The number of kindergarteners in Colorado who began the school year fully vaccinated shrank again this year raising concerns over the increased risk of a deadly outbreak.
Catholic health care officials aim to get COVID-19 vaccine to everyone
SCL Health staff administer COVID-19 vaccines to vulnerable seniors and members of underserved communities Feb. 6, 2021, at the National Western Complex in Denver. SCL is a Catholic health care system based in Broomfield, Colo. (CNS photo/courtesy Gregg Moss, SCL Health)
By Carol Zimmermann • Catholic News Service • Posted March 4, 2021
WASHINGTON (CNS) To make sure COVID-19 vaccines reach everyone, Catholic health care officials are working to overcome hurdles of bias, language barriers and access to technology and transportation.
As the vaccine has been rolling out across the country, they have been hosting town hall meetings at churches and community centers, promoting vaccinations on social media and forming partnerships with other hospitals and businesses.