USP to hold forums on elderberry standards, pyrrolizidine alkaloids USP will virtually host two open forums over the next eight days, one covering possible addition standards for elderberry – one of the hottest and most in-demand ingredients of 2020 – and another covering pyrrolizidine alkaloids – toxic compounds that may be found in food and herbal products. Elderberry According to the most recent Herb Market Report by the American Botanical Council, sales of herbal supplements with black elderberry ( Sambucus nigra & S. canadensis) were $107.5 million (110% growth) in the mainstream channel, and $32 million in the natural retail channel (20.5% growth). As reported earlier this year, adulteration of elderberry products is reportedly on the rise, with testing done by supplement manufacturer Nature’s Way, for example, finding evidence of various adulterants, including blueberry