we here at msnbc will have a prime time recap of tomorrow s hearing right here tomorrow night starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern. hosting that tomorrow night, along with my dear friends chris hayes and joy reid and nicolle wallace and lawrence o donnell and the whole team, 1:00 p.m. is when the live hearing starts, and 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night is when we will start our prime time recap. i can tell you one thing in advanceim of tomorrow s hearing. i can tell you for sure that the tattoo quotient among the witnesses isth about to go way, wayth up and i do not want to speculate what any of these folks might haveat lurking unde their collars, it is totally possible of course that like, you know, rusty bowers has an amazing torso full of tattoos, who knows or just michael luttig had a full sleeve tattoo working under his very silver suit but in terms of visible tattoos, tattoos visible o even in busins wear, in terms of face tattoos, neck tattoo, head tattoos, hand tattoos, tomorrow is
that day, and how many weapons or types of weapons they had brought to dc let alone the fact that trump was aware of how armed they were? that is all true. this is so much more direct evidence that supports everything we were saying during the impeachment, seeking to prove and all of the circumstantial evidence evidence that we thought proved it and it shows the lies to trump s defenses. you may remember during the impeachment, we had him saying to the proud boys, stand back and stand by, december 19th, the tweet, you know, big protest in washington, d.c. on january 6. it will be wild. and we have all of the other evidence. what this shows is that everything we were saying was true and then some. of course he was summoning these violent domestic extremist groups and should have known and would have known that they were violent, when they stood up there, he knew the crowd that he was encouraging, he had received the warnings. cassidy hutchinson s testimony was so great because it expl
wear, in terms of face tattoos, neck tattoo, head tattoos, hand tattoos, tomorrow is going to really up the numbers in terms of what we have seen yet from liveer witnesses at january 6th hearings. tomorrow s hearing, we have been advised will focus at least in part on the relationship between former president trump and the trump white house and the pro-trump fascist groups that breached the capitol building january 6th. one of the live witnesses we are told tomorrow is going to be a named jason, a spokesman for one of the groups, for the oathkeepers. and he was a tattoo shop owner, also an artist, a very accomplished artist, he ran a podcast radio show thing for a while called revolution radio. and when he was doing revolution radio, he was sympathetic to these far right militia type
tomorrow s hearing is not going to be about showing explicit evidence that trump, you know, approved directly of the para-military groups plans or that he told them to draw up plans like that, he said that isn t what they re setting out to prove, they re setting out to prove what he described as a convergence of trump s efforts and what the para-military groups are willing to do with weapons and with violence. can you help us understand what that, what that means, he s not talking about their being coincidentally pursuing the same idea, he is talking about being converged efforts. absolutely. and i think, i can t help but look at this as a trial lawyer. because it s so effective to have cassidy hutchinson come in as the last witness, say she heard proud boys, oathkeepers mentioned in connection with january 6. they knew, they were warned there was going to be violence. they knew and he was warned not to use the words to encourage the crowd to fight. and yet he sent out the december
are already a whole bunch of guys about to be on trial for seditious conspiracy and tomorrow s question is as to whether or not the trump white house and other trump associates working on it with them, and should bear or potentially face the same criminal charges. now, i mentioned there might be more video tape tomorrow than we were otherwise expecting for your typical criminal conspiracy. part of the reason i think we should c be sort of ready for tt tomorrow is because of this, which we recently saw from the new york times. hi, so what time is the whole political presidential situation happening that day, that, i don t know, i guess we re just going to have to, a lot of the questions are coming in about dc. we stillqu haven t formulated a plan for dc yet. we somewhat know. there s a lot of detailed information that i guess we got to go over, but yes, we will have a plan for dc. why is there tape of that?