London, KY, USA / SAM 103.9 FM WWEL | Today's Pop Hits Apr 22, 2021 10:59 AM Laurel County Sheriff John Root says an investigation into a fatal crash Wednesday by Lieut./Accident Reconstructionist Chris Edwards has led to manslaughter charges. Crews with the London-Laurel Rescue Squad responded to the crash on Pine Grove School Road Pine Grove Rd. around 8:55 a.m. Investigators accuse 37-year-old William Petrey of driving his pickup truck with 37-year-old Rebecca Warren in the back screaming for him to stop the truck. Deputies say Petrey ended up hitting two fence posts and a tree. Warren was thrown out of the truck and hit a barn, causing fatal injuries. She was pronounced dead at the scene by the Laurel County Coroner’s Office. Petrey was charged with second-degree manslaughter and was taken to the Laurel County Correctional Center.