Walk-Up COVID Vaccine Appointments Saturday Walk-up COVID vaccine appointments are being offered Saturday, May 1 between noon and 2 p.m. at the Mass Vaccination Clinic at the Deschutes Fair & Expo Center. First-dose appointments will only be offered at the Mass Vaccination Clinic through the end of next week. Operations will continue through the end of May to complete second-dose appointments. Residents can choose a convenient time and schedule a vaccine appointment directly by visiting www.centraloregoncovidvaccine. com. Pre-registration for vaccine appointments is no longer required. “This week, we’re on pace to administer our 100,000th dose at the Mass Vaccination Clinic,” said Molly Wells-Darling, Deputy Incident Commander. “With cases surging, getting your vaccine is an easy way to protect yourself, your loved ones and our community. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, please schedule an appointment today.”