Episode 115 Zarah Khan SHARE HOSTED BY Eli Sussman On this episode I speak with Zarah Kahn the chef of Botanica, located in Silverlake in Los Angeles. A self-described farm and produce nerd, Zarah majored in environmental studies and forestry at University of Washington. Growing up in Seattle, cooking was always part of her family ritual and she was required to cook dinner one night a week for her family. After working at Delancey & Essex and running the kitchen at the London Plane, she made the decision to move to Los Angeles to continue her cooking career. She arrived in LA on March 8th of 2020 right as COVID-19 was about to explode nationwide. In this episode we talk about finding friendship during lockdown in a new city, remaining optimistic even in the midst of a global pandemic, the power of family meal to inspire, and what it is like to take over and lead a kitchen during COVID-19.