overnight and as we go hour by hour, just clear overnight and as those winds subside lit allow the temperatures to zinc and we'll rebound into the 40s it's going to be well below average for this time of year. so overnight tonight, 22 in the poconos. with wind chills in the teens some and single numbers. 25 in allentown. close to 30 in philadelphia. when you wake up tomorrow. millville 29. in dover 29 degrees. so a cold start at the day and any wind even at five to 10 miles an hour wind is going to put a bite into the air. by the afternoon it's pretty nice. winds out of the northwest five to ten temperature about 46. after he eat all that turkey go for stroll it will be comfortable the sun sets of course before 5:00 p.m. travel tomorrow, great. this is first time i've ever seen the entire country pretty quiet. 70 in denver on thanksgiving day that's pretty unheard of. 55 in st. louis. some storms in miami. raleigh 53. boston 41 and sun. even minneapolis a few rain showers instead of snow showers and 41 degrees. on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, friday for all the shoppers, cold in in the morning but 53 dry the afternoon. saturday near 60. the birds it's going to be little chilly. temperatures will be falling through the 40s. little bit windy. chance of a shower. but nevertheless, that's good football weather. monday 50. tuesday 58. by wednesday, we'll be chasing 60 degrees and guys we're heading toward the end of the month. december is a bling away. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving, kathy. well the eagles have a winnable game this sunday against chicago. but the birds aren't here for you calling a trap game. a look into the winning mindset they developed plus the answer to the debate. should eagles players eat thanksgiving dinner before the >> as the eagles keep winning i think a lot of people are wondering when the other shoe is going to drap or if the other shoe is going to drop. the eagles are working to make sure that their success is sustainable and it looks like they found the right formula to do that. doug pederson preaches a win the week mine set and it's trickled down throughout the team to form that focused mentality. >> i think that's something we've done so well. staying in the moment. staying in the moment. winning every day. winning the week sometimes it sounds redone dan and cliche it's really mindset we have around here. every practice, every rep, goes are going all out. lock, focused. i don't think we have guys that will let any of that slip away. >> with thanksgiving tomorrow, a debate started in the eagles locker room. do you feast or do you wait until after the game on sunday to do so? it was pretty split but tim jernigan plan for tomorrow he plans on enjoying some corn bread dressing. >> see that's why, you know, the young age i hose chose to be defensive lineman. i don't have those problems. i'm going to eat good tomorrow. >> i'll eat fried turkey and then probably give something to my dog. make him happy. >> jay wright and villanova in the sunny bahamas for the battle for atlantis playing western kentucky. dante drives cuts the basket. gets the layup here. nova looked good today they beat the hilltop% 66-58. washington state head coach mike leach does a go job of em parring advice on his team every week much he's trying to still his cougars in the pack 12 championship game. when a reporter asked him for input on his upcoming nuptials it will hit close to home for lot of people. >> when it comes to marriages, the women lose their mind. your fiance' is going to lose hermine. your mother-in-law is going to lose her mind. your mother mom is going to lose her mind. you're going to get caught in a catch 22 and i'm certain that you already have. what color invitations, um, all right the blue ones. well i kind of like -- i kind of like the tan ones. okay. the tan ones then. oh, you're just saying that because you want this over with. you're not even thinking about it. which is of course true. [ laughter ] >> so after covering pack 12 football for awhile i can tell you mike leach is always must watch tv he went on for like minutes. >> you could tell. >> minutes. never broke. >> he is something. >> he's good. >> mike i know what you're talking about. >> oh. >> oh. >> i organize the golf. before i my wedding i got that taken care. >> the important stuff. >> memorable experience. [ laughter ] >> oh, boy. >> digging yourself a hole. >> i'm waiting to let him do it. i was just going to be quiet. >> never watched my wedding video. had that thing dang. ok, i gotta run... hey wait. there's something i need to tell you. dang. dang. dang. dang. daaaang. see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. right now, who are the most epic social media fails? kim kardashian or bowwow? what about a $40 million gift for father's day? when did john mayer decide it was his favorite thing? where can you run into your a-listers at the grocery store? all the answers right now on page six tv. >> welcome to page six tv. i'm john fugelsang. taking us inside today's big headlines, we have page six senior reporter carlos greer. elizabeth wagmeister. and ms. bevy smith. and here are today's top stories that matter. thanksgiving is tomorrow. we wish you and your family a wonderful turkey day. oprah's bff gayle king already knows what s

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Burlington , Pennsylvania , United States , Millville , Philadelphia , Washington , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Denver , Colorado , Jordan , New Kensington , Dover , Allentown , Turkey , Bahamas , The , Westchester , Pottstown , Carlos Greer Elizabeth , Mike Mckeon Nan , Jay Wright , Joyce Evans , Tim Jernigan , Gayle King , Doug Pederson , Hank Flynn , John Mayer , Bruce Gordon , Eric Jones , Kathy Orr , Dang , Miami Raleigh , Lucy Noland , Emily Coakley ,

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