Volunteers employed creativity, technology during Agriculture Literacy Week Published Saturday, Apr. 17, 2021, 12:10 am Join AFP's 100,000+ followers on Facebook Purchase a subscription to AFP Subscribe to AFP podcasts on iTunes and Spotify News, press releases, letters to the editor: augustafreepress2@gmail.com While Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom’s volunteer reading program was different this year, it was no less successful. Virginia AITC celebrated Agriculture Literacy Week March 15-19 with volunteers reading to students virtually and in socially distanced settings. AITC distributed 2,085 agriculture-themed books to schools, preschools and daycare centers in Virginia, and an estimated 500 volunteers participated in the event. “Each year, this is truly an opportunity for a child to meet someone involved in agriculture,” said Tammy Maxey, Virginia AITC programs director. “Volunteers often get many questions from children who are inquisitive about how the reader is involved in agriculture, from living on a farm to working in a government or corporate office.”