Two tourists arrested after trying to bribe their way out of Hawaii quarantine Sign In FacebookTwitterEmail Many arriving passengers faced long waits as state officials checked to be sure all arrivals had answered a health questionnaire, had their temperatures taken and shown proof of a negative COVID test, at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.Kent Nishimura/Getty Images Two tourists were arrested last Friday after they allegedly tried to bribe an airport screener at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu. Officials said that Johntrell White, 29, of Simmesport, La., and Nadia Bailey, 28, of Baton Rouge, La., arrived in Hawaii without COVID-19 test results, triggering a required 10-day quarantine. White then allegedly offered an airport screener $2,000 to enter without requiring quarantine, and Bailey allegedly offered the screener an additional $1,000 to allow them both to enter.