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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190818 12:00:00

to do it in. a day. i watch. 2 this is news live from berlin and hong kong protesters gather for a mass pro-democracy rally tens of thousands braved heavy rain to take part in the protests the turnout is being closely watched as a gauge of public sentiment after more than 2 months of violent clashes are sending precisely stern warnings from beijing also coming out. funerals are being held for
the victims of a deadly suicide bombing in the afghan capital kabul the blast targeted a wedding party killing dozens of people and injuring many the so-called islamic state is claiming responsibility. in this league of football goodman opened it season with a $5.00 to $1.00 pumping out sport to show that it s a serious contender for taking the championship title. unlike the local thanks for joining us we begin in hong kong where pro-democracy demonstrators are marching through the city center for a major rally it s the 11th consecutive weekend of protests you re seeing live pictures now as tens of thousands of brave heavy rain to join that demonstration organizers have planned a peaceful march to prove. they still have popular support despite mounting
violence and growing warnings from the mainland chinese government protesters are demanding democratic elections and an independent investigation into what they say is police brutality against the protesters. joins us now from hong kong charlotte what can you tell us about what s going on right now. there really are huge numbers of people back on the streets today we haven t seen it turned out quite like this in several weeks people marching peacefully through the streets that is despite the fact that there has been absolutely to rent show rain through most of the day we re seeing those really quite impressive pictures of people carrying that umbrellas through the streets now this march started victoria park not too far from here it was an
assembly was permitted by police but just the sheer numbers of people meant they weren t couldn t be contained within victoria park itself strad spread onto the streets so essentially this has now become a rally through the streets of hong kong. we ve seen mass rallies in hong kong before what special about today. the organizers if this event really wanted to stress that this needed to stay as peaceful as possible some protesters here felt that they had something of a point to prove that is because we ve seen weeks of violent clashes between police and demonstrators on the streets we also saw earlier this week those very violent images of protesters at hong kong at coors that was a scene that was wrong on by chinese state media is proof that these protests were violent and getting out of control beijing likening some of the those protesters to
terrorists organizers now really want to prove that this as still has very broad public support that this is a peaceful demonstration and people are still willing to come out in spite of the rain in spite of that the tear gas and the rubber bullets that we ve seen in pause weeks and make that. and. there is no doubt a great deal of tension on those streets behind you how have the government authorities responded to this rally today. one of the key messages of this particular process is police not to be violent with protests as people here have said that piece of becoming increasingly heavy handed with the handling of protests is pointing in particular to the one young young woman who s i was ruptured cheering a confrontation with police now police have recently put out a statement saying that they have the full support of authorities here they say that in the past they ve been biden the attacks if they ve essentially defended the
actions their actions so far of these 11 weeks of protests now a lot of people here will say 030 themselves carry lands a government has been quite quiet when it comes to responding to that demands what we have seen though is a hardening of rhetoric coming out of beijing increasing warnings that it is a coming in tandem with those images that we ve seen of the people s police massing on the border with hong kong is it people here will of course be watching very closely to see to find out of beijing and the authorities here hardening that line even further. in pill in hong kong for us thanks so much try. to afghanistan now where the so-called islamic state is claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide attack on a wedding party in the capital kabul funerals are being held but for the victims of the bombing the attack left more than 60 people dead and dozens injured many of the
victims were women and children the explosion took place as more than a 1000 guests were celebrating a marriage reception at a wedding hall the attack comes as the taliban and the united states say they are close to a deal aimed at getting u.s. troops to withdraw and ending the 18 year conflict. cobbles huge wedding halls are centers of community life but the grand design and decor of this one belie the carnage of the attack the death toll detailed in part by what many of the victims left behind. throughout the night ambulances ferried the injured for treatment outside of a nearby hospital relatives checked for names of the dead and injured an attacker had set off explosives in the midst of the wedding celebrations. yeah dimon presented the explosion happened near the stage where the musicians were all of the young people and all the people who were there were killed some are wounded and now
they re in the hospital and others are dead. this nearby hospital needed every bit of space to accommodate the victims they had arrived in a massive wave of distress. of all of them or can borrow money we came to the site of the blast and i saw that many women and children were screaming and crying many martyrs and injured people were transferred by the ambulances and it was really a terrible situation. beyond the weddings themselves wedding halls are also used as simple meeting places for small and large gatherings that s made them the target of a local affiliate of the so-called islamic state. last november at least $55.00 people were killed when a suicide bomber attacked hundreds of muslim scholars and clerics gathered in another kabul wedding hall to mark the birthday of the prophet muhammad. now to
some of the other stories making news around the world. some 4000 people have taken part in a moscow rally organized by russia s communist party ahead of city council elections other opposition groups were not granted permission to hold demonstrations and supporters have been holding single person pickets instead to get around the ban. on iranian oil tanker detained in gibraltar last month is preparing to depart after receiving a new iranian name the ship previously known as the grace one is due to set sail on monday the us has obtained a warrant to seize the vessel but would still need approval from defaulters courts . in the bangladeshi capital dhaka several 1000 people have been made homeless after a massive fire swept through a crowded slum many of their shanty homes had plastic roots which help the flames spread no deaths were reported although several people were injured.
spain is offering a port to allow migrants currently stranded off the coast of italy s lampedusa island to disembark the mostly african migrants were rescued by the open arms ship more than 2 weeks ago but it only has only allowed unaccompanied minors to disembark the more than 100 adults still left on the vessel or to be distributed among 60 you countries who have offered to take some of the migrants in. accompanied by the italian coast guard the migrants finally reach land medical stop a 1st to see the unaccompanied youths before they are allowed into the receiving center in lampedusa. but just a few 100 meters off shore more than 100 of of migrants are in limbo as the italian government refuses to let their rescue ship dock. being on board be open since they were picked up near libya on august 1st. but the constant fights and
arguments on board it s been 17 days of unbearable tension and living in overcrowded conditions even a detained person should not be treated this way and the computer is holding us against our will even though a court has mandated the evacuation of these people so they can receive medical attention about. the spanish rescue ship one a legal battle to enter italian watches despite have been by far right interior minister material salvini the still refusing to let vessels dock in italy despite office from about you countries to take in the migrants his hardline stance is popular with many people here. why should they come to love adieus and why. the aid group has now filed a formal complaint with prosecutors in sicily accusing salvini of holding both the migrants and the crew hostage. well the boom is legal is back in town and a limited talking sports is here to tell us how the 1st match day is working out a lean the buy in munich were held to to draw by virtue of their lead now that left
an opening obviously forgotten that they capitalized est it they sure did it was a dream start you couldn t have written it better they set the tone but more important importantly they send out a message that s now in kiev to the main rivals by on and letting them know that we are serious and i underline that we were serious contenders this season and they showed that yesterday when they beat spoke 5 to one and we have those highlights let s take a look at that rushing. don t mean fans are hoping that the says their year round off their bye and opening day draw on friday perhaps the back 4 was already dreaming of the title as they were caught sound asleep in the 1st minute i knew signing through via needle ational with his 1st goal for the club just 55 seconds in. but don t know and respect. spondee just 2 minutes later
they re attacking the trio of jayden sanchez marco royce and pak oh wow cassidy combined to pull one back was a no look pass from roy s showing telepathic understanding with the spanish striker . in the 2nd half it was outsports defense that started off snoozing axel vits all calmly dribbling down the left flank and his time cross carried straight to jade in sun show i was linked with a move away this summer that showed where his loyalties lie was who won after 51 minutes i think the calamitous defending continued. my this time outs book keeper who must come back made a mess of it allowing al kasa to tee up captain marco royce the dortmund stir it was just 2 minutes later the lead increased to 41 as house will collapse and our castle sealed his dress was 3 goals scored in 8 minutes all starting down to it was
left on site is around things off new signing union beyond payments a story on his debut was it was the 5th time and don t lose history that they conceded in the 1st minutes of an opening day fixture but after the shock of the early goal they put on a dominant display that sends a clear message to their title rivals you know that by going on that us we all took note of the fact that by andrew on friday and that was a little added incentive for i was just happy to have taken 3 points and we re looking forward to the next games in the black and yellows will be wary of last season s to refix start but the fans already dead to dream. while he appropriately called it a thrashing so what other results stood out on the opening saturday if i could hand out an award hugh the most entertaining match yesterday it has to go to by a live a close and paddle board i don t think anyone s honest coming i don t think that. people thought that part of one would make it so difficult for by i gave
a cruise in but they did and every time when they have a cruise and took the paddle borne immediately out and so i came back with the reply it was 22 at the break but then finally in the 69 minute may have a cruising dug deep kevin fall and scored the match winner free to the final score but i tell you mike this was a very close match and we have a cruise and could have easily lost those points so what else do we have to look forward to today ok so keep your eye out on a deputy on your own brylin they faced. sick today and what makes this so special i mean i think most of us know when you re on berlin because they have a very special relationship but they fans so we all know that every year on december 23rd they seem christmas carols in the stadium we also know that the fans helped build and finance the stadium the club stadium when the club was undergoing
financial difficulties difficulties so this will be a battle of philosophies when we see a club like a traditional top like when you re in berlin take on a club like. states because you know as some call it you will have the people stop going up against the past the club class the club for us is a lima tuckey thanks so much for that not my words. you re watching t.v. news from berlin up next a documentary film dirty dream to see more news at the top of the. welcome to the book is the game here i want to tell you. we have time to talk about something. that sounds out of country. 3 more. until we have. let s have a look at some of the other legal so you don t want to. talk

People , Responsibility , Fit-season , Dozens , Islamic-state , League , Football-goodman , Title , Contender , Sport , Championship , 1-00

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190810 00:30:00

thanks for joining us.s.s.s.. tonight, panic at walmart. the new incident. a 20-year-old man armed with an assault rifle and loaded with ammo, charged with making terrorist threats inside the store. a retired firefighter armed with a gun of his own stopping him. and tonight, the new images showing the suspect at a gun range. what police are now saying about what he wanted to do. the deadly rush hour attack. the hunt for the gunman who killed two people on a busy highway. the shootout in the middle of traffic. the interstate shut down. cars backed up for miles. naming names. the bombshell documents made public in a court case connected to jeffrey epstein. a young woman claiming he directed her to have sex
with a former senator and former governor when she was a teen. allegations they deny. president trump calling for background checks after threatening to veto a house bill this year. what he is saying about the nra. fugitive on the run. news of a urgent manhunt for a dangerous inmate accused of killing an prison employee. authorities just announcing they have no credible sightings. he could be anywhere. the major bank stunning its customers, wiping the slate clean. telling them all your credit card debt has been forgiven. new surveillance video. the search for two suspects accused of tossing an explosive into a gas station convenience store. and this just in. shocking accident at the beach. a child impaled by a flying umbrella, rushed to the hospital. good evening. great to have you with us on a busy friday night. i m tom llamas in for david. we begin with the panic at another walmart. a man in body armor and an
assault style rifle walking through a store in missouri, terrifying shoppers and following them outside when they escaped. a retired firefighter holding him at gunpoint until police made an arrest. the gunman is facing a terrorism charge even though he never fired a shot. tonight, what he told police about why he went to that walmart so heavily armed. gio benitez leads us off. reporter: tonight dimitri andreychenko in jail on charges of making a terrorist threat after setting off fears of a mass shooting. male wearing a bulletproof vest and an a.r. around his neck just walked into the store and is recording himself. reporter: just after 4:00 p.m. thursday, the 20-year-old walked into this walmart in springfield, missouri, dressed in body armor, carrying an assault rifle. police say he had 100 rounds of ammunition. a store manager pulling the fire alarm, sending customers fleeing outside. i realized it wasn t a hunting rifle, that it was an assault rifle. and that really scared me.
reporter: minutes later, a bystander, julie belew, capturing this terrifying scene, the suspect walking right towards her car with his hands up in the air. he s got a handgun in his waistband. i was about to get out of my car when i heard a voice off to my left say, is that a rifle? is that a real rifle? reporter: a former firefighter confronting andreychenko. he does not want to be identified. i drew my weapon, told him to put his hands in the air. he complied. he was compliant the whole time. he was videotaping on his phone, which was kind of odd. reporter: tonight police saying adreychenko told them he quote, wanted to know if that walmart honored the second amendment and that due to recent shootings and a stabbing, he wanted to protect himself. police looking at the new videos of him in target practice. his intent was not to cause peace or comfort to anybody that was in the business here.
in fact, he s lucky he s alive still, to be honest. gio joins us live. police shedding a light on the gunman s possible motive. in a week that s seen two mass shootings, the suspected told police that he was surprised by the panic? reporter: this is really astonishing, tom. because he s apparently now claiming to police that he never expected people to react this way. he wanted his sister to record it on the phone. she said it was a bad idea, so he ended up recording it himself. tom? next a hunt for a gunman who killed two people after crashing his car into theirs during rush hour and unloading round after round into their vehicle. the shootout in houston, backing up traffic for miles. the gunman drove away before police arrived and they are asking for the public s help to find him. here s abc s clayton sandell. oh, my god. reporter: houston police are searching for a gunman who turned a rush hour freeway into
a deadly shooting gallery. one victim lying on the ground as good samaritans try to keep him alive. interstate traffic backed up for miles. they advised a drive by shooting. at shooing a really big gun. shooting in a car. reporter: it started at 6:00 last night, two suspects in a dark sedan ramming in this silver car, forcing it to spin out. witnesses say one suspect jumped out of his car, firing what appeared to be an ar-15 rifle. he actually pursued the vehicle as the vehicle rolled down the hill, firing rounds at the vehicle as it rolled. at one point the vehicle came to a stop. he got in front of the vehicle and fired rounds into the front windshield of the vehicle. reporter: two men in the silver sedan were killed. houston s police chief says the murders are likely drug-related. this video, showing what police believe are large bags of marijuana inside the car. we absolutely believe that a lot more witnesses are going to come forward, because we really
believe more people saw this. it was done in broad daylight. clayton joining us now. we understand another driver not connected to the incident also fired shots? reporter: that s right, tom. there was another witness there with his own handgun who saw the suspect coming towards him, feared for his life and he fired several shots. he is not sure if the suspect was wounded but he says it was enough to cause the gunman to flee. tom? all right, clayton, thank you. next tonight, disturbing allegations of jeffrey epstein and members of his social circle. those allegations come from newly unsealed documents from a new settled court case against elaine maxwell. a woman claims that maxwell groomed her to be a sex slave to epstein and was trafficked to some of his most powerful associates. among his associates, a former senator and a governor. here is abc s linsey davis. reporter: tonight, the jeffrey epstein scandal is growing. bombshell accusations point a finger at some notable names. 2,000 pages of documents were
unsealed in manhattan federal court related to a defamation case brought by virginia roberts giuffre against ghislaine maxwell, an epstein associate. in court filings giuffre says she became an underage teen sex slave for epstein, and later was directed by maxwell and epstein to have sex with many quote powerful men, including numerous prominent american politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, and other world leaders. among those giuffre names in sworn depositions, british royalty prince andrew, former governor and u.n. ambassador bill richardson, and the influential former senator from maine, george mitchell. all three men have strongly denied the allegations. in statements today, mitchel and richardson say they never met her and these allegations are false. in an interview with the miami herald giuffre described how she was trained. the training started immediately give jeffrey what he wants.
a lot of this training came from ghislaine herself. and being a woman, it kind of surprises you that a woman could actually let stuff like that happen. but not only let it happen but to groom you into doing it. i was young. i was scared. they were powerful. i didn t know what would happen if i said no. i didn t know what would happen if i reported them. reporter: maxwell has consistently denied the allegations, and in court filings, her lawyers say she had failed to substantiate her claims of being trafficked to well known men. jeffrey epstein charged with conspiracy and sex trafficking remains under suicide watch in a new york city jail awaiting trial. linsey davis joins us life in studio. tonight, there is a real possibility other epstein associates could face criminal charges? reporter: that s right. there s an on going investigation into possible police accomplices and there
are thousands of documents sealed. there is an active effort to make those documents public. weant tn w to politics and washington. president trump expressing optimism that he can achieve gun reform, specifically background checks. he says he s had serious discussions with democratic leaders and with mitch mcconnell but also with the nra whose views he promises will be quote, respected. the tall order is sparking doubt on the campaign trail in iowa. abc s mary bruce is there. reporter: leaving the white house today, under growing pressure, president trump publicly pushing for stricter background checks. there s been no president that feels more strongly about the second amendment than i do. however, we need meaningful background checks so that sick people don t get guns. reporter: and trump says he can get republicans and even the gun lobby on board. i have a lot of respect for the people at the nra, and i have already spoken to them on numerous occasions. numerous occasions.
and frankly, we need intelligent background checks. reporter: here in iowa, the democratic candidates quick to respond. he wants to say, oh, yes, i can support changes on gun safety, and then say but, let s all be sure to bow to the nra. that just doesn t work. reporter: do you give him credit for trying to push for action on this? i will give the president credit when i actually see him sign legislation that enacts common sense gun safety legislation. what we need is for him to actually push mitch mcconnell and the senate to enact common sense gun safety legislation. i m not holding my breath though. reporter: meanwhile, the trump campaign is hitting joe biden for this comment overnight. we have this notion that somehow if you re poor, you cannot do it. poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids, wealthy kids, black kids, asian kids. reporter: biden s campaign
says the former vice president misspoke, but today the president piling on. joe biden is not playing with a full deck. this is not somebody you can have as your president, but if he got the nomination, i would be thrilled. okay, mary bruce live tonight from the iowa state fair. i want to go back to the background check issue. you cover capitol hill for us. give us a reality check here how realistic is it to pass this and will the president call congress back into session to vote? reporter: well, the president is calling for meaningful background checks but remember, he has also threatened to veto background check legislation s mcconnell s desk since february. he says quote i think we will have a good package by the time they come back and they can start debating and voting on it then. tom? mary bruce, thank you. next, the severe weather watch after pounding storms in the northeast. several bolts of lightning striking over manhattan in this slo-mo video.
the wildfire is ramping up. more than 80 are burning in the west. evacuations in california. heavy rain triggering flash flooding and mud slides in elk ridge, utah, and dangerous heat from texas across the deep south. rob marciano is tracking it for us tonight. good evening. reporter: good evening. the weather pattern is getting more amplified so we are seeing more extremes tonight, including that heat ridge in the deep south. in between, a tornado watch that is posted for south dakota until 9:00 tonight. no reports yet but rough storms moving through the eastern half of the state. in the northwest, the trough bringing severe thunderstorms, erratic winds. red flag warnings for oregon, washington and parts of idaho. things can get dicey tomorrow in the way of thunderstorms in idaho. and the heat continues across the deep south. going to feel like 107 in houston. 107 in dallas. heat advisories up for tomorrow and it does not look like it s going to cool off for a couple days. tom?
new developments tonight in the urgent manhunt for a dangerous fugitive in tennessee. authorities revealing details about the man s deadly escape. here is abc s victor oquendo. reporter: tonight, fearful residents near this tennessee penitentiary locking their doors and loading their guns as the manhunt for escaped accused murderer curtis watson enters its third day. my dad, actually, has his shotgun, pistol on the side. he s licensed to carry, so he s ready just in case something happens. reporter: officials now with brutal new details on watson s deadly escape. at 7:00 a.m. wednesday, watson, who qualified for minimum security, begins his daily lawn-mowing duties. at 8:30, he s then seen on a facility golf cart at the home of corrections administrator debra johnson who lived on prison grounds. they say it was there that watson allegedly sexually assaulted and killed her. officials finding a cord wrapped around her neck. watson then taking off on a tractor, getting as much as a two-hour head start before anyone knew he was gone. we have no reason to believe that he s outside this area
since we have had no credible sightings. reporter: tonight, watson s face plastered on billboards across the state. tom, the reward for any information leading to his arrest now topping $50,000. tom? till no credible sightings, all right, thank you. there are chilling details about the gunman accused in a mass shooting in the el paso walmart. arrest documents reveal that patrick crusius drove to el paso to target mexicans. he killed 22 people. he is charged with capital murder and hate crime charges could follow. there s still much more ahead on this world news this friday. breaking news from north korea. this just coming in, a new missile launch. what we just learned. plus three plane crash survivors rescued at sea. found adrift in that bright yellow raft. and the frightening accident on the beach. a child impaled by a flying umbrella. how he s doing when we come back. back now with a rescue at how he s doing when we come
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back now with a rescue at sea after a small plane crashed and sank off the coast of the bahamas. the three men on board scrambling onto a life raft. here is abc s whit johnson with what happened next. reporter: tonight, three men are lucky to be alive after their small plane crashed into the turquoise waters of the bahamas. we just picked up some guys that crash-landed. reporter: the coast guard flying over the scene, but help had already arrived. the pilot and his two passengers adrift in a yellow emergency life raft, rescued by a group of good samaritans, who just happened to spot them. they were a little banged up. no one was hurt bad, just kind of in shock. reporter: the stranded men, thirsty and tired, saying they were on the water for more than an hour. the plane taking off from great harbour cay airport in the bahamas thursday, heading to miami, when something went terribly wrong. the fisherman calling it a true blessing that anyone survived the crash. it was meant to be. we just did what anyone else would really do and thankful we
were able to help. reporter: the survivors told the fisherman that the plane sank in just about a minute. tonight investigators are working on a plan to get that plane out of the water to figure out how it crashed. tom? incredible they found them and everyone survived. whit, thank you. when we come back, the bank that just cleared everyone s credit card debt. you heard me right. and back-to-back explosions in a gas station. the search for suspects. stay with us. stay with us. thin. could there be another around the corner? or could it turn out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn t experience another. .and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda approved and has both. don t stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away
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south korea reporting that north korea ones again test-fired two project aisles today. the fifth such test in three weeks. the previous test included short range ballistic missiles. today s launch comes hours after president trump praised the quote very kwufl letter he received from kim jong-un. two suspects wanted for tossing an explosive device into a store after they were leaving. the blast causing a fire. the store filling with smoke. authorities are asking for the public s help in identifying the suspects. a frightening accident on the beach in gloucester, massachusetts. a 13-year-old boy struck and injured by a flying beach umbrella. impaling him through the arm. he was rushed to the hospital. authorities say the umbrella wasn t well secured when the wind picked up. and credit card debt a major bank giving customers a
clean slate. it s a stunning move but chase erasing all credit card debt fur customers in canada. they are canceling the remaining debt to complete its exit in a wear move. no word on how much money is involved. incredible. and when we come back, buckle up. two kids going the extra mile for their dad. why a mustang gt nicknamed christine means so much to their dad. a big surprise under the hood. stay with us. why a mustang gt nicknamed christine means so much to their dad. a big surprise under the hood. stay with us. even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven t worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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one family, one car, and the long love affair that will get your motor running. when you go through wesley ryan s old photos, there was one thing that seems to stick out. that 1993 white ford mustang gt. the san antonio resident loved this car so much he named it christi christine, but in 2001, when wesley s wife laura, his high school sweetheart, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the medical bills started to mount. wesley had no choice. he sold the car he loved so much to pay for her cancer treatment. laura eventually beat the disease. their kids grew up. the whole family never forgetting how much that car meant to their father. so wesley s children started saving and searching, finding christine on craigslist. the vin number matched. and here s the moment, wesley blindfolded, his kids walking him up to the car he parted with
18 years ago. he can t believe it. his son giving him back the title. at one point, so overcome with emotion, he s unable to even touch the car, finally realizing this is all real. but wesley and christine s story doesn t end here. the ford motor company heard about this journey, what his kids did for him, what the car meant for the family. hey! i m john. they sent over hennessey performance, a high-end custom shop for car lovers to give christine a little face lift. actually a full overhaul, starting with a new engine, transmission, custom paint, new interior and cobra style wheels. and when wesley sees christine again, you guessed it, more tears. so how does she sound? now it was wesley s turn.
i m at a loss for words. it s beautiful. reporter: a beautiful car and a beautiful moment. i never thought i d be in this situation again, and you guys made it happen. i can t say enough. ford is a huge family. you guys have given my faith and belief again, that we matter, everybody matters. enjoy the ride. we know you will. thanks for watching on friday night. i m tom llamas. see you tomorrow. from david and all of us, good night. night. it could have been so mch worse.
tonight we re live where people are relieved their hopes are unscathed from this grass fire that crept up to their backyard. are you ready for back to school? we re checking in with students and districts because having a good education is part of building a better bay area. i m in downtown san jose where 40,000 jazz fans are expected this weekend. we take a look at security. you are taking a live look at the breaking news. fire crews just rescued a child who fell down a cliff at san francisco s aquatic park. the child has been put onto the ambulance. you can see here because sky 7 is ahead now. in the past 15 minutes a person, possibly the child was put on a back board and loaded on a small boat loaded into that ambulance near fort mason. the fire department said that child was on a bicycle and apparently fell down into the water.

Thanks , Traffic , Cars , Interstate , Naming-names , Woman , Public , Court-case , Jeffrey-epstein , Sex , Bombshell-documents , Allegations

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190828 00:30:00

world news tonight > s strength, churning straight toward puerto rico. major concerns about the power grid. parts of the east coast all watching this closely, too. ginger zee with the new track. the new and alarming images just in tonight. the suspect taking off in reverse in a police suv, later crashing into two other vehicles at 97 miles per hour. one of the vehicles with seven children inside. two dead, one in critical condition. tonight, the new images, actress lori loughlin and her husband in court, facing charges in that nationwide cheating scandal. the major new clues as to how they ll defend themselves. the outrage in new york city. more than a dozen accusers of jeffrey epstein speaking out. and tonight, the one accuser now new tonight, the major opioid maker in talks to
reportedly pay major sums of money. and tonight here, the deposition tapes. you will hear from dr. richard sackler, the former president of purdue pharma. why he says it s wrong to blame their marketing. the historic church in the northeast engulfed in flames today, the daycare inside. the man accused of putting a camera in an airplane bathroom, recording passengers. well, what s happened now tonight. the terrifying rockfall at a national park. the rocks giving way. the people hit underneath. and america strong tonight. we hope the line starts forming for ice cream as soon as you see this. good evening and it s great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we begin tonight with the state of emergency already in puerto rico. tropical storm dorian gaining strength at this hour and thorida watching this path veryt wis t50 miles per hour, nearing hurricane strength as it makes landfall in puerto rico tomorrow. dorian hitting martinique today.
streets there flooded by heavy rains already. hurricane hunters flying into the storm for a closer look tonight. dorian posing the first serious tropical threat to puerto rico since maria two years ago. tonight, concerns about the power grid there. and the preparations in florida, too. the path, the strength still uncertain, but taking no chances. we have the new track, and abc s victor oquendo is in puerto rico, leading us off. reporter: tonight, final preparations are under way in puerto rico. officials warning residents dorian is heading straight toward the island. hurricane maria fresh in the minds of the millions of american citizens who live here. the strong category 4 storm made landfall nearly two years ago, packing 155-mile-per-hour winds, the storm knocking out power t is, the power grid, it s at rigsiere. it is. it s fragile and everyone knows
that. reporter: flying over the island today, we could still see blue tarps covering many roofs. we re in southern puerto rico right in dorian s path. we re told there are 26,000 homes just like this one with a blue tarp acting as a roof. we were invited inside one of those homes. and if you come this way, you ll see what it looks like now. take a look there. when it rains, what does it look like? they coming a lot of water. reporter: a lot of water comes in. a lot of water comes in. reporter: fema saying they re much better prepared than 2017, stocking five warehouses around the island, like this one we saw in 2018, with vital supplies at the ready. in florida, after record-breaking rainfall this summer, officials now testing water pumps and emptying canals. residents across the state are sandbagging, bracing for a possible hit labor day weekend. thinking about everyone in puerto rico tonight and the path afterward. victor oquendo live in puerto rico. and victor, we know officials are very concerned not only about the power grid, which you reported on there, but the potential for major flash flooding here. li-threateodg ors and some very
rough surf. david? victor oquendo leading us off. victor, thank you. let s get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee with the newest track late today. ginger, good evening. reporter: david, good evening. 24 hours from now, we ll be talking about a potential landfall on puerto rico from dorian. so, i ll take you right to that track. four to eight inches of rain is the main threat. co5 miles per hour. but let s get closer in, because dorian could actually be ripped remember, that is not a flat island. so, it will take a little while to restrengthen once it hits that warmer water north of puerto rico. now, watch that red line to red line, the whole cone that includes parts of the bahamas and eventually by sunday, anywhere between melbourne and jacksonville, in that center line right now. but savannah to miami on the lookout. dry air, it has been fighting through that, also some wind shear. tbemeor favorable and actually better for development of a tropical
storm. that high pressure system should help veer it right into us by the holiday weekend. end of the holiday weekend. david? all right, ginger, thank you. let s hope that terrain in puerto rico helps shear the storm as you pointed out. thank you, ginger. next tonight, new images coming in this evening from authorities after that horrible scene unfolding in dayton, ohio. a high speed police chase ending in the deaths of two young children. a stabbing suspect stealing a police suv, speeding in reverse down the street. and later crashing into several vehicles, including a van with seven children inside. two dead and one in critical condition. here s abc s diane macedo tonight. reporter: tonight, alarming new video of a stabbing suspect leading police on a chase in one of their own vehicles. police say they were responding to reports of a crash when suspect raymond walters jr. jumped into the officer s cruiser. the suspect was tazed, but was still able to speed off backwards. the new dash cam video shows him apparently hitting a parked car, smashing into the frt of
pursuing officer s car, then racing away. police say he hit over 100 miles per hour before slamming a car with three people inside, then colliding with a minivan carrying seven children six from the same family. we re going to need at least two medics. we have two children under the vehicle. reporter: two children died. a third remains in critical condition. the children were leaving the library after returning a book. at the rate of speed he was traveling, the inevitability of a crash is almost guaranteed. reporter: police say officers were not pursuing the suspect at the time of impact. they re now investigating if drug use was involved, and say the incident started when the suspect stabbed his father and r afr arning he was being taken to a mental health facility. david, the suspect has not yet been charged. police say walters was on active parole for a robbery and was released from prison earlier this month. david? diane macedo tonight, thank you. new developments this evening in the college admissions cheating scandal. actress lori loughlin and her husband appearing in boston
federal court today, telling the judge they want to stand trial together, and the major new clue tonight, how they might defend themselves. abc s eva pilgrim in boston. reporter: lori loughlin and her husband presenting a united front, walking into a boston federal courthouse today with their heads down, unlike past appearances when the actress smiled for the cameras. they have pleaded not guilty to conspiracy charges, accused of paying half a million dollars in bribes to get their two daughters accepted to usc as recruits for the crew team. do you guys have any comment? today, their lawyer saying the couple didn t w checks to individuals, instead, giving money directly to the university, its athletic department, as well as a charity once run by rick singer, the alleged mastermind of the admissions scheme. a source close to the family telling people magazine that loughlin honestly didn t think that what she was doing was any different than donating money for a library or athletic field.
david, there s a lot on the line here. loughlin and giannulli are each facing 40 years behind bars if convicted on these charges. david? eva pilgrim reporting from boston. thank you. now, to the outrage here in new york city tonight. a powerful moment in federal court. more than a dozen accusers of jeffrey epstein speaking out. virginia giuffre among the women who went in front of the cameras today, escalating her fight, and she is now demanding answers from prince andrew. here s abc s chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas frey epstein s accusers packing a manhattan courtroom, their message clear he may be dead, but their quest for justice is still alive. it was both empowering and infuriating to know that the person who i needed to hear those words is not here to hear them. reporter: chauntae davies described in chilling detail being raped by jeffrey epstein on his private island in the caribbean. it makes me sick to my stomach that there s perpetrators out there that obviously helped him in many ways. reporter: but in court, prosecutors vowing to pursue any co-conspirators.
one name brought up by multiple accusers, british socialite and epstein associate ghislane maxwell, who has denied all wrongdoing. we need to get to the bottom of everybody who was involved with that, starting with ghislane maxwell. reporter: virginia roberts giuffre says maxwell recruited her to be a teenage sex slave to epstein. she has also claimed epstein ordered her to have sex with some of his powerful friends, including prince andrew, something the prince has denied. over the weekend, prince andrew releasing a statement, admitting his friendship with epstein, but saying in part, at no stage during the limited time i spento that subsequently led to his arrest and conviction. outside of court, giuffre firing back. he knows exactly what he s done and i hope he comes clean about it. reporter: david, inside of court, prosecutors made it very clear this investigation is far from over. but one of the big questions tonight, what happens if investigators want to speak with prince andrew?
well, now there are multiple reports saying prince andrew will cooperate with the investigation. david? tom llamas with us again tonight. thank you, tom. and we have new reporting this evening on america s opioid crisis. the major drugmaker, purdue pharma, in talks to potentially settle more than 2,000 lawsuits now hearing from the former head of purdue pharma on why he says you can t blame their marketing. here s abc s steve osunsami. reporter: purdue pharma is facing more than 2,000 lawsuits related to opioid deaths and addictions, and tonight, there s word the drugmaker is offering to pay large settlements. in a statement, the company explains that while purdue pharma is prepared to defend itself vigorously in the opioid litigation, it sees little good coming from years of wasteful litigation and appeals. o u ue no. reporter: for the first time, we re hearing sworn testimony from former chairman and president dr. richard sackler. members of his family own the company, which made billions
developing and selling oxycontin. according to the government, it s one of the most common painkillers involved in prescription opioid deaths in america. do you know whether oxycontin is more powerful or less powerful a drug than morphine? depends what you mean by powerful. if powerful means potency, absolutely. it is twice as potent as morphine. reporter: the clips were released by the investigative news group propublica. they come from a lawsuit filed by the state of kentucky in 2007. purdue fought very hard and the sackler family fought very hard to keep this deposition secret. reporter: under oath, sackler said it was wrong to blame the opioid crisis on their marketing. but the company ended up settling, paying more than $20 million. there is no way that this intended or had the effect of causing physicians to overlook
the fact that it was twice as potent. it was called out in virtually every promotional piece of literature. seeing those tapes for the first time. steve joining us live tonight. and steve, purdue appearing to signal they are possibly willing to settle here. of course, they re facing thousands of lawsuits across the country. reporter: that s right, david. the company says in its statement that it s working towards a constructive global resolution, and to that end, that they re working with top state officials and plaintiffs across several states. david? steve osunsami with us, as well. thanks, steve. now, to the new headline involving president trump s attorney general william barr tonight. abc news confirming that a.g. barr has booked the president s hotel in washington for his own family holiday party, reportedly spending tens of thousands at the president s hotel. the justice department facing questions, and abc s kyra phillips at the white house. reporter: over the past 24 hours, president trump emphatic he s not trying to cash in on the presidency. i don t want to make money.
i don t care about making money. reporter: but tonight, new questions. the washington post reporting spending upwards of $30,000 to throw his holiday party at the president s washington, d.c., hotel. he says he s paying for the 200-person bash out of his own pocket. the justice department telling abc news it was all cleared by, quote, career ethics officials. since it opened, the trump international hotel, and other trump properties, have been under scrutiny from ethics watchdogs. and the president hasn t been shy about promoting his businesses. yesterday, announcing plans to host the next g7 meeting at his miami golf resort. with doral, we have a series of magnificent buildings, we call them bungalows, they each hold from 50 to 70, very luxurious rooms with magnificent views. we have incredible conference rooms, incredible restaurants.
it s like it s like such a natural. reporter: the president says his team scouted out a dozen other options before deciding his own hotel was the best one. all right, kyra phillips live at the white house tonight. aside from the a.g., kyra, the president also in the news tonight, the legal battle to get his tax returns. we know congressional democrats subpoenaed two banks that have loaned the president money. and today a federal judge gave banks until today to reveal whether they have the president s tax returns. deutsche bank acknowledging they have returns related to the subpoena, but kyra, they won t say whether they re the president s actual tax returns? reporter: that s exactly right, david. a lawyer for deutsche bank says that they will not disclose their client s name in open court. that name is redacted right now in official court documents. so, the question now is, will a judge actually force them to reveal it? the president s own lawyers have been fighting this all the way, david. all right, kyra phillips with us. thank you, kyra. next tonight, the battle to save the amazon rain forest, known as the lungs of the worldd so far, ase veeen reporting
all we he. macron instst an an of cour, s wife san now the brazilian president saying he won t take aid from france unless macron apologizes. we turn now to the former google executive accused of stealing company secrets. anthony levandowski facing charges tonight for allegedly hand-delivering google s self-driving car technology their rival, uber. prosecutors say he downloaded about 14,000 files before leaving the company to join uber in 2016. he insists tonight he never stole secret documents. investigators, though, say uber is cooperating in the case. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. as students head back to school, the major recall involving a poputer bottle for kids. also, the massive fire late today engulfing an historic church here in the northeast. fears the church might collapse. also, the man accused of planting secret video cameras inside an airplane bathroom recording passengers. what s happened now.
and your money tonight. labor day, the holiday almost here. that means major sales for new cars. we ll tell you why now could be a good time. and appliances, which ones on the list? the big sales and the report right after the break. stay tuned. little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you re pregnant or planning to be. otezla..
(nathan) secondhand smoke caused measthma attacks, infections and lung damage. and i never smoked. (announcer) if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1-800-quit-now. but dad, you ve got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won t go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? you wouldn t accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. (has me feeling super healthy. my beneful superfood blend with salmon, cranberries. .oh, but we are not done yet! here comes superfood wet with beef, salmon, and pumpkin. it s like a superfood sundae. on a monday. (avo) beneful superfood blend dry and wet recipes.
prevens the rt brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we re going to turn next tonight to your money. and every year, the major labor day sales. and tonight, why right now might be the time to get a deal on a 2019 model car. gio benitez out to save your money. macy s labor day sale. reporter: ton coast to coast. and if you re looking for a new car, you re in luck. 2020 models will be released in the fall, so experts say right now, you can get a great deal on a 2019 model. it s time to save on the last of the 2019s. reporter: and you ll have the widest selection to pick from. it s also a good time to shop for major appliances. best buy putting that sale price tag on washers, dryers and stoves 40% off. mattress firm labor day sale. reporter: and if you re in
the market for a new mattress, mattress firm is offering some better zs for a lower price a king-sized mattress for the price of a queen. a queen-sized mattress for the price of a twin. and david, summer s not over yet, but labor day sales are known as summer clearance events, up to 60% to 80% off summer clothing and outdoor items like barbecue grills, so, it s a good time to stock up for next year s beach season. david? thank you, gio. when we come back here tonight, the major fire at an historic church in the northeast. fears it could collapse. and the man accused of planting that hidden camera in an airplane bathroom. but what s now happened. at s now happened. ? - ms. bird, do you think i could be a champion like you? - of course you can. and you can call me sue. sataons,ous female. - would you like an autograph? - [jabber] excuse me. (crowd muttering) - [woman] is that paper mache? - it s you. - [woman] wow. - [narrator] jibber jabber ruins everything. - is it? - [woman] i am confused. - [narrator] at symetra life insurance company
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[deep inhale] breathe happy with febreze plug. to the index of other news tonight, and an historic church in philadelphia went up in flames today. the steeple of the greater bible way temple in west philadelphia engulfed there, with much of the roof collapsing. a daycare is located at the church, but no children were injured. the cause under investigation. a malaysian man pleading guilty to installing a secret video camera in an airplane bathroom to record passengers on a united flight here in the u.s. 50-year-old choon ping lee admitted in federal court he placed the recording device inside the first class bathroom on the flight from san diego to houston. a female passenger reported the camera to flight attendants. he faces a fine and two months in prison. a recall tonight involving a popular brand of children s water bottles. contigo issuing a voluntary recall for 5.7 million kids cleanable water bottles, over concerns the spout can detach and become a choking hazard. the water bottles involved have a black spout, base and cover and are cold at costco, walmart
and target. no injuries reported so far. and in utah, a dramatic rockfall injuring three hikers and stranding more than a dozen others underneath. the massive piece of rock clapping at zion national park, leaving visitors below scrambling. one of the injured was hospitalized there at the park. when we come back tonight, america strong. and the ice cream shop that we hope you will line up to buy ice cream at, in a moment. . when we come back tonight, america strong. and the ice cream shop that we hope you will line up to buy ice cream at, in a moment. no. looks like i m blasting off to the shipping and receiving department. twinsville, ohio. not today. 44087. not today. you re going to mars. 3.2.1. blast off! yummy! yes! yay! so why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%? which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like.
well, i don t know what you d wanna buy because i m just a guy on your tv. esurance. it s surprisingly painless. o netimea times re light. o netimea suse but uvithas vital ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. my feet go boom boom boom, zoom zoom zoom, zoom zoom zoom my feet go boom boom boom walkin away from you my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin.
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rebecca: i struggled wi d i was able to quit smoking and then i started running. now i feel a lot better. announcer: you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. thisus oy ice cream shrehe wkers ea togh mt colemadi us this welcome message. hid muir. come on in. reporter: coleman jones is vice president of howdy homemade he show here, from 16 to 31, each of
them with special needs. yes, yes. reporter: and until this ice cream shop, ann marie kerrigan had trouble finding a job. it makes me feel like there s not a place for me in this world. reporter: there is now, because dallas businessman tom landis, who founded howdy homemade ice cream, knew exactly the kind of workers he was looking for. it just jumped out that, hey, this is what the restaurant industry needs. reporter: an ice cream shop tailor-made. everything in the entire restaurant was designed for people with special needs to succeed. reporter: even the cash drawer, only bills, to help simplify transactions. $4 your change. thank you.r st smile. myself. pleasure is waking up to ice cream. it s really a blessing.
i m surrounded with not just ice cream but with good employees. i think i ve taught them how to work and they ve taught me how to live. reporter: and this from ann marie. never take no for an answer. grab what you are passionate about and make it happen. reporter: which is exactly what tom did for his workers, and in turn, what his workers are now doing for that community. the next flavor going to central market is chocolate banana. tom has really inspired me to greatness. reporter: and tonight, the ice cream shop in dallas we can t wait to get to. this one s for you, david muir. i can t wait. we love those workers. every one of them. and a huge props to their boss, tom, for making it happen. good night. just moments ago a former google engineer left the courthouse after he was charged with stealing corporate secrets
and taking them to his new job at uber. who he is and the information he is accused of stealing. a family that was accused of a hate crime and an assault at their house opens up and shares their side of the story with abc 7 news. what they say happened in their san bruno home. outrage use crious crime in middle of china town. e re follo on un. a bire spurred an acre. sky 7 is over the spirit fire that burned ten acres along the ridge behind the meditation center. these photos were tweeted showing efforts to put out the fire and it s 30% contained and the fire is slowing down. good evening, thank you for joining us. i m dan a mrma daetz. we ll update you. the other big story involves

Court , Charges , Scandal , Cheating , Clues , Talks , Outrage , Accuser , Opioid-maker , Dozen-accusers-of-jeffrey-epstein , New-york-city , One

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20190803 03:00:00

explain what is now his 35th i like sue gordon. the details of policy have no tune in this sunday night at here s your buick sir. 9:00 p.m. eastern, for the nominee for high office who has sue gordon is there now, and i actually, that s my buick. been denied. like her very much. meaning. second episode of american i ve always liked sue gordon. as everyone thinks about that, we will tell you that coming up, she certainly, she will be your buick doesn t have a roof rack! swamp, only on msnbc. i felt that congressman the congressional republicans this is my buick. are opting to spend more time that is tonight s last word. considered for the acting, and how are we gonna fit in your mom s buick? that could happen. with their families. ratcliffe was being treated very we ll probably be talking about easy. the 11th hour with brian what this wave may say about williams starts now. unfairly. i was reading the press, and i it either later today or next i like that new buick. -me too. think i am a student of the week. there you have. i was actually talking about that buick. tonight, in the course of it i m here for our leadoff what the gop may know when we continue. en we just minutes today, the press. and i asked him, do you want to discussion, on a friday night, continue go through this for two or three i knew that. -did you? president calls the media fake greg miller, pulitzer prize buick s fresh new lineup is full of surprises. news, then thanks the media for months or would you want me to doing what the white house did winning national security you don t really talk about your insurance do something else, and he correspondent, for the current eligible non-gm owners and lessees unless you re complaining about it. not, vetting his nominee for thought about it. washington post, also happens i said it s going to be rough. to be the author of the get up to 16% below msrp on most of these buick models. you go on about how. director of national i could see exactly where the .it s so confusing it hurts my brain. intelligence, and tonight, that press is going. apprentice, trump, russia and ya i hear ya. or say you can t believe. the subversion of american or get over 7,000 on this 2019 enclave avenir. nomination has been pulled. and fake news. .how much of a hassle it is! plus, it is now over half the and tell anyone who ll listen. democracy. the aforementioned annie carney, democrats in the house favoring white house reporter with the (garbled) s so expensive! impeachment, but the speaker (groans) she said it s so expensive. new york times, and frank makes clear half is a long way no, i think we have had support, hmph. tell me about it. fortunate luzi, former fbi (food grunting menacingly) yes.. well i m telling the people at home. from her impeachment threshold. but again, we were very early in assistant director for when the food you love doesn t love you back, that s why esurance is making the whole experience and as the president makes counter-intelligence. good evening and welcome to you all. surprisingly painless. clear, that short-range missiles the process. greg, i would like to start with stay smooth and fight heartburn fast so, you never have to talk about it, you. from north korea just aren t a well, you vet for me. fair to say that only one man with tums smoothies. unless you re their spokesperson. i like when you vet. trigger for him, a look tonight no, no, you vet. would nominate this guy, also tum tum-tum tum tums at how the democratic party s i think the white house has a fair to say there were esurance. it s surprisingly painless. great vetting process. republican senators who didn t circular firing squad debate you vet for me. know his name? night has affected the race. not only republican senators when i give a name, i give it who didn t know his name, but as the 11th hour gets under out to the press, and you vet way on this summer friday night. this is somebody who has been on for me. a lot of times you do a very the intelligence committee for everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. the better part of this year, good job. not always. and was virtually unknown at the
so just to review there, agencies that he was being well, good evening once while the media are fake news, tapped to lead. as we reported this week, that again from our nbc news they also do the vetting for headquarters here in new york, major nominations for the white the reaction we got, from day 925 of the trump talking to people at cia, and administration, and the house. the new york times points out other spy agencies, was who? president s choice for the that this revives questions who is ratcliffe? important job of director of about the trump administration s i mean this was, and you can national intelligence, seemed vetting process, as you might imagine what it must feel like, unusual, he then became to be one of the 100,000 or so imagine. controversial, well tonight, reporter who joins us in a he s out. just like that. moment, co-authors the piece employees of u.s. spy agencies, nomination withdrawn. you eat right. mostly. the president will now make a that notes ratcliffe s to watch this sort of you make time. when you can. new choice. apparently not having checked on withdrawal underscores the whiplash-inducing week, from the but sometimes life gets in the way, the background of the last one. recurring dysfunction in the white house. and that stubborn fat just won t go away. texas republican congressman a selection of an utter unknown, white house vetting process that has placed the administration. coolsculpting takes you further. i think i represent the john rat cliff did not have to lead the entire intelligence community, at a time of a lot of a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, party. he has been a vocal supporter of i think my views are where the intelligence experience other than sitting on that committee vast majority of the democratic the president. global turmoil. and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. party are. in the house. there s a lot of really, really on that committee where he that was on display last week and then to see that he has it s been a long time openly seemed to be auditioning discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. good people that got elected who since andrew dusted off his dancing shoes. when he took special counsel embellishments on his resume, in robert mueller to task at that some common side-effects include temporary numbness, are really pushing the envelope, luckily denture breath from the job dan coats is addition to fairly paltry will be the least of his worries. live televised house judiciary discomfort, and swelling. and it s good, it s healthy to because he uses polident 4 in 1 cleaning system vacating as dni. do that, but the idea that they hearing. qualifications for the job, and don t imagine results, see them. indeed, he was offered the job i agree with the chairman, then to see that just unravel in to kill 99.99% this morning, when he said coolsculpting, represent what the party is before tossing it back today, the span of a week, and it just take yourself further. of odor causing bacteria. after questions about his resume donald trump is not above the law. today does not comport with who polident. clean. fresh. and confident. he s not. shows you, i would think, not a gets elected, does not comport and qualifications. but he dacmn sure shouldn t be with how we won last, in 18. here s how we learned about it, lot of thought and attention and when the president said his that man, joe biden, was below the law which is where care is being given to selecting nominee was being treated very forced to fend off waves of volume two of this report puts somebody for a pretty important unfairly by the lame stream attacks at that debate the other him. turns out ratcliffe was a job. night, in detroit. media, rather than going through so andy carney, if there is some of them because he was months of slander and libel, i line on his resume, as a u.s. indeed no rigorous process of obama s partner for eight years,
explained to john how miserable in the white house. attorney i arrested over 300 vetting on the front side, is it would be for him and his illegal immigrants on a single susan page of usa today summed family to deal with these there at least a sameness to the day. washington post reports that people. and ratcliffe followed up right claim refers to a roundup of it up today writing quote, he immigrant workers at poultry process by which these go down? was forced to defend his record away with i do not wish for a plants back in 08, and that on health care, criminal a little bit. national security and quote, a closer look at the case justice, immigration, working intelligence debate surrounding trump s nomination of ratcliffe mothers, the war in iraq and shows thatratcliffe s claims even his service in the obama my confirmation, however untrue, and his withdrawal both can be white house, a badge he has conflict with the court record and the recollections of others seen as reactions as to how was to become a purely political and brandished as his biggest asset. who participated in the partisan issue. playing. our reporting shows that after the common and critical thread the washington post reports, republicans in the senate operation. only 45 workers were charged by was the portrayal of the prosecutors in ratcliffe s democratic front-runner as a weren t behind ratcliffe from coats was leaving, and there candidate from another era, were reports that there wasn t a the get-go and on thursday, beloved but outdated, and with a trump began polling advisers office, court documents show. clear person ready to go to take decidedly mixed record that gave two people involved in the planning or execution of the his place, trump quickly tweeted him both experience and baggage. tout whether ratcliffe could be out that he was going to appoint enforcement effort said they could not recall ratcliffe yet today, a new poll from the playing a central role. folks at morning consult this means the u.s. is facing ratcliffe, in fact because he conducted the day after the doesn t like this sense of the possibility of having no uncertainty surrounding his debate notely finds biden s process for top jobs. of odor causing bacteria. has four levels of defenseremium gasoagainst permanent national security i think that you can square the gunk, wear, corrosion and friction. front-runner status unabated at leader amid increasing tensions, seemingly contradictory as we cover here, every night, statements he made about the 32%. that helps keep your engine running like new. with iran, north korea, and the press today, by what he means by bernie sanders at 18. you do my vetting for me. threat of future election elizabeth warren at 15. and so on. i think in part, he means i see back with us tonight, two of our it s fuel for thought. interference, the ongoing attack how it plays. from russia. favorites, and returning and he saw that this was not now, within congress, this is playing well. veterans, the aforementioned that there wasn t a lot of susan page, washington bureau (rates vehicles for safety, andr hsome reach a level of notable. there is widespread support for sue gordon, a career civil counter, a lot of people coming top safety pick. to ratcliffe s defense, people chief for usa today, her latest servant, who is dan serve as att but only a select few of the very safest vehicles are awarded book, the matriarch, barbara didn t know who he was, there was concern among republicans, bush and the making of an a top safety pick plus.
american dynasty. too, not just democrats, and so and the pulitzer prize winning the highest level of safety possible. acting he saw which direction it was going and decided to drop it. author and presidential how many 2019 top safety pick plus-winning historian john meche meachum, one thing that is clear is that vehicles does your brand have? he doesn t have a vetting his latest work, co-authored one. two. how about eight? process, and he doesn t seem to with tim mcgraw is songs of think that all of these failed subaru has more 2019 top safety pick plus awards america and the next album, the nominations actually hurt him. way you look tonight, will be than honda and toyota brands combined. there haven t been like this, this needs to stop, we need to available in 8-track and there s safe, and then there s subaru safe. do a different process, i need cassette tapes merely for to not surprise my own team by asking, good evening and welcome announcing something on twitter. to you both. he just rolls on to the next susan i will blessedly begin with you and the question, what one. we saw most recently herman do you make of the week we have just seen in the democratic cain, stephen moore, he liked party? i don t know congressman them, announced them, floated well, you know, joe biden did definitely better in this second hurd, but i have heard he has them, they didn t work. done a good job. debate than he did in the first we differ on certain subjects they suffered. he doesn t think he does. debate. in miami, where he seemed a but i heard he has actually done frank, let s talk about what a good job. it is too bad he is leaving but didn t happen today. all things perversely little bit unsettled by the idea this other candidates would really don t know him. considered, was this in the end attack him. a good day for the intelligence he was better prepared this we first reported it here last night, texas congressman time. but he wasn t so commanding as business? this was a rare win for the to settle every question there will hurd, who happens to be the is about his campaign and his only black republican in the american public, and the house, is saying he will not be intelligence community. respective nomination. because we narrowly escaped nobody else did so great though running for re-election next that they surged. someone who was entirely and that s why i think when you year. incompetent and unqualified for emily cochran of the new york this job. so but for his own times points out mr. hurd who look at the morning consult is also the only republican to poll, what strikes you is how
embellishments on his resume, steady it is, almost no one has represent a district along the this guy likely would have been southwestern border, is the gained, the bottom hasn t fallen sixth house republican and the out for joe biden or anybody the nominee, and we possibly third texan in the past ten days would have been facing someone else and no. no one has really to announce retirement. who is not only unqualified but surged, and the candidate that after the 2020 election, senator also a partisan advocate for the has seen the greatest change tim scott, republican of north president, and what is the dni carolina, will be the only black position is the last position this week is elizabeth warren who had a good debate both times, and adding to it so far, republican incumbent in that you want someone who is but this is a contest that is congress. again, that would be both houses going to go on for a while, and dedicated to a partisan agenda, the test for joe biden, did okay of congress, all 535 members of and not dedicated to the truth. this time, he is going to face some more. and susan, we were saying congress. this may be, in fact, i will go still with us tonight, our earlier this week, the debates friend susan page, and john ahead and say, this is the most significant time since the were in part proof of the fact creation of the dni position, in that party bosses are dead. meachum. susan, explain to our viewers because a party boss would say why, here is a guy, will hurd, okay, you guys all get that one of 535, we last saw him terms of adversarial threats you re going to go out and that we re facing. during the mueller hearing, the the depth and complexity of attack trump and by the way the following names that i m going news kind of went by everybody them. to read, go home and run for the fact that even today, we else. heard reporting that bots are why was this seismic where you all over the place, trying to senate. yes, well, if the party live and work in the washington area? well, for one thing, there is convince us who has won a bosses, if there were party the fact that it reduces the debate, or racially divide us. it is still happening. limited diversity of the bosses they would do that. republican caucus, in more than we need a deeply experienced the one percenters, democrats one way. would much prefer them running in race, but also in a intelligence professional in this role and ratcliffe was not for senate in colorado, for willingness to stand up to instance, and that is not the president trump, because there that guy. system anymore and a lot of are only a handful of house frank, to your point further, people would like to be republicans who have been president, democrats think this willing to do that, and will is a good nomination to have,
the whole world is watching, the hurd has been one of them. whole world can see us, whether that president trump could be elected but he could also be we came up with a jv grade the other reason, they have been beaten, and so nobody is going nominee for this critical home quite yet. highly respected, he is a position, or our president on john meachum, nobody needs to serious legislator, respected on the south lawn saying you guys tell you, it is tough to run, as both sides of the aisle. do the vetting. the fact that he is stepping in, a sitting or former vice he is like 41 years old, it is not like he is ready to retire, well, the world is watching, president, and the longer your the fact that he is stepping and our adversarial and allied legislative paper trail, the down says to washington he intelligence services are tougher it can be, especially in doesn t think republicans are going to regain control of the watching this. this mess. house next year. and what they re, here s the a brand new era where everyone s and that he is probably tired of problem with that, there s going to be a day where the comments is invited on social being in a party defined by president s going to have to rely on our intelligence and media. george h.w. bush used to call president trump, which the he s going to have to confront person to whom all of these an adversary with it, or he is it the van buren thing. republican members of congress from 1836 to 1988, before a going to have to support an ally with it, and everybody is going have to either keep their mouth to say, who is this dni? sitting vice president was actually elected president. shut, defend, or occasionally where are you getting this somebody like nixon had to wait intelligence from? criticize at some risk to their is there any credibility to what eight years after he lost in futures. and i think that you see members you re telling us? 1960. and as we watch this kind of and functionally, biden even of the republican members of though he is not an incumbent congress saying this is not vice president, is kind of is, worth it. amateurish approach to vetting, john meachum, the point susan the world is watching and it for all of the reasons we ve undermines the credibility of talked about. and i think that is a blessing raised is exactly the one i want our intelligence services. you to take on after i read you greg, tell us about sue and a burden. the burden, obviously, is, as this. another guest on our broadcast, gordon. again, the number two to the susan was saying, he feels hitcut gore from bloomberg, dni. the career professional. tweeted this last night, called and as a subset of that, i would the future of the gop, will hurd
say has been around for a while. the fact that i can t tell you the benefit is this is a world retiring, marco rubio, lost anything about her including but where donald trump is president. presidential bid, paul ryan lost not limited to whether she ever bought a bumper sticker in any so do any of these rules really vp bid, became speaker, quit. scott walker lost election, ted political views she may have, matter anymore? cruz lost the presidential bid, and so far, at least, the that, our inability to say that is more in keeping with the polling seems to suggest that eric cantor lost house primary, career types at the intel jobs. the head of the democratic nikki haley writing book. party, the head part, is with susannah martinez out of politics. so john, back to susan s theory, she s a three decades in u.s. biden. i suspect the heart is with that departures harden the intelligence agencies. warren and sanders and with the concrete at the center, harden she s very highly respected and regarded. the notion of those who stick she spent most of her career at much bigger liberal ideas, the cia, where she was basically progressive ideas, but that s around become inextricably trump their head of personnel. not the way, at least, we think, the time when i had the most republican. well, parties fundamentally change in american history, when direct access to her was after broadly put, to carry states there are moments when will is not consensus about the greatest like pennsylvania and michigan, the deaths in benghazi, where these states that trump went issue before the country. there was a meeting for small through, the blue wall of 2016. we most recently saw that groups of reporters at the cia, because the democratic party where they were explaining what fell apart over the republican had happened, and she was really so my money right now would be party changed coalitions, emotional at that time, i remember, because she regarded on biden going through and because of a disagreement over getting the nomination, and these as her people. then, you know, maybe it s civil rights. we saw the rise of the it was clear that she cared very republican party in the death of the wigs, in the 19th century, deeply about the people who were jurassic park with these two because there couldn t be, the hurt, and killed, overseas,
septuagenarians runs against under her charge. each other next year, but i parties didn t, the single party didn t agree on slavery. and she s, now she s sort of suspect, suspect that s where we dangling, right? r guests have donald trump is quickly becoming i mean this is just sort of agreed to stay with us, as we go where you end up when you work to break, i want to read in the intelligence community, something writes, such a superb that kind of defining question and this administration, she s for this party. the number two, the law would stipulate that she should be the letter from washington each week and we ve joked before, but as in the new yorker, confession. acting deputy, but trump is i don tald trump for whom freud told us, all jokes have a certain element of truth, donald trump s one of the few recorded considering at least, you know, cases of a hijacker boarding a even though today he plane and the passengers side semi-endorsed her for the job, with the hijacker, and the he also said that she would be question is, will the republican under consideration for a job that she essentially already base become so devout unto occupies. stranger things have happened. the president leaves for the itself, so bound up, that weekend learning of her popularity especially from some of the republicans who are centrist part of the puzzle is saying from him, this last simply gone? and i think these retirements nomination is dead, i wanted to suggest that that is certainly help you but i could not, he the reality of 2020 politically. does like to be attached to popularity. he does. and he has listened in the past and culturally, politically, is when a nominee falls through, i m thinking of heather nauert, one of the most fascinating questions facing us, is what his pick to be the u.n. happens to the republican party ambassador, fell through, his after trump? does trumpism survive, despite
follow-up pick kelly craft who had road blocks of her own, a lot of republican senators said donald trump having to some point leave the scene? to him, she will have an easy and that s something that it process and that seemed to have would take, if one were a resonated to him. he may look to something like republican, thinking about the that. but i think his concern is, he future of the party, the people clashed with dan coats who was you just listed off, would be widely respected by democrats the kind of folks you would want in the room, in the arena, pick and republicans alike. because dan coats seemed to at your metaphor, trying to pick up times publicly contradict him on these pieces, and push forward. foreign policy issues. he seemed at one point to and those folks are not. question trump s relationship now maybe they re going to with putin and another time he hibernate and come back, but you undercut the administration s line on their progress with north korea, and what they were know, i suspect they re looking achieving with their at this, as susan was just relationship with kim jong-un, saying, they re looking at this and he doesn t like an and thinking it is just not worth it. for our audience to consider independent contradictory voice and think about on a friday in his, coming out from his night, with our thanks to the journalists and author susan administration, and part of this page, and the journalist, here, part of what he liked presidential historian and recording artist, john meachum, about ratcliffe, this guy seems our thanks, gang, for joining us at the end of another week. like a loyal soldier and part of the apprehension maybe he will coming up for us, the get another person in the mold president sets a deadline for of dan coats. pulling all american troops out we can t find reporting to of afghanistan. pass along to viewers any by the way, he also floats a
fresher to that. number of days it would take the to greg miller, to any carney, military at his command to to fred, thank for joining usion destroy afghanistan and kill at the end of another long week millions. we will lay it all before a man to start off our conversation. and coming up, house democrats who retired with four stars atop each shoulder. (d hit a critical threshold today on impeachment, but not if the hey, who are you? speaker doesn t think so. oh, hey jeff, i m a car thief. and later, we told you a week what?! i m here to steal your car because, well, that s my job. ago, that bacobama would be und what? attack at a democratic debate, what?? what?! you would probably have us (laughing) what?? hauled away. what?! it happened. what?! we will take a lack at how the [crash] what?! haha, it happens. race changed since, if at all. and if you ve got cut-rate car insurance, as the 11th hour is just getting started on a friday paying for this could night. is just getting started on a friday feel like getting robbed twice. night. so get allstate. and be better protected from mayhem. like me. applebee s all you can eat is back. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
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i d rather not. with respect to afghanistan, we ve made a lot of progress. we re talking. but we ve also made a lot of progress. we re reducing it. we ve been there for 19 years. we are really serving as policemen. we could win afghanistan in two days or three days or four days if we wanted, but i m not looking to kill ten million people. new reporting by nbc news tonight indicates president trump wants to indeed pull all u.s. troops out of afghanistan by the 2020 election. according to five current and former administration and military officials, quote, the president s advisers are now scrambling to meet his election-year deadline, which
has exacerbated tensions between a symbolic milestone today officials at the pentagon and for the pro impeachment the state bent over the timing movement, a majority of house of withdrawal and whether it should be completed. democrats, that means over half, with us, again, to talk about it are now publicly in favor of a formal inquiry into the tonight, general barry president. in all, 118 democrats and one mccaffrey, retired four star independent have voiced their jen, heavily decorated combat support. of course, that s still a far cry from the majority of the veteran of vietnam and u.s. drug full house. that s not the overwhelming czar, among his other roles, support the speaker set as her general i know you have been in the countryside in afghanistan, threshold, and sure enough, and counted the number of speaker pelosi released a statement today, calling the assault on our elections and our turrets that make up former russian tanks dotting the constitution a grave national security issue. landscape. what is it like to it and vowing that no present or future president can dishonor the oath of office without being there in two days, four days at held accountable. the outside? well, here us with to talk about it on a friday night, andrew, well, you know, there s two ways of looking at it. congressional reporter for in one sense, it was just politico s, a rare night in new york, and jonathan allen, in washington, nbc news national blagter, political blather, it political reporter, gentleman, good evening, and welcome to you didn t have any meaning at all. on the other hand, it is one of the most horrific illegal both. andrew, in pelosi s figuring, no statements ever made in the oval
office. it implies that the u.s. armed one envies her, this role, or forces actually considered and her overall job, by the way, ask gave the president a plan to use john boehner, it is said shy she nuclear weapons against a civil war whose government we re supporting. there could not possibly have been a jcs analysis jcs analysi is also protecting some of her flock. why would that be? opening an impeachment, it option. it would have been illegal. would unlock budgetary measures it would have resulted in to hire new lawyers and the impeachment of the president white house general counsel s office and would need more staffing for impeachment inquiry. the problem with putting that to immediately. look, we ve been there 19 years. a floor vote, pelosi s biggest we ve been 70-plus years? job is maintaining her majority, right, and most of those germany, 70-plus years in japan, districts that flipped from red to blue in the past mid-term elections are some of the most what serves u.s. national moderate democrats in congress. interests? that s a tough question when that would be a very politically you re dealing with afghanistan. perilous vote for them to take. there clearly is not a coherent pelosi does not want to put them in that position right now. afghan central government. the taliban are increasingly and she probably doesn t want to put them in that position at all taking over the countryside. the question is, what do we do? especially as we get closer to i think trump has decided, get 2 us out as a political deal. 2020 but the issue again the majority of that 2018 number with some trepidation, i turn come from districts that hillary us both to north korea.
clinton won by ten-plus points here were the president s tweets today. this is after these short-range but not necessarily a politically perilous decision to missile launches we witnessed this week. make. pelosi has a difficult job, there may be a united nations upping her rhetoric of the president, and backing a way, to violation, but chairman kim does not want to disappoint me with a consider whether impeachment violation of trust. chairman kim has a great and articles are warranted but that beautiful vision for his country is the tough bind, trying to and only the united states, with maintain the majority and that is the biggest job as speaker. me as president, can make that john, what do you think is vision come true. the judgment here? he will do the right thing will this go down as a colossal because he is far too smart not waste of time during a critical time? or are we going to have members t to and he does not want to go home, 535 people, go home, disappoint his friend, president trump. general, your reaction? kim jong-un is one of the presumably, let s say half or most will have town hall most corrupt, murderous thugs on gatherings with their constituents? is this going to loom large? the face of the earth and is a or as we expect will health care huge threat to south korea and be the number one issue back japan and u.s. armed forces in home? it is really going to be up the region. he s got maybe 60 nuclear to democratic voters and i think it is mostly going to be up to weapons and he s still producing democratic voters in those districts that andrew was just talking about. it is not so much in those weapons-grade material. he s still manufacturing
heavily democratic districts but in those swing district, the intermediate range ballistic ones where those politically missiles. he s testing in violation of the vulnerable member rchls if the united nations sanctions, the democratic voters there make it so-called short range are so politically uncomfortable for probably a variant of a soviet their lawmakers, for their representatives to not come out era nuclear device. for impeachment or at least an they go over 400 miles. impeachment inquiry, maybe they will come back to washington and they can threaten u.s. military decide that they will get on board with that. if they do not do that and if forces, japanese and south they re focused on health care, korea. so the president has got nothing if they re focused on other kitchen table issues, then i out of this so far. and at some point, he s going to think you come back to washington and you have a situation much like you have give kim what he wants, relief right now, where there is a majority of the democratic from sanctions. caucus in favor of it, but nancy he s starting to unravel pelosi doesn t want to put a sanctions from the chinese and vote on the floor that will the russians. either, a, fail, or b, put their i was going to say, general, and you just touched on it, members in a position where they short-range is all the range you are alienating their base or need when you are the city size alienating the swing voters. i will ask our control room to put on to the screen what the president tweeted today about a population of americans we have in south korea, when you have veteran member of congress from maryland. really bad news. the baltimore house of elijah friends in japan, for starters. cummings was robbed. this is a tremendous threat. too bad. john allen, that our president it s a very short launch to talks that way publicly, as
target time frame and their low people in our jobs like to say, level can be difficult to pick has been baked into the cake, up. so these are dangerous devices. but someone theorized to me but he s also continuing to work tonight that you can draw a on a prototype of an icbm that bright clear line, from comments like that, including that, to can strike the united states and he just unveiled version one of these defections and retirements we are watching before our very a submarine-launched ballistic eyes. i think that is absolutely true, brian. missile capability. i think some of these republican he s proceeding. he s a declared legitized lawmakers are frankly tired of defending the president, and nuclear power by the president some cases they know that it is going to be difficult for them of the united states. general mccaffrey, we thank to win re-election. you as always, general, for will hurd, the congressman from joining us on our broadcast tonight. texas who won the last race by a coming up, when we come back, a guy fairly considered to handful of votes and going to be be on the president s home team in a difficult spot to win deciding to step in and correct re-election this time, certainly he was called upon every time he the president when the 11th hour came on television to defend the continues. things the president was saying. i talked to a bunch of republicans in various walks of life around washington today. they were aghast at what the president had tweeted. it is very unusual to see
shadd schadenfreude about someone else s home being invaded and something that conservatives would not normally look at as a good thing. there is usually abeef among co homes should be defended and shouldn t be intrusion. and among liberals and pretty much every american. it was unusual to see but i so that early retirement we planned. think your point is well taken, it s going ok? brian, as a broader matter, i great. think a lot of republicans are now i m spending more time with the kids. tired of being in this position where they feel like they have i m introducing them to crab. to defend what they see as the crab!? they love it. indefensible and the other so, you mentioned that that money we set aside. alternative is to come out and condemn the president and shack. alienate his base which again is a lot of their base. and andrew, your colleagues at politico s, outdid themselves ahhh, you re finally building that outdoor kitchen. today, they came up with a stat the whole gang. see how investing with a j.p. morgan advisor can help you. that there are more men named jim in the house of visit your local chase branch. representatives than republican women running for re-election. your daily dashboard from fidelity. a visual snapshot of your investments. chris kollingsworth would love a key portfolio events. all in one place. stat like that. particularly. i mean it is esoteric, yes, because when it s decision time.
but it speaks to something that you need decision tech. is aggressively becoming not a only from fidelity. good look for the republican party. one of those female how do you like it, republicans who is not running how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it, how do you like it for re-election, susan brook, the head of recruiting for the all you can eat is back. republican national committee, how do you like that? and imagine you re a respective applebee s. candidate in battleground now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. districts and you see even the person in charge of recruiting you, at least trying to take i felt i couldn t be at my best for my family. back the house majority, she is in only 8 weeks with mavyret, even leaving. these are people who are very i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. frustrated with the president obviously but i think back to the day of the midterm elections in 2018 when the president but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. ridiculed neil love, now a cnn even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. commentator, carlos carbelo, a but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure commentator for this network, for all common types of hep c. republicans of color in the house, critical of the before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you ve had hepatitis b which may flare up president, moderate republicans and the president was and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. essentially stomping on their political grave saying they are tell your doctor if you ve had hepatitis b, not supporting me enough, and that s why they lost, the reason a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, they lost is the blue wave hiv-1, or other medical conditions, impacting their districts and their districts trending more and all medicines you take including herbal supplements.
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get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa! oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. my bad. geico. it s easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow? last thing before we go tonight, and we won t keep you long, we know you re anxious to start the weekend, but these tariffs, you re going to be hearing a lot more about tariffs as the next round of them approaches at the end of this month. we ve all heard commercials for various companies who say they pass along the savings to the consumer. tariffs are the opposite of that. companies pass along the cost of tariffs and this theme played out on fox news today. we re going to pick up this clip with the president s comments
prior to departure from the south lawn where he mixed china and american farmers and tariffs all into one word salad followed by kne by neil cavuto who had enough of this talk. we re making it up. our country is taking in billions and billions of dollars from china. we never took in 10 cents from china. and out of that many billions of dollars, we re taking a part of it and we re giving it to the farmers because they ve been targeted by china. you interviewed the wrong farmer. all right. i don t know where to begin here. just to be clarifying here. china isn t paying these tariffs. you are.
indirectly and sometimes directly it s passed along to you through american distributors and their counterparts in the united states. not the chinese government or china in particular. i didn t quite understand what he was saying about the devaluation of that. be that as it may, this latest round of tariffs that kick in on september 1st, that will most directly be felt by consumers because that happens on almost entirely consumer items rather than industrial-related items. just wanted to clarify that. governments don t pay these things, you do. one way or another. so neil cavuto, on tariffs to end an eventful week for us and bring on the first of five precious august weekends. and after that, of course, it s basically thanksgiving. that is our broadcast for this friday night and indeed for this week.
thank you so much for being with us and good night from our nbc headquarters here in new york. we have lots to get to tonight. we start tonight with news about a key figure in trump world and now a key witness in the mueller investigation. rick gates served as deputy chairman of the trump campaign. gates had been paul manafort s right hand deputy working for ukrainian oligarchs. manafort was pushed out in august of 2016 but rick gates stayed on right through election day. gates then served as the number two official on the trump inaugural committee. because he held those key positions rick gates was an up close first person eye witness to what was going on inside the

Press , Sue-gordon , Tout-whether-ratcliffe , Republicans , 35th-nominee , Office , Policy , Meaning , Everyone , Buick , Acting , Families

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190811 13:00:00

her robot collapse starts caucused for th on t. w. . this is due to the news line from berlin protesters once again the fire ban to demonstrate place used tear gas is a tense weekend of anti-government demonstrations turns violent we ll go live for the latest also coming out as separatists take control of yemen s temporary capital their former saudi backed allies call it a coup and launch as strikes. and will make as in the u.s. demand the disgraced billionaire jeffrey abstains dies in jail before facing sex
trafficking charges that could impact had implicated the rich and powerful. i m rebecca rivers welcome to the program hong kong police have used tear gas as new clashes with protesters broke out across the city police say protest has ignored warnings to leave and hold bricks at offices before they responded by firing the gas it s the 10th weekend of increasingly violent protests in the territory the demonstrations began in opposition to a war that would have committed extradition to mainland china and expanded into calls for more democracy and gradual ptolemy from china. data bases phoebe kong is in hong kong favor a high what s been happening way you up. i.
now on the right police station in downtown hong kong as you can see there are still some of the police vans parking right behind me at the falls for all of these the heart of hong kong downtown city and because just hours ago police have started clarence operation where they they have deployed rounds of tear gas to disperse protesters cross different districts in hong kong including the way i am right now and so far most of course has to say have left here and they have moved to another this to continue that demonstration and one of the usual tactics and using the station the flash mob posthaste around different district and hong kong down on us things they will want. what they moved very quickly when police came to them and so this is the situation right now and the police officers and the post has this getting more familiar with the tactics of tactics so both sides they react.
the way right now i m protesters have also been blocking what s normally a really busy airport is travel being disrupted there as well. while the international airport in hong kong remains functional so. the fact that the protest this has staged a peaceful city in a sample. in a row already but i hope we can hundreds if not thousands of us sitting peacefully at the time you know off the hong kong international airport and their aim is to the family of m.f.a. s and their monster their governments to the 2 different tourists around the well and they want that boys to be heard on the international stage and that s why that s the reason why they chose airport as that s nation off the poles has and that is one of the most peaceful rallies or one of the peaceful actions. have taken in these movements so far and there s. knowing that if he is
not going to back down clashes have been happening on the streets but now some of them they want to check out take a more peaceful approach to to address the issue to the rest of the world no end in sight by the looks of it at the moment thanks phebe kong for that update. and to yemen now where a saudi led coalition says it s launched airstrikes targeting southern separatists after they broke ranks and seized the presidential palace in the 2nd city aden the un says up to 40 people died in that fighting the coalition s calling the separatist actions a coup and blaming the united arab emirates which until now has sided with saudi arabia and the 4 year conflict is a development that s apparently split the 2 middle east allies. 6 fighters seeking independence from yemen south take control of the presidential palace the separatists backed by the united arab emirates claim they seized the compound without a fight. since 2014 they have been part of the saudi led military coalition fighting
the who the rebels now the allies have turned on each other adding a further fault lines to the conflict tearing yemen apart but a lot of them got it today we achieved a big victory in the south capital they didn t win this turn pro governor pataki and i said where defeated. 7 of the other. it follows several days of intense clashes in aden with residents caught in the crossfire. the war began 5 years ago when escalated in 2015 when a saudi led military coalition intervened in support of the country s embattled government after the who these took the capital sanaa. tens of thousands of people have been killed in the conflict the vast majority of them civilians the u.n. calls it the world s worst humanitarian crisis an estimated 80 percent of yemen s population requires some form of protection or humanitarian assistance and millions
of children are suffering from severe malnutrition. after the outbreak of fighting in aden the aid agency doctors without borders describe the city as a battlefield as civilians continue to bear the brunt of this ongoing conflict. now let s take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world muslim worshippers have clashed with israeli police at the temple mount in jerusalem the violence erupted after jewish visited into the south side where muslims were celebrating the holiday. in the us x. a mosque medics say it thinks 14 people were injured. a shooting at a mosque in norway on saturday that left one man injured is being investigated as a possible act of terrorism which in place say that the suspect appears to hold and migration the gunman was overpowered by an elderly worshipper and then arrested. officials say at least 154 people have been killed in severe monsoon driven
flooding in india more than 1000000 people have been displaced as a and or evacuated as waters pull severe damage to homes and infrastructure the military is being deployed in the worst hit areas. of mahler s go to the polls today to vote in a controversial presidential runoff the turnout for the 1st round was poor and it appears there s little enthusiasm for the for the 2 main candidates the central american country faces many challenges including widespread poverty and unemployment. will make his in the us a calling for answers following the death in prison of disgraced financier jeffrey epstein there s been widespread skepticism as to how he could have taken his own life in a high security federal prison just weeks after an apparent preview suicide attempt of state was jailed last month on sex trafficking charges that could have implicated numerous wealthy and powerful people f.b.i. is now investigating the death. he had already been found injured in a cell a few weeks ago then the multi-millionaire was found dead in the new york jail
where he was awaiting trial an apparent suicide. the convicted pedophile was facing up to 45 years behind bars on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. epstein a high powered investor was accused of having sexually abused girls as young as 14 at parties in his palm beach villa where he reportedly passed the girls on to his guests what made the case explosive was the few notes he has connections to public figures including british royal prince andrew former u.s. president bill clinton as well as the sitting president donald trump charges were already brought against him in 2008 a controversial plea deal spared him time in prison. if i wasn t afraid to come forward sooner than we would be he would have done it to other girls i feel really guilty to list if the. conviction for epstein could have meant the rest of his life in prison now many questions remain will the authorities further investigate the
sex trafficking allegations and will possible accomplices be held to account. and as we just heard questions as they mounting since the death about the future of the investigation and about the circumstances surrounding abstains death put a calm as man has been looking into that call hi thanks for joining me so what more can you tell us about the investigation and what might happen now in these questions about the future of the investigation what we know now is that his death his apparent suicide does not prevent this investigation from going forward and officials are are promising that they will continue to look into it in fact one of the attorneys that s involved in the case said yesterday that epstein was facing a conspiracy charge so that means that there could potentially be other people involved in these alleged crimes that means others could still be charged maybe for legs alleged sex trafficking for helping to recruit these under underage girls and so his his ring of a. influence may continue to find more alleged victims as well what many want to
know is will this investigation lead to the indictment of any of these kind of big name figures that we know were were involved with epstein that knew him that would travel on his private planes for example as we saw in the piece it extends from fashion to business always to politics even presidents and ex presidents weed so the legal process it will continue this investigation will continue but of course it will be without the potential testimony of jeffrey epstein that could have been crucial and very useful if he had testified maybe in some kind of deal with prosecutors that could have led to more evidence against other people that may have been involved and given that people could be interconnected and that s really led to a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding this unfortunately that s right and you know this suicide has really angered a lot of people from the prosecutors involved here the victims the victims families all the way up to the attorney general william barr even the f.b.i. taking the rare step now of launching an investigation into this alleged suicide
and so the circumstances surrounding it people really want to know what happened here i mean there s a few questions why did the jail take him off of suicide watch for example he had some marks around his neck a couple of weeks earlier that could have indicated the potential suicide attempts how was this allowed to happen by the jail itself mean this is a jail that s used to housing high profile suspects from paul mann afford to is currently in this jail. the the very high profile mexican criminal he was held there as well while he was awaiting his trial so this is a place that that s used to so housing high profile suspects it s something that does make it seem a bit suspicious unfortunately as you mentioned while fear is now surrounding the death of epstein including some being treated by the president himself and we saw this on the u.s. president donald trump s twitter account and here he is retreating a rumor about the death saying that epstein had information on bill clinton and now he s dead so. trying to link former president bill clinton who did in fact know abstain but has denied any other connection to him to do this death so there s no
evidence of that and this is coming from a comedian who s also trump supporter but you know we ve seen the president retreating and kind of peddling in conspiracy theories the for well what about the alleged victims here i mean they must be really disappointed that this case is not going to go as planned to get disappointed i think is one word to put i mean this is the 2nd time now that epstein s victims alleged victims will not get their day in court and that s what many of them want to mean as we heard charges were filed in 2008 in florida that led to a plea deal so there was no trial no chance for any testimony or for the for the women involved here to have their say one accuser now who says she was raped by obscene while she was in high school she had this statement following his suicide she said we have to live with the scars of his actions for the rest of our lives while he will never face the consequences of the crimes that he committed congressman thanks very much for that update on some sport news
now and the 1st round of german cup matches this season is underway with 2 1st division winners they get sides already know down by lower division opponent minds was decided by 3rd division side kaiser s mountain and was eliminated by 4th to fell monday sees another underdog try the almost impossible when couples play at home to win his league champions by munich. has seen better days it actually has 1st division pedigree having played 6 seasons in germany s top league between 200-2009 but then the club began to decline steadily ending up in the semi pro 4th division or regional leak as it s called in germany but hope springs eternal they say in fact the team s coach thinks this draw couldn t have been better for his squad. as a 4th division side knowing that you re not going to go too far in this comp you hope for a draw like this by and munich will pack the fans in. no wonder byron
is chock a block with stars not to mention the dizzying number of titles it s won at home and internationally the bavarians biggest problem seems to be whether they re going to make another big signing before the bundesliga season starts next week and they also want to make a better impression this season after losing to dortmund in the super cup. it s not about wanting a specific result but about the way we played. not letting the rivals have the opportunity to win the game at all. will be given and 6 we need to dominate and control a match expected of us. the last time cutbush actually beat byron was more than 10 years ago and its current squad is full of unknowns yet it has proven to be quite resilient in recent german cups having only bowed out the last 2 seasons against 1st division sides on penalty shots. just to tell

Sex-trafficking , Protesters , Tear-gas , Clashes , Protest , Hong-kong-police , Warnings , Bricks , Program , Rebecca-rivers , City-police , Demonstrations