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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160924 10:00:00

[national anthem] good morning to you, it is saturday september 24th, 2016. i m abby huntsman. we start with a fox news alert. terror at the mall, after a shooter opens fire in a gun-free zone leaving schepers helpless and running for their lives. he would receiving shots fired at burlington. i have two victims down bleeding in the makeup system. unknown number of victims. reports that three to four down inside. the shooter remains on the run. politics, another friday document dump cures at they of the fbi. this one says president obama flat out lied he said to protect littlelessing the race. details of the at the
bait van been leaked. hillary might not like that. they are taking away her stool. no apple cart either. apple box that you stand on. we got it. fox & friends starts right now. we re going to take you right to that fox news alert this morning. there is a massive manhunt underway right now after a gunman shot five people dead inside a shopping mall just north of seattle. i heard about one and then two and then that s when i turned around and then that s when started going 1, 3, 4, 5, 6? right now police are scouring the area for this man, seen on surveillance video, carrying a rifle. police describe him as hispanic male. there he is, in his 20 s, wearing all black. is he considered to be armed and dangerous at this hour.
we want to bring in from washington state this morning trooper heather axman on the phone to give us updates on the phone to tell us how this all unfolded. thanks for joining us at this early hour. what you can tell us at this hour? sir, just before 7:00 p.m. pacific standard time last night we were receiving 911 calls of shots being fired burlington, washington 65 miles north of seattle. we believe it s just the one shooter at this time. he is being described as hispanic male wearing gray or dark clothing. he was last seen walking west from the mall and toward interstate 5 which is the main corridor in this area. he is described to have a long gun, a rifle-type weapon. and, unfortunately, there are five confirmed victims, four females and one male. heather, what are you
advising people in that area to do right now since he is still on the loose? since there is such a large manhunt going on, we have a large police presence, we are tracking every single lead that we have. several detectives and police officers are at the mall gathering as much information as we can. like i said, following as many leads as possible. at this time we are urging people to stay inside of their homes. if they see anything suspicious, then we urge them to call 911. we don t have a tip line at this point but one will be coming out i m sure shortly. but anything that you see suspicious call 911. are there any indications as to motive, heather? did he say anything shooting these people. i don t have any knowledge. early in the investigation to figure out any type of motive. we don t know, are you familiar with whether or not he knew any of the victims? i don t have that information. okay. was this gun-free zone also?
i m not sure if there is any signs posted at the burlington mall. there is a gun-free zone we have an open carry state here in washington. which means you can have a weapon in the open carry style, but there is a lot of places that are still marked gun-free. heather, i think as you mentioned four of the women that have been killed they were shot inside the beauty department; is that right? in the makeup department? i m not exactly sure what portion but they are inside macy s which is a large department store in that mall. were police or security officers there able to return fire or engage him in any kind of way before he ran out? no. he left before any police officer arrived. you can tell us again what time this occurred? just before 7:00 p.m. pacific standard time. heather, you are advising people to stay in place where they are if they live in that area. if they see anything, can
you describe this man and how they might be helpful at this time? at this point the description that we have is pretty vague. hispanic male, early 20 s, i believe. dark clothing, gray, the surveillance video does capture his photo that we have released. if anybody has the information who he is, they are urged to call authorities. all right, heather axtman. state trooper: two days there before the first debate is going to be taking place at hofstra university on long island in north carolina. hillary clinton not been on the trail much recently at all. hasn t been doing fundraisers. skipped one recently in north carolina. she had mr.ed to go to charlotte in the wake of the riots you have seen there over the last couple of days, after the mayor of that city asked public figures to stay away. she cancelled the plans. here is the mayor jennifer roberts. we appreciate the support of the candidates.
we appreciate that they re concerned about charlotte at this point we do have very stretched resources for security, and they are working around the clock if there would be a way to delay those visits in terms of giving us a chance to give our city, you know, back to order and back to more of a state of normal is i, that would probably be ideal. what s going on here? optics in politics, right? we saw the flooding in louisiana. donald trump when president obama stayed on march that s vineyard, hillary clinton was nowhere to be seen. officials there saying look wield areach united states people coming, however, wait we have a lot of resources to get on the ground. donald trump shows up. he is unloading boxes it seemed to paint a good picture of him. even democratic politicians were saying donald trump s appearance in louisiana was strong. hillary clinton s people from what we heard is we are trying to rush helper to the scene to get there has been before donald trump does to make it look better politically to then which
donald trump tweeted out hillary clinton s bad judgment forced her to announce that she would go to charlotte on saturday to grandstand. dem politician said no way. dumb. if she had gone, what would she have said. here you have not protest but riots. racist mobs hurting people because of skin color, a lot of thing stores, burning things. they tried to throw a journalist into a bonfire. this is not a legitimate serious protest. this is chaos and lunancy. these are people who hillary clinton has openly endorsed black lives matter. so, if she had gone, what would she have said? probably something similar to what she said about tulsa. she would have said this is an outrage. we need to come together. we need to i need to talk to white people and tell them that we need to be listening. she would have hurt herself. that s actually nuts. what you are watching is the full breakdown of society. it s not an endorsement of what the police did. we re not actually sure what the police did. put the blame on the police which is so unusual
for her character. usually she sits back. when there is a terrorist attack she sits back. she did come out. people said you don t know the fact we haven t seen the video. we still haven t seen the video. that s what obama does in police-involved incidents and comes right out and defends the victim. when you have a mob of people shouting racial epitaphs and threatening to burn people alive that s bad. president and hillary have refused to say that because of political reasons. they are playing with fire. this is dangerous stuff. we also sort a recent spout of terrorist attacks in the past few weeks. monday night the first debate at hofstra university all eyes on crump and hillary clinton. they will be talking about terrorism. you can believe two days? i don t believe that. i wish i would could be a fly on the wall for both of the preparations. you know both the styles are going to be very different. complicated to prepare hillary for one of these
debates. normally you have people sit down and fill in the roles. in the case of the hillary campaign, no one who works for her feels comfortable playing donald trump. how can you? they are so afraid of her. they had to pull in her own spokesman. so nasty he doesn t care. he is playing donald trump. nebraska who works for hillary dared pretend to be donald trump. also, karen dunn who has been brought. in she was, remember after president obama s awful performance, that first debate against mitt romney in the last go around. they wrought her in to basically get in his face and pull it together. then his second debate performance, president obama s, he came back to life at hofstra. they brought her in to kind of help hillary out of the gate. the stakes are so high. i have heard from some people saying whoever wins these debates could go on to win the white house. that s how important they are. rules no commercial breaks. no step stool which hillary clinton has asked for. you think about her and the trouble she has had lately
with coughing and other things, if that does happen, they are not going to go to a break there could be some awkward moment. when tucker and i stand next to each other i wear lifts because i look smaller. i wear spanks, he wears lifts. we are all set. he is like 75. 54. she was worried about standinstanding there looking diminished. she is going to be fine. the truth is it is all about trump. he needs to meet a credibility threshold. if he stays calm, he will win the debate. everyone in the press will say he is crazy, he lost. the truth is people just want to know that is he reliable enough to be president if he can do that. 90 minutes with no commercial breaks? and if she has some sort of coughing problem, they are not allowed to cut her microphone or his microphone. allowed to remain. no manipulation allowed with the microphone. [coughing] luckily we do have a big show today.
we asked some of the debates about the guests some of the guests that they have. michael flynn, chuck woolery, eric bolling and geraldo rivera. it s only 6:10 in the morning on the east coast. i am so excited for the next three hours and 49 minutes. i literally can t stand it. we do have other headlines to get to this morning. starting with a fox news alert. and chaos erupts again in charlotte for the fourth night in a row. protesters tee phiing the mandated curfew to demand justice for keith scott. a black man shot by a police officer. this video taken near the scene of that shooting just released by the victim s widow. watch. keith, keith, don t you do it. don t you do it. keith, keith. keith, don t you do it. [gunfire] did you shoot him? wow. police say that suspect did have a gun. it was loaded and both his blood and his finger tips were on it yet, the department still refusing to release dash cam or body cam
video of the shooting. chilling new details from the investigation into the suspected new york bomber ahmed rahmy. sources saying he rode the train carrying those pressure cooker bombs the night of the blast. the second never went off. remains in stable condition after being shot by police. brand new fbi docs dumped last night revealing the president used a fake name to private server. he said he didn t know about it until he heard about it in the press. is kim kardashian ready to board the trump train? caitlin jenner may have convinced her to switch from hillary clinton to donald trump. though she openly endorsed the democratic nominee last fall. she tells wonderland magazine quote oh my god i m so hillary but i had a long political call with caitlin
last night why she is voting trump. now i m on the fence. that could really change the game, guys. i m not sure about this. can i say caitlin jenner, bruce jenner. caitlin jenner. is voting trump? did i miss that. she has long said that she is a republican. amazing. well, good. hillary clinton has a question meanwhile. watch. this now, having said all this! why aren t i 50 points ahead, you might ask. yeah, you might ask. it might be because she is losing democrats, including our next guest. we are going to meet a dem that switched sides to win the midwest for trump. gary johnson is more than a slip of the tongue during an interview. watch this. debate and not say anything, and. what? so marijuana is harmless? yeah. think again. aleppo. oh, my. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis,
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don t wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. well, can you hear me now? why aren t i 50 points ahead, you might ask. well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. i need your help to get donald trump s record out to everybody. nobody should be fooled. that was hillary clinton shouting her way through a video address on wednesday to the labor errors international union of north america. that tone could be part of the reason some midwest democrats are switching sides and rallying around donald trump. joining us now executive director christian riggers, good to have you here. that was a wakeup call, that last. that will wake you up. so you were a delegate for president obama.
you were a strong supporter of bernie sanders. now you are not only supporting trump but trying to get other democrats to get on the trump wagon. some are saying how do you go from bernie sanders to donald trump? i mean, our country is becoming hollowed out. washington is broken. there is nobody more responsible for both of those things than bill and hillary clinton. donald trump has promised to rebuild our infrastructure and bring jobs back to this country. a couple weeks ago, ford motor company said they are sending their whole entire small car manufacturing plant to mexico. we have got to stop this stuff. donald trump has pledged to do it. you have heard hillary there wondering why she is not 50 points up. she is saying this is the responsibility of the laborers to get out there and vote for us, to vote for me. what do you think is wrong with her tone there? what did she miss? i don t know. something is definitely off there. she you know, every time she speaks, you hear a
different hillary clinton. either she is tone deaf recommendation regardless, i think it s pretty odd behavior. tell us about some of the work you are doing because you are focusing on states like ohio. like pennsylvania. states that trump absolutely has to win to win the white house. what are you doing in those states and can he win them? we have targeted done some data mining and have over 850,000 voters that we re targeting in 10 counties in pennsylvania. another hot, a million of them in ohio. we have had hundreds of thousands of democrats and independents that have switched already in the primaries to vote for donald trump. these are and weigh are also going to try to if we enough money, which is this is a grass roots effort unlike some of the other super pacs. go in to virginia, carolina, and parts of florida. and we re ready to do that. we are going through next week and distributing 10,000 signs in the pittsburgh to cleveland corridor starting on next sunday after the debates. all right.
you mentioned independence. who are trumpocrats. you said blue collar. what other characteristics do they have? somebody asked me the other day are these women or minorities or blacks or traditional democratic constituencies and i said they are all of that all of the above. we have and independents. there are millions of americans that have lost their jobs. they are under employed. unemployed. a lot of people have gone to, you know, on disability. they re not able to provide for their families anymore. you know, people are sick and tired of it they are really sick and tired. christian rivers, thank you for being with us this morning. we appreciate your time. thank you. now to a fox news alert. brand new video showing what sparked riots in charlotte. a black cop shoots a black man with a gun. official video still under wraps. should we take the police at their word? that s next. caution, dead man voting. seriously. really? i wonder who they are casting their ballots for?
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chaos continuing in the city of charlotte for the fourth night in a row. protesters demanding justice for a black man shot by police. brand new video of that shooting. mike tobin live with the latest details. what s going on. what you see behind me right now are empty streets. demonstrations went well past the curfew last night with no significant trouble. police kept them marching until the numbers had significantly. 3:00 a.m. they executed arrest. exactly seven people had been arrested. the individuals that they
picked up, they had their eye on them throughout the evening. because these individuals were making trouble. now, at its peak the demonstration was about 400 strong. the release of cell phone video showing the moments before and after keith scott was shot seems to have only cemented their resolve. keith, keith, don t you do it. don t you do it. drop the gun. drop the gun. keith, keith, keith, don t you do it. [gunfire] did you shoot him? now, these protesters are demanding the release of additional video that only police have possession of right now dash cam and body camera video. only the family members of mr. scott. attorneys have seen it statement from attorneys said while police did give him several commands. did he not aggressively approach them or raise his hands at member of law enforcement. at any time it is impossible to discern from the videos what if anything mr. scott is holding in his hand.
and what we are seeing his or her is very similar to what we saw in ferguson. a narrative took hold early. when new evidence is introduced, such as the gun that there is information that there was a gun introduced that has fingerprints and d.n.a. on it. that is simply dismissed as a loy. the original narrative is accepted as fact. guys, back to you in new york. joining us is donor eric guster. both to see you both. eric, there is a lot we don t know about this shooting. the police say there is a gun that is loaded that has the d.n.a. and frintsd of the man who was shot. i m withholding judgment. i m not withholding yument on the riots that took place after. why are our national political leaders not saying the obvious which is you are not allowed to set fires to loot stores, to try to murder people just because you are unhappy about a police shooting. the problem is that only happened one night. just like we had the lead
that said there was chaos there have been two nights of very peaceful protests. so you had. right thing to do. you had cameras showin show showing throwing to try cameraman into a bonfire. making their views known. what the problem is in this case the charlotte police department is withholding evidence from withholding information from the public that should be released. and they know it should be released. the police chief needs to be. you may be totally right. i m kind of against obamacare should i loot wal-mart? this is not how we proceed in justice, is it? i mean, when you are looking at a city like charlotte, you got lots of young people, tucker, that are angry. they re upset. they re dealing with this now. is that behavior correct? no one could say that behavior is correct. i think what s happening really good now is that the
clergy in charlotte has gotten on the ground. they re minister to people. and that s why you see a peaceful thing happening now. sort of like what s happening in tulsa. tulsa is a great model. and when people are praying and when people are starting off in prayer, like real civil rights did back in the days of martin luther king, then you don t see that kind of violence. you don t see that kind of outcry. and that s what we re hoping for. i m flying down there after i leave here. to go out there and join those clergy to do the best job i can. but violent mobs should not be influencing our justice system. that s not the way the system works. that is the chance of society. that s chaos. you are a lawyer, you can t be for that. i am for peaceful protests. i am for protesting. i m for social justice changes that need to be made. the problem here is the leadership in charlotte. the model is chicago. we were just talking about how these protests were based off of a shooting that the public has been told we have information and we re
going to withhold it from you. right. the family has asked the charlotte police department to release the tape, release the information, because, just like laquon macdonald shooting in chicago. it was a bad shooting. a police chief came on twings and said this is wad i m going to let you know but we re going to be totally transparent. charlotte is not doing that. those are the type of things that trigger reactions to people to do things. i kind of agree with the first part. i believe in transparency. i want more information rather than less. what i m really disturbed by is the instinct on the part of our leaders to make excuses for mob violence. yeah. i don t think there is any excuse for mob violence. and i don t think, you know, anybody wants that. i think what happens often is you have people with anger, with no place to place it. so you see white people out there just as equal as african-americans. no you don t, actually. you saw people screaming racialg epitaphs and hurting people on the basis of skin color. you are incorrect.
look at your video. look at your footage. being attacked because of their race. 50% white out there. oh, the protesters, i get it i m saying you shouldn t be allowed to say i m attacking you because of your skin color. that s wrong no matter what the color. i think it s past race. to some degree it is the system and people are looking at this distrust with the police departmentenned saying like you had lance tamao points a 9-millimeter, white guy, points at cops. he is talked down for 45 minutes. right. all these videos you don t even see one minute. i m not defending police misbehavior. i think it exists. it does. i don t think you can loot liquor stores and say you are protesters. i believe that. gentlemen you are going down there. good luck. thank you both for coming. fox news alert. terror at the mall, after a shooter opens fire in a gun-free zone.
five people are dead. the shooter remains on the run. we are live on the scene with the details that we know. then, the fbi handing out immunity like candy, like skittles, you might say in the case of hillary clinton s email scandal. the latest person to walk free might be the most disturbing one yet. we have the latest one on that. the tape that will make you think twice about locally lizing marijuana and voting for gary johnson. it has long-term effects, ladies and gentlemen. we the tape. based on that. i can hold my tongue for the whole debate and not say anything. sunday, live from hofstra university a powerful preview of the first presidential debate. get critical insight and late breaking reports from howie cutters on media buzz and election headquarters from bill hemmer and martha maccallum. must see in-depth analysis. plus, as the candidates prep for a faceoff watch a
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35 minutes now after the hour. back with a fox news alert. we just learned a fifth person has now died in the seattle mall massacre. a massive manhunt now underway for the gunman. she just said there is people shooting. i heard a gunshot. [inaudible] lock the door,
lock the door, i will be there as soon as i can i don t even know if they have got to her yet. she is not answering her phone. i don t know if it went dead. i don t know. right now, police are scouring the area for this man seen on surveillance video in this black t-shirt carrying a rifle. police are distroying him as a hispanic male in his 20 s. they re not exactly sure that that s true. they know he was wearing all black. is he considered to be armed and dangerous. we want to bring in armando he joins us on the phone. he works in the mall and he was there during the attack. armando, thanks for joining us. we know it s in the early hour 3:30 your time. you can tell us what you saw. at the time i was coffee. getting myself something to drink. and i was able to turn around and i kind of i glanced at the macy s. i didn t see anything personally myself. i did hear the shots, you
know, the first shot went off. the second shot went off. i kind of just stood there i didn t know if it was an actual shot or not. then after that it was like round by round shot after shot after shot. that s when i ran immediately to where i work at, you know, with a bunch of people. we were able to lock up and stay safe until we had to evacuate. how quickly until the police were able to get to the scene? five minutes, four minutes. i gave them a call and when i called them, which was like a minute after i heard the shots, they already got a call. they were already on their way. so u luckily we were able to get out early and luckily the people that came with us are safe. amen to that. now, armando, do you know if this man said anything while he was shooting and, also, the police are describing him as hispanic. i don t know if they are sure of that do you have any
information on what he locked like, who he was? i personally do not. i do not have any information what he looked like. i know there was a picture out. that s the only thing that i know that i have seen so far. did i hear one of them screaming and everything. i personally didn t hear that at all. at the time that the shots went off, like i said, i ran immediately, so i had no chance. wait, so you heard that he was excuse me, you heard that he was screaming. we haven t gotten that information. what did you hear that he was screaming. oh, no. when i said i heard that he was screaming, i saw it on the news saying that apparently that you know, he was screaming a name or something like that. i personally didn t hear anything of him screaming because i went straight into the room myself. because you were okay. pause you were out at this coffee station outside of the macy s where this unfolded. exactly. when you saw the pictures of this guy, obviously, you know, when you work at a mall like that, you tend to
know a lot of people who work at the mall, have you ever seen this guy before? i have not when i saw the picture, i never saw the person ever: it s crazy because it s a small town. you will be able to recognize. but i have no clue on this. you don t know if he worked at the mall. definitely, yes. i did not, no. about what time did this happen, that you start to hear the shots? and was it a busy time for the mall? were there a lot of people there at the time? you know, our mall tends to vary. some days we will be super busy and some days won t. today, you know, in the midst of all of that i m actually glad to say we weren t that busy because then there would be more people in the mall. but that being said, you know, there was probably around like 6:30ish i m thinking or 640ish i remember happening pause i remember being outside
evacuated it was already 7:00. we are hoping for the best here. we appreciate you being with us this morning and giving us your insights. thank you so much for being here. thank you. it s a sad new reality you face walk into a mall you never know. shocking. hoping for the best there. we too have other headlines to get to this morning. we are learning that another top hillary clinton aid given immunity by the fbi in the now closed email probe. cheryl mills clinton s former chief of staff a fifth person to strike a similar deal. jason chaffetz is outraged saying, quote, no wonder they couldn t prosecute a case. they were handing immunity deals like candy. authorities now suspect russian hackers were behind the massive cyber attack at yahoo and this after the company catching flack for the breach where half a million was expoised. hackers were looking for info on just a few dozen
others doing business with russia. a new york man is now suing yahoo for gross negligence. and if you can believe it, just 44 days until the election. and some folks will not let anything keep them from voting. listen to this. colorado, that includes being dead. palm shell local news investigation row veelg dead men and women have been casting ballots for years. state voting officials say they have to follow strict criteria to remove names from voting roles and minor errors can lead to mistaken votes. all dead people vetted democrat by the way. you thought this was bad. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo. about? aleppo. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. you can t get enough of this, tucker. of course, msnbc decided to have libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson back for another interview. how could you not? he is the guest of the
century. here is the interview from thursday night. watch. this people would recognize that there is another choice and that there would be an examination of me and bill weld as who we are and what we have done. and based on that. i could hold my tongue for the whole debate and not say anything. lock at her bounce backward. what is happening there? we have conclusive evidence that marijuana does have long-term effects. it s true. he did say in his 60 minutes interview i asked him too you still smock pot right now no, i don t. cumulative effects over decades of regular use. when you interview politicians you take a lot of time to prepare for these things in that moment i think there is nothing she could have done to prepare. all she did was the appropriate response, rick she goes. it s very rare a presidential candidate threatens with you his tongue. i think it might have had much more short-term effects than long-term effects. very possible. talk a little bit of weather
out there. a lot happened this woke. a lot of flooding in the parts of the carolinass and virginias and in across northern plains. take a look at the northern map. temperaturewise as well. out across the west, would very snow, first time i have said that word. we have some across the higher elevation. still very warm across the central plains and southeast. northeast where it s warm across the great lakes. fall is here at least for a bit. it looks like it s going to actually stick around for the next couple of days. we have a storm out by bermuda, that s karl. we have a little bit more rain moving toward iowa. iowa we have big flooding going on right now, guys it looks like maybe an inch or so over the next few days we will dry out which is good news. send it back to you inside. thanks, rick. a woman takes matters into her own hands after a chief steals her purse. the dramatic showdown caught on camera. got to see this. two days away now from the first presidential debate. what can hillary clinton and donald trump learn from the past? these are the kind of
elements of a national health insurance important to the american people. governor reagan, again, typically, is against such a proposal. governor, there you go again. tapped into dance as a kid. raised a child who never stood still. and opened a dance studio. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain, moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you.
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surround yourself with healthy advantages at welcome back. just two days until hillary clinton and donald trump face off for the very first time at hofstra university in that debate. what can we learn from past memorable moments. here now scott jennings, former special assistant to president george w. bush. nice to see you this morning, scott. thank you. food to be here. take your podium. this morning we will dive into history here and give us the lesson learned. start with ronald reagan implying that jimmy carter is loying by saying there you go again. watch this famous quote. these are the kind of elements national health insurance important to the american people. governor reagan, again, typically, is against such a proposal. governor, there you go again. i guess reagan at the
time was sort of seen as radical before this debate, right? yes. also seen in the driver s seat in this election. i m not sure if anything could have helped carter in 1980. something important about staying calm and knowing when the attack is coming and what is coming. instead of getting worked up and feeling like you are defensive. ronald reagan looked in control of the situation and had something ready for a tack that he knew was coming. it shows you that prep is important. and they knew they were going to get that attack. so he was prepped with a calm answer. donald trump could probably take something away from this. yes. in 2000, al gore trying to intimidate george w. bush. watch this famous moment. that s what the question in this campaign is about. it s not only what your philosophy and what your position on issues but you can get things done? [ laughter ] and i believe i can. all right. that was such a bizarre moment. you know, he walks over to him, stands next to him and like what are you doing
here? and i thought he handled it beautifully. the president of the united states ohio worked for and i was working on that, that was my first presidential campaign. when we saw that moment, cheers went up from the bush-cheney headquarters all over the country. the issue there is demeanor. we look for the president of the united states to be strong and we look for strong body language from our president and so al gore clearly had rehearsed this little moment where he was going to intimidate george w. bush and he handled it perfectly that was a microcosm of what was happening in the campaign. gore was a little bit weak. bush was running as a strong governor and that debate moment played right into the narrative that campaign. al gore sighing through debate. scott we will have you back next hour and dive deeper in some of these moments and lessons in debate. thanks so much we appreciate it? thank you. big show on tap. rudy giuliani will be here. lt. general michael flynn and chuck woolery will be here. eric bolling and
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for credit but really making a difference in the community. we also have something called kind causes. everybody can upload their proposals how they would like the community to get behind them. but one of my favorites is the simplest small kind acts where i carry with me in my wallet is kind cards. and if i notice somebody doing a kind act for a total stranger. then i give them kind awesome card. and they go to the website and information and give them another card so they can then celebrate the next person that they spot doing the kind thing. infusing his background and humanitarian values in everything he does, the founder of kind makes sure to appreciate everything that has made his success possible. i really think go sews so well with american culture. we are risk takers. we celebrate merit. we celebrate creativity. we celebrate risks. and we can t take for granted any of these things. i mean, i wish my dad was
here so that i could celebrate a lot of things with him. when he passed away, i remember going through things and finding a folder where he kept all of the things that i had accomplished. the awards that i had received that was really nice to see that he kept memories of all the little things i have done over my, you know, 30 years of my life. i just wish he helped if he still listen or watching and he proud of the fact that i m trying to follow his values and principles and example. and he is just a nice example that you can achieve success and incorporate good in how you do at the same time, abby. so inspiring and so well done. brine, thank you for being here this morning. appreciate it. thank you. next week we hear from ozzy who heads tyler perry studios. we look forward to that who is playing trump in miller s mock debates. ed henry has all the details and he joins us next.
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good morning to you, it s september 24th. massacre at the mall. five people are dead after a shooter opens fire in a gun-free zone. we re receiving shots fired at burlington. i have got two victims down bleeding in the makeup section. a number of victims, reports of three to four down inside. this morning, police need your help finding this man, the latest on the manhunt in moments. and then, yet, another friday document dump. this one again courtesy of the fbi. this one says president obama may have lied. what he said perhaps to protect hillary from losing the race. ed henry has all the details on that. is he next. what is hillary going to do if this happens monday at the debate. [coughing]
this morning, we know what will happen if hillary s allergies strike again. we will tell you all the new debate rules. fox & friends hour two starts right now. we do begin with your headlines this morning. straight to a fox news alert. a massive hand hunt underway after a gunman shoots five people dead inside of a shopping mall just north of seattle. we just spoke to a witness who described the terror and the chaos. listen. shot after shot after shot. and then that s when i ran immediately to where i work at. you know, with a bunch of people. we were able, you know. lock up and stay safe until we to evacuate. that was armando. he worked at the mall. was getting coffee outside of where this massacre unfolded. all of the victims shot inside a macy s department store. four of them women. one was a man. right now police are scouring the area around the mall for this man.
you see him here on surveillance video carrying a hunting rifle. police are describing him as hispanic male in his 20 s. they re not sure of that that s what they re going with right now. wearing all black. considered to be armed, of course, and dangerous. police are urging people to stay inside their homes. and to call 911 if you know anything about this man or see him. but that is the latest at 7:00. we spoke to a trooper acting in effect as a spokesman for the state police in washington. they are calling the hispanic male. they don t know that. right. so we just should be clear what we don t know. this is the photo here. it s hard to tell. armando who we spoke to earlier who works in the mall and when you work it s a small-town mall. a lot of people who work at that mall know each other. asked employee of the mall he said i have never seen him before. weave don t know if he knew these girls at the makeup area or not. police are still trying to get all of this. we know the mall was a gun-free zone as well. this happened around 6:30. 6:45 their time last night.
usually somewhat of a busy time at that mall. as we know now, four women were in the department store that were killed. five all together are dead this morning. so hoping for the best. unbelievable. apparently he was not confronted by anybody in law enforcement at the mall and able to escape before the police arrived five minutes later. really distressing story. other headlines to get to this morning. starting with another fox news alert. hillary clinton postponed her trip to charlotte as chaos erupts again for a fourth night in a row. protesters defying the mandated curfew to demand justice for keith scott a black man shot by police officers. video just released by the victim s widow. keith, keith. don t you do it. don t you do it keith, keith, keith. don t you do it. [gunfire] did you shoot him? so police say that suspect had a gun. it was loaded and had his blood and fingerprints on it. yet, the department still refusing to release dash cam
or body cam video of the shooting. and chilling new details from the investigation into the suspected new york bomber ahmed rahami. sources say he wrote the train carrying those pipe and pressure cooker bombs into manhattan on the night of the blast. the first bomb injuring dozens of people. the second never went off. rahami remains in stable condition after being hunted down and shot by police. well, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will meet separately with donald trump and hillary clinton tomorrow. the meetings will take place in new york city where the prime minister has been staying for the u.n. general assembly. the prime minister s office says he did accept trump s invitation only if they were able to meet with clinton as well. and those are some of your headlines this morning. we want to bring in he had meanry right now to talk about some the big political news of the morning. he is joining us from d.c. nice to see you this morning, ed. great to see you guys. we want to break down some of the new rules we are getting. some of the leaked rules from the first debate. we are learning, i guess, if
hillary clinton ends up having some sort of a coughing fit again, they are not going it be able to go to commercial break or anything like that. stand up there 90 minutes solo, right? no commercial breaks. interesting. almost like expectations are now being lowered for hillary clinton the way they were being lowered a few weeks ago for donald trump. meaning if she can just get through this 90 minutes without a coughing fit you can imagine her campaign saying that was a solid win. she didn t have to leave the stage. she wasn t carried out. this is getting a bit ridiculous because think about where we were before six weeks ago. she had probably a double digit lead. it was heading in that direction anyway coming out of the conventions where she had this big bounce, donald trump had self-inflicted wounds. and there were people actually predicting then look, the debates it s going to be a hail mary for donald trump. this is his last chance to shake up the race. instead, much different point and really hillary clinton going on defense. you are making such a smart point. our expectations are being manipulated by both campaigns here.
everyone in stories reading preparatory for the debate is leaked by a campaign to shape how we view the debate, correct? oh, no doubt about it and talking about expectations. i was trying to think this morning what would be an interesting comparison. think back to the first fox republican primary debate. august of 2015. and i went back to larry sabato s crystal ball. i don t mean to pick on him. he is on our air a lot. often right about what predict. heading into that first republican debate he said, quote, we have been waiting for trump s poll numbers to come back to earth. so far they haven t. tonight the first debate may serve as something of an inflection point for viability as a candidate as if he would have to drop out. should trump be vague in answers demeaning toward opponents and debate rules and commissions. he may get his polling come upance. he was everything there. check, check, check. and yet there was no come
upen. he has defined expectations. no commercials in 90 minutes. no stool for hillary clinton. she is about a foot shorter for donald trump. they have been behind closed doors preparing for these debates and having to group against the other one. someone has to play that role. i think the clinton camp has struggled up to this point to figure out who to play donald trump. they found someone, one of her top aides, correct? felipe, you can see him right there. i know him going back to his days as press secretary communications director to then senator hillary clinton. he is a stuff prater. is he somebody who can be very nice and he is someone who in a minute s notice can get very nasty and tough. system of the emails that have leaked in recent years during these various stories showing how hard-hitting he is. the point is he is very protective of hillary clinton. that s why he has been in the inner circle for a long time. not afraid of her? that s a tough job, ed. a lot of people don t want to be told when she is weak. you know, is he is willing to say, look, this is a bad idea.
look, you need to come up with a better answer on that. and i think, again, if you go back to where all of this started the idea was oh my god donald trump is losing the race. the debates are his last hope to shape up this race. we see hillary clinton behind closed doors for most of the last week or two. donald trump has been very direct about saying he is not winging it but barely prepping. he has been on the campaign trail instead. there is a point there. hillary clinton is very she plans things out. she is very detailed. she has more five point plans than anybody else. those details may matter in this race. when the debate when you have limited time to make up your point you cannot come up with an array of facts. you have to explain why you want to be president. that s one of the biggest challenges for her. what s this about. i know president obama got to say from the headlines he is moving from lame duck status. yesterday we found something really interesting in these new fbi documents that were released. you see huma abedin saying that she believes the president was emailing with
hillary clinton, using a pseudonym in his email. emailing her on private email because that s all she used. this, if true, would directly contradict what the president claimed that he had no idea that she used private email. sure. looked like caught in a big lie. am i misreading this. two quick points. pseudonym very early days in the administration i remember robert gibbs and other top aides privately delegate me president obama was using email with various people and had a pseudonym and that was a security thing. it had nothing to do with hiding. i remember. but, basically that if someone ever found the emails, russia or whatever, they wouldn t know it was coming from president obama. i think that s a little bit of a red herring. you are right. president obama, i think in a 60 minutes interview a few months back said i learned about her using this personal email and the server from the news reports. and, yet, if he walls emailing with her behind the scenes once or ten times or 100 times that would suggest maybe that wasn t true. bottom line, go back to the
first news conference. march of 2015 where hillary clinton tried to explain to the public what was going on with this personal email, one thing after another has turned out to not be true and that is the very bottom line going in to this first debate. think about it the idea that five people got immunity during this fbi investigation yet, there was no indictment. that bombshell drops just a few days before the first debate. you can bet donald trump is going to be. one of those people granted immunity was cheryl mills. clinton s top aide. was allowed to sit with hillary clinton during the interview despite being a witness. jason chaffetz is furious about that. saying they are handy them out candy. do we have that sound bite? let s to then. this i m losing faith at a rapid pace in the fbi. i thought this was going to be a serious investigation. the way they handed out immunity agreements. the fact that they let hillary clinton s chief of staff be also a witness and
immunity recipient and sit in on hillary clinton s interview is just shameful. there you go, ed. i think going into this district attorney bait we have laid out all the potential pit falls for hillary clinton. that is a huge one. let s not also forget donald trump has a lot to show. he has the temperament. he is ready to be commander in chief. they have been beating on him for weeks and weeks and weeks. if he shows that and rises up t occasion. i don t see how director comey can continue to run the fbi. the credibility of that investigation, one thing after another has just eaten away at the credibility. it s really bad. ed henry, thanks a lot for that analysis. great to see. thanks, ed. we showed you the violent riots breaking out in charlotte. what if we told you will they were triggered on purpose to get out the vote for democrats? that s next. months after their bitter primary battle ted cruz says he will now vote for donald trump. what went on behind the
scenes? well, eric bolling joins to us react to this g.o.p. stunner. that s coming up. don t get me wrong if i m acting to. a white house email account was hacked and a lot of their information was leaked yesterday. they are saying the information was stolen from the g mail account from a low level staff. joe biden said technically my title is vice president. not a low level staff. propulsion, structural analysis- maple bourbon caramel. that s what we re working on right now.
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do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. hillary clinton cancels her planned trip to charlotte, north carolina, after a plea from the mayor asking political figures to stay away. we appreciate the support of the candidates. we appreciate that they re concerned about charlotte. at this point we do have
very stressed resources. if there would be a way to delay those visits in terms of giving us a chance to get our city, i know, back to order and back to a more of a state of normalcy, that would probably be ideal. let s say hillary had gone to charlotte. what would she have said? what could she have said? joining us now is one of our favorite guest radio talk show host larry elder is live from l.a. great to see you this morning. good morning. conservings make a mistake when they immediately jump to conclusions on this. we don t know what happened. i m withholding judgment. what we can judge though is the fact that riots took plates in the streets. crazy people looted stores. hurt other people. tried to burn to death a reporter. and hillary clinton didn t say word one about any of that. why? and nor by the way has president obama. right. let s look at this. this is a black suspect, excuse me. a black suspect killed by a black police officer whose boss is a black pd chief and
rioters are attacking white people. what s wrong with this picture in the other problem, of course, is that this whole black lives matter movement, whose with george soros fingerprints all over it, tucker, in 25 of the largest cities, you are finding increase in homicide. and the victims of these homicides are often the very black people that black lives matter claim that they care about. it s insane. well, it is also maybe counter productive. soros has many ageneral does. one of them is to get hillary clinton elected. but i think that normal people, swing voters watching this think to themselves i don t know police make mistakes sometimes. maybe they are right. maybe they are wrong. but this is nuts. you should not tolerate this kind of craziness in your streets because that is the end of civilization. i don t think this makes people want to vote for hillary more. does it? i agree. whatever happened to comply, you won t die. in almost every one of these high profile cases, excuse me, tucker. it s early and i m in san diego. early on if these people had just complied whether it s
tulsa or charlotte. the person would still be alive. and if the officer has engaged in any kind of misconduct. you deal with it while you are alive. i don t know why it s so condescending to tell black people, to tell people in the street if you are pulled over by an officer, be polite, be respectful. comply with lawful orders and you will not die. why aren t people saying that? they don t want to say that because it will be perceived as blaming the victim. i don t get. this i think it s condescending. the media treats blacks like they are children to whom the truth cannot be told. donald trump has made the same mistake. he weighed in on tulsa and he said, looked at the video and couldn t see why the cop did she what she did. look, they indicted they charged this woman already within 48, 72 hours, tucker. i m telling you now based on the ambiguity of that video. my suspicion is if it goes to trial she will not be conducted. convicted. what bothers me most it happened in baltimore too, our political leaders and judicial system is
responding to the mob. basically the mob is getting what it wants by threatening violence against our civilization and we are caving. it set a bad precedent. is it not? well, and think about who is running the system. people are complaining about institutional racism. again, black cop, black ph.d. chief. back-to-back black attorney general. a black president. how do you complain about institutional racism when blacks are running the institution? yeah. i money, it is mindless. and bizarre. larry elder. thanks for putting that in to context for us. real i had appreciate it. good luck with your hillary cough, too. it will get better. [ laughter ] well, terrorism son everyone s minds after the bombings in new york and horrible stabbings in minnesota at the shopping mall it will be front and center at the debate on monday, too. what do hillary clinton and donald trump stand on that question? our terror experts jillian turner and dr. sebastian gorka are here to discuss it you won t believe what was
flying next to the stars and stripes on campus. a black lives matter flag. we will tell you where. stay tuned.
worry back with quick headlines. space exrevealing the cause of a massive rocket explosion. [explosion] company now revealing a breach in the oxygen system caused the giant fireball earlier this month. the rocket was carrying a
satellite to be used by facebook. taking matters into her own hands. a daring woman jumping on the hood of a car to stop a thief from stealing her purse. you can see it there the florida woman smacking the man with her wallet before falling off the car as the thief drives off. police are still looking for that man. clayton, over to you. well, securing america first presidential debate on monday. back up on the topic of terrorism, especially with the attacks in new york and minnesota still fresh in voters minds. of course, what unfolded last night in washington. we still don t know the details of that. reactions from our panel. julian turner staff under george w. bush and president obama and dr. sebastian gorka is here as the author of the book defeating juwaad. we haven t heard actually a plan to defeat isis, dr. goreca. you say this might be a good book for trump. what question will voters be asking themselves after monday night s debate.
we talked with jillian before this went on. they want the meat on the bone. it s clear that donald trump believes we are at war. this is refreshing. he believes this is serious threat and isis has to be defeated. and he wants to be a president who wins this war. so, let s hear the details. and monday could be a perfect time. a perfect opportunity for him to lay out a plan. he hasn t laid out a plan yet. hillary clinton has. what do you think good opportunity for him to do this? i think it s a golden opportunity for him. i think people would respond to it really, really well. we are not talking about battle plan. a lot of people fight back, push back and say well you shouldn t broadcast to the enemy what we re going to do. of course not. talking about macrolevel strategy that outlines his vision. outlines the general approach he is going to take. what elements it will combine if he is going to include military and diplomatics, ideological. how that is going to work together. something that at least gives us the contours. i think hillary clinton has done a really good job of putting forward a plan like
that. it s not for everybody. a lot of critics don t think it s viable. but, to her credit, you can log on to her website and read it and decide for yourself. i think donald trump has got to step up and do that, too. temperament. we saw in the wake of terror attacks, two different styles emerging right await a minute hillary clinton sort of reserved in that #zombie hillary was trending. video in the airplane you couldn t hear her and donald trump came out and said it was a bomb. we didn t know any of the details. is that what we will be watching for monday night temperament? not just temperament. i think donald has proven his temperament toward the threat. this is a guy who wants to win. and that s what he is famous more, right? he is a winner. i think the issue is track record with regards to hillary. the threat that we see in isis is in large part a result of policies that the obama administration brought when she was secretary of state. if you look at libya. if you look at syria, the red line. if you look at the
withdrawal of our troops in 2011. if donald trump simply points these out, that isis has become the world s most powerful insurgency of the jihadist enterprise while she was in cabinet, that s a problem for her. how does she defend herself. what she needs to do is be careful to not hedge herself in which she is already doing. my biggest criticism of her kind of strategy on terrorism right now is that she is already making proclamations like if i was president, i would never put another american boot on the ground in iraq ever again. that s exactly the kind of approach that hedges in our military leaders unnecessarily really undercuts us on the national stage. if she can stay away from reit s rating that. i think that would behoove her a lot. do you think we will see the moment donald trump calling her out for the iraq war? that was something he hit hard. he has done it before. i think he is probably being advised right now to play it cool on monday.
to continue the presidential. this campaign has been turned around since steve took her. we have gone from trailing, trailing, trailing. to guy who even states that were a slam dunk for hillary she may lose. so he has to maintain that steady hand. fascinating. all right. interesting debate. we will all be watching. sort of like giddy. we are biting nails. i don t have any left. dr. gorka and jillian, thanks for joining us this morning. thank you. thanks. donald trump and ted cruz battled during the primaries for months. lyin ted. he s lyin ted. what s your name? my name is lyin ted cruz. l-y-i-n- , lyin ted. i m going to miss that what got ted cruz to back the republican nominee? eric intolg here to react to that next. flying coach is bad enough. imagine getting the middle seat next to this guy.
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lyin ted. he s lyin ted. what s your name? my name is lyin ted cruz.
l-y-i-n- , lyin ted. oh, memories, eric bolling. he is hilarious. lyo lyin tucker. saw your tweet last night head exploding. what timing ted cruz come around saying he is my guy. makes perfect sense now momentum on his donald trump s side. he has jumped ahead of clinton in the polls. now you get something really important with ted cruz. number one you get all there is a whole group of never trumpers. now, they may come and follow their candidate. ted cruz had a lot of never trump crowd with them. the establishment does as well. but had a lot of them with them. you also get potentially the hispanic vote. so, trump s polling somewhere around 27 to 32%. depending on the poll.
with hispanics. ted cruz may bring over independent. may bring over. let s be honest ted cruz is about ted cruz. thinking about only political future. running for senate again. gets in there. he is also thinking about running again and this time it might be god for him to say i did everything i could to stop hillary clinton. no doubt he had to do it politically and since he signed the pledge do what he is supposed to do. i would lo to see john kasich do it. however, i have said this a long time ago during the primaries. if donald trump offered ted cruz a supreme court justice judgeship, man, that would be fantastic for everyone involved. it would also take ted cruz out of the 2020 play if donald trump is the president. you don t want to be, you know, you don t want to be. i don t think cruz had to do it. his position was i i m i m not supporting trump on principle because cruz is a conservative. same one that got us. they all signed a pledge though. leaving the pledge aside, they said this a matter of conscience. how you can be can a
constitutional scholar and put your name on a document that promises to support the nominee. i get it and. and then uses the infrastructure to continue on the primary process. politically, i had think he had to. what do the never trump people say now. a man they pointed to as ted cruz the living elm bodiment of conservative principle. their heads are exploding. that was the difference between kasich is john kasich saying, look, there is too much water under that bridge. is there less water under ted cruz s bridge? he talked about his father being involved in the jfk assassination for crying out lewd loud. about his wife how she looks. come back from that what is john kasich looking for. maybe timing. maybe john kasich jumps on after the debate or going onto the third debate. seems like the bushes may never be there. that is so important. my head almost went boom when i saw george h.w. bush say he was going to not only vote for anyone in this cycle but he was going to vote for hillary clinton? wait, as a father, put yourself in a father s shoes
if a guy come out repeatedly and just mocked your son. i don t think there is any bone in my body that would bounce back from that i m going that support you picked on my son look that. as a father and grandfather you want your children and grandchildren to have a country run by conservative values versus the liberal values that will take over if she is elected president. you have supreme court. you also have federal judges who are appointed boy the president. do you want hillary clinton a point the federal judge system and the supreme court? or do you want someone who took shots at your son? blood is thicker than water. so trump goes to mexico and meets with the mexican president and gets a lot out of it, i think. absolutely. why wouldn t he say you know what? i m going to dallas and meet with the former president george w. bush and i m going i mean, that would be kind of a power move, wouldn t it? he will probably never get that crew. he will never get that establishment, that never trump crew. do you think he announced that? do you think george w. bush would say coming here but
not voting for him. wow. it can get so personal it can get so ugly. the debate is monday night. very curious as to what your advice would be for donald trump. a lot of people are going to be watching wondering if he can appear presidential on the debate stage. have you been hitting the topic all morning lock. i think you are 100 percent right. the most effective ads that hillary clinton has had is attacks donald trump with his own words on temperament. if he shows that he has the temperament and i think the mexico trip started the debate the pro-trump temperament discussion saying that he has the temperament to be president if he shows that in the debate. he doesn t get sucked in to a lyin hillary or crooked hillary back and forth. i think that will go a long way to taking the legs out of those ads that have been effective. also you can build. throw presidential debates. start here. start low key. just get out. you talked to the trump people. you know what they are thinking. are they ready for hillary? she is going to bing bing
bing bing bing bing bing until he explodes. you know people are prepping trump. right. they are pretty good at it they have been around the block a few times. they know what s going on. that is the $64,000 question. does he listen to his crew? i think he will. hopefully he does and he goes start slow. kick it up a notch in the second debate and the third one bring it home. because you are only, what, two and a half weeks until the election. i m struck by the paradox here, right? because temperament wasn t the thing that got him this far, right? it was the fact that he was able to call things out. call lyin ted. now he has to get up there and shift and act differently. i don t know. so it s a well-known fact that in a presidential elections, you start at the corners. you start far right, far left and toward the middle. you evolve to a more centrist candidate. for donald trump it was go lyin ted. go small hands marco. little marco whatever he was talking about. and then he brought himself back to the center brought himself back to the
temperament that i think the american people. the undecideds needed to see. that s exactly who he needs to be. big undecides this election cycle. 20% undecided right now. huge opportunity for donald trump. by the way, very quickly, the math, the path, he needs ohio, florida, and north carolina or it s over, right? if he happens to be winning in all three of those in the polls. all he needs is either pennsylvania or michigan and he is president. she has five states to protect. he just has to get one of those five. these states are going to be huge. eric, good to see you this morning. great to be here. i will see you there. the five will be there, too. outstanding. we do have you were headlines to get to this morning. we already knew about orlando shooter omar mateen that he was a radical islamic terrorist. the complete transcripts of the 911 calls just released complete with his references to the islamic state, which were previously left out.
mateen even calling himself an islamic soldier saying, quote: my home boy, tamerlan tsarnaev did his thing on the boston marathon. now it s my turn. he shot and killed 39 people in the pulse nightclub before being gunned down by police. authorities now suspect russian hangers were behind the massive cyber attack at yahoo. this after the company catching serious flack for the breach where half a billion user account information was stolen. yahoo says hackers were looking for info on just a few dozen users doing business with russia. a new york man is now suing yahoo for gross negligence. career on campus. a black lives matter flag flying high right next to the american flag. students at the university of vermont surprised to see the showing of support by the student government. the flag expected to stay up through the weekend as the violent riots rage in riots. lawyer 9 hour flight next to obese man.
italian man upset. saying they wouldn t let him change seats. the man with a so large he was forced to stand in the aisle for portions of that flight. the airline will not comment on the ongoing legal battle. what do you do? that s a tough one. i m not sure what i would do clayton. talk about it in the commercial break. yes. coming up here on the show. you just heard eric bolling s take on monday s first presidential debate. what advice is rudy giuliani giving donald trump? america s mayor joins us live at the top of the hour. that s someone trump actually listens to, too. it s news all of america has been waiting for. an angry jill stein who won t be allowed to play in monday night s debate has just announced what she plans to do instead. the stein factor. stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen. marco.!
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brand in video of that shooting. rick leventhal is live from charlotte with the latest details this morning. what is the latest where you are? hundreds of people took to the streets again last night as you mentioned. for the second straight night there was there were peaceful demonstrations unlike the first two nights where there was violence and looting. last night went pretty sherman r. smootly thanks to to the national guards troops. police did allow demonstrators to demonstrate well past the midnight curfew. march on to a highway for an exit. 2:30 when the crowd had dwindled officers moved in and made seven arrests according to overnight team on the ground. many in the crowd were chanting for authorities to release the tape. they said the dash cam
footage and body cam footage showing an officer shooting keith lamont scott. now most have seen the video that his wife recorded on the cell phone. keith, keith, don t you do it. don t you do it. drop the gun. drop the gun. , keith, keith, don t you do it. [gunfire] did you shoot him? scott s family released that tape after they were allowed to watch the police tapes. and then the family attorney released a statement saying, in part, while police did give him several commands, scott did not aggressively approach them or raise his hands at law enforcement at any time. it is impossible to discern from the family what, if anything, mr. scott is holding in his hands. police have said that they recovered a handgun at the scene and sources, law enforcement sources have told local media that the gun was loaded and had scott s fingerprints and d.n.a. and blood on it when it was recovered.
guys? rick lesson that you joining us live from charlotte. thanks a lot, rick. thanks, rick. we are just getting warmed up this saturday morning. rudy giuliani lieutenant general michael flynn, key advisor to the trump campaign and along with the great chuck woolery and geraldo rivera are all to come on this show. plus christmas baby three months away. but the toys your kid will be asking for are already on the shelves. clayton is already playing with them already. no surprise there. oh it s got to be the good life, it s going to be a good life, good life
already hitting store shelves. here to give us a sneak peek is editor of the toy insider. she has brought toy critics with her. good to see you. good to see you. thanks for having me. these are coming out very soon. right? yes, they are. either out now or coming out very soon. these are the things your kids are going to want. frozen toy down here. younger kids favorite toys are generally based on some of their favorite characters from tv, movies, et cetera. i m sure you recognize elsa. this is the new disney frozen northern lights elsa. kids can wave their over the snowflake to create beautiful lights and sounds. and they show up on elsa s dress. and help elsa bring the northern lights back. oh, good. torch is a really fuzzy cute
dragon. is he very sweet. do you like torch. yes. show how he can toast his marshmallows. what movie is this from? he is not from a movie. is he going to be kid s favorite character. reminds me of teddy ruskin from years ago. he blows flame colored moist. very cute. new holiday. this is pj mask could you like this. yeah, you are? tell me about these super heros. kids can choose their own adventure and act it out with the figures. it comes with cat boy and cat car. there is a lot of other figures and cars available sold separately. cat boy and cat car. so this is like a whole base here, right? this is the headquarters. there is a working elevator that the figures can go up and down. want to play with cat boy? that s owl. where is cat boy. there is features.
there is trap doors. there is a ramp the cars can go down. it s a lot of fun. producers in the booth do you mind if i hang out and play with cat boy. elevator too pretty cool. wow, that s pretty cool. you remember pikachu, people have renewed obsession with pikachu. he makes cute sounds. he wiggles his ears and cheeks light up. that s cute. we have a teenage mutant nip gentleman turelts. yes. this is one of the most responsive toys we have seen for the holidays he is not on yet. what does he do? he actually will respond to you. hey, mikey, do you like being a turtle? being a turtle rocks. i need this because no one listens to me in my house. i responds really fast. kids love that quick response. this is snuggles. snuggles is one of oyou are favorites in our office.
he is super soft and snuggly. he looks and acts just like a real puppy. does it do all the things that a real puppy does? look at that face. so you can feed him his bottle. you can wiggle his nose. look at that face. a little hard. here, let s hold it up a little bit. here, zoey, do you want to play with snuggles? turn snuggles on. so snuggles acts like a real puppy. yes. with none of the mess. that s part of the key component. let s go down here to the hot wheels. this is hot wheels ai. use the controller did it go off? and so this race is around the track. you can set up the track and it stays on. whoa. crazy driver over here. they are not on. this is like what christmas morning will be on. mom, did you buy some batteries? so these are smart cars, they have sensors on the
bottom so they recognize the track. so in easy mode they will actually stay on the track so kids can have a easy time of it. they don t fly off in to different directions. you can move on to advance mode where they can go everywhere. you can pick up the track? can you rearrange this track into 40 different con figure races. there is a loft ways to play with this? i know what i m doing the rest of the show. thank you so much, jackie. thanks, kid. appreciate it all these toy also be coming out soon and we have them on our website as well. thank you. coming up, two days away from the first presidential debate. what advice is rudy giuliani giving donald trump? he wants to come in play with ties, too. looks like the antibiotics weren t enough. kim just said she might vote for trump. just like the people
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and just two days to go before the first presidential debate. what kind of advice is rudy giuliani giving donald trump, america s mayor is here and coming in to the studio. come on in, mr. mayor. and, well we have had some confusion with the cameras. the question is will america elect this man as their president? [ laughter ] what would do you if you
were elected about aleppo? about? aleppo. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. aleppo. what is aleppo? taps question every marijuana smoker asks himself at some point. msnbc just gave gary johnson a do-over. watch this. whole dewait and not say anything and america. wow. our show continues with rudy giuliani. stay tuned. that was funny news. we have to get to hard news now. because what happened over night is just disgusting. a massive manhunt underway for an armed killer who shot five people dead inside of a shopping mall just inside of
seattle. just said people shooting. i heard a gunshot. lock the door. just lock the door. and i will will be there as soon as i can. i don t even know if they have got to her yet. she answering her phone. i don t know if it went dead. i don t know. unbelievable. all of the victims shot inside of a macy s department store. among the dead, four women and one man. just heart breaking. right now police are scouring the area for this man seen on surveillance video carrying a hunting rifle. police describe him as hispanic male in his 20 s, wearing all black. at this time we are urging people to stay inside of heir homes. if they see anything suspicious, then we urge them to call 911. the gunman considered to be armed and dangerous, obviously. at this hour his motive is still unknown. well, joining us now is former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. we kind of want to run by the day s events. great to see you, mr. mayor. good to see you. first, hillary clinton has postponed or cancelled
her trip to charlotte. it s where the riots were taking place. one of a bunch of different events that she has cancelled recently. if she had gone to charlotte. what could she have said? first of all, i think it was wise for her to do it and also wise for donald trump not to go they are having enough problems dealing with it we certainly don t want to politicize it i think both of them should say the same thing. which stop. i mean, stop stop the looting. stop the destruction of property. you re only destroying the property in large part of people in your own community. what did they have to do with this shooting? which, from the police department account seems to be justified. from the family s account isn t. in any event, a man who owns a candy store, nothing to do with it. what are you destroying the candy store for? i think that s the kind of thing we should be saying rather than looking for justifications for this. this isn t a protest. i m watching a riot. i is had very strict rules i
learned from a report. two riots in new york before i became mayor. called the report written for the former governor cuomo. basically the major theory of controlling a riot is you don t let them take your streets. the streets belong to the people of the city to the soccer moms who want to get their kids to the soccer game on time. to the ambulance that has to get to the hospital in they minutes or four or the person who is dead of a heart attack. or to the police vehicle that has to get to the middle of a robbery before somebody is killed. you take the streets like the ones you see in back of us and you crowd them with people, you are making that city dangerous and unless you get a permit and we know about it, and we can plan around it my rule was first guy on the street arrested handcuffed and taken await a minute second guy handcuffed by the fifth or sixth guy they kind of got the message. i also am not of the theory that police officers shouldn t be properly armed and have somewhat of a military look in a situation like that. rather than creating a riot
it scares the hell out of people it tells them and i did it for eight years and i told you, i took over a city that this h. two major riots where people just went out and killed people because they were jewish. and i had no riots. i didn t have anything close to a riot. they knew they couldn t test me. because you wouldn t put up with it. they knew i had them outnumbered and they couldn t test me. that didn t mean they couldn t protest. i was protested. they used to protest in front of my house in front of city hall. on the streets. they used to march up and down the streets. you could not go in the streets. sidewalk protest, streets belong to all of us. in the middle of some crazy times. spate of terror attacks again over the past few weeks. and this is going to be one of the big focuses on monday night. ing will at donald trump s temperament. the response to the terror attacks. the discussion about foreign policy. what have you been telling donald trump? what do we expect to see had from him? no doubt on that issue he wins overwhelmingly. i mean, she is basically the
architect of the problem we have today. she and barack obama. there would not be an isis but for the fact that we pulled out of iraq after essentially, you snatched the feat from the jaws of victory. general petraeus had been successful in the surge, particularly in that eastern part of iraq where isis emerged. and foolishly. very foolish loy and recklessly. obama and clinton withdrew all our troops. where did they think the sunni fighters were going to go. they weren t going to go to mali because he was killing them. we didn t do anything to stop maliki from killing them. many went over to isis. and we weren t getting intelligence because we had no troops there the president made probably one the dumbest commence an american president ever made when he calls them the jv which indicated what poor intelligence he had about the development of isis. so, when donald trump says founder of isis and says she going to get the mvp award that s, of course, sarcastic. what it points out is her policies and his policies
made isis possible. then his indecision with regard to syria, drawing the red lines 12 times and backing off. look, i know islamic extremist terrorism really well since 1975. the weaker you are, the more they take advantage of you. that s why we have had so many bombings in the last year. we are displaying to the world both hillary clinton and barack obama, we won t say radical islamic terrorism. during the matt lauer interview she announced to the world she will never use ground troops. i have no idea why we have an army if we are not going to use it you display that kind of weakness, and they push you as far as they can push you. on the other hand, donald trump says i m going to build up our military to i think it s 450 to 470,000 troops. we re going to have a navy of 350 ships, which will allow us to patrol two oceans and possibly stop china in the south china sea. we are going up to 35 battalions of marines. going continue to crease signature can tly the number
of aircraft that we have and modernize both our nuclear and other capacity. we ll tase the world once again as ronald reagan did with a military that s so strong that hopefully it will keep the peace. and, if needed, will be used. and used prudently. carefully, and where necessary to prevent things like orlando from happening and after september 11th, when bush wept on offense, from then until the fort hood attack under obama, there was no successful radical islamic attack in this country. and that s because we had them on the run. it is very hard to plan an attack on your computer when an a.k. 47 is shooting at you and you are hiding in a cave. right. so what donald trump says on monday night is just as modern as how he says it a lot of people wondering what is his temperament going to be like? is he going to be presidential people on the fence is he somebody can i vote for? yes. i don t know if people saw the interview with matt lauer or the forum mini debate although they weren t on the stage at the same
time. donald trump is not going to reinvent himself. hillary clinton is going through this like hillary clinton doesn t know who she is. she has got to stand there and got to go through. this they are doing psychological profiling and doing -donald trump can go out there and be donald trump. if you believe in what he believes in, vote for him. if you don t, don t. and boy, is that refreshing. i tried, i don t know how many cases, 50, 60, 70, 80 in frntd of jurors. i didn t reinvent myself for the cases that i tried. that was me. they are going it try to needle him. they have said. this they will try to push trump until he snaps at her and they think that that will be unappealing to viewers. is he prepared for that? do you think it would be unappealing for viewers? my goodness, if you keep telling them all the time as they have in the newspapers. which is i think is the foolish thing i have ever heard. i m going to hit you with my left hook, constantly, i ll going to be prepared for your left hook. yeah. of course he is prepared for that. what s if that is a fake,
mr. mayor. that she is nice. comes out and totally nice. you know, donald trump has reali rallied a portion of this country that is upset. and i have think he has done a good job. that might knock him down. he might fall over like a tree. i don t know if he would, i would. [ laughter ] it would throw me off completely if hillary clinton pulled off an hour and a half of not attacking him? right. we have a whole new campaign. so far, he has laid out. he has given 12 policy speeches. , which by the way, was part of the preparation for the debate. the whole idea in august and september was speak with islamic radical terrorism. he gave a major speech on that. speak about the economy. speak about taxes. talk about what you re going to do about schools. gave a big speech on education. choice, charter schools. he has laid out his agenda. next squeak speech on crime. he has personally laid out his agenda over the last month, month in and a half. and in a way that was the
best preparation for the debate. it s all out there. everybody knows what he stands for. he is more than happy to tell you. here is the difference between him and hillary on schools. he is in favor of choice. is he in favor of charter scls. he is in favor of doing away with tenure and he is in favor of pay for performance. she is in favor of the public school systems. the rotting public school systems that presently exists and doesn t have the ability to be in favor of what i just said because she is bought and paid for by the teacher s union. literally. we have a lot more we want to get with you ted cruz emails. you will want to stick around with us. he will get his reaction to the fbi s latest friday night document dump. this one may have caught president obama in a lie. and were you thinking about voting for donald trump? before you do, barbra streisand would like a word with you. just give her your cell. this one she is a one woman mission to stop trump. we will tell you how that is working out for her. legendary game show host chuck woolery has a message for all of his friends.
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but i knew. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love. some eyelove. when is it chronic dry eye? to find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to it s all about eyelove, my friends. when did you first learn that hillary clinton used an email system outside the u.s. government for official business while she was secretary of state? at the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. oh, well now we know something a little differently. last night there was another document dump by the fbi and we are learning that and we want to bring in former mayor of new york city to dive in to this again mr. rudy giuliani. this new back and forth between the president and hillary clinton, we re learning now that he used a
pseudonym to communicate and that some of these emails went to her privateer server. we don t know yet whether or not this is a lie. whether or not he knew about it. and used a pseudonym in order to cover this up. what do you make of this. well, we would have to see what it says. maybe he was doing it over her yoga and asking her questions about yoga. we don t know. or maybe involve government business in which case he would be in serious trouble. also, diewrlz often president obama learns things from the newspapers? does he have a staff i have heard him make that comment as off as no boots on the ground. i learned it from the newspapers. the thing about yesterday s revelation that really shocked me is basically it looks like the fbi was conducting this investigation for the purensz of giving immunity. one thing that the hillary is corrupt, final. another thing to think that the justice department is corrupted. they conveniently lee out the fbi cannot grant
immunity. they have to get approval in the justice department. so, the justice department run bylor let that lynch who was sitting on the airplane with bill clinton is the one who to ultimately approve those five imcommunities. one sat next to hillary clinton during her. the whole idea of an investigation is to investigate to see if a crime was committed and if it was, then you might give one person immunity. the other people you have plead guilty and then you prosecute the case against the main culprit in this case the principle would be mrs. clinton. i found the first comey report impossible to understand. i mean, he laid out a perfect case of intent. first of all, a clear case of intelligent use of material which is which is enough. flat out violation, felony. but here s how we prove intent. false statements, destruction of evidence. cell phones smashed. look at your actions. there is a charge every charge gives a jury in a
criminal trial. he will tell a jury the way the government proves intent they have to prove yard a person who intent to commit a crime. best way to look at intent is look at a person s actions. evidence of guilt. destruction of evidence is evidence of guilt. i mean, that s just common sense. and both of those are very clear. both of those just didn t happen. they happened in mass. how can comey run the fbi? how can he continue? i don t understand how he couldn t how, after reading his report, and now watching these friday afternoon kind of political hack putting out of information, i mean, that s what political hacks do. it s disgraceful. yeah. and to give immunity to so many people, some of whom look like people who didn t have top security clearance and had top security information in their possession. i don t know if the justice department can ever prosecute anyone for violating this statute. the violations here were so many, so often, so gross, i
don t know if we ll ever get a case like this. one of the things he said during his news conference to justify himself was well, he has never had a case like this. well, he is right. we have never had a case of this kind of massive exposure of top secret information to our enemies during a period of time in which we know that the they are hacking left and right. they just hacked 500 million identities from yahoo. still a lot of unanswered questions. ted cruz endorsing donald trump yesterday big news of the day. i m happy as a republican that s true party is together or at least as together as you are going to get it i look at the polls and at one point donald trump was down to 73% of the republican vote. he is up now pushing almost what romney had. he is about 90. 88, 90. romney was at 93. if he gets to 93 with his ability to appeal to independent voters which romney didn t have and even to some democrats, i think we got a good chance of winning this election. all right, mayor, always good to have you on the
couch with us. good to see. you what happens when you ask the american people who has the best stamina to be president of the united states? the answer and what that might mean heading into monday night s debate next. then, will americans elect this man as their next president? what would you do if you were elected about aleppo. about? aleppo? and what is aleppo? msnbc just gave georgia johnson a do-over. you can guess how that went. you re simply the best better than all the rest. ime o season her turkey to perfection, and roast it until it s just right. and she makes stuffing from scratch, topping it with a healthy helping of delicious gravy. marie callender spends time on the little things,
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the meetings will take place in new york city where the prime minister has been staying for the u.n. general assembly. now, we have all seen the video hillary clinton tumbling down after leaving 9/11 mem know what kind of damage episodes like that are doing to her campaign. a brand new mcclatchey marist poll show likely voters think donald trump has more stam that to be present. 53% to 49%. > 39%. why isn t hillary cn running away with the race already? why aren t i 50 points ahead, you might ask? well, the choice for working families has never been clearer. i need your help to get donald trump s record out to everybody. and why are you
screaming? the latest real clear politics average shows clinton s overall lead is shrinking fast err than everyone expected. why isn t she winning by more and will the debates on monday night change anything. here to break it down bevins and if so public affairs. thank you for being here. good morning. good to be here. let s start with this poll wall street journal nbc poll asking people about top concerns. when it comes to trump 33% concerned about dempment. 27% offensive comments. 13% praise for putin. 6% not releasing taxes. you look at clinton concerns. we can pull those up thought now. 36% dealing with syria, iraq, libya. 8% health issues. tom, i will start with you. basically, answer that question when she says why am i not 15 points up right now? why not? well, i think most democrats are asking that
question, too. she has got the money advantage. she d has got an organizational advantage. she is clearly the more experienced can candidate. she is not exciting voters, particularly millennial voters. battleground states she is losing independence by 15 to 20 points. a lot of factors at play. certainly this race is much closer than democrats thought it would be at this point. and part of that is because they just all of them view donald trump as completely unacceptable. and that view is shared by somed in the public but certainly not all. and, therefore, we have a pretty close race with, you know, six weeks left. we just showed you some of the concern that voters have with both hillary clinton and donald trump. first debated is on monday night. how much can change after even the first debate? yeah. very great question. very important. stepping back a bit to kind of explain 30,000-foot view why donald trump has narrowed the gap. over the last three weeks he has really been on message. he has been efficient. his trip to mexico and speech in arizona really
energized the base. he is going in to the debates with momentum energize the debate. ultimately the question is do debates have impact? what i would say historically is for the most part no. they really just reinforce existing views. this debate will be key. this debate in my mind will be very, very similar or as important as the 1908 debate between reagan and carter or the 1960 debate between kennedy and nixon. and what has to happen? donald trump needs to show himself to be presidential on message and fixture. and in contrast, hillary should show herself to be on message and specifically talking about those sort of key issues that people are worried about. her health, her stamina. her ability to see the effort through. yeah, tom, this race really at this point is neck in neck. you look at some of the swing stated polls. this race could very welcome down to independent voters who haven t decided who they are voting for. what needs to happen on monday night? what advice would you be giving donald trump who he wants to win the white
house? well, i think, cliff is right. donald trump has to clear this bar, right? being seen as presidential. he hasn t really moved the needle on that question so far over the course of the campaign. with 100 million people tuning in. even if you think the universe of persuadables out there isn t big that still will be a sizeable number of folks watching this debate. maybe looking at both candidates thinking i don t want to vote for hillary. i really don t want to vote for donald trump. if he can clear that bar by keeping his composure and being on message, then i think there is a great opportunity for him. conversely, i think hillary, you know, she is not going to be able to wash away biggest vulnerability which is trust issue. she has to exploit her strength which is competence and experience and judgment and so they re both going to be fighting over the same turf and it s going to be interesting to watch. tom, what does history tell us about the importance of these debates? you look at past presidential candidates, where they stand against each other going into the debates and then after the debates. what can we learn from that? well, debates can move
the needle. we saw it with romney last time around. reagan had a bad debated his first debate but managed to recover. donald trump has, to i think, not just perform well on monday night. i think that s the first thing. it s critical. but he has to continue to perform in the next two debates so as not to have this if he does have a good debate to have something just be a short-term fix or some sort of bump that ends up dissipating over time. so, certainly debates can make a difference, but he has to perform over the course of all throw debates, not just on monday night. fascinating. we will all be watching. thanks for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. thank you. coming up, mexico in panic mode after realizing they might actually have to pay for that big, beautiful wall. plus, from barbra streisand to don cheadle, some of had hollywood s biggest stars are ganging up. only get this many people. one that truly matters to all all. a racist abusive coward.
wow, legendary game show host chuck woo woolery joins us live with a message for them and their hollywood friends and he is here now. good to see you, sir. hi, how are you? cool the engines take it out of here the night before the big debate, get coverage from the team you trust. go inside america s most talked about issues. get the latest from the campaign trail and see where the voters really stand before the first debate. we re giving you expert insight and analysis live from hofstra university in a must-see preview sunday on fox news channel. america s election headquarters. etic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn t bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor
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you only get this many famous people for an issue. one that truly matters do you live of us. a disease. or he can logical crisis. a racist coward that could permanently damage the fiber of our society. do the math, too we really want to give nuclear weapons to a move signature move is firing. firing,. firing things? we can end this nightmare before it begins. we can save the day. oh. joining us is chuck wool woolery one of many years spent. first thing i can t wait
to vote big orange in november this has got to have counter productive effect. i m not sure it has counter productive effect. however, when the cultural marxist of hollywood get together in their sheep bin. [ laughter ] it s true, it s like they all follow each other because they are afraid not to do anything else. i guarantee you i don t know a lot of these people. in fact, i m not sure i know any of them. however, i know the culture, i lived there 45 years. i know what it s like. you do it for one reason. one is you want to work. the other is it s not important to know anything as long as someone has a teleprompter in front of you to give you the lines to say. right. which is what that looks like when you watch this commercial. tucker said something interesting last week you asked the question i wonder how many people are voting for donald trump just because if they are on trying to make that decision because they are trying to go against the media and washington elite and against the hollywood elite. you look at this commercial, how many folks are going to say this is exactly why i m going to prove a point to
vote donald trump. there has to be a backlash against this. it s really i think what trump s candidacy is all about. we all know that. it s this massive backlash against this p.c. no one knows where this stuff came from. p.c. just kind of appeared. well, it didn t. it was the frankfurt school. that s where it appeared. the frankfurt school is an interesting little piece. frankfurt school is in germany, obviously. brought on p.c. marx brought it up and thought it was a good idea for his government. second world war hitler was such an anti-communist that the franklin school had to move. or pardon me, frankfurt school. they moved here to the columbia university campus. you will find the frankfurt school on columbia s property. that s where political correctness came from. i like the history of all of this stuff so i understand what s happening today. i want to know who my enemy is. our enemy is cultural marxism. and that s with hollywood, with everything.
speaking of history. there is some water under the bridge with senator ted cruz and donald trump. i was a cruzy. you are a texase texas guy. i am. the news that ted cruz is throwing support behind donald trump. did you fall off your chair. it s about time. i was disappointed. i don t know ted cruz. i have never met him. is he a very princ principled conservative which i find assuring to me. i was very disappointed in how he handled the convention and his speech there even though he said vote your conscience and everything else. it s not that i wanted him to get on board and become a pompom girl. it s just that it was over. acknowledge the fact that it s over and move on. is there anything that concerns with you donald trump as someone sure. is supporting him. absolutely. some things he says can come across as respectful? he is a poppist. i fear one part which is kind of a huber element which is the tariffs.
hoover was the last businessman we had as a president. and donald trump will be the next if he is our president. the idea of tariffs frightens me because i think that helped lead into the great depression we are in. and just the opposite with coolidge. i m a historian. i like to go back in history and find out who did it right or who did it wrong and say why aren t we doing it right again and why are we doing it wrong. trump is a populist. people against him are the opposite of populist. they are elitist. right, right. so if you were to divide which is a bigger threat to the way we live? populism or elitist? guy with trump on this one. i will vote for donald trump. i will support donald trump. and i will pray that mike pence will have a great impression on donald trump and make him more conservative. and the problem is, we get back to this with a history of all of this. people don t even understand what the word conservative means anymore. they don t understand what the word progressive means. they don t understand what liberal means. they just say oh, you look
like and you act like and you talk like you must be a liberal. you know where they can find out? blunt force truth. a podcast that clayton has clayton is a big podcast guy. i love it. last time we talked about it on the show it skyrocketed to number one. fantastic podcast. chuck hosts it. download it on itunes blunt force truth. tell us what it is about. it is about deconstructing the news and looking at the history of our politics and how it s affected our country. we have a lot of guests on who are pretty interesting. it s fun to do. thanks for being here this morning. thank you. always love having you on the couch. nice to see you. thank you. we do want to turn to some other headlines this morning. chilling new details from the investigation into the suspected new york bomber, ahmed rahami. sources saying that he rode the train carrying pipe and pressure coomer bombs in to manhattan on the night of the blast. the first balm injuring doesens of people. the second never went off. he remains in stable
condition after being hunted down and shot by police. donald trump forcing mexico to pay for the border wall. [chanting build the wall] don t worry, folks. we are going to be building a wall. and who is going to pay for the wall? mexico. who? mexico. i am not going to pay for this [bleep] wall. and it turns out they just might. a former mexico diplomat says trump could get that money by indegrees creasing visa fees and raising tolls on bridges. and i think we are going next to gary johnson because you thought this was bad. watch this. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? about? aleppo. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. oh, boy.
well, for some reason msnbc started to give libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson another shot in an interview on thursday night. people would recognize that there is another choice and that there would be an examination of me and bill weld as who we are and what we have done and not based on that. stand up there the whole debate and not say anything and. i can t get enough gary johnson is tv gold. he is officially invited on this show every single day that i m here anyway. do you remember the last time we had him on? the satellite blew out. literally. we wanted him back. the satellite like exploded. come back. please come back. you are invited any time. any time you want. totally sincere by the way. please do. next up, new leaked emails show what the press really thinks about donald trump.
it s fascinating, actually. nbc andrea mitchell is a straight journalist called his nomination recording now awful. clinton camp says the press is going too easy on trump. rick chen says that s not right. he joins us next. whoopi goldberg just fired herself from th herself ? burning down the house you push and pull struggle and fight and love to run your business. and when you need legal help with that business, we re here for you. we re legalzoom. and over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners navigate every day challenges. so visit us today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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her, hillary, dick armitage. powell s former deputy, are you going it endorse her too? i m wondering. i know trump controls convention rules. they have to figure out a way not to nominate him. powers reresponds this way i don t know how. even paul ryan says. trump is his own best critic right now. be careful not to give him critics he is attack and divert attention. it ask awful. wow. pulling back the mask, that s what she really thinks. hillary clinton is blaming hillary clinton s struggling poll numbers on the press. they are whining that media going too easy on donald trump if you can imagine. radio talk show host and fox news contributor rick sanchez. so andrea mitchell, who is kind of the living embodiment of the old media, straight news reporter. she calls it as she sees it is calling donald trump and
his nomination awful? how can she cover this race? wait, she is not the living embodiment pardon me of what news media is supposed to be traditionally in this country. andrea witch they will is one the insiders. she views donald trump as an enter loper. how dare someone like this become a part of our political system as if she has the right to determine who gets to be in that political system. that s the ongoing problem that i have long written about and long noticed inside our media atmosphere and am beans in this country too many people in that little inside bubble seem to think that they have the right to determine from their little bawling cones, i guess, in new york city or something, what the rest of us in the nation are actually looking for in a candidate. that s the real problem with that. that she is making a determination based on how she and the rest of the so-called insiders in the media feel about our politics and that s not her place. her place is to find out what people are saying and
report back to us. so you are saying andrea mitchell has been in this business for 40 years married to the former greenspan. i think that s fair. why is the establishment so threatened by trump? and the press, especially. you think that the press job is to take the side of the powerless against the powerful. ask tough questions of those who are running things on behalf of the rest of us. they seem to be doing the opposite. the press should be threatened by trump. the press should also be threatened by hillary clinton. that s what we re supposed to do. we re supposed to look for all the things in both of those candidates that could possibly create problems for the citizenry of the united states. that s what jirm, as you well know, is all about. the problem is for the most part, we haven t heard the stories about what the clintons have done in columbia. what they got away with in haiti. what they got away with in many poor african-american nations where the people of those countries suffered as a result of the wonderful, multi-million-dollar deals that the clintons pulled off
in a pay for play scheme that has gone generally unreported. that s right. these are the kind of things that nobody seems to point out when they say well, they re giving donald trump a break. you know, i frankly think that too often today our media gives them both a break, tuck. i think there is something to that rick sanchez. thanks for joining us this morning. great to see you, rick. always great to see you tuck, god bless, buddy. thank you. huge final hour to come. lieutenant general michael flynn close advisor to the trump campaign and our own geraldo rivera live. two days away, of course from the first presidential debate that s a monday. what can hillary clinton and donald trump learn from the past. take a trip down debate memory lane. yes, there is such a thing. and we have the keys to it stay tuned. want to rule the world
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well, there are just two days until hillary clinton and donald trump face off for the very first time at hofstra university in that debate. what can we learn from past memorable debate moments? here to walk down memory lane former president george h.w. bush and for the romney campaign scott jennings, also been involved in debate prep for senatorial and gubernatorial debates. good morning. let s go to 1984 and this one-liner from ronald reagan. i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent s
youth and inexperience. there s also a failure of the moderator to not do any kind of follow-up there. was taken aback and said i don t have anything to follow up with that home run you hit. this was the brilliance of ronald reagan. he was able to take and what was not a great debate. this was in louisville, kentucky. he did not have a great night. in fact, afterwards he came out for a raleigh aly and mispronou mitch mcconnell s name. sort of a bad night for everybody. what do we remember? one line. in terms of prep having a line may be all that ever comes out. he was gifted as a performer. but candidates should think about those kinds of lines because it may be all you get. sometimes they can come off great, sometimes they can seem rehearsed like we saw through the gop primaries. seemed like they were forced. somebody fed them that line. let s look at michael dukakis in 1988. this is an ouch moment. governor, if kitty dukakis
were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer? no, i don t, bernard they asked about his wife. would you favor the death penalty. what about that moment? here s the thing about that question. it sounds like a policy question, but it s not. his campaign manager, dukakis campaign wasn t about testing his policy. he answered it like a cold set of talking points. that s not a question you want to answer that way. so candidates when they get these questions there s a policy element, but you have to remember folks aren t necessarily just judging you on policy. do they have anything in common with you. if you re a husband, that s not something you d have much in common with if you answered like he did. part of the narrative for george h.w. bush he seemed disconnected from the country at that moment. and that bill clinton was sort of embracing the public. and then george h.w. bush ended up doing this during the debate. remember, he checks his watch as
if he doesn t want to be there. that was a really bad moment for him. yeah, it really was. the watch checking was fed right into the clinton narrative. he was running as the emotional empathizer and wanted to show him as aloof, not connected to people and didn t want to be there. they got their moment. an unspoken moment. but good for prep. words versus romney in 2012. let s listen to him in the greatest geopolitical threat he says was russia. listen. months ago when you were asked what s the biggest geopolitical threat facing america. you said russia. not al qaeda. you said russia. in the 1980s or now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the cold war s been over for 20 years. what about that moment? it was a little bit of a passive rebuttal from governor romney there. obama got the best of him. it turns out in retrospect it wasn t true. russia is our number one threat but at that time romney didn t press the buoyapoint.
great stuff. always great to watch this. we ll be watching on monday night. scott, great to see you this morning. thank you. we got a big final hour on tap. lieutenant governor michael flynn, geraldo rivera both join us live. sweet st. thomas nice. so nice, so nice st. croix full of pure vibes. so nice, so nice. st. john a real paradise. this winter experience us virgin islands nice. book your trip at before october 31st to receive your 6th night free, plus $600 in spending credits.
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good morning to you. it s saturday september 24th. i m ab bihuntsman. we start with a fox news alert. a massacre at the mall this morning. five people are dead after a shooter opens fire in a gun-free zone. we re receiving shots fired at burlington. i ve got two victims down bleeding in the makeup section. unknown number of victims. reports of three to four down inside. police are needing your help this morning finding this man. you can see him there. the latest on the manhunt in moments. to do if this at s the happens at monday night s debate?
every time i think about trump, i get allergic. lay off the newports, would you? this morning we know what would happen if hillary s allergies strike again. we ll tell you coming up. it looks like the antibiotics weren t enough. hillary clinton having trouble keeping up with the kardashians. kim just said she might vote for trump. this morning, we re going to analyze, does anyone care? this fox & friends hour four starts right now. this could change the race as we know it. earth shattering. every few months i always ask my wife, what does kim kardashian do again? what does she do? you know, i have remained blissfully insulated from the influence of kim kardashian. i know nothing about her. i m going to plug my ears as you read that part. we have lieutenant governor general michael flynn on the show. we re going to ask him. we ll delve into deep topics.
you can t see him. he s right off camera. he looks so excited to talk about this topic. can t wait to bring him on the couch. before that, we have headlines to get to this morning involving this news alert, a massive manhunt underway right now for an armed killer who shot five people dead inside a shopping mall just north of seattle. man, that s when i ran immediately to where i work at, you know, with a bunch of people. and we were able to lock up and stay safe until we had to evacuate. police now scouring this area for this man. you can see him there on surveillance carrying a rifle. police describe him as a hispanic male in his 20s wearing all black. they re urging people right now to stay inside. and now to another fox news alert. hillary clinton postponed her trip to charlotte as chaos erupts again for the fourth night in a row. protesters denying the mandates curfew to demand justice for keith scott, a black man shot by a black police officer.
and this video taken near the scene of that shooting just released by the victim s widow. don t you do it. keith! keith! don t you do it. [ bleep ] did you shoot him? police say that suspect had a gun. it was loaded and had his blood and fingerprints on it. yet the department still refusing to release dashcam or body cam video of the shooting. and we are learning another top hillary clinton aide given immunity by the fbi in the now-closed e-mail probe. the fifth person to strike a similar deal. chair of the house oversight committee jason chaffetz is outraged saying, quote, no wonder they couldn t prosecute a case. they were handing out immunity deals like candy. and it looks like hillary clinton is having trouble keeping up with the kardashians. this morning kim broke the news that her father, caitlyn jenner has convinced her to vote for
donald trump. kim thought at first, oh, my god, i m so hillary but i had a long political call with caitlyn last night about why she s voting trump and i m on the fence. we re not going to inflect the sideshow on you, general. you re seeing more people jump on the trump thing. so this is a good thing. we re going to leave it there. yeah. what are you looking for on monday night? terrorism obviously going to be a big focus, foreign policy a big focus. we had sebastian on the show earlier, julian turner, saying we haven t seen an isis pollty plan from donald trump on how to defeat isis. will donald trump lay out a clear plan on how to defeat isis? yeah, the big difference between donald trump and what hillary clinton is proposing is with donald trump you actually win the war against radical islam. and with hillary clinton you continue to participate in this never-ending conflict. with no end. so donald trump about five weeks
ago now, if i remember right, he gave a great speech on essentially countering radical islamism. and he laid out four components. he laid out a military component, a financial component, cyber where we have to get much more aggressive in the world of cyber, and also the countering the ideology. so those four sort of strategic components are the essence of what donald trump has stated in terms of what it is to defeat radical islamism. the problem today that we have is this enemy is no longer just over there. they are here as we have recently seen. so we have a problem right here in the homeland with the rise of radical islamism. and, you know, we saw that in spades here this last week. that s what a lot of voters are concerned about last week, we saw that happen and we re learning more about the chelsea bomber, ahmad rahami, he s just the latest terrorist. when you look back to a fallen
off radar list, in orlando apparently met with the fbi three different times. one of the tsarnaev brothers was on their radar two years before that. this is what people are concerned about. how did that go missing? yeah, well, first of all, just to give, you know, your listeners a little bit of a comparison, there are about roughly 17,000 federal agents in the fbi. there s 34,000 police officers here in the city of new york. so if the director of the fbi is right when he says we have 1,000 cases on radical islamism or isis inspired cases in this country alone in all 50 states, and we have an imbalance in our resources and we have a problem working between the federal, state and local levels, there is a clear breakdown somewhere. so we have to take a hard look at how we re taking care of our own homeland security, how we re working together, how we re cooperating from the federal down to the local level. i believe we have to give more authority or more, you know,
leverage to our state and local level and allow them to do the things they need to do. one of the reasons we re seeing so many attacks here in the united states is because we ve been importing wholesale tens of thousands of people who hate us. trump made that point. the establishment attacked him. their furiously went crazy, they hated that. will he say something similar to that in the debate monday night or should he? we ll see what he has to say in the debate. but this idea of bringing in refugees into this country. i mean, the guy that did the stabbings up in minnesota is a somali refugee, i understand. so we have a problem. if we re going to talk about bringing in another 100,000 or up to 100,000 refugees from countries like syria, iraq, afghanistan, maybe smol omalia, got all the issues about young children and women, but we don t understand who these people are. the fbi, department of homeland security, department of justice, have all said we can t vet this thing a 100% it s not a 100%
foolproof system. let s stop and figure out if we re going to do this how do we get there? in the meantime, i kind of say, hey, look, what s going on in the muslim world, what s going on in particularly the arab world, where are the leaders there? and what are they doing to help this problem? we have to take them to task as well. speaking of the fbi, i want to get your take on what happened last night. another friday document dump when people are out to the dinner and movies and not paying much attention. we learned the president may have used a pseudonym in communicating with hillary clinton while she was secretary of state on her own private server. of course this contradicts what we heard back a number of months ago when president obama on cbs said this about when he learned about the private e-mail. take a listen. mr. president, when did you first learn that hillary clinton used an e-mail system outside the u.s. government for official business while she was secretary of state? at the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. so news reports, not when i was communicating using a
pseudonym with her. what do you make of that? i mean, the level of dishonesty i mean, this is what the american public are sick of. they re sick of the lying and sick of the dishonesty. they re sick of this perpetuation of fraud within the federal government. that the breakdown between trust, you know, from those in washington, d.c. and the rest of those in america is stunning. and that trust is what is why i believe there s millions and millions of americans that are joining to, you know, sort of get on with donald trump to become the next president of the united states because this we can t have this. we cannot have this any longer. and we can t have people that are dancing around political correct terms any longer. we have got to come to grips with basically rebuilding the trust between the american public and the white house. and that includes the secretary of state or the state department, includes the department of defense. i mean, there s so much at stake here in this election.
absolutely. when i go out and cover some of the trump rallies and events, i ask the supporters, you know, what do you like about trump? that s really the one thing that i continue to hear is, i don t agree with everything he has to say, but he is so different from so many politicians that we have known over the years and we want something so different at this point. he s going to have to hammer that out as well on monday night to remind people of why he is different and maybe even bring up the e-mail scandal. how does he do that in a way that he looks presidential still? well, i hope that the if the commentators are going to be honest, they should be bringing it up and asking these tough questions because this is a big issue. it gets to the issue of honesty. and, you know, i would say one thing on temperament because temperament keeps coming up. i ve known donald trump now for some time. i ve had a lot of time with him. his temperament is a temperament of winning. when people look at temperament, you know, i m showing temperament now, but my temperament is about resolve and
determination. donald trump, his temperament is very similar and it s also about winning. this is not about, you know, the issue of what it is we re going to do or we re going to wring our hands. i mean, the folks in sort of the clinton machine and what we re seeing right now because they re falling behind rapidly, you see all this hand wringing. and i just see this campaign between now and the end of the up until the election is going to get ugly. really quickly, we re facing a ton of threats. the administration is now telling us one of the most important things we can do is to immigrate transgenders into our combat troop. is that going to make us a ton safer? here s what i would say about that, the lgbtq community, we are a standards based organization in the military. if they can meet the standards, i don t have any issues with it at all. wa we can t do is make diversity our number one priority. defense should be our number one priority. general, great to see you. appreciate it. well, hillary clinton has a
question for you. now, having said all this, why aren t i 50 points ahead you might ask? well, less than 50 days before the election, can she catch up? we ll discuss it. she promised if trump won the white house i don t think that s america. i don t want it to be america. maybe it s time for me to move. i can afford to go. well. well. so did trump do whoopi a favor? geraldo rivera still on tap to talk about that and more when we come back. [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility.
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you believe it, to go until the presidential election. hillary clinton is making a hard sell to millennials. here s part of it. what happens if you become pregnant? i could send you some pamphlets. nobody should be fooled. now, having said all this why aren t i 50 points ahead, you might ask? that s a good question. sor sorry, sorry, having trouble modulating my voice there. the former secretary of state is facing decline from young voters. question is can she do it by november? let s ask political crowd funding and former advisor to uk prime minister david cameron. thanks for being here this morning so early. appreciate it. great to be with you. are you going to ask me to weigh-in on the kardashian situation? i m very nervous. what are your thoughts? i really have nothing to say about that. good for you. love it. all right. so let s pull up this poll. this is from august. you can see clinton 50% to
trump/pence 23%. this is more recent one we can pull up, 37% to 28% trump/pence. when she really does like to do the late-night shows most recently between two ferns. doesn t seem like that s helping much though. i think when it comes to younger voters, she can do all the things that she likes like that, but fundamentally there s something about her, i think, that is just out of step with today s world. i think it s something to do with the way that she s so controlled and calculating. and it just doesn t really fit with the times. whereas if you look at trump, he s actually a bit older. there s something about the way he goes about things. he s more free wheeling style, even the way he uses twitter, which of course gets him into trouble a lot. there s something about him that s in a way more modern and contemporary. yeah, he doesn t try to be funny either. which is good. exactly. exactly. so, steve, all the smart
people i know missed brexit, the betting markets even missed it. you did not miss it. you had your finger on it early. one of the rare people who did. a lot of that vote was hidden. to what extent is that going on in this election? how many points would you give trump that are not showing up in polls right now? well, in the case of brexit there was a big group of people, i think at least 4% or 5%, and that really makes a difference when it s a tight race, who had not been picked up by any of the polling or the very sophisticated data models that we all hear about these days in politics. because they just hadn t bothered to vote. they hadn t voted in previous elections for many years. and i think there s a real comparison here when you look at what s driving all that. the realities of life underneath that. some data that was published a couple of weeks ago, i think, was it last week on incomes in america. it was really revealing and important as to what s going on in this election. people jumped on one aspect of that new income data, which showed the incomes in america went up last year for the first
time in many years. and of course that was good news. but the other revealed in that data was that the median income in america has still lower today than in 1999. what that means in plain english is that half of americans, 50% of americans, are earning less today than in 1999. after eight years of bush, and eight years of obama, they are earning less. that s why they ve given up on policy. that s why they don t come out to vote. and i think that s the group that s really looking to trump for someone after all these years of failure from the traditional politicians he might actually change things. that s exactly right. that s really insightful. really well said. thank you, steve. good to see you. well, colin kaepernick s national anthem protest land him on the cover of time magazine. is that really appropriate? baltimore tight end benjamin watson is here to discuss next. and hold a barbecue in honor of your country? one college says you can t do
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rules and minor errors could lead to mistake in votes. and she promised if donald trump won the white house, this i don t think that s america. i don t want it to be america. maybe it s time for me to move. listen, i can afford to go. uh-huh. well, in perhaps a sign of things to come, whoopi goldberg just revealed she may be leaving the view by this time next year because she has, quote, other things to do. and perhaps other countries to live in. ab abby. thanks for that, tucker. switching gears. protests in charlotte have calmed down since violent confrontations earlier in the week where one man was shot and later died. 44 were arrested and dozens of officers were injured. here to weigh-in is baltimore ravens tight end, benjamin watson. nice to see you this morning. welcome back to the show. thank you. good to see you guys. when you see what s unfolding, obviously we had some more peaceful night last night thankfully. but i love something you said.
you said these candidates, hillary clinton and donald trump, can t save us. what do you mean by that? well, what i mean is in our country we re obviously in a political season and politics is very important. obviously we have great respect for those who lead our country and whoever will become the president of the united states, but ultimately when you look at the underlying issues of our problems, they re bigger than simply economics, although that s certainly important, they re bigger than race and us getting along with each other and creating opportunities. all those things are important, but ultimately for us to be able to treat each other the correct way, we need a divine intervention, i think. that is what i m pointing to. that is what i m urging people to do is to surrender and to repent from some of the vile things we ve seen said between people, especially when it comes to these protests or whatever it is that s happening in this country right now. yeah. that sort of leads right into colin kaepernick and the story everyone s been following kneeling during the national
anthem. he s now on the cover of time magazine. we had basketball coach bobby knight on the show yesterday. and here s what he had to say about this. well, that was not the right clip. but he basically said that it would be very distracting if he were one of his players and that he would not allow them to be part of the game. what is your response? well, i ve had a lot of great coaches in my career, high school, college, nfl. and most of the great coaches i know would at least talk to their players. i mean, coaches care about players. we spend a lot of time together. so even if there s something like this going on, you see what chip kelly did in san francisco, he may have not agreed with colin at first, but he was willing to have the conversation. i think that s the important thing is that a coach s job is to protect their players. he may not agree with his players, but the conversation needs to be had and i think that s why colin knelt. bobby knight, he s obviously one of the great basketball coaches ever to coach, have great
respect for him, but my hope would be that if he were in a similar situation he would at least have his team come together and talk about the reasons why one of his players felt so strongly enough to take a knee during the national anthem. one of the things you talk about in the violent outbreaks we re seeing in the protests, you say the bias we need to examine. one of the most telling comments came from that helicopter pilot. tell us about that, what your thoughts are. well, you know, bias can be explicit or implicit. a lot of us may not even know that we act in a bias manner. i mean, you can remember some of these tests with little kids and asked a kid, put a picture of a bunch of different dogs in front of them from very, very light skinned doll and asked which one stole the money or which one is bad and they always seemed to pick the darker one. doesn t mean they have hate in their heart essentially. what it means is that we grow up in a system that is in many ways biased. and when i heard whoever was in the helicopter, the police officer, said it looked like a
bad dude, from that high up, that lets me know there is some bias. we act out of that bias without even knowing we have it. so of course you re going to have your extremes. you re going to have those who are white sue premipremistsupre. i want to talk to those in the middle who may not consider themselves to be racist or haters or whatever it is, but we need to recognize there s inherent bias simply in this country. when we identify it, that s when we re able to address it. that s well said, benjamin watson, thanks for being with us this morning. thank you. coming up on the show, we re 45 days away from the election, so how are immigration bosses reacting? they re trying to swear in as many new citizens as possible before the deadline. wonder who that will help. and geraldo rivera is here to react joining the curvy couch. that is up next. before i had the shooting, burning
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security. and they are working around the clock. if there would be a way to delay those visits in terms of giving us a chance to get our city, you know, back to order and back to more of a state of normalcy, that would probably be ideal. so there s a lot going on in the world. a lot going on in charlotte, north carolina. who better to break it down with us than geraldo rivera. good morning. good morning. i understand people are frustrated with the police shootings. i get it completely. but democratic politicians are sending the message pretty explicitly that if you don t like the way things are going, it s legitimate to go out and burn things down, loot businesses, these are protesters, they re not. they rioted and hurt people for no reason. and tho one denounced them from the left. well, let me agree in part. i think that the president s response to charlotte was way too muted. it was almost nuanced. it was, you know, folks,
sometimes get out of hand and that s unfortunate, you know, but people have the right to demonstrate if they have an issue. exactly. in other words it seemed as if he was speaking about college kids maybe toilet papering a house. exactly. and i thought he lacked the urgency and the passion necessary to match that particular event. but politicians and you know, tucker, whether it s a disaster like this manmade or something from mother nature or some other calamity or catastrophe, they particularly in an election season, they go to seize the moment, seize the attention of the media. there s a photo op in the offing. baton rouge was the last one. hillary clinton, i really believe, felt donald trump stole a march on her, mexico. when he went to mexico at the invitation of the mexican president. i think that s why she very much wanted to get to charlotte first, and the mayor who we just saw told her in a very calm and
measured way, please wait. we are strained right now, our resources. don t come down. don t force us to divert cops to guard you when we have the need for them to guard the city. the same thing was said in louisiana. exactly. please stay away, politicians. we don t need you right now because you block streets up, secret service, all of those things. we need to get resources out. that didn t stop donald trump. he didn t. he landed at another field and the people were very sincerely happy to see him. and hillary was determined to not let that happen again. critical president obama didn t go sooner even though he was told not to come. so this whole issue of race relations it s surely going to be a big topic in the debate on monday night. both candidates have spoken out about it. how is this going to go? who do you think has the winning argument there? well, i think that he lester holt is the moderator, african-american commentator, anchored man, very measured in
his approach it seems to me. i ve never discerned whether holt is a republican or democrat, even liberal or conservative. i really think he has no particular agenda in that regard. but he must, he has the moral burden and authority to ask first that question. i think that that will open the debate. out of the gate. out of the gate. it will be here s the situation and i think that he could frame the question as you did, tucker. the people acting out, you know, what do you do? do you say you re sympathetic to their cause but condemn you know, i think that race relations and particularly incendiary situations like charlotte will dominate the first ten minutes of the debate. i hope so. trying to throw journalists into bonfires, throwing rocks at cars. federal government famous for slow response to citizens requests. and now, however, documents show that i.c.e., the immigration part of the federal government, is expediting requests for
citizenship for green card holders in order to get people registered to vote for this election. why is that not packing the electorate? you know, i heard that story. and it reminded me of the scene in martin scorcese s gangs of new york set in the middle of immigrants arriving and they got off the ship, they gave them a rifle to enlist them in the union army and then signed them up as democrats to vote in the corrupt political organization s elections. yeah. so i think you ve had that kind of immigration, voter manipulation, demographic stuffing of the ballot box, i think historically. better than dead people voting in cook county like they did in 1960, or the cuban americans in 2000 stopping the recount of the vote in south florida. i think you have around the edges in the election process you always have some stinky stuff going on.
i think in fact it s true and i ve seen e-mails it appears to be true that they are expediting citizenship to get people on what their motive is they don t stay but you can assume to get them on their voter roles. if they do that it s part of a long tradition, seemingly almost insignificant but always irks e irksome. in places like arizona it could sway the election. look at 2000, there was 560 votes. it didn t take a whole lot to give florida to george w. bush. and once florida went, to give him the presidency despite the fact he had less votes nationally than al gore did. right. and you re going to be at hofstra. i will. i want to say one quick thing about hillary clinton. everyone said she s been intensely preparing for the debates and that s why she s kind of disappeared. i think what people are missing is she s resting. she s beat up. i mean, physically. i really identify with both the candidates. they re in my age demographic.
and i know how i ve lost a step over the last several years. i think hillary wanted to be president in 2008. she had to wait eight more years. now she s deep into her 60s. she s lost a step. i can no longer jump to two steps, three steps the way i used to. same thing with former secretary and i think that s why she s been so low profile. 90 minutes no commercials. we ll see how that goes. what if they need a bathroom break? thanks, geraldo. it s a real question, past a certain age. all right. we ve got some other headlines this morning. guess what, it turns out the orlando shooter omar mateen was isis terrorist. shows his connections to the islamic state. he shot and killed 49 people before being gunned down by police. authorities suspect russian hackers were behind the massive cyber attack at yahoo. the company catching serious flak for the breach of half a
million users information. a new york man is now suing yahoo for gross negligence. and pc police declaring uncle sam too offensive. students tried holding an event called american barbecue using uncle sam marketing. school administration saying it was, quote, too military and recruitment oriented. interesting. and a boozy barrel hunt is underway. jack daniels has hidden 150 prize filled barrels all around the world as part of its 150th anniversary celebration. inside the barrels are a one of a kind bar kit or anniversary bottle of jack. one even ended up here on the fox & friends plaza. we ve got to find those. i got my name on that barrel. how much is a barrel of jack daniels cost? lots of money. 150 years though. last a lifetime. yeah. keep it up high enough. well, facebook is jumping right into the 2016 race, but don t worry. the social media giant says it will play completely fair.
kurt the cyber guy is here to discuss what it might mean for you and the future of our democracy. not a big deal. stay tuned. you push and pull and struggle and fight and love to run your business. and when you need legal help with that business, we re here for you. we re legalzoom. and over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners navigate every day challenges. so visit us today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night.
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smithsonian museum. and what a day to celebrate the full american experience. and truly this museum is a reflection of that. it s also been told that this is probably the most interactive of all the smithsonians. 36,000 artifacts if you can imagine, and some 400,000 square feet of living history at your fingertips. the african-american experience is the quintessential american experience. it is the experience that helped us understand our notions of optimism, our notions of liberty, our notions of citizenship. we realize that it s a story for us all, not just one community. this beautiful bronze facade a reminder perhaps of the beacon of invitation for all americans to come and enjoy this slice of american history. now, yesterday we heard president obama talk about the celebration today, and sort of drawing a contrast between that and the ongoing struggles in a couple great american cities, charlotte and tulsa. the president saying this museum
is a reminder of the progress that we as americans have made, but also a reminder of the ongoing fight. the timing of this is fascinating. because in so many ways it is the best of times. but in many ways these are also troubled times. history doesn t always move in a straight line. and without vigilance, we can go backwards as well as forwards. guys, i got to tell you, it s been an incredible morning already. spoken word, poetry, we ve heard music of just about every variety, gospel and jazz and rock and soul, even a bit of country. we ll hear plenty of that, rapping, everything else over there across the street as we ve seen thousands collect here. should be a great day. we ll have it all for you. by the way, i just saw samuel l. jackson standing to my left. i did not get a selfie. been watching that building
go up for a while. thanks, kevin. beautiful fall day. is mexico warming up to the idea of paying for donald trump s big beautiful wall? let s check back with them. i am not going to pay for this [ bleep ] wall. if you thought he was mad there, just wait. because this morning we learned trump may get his wish after all. of course he s not even president anymore. facebook jumping into the 2016 race meanwhile, but don t worry rest assured the social media giant says it will play fair with you. kurt the cyber guy here to discuss the future of our democracy and facebook. stay tuned. there s something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it s whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today.
that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it s like my father always told me put that down. that s expensive. of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who s gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that s when i realized. i m allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it s been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay.
some quick headlines from the campaign trail. first up, jill stein did not get invited to the first debate on monday, but that s not going to stop her from showing up. the green party candidate and her supporters plan on having a protest outside the debate site. and it s been a huge campaign comment from the beginning, donald trump forcing mexico to pay for the wall. don t worry, folks. we re going to be building the wall. we re going to build a wall. and who is going to pay for the wall? who? i am not going to pay for this [ bleep ] wall. the smart people scoff vicente, but trump could get that by raising fees on tolls and bridges. boom. thank you, tucker. so executives at yahoo, facebook and netflix now jumping on the hillary clinton bandwagon raising $113 million for her campaign. this as facebook launches the
first nationwide voter registration drive for users 18 or older will automatically receive a reminder to vote at the top of their news feeds. here to discuss is kurt the cyber guy. first of all, on the first topic first of all, facebook, i m not a media company. we re not a media company. they re everything about a media company. they re one of the largest media companies in the world. more people getting their news in the news feeds playing. it s remarkable. but the idea these guys are raising all their money for hillary clinton, does that surprise you? no, i mean, silicon valley has been a hot bed for raising a lot of funds for especially they lean to the left on this one without question. 25 to 1 this particular election season. so trump not getting in too much out of that area. but $113 million is part of an 1,100 donation bundle. and these are called elite bundlers. so you re looking at say facebook s c.o.o. sheryl sandberg as well as other folks. reed hastings from netflix. yes, a number of other people
there that are high profile who are showing up and collecting checks from their friends. they re called bundlers. that s an elite bundler and makes a big difference when you can put in your pocket $113 million from one collection of heavyweight people. well, it makes you think this has got to impact the way the ceos are thinking about decisions that they re making. you think about the google home page or facebook, the things they re putting out there for people to see. all i know might have an agenda. look, facebook still has not really come to jesus on this whole idea of what s a trending story and how do we and now here we have facebook going into this debate, as well as you know other social media going into the debate. they re going to be determining what s trending. what s the trending topic. guess what? moderators are now going to be feeding off this information. and they re going to say, oh, most people are clicking on this. or is it somebody behind the scenes at facebook that s saying we think people are trending in this way. these wall of gardens never
know. it is. kurt, great to see you this morning. clayton, good to see you. abby, always good to see you. we told you earlier how college students weren t allowed to hold a patriotic barbecue at the college because someone thought it was too offensive. well, that won t stop us from holding our own offensive all-american barbecue. we re partying on the plaza. that s right. it looks good. let s get out there. the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. down came the rain. .and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance.
still not sure whether to stay or go on that business trip? should i stay or should i go? this fall at choice hotels, the more you go the better! now earn a free night when you stay with us just two times. book direct at with two big sales to gear up and save. like select bass pro ball caps for only $5. and a pursuit laser rangefinder for under $120 after rebate. bass pro shops. well, earlier in the show we told you about students being forced to change their american themed barbecue because the administration there deemed it, quote, offensive. this morning we re having an
all-american barbecue to show our own patriotic pride. and here to grill up some delicious american classics chef mark bailey. nice to see you this morning. hey, mark. good to see you. happy july 4th in september. it s amazing. and it s all-american going on here today. you know what i m saying, burgers, chicken, ribs. start with the burgers. burgers, an all-american burger, parsley, chipotle kick, i actually carry it throughout the entire meal. good for you. but not everything. i love the tobsco chipotle sauce. this is an open face grilled chicken sandwich. i used the chipotle sauce for the topping, topped with mozzarella cheese as well as green onions and scallions and you re good. mashed potatoes. you don t get any more than american than mashed potatoes.
i used idaho russet potatoes. avoid the boiling and peeling and that crap, it tastes really good. potatoes are actually native to north america, introduced to the rest of the world by north america. that s not made in china. no, it s not. exactly right. and neither is this, the smithfield tender you can t get anymore tender or american than ribs. honey chipotle sauce and use that as my marinade. come on now. krou can t beat that. with grilled onions, come on. is anything not improved by grilled onions? absolutely nothing. i can top it on everything. i put them on starburst and make them better. i think everyone should have an all-americaned themed barbecue this week. what are these awesome sunglasses. i like the hat actually. i feel like i should celebrate america. tucker s not feeling it. i m totally into it. and if you want more on this,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161027 01:00:00

national republican party to be clear, in context, there s a whole bunch of problems that the trump dpan has for the republican party. there s a new poll that puts donald trump nationwide 14 points behind hillary clinton. 14 points behind? now, that is not the only poll in the world, right? there s another national poll out also tonight from fox news that says he s only 3 points behind hillary clinton. we ll be talking later on in the show with an expert about how to read the various polls right now. how to know what s right, especially when you ve got results like these that are so disparate. in either case 13 points behind or 3 points behind, he is still behind. the headwinds seem very clear right now. tonight at they re reading those headwinds for the presidential race and looking at the senate polls.
fivethirtyeight is giving the republican party a 68% chance of losing control of the united states senate this year. so that is just one of the problems that it appears the donald trump candidacy has created for the republican party. here s another new one that i think nobody s been talking about thus far at the national level but this could be really important. today the national conference of state legislatures said that they re watching for party control to potentially flip this year in 11 state senates and in 7 state assemblies. in the vast majority of those they expect to flip they are republican controlled now, which means if they flip, they re ready to flip to democrat, if the now expected blue wave comes in just at the right time and the right way. that s another part of the bad news that the republican party i think can largely blame on the presidential candidacy of donald trump. so i get that.
but what we reported here on monday night that has now all of a sudden come to fruition as truly bad news for the republican party brought upon them by donald trump, it s a very specific thing. it s something that leading republicans are tearing their hair about tonight. and it is having to do with this. several of these signs were reported at polling places in newark s north ward. republican poll watcher, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls. it was all part of the national ballot security task force set up by the republican national and state committees to guard against vote fraud. but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. this was 1981, the new jersey governor s race that year. we reported on this monday night. this is the case where the national republican party got involved in that gubernatorial
election. they flew in basically a goon squad of national operatives on election day and these guys flooded into minority precincts as basically vigilante poll watchers. governor s race in new jersey was going to be close that year. this group from the rnc decided they wanted to keep the vote down, so in trenton, camden, newark, they put up these big warning, warning, warning signs telling people that these voting locations would be patrolled by the ballot security task force and they brought in off-duty cops and off-duty sheriffs deputies who in many cases wore guns on their hips and these guys put on these hooptie ballot security forces arm bands which made them look quasiofficial, then they physically patrolled the voting sites in dozens of precincts that had mostly minority voters. if you did call the phone number that was listed on the big warning signs because you wanted to collect their thousand dollar reward for voter fraud, the
1-800 number reportedly went directly to the republican national committee headquarters at the time. so there was no obfuscating this. it was straight up an rnc op. and it worked. the republican won the governor s race that year in new jersey by a tiny, tiny fraction. both parties at the time claimed that this ballot security task force stunt is how they did it. these armed guys in semiofficial looking arm bands stomping around minority neighborhoods. both parties claimed at the time that was probably enough to make a difference in that race. so for the short-term political calculation that op worked for the republican party, but for the long-term that was a bad move because they re still living with the consequences of what they did there and the fact they got caught for it. because the democratic party sued them over what they did in new jersey that year and the democrats won. and now 35 years later the republican party is still trying to get out from under the legal
restrictions that were placed on them because of them getting caught and losing that case. and that is the problem that donald trump has now gotten the national republican party into tonight. in that news footage from that time in 1981, you saw those arm bands that the ballot security task force wore? you could go to a website called stop the steel or another called vote protectors, they directed you to the same place. if you went to those websites until tonight, you could use something called an i.d. badge generator. you enter your details and print out effectively this year s version of the republican party ballot security task force. this year in 2016, this is the badge you get if you use that thing onhine. a vote protector semiofficial looking i.d. badge. that s the picture there and the name of a reporter from the huffington post on the left. she also added in joe schmo, not
a real person and a picture of the frog racist trump character from online to show that you can enter anybody s photo and anybody s name and get one of these badges. makes you look quasilegit, right? back in the day when they got in trouble for it in new jersey, the republicans ballot security task force targeted 75 different minority heavy precincts. this year the pro trump vigilante effort. the forces using the fake i.d. badges, online tutorials teaching people to videotape and livestream video of voters at their polling places. this year they haven t pick just three minority heavy cities in one state. this year the effort is targeting minority heavy cities in swing states, cleveland, ohio, detroit, michigan, philly, las vegas, milwaukee, ft. lauderdale, richmond, virginia, fayetteville and charlotte,
north carolina. these are parallel efforts, right? what the republicans got caught for in 1981 was organizing these supposed poll watching intimidation schemes, specifically in minority-heavy areas. what s that list look like to you for 2016? right. they only did it in new jersey in 1981, now they re all over the map. but you see the theme there. also a key element of the intimidation back in the day that they got caught for was that they used off-duty law enforcement. that helped both in terms of you know, these intimidating ballot security task force personnel having firearms. they re off-duty cops, off-duty sheriff sheriffs. they had firearms. that added a quasiofficial character to it. random citizens can still be intimidating on their own whether or not they re armed. but when you get law enforcement to do it, that s like the gold
standard. we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting a lot of law enforcement. we re going to watch pennsylvania very quickly. we re going to watch pennsylvania go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don t come in and vote five times. let me just tell you, i looked all over pennsylvania. and i m studying it. and we have some great people here. some great leaders here of the republican party. they re very concerned about that. and that s the way we can lose the state. we have to call up law enforcement and we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everybody watching because if we get cheated out of this election, if we get cheated out of a win in pennsylvania, which is such a vital state, especially when i know what s happening here, folks. i know. she can t beat what s happening here. the only way they can beat it, in my opinion and i mean this
100% if in certain sections of the state they cheat. okay? so i hope you people can sort of not just vote on the 8th. go around and look and wam other po watch other polling places. you guys go make sure. you guys go watch. we have a lot of law enforcement. we have to call up law enforcement, we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting out a lot of law enforcement. a lot of observers of this election, journalists and just regular citizens have been a little ubbed out by the campaign. not just saying the election is rigged, it s being stolen but telling his supporters to go out and do this vigilante poll watching this swing state cities in particular. and when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about.
take a look at philadelphia, what s been going on. take a look at chicago, st. louis. it s not been a subtle thing. people have been ubbed out about it when trump has been calling for people, you know what i mean, go out and watch in these cities. but listen to what he s saying there about the getting law enforcement out there to do the watching. i mean, beyond the ick factor of what he s been doing, the fact that this just seems a little sketchy to a lot of people, but beyond that there is this now plainly observable fact and legally important fact that what the trump campaign seems to be ginning up for election day this year is really a carbon copy of what the republican party did back in 1981 with their arm bands and their off-duty cops and their targeting minority districts. that s what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s very clearly exactly what they are trying to do now, targeting minority districts,
having off-duty law enforcement show up. right? identifying themselves as semiofficial officials of some kind. right? it s an exact parallel to what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s not just an interesting parallel in history. it s now a huge, huge legal problem for the republican party. don t just take it from me. take it from the man who for many years was the top lawyer in the republican party. that s a huge problem for the republican party. the republican national committee is under a consent decree that severely limits its election day activities because of some actions back in the 80s. if they prosecute that the consent degree due to come off next year will not come off. the rnc is very eager to have that consent decree come off next year when it expires. this activity i can promise you will cause the democrats to go back into court to try to extend
it. ding. that was republican lawyer ben ginsberg warning after the last debate that what the trump campaign and republicans were threatening in terms of this poll watching effort that trump keeps talking about out on the stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that prohibits them from doing any poll watching like this whatsoever because of their terrible history with this stuff. the republican national committee is banned from any election day poll watching stuff at all that in any way targets minority districts. they ve been banned, legally banned from doing that stuff since the 1980s. and it s really important to them that they follow what they are legally bound to follow here because that consent decree restricts what they re allowed to do and that is finally due to expire next year. the only way it won t expire is
if the court finds the republicans are violating it, that they are doing racist poll watching again in defiance of the court in which case that consent decree won t expire next year, it will get extended for another, oh, eight years or so. ben ginsberg on our air sounded the alarm last week that the trump campaign was edging up against a legal line. we reported on monday in the activities very much looked like they are violating this order with the consent decree, then last night huffington post reported that the online training for donald trump poll watchers, for them to learn how they can livestream and videotape people while they were voting. and here s where you go online to down load your fake, semiofficial looking badge that defines you as a vote protector. and now tonight it s happened. the democratic party has just filed papers in court in new jersey asking that court to hold
the rnc in violation of that ancient consent decree to which they are still legally bound. they re asking the court to stop the rnc from helping the trump campaign organize these poll watch voter intimidation efforts in minority areas around the country. they re asking that the consent decree should be extended since they say the republican party is in violation of this consent decr decree, democrats say it should be extended another eight years until 2025. so those papers were filed in federal court tonight. i told you that donald trump was creating a big problem for the republican party here. this is going to prove to be a fascinating new test of whether or not the republican party thinks it is in its interests to officially try to dump him in some way ahead of this election that he really looks like he s going to lose anyway. we re told by election law experts tonight including rick hazen from the university of california irvine, we re told that this case, now that it s been filed, it may hinge on
whether or not the republican party can tell the court that they re totally divorced from donald trump, that anything highways happening by trump supporters, that anything that donald trump is asking him supporters to do, anything happening from the point of view of the trump/pence campaign, that has nothing to do with the rnc. he s not an agent of the rnc. they can t be judged by his behavior, held accountable for it. that may be the only way the republican party can legally save their skins on this. we re also told to expect that the court may act very fast on this case given that the election is two weeks away. one of the things the democrats are asking for is for the federal court to immediately step in and stop these poll watching efforts that trump and pence continue to try to organize. we re further told that if the court does move on this case quickly because of the timing, because of the stakes, this may rocket quickly right to the united states supreme court. as the republican party tries to
stop donald trump from burying them once again in a hole that they have spent 35 years trying to dig themselves out of. now, i should tell you, we reached out to the rnc for comment on this tonight after this filing went in. this is exactly what they told us. quote, the filing is completely meritless. just as in all prior elections in which the consent decree was in effect the rnc strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. nor do we coordinate with the trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any tefrts they may make in this area. the rnc remains focus on getting out the vote. part of the reason ben ginsberg said that he could guarantee the democratic party was going to file this motion tonight in federal court is because the trump campaign was bragging,
they re bragging to reporters and bragging on the stump, bragging in interviews that they were working with the rnc, working with the republican party up and down the ballot, working with the national republican party, working with the state parties, working with the local parties on this effort to protect the integrity of the vote. watch those polls. they ve been bragging that they re working with the rnc on this. the rnc in this stam telling us they do not coordinate with the trump campaign in any efforts to prevent of remedy vote fraud. in order to save the republican party on this, they re going to have to divorce themselves from donald trump. i wonder if they ll think it s worth it? the candidacy of donald trump for president of the united states has not been a gift to the republican party this year. but on a night like this, with this much at stake for the party, this thing they ve been trying to defeat for 35 years and him plainly not caring about it at all, what does he care if the republican party is still stuck he doesn t care.
it s not going to affect him after this. the republican party s got to be looking at these court filings and looking at this guy thinking, what else can this guy do to us? i don t know what s going to happen here, but watch this to move quickly in federal court in new jersey. watch this space. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by mg every dollar count. that s why i have the sparcash card from capital one. with it, i earunlimited 2% cash back on all ofy purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cashack from spark means thousands of dollars each year gog back into my business. which dsuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? but the best place tostart. kubo: i spy something beginning with. s beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trs. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outsi to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come gether
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[smokey whistling a tune] i guessing smokey liked that idea. 20 years ago exactly, 13 days out before the election that year in 1996, senator bob dole was not just losing in the polls, he was getting eaten alive. in the three-way race between president clinton, senator dole and ross perot, dole was behind clinton by a margin of something like 17 points at this point in the race. and the republican party saw what was coming. the party leadership basically gave up on dole altogether. they told their down-ballot candidates to save themselves. feel free to distance yourself from the top of the ticket. and so 20 years ago, 13 days before that election, just as we re 13 days before this one
now, 20 years ago bob dole hatched a plan. he did something no one expected. good evening. it appeared to be an act of desperation. bob dole way behind in the polls sent an emissary to ask ross perot if he would get out of the race and endorse him. unfortunately for dole, it backfire. it gave perot an opportunity to belittle the dole campaign. dole sent his campaign manager to perot and perot dismissed his request out of hand, it was one more bad piece one for piece of bad news for the republican candidate. david bloom is with him tonight as he s been all during this campaign. bob dole not a happy man tonight. tom, unhappy is putting it mildly. a top dole aide said this was a hail mary pass and when it failed and the story quickly leaked dole was angry and it showed. spurned by ross perot and admittedly frustrated bob dole lashed out today at voters wake up, america.
at president clinton s ethics. this is a disgrace. and especially at the liberal media who dole blamed for trying to engineer his defeat. we need the media to tell the american people the truth and the truth is that bill clinton ought to be voted out of office in a landslide. in washington, ross perot called dole s maneuver weird and totalli totally inconsequential. some called dole desperate. and some admitted to being stunned and disappointed that dole would even try to court perot. but this afternoon in a huge rally in front of alabama state capitol, dole, former governor george wallace looking on, focused instead on questions of presidential character. is there no honor in this administration or in this white house? don t inflict this on america for four more years. the problem for dole is that he s having to spend much of this week campaigning in what
should be core republican states already, florida, texas and alabama. that was the bob dole campaign 13 days out from the 1996 election. that hail mary overture to ross perot. and ross perot swatting it down and leaking it. and we are also now 13 days out from our presidential election this year. it is a fair point there at the end of that package from nbc that to note that bob dole, one of the ways you can really tell he was in trouble was the fact that he was having to campaign in deep red states like alabama. republican leaders were abandoning bob dole all over the country, but he did go to alabama in the waning days where he at least got former segregationist jormg wallace to rally with him. really, bob dole? why did you do that? this year it s not alabama where pence and trump are campaigning. it s utah. that s where republican vice presidential nominee mike pence
held a campaign rally tonight in salt lake city, utah. tomorrow mike pence will be in nebraska. a second deep red state that republicans have not lost since 1964 and where they should never have to campaign. now, in the parallels aren t exactly the same. luckily for the trump campaign, there is no ross perot to humiliate the republican candidate this year, right? the trump campaign doesn t stand the risk of asking mr. perot to please drop out of the presidential race only to have it backfire, have perot call it weird and get, you know, ridiculed for it. the closest thing the trump campaign has this year the a third party challenger is not ross perot, it s probably the libertarian ticket of gary jo johnson and bill weld. today well, now bill weld has just endorsed in the other direction, although he s being a little coy about it. at a press conference bill weld released a statement saying if you re deciding between the two major party candidates don t vote for donald trump. not in my lifetime has there
been a candidate for president who actually makes me fear for the ultimate well-being of the country, a candidate who might in fact put at risk the solid foundation of america that allows us to endure even ill-advised policies and the normal ebb and flow of politics. i would like to address myself to those who are torn. i have come to believe if donald trump were elected president he would not be able to stand up to pressure and criticism without becoming unhinged and unable to perform competently the duties of his office, donald trump is not stable, donald trump should not, cannot and must not be elected president of the united states. but beyond that, no further guidance from the libertarian vice presidential candidate bill weld. his advice is if you re choosing between two major party candidates, don t choose that one. don t choose trump. but you can do the math yourself to figure out what you should do instead. i m not endorsing hillary clinton, but you can figure it
out. that s actually nicer than what ross perot did to bob dole in 1996. trump and pence should maybe be happy with that. before taking his team to e r the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1%asck everhere, every time. places like the batting cas. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now atholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his ayers somethg extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
cer: sir, go ahead and ep out of the vehicle fore. shawn: ye sir. bud: see ya, buddy. today, shawn s got a hearing,e ll see how it go. good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, they re the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not wtht.
intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn t be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. zblrkts when you woke up this morning and checked your phone or whatever it is you look at first thing to get your news, you probably saw a headline like this one declaring that the polls are tightening between hillary clinton and donald trump. we have seen some recent evidence of that. a bloomberg poll of florida voters today showed donald trump
actually up by two points in florida. most other florida polls have shown hillary clinton very consistently ahead in that state. we also have the nbc wall street journal marist poll today showing donald trump tied with hillary clinton in nevada. the early voting numbers for trump in nevada have looked terrible, but they re tied in the latest poll out of that state. then, as i mentioned at the top of the show, there was no national polling. there was this new ap national poll that s out tonight that puts donald trump nationwide, 14 points behind hillary clinton. trump is only at 37% in this new national poll that just came out tonight from the ap. for a little perspective on that, go back to 1984 when walter mondale only took one state in the whole election that year. if donald trump really is at 37% right now, which is what he s at in this new ap national poll that just came out, if he s really at 37%, then donald trump right now is polling 4 points
worse than mondale did in this electoral scenario. which is finito, right? just as we were digesting that mammoth new lead in that ap poll with trump down by 14 points, just as we were digesting that we got another poll from fox news. fox news is editorially conservative but their polling is for real. yes, hillary clinton is leading nationally by only by 3 points. and that s in a poll with a 2 1/2-point margin of error. so these winning nationwide by 14 points, she s winning nationwide by 3 points. i mean, obviously, it all comes down to individual states, but still i m popping numbers from the ap and fox today and ones that don t make much sense together. how should we make sense of these numbers? where exactly are we at right
now? we ve got expert help on that, next. honey.our turn?urn? ye, we go left right here (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s whamakes a subaru, a subaru.
80% try to eat healthy, yet up to 90% fahort in gettingey nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day men s gummies. complete with key nutrients plus b vitamins to help convert food intfuel. [dance music playing] woman: los like s done. [reco scratch] cer: d l salmonella get nkwith yo chicken. will get a foodborne illness this year. u can sethese microbes, but they might be there. so, learn the right temperae to cook each type of meat. ke your family safe at
they are going crazy because they put out these phony polls and then the real polls come out. so today bloomberg has a poll, they re very disappointed. trump is up in florida by two points. they re very disappointed. these crooked pollsters. got their thumb on this. joining us is a senior political writer for a young man we ve been increasingly turning to for poll interpretation help. thanks for being here. pleasure. what do you make of the ap national poll coming out tonight showing clinton with a 14-point lead right before fox comes out with a national poll showing her with a 3-point lead? how do we absorb that information responsibly as humans in. i would say what i always say and that s average them. you have to keep in mind we re getting 50, 60, 70 polls day now. survey monkey released all these
polls on the state level. you ll have a normal curve, some on the left part, some on the right part. the fox news poll was on the left part and the ap poll from the right part. and they had a poll from abc news this morning which had her up about 9 points. don t believe anything that looks too much unlike the other things you re seeing? essentially that s right. if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. or too bad to be true. depending on your angle. based on the way you look at the polls and your data and your systems for absorbing it responsibly, do you feel that the race is tightening a bit right now? if it s tightening, it s barely tightening. the last model had hillary clinton with a s7-point lead no it s 6.3. if donald trump continues to tighten that with two weeks remaining he won t be able to catch hillary clinton. unless he tightens the race
at a faster pace. part of that time calculation is how many votes have been cast already. well over 10 million votes cast already. is there anything that tells you that you re watching in particular that s particularly presiptive or illuminating in terms of the early vote? you have to be very careful because some states changed the way. in nevada, a reporter out there will tell you that the trends look the same as in 2012 and when hillary clinton carried that state sorry, barack obama carried that state by five percentage points. it looks different for hillary clinton but overall be careful about reading too much into the early vote. any one state you re looking at, whether polling or early voting numbers that you feel like you re counting on as a barometer in terms of how the state will go? one is florida and the other is pennsylvania. donald trump must win in florida and hillary clinton must win in pennsylvania. there were three other polls
today that had him down by three percentage points. that s very bad news for him in that state. if you could only look at two states per day from here on out, you d look at florida and pennsylvania. right. senior political writer for fithirtyeight, thank you for being here. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug all the frawork. wire. anplan need to givey shop. a face. no one will forget. e wh the power of poin can do for your business. learn mo at i m one unlucky guy. the chance of being involved in a robry is 1 in 757. the chances of being struck by lightning. [thunder] [cous]
1 in 750,000. [ding] woman on p.a.: please ften your seatbelts for unexpected rbulence. annncer: the chances of being a victim in an airline crash, 1 in 29 million. the chances of bng involved in a car cra are far great than lightning strikes and plane crashes. and if you are texting while driving, your risk of crash increases 23times. now, i may be an unluc guy, but i d tave to be part of thastatistic, and neither do you. drive responsibly.
independents, then finally the pirates. the pirate party of hackers and anarchists whoever else just feels like being a pirate. they re on course to win next week in the parliamentary elections in iceland even over the parties named bright future and regeneration. i m not jealous exactly, i m just thinking maybe we could aim a little higher when naming our own parties there. more from our own partially pirated election straight ahead. i love that my shop is parof the morning ritualround here. people rely on that first cup ani wodn t want to mess with that. t when (my) ck pain got bad, i coul sleep. had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a slp aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. look up at a new dada hey guys! now i m back. aleve pm fora better. now i m back. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51.
prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51. teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and classroom technology and relieve school overcrowding creating more opportunity . . . and better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51.
all right. the very first question in the last debate between the two presidential candidates was an open-ended question about the supreme court. where do you want to see the supreme court take this country? and hillary clinton went first. she responded in a sort of tight direct way. she said she wanted a supreme court that stood up for the people against powerful interests that otherwise get their way. she wants the court to uphold row v. wage and uphold major equality. she wants the court to overturn citizens united to get dark money out of politics. it was just title down the line name check several decisions. she was first. then the moderator turned the same question to donald trump. where do you want to see the court take the country. how in your view should the constitution be interpreted? and donald trump s answer was that there s this one justice on the supreme court who said a bad thing about me once and that was terrible. and if you think i m being hyperbolic, i understand, you
think i m being hyperbolic. i m not, though. that s exactly where i had went right off the bat in response to an open-ended question about the supreme court. secretary clinton, thank you. mr. trump, same question. where do you want to see the court take the country and how do you believe the constitution should be interpreted? well, first of all, it s great to be with you and thank you, everybody. the supreme court, it s what it s all about. our country is so, so it s just so impair ittive that we have the right justices. something happened recently where justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people, many, many millions of people that i represent. and she was forced to apologyize and apologize she did, but these were statements that never should have been made. donald trump, what s your view of the importance and the proper role of the united states supreme court, thank you for being here, justice ginsburg
once said a mean thing about me, isn t that terrible? but enough about me. what do you think about me. that was just a weird moment to start the very last debate. right off the top, first question, what s important about the supreme court is something one justice once said about donald trump. on the one hand that was just a fantastic display of ignorant narcissism, right? hey, the supreme court isn t about you. but it s also possible that it was more than that as well. because justice ruth bader ginsburg having once said a critical thing about donald trump really isn t the most important thing everybody needs to know about the supreme court of the united states unless, unless the supreme court of the united states on which she sits is going to be called on to decide the presidential election between hillary clinton and donald trump. right now there are only eight justices on the supreme court since justice scalia died. four of the remaining justices were appointed by democrats, four were appointed by republicans. for more than seven months now republicans in the senate have refused to even consider plb b
president obama s nominee for the ninth seat on the court. and if the supreme court deadlocks in a 4-4 tie, they can t rule. i mean, if hypothetically clinton versus trump goes through a contested recount situation in one state like george w. bush versus al gore did and if that happens and if the supreme court was narrowly divided like they were in bush versus gore, we wouldn t have the option this year of getting a 5-4 ruling. if the justices broke on partisan lines, we would, in fact, get a 4-4 ruling and that would mean they could not issue a ruling to decide about the contested recount in whatever state was contested. and so some random lower court or some board of elections decree in some backwater would be left to decide 40 wwho was president of the united states. then hopefully, fingers crossed, hopefully we d all decide we d go along with it because some
partisan elected state judge said who the president should be so the whole country and the whole world would all salute and go along with it for four years, hopefully? just a nightmare a nightmare sc right, for the country. a nightmare scenario for the legitimacy of the presidency. a contested election and a 4-4 tie on the supreme court. that means it can t be nationally resolved. but you know what? nobody ever said you needed to have five votes to have a supreme court majority. right now it s an even number on the court. eight justices with a 4-4 ideological split, which could conceivably lead to a 4-4 tie. but if one of the justices was pressured into recusing herself, then the court would be 4-3, not 4-4. and 4-3 is not a tie. so if one justice could be persuaded to recuse from a case involving a contested presidential election, then a closely divided supreme court
could decide a contested election. it would just be a 4-3 ruling. and if justice ginsburg were the recusal, it would be a republican majority 4-3 split, donald trump win. justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me. when donald trump answered a question what is important about the supreme court and he immediately answered by attacking justice ginsburg for something critical she once said about him, i m not saying that wasn t a shocking display of raw narcissistic self absorption in terms of what s important about the supreme court. but it also may have been him laying the groundwork how he would contest the election if he can get it close enough or wild enough of that the election results somehow winds up in the courts. he is already laying the groundwork for demanding justice ginsburg s recusal. meanwhile, president obama s nominee to fill the vacant seat on the court has been weight 7 1/2 months since the president nominated him while republicans
won t give him so much as a single hearing. will that nominee, merrick garland still be the nominee for the supreme court if hillary clinton is elected in two weeks? or will she pick her own nominee once she is sworn in january? if clinton does win, will republicans suddenly change their mind about merrick garland and decide they want to confirm him after all, right after the election, so they can fill that seat with a known quantity before the new president clinton has a chance to pick somebody new for the bench? and in that instance, clinton s running mate, vice president-elect tim kaine, he would still be in the senate and able to cast a vote. how would he vote if that happened? if the senate goes democrat in november, and if you and hillary clinton win on november 8th, the republican-controlled senate will have the opportunity in the lame duck to change their mind about merrick garland. yeah. to try to approve him because they would worry that somebody more liberal would come along. or 20 years younger. yeah. even if it was the same person 20 years younger, i don t
know if i want that. if that happen, and that s not outside the realm of possibility, president obama would then have the opportunity to withdraw the nomination in deference to president-elect clinton. do you think president-elect clinton at this point would want merrick garland to be the nominee? what she pick somebody new? what would you want? i haven t talked to hillary about it. i have to tell you, this is in criminal of the republicans. mitch mcconnell has been very unequivocal, we re not take him up. we re not taking him up. but the prospect of seeing an election, boy, maybe we should, they will make that call. if he comes up for a vote in the senate, i m voting for him. because he so clearly gets over the hurdle of the fitness and character test that is supposed to be the test for advise and consent. but, you know, if the session ends and he is not approved, you know, then hillary should appoint the person that she thinks meets her criteria for being on the supreme court. should she consider merrick garland?
of course. that is who president obama said this meets my criteria. hillary will be the president. it s not bill clinton term 3, and it s not barack obama term 3. it s hillary clinton term 1. and she should make the decision what she thinks is her criteri for that vacancy. tim kaine speaking with me last night about whether or not hillary clinton is going to renominate president obama s pick for the supreme court, merrick garland if she is elected president in two weeks. no one, including clinton herself or kaine here last night or anybody associated with the clinton campaign, nobody is clearly stating that she would pick someone different than merrick garland if she is elected. i think, just my take from the way they all talk about it, though, that it s fairly reasonable to expect now that she would pick somebody other than merrick garland. if she is elected. and that s going to be really interesting. because if that happens, president obama is going to be in this position after the election where the republican-controlled senate really might all of the sudden be willing to approve merrick garland, his supreme court nominee. and at that point president obama will have to consider
whether he wants to have his nominee approved to sit on the supreme court or whether he instead would withdraw that nomination so hillary clinton would be free to pick her own choice when she is sworn in january. and i think i know what president obama would do in that instance. but are you sure? the supreme court and the presidency are always intertwined. this year it s starting to feel less like that traditional intertwining. it s starting to feel more like they re choking each other out. he is the steward of the office. part of our inheritance is our democratic system. that s what the office of the president of the united states is about. and when it s undermined by a candidate for the presidency, we have to understand how cancerous that is. thatchism did not rise in the 30s because it was strong, but because democracy was weak. we need to understand that.
[indistinct chatter] [telephone ring] man: hello? [boing [lghr] man: youay kiss e bride. [applause] woan: ahh. ndistit corsation] announc: a full life measurd seats starts with the right es early on. car crashes are a leading killeof children 1 t13. learn how to prevent deaths aninjuries by using the right car seat for your child s age and size. they offer alaim-freesurce smardiscount. because sa driversost less to insur which ses money. and en they ve, you sa. that s auto and home insance for the modernorld. esurance, an allstate mpany. click or cal ance ds auto insurance a ter way.
like their photo claims tool. it helps stle your claim money. qukly,which saves times and when they sa, you save. that s autand homeurance for the modernrnorld. esurancean allstate compan click or call. and something amazing ppens. th s our inspiration f fancy feast medleys. wild saln primaver tastes amazing. gfancy feast medley at the top of the show tonight, we broke the news that the democratic party has filed motions in a federal court in new jersey over the sort of vigilante poll watching stuff that the trump campaign has been threatening for election day. donald trump, mike pence, and some of their supporters have been talking about an effort to flood trump supporters into
cities in swing states, particularly minority heavy swing states, cities in various swing states to watch the vote in those places. to make sure that the vote isn t stolen. it s an inchoate effort. there has been some unusual stuff, including trump talking about including law enforcement to be part of that effort. and until last night when the huffington post started asking questions about it, there was apparently an online effort to sign people up for this vigilante approach of poll watching, an effort that included an online forum where people could printout their own semi official looking badge to make themselves look like they had a reason to be at poll watching places while they videotaped people while they were voting. and reported on whatever was happening there. tonight we reported that the democratic party has filed papers in court in federal court in new jersey, saying that the republican party is in violation of a on sent decree that they ve

National-republican-party , Marist-poll , Trump , Problems , Context , Bunch , Trump-dpan , 14 , Poll , Points , Fox-news , World

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160508 10:00:00

good morning. it is sunday, may 8, 2016. i m abby huntsman. a fox news alert. a security breach after a mysterious man sneaks past security and vanishes into the nearby east river. now police are deploying deep water divers to find the man. and donald trump not wasting any time. he s already going after bill clinton. he lies. you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taking negative ads on me. the clintons say they re not either bothering to respond. how long can that last?
we ll bring you coming up. a tow truck driver under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded drive we are a bernie sanders sticker on her car. i think the lord came to me and he said, get in the truck and leave. it s not fair, but it s the norm nowadays. it s world in which we live. in it is it what is. he told her to call the government for help. fox & friends begins right now. well, good morning. today we remember why we here, because someone bore us. mom is her name, and we celebrate her today on mother s day. beautiful looking very clinical introduction to mother s day. and yet true. good morning, clayton morris and abby huntsman joining us on the
couch. for the first time, going to be nice to me today? it s only four hours you ll love it. the question is whether you be nice to us? good question. i have been thinking so much about my mom this morning. i hope so. i want you to send us some photos this morning. so send us some pictures. hopefully we ll see some photos of your mom later. we ll share them throughout the day. rick reichmuth has the weather. good morning. tornadoes across parts of colorado yesterday that were spectacular. take a look at the colorado area. sometimes you get tornadoes that are incredibly visual. sometimes you get them when they re not as visual. maybe we don t have sorry about that we ll show you that later in the day. it was a tease, you ll love it. really spectacular. right here in northeastern colorado, not a lot of population out here which is good news. but there were some homes that were damaged. they did thread that needle and tomorrow we ll watch some more
of the storms. we ll watch the rain across the east coast, it is almost done, i promise. if you re tired of the gloom it is almost out of here. we have one little band that will move through new england again. by the afternoon we will see some sunshine for mom. out across the west, another storm moving on in. one we re dealing with. but a lot of rain and snow and today the severe threat here across the central plains likely today we ll see some more tornados. don t miss that video we ll show you later. can t wait. a federal police officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree now charged with murder. maryland police say the alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a get away car and the shooter is accused of gunning down his wife who had just filed a protective order against him and botching two carjackings which resulted in five more people being shot. he was on leave for a domestic incident and is expected in court tomorrow. also developing this morning a search team is trying to find a man who broke into the united
nations in new york, scaled a wall and jumped into the new york east river to escape. dive crews went in to find the man. no luck there. he was last seen going under water, but has not been spotted since. new overnight, check your tickets. the winning powerball ticket was sold in new jersey, worth $429 million. only one ticket matched all six numbers on saturday night s drawing. the powerball numbers were 5, 25, 26, 44, 66 and the powerball number was 9. the exact location of where the winning ticket was sold is still unclear as of now, but it will be announced later today by lottery officials. and the horse favored to win the 142nd kentucky derby did not disappoint. they re coming to the line together. and nyquist is still unbeaten! he has won the kentucky derby. unbelievable. nyquist finished in 2:01.
he s now the favorite to win the preakness in two weeks in the quest for the triple crown. and a political sighting of ted cruz, and he declined interviews. i have never been to the horse race before. to be there in person is an unbelievable experience. these horses they re massive. they re huge. bigger than you think. they re beautiful. of course they are. we call a political race a horse race. still a lot of mud but they actually get nervous before the race. did you know that? really? just like humans. they re smart. yeah. before every show i get the same way. exactly. you give me a food i get a sugar cube and call down. you might remember this in the middle of the primary season, the various 17 republican candidates were asked to take a pledge a pledge to support the nominee. here s a flash back. is there anyone on stage and
can i see hands who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the republican party? raise your hand if you won t make that pledge tonight. mr. donald trump? no hands were going there up. irony of ironies though. right. it s true. he s the one that raised his hand and now he s firing back on twitter. remember when lindsey graham and jeb bush signed a binding pledge? they broke the deal. they have no honor. interesting. interesting. on a couple of levels. first of all, he s right. they re not going to pledge the nominee. but on the other hand, what does trump get out of attacking bush and lindsey graham? i have been wondering about this all week. he really hurt jeb bush s life, so i think bush can be forgiven for not supporting him, but graham, why is he going after
him? he spoke earlier on abc and he said i don t need these guys anyway. let s listen to that. does the party have to be together, does it have to be unified? i m very different from everyone else, perhaps that s ever run for office. i don t think so. i think that doesn t have to be unified? no i don t think so. i think it would be better if they were unified, i think there s something good about it. but i don t think but the party how will you win? because i think i m going to go out and i m going to get millions of people from the democrats. i m going to get bernie people to vote because they like me on trade. i have to stay true to my principles also. this is called the republican party, not the conservative party. it s a good question to why punch down but why point out when people evolve on their positions? i think donald trump is the great evoller have on evolver on positions. i think it s okay in politics three weeks ago to say one thing
and then it s expected. i think he knows the challenge he faces though. probably right now working behind closed doors to talk to people within the party. at the end of the day he knows in order to win the white house you have to have a party that comes together. meghan mccain says buy it. he s not concerned about unity and she doesn t buy it. those rejecting trump have a role to play in unifying the party, but how many are there? how many republicans out there actually won t vote for trump or will vote for hillary? some. is it a significant number we don t know at this point. i do though as a campaign matter ought to be spending his time attacking hillary clinton. well, it s the season of commencement addresses. well, giving a commencement address yesterday, and when you have all the votes, well, here s what he says. watch. this political thing really complicated. well, what kind of reforms do we need and how do we need to do
that? and you know what? just vote. it s math. it s if you have more votes than the other guy, you get to do what you want. so don t overcomplicate things in life. when you graduate. if you have more votes and you can do whatever you want. i don t agree with that. is that true? not really true. george w. bush, right? he lost the popular vote. he got to do whatever he wanted. we have separation of powers. the president doesn t get to do what he wants. it s not a dictatorship. he has to deal with the judiciary and the legislative branch. you can t do what you want, unless you issue a lot of executive orders. but we have seen that, george w. bush, president obama, executive order, huge expansion of government. here s the part of the speech that got no attention. but i was struck by it. the president was speaking at howard, the country s most august and storied majority black university. here s what he said. my generation, like all
generations, is too confined by our own experience, too invested in our own biases. too stuck in our ways. be confident in your heritage. be confident in your blackness. see, this this is divisive. if mitt romney had won and in the last year of his presidency went to byu and said, be confident in your whiteness. people would say whoa whoa whoa whoa. why are you making why are you encouraging people to think in terms of their race? shouldn t people think in terms of their americanness, what unites us all? would martin luther king have said that, i don t think. you wonder how many other people are in the crowd that are white or of a different background that think about what me? and what does it mean, be specific. maybe that s one of the the one good thing about obama was
he was going to bring the country together, atone for the sins and the opposite has happened. you can weigh in on the facebook or twitter page. coming up, coal country gives donald trump a big thumbs up. we re so pleased to introduce to you and endorse you today. and wish you the best of luck. i ll put it on. all right. what was it look being on stage with the donald? what kind of impact could coal country have on the race? the miner who gave him the hard hat joins us next. and the feds stop listening to your calls but they re tracking you. you don t want to miss this.
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12 months free at welcome back. well, coal country has spoken. and they dig donald trump, at least at this event. mr. president, on behalf on behalf of the wbr id wbr9190 best coal miners on behalf of the best coal miners in the world, who mine the cleanest and safest and most environmentally sound coal in the world, we re so pleased to introduce to endorse you today and wish you the best of luck. i ll put it on, right. well, that welcome in stark contrast to the reception that hillary clinton received, after she promised to put a lot of /b
coal companies and miners out of business. what effect could this have on the general election? let s ask the man who was on stage endorsing trump from the west virginia coal miners association, chris hamilton. thank you for being with us. good morning. so first, get your reaction off trump wearing the hat. i mean, that was a big scene. how did that all happen? oh, it just came off very naturally, very impromptu. we had an opportunity to meet with donald trump just moments before he was scheduled to speak. and we presented him with the hat. he said, let s do this let s do this in a little bigger fashion. let s get out there on stage and talk about this a little bit. so it was quite an evening. quite an experience. i lived in blue field for quite a while and when i lived there, things switched. used to be democrat country. then things switched from wbr-id wbr10140 2000 on. what has changed in west virginia? well, i think, you know, the democratic party s energy plants
has as much to with that. dating back to clinton when he had al gore vice president gore s kyoto protocol and that has continued since. i m so struck though so in reality the comments about putting outof business. every group in the country is protected. you can t criticize anybody as a group, except blue collar workers in appalachia. can you imagine hillary saying of any other group in america, we re going to put them out of business. why is she targeting you? it s unbelievable, but we have been hearing that now for eight solid years and for several years before that. again, it dates back to clinton 1 and al gore. it s continued with harry reid and nancy pelosi. that s the national democrat energy plan. they have done everything that s humanly possible to restriction
or ratchet down coal consumption, coal production, as well as other fossil fuels. so why donald trump? well, we like his style. we think he s you know, he has a tremendous business savvy. you know, he says all the right things. he s very successful from the business standpoint and the contrast between donald trump and hillary clinton is a very stark, very real and, you know, one wants to put miners back to work. and do everything possible to try to create a very viable energy industry. and the other wants to continue what president obama has effectively done and that s continue to use all the resources available to the president, to ratchet down, restrict or otherwise curtail energy production and consumption. as clayton was saying, west virginia has been a state that s liked the clintons. bill clinton won the state trice. hillary clinton i think won the
state against barack obama back in 2008. is there anything she can do to win over support in west virginia? the primary is coming up in a few days. i don t think so. we have a very astute electorate here and, you know, people are followingthrough social media a know, we re in the midst of the electronic age here. they re listening closely. they re watching and, you know, it s as i said, it s a very astute electorate here. they know who will do all of the things to help their employment and jobs and, you know, as well as the business they re in. and they re able to separate that out themselves. i don t see any opportunity for hillary clinton to win west virginia. yeah. when you tell an already poor state, we re going to make you poorer people don t like it. not surprising. chris, good to see you this
morning. absolutely. thank you. all right, coming up, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. the one item that helped the police find them, straight ahead. are you in a sorority or fraternity? if you go to harvard you could be punished. they re targeting the single gender clubs. we ll find out how demented this is.
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welcome back to fox & friends. 25 after the hour. a fox news alert. firefighters in alberta, canada, now predicting this massive wild
fire could continue burning for months. the images are incredible. look at this. only shells of cars and homes remain. another fox news alert, el chapo is being moved to prison near the mexican border. he will be kept in juarez, near el paso, texas. he is fighting extradition into the united states. well, harvard university where all three of us went now forcing inclusion it says by blocking students from being sports team captains if they re in a single sex fraternity or sorority funds and would be banned from scholarships like the rhodes scholarships. does this make any sense?
we used to hang out in the student union. katherine tim is joining us now. the sexual assault provision, it says the clubs are deeply misogynistic and they have a strong sense of entitlement. all female ones are misogynistic? this doesn t make any sense. where do you draw the line with this? if you want to hang out with a bunch or guys or girls, you can t get a scholarship? how is taking away scholarships from a school that cost more than $63,000 a year making it more inclusive? right. a great point. these are unofficial these are not sangtion sanctioned by the school. maybe you have an archery club who s all men, is this part of this? here is what harvard saying, the clubs enact forms of inclusion at odds with our deepest values. obviously they re continuing to want to push the envelope there. harvard is not a community
college. i think that s a good question of where do you draw the line? at what point are we going to say we don t need male and female sports teamness questis?s i m sure it s going to happen very soon. it s like the schools are in a pc-off. they say, look at us, look at how inclusive we are. look at how culturally sensitive we are. that s really behind all of the on the one hand, it s harvard, who cares, because you go to harvard, all is lost anyway well, inclusion. so since we re enforcing this principle that no one should preclude anyone on the basis of anyone, they should apply to the other ones on the campus? it s not about logic, but about a pc off. look at us, gender discrimination. we won t allow this to happen. what they re doing is taking away opportunities that students could have based only if they want to hang out with all women
or men sometimes. i think very normal. what s driving this? was there a group of women that really wanted to be a part of a fraternity and they were shut down? a lot of sexual assaults coming out of the club? this is what people talk about now. let s look around for a problem or that can be skewed as discrimination. that s what happens, lodgic logic goes out the window. you have to think too hard about what could be an aggression. microaggressions. i think of my friends sitting around talking about how hot ryan gosling is, eating cookie dough and you can t run for office. no cookie dough for you. a lot of it. a little pizza party. well, a tow truck driver coming under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded drive we are a bernie sanders sticker on her car. you ll hear directly from him just ahead. plus, wounded warriors will compete in a very special
tournament. it kicks off today. we are live at the invictus games in florida. you don t want to miss this. hi, i want to give a quickout shout to my quick shout-out to my mother. and this is a quick shout-out from your favorite child. i love you and look forward to seeing you in a couple of months.
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happy mother s day, everyone. there s the director scotty anderson with his mom val and sister shelly. happy mother s day. there s operator chris with her two daughters. what a cool picture. love that. all right. here s a segment producer, jason stein, with his beautiful mom. happy mother s day to them. social media producer, julie osmansky. she s to blame about the fights you get into about the polls. here we have director shawn
mcginnis wife with three kids. looks like a fun vacation. pretty water right there. welcome back. so continue to send in your photos this morning. we ll share them probably the least controversial holiday of them all. who s against mother s day? nobody. if you re against mother s day, e-mail me. i d like to know. beautiful flowers. you can feel the mother s day spirit. smells fantastic. all right. on that note, let s get to some headlines this morning. two boaters on a fishing trip are rescued after their vessel capsizes off the water. they clung to the vessel for half an hour before emergency responders pulled them from the rough waters. only one had to be taken to the hospital. well, an american airlines flight delayed over math. a woman mistaking this man for a terrorist.
you heard that right. she alerted the flight attendant in a note after she saw him writing down equations. leading officials to pull the ivy league professor off the plane for questioning. he said he was working on a math problem for a speech. well, they returned headed from philadelphia to syracuse to a later trip. although the bulk of television phones shows the government is going through calls and e-mail, well, congress is making another push to find out what s going on. they asked the top intelligence official for the number of americans e-mails and calls collected. that s because the foreigners are the targets, americans are sucked in as well. outrage from a stranded bernie sanders supporter. after a truck driver refuses to pick her up for political reasons. he said i can t tell you, he said, you re a bernie supporter. the side of my truck says
schupe, it doesn t say freebie, you know? every time i have dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. the driver noticed the bernie sanders bumper sticker. no laws were broken and she recommended that she call the government for a tow truck. what would you do if you saw someone else if you help a you help a woman, always. always. because you diminish yourself when you do that. by the way, if you think your ideas are right, what better way to demonstrate the rightness than by mag magnanimous and decent to other people. you would give them a lecture. no, i wouldn t. i prefer bernie to hillary, at least themes the truth about the obama economy. she is not. and just helping a woman at the end of the day. give her a ride.
all right. rick ri rick reichmuth is talking about destruction in colorado. at least five people were injured. watch this. not going anywhere. well, that looks like a science fiction movie. the twisters knocked down power lines and the most significant twister was half a mile wide and travelled about six wides. in total 12 tornadoes. rick, unbelievable. rick is in the cellar right now. that s right. spent a lot of my childhood there when i was in nebraska. sometimes, you have tornados that aren t that easy to see. not a lot of stuff to obstruct your view. really spectacular day, there was some damage from it. you don t like to see that. but obviously, not a really populated area and that s the benefit of these. that you can get the shots out here. not a lot of people, so you
don t have that risk of potentially a lot of fatalities. look at the maps. show you what s going on today. we have threat for some severe weather. parts of kansas and oklahoma, that s the bull s-eye i think for tornadoes and very large hail. but anywhere you see that yellow may be a tornado. certainly strong winds. tomorrow, just a little bit off to the southeast. so expect to see this in towards the john lip area. all the way down to tyler, texas. that does alleviateittle bit by tuesday. but we do have a couple of days of severe weather. guys? unbelievable. all right. thanks, rick. well, today is the start of the second invictus games started by the u.k. s prince harry for sick and wounded service members coming together from all over the world to compete. it s happening in orlando, florida. and lea gabrielle is live in orlando. what an incredible event this. reporter: hey, tucker, abby and clayton, it is an incredible
event. 14 different countries are coming together to serve in a whole new way. it was truly an honor for me to be back with my brothers in the military to see what it took to get here and why it s so special for them. the u.s. wheelchair basketball is getting ready for the competition. so let s take a look at what it s like to be part of the team. for the first time we came together. right here, this game? yes. one, two, three! the invictus games are special. because they bring everybody to compete. you re army, i m navy, so we ll clash. but now, you all come together. right. very unique for us because we get to represent our country today. before it was in battle. now on the courts. what does invictus mean to you? it means team work.
and a brotherhood. very similar stories of victory over tragedy. for many, the tragedies that they faced may have seemed insurmountable. but not for them. if you could turn back the clock to change it, i don t think i would. i would let it happen all over again. because it s let me know something about myself. three months after i got injured i started to walk again. you know? four months after that i started to play basketball. you lose a limb, you don t lose a life. you know, as long as you have a strong will and willpower to get up and do things you can accomplish it. it s not that the game is over. the game is not over until it s over. did you feel like you wouldn t play again? believe it or not, when i was laying with the paramedics i said, will i be able to play basketball and she said yes. i never thought it would be the way i play now. the player s level is awesome.
it makes it a lot better because that way it s all about using your brain instead of your body. you guys are playing bumper cars for a second. well, that was a little illegal, some of the hits. technically, there s no contact? no contact. in this sport, are you kidding me? these guys, marines, no contact? you know, there is it s fun though. watching these guys play is inspiring. and when they finished their scrimmage they challenged me to give it a shot. a special camaraderie among those who served. they re going to teach me how to play their game. we do a lot of hits. how do you dribble? put it on your lap and push. and then grab it. dunk it once. dribble once, left. there you go. you re a natural.
i m going the wrong way. like regular basketball. over your head, nice and high. shoot. harder than you think. perfect! yeah! oh. it makes major coordination. so you want to try a little too? let s do it. yeah. one, two, three, usa! well, being back with those guys is like being home. now the fight is on. team u.s. wheelchair basketball has won their preliminary game and they ll be in the semifinals later this week. they re kicking off with track and field later this morning and then the opening ceremonies are tonight. an exciting time. back to you in the studio. outstanding. nice job. i think america is going to
win this thing. i hope so. coming up on the show, donald trump not wasting any i m in, already going after bill clinton. he lies. you remember the famous, i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taking negative ads on me. he s attacking bill and is that the key to taking down hillary? the representatives from both campaigns are here to debate that next. if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. why do people count on sunsweet amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside? it s made only from prunes, nothing else. it s a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins.
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muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i m scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. well, looks like donald trump is focusing his attention to hillary clinton whom he s running against in the fall. here s his opening salvo. in the history of politics, hillary clinton s husband abused
women more than any man that we know of. in the history of politics. they re going to spend $90 million on bad ads about me having to do with women. there is nobody that respects women more than i do. he lies, you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and then a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taking negative ads on me. well, clinton advisers suggesting to democratic the democratic nominee presumed not punch back, risking she meet the same fate as trump s republican oppone opponents. we have the former aide to hillary clinton and scott brown is a fox news contributor. basel, i d rather not talk about hillary clinton s marriage. but on the other hand, she kind of forfeits the right to lecture me about feminism and girl power when she s married to bill
clinton. does she not? no, i don t think she forfeits that right at all. she the as a candidate and certainly as a former senator and secretary of state, a long history of public service talk about the impacts on women. she answer a authority on that. how many months do we have of that left? i don t want to talk about a president and what happened in their personal life. but i do think that some of the suggestions that hillary not punch back in kind are correct. because you don t want you know, it s not her style. it s his style. you don t want him bringing her into his arena. senator brown, basel makes a great point. do people want to hear about this for the next few months? well, she may be the president focused on the women s vote in particular. criticizing donald trump in h his and his alleged poor
treatment of women when he has some of the most powerful women not only working for him, but as a daughter and wife. she s brought that in. and obviously if they re going to spend millions of dollars talking about his treatment supposedly of women, of course he s going to fight back. and who better to talk about it than donald trump. but bill clinton and the fact that the clintons demonized these victims of bill over the years it s hypocritical. yeah. well, that is true. i mean, it is true that donald trump listens to a woman his daughter, that no one points out. i wonder if hillary clinton couldn t avoid this in first place if she runs on something else other than gender. she s running on income inequali inequality. she is running on a lot of things besides these quote/unquote women s issues, but it is true that almost every
issue that she can talk about does intersect women and race and class in multiple ways. i think she s uniquely qualified in this race to talk about it. and whether or not, you know listen, if donald trump wants to talk about his relationship to with women, versus her or hillary or her husband s, i think that s a fight that she s willing to engage. the question is how far does this go because it detracts from i think the conversation that american voters really want them to have which is on economic issues. i haven t seen that, senator brown. i haven t seen a conversation about the root causes of the decline of the middle class, for example. it s all you re a sexist, you re racist, it s the same boring identity politics in fact. no surprising they re using the democratic playbook 101 they used against me and every person who s running against a democrat, especially a woman democrat. they re talking about certainly i know in the republican primary, they talked
about economic issues. they talked about terrorism. when hillary clinton listed the top ten things affecting our world and our country a whole d going out there and hillary has gone so far to the left and what do people talk about? they don t like her. they don t trust her. she s out of touch with reality. she hasn t driven in 20 years. there is a whole host of things going on with her and bernie taking the democratic party so far to the left. we ve got one second. sum it up for us. with all due respect, policy is not what i heard during the republican debates. what i heard was insult after insult by everybody on stage by donald trump, and i think you can expect that kind of tone and tenor going into this general election. that was definitely not going about policy on the democratic side. that was all policy, all focused on how to move the country for. it s going to be intense.
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welcome back. today is mothers day but may is also a month for weddings, vacations, graduation parties and as you also know, may is a great time to go shopping. is it? you know it is. here with the best bargains, andrea worth. thank you for having me. let s dive into the things you have here. sephora. beauty products are on sale in may because of mothers day so
they make a lot of value gift sets. they make perfect presents. for yourself, it s a good item to purchase. for example, you can get this perfume sampler set it s valued at $114 and it s on sale for $55. it comes with a certificate, once you decide which fragrance you like, you can redeem it for a full-size bottle. o henrickson. these value gift sets are perfect for yourself to buy and they will goe even later in may. some of the earrings here, i know abby was eyeing these. jewelry, another item we see on sale for mothers day. stores like k-mart have a lot of great deals.
s they have these opal earrings on sale for $10 off and a lot of different beautiful jewelry. i ve got to get one of these ovens. it has changed my life. it s the perfect item. kitchen goods because we re getting into the popular wedding season, a lot of people are obviously shopping for kitchen goods. kenmore from sears, this six-slice convection oven is on sale right now. garden supplies. we re seeing lots of sales, stores like home depot and lowe s. ten seconds left. j.c. penney. 50%, get a coupe pan at we have mothers day. congratulations to you, by the way. happy mothers day to you, andrea. we ll be right back. vo: across america,
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ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it s covered by most health plans. good morning. it is sunday, may 8th, 2016. i m abby huntsman. this is a fox news alert. a mystery security lapse at united nations. police are trying to help find the man. the republican party, who needs it? does the party have to be together? does it have to be unified? i m very different from anybody else who has perhaps run for office. i actually don t think so. is he right? former presidential candidate mike huckabee is with us. here s president obama s
comments to is class of 2016. be confident in your heritage. be confident in your blackness. what does that mean, exactly? we ll tell you coming up. we ve got three more hours of fox & friends. happy mothers day. good morning. happy mothers day, everyone. it s great to have you with us. abby huntsman you were down at the kentucky derby yesterday. i flew back to be with you too. i got home in time to watch the race. it was incredible it was so fun to see on tv after having been there. it s a spectacle. we re thrill to have you here this morning. we want you to send us your mothers day photos. a federal police officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree now charged with
murder. the alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a get away car when two of the murders happened. he was accused of gunning down his wife who just filed a protective order against him. and he was already on leave for a domestic incident and expected in court tomorrow. and a developing story, authorities are trying to find a man who broke into the united nations in new york, he scaled a wall and jumped into a river. and alberta, officials are expecteding the blaze to cross into a nearby province. it could double in size and continue to burning months. the world s greatest
swimmeswimmer is now a son. the baby, boomer, was welcomed by michael phelps and his girlfriend. happy mothers day to michael phelps wife. that is exciting news. we re standing by with a mothers day forecast. this rain we ve been seeing for four straight months now on the east coast. will that go away now? do you like it? d.c. had 12 days in a row with measurable rain. a lot of people complaining about it. take a look at the maps to show you what i m talking about. this is yesterday. we had incredible storms move across parts of colorado and take a look at some of the
tornadoes. one home was destroyed. overall, you get in a place like that and it s not that bad. that was yesterday. now this storm pulls off toward the east and we re going to watch the severe weather threat move across areas of kansas and oklahoma stretching all the way up through nebraska and down through texas. tomorrow moves again a little farther up toward the east, down toward the red river valley and that gloom that clayton was mentioning, we have one last line of storms about to come across the new york city area and across new england. behind that, we ll see sunshine for the afternoon so moms can come out and enjoy it. the southeast, looking great again. improving a little bit over the last couple of days. back to you inside. finally. we want to bring in governor mike huckabee, our old friend this morning to bat around some of the news data.
you are from ar kansas arkansas you ve been watching the clinton saga for three years. here s part of what donald trump had to say. does the party have to be together? does it have to be unified. i m different than everybody else who has run for office. i actually don t think so. i m going to get millions of people from the democrats, i m going to get bernie people to vote because they like me on trade. the sound bite didn t match the question, you can roll with it. is donald trump right is that he doesn t need to unite the party in order to win? i think in away he may be right. he doesn t have to bring everybody together. you ve heard this from mitt romney, paul ryan. when he says i don t have to
unite the party, he has to unite the voters and sometimes the voters go a different direction than the elites and that s what happened in this election cycle, so what we re going to see is a very different kind of voting mix. you ve seen it on the democrat side. that s why bernie has done so well. he s shocked the democrat at least and bottom line the people in washington still to the extent get it. people are mad at them. it s about them and it s not good. they stick their nose higher in the air and act like that those poor, dumb idiots out there in america have no reason to be upset. they do have a reason to be upset. forgive me if you ve heard this question before, you know the clintons well. donald trump s line of attack going saying look you are going to lecture me about relationships and women?
here s what he said yesterday. she s married to a man who was the worst abuser of women in the history of politics. she s married to a man who hurt many women and hillary, if you look, hillary hurt many women, the women that he abused. she s married to a man who got impeached for lying. nobody, nobody, perhaps in the history of politics was worse to women or abused women more than bill clinton. and she s taking negative ads on me. do you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman and a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taking negative ads on me. look, look, folks, this politics is a dirty business. two questions there. will that work? will that line of attack from donald trump work and you know the clintons well.
how will they respond? first of all, let s talk about how donald trump is responding. it s going to be incendiary, anybody who thinks this is a movie entitled love story has got it wrong. if this is a movie, it s going to be call there will be blood. it s going to be a rough and tumble election. we can expect this will be worse than normal because the clintons have a long, long history of scorched earth when it s necessary. now, they will do less than that, but in this case, it s going to require an extraordinary level of just, you know, going after and essentially creating the equivalent of political naypalm. if anybody doesn t expect donald trump to give back more, if anybody doesn t expect it, they haven t been watching.
chelsea clinton has an idea who says you can give to her mother, hillary clinton, for mothers day. i was wondering if you were going to give that to your wife for mothers day. you know, it s the hardest thing in the world. if i tell you, i ll be telling her and she will be watching. why don t we let it be our little secret and tell you off camera. chelsea clinton is asking for americans. forgive me, i m not going to send hillary clinton a contribution for mothers day. i think i would rather probably be dipped in boiling oil before i would encourage her presidential campaign at this point. it s like that seinfeld episode, where george cost stanza made up a charity fund, called the human fund. governor, it s great to see
you. thanks for coming up. president obama had this message for the class of 2016. be confident in your blackness. there s no one way to be black. condoleezza rice encourages students she spoke to to be proud of their individuality. what do moms want most on mothers day? the answer just ahead. if you re running a business, legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we ve helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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be confident in your blackness. there s no one way to be black. there s no straitjacket, there s no constraint. there s no litmus test for authenticity. president obama delivering a pointed talk among other things race at one of the nation s leading historically black college, howard in washington. couldn t doll leeza rice had a different message, she said more people today enjoy lives of opportunities than in all of human history. this progress has been the concerted effort not of cynics and of visionaries and open mifts and idealists who deal with the world as it is. we were discussing earlier in the show this idea of blackness and the president says that as if we all should know what that means. what does that mean? it is actually incredibly
difficult to define and one of the reasons why i think the president said there are about as many ways to be black as there are black people which actually leaves you with something that seems pretty meaningless and empty quite frankly what i think when i think about race. when the president says to a classroom or a roomful of graduating students you should take pride in your blackness, take pride in this ephemeral thing you happen to be rather than the thing you are able to actually accomplish, that strikes me as something very hollow and vapid something we should shy away. i understand our country had a history of discrimination, but the appropriate response isn t for us to root our pride in our blackness, it s to regard race for what it is, this intangible thing that isn t of particular
consequence. god bless. i got that from zoren hill-hearseton. that people who happen to look like you can do things that can be virtuous or not. couldn t doll leeza spoke to those same themes. he also said the students were inheriting a world that was better than the world he grew up in. we ve overcome the great challenges of this country, the trouble with it is he pairs it too much of of the past and emphasis on there s still racial descrimgses and disparities. the disparities in the criminal
justice system, i m less concern that we re locking up less black people as a percentage of the population and we re locking up less people overall. if you adjust those disparities so we re locking up more white people, that s a problem, that s not a solution. i think he talks about these issues in the wrong way and oftentimes arrives at the wrong solution. it seems like this country is more divided than it s ever been especially when it comes to blacks and whites. how do we move forward, and come together? i don t think we re more divided than we ve ever been. i think we have a very poisonous and backward conversation when it comes to race in this country. we re overly sensitive about things. there was a moment in this speech that the president talked about black people, the bond between them, they have a unique understanding of justice. if anything, that calibration that make them to understand justice is a little out of whack because the black lives matter
movement has embraced any number of saints who mike brown, by all accounts, if we actually look at what happened here, by all accounts he committed strong arm robbery, potentially assaulted a police officer in the street and there are still people who walk around as if he had his hands up, when there have been two independent investigations that have suggested that wasn t the case. granted, there are problems with the criminal justice system. there are things that need to be reformed and accomplished in this country. we re not talking about those things if we re distracted by the fact that blacks happen to be overrepresented in the certain criminal justice population. i m agreeing with you vehemently. wouldn t be it nice to have any president, democrat or republican, articulate the things that we have in common? the beliefs we hold, regardless of what we look like. what does it mean to be an american? i would like to hear that. what does it mean to be a
good and virtuous human being? if i had children, that s what i would encourage them. my height, i didn t do anything to get those. i can listen to you all morning long. impressive. our jaws drop just listening to you. good to see you. coming up here on the show, it turns out drones crashing into airplanes not that big of a deal, the frightening message from the former member of the ntsb. you want to deliver breakfast to your mom this mothers day? there s an app for that. and his mom, he brought his mom. oh. what super poligrip does for me
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x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back. it s time now for your news by the numbers. get out your abacus. 102 years is how long mothers day has been celebrated in the united states. next up, $21.4 billion. that s how much americans are expected to spend this year. and 47%, that s the number of mothers to say that their number one wish for this special day is to spend time with their family. only 4% said it was getting gifts and treats. that s what they looked forward to the most. the other percentage want the time off.
today, facebook is getting in mothers day spirit and debuting its new flower icon but can an icon replace the emotion your mom gets from the real deal. our cyber guy says there might be better gadgets to send your mom on mothers day. kurt joins us with his mom. let s see what your mom thinks of this technology. she is the better version without any question of anyone in our family. i have to say this, this is going on on line and people are up in arms about this because facebook i think had really good intentions with this, but it depends where you are regionally. you know how you can like a post of your friends or family on facebook. now you can add a flower?
that all happened today in certain areas. we don t know where on facebook, they did say in a staple they intend to allow people to give some love to mir mother today by giving them these fake flowers on facebook. would you be okay from getting fake flowers from a facebook icon or would you rather have real? i would have really loved real. take a look at this cool idea. you ve seen snapchat allows you to jump on and face swap. all of us jumped into it. my mother had a little wine last night and i was able to sneak these images out. these are fun. you can actually save you can take images is that you? is that you, maggie? yes. we went out to dinner. i was like have another glass of wine. we have work to do later. she played along. you can take pictures you
already have your mom, this morning, you can do these, and then just send them to her if you are not in the same city. she s going to regret all of this because she doesn t even know it was shot there. in person, you can face swap. now we re talking. you face swapped with your mom. these all look so creepy. thank you. a face swap that looks good. your hair with your moms face on it. early this morning, that s me and i took tucker s face. that s a lovely gift for your mom. i put tucker s face on my hair. combine, we look like eric bolling. you do. take a look at what i sent my mom this morning. you got this. what did you think of this mothers day card that came electronically? that, i love. i loved it. i took a picture. it allows you to custom it.
you can put your own photos in there. you can design away and it s free to send them. they are trying to get you to pay to have a real one printed out. you don t have to. it s free. it s fun. that s better than fake flowers. totally better. jump to this one, it depends on where you live in the country, most major cities allow you to send mom breakfast in bed and there are several apps that allow to do that. if you are in charlotte or atlanta or a number of major u.s. cities, you can do that. in thousands of u.s. cities there are other on-demand food services such as seamless or grub hub. those allow you to do that. . no excuse. they will come into your house. they ring the doorbell. mom, i wanted to jump and grab this. the facebook flowers or this? ah. that is so sweep. happy mothers day. thank you. thank you, everyone. i sent both my mother and
mother-in-law flowers. you got to do it. i love these. i did not use an app. i love them. thank you for being here. thank you for having me. it is, of course, a very special mothers day for one firefighters family. he just delivered his own baby. and those details just ahead. then what says i love you mom more than homemade breakfast. we re going to help you make the perfect mothers day meal. powdered sugar falling from the skies. i know where i m going. we ll be right back with that. i would like to say happy mothers day to my wife jeanine and my daughter courtney both from cuyahoga falls, ohio. happy mothers day. i love you both.
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welcome back. we re sharing your mothers day photos this morning from our staff. here s pruk assistant marissa with her mom.
writer shannon carney with her mom and overnight news anchor jackie ibanez taking a selfie with her mom. love that. nicole pepperman with her mom, she s one of our booking producers here. happy mothers day. production assistant kelly may with her mother sandy. and producer megan mcdonald with her mom and two sisters and sons. one of our writers. and director lisa moeberly is directing us now by the way with her lovely mom. that was beautiful where ever she is. we re going to share your mothers day photos. not just our staff. we have great people who put in tireless efforts overnight. and many thanks to their moms
for raising them. headlines developing right now. prayers this morning, a college football running back who is fighting for his life. greg bryant was caught shot in a car along with another passenger. he s in critical condition. investigators are looking for witnesses s he transferred to the university of alabama in birmingham last year. and new surveillance video just coming in this morning of a missing nine-year-old girl. this footage shows carlie trent and her uncle. her uncle by marriage took out of school by wednesday. there s a $10,000 reward for carlie s safe return. the fear of drones bringing down an airline giant jet is
apparently baloney. he says they need to cool their jets. he said drones are like birds, just one won t bring down a plane. firefighter goes beyond the call of duty while driving to the hospital to deliver their couple s first daughter. jeremy roberts found himself in a unique situation releasing the baby would not wait. he had to deliver the baby girl in the front seat of his own truck. the family is happy and healthy following the rushed delivery. . could you image that? no. it s pretty cool, though. you could tell the story, though. are you sure you can handle it? i ve seen it four times. i know i couldn t handle it. give me some towels and hot water. let s stop this conversation right now. to the weather right now. significant damage in several areas of colorado after a series of remarkably big tornadoes hit the eastern part of that state.
at least five people were injured. twisters causing damage to buildings, knocking down power lines. the most significant twister was a half mile wide and traveled six miles. there were several tornadoes. may is the peak of tornado season. take a look at the maps. we ll show you what s going on across the northeast. get ready for sunshine. not starting out sunny but we will see sun by end of the day. it s going to be really welcome. it s going to be a nice start for this coming week. people across the east are going to be ready for that. southeast you are looking great. texas, you are going to see some storms, mostly strong winds. i think the worst of the tornadoes potentially across oklahoma and kansas, we can be watching for pretty large
tornadoes. very nice farther to the north. a little too warp. the fires are still going across areas of northern minnesota and we have a lot of smoke in the area especially around the minneapolis area. west, a little more remaining snow but overall things not looking bad for mom. good news for mothers day. they say food is love. that s exactly my mom. what says more i love you more than homemade breakfast. here to help you make the perfect mothers day meal, robert scott, a top chef. it smells so good. i wish we had smell-owe vision to people could know what we experience. if you want to make friends in the studio, fry eggs in the hallway next to the coffee station. what we re going to do is my version of fried egg sandwiches for mom. i m going to show you how many different ways you can do bread the right way. this is the toaster.
100% whole grain, whole wheel wheat. 23 grams of whole grain per serving. the cool thing is, rick, can you flip an egg? like this. like the real deal. what you want to do is i used a little bit of whole butter here s my trip trick. crack the eggs inside the bowl, that way you are not trying to play finding the shell. this is your one chance. the egg is a little lucy goosy. pull forward, flip back. don t use your pinkies. i m frightened right now. oh, my goodness. did you really just do that? this isn t my first rodeo
ride. what do we do? cheese, avocado. the hardest part is flipping that egg. mayo on both sides. tomato, jack cheese, i have bacon already done. you can build the whole meal. if you want to do something different, i have three or four different variations, guys, i want to show you what i did with my friends at arnold. i couldn t even do this. we re putting rick s eggs on top. i have another egg right here. it looks great. once you build it, now you put your bread on top. that s a beautiful sandwich. check this out. i don t have kids but i was trying to think what s the perfect way to have the kids incorporate inside for mothers day. have them write a card for mom and use it as the trivet or the
plate underneath the plate when you bring the tray to mom. what you are going to do is tease it on top. this is my greek yogurt parfait. stay away from my hair. this is greek yogurt with turbi turbineadao sugar on top. watch out for hair. i took the same bread. i made the peach jam. i love this. i want to see you try to eat
that sandwich. you have to have a little mimosa. we love cheers. you have a cookbook coming out. i do. it s called 1:00 to 5:00. we re excited about the book. check it out. it s on amazon now for presale. thanks for being with us this morning. oh, my god. get rick ready. i know you guys are jealous. i ll be over there. coming up here on the show, president obama just commuted the sentences of 58 federal prisoners serving time on drug charges. is this criminal justice reform working or is it adding more danger to our society. we ll have a fair and balanced debate on that next. what happens when you fall asleep behind the wheel?
we ll tell you when we come back.
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riders a great view of lake erie at cedarpoint. i hate rks. so freaky. commuted 268 offenses which is more than the previous six presidents combined, but we re not done and we re going to keep on working on this until i leave. well, president obama s push for what he describes as criminal justice reform continue this week as he commuted the sentences of 58 federal inmates serving time for drug charges, bringing the total to 308, granting clemency for his presidency. more reforms coming up. are they a good idea? it s great to see you both. there is a kind of broad bipartisan consensus that there are people in jail who shouldn t be in there. sentenced for nonviolent crimes.
is what the president doing a bad thing? of course, it s a bad thing. he can t boast he s done more than all six presidents previously combined. the reasons that other presidents didn t commute these large numbers of criminals is they took their powers seriously and looked at each case individually. he s commuting allowing out on the street major league drug dealers from federal institutions, one of the individuals he released the other day or will release early was caught with over a ton of cocaine. i don t think that was for his personal use. all of these folks were in jail for distribution, for drug dealing. these are drug lords in federal prison that theresident is trying to release, pretending that it s criminal justice reform. we have rising crime. the justice reform ought to be
to address rising crime. that s not true. i will give the president credit unlike bill clinton, he s not taking bribes in order to commute these sentences or pardon anybody. well, we don t know. we don t know but we ll give him the benefit of the doubt. the people are moving next door to president obama? they are not moving anywhere to be honest. what do you mean? the reason why is because we didn t have a prison epidemic. we lock up more prisoners in our country than any other country in the world, yet we have less crime than most of them. let me stop you right there. do you acknowledge there might be a connection between locking up bad people and having less crime? do you see that? not when no. because when one in three people go to jail in many communities that s not necessarily the case, but we spent $77 per person. the average american spends $77 per person 1980 on the prison system. now it s $260 per person.
this is out of control. this all started with mandatory minimums. when somebody would get caught with a little bit of weed on the streets and go to jail for 20, 30 years, not be at home with their children, rip apart communities. they are examining the situation deeply. they know the people they are releasing, this is what the president said, they are examining who they are releasing and seeing if they were given way too much compared to what they would get today for a similar this is a lot of a reaction against bill clinton s crime policies during the 1990s. do you think that these commutations and criminal justice generally is partially responsible for the rising crime that we re seeing? the recidivism rate of federal offenders is over is about 50%. the state level is in the 70s. we know about half of the people who are released early by this administration will go on to commit crimes. again, there was an instance of someone released under prior
sentencing reform in ohio. he went on a murder a woman and her two children. that murder wouldn t have occurred, and that cost is never accounted for in the cost of prison. the cost of crime is unimaginable to the victims and the potential victims and i want to protect the public safety and the idea even talking about reducing sentences, i think, is causing the increase in time too. folks think there might not be a penalty. since you support this, will you commute to tracking what happens to these people? absolutely. i think that s part of prison reform. you can take examples of any system and that s not indicative what s happening in the system. the reality is we don t set up a situation where prisoners can get jobs and housing. that s a federal that s a standard from the federal government. we re out of time with that. thank you both. spirited defense of your
positions. president obama says the math is simple when it comes to this election. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. . and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. .
welcome back. this is such a great story. one man turning his own struggles with school into a semiautomatico biographical graphic novel to help others. it s called nelson beats the odds, about a young boy grewing up with learning disabilities. how did the author turn his own battles into inspiration for young children? let s ask him. here is the author of nelson beats the odds, therapist and founder of creative medicine, rodney sidney. he is here to tell his story. nice to meet you. what was it like growing up with what at the time, i guess teachers had described as what, adhd? yes. what was it like growing up
among your peers? well, for me it was difficult because i had to hide the fact that i had a learning disability, so i kept it a secret from my best friends. the only people that knew were my teachers and my parents. so, for me it was all about keeping a huge secret out of fear of being teased by my friends and other people at the school. how difficult was it? i have to imagine when someone then puts this label on you, you now have adhd. yes. did you feel like something was wrong with you? definitely, i did. i really i felt like because i struggled. my handwriting was really bad, so i had a specific learning disability, too. and with the adhd being more of a behavioral diagnosis, i felt like that caused me to get into a lot of trouble. for instance, being sent out of the classroom, going to the office, unable to sit still. so you know, i did really feel like it did impact my life. so, the book nelson beats the odds, tell us about this. why were you inspired to write this book? i was actually inspired by my special education teacher, ruth tobey. and she actually told me to tell my story. and i was like, how could i tell
my story? i had never written a book before. i didn t know how to write a book. but i went online and googled and searched youtube about self-publishing and was able to find out who to contact to get it done. that s amazing. what s been the response from other kids who maybe are growing up with learning disabilities? the response has been really huge, particularly from parents that work with the kids, because a lot of parents sort of feel like the learning disability s their fault, and they sort of take on a lot of that. so when they read the book, they feel more comfortable taking their kid to get diagnosed or to, you know, take them to see if they re eligible for any services or special education. what message do you have for kids who are watching this morning and are learning with disabilities? you re a therapist. yes. you ve beaten the odds. yes. i would say definitely be encouraged, be strong, be bold, don t give up, because there s times when i felt like giving up and i didn t. and also, think about the future. for me, i graduated high school with a 1.8 gpa. wow. and i didn t
how old are you now? exactly, so on fox & friends, everyone. the book is called nelson beats the odds. go buy it and give it to somebody you love whog dealing with this same thing. thank you for being with us. thank you. thank you. we have chris wallace coming up to analyze the day s politics news. can donald trump win? e this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq. twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that s right. i m talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don t think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut.
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for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. good morning. happy mother s day this sunday, may 8th, 2016. i m abby huntsman and this is a fox news alert. a security breach at the united nations after a mysterious man sneaks past security and vanishing into nearby the east river. now police deploying deepwater divers to find that man. unity? who needs it? does the party have to be together? does it have to be unified? i m different than anybody else perhaps who s ever run for office. i actually don t think so. it doesn t have to be? no. but can he win without the gop establishment? we ll tell you, coming up. and it s our first sighting of senator ted cruz since he dropped out of the race a week ago, but it s not what he s
saying that has everyone talking this morning. it s what he s wearing. hmm. maybe our own abby huntsman will have a look at that down at the derby. fox & friends hour three starts right now. i wanna see you be brave say what you wanna say, let the words fall out great. i was just saying, thank goodness there s not going to be any rain for mother s day. right. you jinxed it. rick looked at me. rick said, no, no, it will clear up by this afternoon. happy mother s day, everyone. happy mother s day. the holiday we can all celebrate. we re all implicated in mother s day. that s right. there s no avoiding it. you keep saying that. it s true. abby huntsman on the couch for the first time, hopefully not the last time. it s been great. great to see you! you ve been great. great to be here. we have been wonderful. you are wonderful. man, we re wonderful. send us your mother s day
photos,, ffweekend on facebook. you can also post them there. nancy wrote us. she says it s mother s day and her son jack s 25th birthday. happy birthday. and cindy leakes from maryland sent this picture and said her mom s her best friend. love that. my mom s my best friend, too. so nice. we start with extreme weather this morning, destruction in areas in colorado after a series of tornadoes hit the eastern part of that state. at least five people were injured. not going anywhere. [ sirens ] i think we re okay. it s still moving to the right. wow. looks like the movie independence day or something. unbelievable. twisters causing damage to buildings, knocked out power lines. several reports say the most significant twister was a half mile wide, traveled about six miles. in total, there were 12 reports of tornadoes. there s a lot going on and rick is following all of this. really intense. yeah, very intense. fortunately, not a very
populated area, the northeastern corner of colorado, a lot of farm country, not a lot of people, so you don t have potentially the damage you could have had. today i think we re going into a more populated area with it. this is where tornadoes generally happen in may, tornado alley. may is the most active tornado month that we have, and so, we re getting in on this. dropping these tornadoes in northeastern colorado. now the storm pulls farther off towards the east, and as it does, the severe weather threat cuts across oklahoma. this is the potential of large tornadoes. anywhere you see the yellow, i think we ll be talking about strong winds and certainly large hail along with this as well. tomorrow we also have this heading out across arkansas, into missouri and the eastern side of kansas and in towards oklahoma and down across parts of texas as well. so, i think we re going to see about two days of tornadoes. it clears up a little bit for tuesday. temperaturewise, take a look at this, not that bad of a mother s day temperaturewise.
watch what happens this week. tuesday, a big warm-up here across areas of texas getting into the 90s and then look at that thursday in phoenix. clayton, we always like to say this, there we go. 103 in phoenix. beautiful. 103. thanks, rick. that s hot. now to morning headlines. a federal police officer who allegedly went on a deadly shooting spree is charged with murder. maryland police say the alleged gunman was likely trying to steal a getaway car when two of the murders happened. the shooter is accused of gunning down his wife, who had just filed a protective order against him. the carjackings resulted in two more people being shot. he is already on leave for a domestic incident and is due in kourth tomorrow. police are looking for a man who scaled a wall and jumped into the east river to escape. dive crews went into the river to find the man with no such luck. police say he was last seen going under water but has not been spotted since. and new overnight, check your ticket.
the winning powerball ticket was sold in new jersey and is worth $429 million. only one ticket matched all six numbers in saturday night s drawing. the winning powerball numbers were 5, 25, 26, 44 and 66. and the powerball number was 9. it is unclear, though, where the winning ticket was sold. it will likely be announced later today by lottery officials. hmm, good luck to them. well, the horse favored to win the 142nd kentucky derby did not disappoint. nyquist and exaggerator are coming to the line together! and nyquist is still unbeaten! he has won the kentucky derby! what a race. nyquist finishing the race in 2 minutes and 1 second. he is now the favorite to win the preakness in two weeks and the quest for the triple crown. political sighting there, ted cruz was at the derby. he declined an interview saying he was just there to have a good time. people were talking online. i couldn t tell, was that a
seersucker? did he have pants on, too? i hope he had pants on. what kind of suit is that? i can t see i think it was maybe his shoes people were talking about. he looks very conventional to me. he fits right in, because i was there the last two days and everyone s wearing seersucker, interesting colors, funny ties, bow ties. i actually think he fits in. good for him. he has a life. this guy s been on the road for a year, running flat out, sleeping two hours a night. hope he had a mint julep. and you think he could have blended in. 140,000 people there? didn t happen. well, you remember that much earlier in this campaign back in august, the candidates were asked, will you support the eventual nominee on the republican side, no matter who it is? here s the moment from one of the gop debates in cleveland. watch. is there anyone on stage and can i see hands who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the republican party? raise your hand now if you won t make that pledge tonight. mr. trump.
in the end, trump did actually make that pledge. he said i will support the eventual nominee. right, but he was vilified for that moment, raising his hand. booed. he was the one guy, i don t know, if the party s not nice to me, maybe i ll go somewhere else. and he spoke to abc s this week, which will play later today, but saying i don t need these guys anyway. let s listen to that. does the party have to be together? does it have to be unified? i m very different than anybody else perhaps who s ever run for office. i actually don t think so. i think that it doesn t have to be unified? no, i don t think so. i think it would be better if it were unified. i think there would be something good about it, but i don t think it has to be unified in the traditional sense. how do you think you re going to win? because i think i m going to get millions of people from the democrats, i m going to get people to vote because they like me on trade. i have to stay true to my principles, also. don t forget, this is the republican party, not the conservative party. he took to twitter to slam jeb bush and lindsey graham for basically saying they re violating the pledge that they made that night on that stage.
the truth is, he s not in control of this. the party s not unified, no matter what he does. and i m not saying he s making a huge attempt to unify it, but even if he did, there are people who won t vote for him who are looking for a third-party candidate and will vote for hillary because they agree with her more. she s less of a threat to their arrangements or whatever. so, in the end, the only way he wins is by winning people who wouldn t vote republican otherwise. i think that s just true. well, yeah. and he said that s what he ll be good at, bringing people together, crossing the aisle. he has a meeting this week with paul ryan and members of the house. he s got to prove he can actually do that. but does it matter that he unify this emorms republican party with all of the octopus arms? in the end, the people care what he s going to do for them. he s blown up the republican party. he s challenged what they believe. he is remaking it. whether you re for or against it, it s true. it s a different party with donald trump in charge than with george w. bush or mitt romney in charge. and i think you have the elites saying we re losing
control of this thing. they definitely have lost control. governor huckabee on the show this morning said it doesn t really matter. watch. he doesn t have to bring everybody together. some people have already said they re not with him. you ve heard this from mitt romney, paul ryan. people have said i ll never vote for trump. okay, fine, but a lot of people are. and i think when he says he doesn t have to unite the party, he has to unite the voters. and sometimes the voters go a different direction than do the elites, and that s what s happened in this election cycle. and so, what we re going to see is a very different kind of voting mix. you ve seen it on the democrat side. that s why bernie has done so well. he s shocked the democrat elites. and donald trump has shocked the republican elites. yeah, i think he s right about that one. very true. well, president obama gave the commencement address at howard university, historically black college the premier historically black college in america. it s in washington. he did that yesterday. and among the many things he said, he addressed the question of blackness and encouraged the
graduates of howard to take confidence from their race. listen. my generation, like all generations, is too confined by our experience, too invested in our own biases, too stuck in our ways. be confident in your heritage. be confident in your blackness. so, what does that mean? that s the question we ve been discussing this morning. good question. what does it mean to embrace your blackness? we had camille foster on earlier in the show from, and a really articulate summation of why he thinks the president is wrong on this issue. listen. when the president says to a classroom or a room full of graduating students you should take pride in your blackness, take pride in this ephemeral thing you happen to be, rather than the things that you are actually able to accomplish, that strikes me as something that is very hollow and vapd and
probably something we should shy away from. i understand the instinct, that in this country there has been sort of a history of discrimination and that for some reason people may have felt shame associated with being black, but the appropriate response isn t for us to root our pride and our blackness. it s to regard race for what it is, this intangible thing that isn t of particular consequence that we ought to be always trying to move beyond, not embrace and hold close to us. you know, he such a deep point. he should travel the country and share this message, because it was all about individuality. right. and that s what we should be focused on. we were sitting on the couch listening to him with our jaws dropped. it s a flashback to my childhood, where these were conventional views when people were raised and told to take pride in the things you do. things you weren t responsible for, your eye color, your race, how tall you are, you didn t do that. so, why be proud of something you didn t do? this is an attempt to achieve
color-blindness. nobody actually achieved it, but trying. that was normal then. it s not normal now. and his point, too, on the other side, not to walk around with guilt or shame about your race. right. not to have to embrace those sides of it as well. because you are not responsible for what people would look like you do. that s what he said. when jeffrey dahmer went and ate a bunch of people, i didn t feel like, oh, gosh, there s a white guy, i m responsible for that. right. and nobody should be responsible for people for whom they re not responsible for. just because you look like someone, doesn t mean you re responsible for what he does, good or bad. it was well said. let us know your thoughts. we ve had great comments about it this morning. you can weigh in. meanwhile, donald trump is not wasting any time, already going after bill clinton. he lied! do you remember the famous i did not have sex with that woman. and then a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taken negative ads on me! is that going to work? is that the key to beating hillary? chris wallace is here to react to this new attack line. can t wait for that one. and then listen to this, one
tow truck driver under fire for refusing to pick up a stranded driver with a bernie sanders sticker on the car. the side of my truck doesn t say freebee, you know? and every time i ve dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. did he go too far? we report. you decide.
in the history of politics, hillary clinton s husband abused women more than any man that we
know of in the history of politics. they re going to spend $90 million on bad ads about me having to do with women. there is nobody that respects women more than i do. he lied! you remember the fabulous, i did not have sex with that woman ? and then a couple of months later, i m guilty. and she s taken negative ads on me! donald trump not wasting any time going after bill clinton, but is this the key to defeating hillary in the fall? here to react, fox news sunday host chris wallace. chris, great to see you this morning. obviously, donald trump s been hurting among the women vote, of course. disapproval very, very high. is this line of attack going to move the needle? well, first of all, i mean, it s may. you kind of expect that maybe we ll get into some of this in october. the idea that months before the convention we d be here.
and the other thing is there was an outburst of this at one point when hillary clinton several months ago went after trump and women, and he said i m counterpunching. but he said, look, if she stays above that kind of stuff, i ll stay above it as well. and now here he is in it again on just the possibility that a super pac may attack him on women. so i don t know. i can t imagine, one, that it s going to be a great way for us to spend the campaign, and two, you know, it blunts her attacks on women to some degree, but i m not sure it changes it a great deal, i think to the degree that people are upset about bill clinton and hillary clinton and the affairs that s kind of baked into the cake. but does it make it harder? i think his bet is it makes it harder for her to posit herself as a champion of women when she attacks women whom her husband has had relations. does that work? i don t think it will change a lot of minds.
if you re a suburban republican woman who s distressed by some of the things trump has said. as i say, you know about bill clinton and you know about hillary clinton. i m not sure it s going to change your mind. chris, you know donald trump s been saying he actually does not need to unite party in order to take on the white house. you have manafort on the show today. i m sure you ll ask him about that. what do you expect? i don t know. i d be interested to hear what he says. seems to me it s a big issue. let s not talk about paul ryan and whether he has to get along with paul ryan, but any candidate for president has got to have almost universal support inside their party, usually, you know, 80%, 90%. and you know hillary clinton s going to have that on the democratic side. if there s a real split and 20% to 30% of republicans either aren t going to vote or are going to vote for clinton or just going to sit it out, i think it s awfully hard for donald trump. he s got to come to terms to some degree with, if not, as i say, paul ryan, with the republican base or republican
voters, or i don t see how he wins the election. it will be interesting to see what he has to say to that. we ll be watching that in just a couple hours. chris wallace, thanks for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. you bet. thanks, chris. coming up here on the show, a professor was just doing some math on a plane, some math equations, but that didn t stop one passenger from reporting him to the stewardesses and saying, we ve got a problem. he might be a terrorist. it is terrifying, but wounded warriors around the world will compete at a special event called the evictus games. they are about to get under way in the state of florida. we ll take you there in just a minute. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like vacations equal getting carried away. more proactive selling. what do you think michal? i agree. let s get out there. let s meet these people.
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good morning. now to a fox news alert. firefighters in alberta, canada, are now predicting this massive wildfire will cross into the bordering province and could burn for months. images are incredible. look at this. only shells of cars and homes remain. another fox news alert this morning, drug lord el chapo being moved to a prison near the u.s./mexico border. he will be in a facility near el paso, texas. the kingpin who escaped twice from mexican prisons is fighting extradition to the united states. hmm. well, this week, nearly 500 wounded military veterans and active-duty military from 14 countries will come together to compete in a very special tournament. it s the second invictus games. it kicks off today in orlando. we re joined live from the games by lea gabrielle with a special guest. good morning, lea. reporter: good morning, guys. the men and women who are here have served their countries and have made extreme sacrifices. in fact, that s why they re here. i m standing here with one of
them, navy veteran mike raggio. nice to have you with us. thank you for having me. tell us about your service. you told me you joined the navy to right some wrongs. my father was a drug smuggler, so i joined the navy to pretty much do the opposite of what he did. and that s exactly what i did. i did counter drug, counter human trafficking and some rescues. reporter: and as a search-and-rescue swimmer, you saved lives. yes, 57. reporter: then you found yourself injured. tell us about your injury and how swimming s been part of your rehabilitation. swimming was fundamental with my recovery. i was able to get back in the pool again once i started being able to take steps. originally i wasn t walking. i was in diapers. and i took the pool to the next level. i got to the point where i could start pushing off the wall, start doing laps. and eventually, i created a hierarchy at the pool where we would race until i was approached by a woman one day who brought me into the world of adaptive sports. reporter: what was it like
using sports not just to rehabilitate yourself but also to really be a role model for others? it s incredible. i haven t even thought about that until now. i think that all of the athletes here at invictus fit that role. we are all coming together. we re all coming from similar backgrounds, and we ve all accomplished some kind of major adversity and struggle in our lives. reporter: right. so, you and i, we re both in the navy. and normally, we d be going, beat army. but this is a competition where everyone s coming together as a team to compete as the u.s. team, right? exactly. and really, the comradery here is outstanding. i was out at the pool yesterday competing and watching some of these guys compete who were missing limbs or had other types of ailments. it was hard not get emotional to see how these guys were overcoming these huge obstacles, and they were out there competing, pulling times that an able-bodied person would be happy with. reporter: now, i m hearing
that you ve already been competing and that you actually were really pulling it out yesterday. can you tell us about what happened? i was actually bumped up a category. i m competing against the open category. i m no longer competing with the spinal cord injuries, and i competed with 24 of the toughest athletes around the world in the preliminary rounds where it was broken down to eight athletes, and i made it into the finals. i couldn t be more proud. i am so happy i was able to pull that one off for the united states and really get the opportunity to serve again. i m an asset. reporter: it sounds like what invictus means to you is really coming out here. it does. the poem of invictus resonates with me i am the master of fate, i am the captain of my soul, and i really feel that here. reporter: yeah. well, we are so proud of you and it is wonderful to be here at the invictus games. the games will be kicking off this morning with track and field and the opening ceremonies are tonight. back to you guys. leigh gabriel at the invictus
games. what an incredible man. thanks, lea. well the fed says they ve stopped listening to your calls, but your e-mails are a different game. plus what happens when a trump supporter is called to tow a car with a bernie sanders sticker on it? came over, i think the lord came to me and just said get in the truck and leave. it s not fair, but it s the norm nowadays. it s the world in which we live in. at the end of the day, it is what it is and it s all good. you can go your own way but is it all good? we ll report and you can decide. go your own way hi, i m jason. i m currently stationed in kosovo. i want to wish my mother a happy mother s day. thank you for being so patient with me growing up. i also want to wish my wife, lisa, happy mother s day as well. i only have to look at my two young boys to know how good you are. i love you, lisa.
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welcome back. happy mother s day. want to show you some photos of our staff this morning. associate producer sarah sonic and her mom, pat. have you ever been to sonic s, by the way? they make delicious milkshakes. oh, it s our production
assistant lauren woodhall with mother barbara, sisters britney and lindsey. and writer katie did i francisco with her mother, peg. and live producer laura peacock with her mom, suzanne and sister natalie. happy mother s day. line producer kelly nish is actually producing right now with her mom, christine. then we have booker kelly mcnally, her mom nancy and her sister, jen. we have writer kyle with his mom annie. happy mother s day, annie. and send your photos in at home this morning if you re watching on this mother s day. they all look like they re on some beautiful vacation somewhere. it is really nice. one thing i ve learned in the 25 years i ve been married is almost no man gets married thinking about will this girl be a good mother. right. it s more along the lines of is she cute? really, they don t? men are pretty shallow, turns out. are you the same way? yeah. this happened to me, but i actually found out that my wife s the best mother ever.
and i think she s on the phone it s true, four children later from the dog park. susie, are you there? i m here. good morning! good morning. good morning. good morning, susie. were you able to hear that lovely compliment? i did. i did. thank you, sweetie. it is true. you don t think about that. i mean, i m a uniquely shallow person, as you know better than anybody, but that never occurred to me. you ve got to find and it s a good thing. thank you. what has been the key to being such a great mom in the carlson family? you know, i honestly think feeling so grateful every day for my husband and for my children and feeling blessed. we re all so blessed, and i m so grateful for them. thank you. well, you have such a beautiful family. i want to know, what has tucker done for you this morning? did he leave you a special tweet in bed this morning, flowers, french toast? no, but watching you all on tv always makes my weekend in
the morning. actually, for mother s day, i left the city entirely and came to new york. yeah. so, you left the queen bed wide open. just a picture of the dog. i should say, not only is she truly an amazing mother to four children on the screen now, but she s also an as good mother to meg and dave, our two spaniels. there s meg. are you with the dog right now? i am. i m at the dog park. i hope they appreciate you. my happy place. yeah, they do. not you, but the dogs. i love that we re on the show and tucker s saying constantly that susie s text pictures of the dogs to tucker every morning. we ve already seen them this morning. yeah, but clayton, i always say, do not show the pictures of the dogs to everybody in the studio because they re bored by them. oh, we ve seen them. no, but i know you re wrong. people do want to see pictures of my dogs. i m convinced of that. susie, i will see you tonight for dinner. all right. happy mother s day. thank you all. have a great day! bye-bye. what are you cooking for her tonight? yeah, that s so nice of you.
we re going to the georgetown club, so. we re not big on cooking. but we are big on eating together. that s great. how cute. well, happy mother s day. send your photos of your family this morning and we ll send them throughout the broadcast. yeah, we want to hear from you. two boaters on a fishing trip are rescued after their vessel capsized off jupiter inlet in florida. a large wave knocked the two men off the 16-foot boat, sending them into the water. their saving grace, a water-proof cell phone that they used to alert the coast guard. the pair clung to the boat for about a half hour before emergency responders pulled them from the rough waters. only one of them, luckily, had to be taken to the hospital. well, an american airlines flight delay over math. listen to this. a woman mistaking this italian man for a terrorist. she alerted a flight attendant in a note after she saw him writing down equations, leading officials to pull the ivy league professor off the plane for questioning. he later said he was working on a math problem for a speech he was writing. he returned to the flight headed from philly to syracuse while
his accuser opted for a later trip. well, even though the bulk collection of telephone records has ended, the government is still going through calls and e-mails. well, now congress is making another push to find out what is going on. they have asked the nation s top intelligence officer for the number of americans e-mails and calls that were collected. that s because even though foreigners are the target, americans are sucked in as well. and outrage from a stranded bernie sanders supporter. tucker loves this story. after a tow truck driver refuses to pick her up for political reasons. look at this. says i can t tell you. i said, why? what s wrong with the car? he said, no, you re a bernie supporter. i was like, no, wait, really? the side of my truck says shupie. it doesn t say freebee, you know? and every time i ve dealt with these people in recent history i get burned. so, the driver noticed the bernie sanders bumper sticker and sign on the front windshield. north carolina legal experts say that no laws were broken. come on. the truck driver, though, recommended that she call the
government for a tow truck. dmn, just give the woman a ride. i have a feeling i agree. if donald trump saw a broken-down bernie supporter on the side of the road what would he do? he would have that person towed and help that person. am i right? i don t know. it d be interesting. probably. i ll bet he would. probably. he s trying to make america great again. you give people rides. right. that s what we re about. on your plane. that s what i d do. umbrellas. these guys offered to share their umbrella. you re very smart. you came to new york for four days and it s rained almost the entire time. it has. yesterday was pretty good, though. reporter: and you re leaving today? yes. reporter: sun s going to come out this afternoon, just so you know. you re heading back to atlanta. take a look at the maps, tell you what s going on. temperaturewise, here s what it looks like. if you re taking mom out for maybe a brunch. hopefully, mom s in bed and you re making her brunch. but here s what the northeast looks like. we are at the last end of the rain towards the mid-atlantic
and the northeast. there will be a little bit of leftover showers across the interior section, but a much better day today and spectacular tomorrow. haven t said that in a long time. down to the east and southern plains, storms firing across texas and oklahoma, maybe a few tornadoes in that, certainly strong, gusty and large hail, especially across parts of oklahoma. then the same goes on across areas of kansas and missouri. as the day heats up in the afternoon, we ll see things get a lot more unstable and the storms will fire around the great lakes. you re looking much nicer. and finally, across areas of the west, where it has been very unsettled, still one more day of unsettled weather here. you start to warm up this week, but one more day of scattered showers, some clouds and breezy conditions. all right, guys, back to you inside. thank you, rick. you re the best, rick. thank you. thanks, rick. coming up on the show, a new bombshell surrounding the iran nuclear deal. a top obama aide says the administration used hand-picked experts to sell it. the former director of the cia is here next to react to that. then, still looking for the perfect mother s day gift?
well, chelsea clinton has an idea what you can give her mother. that s right. she wants you to give her some money. mama said, mama said, mama said there will be days like this at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis.
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they breached an agreement. they are finalizing plans to open a brewery in milwaukee, threatening the brewer s home turf. back to you. thanks a lot, abby. a top aide to president obama now admitting to cherry picking experts in order to sell the iran nuclear deal to the public. in a bombshell the new york times interview, former policy adviser ben rhodes says he created echo chambers of experts to push the controversial nuclear deal to capitol hill and to reporters. he s quoted saying they were saying things and validated what we had given them to say. the white house responded by simply saying they re proud of the strong and principled case they made for the deal with iran. here with reaction, former director of the cia, james woolsey. great to see you. what do you make of the white house pulling back the curtain for how they sold this deal dishonestly to the public and to congress? yeah, and it s not even really a deal. deal suggests trading back and forth i ll do this for you if you ll do this for me.
right. that s not what it was. it was about dominance from the iranians point of view. indeed, pretty much all negotiations for them are about that. they have a word, tahia, which basically means lying to infidels. and from the iranis and other points of view, that s not just a possibility, it s recommended. the president said one of the hallmarks of his administration is constraining nuclear proliferation. right. he wants fewer countries to have a bomb. and yet, if you allow the shiites, iran to get nuclear weapons, doesn t that provide a massive incentive to the massive sunni world, the gulf, egypt, turkey to get nuclear weapons? sure. there s no reason for them to hold back. their historic and 13-century-long enemy, essentially, the shiites, and particularly an ambitious and imperialistic iran are there with a nuclear weapon or nearly have a nuclear weapon nearly in their hands. why would saudi arabia and jordan and egypt, turkey forego
a nuke? i don t know. i don t know what you say to persuade them. and so, the world becomes much more dangerous if all these new actors have nuclear weapons. why is that not crazy? exactly. it s not crazy, it s a terrible development, but the administration apparently doesn t care. what they want is a leftover impression after the obama administration s over, i guess, that they did something big, sort of like kissinger going to china. they switched sides. and now it was a major development and they should get credit for it, for some reason, even though it makes the world i think a much more dangerous place. so that is the motivation, the president s legacy, for switching from traditional support of the sub iesunni worl the shiite world? i can t think of any other. there s no basis for suggesting that the world s going to be a more peaceful place by giving in to the iranian empire,
essentially. what do you quickly make of the e-mail scandal that s threatening to ensnare hillary clinton? do you think the fbi and justice department can be broadly relied upon to be even-handed and fair in the way they go after it? the fbi director i don t know the people in justice at all the fbi director has a very good reputation for calling it straight. yes. but on the other hand, he s not the deciding authority. and even grand juries can go off on their own. it happens from time to time, the so-called runaway grand jury. so, it s a little hard to tell exactly who the decision-maker is going to be. it s basically justice, i would imagine. and u.s. attorney dealing with various counsel involved. i m surprised that that much material got out. yes. it s not one or two words the way it has been with other people who have had security violations and gotten prosecuted
for them or one side of a piece of paper at a different clearance level than the person was supposed to have. it s not something like that. it s a huge volume of material. and finally, do you think if the fbi were to recommend indictment of secretary clinton, that would be a decision president obama would have to sign off on? i don t know how their politics with one another works out, but these are career-ending or career-changing decisions. yes. they re not small decisions. they re the biggest decision these people have had to make in their lives. yeah. that suggests maybe he d be involved. mr. woolsey, thanks a lot for joining us. good to be with you. great to see you this morning. thank you. hillary clinton hits hard west virginia coal country. i just want to know how you can say you re going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and then come in here and tell us how you re going to be our friend, because those people out there don t see you as a friend. so, how she s going to do in
the primary in the mountain state on tuesday. we ll give you a preview. and then, a legal battle between a group of nuns and katy perry. and you re gonna hear me roar it s all over this convent. they don t want to sell it to katy perry. that s weird. two of the nuns join us next. stay tuned. what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated
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an unlikely legal battle between a pair of nuns and katy perry. at the center of this is a valuable piece of real estate. a nuns former convent. katy perry worked with the archdiocese of los angeles to buy this vacant property for nearly $15 million, but the nuns say they have their own buyer. they don t need her. now the vatican is weighing in. we have two nuns from the immaculate heart of mary with us. sisters, great to have you on the show this morning. sister rita, why are you not planning to sell it to katy perry. we feel we should have the right to sell it so we can cont
where the money goes if it goes to katy perry, the arch gets the money, they keep it and yes, they say they ll take care of us. we don t want that. sister catherine rose, now the vatican is getting involved with this, seems like it is complicating matters, is it going to make it difficult? we answer directly to the pope, not to the arch bishop. we never asked the arch bishop for any help. we have been able to maintain it on our own with our income, our work, our service to the people and all of that is taken from us. maybe i should add that we
are the ones that initiated the contact with rome. back injun we sent what we called a libelish, we have an attorney in rome who have our cause. for us, we are happy that the vatican is involved. hopefully, this will stop this arch from taking our property. do you have a problem with katy perry herself buying the property? you know, truthfully, the issue of katy perry, it is not katy perry or dainy hollister.
we owned it and it is now taken away. that s the issue. sisters, it is great to see you this morning. please update us on your fight. we reached out to katy perry but we have yet to hear back. thank you. house speaker paul ryan says he s not ready to hop on the trump train. i am not ready to do that at this point, i am not there right now. we talked to one of the speaker s closest allies of what he had to say this week.
real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them.
there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing .of fixodent plus adhesives. they help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can t sleep?
take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. a serious man sneaked into
security and vanishes before getting caught. police are finding that man. house speaker paul ryan says he s not ready to support the republican nominee, donald trump. i am not there right now. we ll talk to the speaker s closest allies about what trump had to say this week when he meets with ryan. are you ready for mother s day? want to take out your wallet and donate your money to your mom. fox and friends starts right now. rainy and cold midtown manhattan for mother s day. is that beautiful?
do you know what mother s day mean? children make women moms. i think we have a picture. some of us not a picture, a video. oh, clayton s adorable kids. my family shows up in the green room and there is the horse from yesterday. daddy is so cool. they don t want to care about coming in the studio. there is the horse. i think that s what you do for a living. that s what i do for a living. so good. i hop around on inflatable horses. low on dignity and high on entertainment. they re so cute i have no shame. we are going to bring them in here in a minute. happy mother s day. search teams are trying to find a man who broke in the united nation in new york and jumped into the east river.
crews went into the river to find the man without luck. he was last seen going under water. federal police officers went on a deadly shooting spree is now charged with murder. the shooter is now being accused of gunning down his wife who filed a protected order against him. five people are shot. he s expected to be in court tomorrow. the wild fire continues to tear through alberta, canada. the blaze is expected to cross into a near by province. it could double in size and could continue for burning for months. the pluto plot, it turns out it is a planet. it is sort of like a hybrid. the debate has been going on
since 2006 since it was downgraded from a planet into a dwarf planet. look, ifhe event says pluto is now a planet than there are other things that s bigger. i am waiting for pluto. i like its ears. all right, donald trump is out on the campaign trail. he s talking about bill clinton. watch this. she s married to a man who s the worst abuser of women. she s married to a man who hurt many women. hillary, if you look and study her, she hurts many women of the women he abused. she s married to a man who got impeached for lying. nobody perhaps in the history
of politics was worst to women or abuse women more than bill clinton. she s taking negative ads on this. did you remember, the famous i did not have sex with that woman and a couple of months later, i am guilty and she s taking negative edge on me. look, folks, this politics is dirty business. will this hurt hillary clinton on the general election. we have mike huckabee talking about that. look, this is not going to be about nice election, this is already getting vicious. this will be worst than normal. the clintons have a long history. they ll do less than that but in this case, it is going to require an extraordinary level of going after and creating political may pal.
donald trump ises the one guy who does not mind not just as good as it is given but giving back more. i am enjoying this. this is offending everyone in the media. don t judge people s marriage. you can talk about whatever you want but you cannot lecture me about being mean to women if you are married to clinton. what do you think? i was trying to visualize myself. it did not come out well. economic is the heart of this election for a short time we saw foreign policy of what occurs in paris. economic went back to the top of the chart. their lives. of course, we are ahead of the west virginia primary and in the southern part of that state, some of the poorest counties in
the united states, obviously, coal mining is an important part of that. hillary clinton as you recall a couple months ago, if clinton is the president, she will shut down coal mine industry. we asked him about the differences between the two. here is what he had to say. the contrast between donald trump and hillary clinton is very real and you know one wants to put miners back to work and do everything possible and try to create a viable industry and the other wants to continue what president obama has effectively done and that is using resources available and get it down or energy consumption. here is the insight of
politics, if you tell people you hate them, they don t like it. democrats have said, were taking your jobs away. why do people like it? why are you telling them you are going to put them out of work? also, in west virginia, it is a barometer of the mood of the country and how americans are feeling. you were mentioning this in that interview that west virginia has long been clinton s country. they voted for clinton twice. we have seen that switch. we have seen a swift from 2000s and on and it is a remarkable change in that state. remember joe mansion trying to distance himself from the record, famous shooting the obamacare bill with a gun to separate himself from that. it is quite a shift. this is like one of the rich people issues, climate change and making people feel virtous.
the average person does not care because it does not affect them. it is a much lesser rich country than we think it is. this is the people looking at kerry and obama and hillary. what are you talking about? i am out of work. coal miners, it was so emotional to watch. this is my real life and family. this is what matters to me. how come bill clinton never talked this way in 92? he pretended he care or maybe he did care. when you openly you don t care about people s jobs, you are not going to get elected. here is something we all care about. it is mother s day. if you have not gotten that gift for your mom yet, we have an idea for you.
chelsea clinton saved me on mother s day. here is a campaign e-mail she released saying this quote. i am putting together a mother s day card for the whole society. i know how much he would appreciate you hearing from you and she asked to donate money. mother s day and giving more money? we are going to ask her later. i think we ll call her later. rick has done this. oh, okay. that s my hillary clinton s day. hey, what s going on?
you predicted it and i hope that we would not see rain on mother s day here. i said you would see it early on and it would be late. yesterday, we had big storms in colorado and incredible tornados and visually you see them causing damage. today, we ll see it towards the east. we are clearing out in mid atlantic and northeast. 12 days in a row for precipitation in dc. this little storm here, that s moving out behind it and we ll see the sun breakthrough and sunshine for mother s day. south eastern is looking great. causing a lot of problems here. it is now going to move in here and bringing more severe weather and extends now just around the city area, we ll likely see tornados. tomorrow, a little towards the
southeast, severe weather we ll see tornados headed into populated areas, potentially some damage, watch out. you said earlier, 109 degrees in arizona. 103. that s unbelievable. now everyone to move there? why move? sounds great. 103 degrees in the shades. coming up, house speaker ryan says he s not ready to support donald trump. i am not ready to do that at this point, one o f the speaker s closest allies saying ryan is doing a disservice to the party. a dramatic rescue caught on camera of two men stranded in the ocean after their ship sink. the pilot saved one of those men.
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and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. i am not ready to do that at this point. i am not there right now. i hope to and i want to. what is required is we unify the party. donald trump in effect of the republican nominee. what happens if the republican party cannot unify behind him in time for the fall election. joining us now, congressman, it is dpragreat to see you this morning, thanks for coming on. i understand people have problems with trump and i understand why. i am not judging at all.
i am wondering the speaker s approach on this though. why not call him on the phone and why book an interview on cnn to complain about him without calling him first? well, you know, speaker ryan is doing a great job and i don t know that it brought about a disservice but it did bring about some confusions. i did talk to a lot of people in my district of the no trump people. yes. it is confusing in that way, at the same time, you got mr. trump yesterday talking about lyndsey gray and jeb bush. you know, that s not necessary. this is not a high school election. this is for the presidency of the united states. we just come under out of seven and a half years or going to come out of eight years with
this president to me that s done everything he could to change the country and that s what he said in 2008 that he s going to fundamentally change the united states. he s done his best to do it. right. now, we have at least a guy saying he wants to make america great whether he can or not, i don t know. everything you said makes absolutely sense. i agree with you absolutely that trump will not get anything attacking graham. why not call him on the phone and why not try to influence him privately and effectively and make him better, a better republican nominee? well, you know, my mom always should say you get more flies with sugar than you do than vinegar. mr. thurump is a great negotiat
and he built great company. you would think that you would want a friendly environment. i think the same thing from the speaker that you want to go into this meeting thursday. i pray that this meeting turn out good. you would want to go in that without any animosity and a spirit trying to work together and unify the problem, i mean the party that seems wise to me. what to you make of the conservatives in washington who are searching for a third party candidate to run against trump. a, obviously, would that be electing hillary clinton. i have no idea. we are not going to know why donald trump really believes until he gets in office. it is easy for people to say things to get favors with
politicians and voters. until a real issue come up, you don t know, you know, sincerely in your heart how you feel about it nor does anybody else. if mr. trump does get elected president, if he does not perform in some of the things he s saying. these people that are so much for him will be the first one to bring him up for impeachment. on the conservative issue, you know, we ll have to wait and see. to me, this is more about the supreme court. you know we had this president for eight years. i rather have somebody for four years rather than have a supreme court made up for people that could last for decades. i am worried about my children and my grandchildren. we all are. congressman, thank you for joining us this morning. thank you, thank you, tucker.
a cop shot in the line of duty and now a manhunt is on the way. details are just ahead. looking to make mother s day picture perfect? clayton got that just ahead with the picture perfect. honey, did you call the insurance company? not yet, i m. folding the laundry! can you? no. cleaning the windows! the living room s a disaster! (vo) most insurance companies give you every reason to avoid them. plants need planting! well the leaves aren t going to rake themselves! (vo) nationwide is different. hon, did you call nationwide to check on our claim? (vo) we put members first. actually, they called me. nationwide is on your side
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tips is the mark sorono. welcome. nice to see you on the show. a lot of people forget to think ability. th . i think lighting is important because it removes shadows and things that kind of make people look less natural. window light and natural light is the best way to go. let s take some photos, family here. sounds good. just with an iphone. you can see the grid line. in the settings menu on your iphone, you can flip on the grid. correct. you can see the grid line here gives you a look at the horizon, too. you see in the background you don t want the lines to not be parallel and so when you are
coming into a horizontal look, for example, like this. here is a better example of rule of third and they re on the left side of the the frame rather than bulls eye. you want it to be on the converging line on the right or left of the line. so you have a moment where you have everybody smiling and posing. there you go. and then you are going to stop and say kate, look at mommy and give her a kiss on the cheek. a little bit more candid and after wordwards there you go. you may have a better moment there with her candid. oh yeah. so that s much better in her face than here where she s posed and set up and looking stiffer. interesting. what about some of the access y accessori
accessories? i will show you the lenses first. these are made by a company called moment. it comes on a case, the case is blue tooth to the lens and here is the trigger for the shutter and once you turn the lens and snap it on as easy as that, you have a camera in your hands that give you a wide angle look. here is after you put the lens on. see it is tighter here and then once you put the lens back on, you have a wide angle look. you have a more photo lens for tighter portraits. here you might just come in and do a shot of mommy and daughter. you have the shallow depth of field and you can also plug in ear buds which we don t have time to show. with the click of the have yum button, you can use it as a shutter. exactly. you don t need a special case on that. you are making hands free self selfie. you can lay the camera down up
against the wall and you pull the ear buds out and take a picture that way and your hands are in the shot instead of out. where should they go? go to polaroid? university? yes, it is really good for moms and we have subjects like weddings and family and food and portraits. it can teach you taking pictures like a pro. thank you so much. happy mother s day. two men stranded at sea after their boat capsizes, the items that save their lives. and a heartwarming surprise, a story that ll bring tears of joy to your eye. we re out of ink.
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baby. here is our writer, alex butl butler, with his mom sharrie. their aunt nora who just turned 100 years old. i was with sam at the kentucky derby, she s an incredible producer. she s celebrating mother s day and her niece s harry potter theme birthday. you got to go to hong kong for that. celebrating her first mother s day with her daughter, big love to kelly and pat. happy mother s day. executive producer, general roget with her whole family there. i wonder where they are there. our boss, the vice president here at fox with her husband jered and her son and mom. happy mother s day. so great.
i love this day. it keeps us all in line. thank goodness. pretty soon, we ll meet the two cutest children we have ever met. believe it or not, look at me. no way this guy is producing. every time i see them, who kids are those. they stole the kentucky inflatable horses in the green room. daddy as the best office ever. they love coming here, you have so many toys. rick is from phoenix, arizona, the arizona area. looks like 103 degrees there? phoenix is going to get hot finally. you start to get those triple digits in may. i know it is early. have you call your mom yet? i decided i dot her phone number this morning and i called
barbara, rick s mom, i think we have her on the line. happy mother s day barbara. happy mother s day and everybody there. how are you doing? i didn t know you are doing that. the most mother s day you can give is not have me wake up at 4:00 in the morning and have me talk to you on the phone. sorry, mom. that s all right, when the phone rings, my mind starts going into oh, something happens to somebody. of course. but, i am so happy to hear from you and to see you on your stream. we have pictures of you as well. what are you doing this mother s day? our daughters are not available, i had two nice mother s days father and saturday. i have mother s day. celebrating early. you celebrate it different times. it is wonderful. is dad taking you some where today then? we ll probably do something
today. yes. we ll probably go out eat along the way or after church, we have been thinking that we would eat out. we thank the weather man for the rain, we had rain last night, a beautiful day. barbara, you raised an incredible son and thank you for sharing him with us. i can see how he got his business as he did. you know what he did, he kind of raised himself. he was easy. that s what she thought. he s easy to love. happy mother s day, i will call you later on. sorry for waking you up. bye-bye. we cannot do weather now, i just had to call your mom. that was worth it. that s adorable. some headlines. a busy 9 years old girl showing her in a grocery store there.
it captured right after the girl went missing. her uncle took her out of school without permission. there is a 10,000 reward on carly s safe return. two boaters tavarrescued. a large wave knocked the two men off. the coast guards, the pair clung the boat for about half an hour before emergency responders pulled them to rough water. only one of them had to be taken to the hometown. a grieving text teacher with this adorable kitten. well, her be loved cat died and her tears of sadness turns to those of joy.
the school surprised her with an extraordinary thoughtful gift, two kittens. that s not all. the student gave their teacher cup cakes, balloons and flowers. great day. we got special guests on the couch that just stepped on. you guys had fun on the inflatable horses. does dad have the best office ever? happy mother s day, natalie. you are the cutest children, how did that happen? we got two vodka dressing up in a color shirt for the occasion. what happened to what now? oh, it is in here. he just dressed formally for mother s day. now we would not think we have a third so now we have a third on the way.
are you going to have a little sibling. do you have a brother or sister? i don t know. what about you? a brother. it is your birthday today. how old are isn t it true. are you? just four. you held out the whole time. what do you want for your birthday today other than playing with horses? a horsey. not going to happen good for you. your dad told me he may give you a horse. a real pony. a live pony. oh great. not necessarily this year. what i want is a nice, bloody mary. i will do it. what would you like? you are watching tv over there. that s new york city outside. what would you like for
mother s day? bloody mary. you are an honest person, natalie. you are the most wonderful mom in the world and the little attention and details of our kids and things they never imagine or taking care of, chap stick and candy ready to go. you make a difference. that s good advice. i do, too. i know what that is about. happy mother s day. y all should come often. we need new writers on the show. happy birthday to s guys for. well, hillary clinton is feeling the heat for west virginia. what impact will coal country have on the election. we ll break it down. wounded warriors will compete in a special event today it is
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but usaa car buying service mitigates those fears. uh, they make it a very easy experience for you. find the right car, save money. it s that easy. usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. exclusively for usaa members. . welcome back, we got a fox news alert for you. a massive manhunt for you this morning. al dangerous man shot a cop with an ak 47. he exchanged fire late last night. he s wounded and armed with that ak 47 possibly hiding in a forest reserve in illinois. another fox news alert now, breaking this morning, drug lord el chapo being moved to prisons near the u.s. border.
he will be near el paso. escaped twice from prison. he s fighting extradition to the united states. tucker? hillary clinton is under fire from coal miners for what she said about getting rid of their jobs. here is part of it. i am the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as a key into coal country because we are going to put a lot of coal miners and companies out of business. what kind of effect for coal country have. here is our fox business network, marie, it is good to see you. good to see you, thank you very much. as abby pointed out this morning, i forgotten she won in
the states primary. she does not have a chance, does she? going into west virginia, you heard that sound bite yte of he talking about this. you remember one of those coal miners took an attack on that. she says i was taken out of context. the coal industry have lost 5,000 jobs in the last five years. in the last year, it is been harder for states like west virginia and about 15,000 jobs have been cut in west virginia because of coal just in the last year. this has to do with regulations, obviously, the obama administration making the case that the coal industry has huge contribution to greenhouse gases. this is just bankrupt in so many company. she says what she said about coal miners and that s going to be a tough one to come. she did win at one point but
it is a changed landscape given of what we have seen on jobs cut. we have breaking news. we want to get your take on the meet ofg pa meeting of paul ryan and palin. she says this is what she thinks is going to happen to paul ryan. i think paul ryan is soon to be cantored. his political career is over. i think why paul ryan is doing this, it screws his chances for the 2020 presidential bid. so he s going to be eric cantored. you know i have been having such a hard time with this since paul ryan made those comments on cnn. i tweeted about this and getting conversations into our viewers. do you think all the democrats like each other? all best friends?
of course, not. the clintons cannot stand the obamas and the obamas cannot stand for the clintons. do you know how many people are doing it and holding their nose. when they inside to get in line, they get in line and they just go and a unified force. the republicans just played it out on cnn. you are right. i thought paul ryan is terrific. he should have picked up the phone and call donald trump, hey, i am not there yet. your show starts in 12 minutes, do not change your channel from fox and friends we got the invictus game comicom coms coming up next. strip in stantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
ten minutes to the top of the hour. a happy mother s day to all of you. today is the day of the second invictus games for injured service members coming together from all over the world. it s happening in orlando, florida. our correspondent is right there at the scene. good morning. good morning, guys. i ve had the opportunity to spend some time with some of these elite athletes this morning. track and field events are going on right now. this is 500 military athletes from 14 different countries coming together representing their country on a different kind of battlefield. i had the opportunity to spend time with some of our athletes, some of my former brothers and sisters in arms to learn about what it took to get here and what it all means to them. take a listen.
team wheelchair is getting ready for basketball. let s see what it takes to get them together. this is part of the u.s. team. the invictus games are special because it takes every branch of the military to come together. we re army, we re navy. so the war games, we clash. but in this, you all come together. right. we do. it s very unique to us because we get the opportunity to represent our country again. it was in battle and now on the court. what does it mean to you? it means teamwork and a brotherhood. very similar stories of victory over tragedies. for many, the tragedies they faced might have seemed insurmountable, but not for them. people ask me, if you could turn back the clock to change, it don t think i would. i would let it happen all over again because it s brought me to
a place that let me know something about myself. three months after i got injured i started walking again. four months after that i started playing basketball. you lose a limb. you don t lose a life. as long as you have strong will and will power to get up and do things, can you accomplish it. it s not the game is over. the game isn t over until it s over. did you feel you weren t going to play again when this happened? i believed that when i was laying there with the paramedics, the first thing i asked, would i be able to play basketball. she said, yes, just i never thought it would be the way that i play now. the playing field is leveled also. it makes it a lot better because that way it s all about using your brain instead of your body. you guys were playing bumper cars for a second. it s like slamming. some of it s a little illegal, some of the hits. technically we re not supposed to have no contact. no contact? no contact. in this sport, are you kidding me? with you guys, marines, no
contact. but, you know, there is. but it s fun, though. watching these guys play is inspiring. when they finish their scrimmage, they challenged me to give it a shot. there s a special camaraderie among those who served and today these guys are going to show me how to play their game. this is how you go around. you do a lot of hips. how do you dribble? put it on your lap and throw it once, there you go. you re a natural. i just turned the wrong way. like a regular basketball. put it over your head, nice and high, shoot. harder than you think. perfect! ya! right here. this takes major coordination. so, you want to try a little two v. two? marine corps team right here. let s do it.
nice! one, two, three, usa! well, being with them was like being home. these are men and women who have made huge sacrifices for our global security and now they ve ricin to be the elite athletes. opening ceremony tonight. back to you in the studio. wonderful job. thanks, lea. coming up next here on the show, we have one more mother s day surprise for you.
happy mother s day, everyone. we re thanking the special women in our lives. abby s parents, mary kay and john, join us live. what a treat. hi. mom, happy mother s day. what a surprise. you re very sneaky. you did a wonderful job. we ve been enjoying abby for the first time ever on this couch this morning. it s been amazing. it is a tribute to you. i don t know what you did, but it worked. oh, listen, she s a joy. i tell you, to wake up to that this morning was greatest gift for mother s day. beautiful, shiny yellow and her beautiful smile and sitting between the two of you when people call people beautiful inside and out, this is my mom. she makes every person around her feel comfortable. this is a photo we re going to show of her mom, don t know if they already showed that, mary ann cooper, if we can pull that up, she s such a beautiful woman.

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161025 00:00:00

heading into the end, though, donald trump, look at this, the foundation of trump support, white voters without a college degree, a whopping 30-point lead on that question. one of the arenreasons this is a total blowout nationally. we didn t just ask voters who they re voting for, we asked them why. a five-point national lead, not a total blowout. one of the reasons it s not bigger than that, who would best handle the economy? donald trump wins on that. the other big issues, hillary clinton a little bit on terrorism, a bit on immigration. what has her campaign been about, saying he s erratic, unfit, temperamentally not fit to be president of the united states. the voters agree, nearly 30 points she wince on the question of which candidate has the best temperament to be president, also wins by 15 points when voters are asked which of these two do you trust to be commander in chief? she s winning on the qualification for the job, if you will, even though she trails on the economy. the biggest question of all, anderson, anything in the new national numbers to change this? cnn electoral map shows hillary
clinton with a lopsided add vanta vantage. there s some reasons to say donald trump s republican support is coming back, maybe that will help him in the west where he s struggling. there s also good reasons for secretary clinton. she leads when we asked voters in the midwest, when asked who they d pick for president. look at the national numbers and this map, a tighter race than some organizations have it in their polling. still advantage clinton. when you go state by state, lopsided advantage clinton. donald trump as we said finished a big rally. his very first words at it after thanking supporters was to point to a different poll showing him in the lead. we should say the survey from investors business daily does not meet our standards for transparency. cnn s jim acosta joins us now. thump spending a lot of time in florida obviously this week. he definitely needs to win there. what s the latest tonight? reporter: that s right, anderson. donald trump just wrapped up his remarks here at tampa right around us at this moment we want
kellyanne conway, his campaign manager, said on meet the press yesterday, we are running behind, but then earlier today, anderson, on cnn, jason miller, the senior communications adviser, said oh, no, no, kellyanne conway was talks about fund-raising but anderson, if you go back to the transcript from meet the press she was asked about how they re doing in the polls and she acknowledged as is the case right now that day are running behind. i have to point out right now, anderson we ve been seeing this at on a routine basis at the donald trump rallies, he s been ramping up the rhetoric against the news media, we re seeing hostility against us, the media covering his campaign. a man right now holding a sign that says trump sucks. earlier tonight, a woman jabbed me with her trump for president sign. i kaecan t imagine another coup weeks of this. it s getting intense. hillary clinton who s putting a good deal of her campaign emergency into
down-ticket races, some worry is overconfidence. she s extending her coattails to senate candidates, trying to take advantage of the one senator who s been known to get under donald trump s skin. more on that from brianna kei r keilar. reporter: hillary clinton making a campaign swing through new hampshire. we are more than our disagreements, we americans. there is so much more that unites us than divides us. reporter: and she s got help from liberal darling elizabeth warren, senator from neighboring massachusetts who took aim from donald trump for this remark at the last debate. such a nasty woman. he thinks because he has a mouth full of tic tacs he can force himself on any woman within groping distance. i got news for you, donald trump. women have had it with guys like you. nasty women are tough. nasty women are smart. and nasty women vote.
reporter: but for many americans, election day has come and gone. according to an analysis from catalyst by cnn, 5.1 million votes have already been cast across the u.s. as clinton and her campaign are feeling confident about her path to the white house, she s focusing more on helping democrats take back the senate. campaigning here in the granite state with governor maggie hassan who s leading in the polls as she looks to unseat incumbent republican kelly ayotte. unlike her opponent, she has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. she knows he shouldn t be a role model for our kids or for anybody else, for that matter. reporter: it s a familiar refrain clinton is using. over the weekend in north carolina, she rallied voters for deborah ross as she tries to take on senator richard burr. unlike her opponent, deborah has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump.
because she knows he s wrong for north carolina. reporter: clinton is steadily moving her focus beyond donald trump. upping her planning for what she believes will be her transition to the presidency, a source close to clinton tells cnn. but clinton denies she s getting ahead of herself. you know, i m a little superstitious about that. we ve got a transition operation going and i haven t really paid much attention to it yet because i want to focus on what our first task is and that is convincing as many americans as possible to give us the chance to serve. brianna joins us now. what are you hearing from the clinton campaign? how confident is she going to the final two weeks of the campaign? reporter: you know, they re saying that every vote matters, of course, but there s a lot of confidence that we re hearing from the clinton campaign. they need to be careful they don t count their chickens before they hatch, specifically we re talks about people in the middle of the political spectrum who don t want to vote for donald trump and don t really want to vote for hillary clinton. they could become complacent if they think they don t have to
vote for hillary clinton in order to vote against donald trump. but it s just so clear the confidence as she is heading out to help all of these down-ballot democrats. that s what really tells you where they re at. brianna, this new report that came out today saying obamacare premiums will be going up an average of 22% next year. that s going to make things difficult for clinton considering how closely she s tied her campaign to its supposed success. reporter: that s right. politically this is not good for hillary clinton or for president obama, but here s the bottom line as we see it. i think it s important for people to understand, 22% increase in the next year in premiums on through obamacare. these are the plans bought on the exchange. it was 7% last year. so that is a jump. now most people because they get subsidies on the exchange actually aren t going to feel that increase, but still, this is a sizable, the overall cost of the program is big. it s getting bigger an td the b issue is choice. there s a number of states going into next year where people may go on the exchange to get a plan
and only going to have one insurance company to choose from. our panel, jonathan tasini, christine quinn. patrick healy is sheer. trump supporters jeffrey lord and scottie nell hughes. donald trump says he s going to win. they see a path. do you see what he s saying? he s in trouble and they know it. they are basing a lot of these assumptions on arizona being a solid trump state. nevada coming through. perhaps new hampshire coming through. certainly ohio and florida coming through. and talking to people inside the trump campaign, they acknowledge that they need that economy argument to really cut their way in the last two weeks. that seems to bt only thing in which he s leading. the only thing he s leading and, you know, in trump s favor here, 9 the1% of people in the cnn poll say the economy is still very important or important to them. he has an argument to make there.
he could dtie in the obamacare premium. you have donald trump coming out today saying the latest accuser against him of unrawanted advans is a porn star and bad mouthing her. the last two weeks donald trump needs to be focusing on that economic argument. it s the best one for him, but as we ve seen for the last year and a half, his ability to get in his own way is still there. jeffrey, even this weekend, gettysburg address which was supposed to outline his first 111 1 supposed to outline his first 111 1 p 100 days he spent a fair amount of time talking about suing these women accusers. right. i think what he s tryinging to do is die all this together, all of this gets back to a culture of corruption, if you will. there s an ad i found very interesting. i think 15 days out, if we learned nothing else, the last year and a half, things can change on a dime. there s a television ad by a group called america s worth it. it never mentions donald trump. what it does is attack hillary clinton as the queen of
corruption and ties her to their words, not mine, liberal media bosses. that is part in parcel of the trump attack, and so at a major policy address that you said this is going to be my 100 days, the big-ticket item initially to be i m going to sue all these women i understand. there s two ways of looking at this, anderson. i confess, that was my first reaction. the second reaction once you get a couple lines. three or four. all right. once you tie this all in, it s all it s all tied together. today in pennsylvania wait, wait let him finish. today in pennsylvania, the former democratic attorney general of pennsylvania was sentenced to jail for corruption. now, i m just saying that this kind of thing makes a difference and that s what he s trying to point out. so he s trying to wrap it up in a culture of corruption but if you listen to what anderson said, he raised how he stepped on his message by continuing to
bring up he s going to sue the women and now attacking the most recent accuser in an incredibly insensitive way by saying something to the effect of this isn t the first time she s been gro groped. he said, oh, i m sure she s been grabbed before. the people that s appealing to the most are the people who are harassing jim acosta, diehard trump supporters who hear this and believe that sort of larger, you know, narrative right. with the news media. but that s not getting whatever undecided voters are left or the soft clinton supporters. these are his acts. this is not a conspiracy by the clinton campaign. these are women who are accusing him of doing something. let me ask you about the obamacare premiums going up 22 pk. i mean, that had that happened during the primary, that would have been something that bernie sanders would have jumped all over. how bad is this for hillary clinton? well, bernie sanders and in progressives still believe that the only way to solve this is to have a single payer medicare for all system.
i will point out secretary clinton has started talking about the public option as an alternative, frankly, what she needs to move to. there s no question that the obamacare the rising premiums are going to hurt people but i think that for donald trump to make the argument and republicans to make the argument they re the solution, they want to throw all the people covered by obamacare off obamacare so they won t have coverage and would not preserve the pre-existing condition trump claims he would preserve it but how much do you wish he hasn t shown how. how much do you wish this happened months ago, this announcement was made? thank you for being honest. someone admitting the goal of obama compacare to put us on a payer system. i m saying the opposite. that s what the whole goal is. may i finish now? 17 of the 23 exchanges are now out of business, gone bottom up. this is not impacting those in urban areas. this is impacting those people in the rural areas.
you ve got in alabama right now 71% of increases of most people on insurances, oklahoma city is going to have the same kind of rural areas of arizona, 116%, they re going to see their premiums i just want to clarify something, though. that s the issues that are impacting america. you can talk about these other women. jonathan? obamacare was a institute for inaction on the part of republicans, period. republicans did not want to change the current system which basically cost people their lives and left millions of people not covered. that s not true. it is absolutely fact. no, it is not. it is absolutely the fact. the second thing, what obamacare tried to do is begin to go along the path, no question about it, to single payer. i m not embarrassed by it. you should be. we should have medicare in the country, if we don t have medicare for all system we have to take a quick break. we re going to pick this up in a moment. later as we ve been discussing i ll ask the republican party s top spokesman how donald trump squares his polling problems with women with his continued
statements about women and the women who are accusing him. that s just ahead tonight on 360. we made the movie the book of life. the image on the surface book, transports you into the world which is our main goal as animators and you can actually touch the screen. you can t do that on a mac. in my gentleman s quarters, we sip champagne
and peruse my art collection, which consists of renaissance classics and more avant-garde pieces. yes, i am rich. that s why i drink the champagne of beers.
hey! we re doing the wave! all taking off with me!baby. for 42 minutes he s been trying to bring an entire stadium to its feet. you missed it buddy. (rich) why does he do it? for glory? notoriety? we don t know. waaaaave! frankly, we don t need to know. but much like this hero, courtyard is all about the game. taking off with me! one, two, three! waaaaave there s my guy! yes. snacks? yeah, man, eat it up and we re gonna burn it off doing the wave! what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink s broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain s guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day
for one of the largest greeting card companies. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. donald trump says he s winning most but not all polling, certainly most reputable polling says he s not. experts have said if trump were to win it would be the biggest polling failure since dewey and truman in 1948. donald trump is railing against
more than just the polls. our system is rigged. our system is rigged. she never had a chance of being convicted, even though everybody in this audience, and boy do we have a lot of people, everybody here knows that she s 100% guilty. that was donald trump just moments ago. back with our panel. i want to bring up the story from the wall street journal because a lot of republicans are pointing to it, ties a contribution from a pac of a close clinton ally, virginia governor terry mcauliffe, to the wife of the guy at the fbi who ended up being in charge of the investigation into the clinton e-mail server. basically implying there was a quid pro quo. right. how damaging do you think that is? because it certainly fits into the narrative you guys want of exactly. that this is that s exactly the point. anderson, we look at these polls, let me just talk to pennsylvania for a second. depending on the poll he s behind by five, six, seven,
eight, nine points, et cetera. i know you hate when i do anecdotes. go. on saturday when i had the day off, i took good old mom, put her in the car, got the halloween pumpkin 20 miles out in the countryside. there were trump signs everywhere. i saw ones, one hillary sign. now, anecdotal, but i m trying to understand the polling data as, in relation to the what you re seeing out there. what i m seeing on the ground. the last time i saw that much effort for one candidate was 2008, they were all obama sides. christine, this terry mcauliffe story, this guy was not in charge of the investigation when the donation was made to his wife. he was later, i guess, elevated. right. how serious do you think this is? look, terry mcauliffe is an intelligent guy. there s no way around that. he doesn t have some kind of esp where he can figure out he s a very close friend of the clintons. he gave a donation in relevance to where somebody was. i m not saying he couldn t be so
intelligent to see into the future to know where this gentle ma amm man was going to go. he was there. the gentleman was in one place and another job. he couldn t have possibly known. look, i don t disregard signs. they re a sign of enthusiasm. anecdote, i was in a restaurant today, a man came up to me and said i don t want to interrupt your lunch, his eyes welled up with tears, he said i wasn t sure what i was going to vote for, now as it s gone on and on, think about my daughters. like dueling banjo. mine has a person, he just has signs. he didn t have any tears pumpkins, though. all right. all right. two guys walked into a bar. one of them but it is interesting, these polls, i mean, the trump people continue to say, look, these polls are just flat-out wrong. right. and, look, we re going to know in two week. the problem is something like pay for play can have real damage, it can do real damage.
you have to start laying the groundwork for a pay to play argument months in advance in order for it to break through and people to understand it. donald trump, i remember when we talked last spring when he was trying to figure out what adjective to put onto hillary clinton s name, he was going for sort of low energy hillary. highbrow he went for crooked hillary, but the thing is that pay for play, it s a complicated, you know, multilayered argument that just in the last two weeks, it s really very hard to this is another chapter in the book of corruption, the clinton corruption chronicles. doesn t donald trump continue to step on his message every step of the way? i mean seems like he cannot it seems like any other candidate would have been able to make a more coherent argument over, to patrick s point, over months and months and months without having, you know, the headline this weekend being i m going to sue these women when i get into office. but i think he has. i mean, let s look at it. we had saudi arabia arms deal, we had it was a 39-minute speech
about 15 minutes no, actually i think it came out und out, two minutes were focused on women who were going to sue him. ten minutes was background overall. of the past. dealing with the scandal and media bias was ten minutes. he lumped it all together to jeffrey s point. it was everything other than issues about his first 100 days. i think it goes back to the idea, what is the media focusing on, what are they focusing on? what are the stories they re making their headlines be out of? they re not talking about the fact he wants to rid the swamp, he wants to put in term limits. by the way he s not talking about it the majority of it focusing on one line. the moment that i will never forget in this campaign, many moments, was interviewing donald trump in his office the day after fbi director comey s report came out on the e-mail scandal in july and saying to donald trump, this is a gift, you know, you re going to be talking about this for the next, you know, weeks and weeks and weeks. he said i can talk about it for about five minutes at the rally then everybody gets bored and got to go back to the wall and
got to go to the polls. it was sort of like a that moment crystalized him, you know, for me. he s a showman. he s a performer. he needs, you know, there s a plus. the idea of prosecuting an argument for three months, four months, the e-mail was perfectly served up, you know, as a weapon for him. and july, it just sort of faded and august he had three opportunities at the debates. to your word you used, anderson, coherence, if you actually go and read the transcripts which geeks like me do, he s not able to make a coherent argument about any policy issue. i remember corey lewandowski before the last debate talking about draining the swamp, statement, taken fire among his supporters and what he d be talks about at ttal talking about at the debate. he used gettysburg, though. he started that, what, more than a week ago, he could have been i think you re going to the teleprompter let s go back to 2008 and
barack obama. talk about one at a time. the great entertainer in chief. i mean, i will give barack obama this, in 2008, he was the best campaigner, you know, bill clinton was good, barack obama was even better. and he was allowed to get people engaged. he got people to the polls. he got people inspired. and it wasn t because of talking policy. i think mr. trump might have watched him. might have watched people like bill clinton. it s all about engagement. people showing up to the polls. obama we know barack obama and bill clinton and donald trump is neither of them. he s not that s a good thing. no, he s not he s got the energy. he s not able to engage voters. we have to pause it there. crunchtime on the campaign trail for both. i ll talk to rnc chief strategist sean splicer about the headwinds trump is facing.
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i talked to sean spicer for the rnc just before we went to air. sean, you ve seen the results of the new cnn poll. trump trails by five points. he said today at a rally he thinks he s winning. do you believe he s winning? i think when you look at the battleground states whether it s florida, iowa, ohio, where it matters, we re winning. we have a path to 270 that s going to put him in the white house come november 8th. again, i think the other thing, anderson, you look at states where we can start to see evidence of that. florida we re up over the democrats in the early votes. not just the absentee ballots requested, then returned. same thing in iowa. and in places, excuse me, like iowa and north carolina in iowa, excuse me, in places like iowa and ohio where traditionally we don t do as well as early votes, you see actually a consolidation of where we ve been in the past. it s a much closer race for us. we do so well there on election day. but, i mean, you know, we just had john king explain the electoral map.
even if trump wins all the states that cnn currently has as tossups, he still comes up short of 270. so i mean, you re looking you say you re looking at early right, no. if you take florida, ohio, nevada, iowa, north carolina, and then add in new hampshire and maine, too, areas we re doing well in, that gets us over the 270 mark. i think new hampshire, though, i think even maine in real clear politics, a poll of polls, shows clinton in the lead. and also in florida. again, some of these places, there s not one of those states that s not in the margin of error. we feel good about our data, where we are, and voter targeting. the early vote, ann absentee vote requests and our ground game. i get with all due respect to the polls i know where we are data wise. we feel very good. this morning trump tweeted major story the dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the trump. we re going it to win. do you can you point to which polls and which democrats he s referring to?
abc showing a 12-point race. that s by far an outlier. the demographics that make up that s not necessarily a phony the phony polls are online polls donald trump always seems to be referencing. even the rasmussen poll isn t something we would use. okay, again, you get to make that decision. i think when you look at the ma rasmussen poll and ibd poll, the ibd poll was the most accurate poll going back a couple cycles. i get you might not like it but it s been one of the most accurate polls going forward. for clarificatioclarificatio use it because they don t reveal their methodology and the rasmussen poll uses a combination of online polling and telephone polling. right. i understand that, but i m not saying that you have to accept it, but it doesn t make it phony. just today donald trump said in response to an adult film actress who says he grabbed and
kissed her, offered her money to go to his hotel room. oh, i m sure she s never been grabbed before. i really don t. the idea today we saw terry mcauliffe, one of clinton s strongest allies allegedly not allegedly, helped steer $500,000 in campaign contributions to the wife of the person who ran the fbi investigation of hillary clin n clinton. i m somewhat shocked they re not getting the level of attenti attention he did give the money before the guy was assigned to that case. he was the number three at the fbi at the time. yes, he became number two but the idea that that doesn t seem like a huge impropriety is a little the idea that people are sort of helping to make the excuses for. it s hillary clinton that should have to answer for that. it s terry mcauliffe. the media shouldn t be sort of making excuses for when certain things happen. they should be asking the tough questions as they do every day of the trump campaign. all right. sean spicer, good to talk to you
as always. thank you. thanks, anderson. and our interview, complete interview with sean can be seen online at ahead, more on donald trump s appetite for suing people or threatening to. we ll look at why trump s threat to sue the new york times over its reporting on sexual assault allegations is likely going to remain just that, a threat and no more. we ll be right back. romantic moments can happen spontaneously, so why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use,
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as we reported during a speech in pennsylvania over the weekend, donald trump went off script and spent a good amount of time attacking women who ve accused him of sexual assault threatening once again to take them to court. every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. total fabrication. the events never happened. never. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. it was probably the dnc and the clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories, but we ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. and i look so forward to doing
it. well, trump is also threatening or there were reports he was going to sue the new york times over its reporting on sexual assault allegations he s facing. none of this is actually surprising giving trump s long history of threatening to sue people who say things about him he doesn t like. usa today wrote a strong piece about his propensity to sue. the presidential candidate threatened a rapper, documentary filmmakers, palm beach civic clucks newsletter and better business bureau for lowering its rating of trump university. vowed to sue multiple news organizations including the new york times, wall street journal, washington post, usa today, didn t follow through with any of those. randi kaye tonight reports. no papers more corrupt than the failing new york times. good news it is failing, it won t be around too much longer, but they are really, really bad people. reporter: donald trump tearing into the new york times for its reporting on women accusing trump of touching them inappropriately.
trump s team called the article reckless and defamatory and demanded a retraction and an apology. failure to comply, trump s lawyer warned, would leave trump no choice but to pursue all available actions and remedies. the candidate has made it sound like a lawsuit is imminent. it will be part of the lawsuit we are preparing against them. reporter: if trump s lawyers do sue the new york times, don t expect the paper to request the lawsuit be dismissed. it may be exactly what t the ne york times wants. in response to trump s lawyer, an attorney for the times shot back, if mr. trump disagrees w wing the opportunity to have a court set him straight. read between the lines and the new york times seems to be saying, bring it on. donald trump in a court of law under oath answering all kinds of embarrassing questions about his sex life and his behavior with women. it s a process called discovery and in the end could provide a treasure-trove of stories. that is if trump tells the
truth. the washington post found when trump was deposed back in 2007 for a lawsuit he filed against a new york times reporter, trump lied as many as 30 times. if a lawsuit is filed in this latest case involving his accusers, legal experts say it wouldn t just be donald trump facing questions. ivanka, the rest of his children and maybe even his ex-wives could be deposed. not to mention, the growing list of women who now say trump kissed them or put his hand up their skirt without consent. the republican nominee continues to suggest he s been a victim of libel. what s still unclear is if trump realizes how much a lawsuit could expose about his business and personal life. these false attacks are absolutely hurtful. to be lied about, to be slandered, to be smeared so publicly, and before your family that you love is very painful. reporter: painful, but with a lawsuit, the burden would be on
donald trump to prove all the claims against him are false. randi kaye, cnn, florida. lot to discuss. joining me now, senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jeffrey toobin. trump s claim that he s going to sue the women who have made accusations against him, that he s going to sue all of them, how hard is a case like that? it s very hard in the united states for any sort of public figure to win a libel or defamation case because he d have to show one of two things. he d have to show what s called he d have to show either that the person who made the accusation or the newspaper knew it was false when they made it, or showed reckless disregard for whether it was true. now, reckless disregard means you made no effort to check it out and certainly when it comes to the the new york times, they obviously made a greet deal of effort to check out every story they wrote about trump, so it really does seem literally impossible for him to win a lawsuit against the new york times. it is, perhaps, somewhat more
possible against these women, but as randi pointed out in her story, if she were to bring such a lawsuit, his whole personal life would be open in discovery process. so in discovery. that means the times or these women s attorneys could essentially depose him about his entire history. his entire sexual history, everything. and, of course, the access hollywood tape would come in where he admitted making unwanted sexual advances. virtually sexual assaults on women which would be argued on the part of these defendants was proof that he had a propensity for doing this which would certainly help their case. over the weekend also, trump made the argument that essentially the press in the united states can say whatever they want and that he want, you know, libel and slander laws to look more like they do in the united kingdom where it s easier for people to get convictions. it is. it s different in several important ways. the most important way is that
in the united states, the plaintiff has the burden of showing that the story is false. in great britain, the publisher, the news organization, has the burden of showing that it s true. also what s different is that the loser pays the winner s attorneys fees. so it really raises the stakes for both sides. here, everybody pays their own attorney fees regardless of what happens, but the press is in a much more vulnerable position in great britain. is it just that the story is false or there has to be malice involved in the u.s.? in the u.s., no, i mean, they don t actual malice is a somewhat misleading term. it doesn t mean, like, hate. okay. it does mean a kind of recklessness. a reckless disregard. they didn t research it, they didn t look they didn t try. they didn t make any effort to check it out. usually what satisfies the actual malice standard is if you go to the subject of the story and say, is this true, will you respond to the allegations? clearly, the new york times
did this. all the newspapers and news organizations that have written about trump have gone to him for comment and that, alone, basically eliminates the possibility that trump could ever win one of these cases. any reporter can show the steps they went to to try to verify a story. whether or not there was actual verification, at least having made the effort is enough. this is one of the key differences between the united states and great britain. in great britain, that s not good enough to show you made a good faith effort to check it out. you can still lose a libel case in great britain. in united states if you the reporter show the steps you went through, show you made an effort to get comment, to check it out, you win. i see. and the other point he said several times is that he wants to change libel law in the united states. right. that s something the supreme court has done. starting in the 1964 case, the new york times against sullivan. i mean, these are laws that are set by the courts. not by the president. so barack obama, hillary clinton, donald trump, nobody
can no president can change it. only the courts. jeffrey toobin, thanks very much. coming up, at home with kellyanne conway. dana bash asks her how she feels about the candidate, and how he behaves on twitter. ggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted. you re living proof that looks aren t everything. thank you. welcome. so, fedex helped simplify our e-commerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. i just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. what s that supposed to mean? fedex. helping small business simplify e-commerce. (announcer vo) the new pixel phone by google. only on verizon. okay, google, show me korean restaurants in boulder? (google assistant) i found a few places. (announcer vo) the only network than can power the first phone with the new google assistant, unlimited photo storage, and a stunning vr experience. how is this possible?
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well, you ve been watching this election closely, you ve seen her on tv plenty of times. kellyanne conway is a pundit. you ve heard about trump s refusal to release his taxes, and how in her words, at the time, built his business on the backs of the little guys. now he defend him on a daily basis, even when the going gets very, very tough. our chief political correspondent, dana bash, spent time with kellyanne conway at her home. take a look. reporter: morning at the conways. sweetheart, how s this? and which jacket? reporter: scrambling to get the kids ready for school. familiar chaos for any parent, though kellyanne conway is not any parent. kellyanne conway bluntly acknowledging the uphill climb. reporter: the mother of four young children is donald trump s campaign manager. on tv so much, explaining and defending her boss, saturday night live dedicated an entire bit to imagining her day off.
this is so weird. this is exactly the way the snl house looked. where s walking on sunshine ? in my head. the pancakes are true to life. reporter: these days her mother, who moved in to help, makes the pancakes. conway s only been on the job since august. trump s third campaign manager, but the first woman ever to run a gop presidential race. i wasn t hired because of my gender, but it s a special responsibility. reporter: and often a difficult one. like this weekend, when trump went offscript, attacking the women who say he groped them. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. do you just tear your hair out when you hear him say that? it s his campaign and candidacy and he has to feel comfortable with his voice. you re the campaign manager. do you feel comfortable with him saying that? i think trump is at his best when he talks about the issues.
reporter: translation, going off-message hurts his campaign. conway insists she s tough on him in private. i don t sugar coat it at all. give me an example miami donald trump and you re kellyanne conway and i say something that really makes you mad i told him yesterday, on the plane, you and i are going to fight for the next 17 days. and he said, why? and i said, because i know you re going to win. and that comment you just made sounds like you think you re going to lose. and we re going to argue about it until you win. and what s his response? he said, okay, honey, then we ll win. reporter: for a time after conway took over, trump was disciplined, but not anymore. especially on twitter. literally, people will seriously say, can t you delete his twitter app? that was actually one of my questions. of course. it s not for me to take away a grown man s twitter account. and i moved on her very heavily. reporter: when tape from 2005 came out of trump describing lewd behavior, conway canceled sunday tv appearances, but still helped with damage control. i felt like rapunzel in the
tower all weekend. and i told mr. trump in private what i ve also said in public or a variation thereof. i found the comments to be horrible and indefensible. and he didn t ask anybody to defend them, by the way. did you consider quitting? i did not. reporter: she said she thought his apology was earnest. the women who have now come forward and said, it s not just talk. donald trump groped me. do you believe them? i believe donald trump has told me and his family and the rest of america now that none of this is true, these are lies and fabrications. they re all made up. and i think that it s not for me to judge what those women believe. i have not talked to them. i ve talked to him. reporter: she was raised in new jersey by a single mom, aunts, and grandmother, all women, as a political pollster, she chose to work in what she calls a man s world, especially as a republican. she recalled a potential client, a man, asking how she d balance kids and work. it was just like, i hope you
ask all the male consultants, are you going to give up your wicked golf game and your mistresses, because they seem really, really busy, too. reporter: still, like most working moms, time with her kids is precious. the question is whether she ll have more time in two weeks, after election day. when she was hired the august, she told trump he was losing, but still could win. do you think at this point, it is still possible to win? it is still possible to win. probable? i think that we have got a very good chance of winning. and dana bash joins me now. what a lot of peel say about kellyanne conway, is that she is an expert on speaking to women voters and that s always been sort of her calling card. it s got to be a i don t know what the adjective would be, but it s an interesting position she now finds herself in. frustration, and i think maybe the ultimate irony that she is a pollster, but she has sort of found a niche in not just working for political
operatives or political campaigns and candidates, but for corporate america, explaining, using her experience and in data, explaining how to reach women, that she is working for a candidate, who has such a deficit with women. i asked her that question. and her answer was, well, in this stage of the game, it s too late. and i said, you mean, you should have been hired earlier? and she said, no, no, i don t mean that. but when she goes in and talks to clients, not donald trump, and corporate leaders who are not donald trump, she says she has like sort of a long-term explanation for how to talk to women. and that s certainly not a playbook she can follow when she s the donald trump s campaign manager. fascinating. i can t believe the staircase is the exact same in that saturday night live skit. i said to her, did they come in her and scout that out? and she said no. and i like her kids like hamilton. coming up, donald trump, as you ve seen, said he s going to sue the women who came forward and said he allegedly groped them.
we ll talk to someone who knows what it s like to be sued by donald trump, a former miss usa pageant who said the pageant was rigged and was sued for $10 million. she lost her lawsuit donald trump won the lawsuit against her. i speak with her in the next hour of 360. oh no, that looks gross whoa, twhat is that? try it. you gotta try it, it s terrible. i don t wanna try it if it s terrible. it s like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up.
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Donald-trump , One , Voters , Voting , Lead , Blowout , College-degree , Trump-support , Arenreasons , Foundation , The-end , Though

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161105 01:00:00

voters, between the ages of 18 to 34, by 2020 they ll be the largest segment of the american electorate. they re not part of this trend. white millennials will almost certainly not vote for donald trump, young white people. the children. heather mcghee, fernand amandi. we ll be right back here on saturday after joy reid s bonus hour. we ll be here, if my voice makes it. be sure to tune in for that. the rachel maddow show starts right now. do you know that i have magic throat lozenges that cure everything? i ll go right to your office and steal them. they sell them at my bodega. i think they re illegal. thanks for being with us here this friday night, this friday before the election. it s very exciting. i m very excited. when john f. kennedy beat
midmanhattan with our rca 501 computer. only one-tent of the total vote is in, we re going to have what we call projections. that s estimates on what the final vote will be in a popular and then what the final vote will be in the electoral college. here s how that projection will be made. the rca 501 computer is connected with nbc s vote gathering equipment up there with you in midmanhattan. down here in wall street, the computer takes in vote totals, punches them out on tape. that tape is fed electronically into banks of magnetic tape storage reels. now, the information can be called up with other information from the electronic console. i think we can call it a wedding of political science and electronic science. it achieves its election results
which i ll be reporting throughout the evening by doing some computations. the political equations and the experts tell me to accomplish these equations humanly would take the work of 60,000 clerks. this is richard ardness with the rca 501 computer. it s now about ten minutes old. it puts them out pretty fast. projects the popular vote for president like this. 51.2% for kennedy, 48.8% for nixon. which i believe is the same thing it s been saying all night. the odds it figures i didn t know electronic computers figured odds, did you? no, i ve never heard that before. that was new to me tonight. we may be able to find some other kind of work for the 501 when the election is over. it can compute odds? maybe there will be some other kind of work for that there
computing machine after this election is over, fellas. nbc s whiz bang rca 501 computer. it did get the election results right basically, on that election night in 1960. the nbc computer did pick kennedy. i should tell you that abc and cbs also unveiled their own computing machines on their election night broadcast in 1960 and the abc and cbs computers were wrong. both of their computers picked nixon in a landslide. computers have gotten better since then. and they use less tape. when election nights are big blowouts, they can sometimes be a little forgettable. when ronald reagan just rolled jimmy carter in 1980, nbc news called that election that night at 8:15 p.m. and, you know, however consequently that election was in the long run, and it was consequently, no one remembers all that much about the very end
of that presidential race let alone what happened on election night. it s when things are close. it s when things really go down to the wire when they tend to get a little nuts and things tend to get memorable. in terms of this race we re in now, the polls have definitely tightened in the last few days. there are people who say that the polls are less useful now at this point in the race than they might have been in previous elections because early voting is so popular now because so many people have taken advantage of absentee voting and cast their ballots already, more than 37 million americans have already voted. so because of that, because such a huge chunk of the vote is in, there s an argument to be made that looking at the early vote totals, that tells you a lot more about who is going to win than looking at polls for these last few days. steve shale out of florida tells us that he thinks by the end of the weekend, 70% of the vote might be in in florida, ahead of election day which doesn t come around till tuesday. election forecasters rely on all
the various data they have to work with. they have been moving states from lean democrat to toss-up or toss-up to lean republican. you re definitely seeing the polls tightp in the estimation. the polls and the prospects for each candidate you re seeing those tighten in the eyes of the people who make projections about these things. one very blunt but indirect sign that the election is getting closer is that the markets have been freaking out a little bit. since donald trump s numbers started going back up last week, the stock market has been a little nauseous. and you are seeing this interesting correlation throughout the general election campaign. markets have tended to react negatively whenever things perk up for donald trump. over the last nine days the stock market has been very negative. it has dropped every single day of the last nine days. market analysts are attributing those drops town easiness with the prospect that donald trump might have a shot at winning this election. nine straight days of losses on the stock market is the longest
uninterrupted decline in the market in more than 30 years. so from lots of different angles, you can see the tightening of the race. but hillary clinton is still favored to win the race in the end by all the 21st century iterations of the rca 501. at they re giving her a 64% chance. the new york times gives her an 84% chance of winning. a lot of other analysts make election projections like this and they have hillary clinton s chances of winning higher or lower depending on who you ask. looking at them real quick, the huffington post as a polling aggregator, they ve got clinton s chances at 98%. the prince s election consortium has her at 99%. the professional prognosticators
like cook and roth and larry sabato, they ve got the race forecast as either likely democratic or leaning democratic. so there s a range of projections out there depending on the methodology of the different forecasters and what they consider to be the relevant data at this point. but all of the nationally recognized forecasters, all of them, are now predicting that it s more likely clinton will win on tuesday night than trump will win. but if you have been feeling a little tension in the reair, that s real. as we get down to the wire, get down to the very end, in a close race getting down to the very end, we re getting a lot of dramatic news. today was a lot of dramatic legal news. actually today down the line uniformly was a good day of legal news for the democrats. in all these various states there s been various legal fights to stop voter intimidation tactics by the republican party and by the trump campaign. also there have been a lot of
legal efforts to block republican efforts to make voting harder by various means. today in kansas and in ohio and in arizona and in north carolina, democrats won legal battles over voting rights and voter intimidation in all of those states today. democrats basically ran the table in terms of their big legal fights in the state. we ll have updates on all those legal battles coming up later on in the show with one of the lawyers that has been spearheading that voter rights fight in the courts. the other battle that i think was a legitimate shock to the system at this late date in the race, the friday before the election, was the bridgegate trial. guilty on all counts. new jersey governor chris christie, of course, came very, very close to being donald trump s vice presidential running mate. he did not get the vice presidential job but trump then gave christie instead arguably the most substantive job he had to offer in terms of shaping what the trump administration
would be like if he wins. donald trump put chris christie in charge of his transition effort. which means he s basically choosing staff, choosing personnel for donald trump s federal government. today back home in new jersey, two of the senior people who chris christie chose for his own administration were both convicted on all of the federal felony charges for which they were being tried. this is the scandal involving political retribution on christie s behalf using the george washington bridge between new york and new jersey as the means of punishment. the clinton campaign has already called for trump to drop chris christie as his transition chief given these guilty verdicts today. we don t know whether to expect that might happen but the trump campaign did announce that christie s planned trip to new hampshire to go campaign for donald trump at three separate new hampshire events tomorrow, that trip has been called off. no explanation as to why. we ll have more ahead on that as well.
but as we head into these final days, one thing is starting to seem very clear, and i m trying to think about this from sort of a 30,000 foot perspective. looking at that archive footage from 1960, looking at archive footage from some of the other races and stuff that happened three and four days out, four days out in the 2000 election when the george w. bush dui was exposed, for example. looking at the kind of things that happen at this point in the race, i think it s clear that we do now know for this race that when the history of this year s election is written the standout nutty thing that surprised everybody at the end that historians and journalists will talk about forever when they talk about this election, we now know what they re going to talk about. what they re going to talk about will be the political intervention, the brazen multifaceted, political intervention into this election by the fbi. he s got a surprise or two
that you re going to hear about in the next few days. i m talking about some pretty big surprise. i heard you say that this morning. what do you mean? we ll see. you re lucky because we ve got to go. we re out of time. i want to keep pressing you. we re not going to go down. we re certainly not going to stop fighting. we ve got a couple things up our sleeve that should turn this around. we ve got a couple of things, some pretty big surprises. what did you mean? maniacal laughter. that was rudy giuliani rubbing his hands together in glee, saying something was coming. that was on fox news two days before the fb director sent a letter to congress about hillary clinton, a letter that made no specific allegation of any wrongdoing but because it was from the fbi director and about hillary clinton it nevertheless shook the plings olitics of thi presidential race right to its core. rudy giuliani said two days
ahead of that that he knew something was coming. last night on this show we asked was it possible that rudy giuliani was tipped off to what the fbi director was about to do? how did he know? did the fbi tell him? this morning he bragged that, yes, in fact, he had gotten advance word. i did nothing to get it out. did i have a role in it? no. brags that four days before the political election, they ve been getting tipoffs from the fbi about donald trump s political opponent. they re given a heads up over at the trump campaign before anything is released to the public let alone to congress. ranking democrats on the judiciary committee and the government oversight committee in congress today asked the department of justice inspector general to look into these
bragging claims by the trump campaign that they had advanced word asking the inspector general at the justice department to find out if in fact there were people in the fbi who were trying to influence the election in that way, who were trying to help the trump campaign in that way by feeding them insider information ahead of the public. that happened today. the fox news channel today itself also made a remarkable retraction today. all the time but especially in the heated election on a topic this explosive, every word matters. no matter how well sourced. which brings me to this. i explained a couple of types yesterday the phrasing of one of my answers to brit hume wednesday night saying it was unartful, about saying how the investigations would continue after the election. i answered that, yes, our sources said it would, they would continue to likely a indictment. well, that just wasn t inartful.
it was a mistake. and for that i m sorry. that s the reporter and anchor bret baier at fox news channel today. i don t usually do this on stories like this, but i m going to take a point of personal privilege here. i will tell you in my view, in my personal view, i think that bret baier is a good reporter and a good anchor. i also think he is a good person. he made a mistake on this story. in this business, that is a very hard thing for people to admit. but not only did bret baier admit that he made a mistake, he explained the mistake and i think this is important, he didn t talk around it. he had the courage and decency to use the word mistake in saying what had gone wrong and then saying he was sorry. and that s really, really hard to do in this business. there s a reason you don t hear a lot of on-air corrections in this business, but that was well done and the right thing to do and i think it s worthy of respect.
okay. what bret baier initially reported and has now retracted and called a mistake and apologized for was this claim on fox that there was an active fbi investigation of hillary clinton that was likely to lead to indictments. that was a fox news claim from earlier this week. but to be clear, what bret baier did today was he took that back. indictment obviously is a very loaded word, john, especially in this atmosphere, and no one knows if there would or would not be an indictment. nobody knows if there would or would not be an indictment. it was a mistake when fox said there would be. hope it didn t create a false impression. hope that didn t affect the race. at the end of a presidential race, especially when it s close, things go a little nuts. and the fbi director apparently trying to influence the election, fbi sources leaking false information to generally pro-trump news outlets.
fbi sources giving advanced notice about politically damaging information to the trump campaign. one fbi field office reportedly using materials created by the head of the trump campaign and funded by trump s biggest donor. using that as their fbi research, as their fbi evidence to try to open up new investigations on hillary clinton which they then leak about to the trump campaign and to pro-trump news outlets. yes, stuff always twos n goes n the end of a presidential campaign. but this is not just actors behaving in a nuts way, this is an unsettling way for it to go nuts, right? it s been intense enough to know that in the u.s. intelligence community the russian government has been trying to disrupt our election through deceit and political operations. it s another thing to think that parts of the fbi are doing the
same thing. there s a lot to cover tonight. there s a lot just to watch in terms of what s happening in the last flurry of activity in this election. president obama is full time on the hustings now. two big events in north carolina today. hillary clinton is at a jay-z concert in ohio tonight with beyonce and big sean performing as special guests. donald trump was in new hampshire and in ohio and in pennsylvania today. trump s doing florida, north carolina, nevada, colorado, iowa and wisconsin this weekend. clinton s doing ohio, florida, pennsylvania, new hampshire, more ohio. on monday night on election eve we now know that donald trump will be in new hampshire with his vice presidential running mate mike pence. on election eve hillary clinton will be in philly with president obama and michelle obama. and basically no one sleeps between now and tuesday. but do past close elections give us any advice, any useful
understanding for knowing what to expect in these last few crucial nutty days? joining us now is our friend michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian. are you eating protein? are you sleeping? are you adequately hydrating? i m not eating at all, and i don t think i m going to breathe for the next four days. i m turning to you for historical context. i raised the proespect of 1960 because i wanted to show that great footage you unveiled for us with nbc and their computing machine. the polls say this will be a close race, too. is that what we ll be looking at in the next few days? i think it is. it s almost become the rule that these things that happen in the last days and weeks affect public opinion. it s difficult to measure public opinion when things are moving.
best example was two tho2000, t that george w. bush had been arrested for a drunk driving charge in 1976 was released. some of bush s aides said they felt that that moved as many as 20 million votes away from him. votes that are hard to get by pollsters in the last few days. late breaking stories like that, we talk about them as october surprises. this year they re like november surprises. like the world series is in november now. that s exactly right. we ve seen the bridgegate story itself is a bit of a november surprise given the importance of chris christie and the trump ticket. the transition director. we ve got the fbi intervention which is turns the out to be not just one story but sort of an ongoing story. is there a way to look at
historical context and which kind of late breaking stories do tend to influence the outcome of an election and which end up being trivia? the problem is that when it happens this close to an election, it s very hard to separate what is important from what is trivial. one example is 1968, lyndon johnson on halloween announced a bombing halt of north vietnam in an effort to start peace talks. so a lot of these democrats were angry at johnson and hubert humphrey who was running as his heir, came flooding into the humphrey camp, humphrey was running ahead of richard nixon because people thought there might be peace. at this point the south vietnamese said we re not coming to the peace table and millions of voters moved away from humphrey back to nixon. nixon won the election. later on we discovered that nixon s people backstage had been encouraging saigon not to go to these peace talks saying, you know, help nixon by not going, we ll give you a better
deal. johnson was furious. johnson thought this was treason. but in those five days those things were happening so fast it was very hard to find out what was going on. and the cross current dynamics with the early vote and so much of the absentee vote being in. it s even hard nowadays. michael beschloss, nbc news presidential historian. i beseech you, eat protein, adequately hydrate, try to sleep over the weekend. thank you, my dear. i give you the same advice. secretary clinton is apparently getting ready to go on stage in cleveland. there you see her with jay-z and beyonce. president obama just wrapped up in charlotte. donald trump just finished a rally in pennsylvania. there s a lot going on right now. we ll be right back. the microsoft cloud helps us stay connected. the microsoft cloud offers infinite scalability. the microsoft cloud helps our customers get up and running, anywhere in the planet. wherever there s a phone, you ve got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. it helps us communicate better.
we use the microsoft cloud s advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. this cloud helps transform business. this is the microsoft cloud. we can t go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. so vote yes on prop 55. prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new education cuts, without raising taxes on anyone, and with strict accountability. budget forecasts show if we don t pass prop 55
big cuts that hurt our kids are coming, and california will suffer budget deficits all over again. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive. on the hustings in north carolina today, president obama drew attention to this voter suppression phenomenon that s been happening in specifically in north carolina this year. republican activist groups have campaigned in north carolina to
get thousands of people kicked off the voting rolls in the lead-up to the election. well, today in north carolina president obama told the story of one of those people who got purged off the voting rolls. she s 100 years old. she s a north carolina resident named grace bell harvison. weeks ago she found she d been purged off the voter list. she got attention thanks to reporting at the nation. she was able to get herself reinstated after a fight. she s lived and voted in north carolina her entire life. she s 100 years old. she apparently wrote a letter to president obama about her experience which the president read aloud on stage today. yesterday, yesterday grace bell hardison sent me a letter. i want you to know what she wrote. dear mr. president, at 100 years old, you can believe i ve seen it all. it is by god s grace that i m
still able to be here with my family. i lived through the civil rights era. i know the blood that was shed in the name of the right to vote. i can assure you, mr. president, that i will keep fighting on. if i haven t stopped fighting at 100 years old, then neither can you. ms. hardison got her voter registration reinstated. you better believe she s going to vote. they targeted the wrong woman. they targeted the wrong woman. there was a really interesting ruling today in north carolina in the democratic effort, in the civil rights effort, to stop that purge of thousands of people off the voting rolls right before election day.
it was one of the states today in which democrats and civil rights groups actually had huge victories in the court. it could be a very big deal for election day. those stories are coming up soon. stay with us. g new cars.
that said, chris christie, of course, also has a day job. he works as the governor of the great state of new jersey. as of today, four of the people he hired for his own administration have been convicted of federal crimes, corruption charges and political retribution schemes carried out on behalf of chris christie for his political benefit. say what you will about chris christie as a politician and public servant, but his ability to find the right people and put them in the right jobs, that might not be construed as his greatest asset right now with four of his aides and appointees looking at prison time. but that s what he s in charge of for the would-be trump administration. the two people convicted today are looking at the possibility of 20 years in prison. chris christie is picking all the new top staffers for president trump. after the conviction on all counts today of christie s deputy chief of staff and one of his top appointees, now we ll be
looking at sentencing, so we will see how much time they ll do. but christie himself may be taking the stand himself. christie in person. 2 1/2 weeks from now. in a related criminal complaint that was brought about in the bridgegate scheme. the timing means that if elected tuesday, chris christie will presumably be taking the stand two weeks later to talk about his own role in the criminal bridgegate scheme. while he is simultaneously serving as the head of the transition team for the president-elect. and that is going to be particularly awkward, not just in the abstract but because it s not like donald trump himself complete ignorance or can take christie s side in this. he can t. he can t. not with this on the record. look. here s the story. the george washington bridge. he knew about it. hey, how do you have breakfast with every day of your lives, they re closing up the largest
bridge in the world, the biggest in the united states, traffic flowing, during rush hour, people couldn t get across for six, seven hours, ambulances, fire trucks, they re with them all the time can the people that did it. they never said, hey, boss, we re closing up the george washington bridge tonight, no, they never said. they re talking about the weather, right? then so he knew about it. he knew about it. totally knew about it. totally knew about it. donald trump speaking in december. governor christie put out a statement today in response to the guilty verdicts insisting that he never knew about the scheme while it was happening despite all of the testimony to the contrary at the trial. keep in mind at the trial both the defense and the prosecution said that governor christie knew about the lane closure scheme while it was happening in september 2013. he knew about it before the media started to pick it up. first in ra traffic column by the bergen record then in the
wall street journal which was the first newspaper to link that mysterious days long traffic jam to a political scheme that was aimed at winning political endorsements for chris christie. here s the amazing kicker in this story in terms of our democracy. as the bridgegate scandal that those papers broke, as the bridgegate scandal first went to trial, the bergen record, first paper to report anything about it, they were told by their corporate owner that their newsroom is getting gutted, cut nearly in half as bridgegate went to trial. this week as the bridgegate case went the jury, the wall street journal announced that it s gutting the greater new york section of the journal that broke the political side of bridgegate. the two papers that broke this story wide open both got gutted while it was in the courts. chris christie is still the head of the trump transition team, at least for now. tonight christie called off his trump appearances in new hampshire this weekend. but four of chris christie s
aides and appointees are federal convicts now. chris christie s own political career is likely toast because of all this. all that happened because of smart, local beat reporters, not pundits, local beat reporters working for newspapers following lead leads, digging up dirt, not taking no for an answer, not believing chris christie when he said, no, i never heard about it. in all of it at the end, turns out the endangered species the local beat reporters without whom we d have never known that this abuse of power happened. subscribe to your local paper. pay to join the website of your local paper. seriously. your country needs you. ove, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin.
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matter of minutes. when we report on that wednesday night, that go fund me page was way past its $10,000 goal that had been set that morning. all the way up to $90,000. tonight i can tell you that they ve now raised over $200,000 which is awesome. and they re going to need it given the amount of damage they went through. but still no arrest. still no explanation. and that congregation will be without a home church this sunday. i ll be right back. and at progressive, we let you compare
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this. this election season does seem to have brought out more than its fair share of unhinged people. having law enforcement, having deputies at polling places to keep the peace is maybe not a crazy idea. but the other way to look at this is we don t have a great history in this country with armed law enforcement stalking around the polls. right now republicans are waiting to hear any minute from a federal judge who will issue a ruling on whether the national republican party has violated legal restrictions it s been under for over three decades now, restrictions that were put in place because they sent vigilante poll watchers into minority precincts during a governor s race in new jersey in the 80s. armed off-duty law enforcement officers to supposedly protect the ballot. but they stalked around minority polling places wearing guns and intimidated the heck out of voters. the republican party has been banned from election day poll watching stuff ever since
because of that thing they pulled off in the 80s in new jersey with all the guys with guns. a federal judge is expected to rule, we think, maybe late tonight, maybe tomorrow on whether the rnc actually violated that ban with the stuff they ve been doing that this year. we re expecting that as late as tomorrow. a national ruling on the national republican party and poll watching, but there are similar lawsuits targeting six specific states with similar complaints. in ohio today a federal judge issued a restraining order against the trump campaign, restraining order against the trump campaign and longtime trump adviser roger stone who has been hyping the campaign s voter protection efforts. this judge has issued the restraining order, has ordered the campaign and its supporters to avoid, quote, harassing or intimidating conduct at polling places. and now tonig in north carolina, a federal judge has ruled that thousands of voters who were illegally purged from the voter rolls in a process
that she called insane, those voters have to be reinstated. we reported on this case, this purge in north carolina earlier this week. reported on the naacp suing over those thousands of people being thrown off the rolls. well, the judge in that case has now issued a ruling, has ordereded that those thousands of people in north carolina need to be reinstated right now in time for the election. joining us now is the lead attorney representing the north carolina naacp. she s also the legal director of forward justice. congratulations on this win today in north carolina. thank you for having me. so how many voters are reinstated by this ruling? is it instantaneous? will they definitely be able to vote on tuesday? the judge ordered that they will be able they will be reinstated in time to vote on tuesday and i believe that the counties are already working to carry that out and it will be carried out. and it is the injunction applies to three counties and it is
probably around 4,000 voters. one of the counties they haven t ascertained the exact number, but we think it s around 3,000 in that county alone. there s always this flurry of legal activity right before every election. i think particularly those of us who aren t lawyers, who don t necessarily know how the courts, what the power of the courts is in this, sort of hear this. you hear about that ohio restraining order against the trump campaign and trump supporters that they can t intimidate people. and you wonder if it s too little too late. you wonder if with the election four days away that a legal order like this can and will be enforced and people can have confidence in that. what s your view of that? i believe that it will be enforced and the courts do become more vigilant in the days before an election because last-minute activities are difficult to police, but the federal government has the power to enforce court orders. i believe that they will be
enforced. in your professional view as a person who has been very active in voter protection, voting rights law over the years, with what we ve seen specifically in north carolina, so much heat on north carolina this year, do you think that there s potentially enough voter suppression activity by the state, by local governments, by local officials or potentially enough voter intimidation plans by people and this election that it really could affect the result in that state? is it a big enough problem that we should worry about the result there? well, rachel, i do believe that north carolina is ground zero for voter suppression going back it goes back decades. the type of activity that you describe that resulted in that new jersey nationwide consent decree was also engaged in by senator jesse helms among others in north carolina in the past decades. but yes, in addition to and then the voter suppression law that actually north carolina represented north carolina naacp
in that case where they tried to do the most restrictive photo i. did in the country and tried to take away same-day registration and take away a week of early voting and take away the wrong precinct battle county. and the court stepped in. so i m hopeful with this latest victory that just came out today with the federal court ruling and the monster voter suppression law and with continued vigilance and the fight back empowers voters. so we re telling voters do not be intimidated. intimidation is illegal. and the people who do it should be arrested and they should be prosecuted. people should be vigilant about it and also determined that nobody s going to pressure them out of exercising their right. penda hair, lead attorney representing the north carolina anyways ip and the legal director of forward justice, a real activist on this subject for a long time. thank you for your time tonight. thank you. we have much more ahead tonight. stay with us. armers, we ve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along.
[dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything! [kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
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you know, at the end of a week like this, the end of a campaign season like this, i think we can all agree that we can all collectively use a quick trip to antarctica. it s cold. it s quiet. ice. pen wins, no attack ads, your uncle can t reach you. there s just this. you don t really need a news hook to go to antarctica but we ve got one, oh yes, we do. get a hat. get your gloves, grab a blanket.
probably thought the election couldn t get any other weird little twists and turn in it at this point. well, here s something to watch in case this election really goes down to the wire on tuesday night. today, a democratic member of the electoral college, so one of the people who actually casts the vote that elects the next president, democratic member of the electoral college said he will not vote for hillary clinton, even if she wins his state. he s from washington state. hillary clinton is expected to win that state on tuesday, but robert was a bernie sanders supporter in the primary and today he told the a.p. that he believes hillary clinton is a criminal and that she doesn t care about american indians. he is native american himself. he told if a.p. today, quote, she will not get my vote, period. millions of us vote for president. but it s really only the 538
people who are the members of the electoral college who ratify that choice and actually pick the president. the electoral college will cast its votes after the election on december 19. we expect them to be bound by the way their states voted, but expectations i mean, it is unusual, it is exceedingly rare for an elector not to vote the way his or her state voted but technically, there s nothing in the constitution that would block that. and in fact, he says he s perfectly happy to bear the one penalty in law that s supposed to stop him from doing this. apparently, under state law, there s a thousand dollar penalty if he doesn t cast his electoral college vote the way his state votes. he says he s perfectly happy to pay and he s not voting for clinton. it s a far off possibility he could personally throw the election here, though. at 270 to, there are 97 different permutations in which this election could end in a 269-269 tie, and the electoral
college. if he doesn t vote the way his state votes, if he says he s not going to do it, 269 minus 1 gets you to donald trump is president. that could happen. stay with us. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar. what does john kerry know that we don t? the state department just announced secretary of state john kerry s immediate post-election plans. right after the election, at the end of next week, secretary of state john kerry is going to antarctica. he s the highest ranking u.s. official to ever go to antarctica, and then after he goes to antarctica, he s going a further 980 miles south to the freaking south pole. john kerry is going to the south pole to ride out the aftermath of the election next week. does he know something that we don t know? when we got to that news story in today s staff news meeting, the reaction in the room was not what i would have expected.
everybody was like, naekt? take me with you, john kerry! everybody is stressed out about the election. whether you support trump or you support clinton or whether you re the last collar county soccer mom polling cliche in the country, everybody is stressed out. if you re worried your chosen candidate isn t going to win, the best way to alleviate that stress is to act, to do something about it. call the campaign you like. volunteer to phone bank. volunteer for whatever else they want you to do in this last weekend. do that. you will feel better. i don t recommend that you spend the weekend fantasizing about fleeing the country, about running off to antarctica, unless you re john kerry, that s not happening. but might i also suggest spending a little time with an old pal. an old pal is a classic drink, it s only got three ingredients. it s been around since the 19 sorry. been around since the 1920s. you only need three things and some ice. you need two ounces of rye

Voters , Office , Bodega , Election , Johnf-kennedy , Thanks , Beat , Computer , Vote , Projections , Arca , Estimates