Churchill: In The Long Grass 9pm, Channel 5 This documentary series aiming to examine the complicated history of Winston Churchill seems to have arrived at the perfect time, when there is an increasing questioning of his lionised legacy. In tonight’s second episode, we follow Churchill’s speedy rise up the ranks as a young MP before he came to oversee one of the biggest disasters in British military history at Gallipoli. Yet a well-calculated trip to the western front saw him return labelled as a war hero and ready for a run at the cabinet. Ammar Kalia 8pm, Channel 4 Derren Brown is not just a first-class illusionist; as evinced by his extraordinary paintings, he is something of a would-be Rembrandt, too. In the final episode of this lovely series, Grayson and Philippa Perry chat with Brown, the Liverpudlian artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman and the comic Alex Horne.