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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20161114 14:00:00

alt-right movement within which anti-semitism and racist troeps are pervasive. bannon s appointment drawing sharp condemnation. the spokesman for harry reid saying quote it is easy to see why the kkk views trump as their champ when trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of white supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide. the ceo of the anti-defamation league calling it a quote, sad day. the executive director of the council on american islamic relations says the appointment of bannon sends the disturbing message that the anti-muslim conspiracy theories and white nationalist ideology will be welcome in the white house. as thousands across the country protest against trump for the fifth straight day, trump addressing his supporters who have harassed minorities in his first tv interview. post-election. i say stop it.
allen silly is a former communications director for ted cruz and hilary rosen is a cnn political commentator. brian stelter is the cnn senior media correspondent. welcome to all of you. good morning. so, brian, i want to start with you. and i want to get in to who steve bannon is, and why so many minority rights organizations have a problem with him. because he is a bomb thrower. provocateur. a man that is a symbol of the alt-right movement. and the alt-right movement means many things one of the things it means is a white identity politics. white nationalism. that s why we heard some people say this is white supremacy is a disguise. now steve bannon rejects that entirely. says he has nothing to do with that. he told me months ago this is all about populism sweeping the globe. but the bottom line, carol, is that reince priebus on the morning shows today said donald trump will be a president for all of americans. that s not who steve bannon is. that s not what breitbart is. breitbart is not a website for all americans. it s a website for the alt-right. so we re getting two messages,
for steve bannon and the campaign moving forward. i do think, being an outsider is one thing. promoting white nationalist policies is quite another. if you go to the breitbart headlines of the past, steve bannon was editor, right, of breitbart and i m just going to read one, he said head line there not too long ago dear straight people i m officially giving you permission to say gay f-a-g-g-o-t and we re. i mean look at these headlines in breitbart. hillary, is there a difference between an outsider and a white nationalist provocateur? like i think so many people there s a huge difference, and that i think hilary. there s a huge difference, and you know, as brian said this breitbart news has fomented division and anger, and fear in people, and you know, i hate to see, frankly, what power they could have when they have the full resources and secrets of
the federal government to attack people with. and the idea that steve bannon will be conspiring with, you know, right wing media, to send messages out, and kind of appalling to me. but this is really about two donald trumps. and donald trump not having an ideology. people are used to our president actually caring about something. and what we have here is, you know, steve bannon s appointment being focused on fomenting the kind of outsider, white nationalist movement and reince priebus making sure that, you know, the banks get their lobbying deals, and that climate change is repealed, and that, you know, essentially the government is handed back to big corporations, and fat cats. and so you have kind of the combination of these two things, and the little guy that donald trump says he got elected for, in my view, ends up getting screwed because those people are
not going to protect them. well, well here s the thing. i think that there is a line of thought that, that, you know, we ve become too politically correct in this country, minorities have too much power, it s time to right the ship, you need someone like steve bannon in there to do just that, right? and also, trump trump supporters saying when mr. trump says things he doesn t mean them literally, he just needs to sort of even things out. and one good example of that may be the wall. right? because on his website even this morning it still says he wants to build an impenetrable physical wall that mexico will pay for. but last night on 60 minutes he said something different. let s listen. could be it could be some fencing. what about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants? what we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, there are a lot of these people. probably 2 million, could even
be 3 million. we re getting them out of our country, or we re going to incarcerate. but, we re getting them out of our country. they re here illegally. okay, so, so, david, maybe donald trump means when he says he s going to build this impenetrable wall and have mexico pay for it he doesn t quite mean that literally. but he is going to get something done and won t that be enough for his supporters? well, i think that remains to be seen, carol. i mean, that is what we ve already looked at in the last couple of days with some of the statements that president-elect trump has made. he has, in that interview clip that you just played, he was backing off this idea that he s going to build this big physical structure of the wall across the entire border with no fencing, just a big, as he said, big, beautiful wall and make mexico pay for it. he sounded more measured on that. he has made signals in the last couple of days that he is rethinking some of the specifics on the affordable care act saying he wants to keep in place letting people keep their kids on their insurance plan until they re 26. making insurers cover people who
have pre-existing conditions. you know, if you re a fan of someone being moderate and judicious in the way they approach their job as president, i guess you could say those are good things. the difficulty is that one, those aren t the promises that he made on the campaign trail. and that number two is, is that if you re not supposed to take trump literally at his word on what he said on the campaign, how are you supposed to evaluate now what he says going forward when he s making some, what i would say are significant changes to his approach, at least rhetorically, in just the first few days of his transition? something he seems to be like toeing the line on very carefully is this idea of locking hillary clinton because those were campaign chants during the campaign lock her up. he said yesterday over the weekend that he was thinking about maybe firing the fbi director. he didn t really know. but as you know the president can appoint an fbi director. and then he said he wouldn t totally take off the table that notion that somehow hillary clinton will be prosecuted. let s listen.
you called her crooked hillary, said you wanted to get her to go to jail, your people in your audiences kept saying lock her up. yeah. she did some bad things. i know but a special prosecutor? i don t want to hurt them. i don t want to hurt them. they re good people. i don t want to hurt them. and i will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 minutes together. so, rebecca, thoughts? well, it does look like he is beginning to back away, carol, from his campaign promise to appoint a special prosecutor. his assessment apparently being that now that the campaign is over, it s less important to settle those scores with a former political rival. and if that is the case, and again his statement is really hard to dissect at this point, and really know what he truly means, or wants, but that should encourage a lot of people on the
democratic side, i would imagine, who were very, very worried when we were hearing these chants at his rallies. when he was talking about a special prosecutor, especially because this begins to sound like sort of a third world country sort of thing that you are threatening to jail your former political opponents once you win. so i think this should be encouraging for a lot of people. and certainly it s going to be very difficult for donald trump to unite the country, as he says he wants to, if he s actively pursuing a case against hillary clinton, his former political rival. all right. i have to leave it there. thanks to all of you. still to come in the newsroom it s not just protests. a new report shows hateful harassment is up post-election. and will having a man with white nationalist ties so close to the oval office just fan the flames more?
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it has been six days since america elected a new president and we re still a nation divided. protests planned again today in tucson and in los angeles. the lapd already dealing with several days of protests. 8,000 people marched through downtown saturday. across the country also large protests in places like new york, portland and philadelphia. this election has set us back, and has definitely shown in the world that we are not as advanced as we think we are. i have been aghast at the the behavior of donald trump. i think his racist and xenophobic rhetoric has been very disruptive. i am a single father. i pay my taxes. i m scared. i really am scared. of being deported to a country that i am not familiar with. the protesters, because of
incidents like this, graffiti reading trump nation, whites only, that was discovered on sunday morning, sprayed on a wall at an episcopal church in a heavily latino neighborhood just outside of washington, d.c. the southern poverty law center says this is not an isolated incident. it has counted more than 300 cases of election related harassment and intimidation across the country. so let s talk about that. cnn s correspondent rachel crane has been looking into it. good morning. good morning, carol. one of the most disturbing things about these incidents is that the southern poverty law center is saying that the most commonly reported location of these incidents of hate crime, of these incidents of the you know racist graffiti are happening in schools. children k. through 12 engaging in this type of horrific behavior. they say that more than 40 incidents have been reported at schools. now, in michigan, at a middle school, we saw in a cafeteria children chanting build the wall, build the wall. there s a video of that.
it s been viewed millions of times on social media. incredibly disturbing. to see them engaging in that type of behavior. also in minnesota at a high school we saw racist graffiti, pro-trump graffiti in a bathroom reading white america, also reading go back to africa. trump let s make america great again. also, in a high school in california, we saw a student giving out fake deportation letters to minority students. you know, this isn t just happening in high schools and middle schools, also in colleges. we saw a student at san diego state university being accosted by two people, she was wearing a hij hijab, they were spewing racial slurs, they skoel her purse, skoel her keys, stole her car. we re also seeing graffiti not just in schools but across the country in philadelphia, because in north carolina graffiti reading black lives don t matter. your vote doesn t matter. carol, just incredibly
disturbing. there are some would say because you mentioned a number, 40 high schools and middle schools across the country. we live in a country of 330 million people, right? so some people might say, you know, so a tiny fraction, you know, a tiny number of idiots across the country are doing these things. but it s not a widespread problem. so how would you characterize it. well, you know, the southern poverty law center coming out and saying just this morning on cnn, there have been more than 300 incidents of this since donald trump was elected president. and they re calling on donald trump to take more responsibility for these instances. you know, just last night on 60 minutes donald trump did acknowledge that a handful of these incidences were occurring calling on the people committing these crimes to stop it. but, you know, the president of the southern poverty law center saying that there are actually hundreds of these crimes happening not just a handful. thanks so much. so here we are. there is real fear, i hear it in
new york, they re surprised at this, i hear it from my family in ohio. so how do we as a nation process this? here s dave chappelle on snl. a few weeks ago i went to the white house for a party. it was the first time i had been there many years, and and it was very exciting. and b.e.t. had sponsored the party. so everyone there was black. and, it was beautiful. i walked through the gates. you know, i m from washington, so i saw the bus stop, the the corner where the bus stop used to be where i used to catch the bus to school and dream about nights like tonight. it was a really, really beautiful tonight. and at the end of the night everyone went into the west wing of the white house, and it was a huge party. and everybody in there was black except bradley cooper for some reason. and on the because were pictures of all the presidents of the past.
now i m not sure if this is true but to my knowledge the first black person that was officially invited to the white house was fredrierick douglass, they stopd him at the gates. abraham lincoln himself had to walk out and escort frederick douglass at the white house. it didn t happen again as far as i know until roosevelt was president. roosevelt was president, he had a black guy over and got so much flak from the media that he literally said i will never have a nigger in this house again. i thought about that, and i looked at that and i saw all those black faces around it, and i saw and i saw how happy everybody was. these people who had been historically disenfranchised. and it made me feel hopeful. and it made me feel proud to be an american. and it made me very happy about the prospects. so in that spirit, i m wishing
donald trump luck, and i m going to give him a chance, and we, the historically disenfranchised demand that he give us one, too. thank you very much. all right so that s one point of view. but this is why many minority groups worry. donald trump appointed that man name steve bannon. a man white nationalists embrace and for good reason. bannon s breitbart launched headlines like these. bill kristol a renegade jew. why islam is the single greatest threat to civilization. the ten things milo hates about islam. and six reasons pamela gellar s muhammad cartoon contest is no different from selma let s talk about the divide in our country with the executive director of c.a.r.e., welcome, sir.
can you say hello to me again? because i didn t hear you. sure, yeah. oh, good. i was worried there was something wrong with your audio. i m glad there isn t anything. there are there are many people in this country that say the left wing is just in a state of hysteria right now and they should give this man a chance, so why aren t they? well, it would have legitimate concerns, and when you when you see that the president-elect appoints someone who holds anti-semitic, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant theories, you wonder, are we going to move this country forward? are we going to heal this country in the next few years? and i think the message that we see by appointing an all-right wing theorist we see it the very
own message that our nation needs now. our nation is divided. our nation has been wounded. with what we have seen in the past few months and if we would like to move forward we have to appoint chief strategists who believe in the plurality, diversity and core principles of let me let me let me put it this way. steve bannon has long been a part of donald trump s campaign. so, people went out and voted. and that includes 29% of hispanics, for donald trump, and 8% of african-americans for donald trump. those are larger percentages than voted for mitt romney. so he does have some support in the minority community. yeah, true. and even a small number among american muslims voted for him. we re not talking about now donald trump himself. we re talking about appointing people who do not believe in the plurality and diversity and the core principles of this country.
and we hold the president in the highest standard in defending the rights of all americans and those who arrive in the united states. by appointing steve bannon, president-elect trump is continuing to advance division and, unfortunately, dispute within americans but what, what, what is your fear about steve bannon? what, what policies might he push forward that concern you? conspiracy theories against muslims, jews, people of color, anti-women sentiment, so, you know, i can t imagine how the president of the united states will bring a bigot, and oppose that will divide america further to be a chief strategist for him in the white house. one of the most important positions in the white house, in the people s house, should have people who believe in the plurality and diversity of this
country to unite americans and to heed the warnings that we have seen over so how will how will your organization help heal the wounds? what will your organization do going forward, now that you know that steve bannon is trump s chief strategic guy? by speaking truth to power. by speaking to the president. by advising him. by telling him that the appointment of a bigot in the white house does not serve america, does not unite america, it will further deepen our wounds. and president-elect trump has said on 60 minutes that he would like to bring americans together by appointing steve bannon, that is not the way to do you still have hope that mr. trump is serious when he says he wants to unite america? well i are you going to give him a chance? america needs to be united. and the president-elect now in a position to make serious and important, you know, statements
by bringing people who are and we believe he has the wrong people to advise him es special ply in this key position. mr. bannon has bigoted views a will bring bigoted policies and that will not help advancing unity among americans, and making this country move forward. all right i have to leave it there. mr. awad thank you so much for joining me this morning. still to come in the newsroom, so much for repealing and replacing obamacare. now donald trump says he doesn t want to next all of obamacare. so does he mean kind of a version of trump care? we ll talk about that next. but first the opening bell moments away, is the market ready to hit another record? alison kosik is with me. good morning. the trump rally ready to roll into a second week. we are seeing the dow open at a fresh record high. that s after a string of big gains boosted by donald trump s win. look at the dow, up more than 5%
over that span of time. that s about 1,000 points. also predictions of a big drop of that, never materialized.ll - so you re seeing investors focus now on pro-business, pro-growth policies like tax cuts, and deregulations. so as we get into the trading day we see the s&p 500 about 1% away from a record of its own. investors are dumping gold, they re dumping bonds, they re buying into the market, and because of this market reaction, along with a stronger economic growth we ve seen lately, carol, we can expect to see the fed, everybody see the fed raise rates next month. all right. i know you ll keep an eye on it for us. thanks so much. i ll be right back. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e trade, where true traders trade
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and good morning i m carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. repeal and replace obamacare on day one. that was donald trump during the presidential campaign. but now that he s headed to the white house trump may be preparing for either obamacare-light or trump care. when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with reconditions still cover yes. because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. you re going to keep that? also with the children living for their parents for an extended period. you re going to keep that? adds cost but it s very much something we re going to try and keep. and there s going to be a period, if you repeal it, and before you replace it, when millions of people could lose we won t do it simultaneously. it will be just fine. with me now the man known as the architect of obamacare, jonathan gruber. welcome, sir. good to be here. nice to have you here.
so, so what does it sound like trump is trying to do? is he trying to is he is he is he going for like an obamacare-light program? it sounds to me like trump is trying to say he s going to protect some of the parts of obamacare that are most popular without actually laying out a plan for doing so. so for example, one of the fundamental gains of obamacare is ending discrimination in insurance markets. no longer allowing insurers to deny insurance coverage to people just because they re sick or charge them higher prices. he hasn t mentioned that. pre-existing conditions exclusions, that s nice. but that doesn t solve the problem. so my wife, for example, a breast cancer survivor. what trump laid out if she went to the insurer, the insurer could say yeah if we offered you health insurance we d make sure to cover your breast cancer but guess what we re not going to offer you health insurance because you re sick? trump has to address that problem. so, so, so he keeps like i guess this still would have to go through congress, right? so let s say he keeps the parts
of the law that, that people really like. what would that do to all of our premiums? if, if, if he could keep all of the elements that, that you say that the point is about obamacare it s complicated for a reason. the part people like is ending insurance discrimination. not allowing insurers to deny my wife coverage because she s a breast cancer survivor. however you can t have that unless you also make sure that people can afford insurance so that the healthy buy it and you get healthy people into the risk group. to just say we re going to keep the parts people like and get rid of the parts people don t, we ve tried that. seven states tried that in the 1990s. they tried to tell insurers you can t discriminate against the sick. in every single case it destroyed the insurance market, premiums went through the roof and the insurance market shrunk to a fraction of its previous size. you can t have it both ways. if you want to tell insurers they can t discriminate you need an individual mandate and
subsidies to make sure healthy people come into the pool. why couldn t the government put price controls on insurance companies? the government could try to put price controls on insurance companies but then insurance companies could a, exit the market. and say i m just not going to offer insurance in this market. there s nothing the government can do about that. or b deny sick people coverage or say at that price i m not going to offer coverage to sick people. the point is the government cannot force go ahead. it s okay. the bottom line is, you can t have it both ways. if you want insurance companies to cover everyone fairly, you have to bring healthy people into the pool. and the only way to do that is with a combination of tariffs, which is tax credits to make health insurance affordable, and a stick which is a mandate to bring the healthy people in to buy insurance. i have heard i ve heard a lot of people say, you know what, there s 22 million people in obamacare right now, a large majority of them are are poor people who can t afford insurance but if they re tikd off with obamacare they ll just
go to medicaid. is it as simple as that? no it s not. the 22 million people who are on obamacare right now are on parts of medicaid that didn t exist before. so for example, before on medicaid, if you were, say, 25-year-old, or say a 30-year-old single woman with no children, and an income of $5,000 a year, you had no access to health insurance. that simply didn t exist. obamacare expanding medicaid said we re going to guarantee our poorest citizens, very poorest citizens a right to health insurance coverage. in those states that choose to expand medicaid. if you take that away then a woman like that simply has no coverage options. okay. jonathan gruber, thanks for stopping by. we ll all see what happens together. thank you so much. still to come in the newsroom, people in aleppo, syria, flee now or face heavy bombing within 24 hours.
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imagine getting a text that your city is going to be bomd and you better get out when you can. people in aleppo, syria, are not imagining that. they re living it. that s the text they got and syrian rebels in the city are being told to lay down their weapons or die. cnn is following that from amen, jordan for us. good morning. good morning, carol. according to residents of eastern aleppo that we ve spoken to, they say early on sunday they received these various text messages that they believe are from the syrian regime, really with a warning, addressed to the rebels in eastern aleppo, but also to the residents, a warning, an ultimatum, giving people 24 hours, telling the rebels to lay down their weapons, or even leave the city, and they re really warning of a military assault that they say is going to be launched on eastern aleppo. the people that we ve spoken to, carol, say this is something
they ve seen in the past, these sorts of messages, they ve received them in the past on leaflets that have been dropped on their neighborhoods or broadcast through state media. they feel this is part of the psychological warfare and intimidation tactics to spread fear amongst the population in eastern aleppo. but, at the same time, there is this real sense of apprehension amongst the people in eastern aleppo, those that we have spoken to are absolutely terrified, carol, of what they feel might be an all-out military assault by the syrian regime, and their russian allies that could start any minute now. all right. jomana reporting live for us from jordan. thanks so much. still to come in the newsroom more americans picked clinton but trump won the white house. now some, well, some mostly on the left are saying it is time to change the electoral system.
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college over the years, including by the way, newt gingrich. now, look, is this going to have any practical effect? well, in one sense, no. hillary clinton in the end will win the popular vote probably by a record in american history. right now she s up as you mentioned 700,000 or so. the estimates are that she will end up winning by one and a half to two million votes. that s a lot of votes. you may remember al gore won the popular vote but he won it by 540,000. much, much fewer than hillary clinton. so you know, it has practical effects on a president because it gives his critics a useful retort to any proposal he makes. well, you weren t elected by the people. you were elected by this antiquated invention of the founders that fit the 1790s but doesn t fit the 21st century. although his new chief of
staff, reince priebus, put it another way this morning. let s listen. he played the exact strategy that a smart person would play in the 12 states that mattered and he won significantly. so i get the obsession over the popular vote but that s really not what this election was all about. okay. this was not what this election was all about. he said if donald trump had gone to california, he probably would have won california but he didn t choose to go there. there s absolutely zero chance that he would have even come close in california. newt gingrich made the same argument yesterday that if the popular vote mattered, donald trump would have campaigned in california and won at least two million more votes which is of course, absurd on its face. but you also have to ask what would hillary clinton have done. well, her campaign which was well organized and had tons of money would have organized the blue parts of red states. they didn t bother to organize
the college towns and big cities in red states because they knew it was hopeless. they weren t going to win the electoral vote. but if they had done so, she would have picked up millions of additional votes. so this is an argument that is a non-starter. so how likely is it that anything will change when it comes to the electoral college? carol, you know the gallop poll for many users, even decades, has shown that a very large majority of americans wants to abolish this crazy institution, the electoral college. we are the only democracy in the world that doesn t count the popular vote. you can win the popular vote, you can lose the presidency. it s already happened five times in american history. it s going to be happening more frequently as long as we have close elections and the democrats will be disproportionately disadvantaged by this. so all i can tell you is if the
people have their way, it would be abolished, because we are incapable of reforming our system and i say that sadly. the electoral college will be abolished on the 12th of never. just quickly, remind us why there s an electoral college anyway. well, there s an electoral college for a number of reasons. certainly one reason was it was a request slash demand of mal r smaller states particularly those that were slave states, mainly because the founders did not trust the people. we had no popular election in the beginning. we went through five presidential elections before we got to or five presidents before we got to a popular vote in the 1820s and even then it was extremely limited to a relative handful of white men, mainly propertied men. no women, no african-americans, so on. so it s been a long, hard
process to broaden the franchise and this is an important point to make. it still shows that the franchise is not universal because the people don t pick the president. have to leave it there. thanks for stopping by. the next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161118 00:00:00

guests coming in and out of trump tower. it is like a second white house right now. it really is. it is a manhattan white house in waiting you might say. and donald trump just wrapped up a very important meeting with the japanese prime minister shinzo abe. who just wrapped up his own comments on that meeting just a short while ago here in mid town manhattan. they had a lot to talk about from trade to national security issues in asia. but keep in mind as you also mentioned donald trump has had a number of very interesting at any time lysing encounters throughout the day today. encounters that suggest he knows he has fence mending to do. a signal is being sent that the president elect just might be ready to put the scorched earth campaign behind him and perhaps engage in some healing. in addition to his meetings with foreign policy heavy weights like henry kissinger donald trump has been sitting down with his rivals and critics from the primaries.
nikki haley, under consideration for secretary of state. former texas governor rick perry. and ted cruz a contender for attorney general. have. donald trump right now isn t looking to figure out who supported him. who didn t. if you are the best person for that job, then he wants you as part of his team. i taught my two little ones that you don t push people around. hayley fought hard against trump announcing he reluctantly supported him in the general election. the best person on the policies and dealing with things like obamacare still is donald trump. that doesn t mean it is an easy vote. reporter: trump was just as brutal. donald trump s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. trump once said of perry he should be forced to take an iq test before being allowed to enter the debate. vice president electromike pence
was on capitol hill meeting with the nancy pelosi after flektsing some of the gop s new muscle in this selfie. [ inaudible ] reporter: but pence and the transition are vowing to clean up washington with now restrictions on lobbyists joining the administration. governor chris christie folks was unwlooefl. reporter: part of the criticism with chris christie is he had too many lobbyists on board leading trump loyalists to question what happened to drain the swamp. trump himself seemed resigned to working with the lobbyist he blasted on the campaign trail. you don t like it but your own transition team filled with lobbyists. only people you have down there. reporter: on saturday donald trump will be meeting with the governor of massachusetts, former governor of massachusetts, mitt romney, at trump s golf course in bed minster new jersey. a location where trump held debate prep over the summer
before the debates with hillary clinton. and as for the coming weeks we should point out after thanksgiving, trump aides are telling reporters they are going to be planning a thank america tour. and trump will go out and thank americans for supports hill. i also suspect he ll be talk about bringing the country together. they are not calling it a victory tour but a thank america tour. and jeremy diamond has been covering trump from day one of the campaign. he s outfront tonight. exhausted man and it is just beginning jeremy. the meeting just ended. this crucial meeting between first world leader for the president elect. this was a big moment for trump. reporter: it seems like but hopefully you can still here. prime minister abe just spoke here at the intercontinental barclay in new york following his meeting with donald trump. this is the first meeting that donald trump has had in person with a foreign head of state. and of course this is
significant because donald trump is ramping up his preparations to actually take over the duties of president of the united states. just this week he had his first presidential daily briefing which he has begun to receive now preparing him for the challenges ahead as president. and of course while he met with prime minister abe he has been meeting speaking of the phone rather with about 32 foreign heads of state. prime minister abe declined to offer details on what exactly was discussed in this meeting. but what he did say was it was a, quote, very candid discussion. and e got the sense he ll be able to establish a relationship of trust with donald trump as president of the united states. saying that of course is the bedrock of any alliance between the two countries, a very important alliance and all on the heels of donald trump during his campaign frequently criticizing japan saying they need to take on a bigger share of the burden for their defense costs. so of course a very candid meeting saying that perhaps they
aired certain grievances or discussions. but of course donald trump s campaign has yet to comment exactly on what that meeting was about. but prime minister abe saying no details but certainly emerging with a good feeling of confidence and trust. thank you very much jeremy. and source close to the japanese prime minister telling me today that issue about how much they are going to pay is crucial. they feel like they already pay plenty. we ll see. this is of course the beginning of a crucial relationship. outfront now patrick healey from the new york times. jamie . let s start with mitt romney. and i m sorry my jaw is on the ground. but i m going to show everybody why in a moment. would he really want a job in this administration? he s called trump a phony, con man and more. when i got the call about this p news today i was shocked.
this may be crazy or it may be one of the smartest things you have ever seen if it will work. here is what i know. mitt romney has told friends for a long time that he would still like to go back into government and serve and there was one job he wanted. and that was secretary of state. so clearly he s having this meeting because he s at least willing to listen to what donald trump has to say despite all of those things that he said. and i ve been told by a source that the people on the transition say there is, from their perspective, a serious possibility that he would be offered state. but obviously the meeting hasn ten happened. and one person is going to decide. and that is of course donald trump. kayleigh not only did mitt romney say extremely negative things about donald trump. trump returned the favor. les anyone has forgotten.
let me play it. here is what i know. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. but here is a disloyal guy. he s an elitist. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. a stone cold loser. not just a loser. a stone cold loser: but romney went in detail. this went on and on. he county for donald trump because he supports . would trump actually pick mitt romney? i think donald trump is going to pick the best person for the job. and look, they exchanged some rather caustic barbs, there is no denying that. but it is very commendable that the president elect is bringing in people who are his adversaries. because what he realizes is at the end of the day it is not about who s personally offended by who said what. it is who is best for the american people. and donald trump wants the most qualified person, regardless of political bruises, he wants the best person for the job. and loyalty matters to him,
patrick. loyalty matters enormously and let s not get ahead of ourselves. donald trump has two goals. one is to the party was divided not so long ago. when you become president elect you can start uniting the party with the big people. people like nikki haley and mitt romney. people who did aoppose you. paul ryan. you can start bringing those people in. he wants everybody to at least be heading towards his side of the fence. so make peace. the thing is donald trump also is having people in to see who he hits it off with and who he doesn t. gut. a lot of thf is a gut reaction. but i remember talking to him at one point. during the campaign he liked the team of rivals idea that barack obama and hillary clinton had. you can find plenty of clips from 2008 where obama and clinton said lots of tough things. not quite as nasty you get that.
so i never thought i would agree with mitt romney about anything. but mitt romney was right. donald trump is a phony. he s a con man. he s a fraud. xenophobic, a racist and a bigot. and one reason the mormon church has rejected him. at one point somebody is going to be secretary of state. do you want it to be rudy giuliani or mitt romney who would you? what i want to say is i don t think we should normsz what s happening. which is that donald trump is not capable of the conducting foreign policy. he s not capable of about stringing together three or four sentences in thinking of an idea. to the point rudy giuliani is not qualified to be secretary at a time [chatter]. no no. i don t care who s secretary of state because actually the top the buck stop there is. and the problem is donald trump is not qualified to be president. he s not but he is president. okay? he is.
i m just saying in terms of the policy about thinking about someone been able to conduct foreign policy it is a scary thought for all of america. i really wish you would adhere to the words of the president obama. use this bigot and a racist and i m nopt going to normalize him. and my goal is to try to make donald trump a one-term president. and to delegitimatize him as every step. and mischaracterize him at every step too. barack obama said donald trump not an idea log, he s a pragmatist this past week. if donald trump can come to terms with a mitt romney who can bring in a very professional staff and they can make this work that is a pragmatic outcome. a major test. this meeting coming up. next the democrats new trump study guide. if you can t beat him, join him. and should muslim b s afraid of
immigrant registry. there is precedent with japanese entertainment camps and we ll take you to the small down where melania trump grew up. no matter how the markets change. at t. rowe price. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain. but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine.
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some democrats say that direction is actually moving towards the president elect donald trump. manu raju is outfront. the democratic party reeling after donald trump s stunning victory. some senators warning their party it is time to cut deals with trump how do you think voters will react if your party starts to fight donald trump tooth and nail over almost every issue here. i think that is a big mistake and i don t think that s what we should be doing. donald trump said things i wholeheartedly agree. with he also said things i i didn t agree with. reporter: joe mansion issued this stern repuke to his party s out going leader harry reid. to me as the senator, that was embarrassing. like saying you have no respect at all for the people and the vote. refer reid s criticism that
doing the same thing over and over again and keep getting the same results. so time to move on i think. reporter: now erin it will be very difficult to stop nancy pelosi from being reelected as house democratic leader. she has a significant amount of support because of the millions of dollars she has raised and the work she s done to elect democrats. but one thing she can t ignore is the considerable angst that exists within her caucus about how to deal with donald trump. thank you very much. my panel is back with me. jonathan you heard bernie sanders. democratic senator john tester, to fight trump tooth and nail would be a big mistake. is he right? i think separating two things reflecting what bernie said. if things like internment camps come un. dividing people. misogyny. rolling back rights. we ll fight him tooth and nail. on the other hand bernz bernie
sanders and his campaign argued for a big infrastructure campaign. what will be really interesting is what commonalities on maybe on trade. donald trump made a big teal about the zast over nafta, which i agreed with. the tpp is probably dead in the lame duck e session. but will it come up again. and on that if he opposes the t.p.p. and other bad trade agreements on the issue of racism. as harsh as mitt romney. but last night he said it is wrong for democrats to accuse trump supporters of being racist. okay? it is a powerful thing for him to say. here is what he said.
there are a lot of democrats o who think anyone who voted for trump is a racist. there are a lot of people out there who think it. joe biden is telling those people to wake un. i this was that so important what he did. and it speaks to this really you know, we look at the map. and not only are we seeing different you know, hillary won this and donald trump won that. but there is a lack of understanding about what was behind so much of that. and the racism, when you go back and you look at the numbers, some people have a very loud voice but they are very small number of people and i think, you know, biden saying that,
president obama saying that, is critical over and over again. that is not to dismiss that a lot of people still feel unsettled or scared. my kids are in college. they have friends who are dreamers. who are worried about, you know, their parents. so you have to balance these things. you have to acknowledge the fear and those experiences but you have to keep the racism realistic. there is a powerful statement and reminded me just how quickly hillary clinton walked back that half of term supporters were deplorable. she knew almost instantly she stepped in it. but she still stepped it. and the reality is her campaign, they made a choice for wide swaths of americans in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin. they weren t going to talk to those people. and whether it was because they thought their intentions, we don t know you know, the people who aren t with us. and i think what joe biden was
trying to do was to say if the democratic party is going to be a big tent party we can t just be generalizing about americans. what they can do is hold democrats need to look to the republican party as the case study for what s happening in their own. we ve been talk about the republican party that s split in half. doesn t know kwla s going to happen. now all of a sudden they have to figure that out. and bernie sanders lays out a democratic party in complete chaos my party, that is to say that the voters saying their leaders don t represent them adequately was happening all along in the democratic party and why we almost saw bernie sanders win the nomination and the dnc was stacked against him. more salt in the wounds and the democratic party has on its hands like the republican party had. an outsider coming in to take over the party. crump, i believe is a bigot
and racist. i think the way he promoted birtherism and attacked mexicans and all that is my second point. no. and i agree the vice president. many of those voters rejected the democratic party partly on economics. the reason i did not support hillary clinton. i thought bernie sanders would have a much better messenger and he would have won that campaign and defeated donald trump. some of donald trump s supporters were saying, going beyond what donald trump had said in terms of racist sex no question. painting, you know, the president elect s entire voter base with one broad brush is terrible politics. the thing for democrats to figure out right now. hillary clinton was a unique candidate. she appealed to the donor class and the multi millionaire class and also trying to appeal [chatter]. african american, women. but here is the thing. what joe biden is talk about and maybe bernie could have won
them. maybe joe biden could have won them. is a large pool of white middle class and working class american whose, you know who she didn t she could never figure way to broaden that message that did appeal to some african americans. you know, people didn t turn out and we saw that with women as well. all right. thanks to all and next a key trump supporter says world war ii internment camps so you would serve as the precedent for registry of immigrant. and florida governor rick scott met with donald trump and walked across town and he s outfront coming up. her words. and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. (vo) when it s time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom s changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we d keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide.
the muslim registry and a system to screen immigrants from high-risk countries related to terrorism. the man who says he s working on the trump s immigration plant chris kovak tells us yes there is a difference because it is based on the gee graphic location, not religion. but it is clear majority of the people in this database was muslim because it sijed out people from majority muslim country, was the exception of the north korea. those people were intensely scrutinized at the port of entry and tracked closely once they were in the u.s. such as having to check in with federal authorities about once a year on their whereabouts. kind of like entry on parole. kovak tells us the model the trump team is exploring is similar. he would not say which countries they believe fall into the high risk category but believe there were some majority muslim countries not on the list. the trump campaign released this statement in response. saying president elect trump has
not advocated for any registry or system that tracks individuals based on their religion. and to imply otherwise is completely false. but as we know erin, candidate trump did indeed advocate for a muslim registry saying that would be something he would implement. the statement saying president elect trump has not advocated for that. so there was a system as you mentioned after 9/11, that went all the way through part of president obama s tenure. and was then removed. and you are saying what they are looking at is something similar to that. was that system effective? well it depends on who you talk to. i spoke to one official a day who says the reality was it never proved to be useful. on the other hand those who supported it say a system like that could have potentially stopped the 9/11 hijackers because they would have been more closely tracked inside the u.s. the system was ended in 2011 because of complaints it led to racial profiling. as it stands now. people from high-risk countries
it would be just good management. what you have to do is good management procedures. and we can do that. [ inaudible ]. different places. he certainly suggested a muslim database. and he classified his comments down the lined and the fact of the matter is the mainstream media is hissing here is donald trump is looking for the most appropriate and most effective way to keep americans safe and i don t think that is being echoed by the mainstream media pushing on him to say oh you are this. you are that. he s trying to keep america safe. that s you do. that s me. that s kids everywhere. it is not necessarily effective that is the problem. not only does this run counter to our values but there is really not much values that such muslim registry or a specific muslim like country register would effectively prevent terrorism. president obama disbanded this
program. we haven t had any major terrorist attacks. and this becomes a recruiting tool for isis. it is almost like encouraging racial profiling of muslim people, which it effect is doing and that actually helps to encourage terrorist whose want to attack us who look at us as an enemy of the muslim world. how would you propose some tracking for people coming to this country who are coming from countries or areas of questionable you know, obviously conflict. how would you propose doing that? if we don t have a tracking system for the people coming in. he s not advocating to talk about people here in america under constitutional protection. those are the people who when you look at orlando, people who actually carried out some of these recent attacks. if you just look on a raw basis people who are american citizens who are home grown terrorists who are committing acts of terrorism and we don t necessarily isolate people and identify them based on lineal. there is no way to guarantee
ethnicity or nationality or religion . to do so is a damaging step for america to take. and it damage ours credibility around the world. would you include 80-year-old christian women in the potential terrorist ring. we have to be somewhat intelligence and narrow it down. there are 1.6 million i presume he s talk about the indonesia. which has had its own issue but that would give them cover to say oh it s not just muslim majority issue. one of the issues ear is whether it s slippery slope. you start with a list and a list can be used for other things. to fox and the new york times you said the japanese internment camps could provide precedents for supporting registries. their existence could provide precedent for a registry of people. did you see the tape though? yes. we all saw it.
and i read disturb. at no point base i ever even mention it. i was actually talk about the immigration reform under carter when he did the iran thing and also under world war ii. megan brought it up and i was shocked. she brought it up and you did say to the new york times that it would be a precedent for a register. exactly. here is thing. i don t actually advocate for any of this. i didn t bring it up. i was shocked when megan brought it up. i clarified today this is something that is a huge black mark on our society and we would never want to do it again. but you have to say that supreme court decision upholding with never overturned. should we overturn it? we should take a look another it. you are saying we don t support it but we should you re backtracking and now you don t want to be seen as that person saying those things. but the reality is it is out there and that decision that you talked about. that decision in 1944, even
justice antonin scalia said it is one of the worst decisions ever made by the united states supreme court. we don t want to go back to that precedent. just because there is an example in history means that we have to go that direction. this is an example of the black people being enslaved. we don t have go back to that either. donald trump was asked about internments and asked to disavow them. to time magazine he said i would have to be there at the time to give you a proper answer. i certainly hate the con but i would have had to be there at the time to give you a direct answer. and . what i m doing is no different than what f.d.r. f.d.r. s solution for german s italian, japanese many years ago. so you are for internment camps? you are praising f.d.r. you are praising the set up of internment camps for
no i m not. what he was doing with germans and japaneses and italians was a he had do it. look we are at war radical islam. you certainly aren t imposing internment camps. no not all. he keeps upbringing f.d.r. is this not a slippery slope right in that direction. every time someone said internment camps he said that no no. but he needs to stake a look at it. we band immigration. we scrutinized it. and registered people coming in from certain places. it is all in the best interest to protect america. and just like the media that went in frenzy today over that. doesn t understand. do you want to be safe or not. he s not trying to hurt anybody. he s just trying to keep americans safe. blab rb barack obama did this. even know [chatter]. and we should continue to have heightened vetting for people coming into the country but the reality is the president has determined the national
security apparatus has determined this is not an effective strategy in terms of fighting terrorism. and when donald trump talks about any type of registry, regardless whether it is religious specific he has a history of saying offensive words about muslims so doz going to be interpreted as ab attack on the muslim community and that is not good for america. that will encourage terrorism and that is not a healthy solution. he s not anti-muslim. tell that to the muslim people. he s in fear of the radical faction of the muslim community that s done harm to the americans and the people abroad. my next was just there with donald trump. rick scott of florida. he s outfront next and the deep-seated fears some have of president elect trump. this country is my home. i feel like it is not. i feel like i m not welcome here anymore. the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup
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and cabinet picks. among those nikki haley and the jeb hence egg ling and the florida governor rick scott and jeff sessions. governor scott is outfront. thanks, nice to see you in person. nice to see you. i know, it is something that you were an early believer. back in january you actually prized donald trump for capturing the frustration of many americans. he s your friend. you saw him today. has it sunk in for you yet that this happened? you know, it is pretty exciting now that i have somebody i can call. i know mike pence. i can call mike. reince priebus is totally different the last six years. i ve been governor almost six years. so it is pretty exciting. i m very optimistic that we re going to see big change. i ran my race in 22 was similar to donalds. i was a businessman and outsider and people elected me because
they wanted change in our state. i think that is why donald got elected. they want change nationally. somebody is going to help with jobs. a problem with epa or transportation, i can call somebody and get a solution. are you concerned at all that he s saying things like i m going to keep parts of obamacare. he s going back, at least he seems so far son only core campaign promises. are those promises you want do see him go back on? those are things that are not the core part of obamacare. those are things at the end to get votes. the expensive parts of the obamacare. the real expensive parts, exchange. but look the preexisting condition. everybody understands that. allowing people to stay on their parent s policy, that makes some sense. but the cost is exchange, the mandates, the taxes. that is the real thing that has to be changed. we ve got to reduce cost. that is a problem with healthcare. it is all cost. i was in the healthcare business and it a costs too much. the way you do that is you get
competition. buy the insurance they want. across state lines, things like that. you would support that. when you were with president elect donald trump today you tweeted out a couple of pictures. one was a selfie. what was it like inside the meeting? how much time did you get? is it one person? ? i know it is a big office. windows on both sides. is it just you and him? and then how long? i met with president elect trump and reince priebus and i was probably there for 40, 45 minutes. i ve been there in the past. his office is not as big as you think. but what s exciting today is he s focused on rebuilding obamacare. he s focused on finding really good people to be in his cabinet. and is he open to picking people who have aid horrible things about him. i m not sure. but here is what you think about. americans voted for change. this is going to be this is
the trump administration. they are going to get change. i think whoever he picks is going to be what he believes in. and so i think he s going to go out and try to find the best person/people. that s what he did in business. that was his success in business. e found good people. he ll do the same with this. and you obviously know a lot about healthcare. it is where you came from. you were mentioned as a possible cabinet hick there for hhs. is that even on the table for you? or are you now getting ready to go for the senate. i ve been clear. i ve got 781 days to go as governor. i want to finish my job as governor. it is what i ran on. a lot of opportunities to continue to improve the states. we ve added a million jobs. way to want keep this going. and improve education and keep people safe. i want to finish this job. i want to help him. i ll do anything i can to help but i want to finish the job.
other than taking a cabinet position. not taking a the cabinet position. and next, melania trump in the town she grew up. we re going to take you there. and voters who are taking the election results deeply personally. it is hard as it is to have these krconversations now, it i important to i m sorry. hey, jesse. who are you? i m vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. vern from voya? yep, vern from voya. why are you orange? that s a little weird. really? that s the weird part in this scenario? look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. see? ah, ok. so, why are you orange? funny.
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the holidays, so come try one before it ends. breaking news. anti-trump protests for a ninth day. president obama rejecting calls to reign them in. i would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of campaign, i wouldn t advise them to be silent. clinton s loss has been hard for her supporters. especially some of the women. kyung lah is outfront. you ready to get moving? nothing in her liberal community in los angeles has changed since the week of the presidential election. yet everything has. as comforting as as our bubble is that we live in, it is hard as it is to have these
conversations now, it is important to i m sorry. it is important start listening. why is this so personal for you? children matter to me. and our minorities matter to me. because they are my friends and my community. and i want to make sure this they are okay and they don t feel okay. they feel really scared. if 2016 was identity politics, women across social media feel theirs is under attack in clinton s loss. video messages from miley cyrus. please, please just treat people in love and treat people with compassion and treat people with respect. to ordinary voters. this country is my home. i feel like it is not. i feel like i m not welcome here anymore. reporter: emotion is spilled onto the streets of los angeles. mothers carrying signs and children. students walking out of
classrooms at ucla. these students supported hillary clinton. reporter: when you say you have fear in you, what do you mean? well i m a woman, i m black, i m muslim. and those three factors basically being a black muslim women in america today is very scary and trump being elected just further build on to my fears. i how can i go forward knowing that people are okay with someone coming out and bragging about sexual assault and still voting for that person? i ve had to wake up to the reality that a lot of america is not like what los angeles is like. reporter: more than week on, west coast women are still learni learning about their new national reality. it just doesn t look like any reality they believed they were living. there is this underlying fear in everything. and it is really unsettling. it is really unsettling feeling.
reporter: that feeling is being driven by anxiety of the unknown. they see what trump is doing, that it appears that he s walking back on some of his most extreme policies but then these women say he appoints steve bannon which signals that president elect trump will probably be candidate trump in their perspective. and erin we also asked do you want to know the other 50%, do you want to reach out to them, understand them? the mother in that piece said yes, she has to so she can bring them under the tent. but the college students said they are not quite so sure. perhaps something that comes with age. thank you very much. and outfront next. from small town schoolgirl to the white house. we ll go to slovenia to trace melania trump s hometown roots
melania trump, neighbor, childhood friends in the late 1970s, exchanged notes. melania is now principal of the elementary school. he remembers melania as mature, well spoken. a peacemaker between mature fighting children. and someone from an early age who dreamed of leaving slovenia to pursue a career as fashion designer. professional photographer saw melania had potential in front of the camera. he approached her on streets of the capital in 1987 and asked her to model for him. he says she was a natural. the first time and the second time. reporter: peter hung out with melania as their modelling
career was taking off. they cruised the area on his blue transport. still original color. also original leather seat. yes and she was here. reporter: melania hasn t lived there since she left elementary school. but the morning after trump s victory the american flag flew here next to the slovanian and european flag. the town beaming with pride but also well aware of the campaign including what donald trump calls locker room talk and allegations of the sexual assault which he denied. for every woman are not some easy words to hear from her husband. reporter: she and melania went to high school together. that is melania on the right. what do you think of the man she chose to be her husband. it is her choice.

Saturday-donald-trump , Meeting , Shinzo-abe , White-house , Japanese , Guests , Trump-tower , Lot , Comments , Mind , Town-manhattan , Trade-to-national-security-issues-in-asia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20161215 09:00:00

tonight, and he is coming off a summit with some of the people who were his strongest detractors during the campaign. senior national correspondent john roberts is outside trump tower again tonight. good evening, john. bret, good evening to you. it was the highest profile summit yet at trump tower, which is directly behind this bus behind me, and also the highest dollars. donald trump played host to high-tech billionaires, most of whom actively campaigned against him in the election. well, i just want to thank everybody. reporter: it was a crowd that just weeks ago had been openly hostile to donald trump. amazon founder jeff bezos who during the campaign claimed trump was eroding the democratic process. apple ceo tim cook who raised millions for hillary clinton. facebook coo sheryl sandberg also backed hillary clinton, as did tesla and spacex founder, elon musk. today trump urged them all to put political differences aside and focus on growing the economy, point out tech stocks have been doing pretty well
to say no. also in the running is south dakota republican congresswoman christey noe. while she said she d prefer to stay in congress, she might have a kdifficult time declining. trump has promised to revamp the structure and culture of the va. that will require a unique candidate. despite the delay, trump remains well ahead of most of his recent predecessors in naming his cabinet. on the latest stop in his thank you tour in wisconsin last night, donald trump publicly buried the hatchet with house speaker paul ryan. the two finally appearing on stage together. and when trump supporters booed ryan. the president-elect leapt to his defense, albeit with a caveat. you know, honestly, he s like a fine wine. every day goes by, i get to appreciate his genius more and more. now, if he ever goes against me, i m not going to say that, okay.
all have ties to oil producing states. scott pruitt has even questioned climate change itself. i think the president s view is that policy making should be guided by science and that the policy makers should be listening to scientists, both inside the government and outside the government. reporter: adding to the white house s concerns, reports pie the president-elect s team for the names of the energy department staff and contractors who worked on the obama administration s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, a survey since disavowed by the trump transition team. there should be real apprehension across the country that clean energy revolution, our efficiency revolution, our fight for clean airan water are going to be under assault from the minute he takes the oath of office. reporter: by the way, bret, the person that sent out that survey has since been properly counselled. it s also important to point out that they re expected to take a very fresh look at a number of obama administration policies as far as the energy environment is
federal funds rate is appropriate in light of the solid progress we have seen toward our goals of maximum employment and 2% inflation. we continue to expect that the evolution of the economy will warrant only gradual increases in the federal funds rate over time. stocks declined on the news that the fed may make three more rate hikes next year. the dow dropped 119, the s&p 500 was off 18, the nasdaq fell 27. now joining us from our sister network, fox business network s melissa francis. so why did the rate hike or the talk of more rate hikes spook the market today? yeah, it was really about that idea of janet yellen saying that we might be raising rates three more times in the year. investors had expected the federal reserve to say that maybe it would be two more times, but, you know, i would caution investors out there, they promised a number of rate hikes within a year in the past and they haven t followed
deposit or spend currency that is about to become worthless. embattled president nicholas maduro said he was taking the most commonly used bill out of circulation. venezuela is in a long economic crisis. we ve reported on it before. struggling with the world s highest inflation. people have been lining up outside banks since tuesday morning. we ll continue to follow the situation there. there is considerable confusion tonight about whether the on again, off again truce in aleppo, syria, is on again. late this afternoon syrian rebels said it was, but cease-fires like this have come and gone before without much success. tonight correspondent rich edison is at the white house looking at where we are right now in the war in syria. a warning here, though, some of the images in this report may be disturbing. reporter: this is what cease-fire agreements look like this aleppo, syria.
translator: look how they killed my child. why, my brother, why. reporter: these buses were to evacuate civilians and rebels. instead they re empty. they had agreed to allow them to evacuate aleppo, returning control of the city to ba shaush bashar al assad. syrian forces have returned bombing aleppo as they capture more of the city. symbolically it means a study they have struggled to besiege and encircle and take for years is finally theirs. reporter: the united nations says pro-government forces have killed dozens of civilians. there are dozens of suicides. in more than five years of fighting, hundreds of thousands of syrians are dead, killed as several nations, rebel groups and terrorist organizations converged on this country. in 2011, it began with hope. syria joined the arab spring. citizens mobilizing to overthrow
their oppressive governments. assad responded with a violent crackdown. the country fell into civil war with terrorist groups joining the fight to secure syrian territory of its own. that summer the obama administration declared assad must step aside. a year later, this threat. a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. reporter: another year later, assad s forces killed 1400 using sarin gas. obama decided to walk back from his threat and pursue diplomacy with assad s ally, russia. that diplomacy has turned to disgust. the idea that you would target a playground and bomb kids, hoping that you would then convince people to give up because you had killed their kids? what kind of a sick mind comes up with a strategy like that? and what kind of civilized country is going to support those tactics? but that s what russia has done. reporter: and now questions of whether the administration should have engaged further in
syria, beyond air strikes against isis. there has never been a recognition that civilian population protection is at the heart, at the heart of avoiding and fighting extremism. our failure to protect the syrian population is i think the biggest policy failure we did. reporter: syria will be a question for the trump administration, as it will now decide whether and how to engage russia and continued u.s. involvement in syria. rich, thank you. the marine corps is grounding its fleet of mv-22 osprey aircraft in japan following a crash off the coast of japan earlier this week. it happened while the tilt rotor plane was conducting a nighttime midair refueling operation. the five crew members aboard the plane were all rescued. it is the eighth crash incident involving marine aircraft this year. a new theory tonight on how russian hackers allegedly got into the hillary clinton campaign e-mail system.
the daily mail reports a typo in an e-mail from one of clinton s top aides may have been responsible for opening a digital door. meantime the house intelligence committee abruptly circled thursday s briefing on the alleged russian election hacks. fox news is told that the intel agencies, the cia, fbi, nsa, odni all refused to provide briefers, which is unusual given that this is the most senior committee with jurisdiction. the russian scandal has put the spotlight on our country s aging i.t. infrastructure and not just the equipment. you might be shocked to learn just how many of the men and women charged with keeping our government s computers safe and effective are among the country s oldest workers. peter doocy tells us more tonight. reporter: during the presidential campaign season, there was a lot of talk about who should have his or her finger on the button that controls the nation s nuclear arsenal. it turns out that nuclear arsenal is partly coordinated
using an 8-inch floppy disk. where do you buy a floppy disk? i can t imagine what the price is now. and so that s the big threat is this slow, grinding, lower quality, higher cost set of services. reporter: the cost of caring for such ancient equipment is now so high the feds don t have much money left over for anything else. among the biggest spenders on i.t., hhs at $13 billion a year, dhs at more than $6 billion a year and the va at nearly $4.5 billion a year. the federal government spends almost $90 billion a year on information technology and almost 80% of that is spent on operations and maintenance, servicing systems that may be over 50 years old. reporter: the workforce is aging too. there are more federal i.t. employees over 60 than there are under 30. at hud, 23% of i.t. workers are
over 60. at the national science foundation 18%, and at labor, 17%, which could become a problem whenever they decide to leave. there are a lot of folks that are retirement eligible that will be leaving in the near term. the real question is are we going to be able to attract the best talent to come in to fill those places and bluntly to do things differently than we ve been doing in the past. cost isn t the only concern as the government tries to get top talent to work for them. the nation s cyber infrastructure remains exposed to hackers. we need about 30,000 to thwart the worst kind of attack on this country. we ve only got about a thousand. reporter: experts are waiting to see how the next president addresses the aging i.t. infrastructure, but private sector companies don t have to wait for anything, like ibm action whose ceo says the company is trying to adjust to changes in tech by hiring thousands of what she calls new collar workers who don t necessarily even need college degrees.
peter, thank you. up next, why some people are worried a president donald trump has interesting communication plans. first, here s what some of our fox news affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox carolina in greenville as lawyers for the man accused of killing nine black parishioners at a south carolina church rest their case without calling any witnesses. earlier a judge ruled they could not present evidence about dylann roof s mental health. closing arguments are planned for tomorrow. fox 8 in high point, north carolina, with the firing of a wake forest university football announcer accused of giving sensitive information to the team s opponents. tommy el rod is a former player for the school and was also a coach for 11 seasons. he was not retained when the current coach took over. this is a live look from our affiliate in san francisco, fox 2. one of the big stories there tonight, uber puts some of their self-driving cars into service there. it s an expansion of the pilot
program that started in pittsburgh in september. an uber employee is still behind the wheel to take over in case there s a problem here. customers can opt out if they prefer a human driver. would you? that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. generosity is its own form of power.
i m in all the way. is that understood? i don t know what she s up to, but it s not good. can t the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don t start a war you know you re going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. tonight we continue our series on the first 100 days of the donald trump presidency. with one of his signature campaign rallying points. early and often the republican nominee took aim at president obama s legacy nuclear deal with iran. but trump also hinted he would not just tear up that deal, so now the question is what will the new president do about the nuclear deal and is there room for a detente with iran beyond
the deal? chief washington correspondent james rosen reports. reporter: born in iran, an accomplished lecturer and the author of three books in he sees some prospects under the next president for improved relations between washington and his ancestral persian homeland. if nothing else, mr. trump, he does represent american pragmatism. he will cut deals. he will sit down with friend and foe and try to come up with the best deals. reporter: in the years since the iranian regime the united states along with five other nations implemented a deal, including huge infusions of cash. at the same time iran s military has harassed the u.s. military.
ramped up ballistic missile testing, intervened to prop up the assad regime in syria, continued funding hamas and hezbollah and reaffirmed undying hostility to the nation it calls the great satan. most analysts believe in his first 100 days in office the next president will make swift demonstration to his changing the relationship. the nuclear chord at the heart, never having been ratified by congress, is at once the easiest thing to change and the most far reaching. as a candidate, donald trump criticized it bitterly. this is one of the worst deals ever made by any country in history. the deal with iran will lead to nuclear problems. all they have to do is sit back ten years and they don t have to do much and they re going to get nuclear. reporter: but he has also signalled he doesn t intend to walk away from the deal. to ri deal. i ve taken over some bad contracts. i would police that contract so
tough that they don t have a chance, as bad as the contract is, i will be so tough on that contract. reporter: the secretary of state who negotiated the iran deal hinting ehintinged to repo brussels that president obama in attempting to persuade his successor not to scrap the deal thought there was some headway. there were aspects of it that were constructive and positive and worthwhile and maybe should be held onto. reporter: iranes president has warned tehran will not allow mr. trump to weaken or abandon the deal. the state department acknowledged iran has no such power. they cannot prevent any party from walking away. the counter argument is why would anyone walk away because it s effective. reporter: outside of the nuclear deal, it is the raging civil war and humanitarian catastrophe in syria that may offer the new president
coordination with iran. the president-elect has vowed to work with the kremlin to resolve that conflict. alan parsa for one says mr. trump may recognize a bit of himself in his adversaries in iran. iranians have shown themselves to be rather pragmatic in many, many areaare and as mr. trump has said they re good deal makers too. reporter: even if he intends to quiet things down between the u.s. and iran, mr. trump will soon find his hand forced by events. members of congress have proposed close to three dozen sanctions bills and the new president will have to issue new waivers for the nuclear deal to continue, if of course mr. trump is of a mind to keep it. james, thank you. our 15-part series looking ahead to the first 100 days of the trump presidency continues tomorrow with the president-elect s plans for tax cuts and simplification of the tax code. if you miss any of the reports,
you can check them all out on president trump s critics have something new to worry about tonight. it involves the decades-old effort to spread democracy to other nations through the media. howard kurtz is here tonight with some big changes for agency lgs su agencies such as the voice of america. reporter: politico says that trump will take over an office that could turn into an unfetterred propaganda arm, a kind of trump tv that could only peddle trump approved content. trump could name the editor of breitbart news or another alt-right propagandaist to control how the u.s. is represented to the rest of the world. we re talking about naming a single chief executive to oversee the voa, radio-free europe on the other agencies that are currently battling such forces as isis propaganda and
russian cyber hacking. haven t they been around for decades? yes, but a new law is eliminating the broadcasting board of governors, it s been widely criticized add ineffective and replace it with a single ceo. that change was supported by president obama s administration, president s chairman at the board of governors, the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee among others. the senate, by the way, could approve or reject that anybody trump nominated. i spoke to the committee chairman, ed royce, and i asked him about the furor. i think that s hysteria. as a matter of fact, there s very clear laws in place here in this legislation that put in a firewall in terms of journalistic independence. so in fact what s driving this is opposition from the bureaucracy itself. meanwhile, bret, hillary clinton herself as secretary of state testified that the broadcasting board of governors was practically defunct in terms
of being able to sell a message to the world. congressman royce introduced this legislation last year, virtually no news coverage. only since trump s election have news organizations seized on it, suggesting, possibly, a double standard. howie, thank you. the election of donald trump has many in the united nations worried about big changes in the u.s. attitude toward that organization. president-elect trump has made no secret of his disdain for the u.n. and the global group has just sworn in a new secretary general who is promising what he calls management reform. senior correspondent eric shawn looks at that situation tonight. the united nations is not a friend of democracy. it s not a friend to freedom. it s not a friend even to the united states of america. reporter: donald trump clearly no fan of the united nations. the president-elect s views are at odds with the world body on a variety of pressing issues, from its support of the iran nuclear
deal, climate change initiatives and resettling refugees. the overwhelming feeling among most members was that barack obama was their kind of u.s. president, so i think it will be a different reception. but i think the whole point of the idea of making america great again is to reassert ourselves, especially in bodies like the united nations. reporter: former u.n. ambassador john bolden who has talked to mr. trump about joining the administration predicts the president-elect will take a hard stance at the u.n. he says the almost $3 billion american taxpayers paid this year alone, the most of any nation, could be cut. i think a good, hard look at the u.n. budget is long overdue. i wouldn t be at all surprised if a president trump once in office does pay particular attention to it. it s total insanity. reporter: that was the undiplomatic opinion of mr. trump a decade ago when we sat down to discuss the multi
billion dollar renovation. he testified about it to congress and accused the u.n. of overspending. it is either the most corrupt thing going on in the world, which is saying something, or it s one of the most incompetent things i ve ever seen. reporter: mr. trump has tapped republican south carolina governor nikki haley as his choice for juu.n. ambassador. i think there s a lot of day-to-day issues that she doesn t know about. the problem that nikki haley is going to face is that many of the other countries delegates are people that have been there for a very long time, like her counterpart from russia has been there for ten years. reporter: a possible preview of what governor haley could face came in a september speech by the u.n. commissioner for human rights. he compared the rhetoric from mr. trump and others that he called populist, demagogues and clever cheats to the propaganda of isis. some breaking news now. the house intelligence committee chairman is not happy at all that the intelligence agencies
have refused to provide anybody for that committee hearing on alleged russian hacking. devon nunez replacing a statement. it is unacceptable that the intelligence community directors would not fulfill the house intelligence committee s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. the legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch s agencies which are obligated to comply with our requests. the committee is deeply concerned that intrance jents in sharing intelligence with congress can enable the manipulation for political purposes. we will talk about more of this with the panel in just a moment. many of you are hopeful and optimistic, some of you are scared. we will talk about all of the fox news polls as well, since donald trump won the election, and that breaking news about the intelligence agencies giving the stiff arm to the house intelligence committee when the panel joins me after a break.
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did we have our hair on fire that hacking took place? no. i mean that s what happens. if he can discredit the integrity of what we do here in the voting process and electing folks, he is winning. we have the president-elect of the united states publicly condemning the intelligence services on which he will have to rely as president. if i m running that covert action, i m putting it in the win column. it s quite possible that the republican party has been exploited and donald trump himself might have been exploited over the years by russian intelligence. so a lot of talk about the alleged hacking and what it meant for the election, as the breaking news we just brought to you, that the intel agencies are not providing any briefers to the house intelligence committee and the chairman, devon nunez,
being very upset about that. this is new fox news polls coming out on this issue. russia s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election helped donald trump and there you see all voters 32%, hillary clinton 1%, no effect 59%. of course clinton voters a much different take on all of that. donald trump s dealings with china and russia. here you see the breakdown in the fox poll. too accommodating to russia, 50%. too confrontational with china, 43%. interesting findings there. finally overall, the opinion of donald trump as it stands now, according to our latest polls, favorable, unfavorable, 47-51. you can see a big jump as far as where it stood at the beginning of november at election time. let s bring in our panel. steve hayes, senior writer for the weekly had is it. maura elison of national public radio and guy benson, political editor at, charles
hurt, political columnist for the washington times. steve, first of all, congratulations. you have a new title. i do have a new title. and said title is? editor in chief of the weekly standard. thank you very much, we will put that up. congratulations. the thoughts about the nunez development and the fact that the intel agencies are not providing briefings to what he wanted a hearing on this russian hacking. pretty extraordinary that they would deny briefings. from what i understand it was a denial of the requested briefings rather than just not being responsive. they have said no, they re not going to provide the briefing. you know, the statement that you read from devon nunez, he s not someone who is prone to anger. that was steaming anger coming from him, especially the suggestion that this could be the politiciization of intelligence. i think the context that you ve seen in the minds of many republicans, including on the oversight committees.
over the years, particularly at the cia throughout the obama administration. if you look back at the kind of intelligence products that the cia was providing to the president, it was consistent with what the president wanted to be true, particularly with respect to al qaeda, isis, the war on terror. so they were providing intelligence product that was fit to match what the president s ideological conclusions. the concern is that that s what s taking place again here. i think if the cia or people at the cia are going to be leaking these kinds of accusations, they have an obligation to go before the congressional oversight committees and explain themselves. now, having said all of that, these are very serious claims. i think there are some people who are defending the trump administration or conservatives who aren t being serious enough about the potential russian intervention in the u.s. election. okay, maura, so here you have this story, the washington post does it first, that the cia believes that the russians
hacked in order to help donald trump. you have clearly some intel agencies that are not on the same page when it comes to this. right. now, nunez is trying to figure this out and he calls this committee hearing and gets the heisman award from the intel agencies, we re not going. now, how are the electors who are asking for intel briefings to feel confident about that to me is inexplicable. put aside the dissention about the motive. there is one thing that is almost unanimous, which is that russia accounted hacked. russia wanted to sow doubts among americans about their own electoral process. that s a real cyber attack and it s really serious. that s something that donald trump, so far the only prominent american that we know of, who has completely rejected that finding that russia hacked. as a matter of fact, he said it could have been a 400-pound guy
sitting somewhere. lindsey graham said it might have been a 400-pound guy but it was a 400-pound russian guy. i don t know why they didn t brief. there are going to be hearings on this. they briefed them in october. they briefed congress in october. they briefed november 17th. here is the director of national intelligence, clapper. as far as the wikileaks connection, the evidence there is not as strong and we don t have good insight into the sequencing of the releases or when the data may have been provided. is he off script there, guy? what s going on? who knows. anyone s guess is as good as mine. i think that there has to be an answer here from the intelligence community. when you re brought forward and congress asks to hear from you and the relevant oversight committee wants to hear, there s a lot of noise out there, there s a lot of allegations flying back and forth, the
motives are unclear, differences in opinion among various agencies, when congress asks you to show up and explain yourself on some level and you say no, the american people have to ask the question, i don t care if you re a republican or democrat, why on earth can they say that. not just why are they saying it, why can they say that. at some point they need to show up and answer questions. meanwhile the white house, josh earnest from the podium is getting a little more aggressive when it comes to this topic. a whole lot more. i think that s a very important thing to remember. obviously the accusations are very serious. if russia attempted or succeeded in any way to sort of interfere with our american elections, that s a very serious issue and we need to get to the bottom of it without fear of favor of any politician. but on the other hand, you do have a sitting president right now who should be overseeing all of this and he s not doing much to help add clarity to all of it. i can t help but get the feeling
that he himself has contributed to the politicization of intelligence. how will history judge donald trump s presidency. you see the breakdown, one of the greatest, 11%, above average, one of the worst 31%. describe the election outcome feelings. 59% say hopeful, 50% said relieved. i think a lot of people covering the election. maura, what do you finding striking about these poll numbers? i m not sure what i make about the outcome, maybe it just means that it s over. that s subject to interpretation. but what i find striking is just the basic favorable/unfavorable. donald trump s favorable is now about his ballot. it should be higher. when you compare him to past presidents at this time, usually you get a bounce after you win. you usually don t have as much negative coverage either.
that s true, but usually you don t win in such a stunning way. this was a real upset. and you d think that he d get a bounce from that. but he didn t. so that s one thing that i think is really interesting. but it has been trending up, so we ll see if that trend continues. i think he did bounce. the only thing is he bounced those people are above their ballots. there was never going to be a big honeymoon period for the next president, regardless of who won, because these were unpopular people. the number bret, you mentioned, 59% of americans saying they re hopeful moving forward after the election. to me that s an opportunity for donald trump. this has been a very nasty cycle with a lot of strong feelings on all sides, acrimony, bitterness, and yet hopeful is the number one answer from the american people. if he can capture some of that and move forward, he can maybe gain some more political capital, to your point. and the other one, 68% of americans believe donald trump will repeal obamacare, that has to be a priority. jobs, jobs, jobs, he said in
the speech in wisconsin, steve, and today he met at trump tower with the tech community, a summit in which he said we ll do anything that you need, give me a call or give somebody in my administration a call if you have any issues. yeah, he said there wasn t a strict chain of command. call in and we ll take care of you. look, he s made very clear that he wants jobs to be a priority. one of the things that we ve seen him do early in his pre-presidential period is the pr of jobs. and whether you re talking about carrier, whether you re talking about meetings like this, this is showing america, americans are going to go home and see it on their news, watch shows like this and say donald trump is doing something about jobs. you know, part of the reason he won was because of the things that he said about the economy. showing that he s making progress, that he s actually checked in, tuned in to what people s priorities and concerns are, as guy says he could take advantage of that hopefulness. next up, the obama
administration takes one final shot at global warming skeptics.
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science. we have seen a lot of the science absolutely start running amuck. the interior secretary for the obama administration sally jewel. did you all know who the interior secretary was? be honest. that s why when you talk about all these choices in months from now we will all be asking those questions about the trump administration. she was asking a final push to imploring scientists to confront so-called climate change deniers. this after the trump transition team asked the energy department s e.p.a. staff to see who was working on the efforts to reduce carbon emissions. we re back with our panel. charlie, about this push. it s not a shocking argument to say that a lot of this climate change stuff has become something of a religion on the left. and it s a religion within the e.p.a. and the energy department. and i think that, you know, obviously, the cabinet are
doing their best to kind of frighten voters about this request for the names and the work of some of these people. but, you know, when trump said i think this is a scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime china is eating our lunch. he said that before the election. and he won the election. and people knew exactly where he stood on this people should give the donald trump some room to make good on his promises. in the environment community though, mara, the trump nomination so far, the scott pruitt for e.p.a. administrator and rick perry for energy secretary they frankly scare people. they do. the environmental community takes him at his word. he doesn t believe co 2 emissions have anything to do with global warning emissions at all.
and scott pruitt seems to aagree with him. i don t know about rick perry on that particular question it sounds like if that s the case, even though donald trump has also sent conflicting signals he says he has an open mind. i think at some point you have to either decide to accept the 99% consensus of scientists that man contributes to it or not and the paris climate accord and what he wants to do. i think you can still be for all the above energy policy and also want to do something about global warming. is there a nuances position in between that you want to do something but you don t want it to kill american businesses? yeah. and that s a policy disagreement. i think everyone should be in favor of political noninterference when it comes to science. but the problem that i have is that this often is attacked as a phenomenon that only occurs in one direction. it s those right wing denialist who are minting thingmintmanipulating things. when the left does it do it
pretty frequently when it fits their agenda whether on pipelines or things like that. i would commend to our viewers a really good wall street journal op-ed earlier this month by a scientist by the university of colorado it was entitled my unhappy life as a climate haiherheretic. he believes in the carbon tax and supports that remedy for the problem that he sees. his one heresy was he doesn t believe that climate change contributes to an increase in severe weather events. and for that sin, that thought crime based on evidence that he saw, he has been shunned and shamed and, in fact, called out by the obama white house. so this does happen on both ends. and let s not pretend otherwise. right. let s be clear, steve, that the left for all the talk about being open and transparent and free-thinking and lots of thoughts out there, this is strict. if you are not this way
100 percent, you are out in the cold, pardon the pun. that s exactly right. what it does is have the effect of foreclosing debate. if it s the case that the science is so clear and that anybody who denied or even raises questions would be immediately exposed as an idiot, they should welcome the debate. too often what they do is they use these names, the denialist to foreclose the debate. that s exactly the wrong thing to do. you see it from the left quite a bit. that said, the trump administration, i think, shouldn t have sent this questionnaire. they were smart to disavow it because it looks there like they are trying to foreclose debate. his talk about this. the president-elect has evolved from candidate to president-elect. take a listen. i think it s a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money. in the meantime, china is eating our lunch because they don t partake in all of the rules and regulations that we do. where are you on the environment? i m still open-minded.
nobody really knows. so people jumped on him after he said the open-minded thing. but then he turned around and invited al gore and leo decaprio into trump tower to talk to him and everything and then picked rick perry. that doesn t mean he isn t pt pruitt. bill gates has people pulling their hair out that he said. this. in the same way that president kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that, i think that whether it s education or stopping epidemics, there can be a very upbeat message that his administration is going to organize things, get rid of regular go tore barriers and have american leadership through innovation. reference jfk there. he has a big fund on this. he is starting big, big investments into energy innovation. that is it for the panel.
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instead i texted hey ryan i m afraid. are you near your phone they replied okay text me when you are. replied to my dad odk i said i don t know then why are you use tsmght my phone auto corrected god. god says we are 42 minutes away. my dad texted my sister once saying football playing spider. sorry i thought you were google. i didn t get that one. g.p.s. to god. thanks for inviting us into your home. fair, balanced and unafraid. i can hear the doors. so that means tucker carlson tonight is getting ready for his show. starts right now next door. it is thursday december 15th rt. this is a fox news alertd. tensions boiling over as the cia refuses to brief congress on evidence of russian hacking for the 2016 election.
this violates all protocols and it s almost as if people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinfo campaign against the president of the united states. the president doesn t need a hearing, it is already blaming donald trump. the muslim teen says she was attacked by trump supporters who tried to snatch her hijab lied about the whole thing. 1 billion yahoo accounts attacked. the information at risk and what you need to do to stay safe. fox & friends first starts right now. it s 5:00.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20141212 03:00:00

this compromise bill. so as you mention the politics are fascinating. you have the president and vice president calling rank and file democrats asking them to vote in favor of the package. you had nancy pelosi and elizabeth warren on the other side saying stand up and fight. bottom line it got through. there were conservative defections because some of them wanted to vote to fight the immigration executive order. it now appears that that will happen in february when funding for homeland security is due to expire, sean. mike, thank you. joining us mow from the white house is fox s own ed henry. i guess we ve got a new world order in washington tonight, ed. we do. and why would john boehner not wait for the new congressional majority and just do a short-term cr? well, that s a good question. and i think john boehner s going to be facing that come january. everyone s going to run out of town now if in fact this gets through the senate. that s still a hurdle that has to be met. you ve got democrats like senator elizabeth warren saying she may hold all this up and do
this. again, he keeps the government open. and that was a short-term priority. but medium and long-term the president gets his health care and immigration priorities moving forward. that s not what rank and file conservatives want. there are republican leaders tonight saying, look, what we did was set the stage for big battles ahead next year. we ll see. we ve heard that before. we re going to repeal obamacare. we re going to do this and then republican leaders don t follow through. we ll see whether their base is upset tonight or not, sean. ed, the speaker would have had more leverage with the majority of congress coming in in january here. as you pointed out health care is funded, obamacare s funded through october now of next year. immigration will come up, what, some time in february. february. there s no telling what they re going to do there either. the question is if every republican ran on the idea of repealing health care and replacing it, that s off the table now pretty much for the rest of the year, right? exactly. and, look, in fairness to john boehner, maybe he made the calculation tonight and we ll
see the reporting in the hours and days ahead that as you re suggesting, look, he ll have a stronger majority in january and february and big deal he ll have mitch mcconnell majority leader, harry reid will be out as leader. so maybe john boehner is calculating we ll win the battles ahead on immigration and health care. but you can bet the president is calculating every time he wins one of these battles and gets funding for his health care law, funding for executive action on immigration, the president lives another day to keep moving the ball forward and delaying stoppages. so john boehner may be calculating he ll win down the road, the president is happy he didn t lose tonight. joining me from capitol hill our texas congressman louie gohmert. i want to start with this alliance because as they voted on the rule earlier today, there
was a point they were down three votes. then you had a shift of a couple people in the final moments. but you had the president, jou had john boehner, rather, needing joe biden, needing the president, needing steny hoyer, throughout the day at any point were you consulted, were you brought in to the discussions? were you encouraged to vote for this? no. there was no encouragement to conservatives. the speaker and majority leader, these folks knew there s money for abortion, money for the epa to hurt states like texas, arizona. there s just all kinds of money in there for things we don t support. and, sean, you and i know some of us have gone to our leadership and said, look, we can do this very easily. let s do it together with conservatives. that s the bulk of our conference.
don t make them take a wrong vote. let s fund everything for two months. let us have a vote on defunding obama s amnesty. and we ll even agree that the senate can take it out if they take the hard vote to do that and let it go from there to the president. we were willing to work with them to compromise. and not one word, as you know, the calls went to the white house when in a time that the speaker needed votes he turned to somebody that he really identifies with, the president and liberal democrats and got them to help him pass this vote. congressman, let me bring you in. the whip said tonight, we have set the stage for battle with the president of the united states. didn t they just give up a lot of leverage that they would have had with the new majority? do you agree with that statement? do you see any way now with the funding of obamacare through the fiscal year that there s any way it could be defunded at this
point? not unless we put out a new spending bill. and i don t see that happening. also back to the question you asked louie, i went to leadership told them there is a bicameral, house is send it to the senate and stop folding before we even show our hand. i said if we would send it to the senate and then let it then work there will, we may be surprised. there may be a lot of democrats feeling pain and heat from the election that they ll do the right thing. but you never know. you never know if you always punt the ball. sometimes you ve got to run, sometimes you ve got to pass. but my frustration is i led the charge with the letter about a month and a half ago with 69 people saying we wanted to defund this. and we both voted against the
rule. we did not switch our vote at the last minute. we believe the right thing to do was let the members have a vote on this amendment. but they didn t want it coming to the floor because they knew it would pass. if you would have passed a short-term resolution to fund the government, that you would have had the opportunity to maybe do some new bold and dynamic things. for example maybe deal with the issue of the budget deficit which wasn t addressed here, not fund obamacare. there s a new poll out today, 58% of the american people want it repealed that you could have addressed that issue. and john boehner, the speaker, you know, work with the president, vice president, harry reid to get this thing done. so one has to ask the question, did john boehner mean what he said when he talked about that they were going to defund obamacare, repeal and replace it? why is john boehner cutting deals with the president? he said he was going to fight it tooth and nail. and fighting it tooth and nail would have been to put our amendment on the floor.
in three weeks we re going to all raise our right hand and swear to defend the constitution well, sean, what we did was only fund dhs for two months. so it appears the thing we want to take hostage is the department of homeland security. the border patrol. so the rule in taking hostages is never take a hostage the other side wants you to shoot. we go to the president, this is the way it plays out. this is the hand we re left with. we go to the president in two months and say, okay, either you stop your amnesty altogether, or we re not going to put border patrol on the border. last question. i m running out of time. do you think either one of you in any way, shape, matter or form that this impacts john boehner s running for re-election as speaker? is this going to come up in play now? i think he ought to be able to pick up some democratic votes for speaker this time.
for capitol hill chad per gragr. you are in charge of updating all of us on comings and goings and you have been so detailed all day long. inside but very important to all of us here at fox. thank you for your great work. thank you. you started early this morning by talking about the rule vote and how the republicans almost didn t get that passed and a lot of drama. walk us through what happened. well, in the house of representatives on almost every piece of legislation that comes to the floor you first have to approve what s called the rule. this is just a procedural matter here. if you don t have a rule which governs the debate, you can t get to the actual bill. you have to do that first. this was very high drama in the house of representatives. at one point the democrats were actually beating this back by about three or four votes. then you had two members that came down into the well of the chamber, a republican who switched his vote from indiana,
200-213, that s a tie by rule and then a freshman who lost his primary, republican from michigan, he switched his vote and they passed it 214-212. that was really tough. and i talked to bentivolio later in the day and he said, look, there was this flash of political savvy that came about him and he was trying to be a little facetious, but he thought i thought maybe we could get a better deal if i voted to move this to advance that package there. so that was pretty high drama. otherwise this would have been dead in the water, toast, and they couldn t have gotten to this vote just about an hour ago in the house. interesting the speaker had to rely on the president and all the democrats. in this bill you ve got amnesty being funded to the tune of $2.5 billion, chad, when you break it all down in the varying departments. marsha blackburn says it funds king obama s amnesty.
and then health care funded through the fiscal year october 1, correct? that s the interesting thing in this is all the fighting and all the skirmish over obamacare over the last five years on capitol hill, no new funding for obamacare. no new funding. so there was not really a fight over obamacare in this bill. that was the interesting thing. isn t that the leverage they gave up? that was the fight last fall. yeah. that s what some people think. and that was if you talked to conservatives like michele bachmann and steve king, they were very disappointed the night before last where this was not made an order their amendment to sort of shackle the department of homeland security, shackle the spending in some way the dhs would handle immigration services. and that amendment was not made an order. the problem of course then a democratic senate and harry reid probably wopt have thought too kindly of that and president obama would have veto that had and that would have invited a government shutdown.
so this was the fine line that the republican leadership and specifically house speaker john boehner had to walk. to fight this next year on immigration. they certainly could have gone with a short-term cr otherwise the democrats would have been responsible for shutting down the government. chad, great job. obviously you helped all of us here at fox. joining us now fox news political analyst juan williams and from the weekly standard fox news contributor steve hayes. there s a reason in my mind, steve, that john boehner would need the president, the vice president, harry reid and steny hoyer in all of this. and i think it s pretty simple. i think the reason that obama would support him and biden and reid would support him is because they knew that the speaker would have more power and leverage if they did a cr into february. so the question is, why did john boehner do this? i understand why the president did, because i think this was a great deal for the president. yeah. there s no question, i was just talking to republican members of congress including conservatives who supported the deal.
and they say in effect, look, that wouldn t have helped us much. we wouldn t have the kind of leverage that many people outside think we would have had. in any case what this shows is that democrats are divided or more divided than republicans. we ve seen this kind of infighting between republicans in the past. what we haven t seen is this open defiance of president obama from leaders of the left of the democratic party. i guess we could argue that the president s a lame duck and ed henry rightly so was making that argument all day, this would be a test of the president s power. the president did get enough votes to get what he wanted. he wanted this bill passed. and, juan williams, i ve got to believe this probably makes you happy because this is the best case scenario, the president gets $2.5 billion for illegal immigrants, he gets obamacare funded through october. you know, the whole different narrative going on here, sean, which is that you have the liberals up in arms over there because of the changes that are in this bill that allow, of
course, more money to be spent in terms of blind money coming to campaign finance, but most of all rolls back some of the dodd frank financial stuff. so they re the ones that are angry at president obama. and i hear from, you know, steve king and you saying, oh, we re upset that boehner played along. let me tell you, it s the left here and the split with president obama that i think is the big story. but the president hang on, but president still got the votes he needed to want. he did. he wanted this bill passed. i understand all the people you re referring to, i read the adjustments to the dodd frank provision, but in the end the president got what he wanted. and i think he was astute enough. and, steve, i go back to my point he was astute enough to understand this was going to be the better deal because with the new majority in january, boehner would have had more power. and they constitutionally have the power of the purse. and i suspect the president feared that come february,
right? well, that is precisely the argument david axelrod said on twitter. he basically said in 140 characters exactly what you just said. oh, great. i m done. you just ruined me, steve. you just ruined my life. what are you doing? i was telling the truth, sean. i report. you decide. you report, i decide, i m dead. look at how juan williams is smiling. he s giddy. i could go crazy but this is where we are in the politics of the moment. it s crazy. the senate just voted to say we re going to continue this for two more days so there won t be a shut down. and they re going to have a fight because elizabeth warren and left wing politics so angry at wall street is going to be on full display in terms of saying
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confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. this a fox news alert. a government shutdown has been avoided. a short time ago the house passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill that was reported by both speaker boehner, president obama, harry reid and vice
president biden. and as you can imagine this measure did not sit well with a number of conservatives including me and including congressman jim bridenstein. he put out this tweet explaining why. i think it quotes it very well. he says, here are just the five of the main reasons i will be voting now on the omnibus bill that fully funds obamacare, over 1600 pages long, actually 1774, and spends $1.1 trillion filled with political favors. here with reaction minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann and iowa congressman steve king. i know you tried to persuade the speaker and leadership all day to go for a short-term cr. what is the possible explanation why they would not do something that was so smart that would have given them more leverage and power come the new year? well, i think the reason why they did it is because the political establishment made a decision months ago this they
were going to get amnesty. and they were going to pay for amnesty. the executive amnesty is what they didn t like. president obama doing it alone. but they wanted amnesty. let s not mince words. both republican and democrats, the leadership, the establishment, wanted to have amnesty hold on. are you saying, congresswoman, that this deal was struck, we think back in september when they decided remember when they decided to move this deal to december i forget the exact month. but you re saying that you think john boehner sat in a room with barack obama and said we want to, a wink and a nod, and this is how we ll do it? you believe that happened? the political establishment wants full-on amnesty. they were going to get it one way or another. they wanted it all done before the new senate was sworn in. i think the main thing we need to know is this vote never, ever, ever, in any parallel universe would have happened the week before the election. it wouldn t have happened.
people? did john boehner cut a back room deal on this? and is that why he did not accept the power of the new majority when he would have had more authority? do you believe that some type of back room deal was made, congresswoman? a deal was made. there s no question. a deal was made. they wanted to have amnesty. they were completely fine with amnesty they don t want to de-fund obamacare? they don t want to de-fund it and replace it? all i know is this afternoon the speaker gave a private meeting to steve king and i. we offered a positive alternative that would unify the gop and get this deal done. john boehner told us he was going to do the cromnibus did john boehner make a deal with president obama? yes. i think no good ideas outside of that deal were going to be considered unless we could have succeeded on taking the rule down. and at that point we would have had a new ball game. and i think we had a chance.
but we failed by a vote to take the rule down. we were close. that s when we lost. all right, guys. thank you both. it s a sad day that john boehner doesn t realize there was an election, the people have spoken. and you re right, congresswoman, if this vote took place a week before the election, this never would have happened. never would have happened. that speaks volumes about politics in washington and how john boehner has disrespected the people that voted for all those republicans tonight. that s my take on it. thank you both. coming up, the architect, karl rove, he s here to weigh in on the cia s enhanced interrogation report. that and another live update as breaking news continues on capitol hill. we ll check in with rich lowry and scotty hue straight ahead. i don t care whether you have a ph.d. or an mba. everyone has questions about money. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. -money s freedom. -money s always on my mind. credit cards. -mortgage. -debt. it s complicated. it s not easy. i m not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i m a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. so there s questions about the world that all of us have,
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now, among the many issues and concerns discussed brennan explained that there were times when cia officers exceeded policy. but despite much debate the techniques did in fact produce useful and valuable intelligence. in many respects the program was uncharted territory for the cia and we were not prepared. we had little experience housing detainees and precious few other officers were trained interrogators. but the president authorized the effort six days after 9/11 and it was our job to carry it out. there was useful intelligence, very useful valuable intelligence that was obtained from individuals who had been at some point subjected to eits. whether that could have been obtained without the use of those eits is something that again is unknowable. here with reaction fox news military analyst lieutenant general thomas mcinerney.
general mcamericinerney, i apol to me this is outrageous because it s going to put people s lives in danger. but dianne feinstein write a report about enhanced interrogation and not a word about a drone program by obama killing thousands of innocence. do you see the irony. i do. dianne feinstein has normally been a very balanced senator running that committee. in this case it was a very partisan report. the points that you re making of the dichotomy of what i would call enhanced torture and the killing of enhanced torture or interrogation? excuse me. enhanced interrogation versus the drones killings, it is a sharp contrast. and the fact is this report is
the most dangerous report, i believe, that has ever come out of the congress to our national security. yeah. it is very, very harmful to the people that it has presidential approval, it had d.o.j. approval, the leadership of the cia was watching it very closely as john brennan just talked about. and so what is going to happen in the future to our people today in the drone wars that they re going to say six years from now they re going to come and say i committed a murder by shooting insurgents and radical islamists? it is very, very dangerous. and i believe the blood will be on her hands for this report. very strong words. and i agree with those words. if something happens, blood will be on her hands. mike baker, i like to use this analogy. imagine any parent that s watching this program. two kidnappers take your kids out of their house, out of your house, you run after them. you tackle one of the captors. you have that captor.
the other guy gets away with your kids. where will you stop in terms of getting information to identify where your kids have been taken? i can speak for myself. i will stop at nothing to get that information. is that a similar analogy after 3,000 americans died? well, i mean, it is. and a lot of people agree with you, feel the same way. we know because we ve spent years and years debating the interrogation rendition program. we know there are some folks you re never going to shift from their position. either talking to a detainee or everything else is torture. as director brennan pointed out as well as previous directors and managers, they did play a role. the problem is this report, and i run a company that does complex investigations all around the world. if anybody came to me and brought me a report based on investigation and i say who did you talk to, we didn t talk to anybody.
and more so we had a finding and wrote a report around it rather than let the evidence guide you than deciding your findings, i would suspend those people and give the client their money back. that s kind of what we re dealing with here. very disappointing use of $40 million. i think it s important to have these conversations. of course it is. talk about policies and procedures. but you would like to think that, you know, we would come far enough in this whole discussion that this thing would have been objective, unbiased and they would have taken the time and done the hard work to find everybody involved from the administration, the agency, sit down. they didn t do it. and that s well said. 6,000 pages they never spoke to any of the key people involved in the interrogation program including cia directors tenant, michael hayden or jose rodriguez who was in the cia and oversaw this. general mcinerney, mike baker, appreciate it. meanwhile dick cheney blasted the cia the vice
president also set the record straight about then-president george bush s knowledge of the cia s interrogation techniques. take a look. i think that he knew everything he needed to know and wanted to know about the program. did he know the details? i think he knew certainly the techniques. we did discuss the techniques. there was no effort on our part to keep him from that. he was just with the tariff surveillance program. he had to personally sign off on that every 30 to 45 days. so the notion that the committee s trying to peddle somehow the agency was operating on a rogue basis and we weren t being told or the president wasn t being told is just a flat out lie. here with reaction former senior adviser to president george w. bush, fox news contributor karl rove. we had jose rodriguez on the program the over night. heover saw the water boarding of khalid sheikh mohammed and other instances.
he says without that technique we wouldn t have found the courier which led us to bin laden. if he was there and he saw and had the information and they don t interview him for this report, how do they possibly come to the conclusion that they did that this did not help find some of these terrorist sns. well, look, it clearly did. and there s plenty of evidence on the record, including president bush s own book in which he talks about on pages i believe it is 168 through 170 where he talks about the origination of this program. it begins with zubedah initially coughed up information and then he shut up. and he became uncooperative. the cia, there was a high level of chatter about follow-up attacks on the united states. the cia comes to the president and says we need to have additional authority to undertake some additional interrogation techniques, the enhances interrogation techniques. here are 13 of them. bush has them reviewed by the lawyers and approved.
and he determines he s uncomfortable with two of them and authorizes use of the other 11. he gets broken. after waterboarded he literally says you have to do this for all the brothers. we ve been told not to talk. this frees me from my responsibility. you must save my other brothers by doing this. he coughed up information the recruiter for osama bin laden. this guy is the logistics master mind for 9/11 and the post-9/11 plotter. he s the guy in charge of figuring out what to do in follow on attacks. we get him. he initially is problematic. he s subjected to these techniques. he begins to cough up information. and the information from zubedah and lead us to khalid sheikh mohammed. remember he said i ll see you in new york with my lawyers. we remember how he sort of taunted america. once he broke though he led us
to the efforts in southeast asia and gave up his brother in charge of the effort to attack the west coast of the united states. and we swept up 17 members of his cell. and they were in training probably to use aircraft to attack places on the west coast. the idea that somehow or another these techniques did not i mean, we knew about canary war, we knew about attacks on hethrow. karl, very well said. why do you think dianne feinstein did this then? look, i think she s being driven she reminds me of the red queen in alice in wonderland. conclude first and allegation second. left wing staffers spent $40 million and six years in a vendetta against george w. bush in order to attack the fundamentals of the cia, in
order to attack the record of the previous administration and achieve a partisan political goal. i m sorry to see her do this. i think your previous guest was right. she s forever going to bear this as a stain on her record. last question about a top story tonight. why do you think john boehner went for an omnibus bill to fund the government for the entire year rather than a continuing resolution where they would have more power in the purse with the new majority both the increase majority in the house and obviously the majority in the senate? why would he do it that way? well, they ve got two tracks. they wanted to get most of the government funded through the balance of the fiscal year. it is stupid for us to be funding a $3.5, $3.7 trillion enterprise called the federal government. he wants to return to regular order and use the leverage of funding through the end of the year to get significant concessions from the democrats. they kept a short leash on homeland security so that we can have a battle next year from the position of strength with
majorities in the house and a majority in the senate to help us but it fully funds obamacare. well, look, you think the united states senate is going to go along with an effort to de-fund obamacare? we can t get 60 votes in it next year now coming up, we re going to have more on tonight s breaking news out of washington. when we come backse, i m going explain why i think john boehner needs replaced as speaker and our question of the day.
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i believe the president continues to act on his own. when you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself. and he s going to burn himself if he continues to get on this path the american people made it clear election day. they want to get things done. and they don t want the president acting on a unilateral basis. john boehner talking tough on the issue of amnesty but unfortunately that is all it was. conservatives feel they have been burned with aligning them self was the president to pass a spending bill just a short time ago. joining us now, scotty hughes.
john boehner bloomberg conservatives tonight and by that, i mean, conservative base in particular, and michelle bachman hit the nail on the head he never would have done this before the election. he has no inspiring vision and to me, he s a democratic party light. he doesn t have those bold difference that s reagan talked about. he should not be the speaker and should be replaced reaction? if on twitter now, the majority of the american as agree with you, sean. we ve got issues with boehner all along. over two years sh he should go. he was with pelosi with insider trading and visa bill. he s had issues all along. this is a great opportunity, i think. john boehner is full of it. what do you think? no one else wants the job so
he s not going anywhere. one theme we ve heard is that congress shouldn t pass enormous bills without knowing what is in the bill. out of 1603 pages they added more pages nobody has read. and what bothers me about this, it funds $2.5 billion for illegal imgrants, funded then, we ve got obamacare funded through the year. he s not doing his job representing an alternative vision for the country. it seems he s cowardly and has a fear of being blamed for a shut down, no vision to inspire the country that he has an idea that is going to solve problems we face which are great at this
moment in history. it s amazing how democrats are praising elizabeth warren in the senate. listen. go elizabeth. she called people that wanted to shut down the government. let me go back to the tweet. because this is how he summed it up. it funds obamacare. and is filled with political favorites. they could have defunded obamacare and offered an alternative. they could have taken the president on with his un-constitutional, unlawful action. and shown they re tough. has the party been desperate to push something through if
they re going to gain power? they re afraid of the shut down and gave into appropriators that crafted these bills and wanted to be done with it. they could have had a vote you re getting senate democrats on record, for pushing back against the president s amnesty. now, you ve created this huge skepticism. i expect it s john boehner trying to sabotage the republican party and boehner now, i think he s a wolf in sheep s clothing. when we come back, our question of the day. straight ahead.
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you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. eliminate odors you ve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy. time for the question of the day. did speaker boehner make a mistake by teeming up with reid? you know he never would have done this before the election. that is all you need to know. he sadly, i ve got to say that he represents everything that is wrong with washington.

President , Vice-president , Liberal-democrats , File , Package , Nancy-pelosi , Favor , Compromise-bill , Bottom-line , Politics , Elizabeth-warren-on-the-other-side , Sean

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20161015 12:00:00

come on man get real. he repatted my words back to me. get real. as he began thrusting his genitals. reporter: she said the sexual advance eventually stopped. she had dinner him and then threat hotel. she said she was offered a job at trump s golf course near l.a. but turned it down when the salary was half of what she expected. she hasn t talked to trump since but reach out in april of this year to give him a chance to explain his behavior. she never heard back. with a flood of allegations she felt compelled to speak out. you don t have the right to treat women as sexual objects just because you re a star. reporter: in a statement today trump says to be clear i never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. he continued that s not who i am as a person and it is not how i ve conducted my life. wbr-id= wbr3530 /> kristen anderson telling the washington post she too was groped by trump at a nightclub in new york in the early 1990s.
the person on my right who unbeknownst to me at the time was donald trump put their hands up my skirt. he did touch my [ bleep ] through my underwear. pushed the hand away, got up and i turn around and see these eyebrows, very distinct eyebrows of donald trump. and i got up and i moved and i continued to talk with my friends. and they said oh, that s donald trump. i was like ew, he s gross, he just put his hand up my skirt. cnn has not verified eritrea of these claims. the trump campaign responding to kristen anderson s allegations with this. this is a total fabrication, it did not happen. it is illegal logical and nonsensical to think donald trump was iaaf lone in a nightclub in manhattan and that the alleged incident and recognition of mr. trump went unnoticed by both the woman involved and anyone else in this crowded venue.
both women claim they told their friends in the minutes and hours after these alleged assault. as for zevos she told her parents. i reached her father. he said he can t talk about this. zervos is republican and is speaking out so she can sleep at night. the trump campaign released this statement reportedly from summer zervos cousin. i am completely shocked and bewildered by my cousin. ever since summer was on the apprentice she s had nothing but glowing things to say about mr. trump that was until summer invited mr. trump to her restaurant during the primary and he said no. i think summer wishes she can still be on reality tv and in toward get that back she s saying all these negative things about mr. trump. these are things said by mr. barry. cnn reach out no gloria allred. this is their response.
jon barry is a huge trump supporter. he was employed at summer s family restaurant until several months ago when his employment ended. let s bring in chris. what else is the trump campaign saying? reporter: more bad news for trump. these two women came forward yesterday alleging trump groped them. that brings number of women who publicly accused trump of sexual harassment or sexual assault to seven. now hillary clinton for her part has mostly steered clear of the allegations against trump largely for fear of pulling the spotlight away from a campaign that s pretty troubled right now but she did weigh in last night at a fundraiser in seattle. the whole world has heard how donald trump brags about mistreating women. and the disturbing stories keep coming. this is who donald trump really
is. we know that. now we have to demonstrate who we are. [ applause ] america is better than this. reporter: now kristen anderson told the washington post in a story published yesterday that trump slid his hand up her mini skirt and touched her priechts at a new york city nightclub back in the 90s. and former apprentice star zerch rvos said trump grabbed her breast and kissed her over dinner. trump is dismissing all these allegations as lies. in fact he seemed to mock two of his other accusers as too unattractive to draw his attention and painted himself as a victim of an notorious smear campaign. these allegations are 100% false. as everybody, i think you know. these claims, by reason truth logic common sense are made without supporting witnesses.
reporter: now the allegations have knocked trump off track, off message since this news broke last week. but trump says he plans to address the nation in a much more personal way. he wants to talk about his vision for the country. obviously wanting to move past all these allegations, victor. thanks so much. our cnn politics senior reporter joins us now. steven, we heard what the plan is that he wants to talk more policy. how much more of that might we hear as we re now four days away from the final debate? reporter: well everything we know about donald trump is he may say he wants to talk about policy but once he s attacked he hits back twice as hard and that s what eve seen in the last few days in donald trump s rallies. he s responded to these allegations. the question is, is that the most sort of advisable political strategy. trump said yesterday that during one of his rallies that his advisors told him look don t
talk about this, talk about your message, talk about trade, talk about being a change agent because those are the issues that will shape the election but donald trump said, you know, when i m punched i punch back twice as hard. so the question is going into the debate later this week is donald trump is going try to address this in a formal speech, perhaps, sit down interview with somebody to try to get it off the table so he doesn t have to address this directly during the debate or is he going into this debate and as we saw in the last debate on sunday when he vehemently addressed the access hollywood video, you know, made the debate all about donald trump and that s the question a lot of people have. it doesn t seem to be the best political strategy. steven, who behind-the-scenes in his camp might he might be taking some directives from as they shift him back on the policy talk? reporter: it s a good question. at this point donald trump is following his own instincts.
people like kellyanne conway his campaign manager who came aboard a few months ago got donald trump back on track. got him to talk about policy. in recent days donald trump has decided look i ll do this my way. it almost seems like an admission if i lose i ll go down with my most loyal supporters. i was with donald trump this week at a few of his rallies. there s no way any of donald trump s loyal base of supporters are going to desert him over this. the question is what happens to other more moderate republicans. we ve seen fluctuations in his polls in recent weeks because more moderate republicans are getting on and off the trump train wondering whether they can support him. that doesn t take into account the people he really needs if he s going win this election, moderate voters, suburban educated women, white voters in places like philadelphia, colorado, florida. so, you know, donald trump is facing a huge task here. no modern candidate has faced
this kind of avalanche of allegations so close to the election. his route to the white house was already closing before this but now it s closing even more. real quickly let s point out there are a lot of people who absolutely refuse to vote for hillary clinton as well and she s dealing with her own challenges with all the wikileaks and hacked emails. in fact her campaign spokesman said we re still not confirming whether or not any of the wikileaks documents are authentic and are therefore not commenting on their content. the thing is, steven, surely they would know by now what is authentic and what is now. does their silence hurt them on this? reporter: it suits them not to address that question or give the impression this is all a russian plot. one of the down sides for donald trump in his strategy to address the allegation about him it s drowned out this daily drip, drip release of wikileaks documents which could have hurt hillary clinton and put the focus back on the fact that many people see her as dishonest and
not transparent. the clinton campaign is happy to step back, let donald trump take the stage because it s taking the spotlight away from things that can damage her in the run up to the last debate and in the last three weeks of the election. at least until wednesday night final debate when the spotlight is on both of them. appreciate seeing you this morning. thank you. so with less than a month, 24 days, you know we know how many days are left here. what should we expect from the trump campaign next? our political panel will weigh in. as focus remains on accusations against donald trump we want to take a look what hillary clinton is doing behind-the-scenes and the wikileaks challenge she has. hi, i m jamie foxx for sprint. and i m jamie foxx for t-mobile. (both) and we re just as good. really? only verizon was ranked number one nationally in data, reliability, text and call and speed. yeah! and you re gonna fist bump to that? get out of my sight. don t get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data
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of sexual assault. it is a phoney deal. i have no idea who these women are. i have no idea. when you look at that horrible woman last night you think i don t think so. believe me she would not be my first choice that i can tell you. now suddenly after many, many years phoney accusers come out less than a month before in one of the most important elections in the history of our country. what came out recently were, i was sitting alone in some club. i really don t sit alone that much. all right let s bring in donald trump campaign surrogate, robert zimmermanman democratic strategist and hillary clinton support engineer. good morning. matt let me start with you what we saw last night, that was during the afternoon but another rally last night in which donald trump put the teleprompter to the side said i like it better without the teleprompter although his advisors say focus
on your plan for the economy, for jobs, for national security. is this what we saw in that video what we ll see in the next couple of weeks from donald trump? i don t know. i do know this i think if you look what voters are worried about, i think their biggest concern and 70% think this country is on the wrong track is that our economy does not off terrify type of job opportunities nor salary increases over the last 15 years, the take home pay let me just finish. this problem of islamic terrorism and fact that washington is broken. so i agree with you, i think if he focus on those issues i think he connects to these voters who think the country is on the wrong track and i think that s where that s his chance to win the race. but, matt, i want to get to robert in just a second but i think it s important to discuss where some of the trump supporters and clinton supporters were before we heard from these accusers of donald trump. let me take you back to
december. december 30th, the first time that donald trump started talking in this race during the primary about the clintons marriage. this is what you said about that then. you know, she loves her husband but clearly her husband has done some things that are just horrible. i mean, you know, we re going hear all about it. let me tell you one thing. donald trump has proven in politics that we ll go places and talk about things in a very clear manner that other politicians tend to shy away. the rules of politics telling you avoid certain areas because you could get stuck. donald trump goes there, and he s going to go there with bill clinton. he seems to get away with it because people appreciate his candor. when you start talking about bill clinton and his moral decisions in his life there is a lot of material. so now you re recommending that donald trump focus on the issues that we re dealing with these accusers but back then you said if you go there with bill clinton there s a lot of
material there. there is. reconcile that for me. it s not inconsistent with what i m saying. i m saying in order to win this race you have to connect on these key issues if you re donald trump. if you re hillary clinton you have to make it about something else. she s not seen as a candidate of change she s seen as a candidate of the status quo. as far as these questions as far as treatment of women and moral questions as a republican, as a trump supporter i can t believe that hillary clinton has the l gall to go out on stage and judge us. their moral judgment is repugnant when you consider the fact that bill clinton has been accused of you re characterizing what was found in those emails. is don t do that. look there s put the e-mail up. matt i don t have the graphic but we ll put it up. put it up because i was
called backward and it s offensive. is that a fair thing for me to bring up. i hear you re offended. i wanted our viewers to hear what you said in december talking about marriages and what you re saying today. robert to you. i didn t say anything that s excuse me. i stand by everything i said before. that s the problem, matt you do stand by it. let s be very clear, matt. in fact the issue is not whether you re deplorable the issue is the positions you re advocating are deplorable. the idea you can rationalize donald trump s conduct, the fact that he brags about acpredator, brags on howard stern show walk in on 18 and 19-year-old girls who are contestants on the miss universe show. that is in fact deplore scrabble. the idea that he defends himself by saying he wouldn t assault these women because they are not attractive. that s why 60% to 70% in most polls show the american people have decided he doesn t that
have character, done have the temperament or leadership to be a president. ultimately every election about the character and qualifications of an individual. that s why donald trump can t talk about issues. when he tries to talk about issues he doesn t have the credibility to address them. hold on, robert let me ask you what many republicans are saying that clinton supporters now are so outraged by the way donald trump is treating his accusers they weren t this outraged when hillary clinton responded to bill clinton s accusers. put up on the screen the graphic from what robert said september of this year the 29th when asked about how you feel about clintons treatment of women in the 90s. hillary stood up for her husband. she stood up for her marriage and very frankly whenever republicans have tried to attack her for that, they have absolutely gone down in flames. you said she was supporting her husband. now you re outraged what donald
trump is doing. exactly. in fact cnn own tom foreman and jeffrey toobin pointed out that the claim that hillary clinton attacked these individuals who were accusing bill clinton is, in fact, very thin and mostly false. yeah she mostly. i like that mostly false. she stood up for her husband and outraged by many of the false attacks against him and against her family. here s the point, matt. while she stood up for her husband and her family nothing excuses the way donald trump is, in fact, there s no equivalency between that and the way donald trump brags about being a predator. the worst thing is the way the republicans try to rationalize it. stay with us. we got to get in a break. clinton versus trump the final show un, final time face to face before the election. coverage starts here wednesday at 4:00 p.m. right here on cnn. more to discuss regarding
accusations against donald trump and we re taking a look what hillary clinton is doing this weekend. fallout from more hacked emails. stay close. isn t isn t isn t isn t stant stant test staubstantiate stangubstann
advisors preparing for her final debate with donald trump. that comes next wednesday in las vegas. but she s hitting the books, doing the same types of preparation she was doing for the previous debates. but before leaving seattle, washington on friday, she also dropped by a campaign field office and talked to volunteers. she talked about how she s taking no satisfaction from this athletic at all and worries about these deep divisions. this election is incredibly painful. i take absolutely no satisfaction in what is happening on the other side with my opponent. i am not at all happy about that because it hurts our country. it hurts our democracy. it sends terrible messages to so many people here at home and around the world. the damage that is being done that we ll have to repair.
divisions are being deepened that we ll have to try to heal. so our job doesn t end after this election. reporter: by saying her job does not end after the election signifies she s looking ahead. when you talking to her advisors they tell me that she is, in fact forks concussion on simply winning 270 electoral votes but the reality here is they are preparing for a transition. they are looking forward. they know something different is happening in this race. but that only happens if she has a successful debate next week and she beats donald trump on november 8th. all right. thank you very much. hillary clinton preparing for the next debate but there are also more hacked emails coming to light as a result of the wikileaks release. we ll talk about those in just a moment. dad, one second i was driving and then the next. they just didn t stop and then. i m really sorry. i wrecked the subaru.
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8:33 is the time. good to see you this morning. i m christi paul. i m victor blackwell. let s reintroduce our political panel this morning. matt and robert are back. i want to talk about these emails in just a moment. but there s a tweet out from donald trump i want to get your reaction to. it s just a couple of minutes old. hillary clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. instead she s running for president in what looks like a rigged election. reinforcing that what we ve seen from trump over several months now, this suggestion that the voters input doesn t matter here, that this is already decided. a rigged election.
right. sneers the no we ll go to matt first. this is great. look i think that what donald trump is talking about which is objectively true. there are people who have handled classified information how is that look when i answer could i please answer without interrupting because robert goes answer. leapt me answer and then you can ask another question. other people in this country have hand classified information in a reckless manner in which hillary clinton has handled reckless information and they are in the jail. members of the military are in jail. no question there s a double standard for hillary clinton. i served in the presidency of george w. bush. there were dozens and dozens of my colleagues who faced legal troubles because of wrongdoing and in the obama administration what we have seen is when his secretary of state got in trouble his fbi and his doj for whatever reason has not treated her like they treated other citizens in the country for
doing similar things. i think it s a fair statement to make that we should have equal justice under the law even for the clins. get to the last two words of this tweet. we got time. get to the last two words of this. you say this tweet is objectively true. put it back up on the screen. a rigged election. you say this is objectively true. i was speaking to the part about the fact that hillary clinton is not being held accountable. on the rigged election part i think his point is this, victor which sue don t have to agree with it. but for a lot of us republicans we saw bill clinton be accused of wrongdoing from women through a long stretch period of time when it looked like he would win the new hampshire primary. that was the first one. hillary clinton called bimbo eruption. we know the disgusting trail on that. can i finish. if i could just finish it would being a great. when it comes to donald trump you re running the clock. when it comes to donald trump what has happened with literally days to go, a couple of weeks to
go before the election right after the debate, right after the tape release all of a sudden these women come out right afterwards. for a lot of republicans that looks coordinated. it doesn t look spontaneous. you re not getting to the point. yes i am. i got the answer. they think it s rigged by the way the fact this was coordinated with the clinton political machine. robert? let s be clear. this is what you call the seven staefgs political failure. first you blame the media. then you come up with these wild conspiracies about your opponent. then you, in fact, claim the system is fixed against you. then of course as matt just did you accuse the fbi director of treason. in fact oh, stop, robert. that s absurd. i didn t talk over you. the american people see-through this. i didn t lie. this is a failing campaign because now donald trump is ultimately not ending up relying
upon hacked emails from vladimir putin and russia to justify his political existence. let s be clear. the american people have a very fair sense, a very good sense of decency and good sense of fairness. when they see donald trump praise vladimir putin as a leader, endorse vladimir putin s agenda in the middle east and for dismantdling nato and now they see put in turn release all sorts of what could be doctored emails, they are not authenticated, clearly to help the trump campaign. we can t all talk at the same time. can i speak to that, victor. give him a chance to finish. you now see all these emails released, dock toward and hacked emails from vladimir putin that helped donald trump, the american people see-through this. that s why it s not an issue. donald trump s candidacy is failing. i can speak there s no claim from the campaign these were dock toward emails. they have not been authenticated. let s be clear about what has
and has not been kblamd these emails. matt very quickly. i do want to get to wikileaks. hillary clinton was asked a question about these e-mail releases and she specifically answered the question to anderson cooper and compared herself to honest abe lincoln. she never said she questioned the veracity of the leaked emails. that s incorrect. that s not incorrect. that happened on cnn. members of the campaign staff said these emails many don t look recognizable. hillary clinton is the candidate and she answered the question. we got to take a break. we ll do this one at a time after the break. stay with us. we ll talk with you in a moment. thank you. everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don t stick around. use clorox disinfecting products.
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we want to talk about temp mams released from this hacking of john podesta s e-mail account released by wikileaks. you each characterize these emails and their veracity. i want to tried what the clinton spokesman is saying. we re still not confirming whether or not any of the wikileaks documents are authentic and therefore not commenting on their doesn t. so that is from the campaign. i want to first play to you something that we heard from hillary clinton about a really crucial part of the obama coalition that she needs to hold together to win in the 24 days, latino-americans. this is what she said a couple of weeks ago.
watch this. you re not intruders. you re our neighbors. our colleagues. our friends. our families. you make our nation stronger, smarter, more creative. and i want you to know that i see you and i am with you. all right. so then after that there was a part of this hacking, there was an e-mail from john podesta to hillary clinton the subject line, meeting latinos and one easy call listing people that hillary clinton should call. and it included former governor bill richardson former member of her husband s cabinet. it says richardson is still on tv a lot especially on univision and telemundo and he can be and we took the word out it begins with a d, worth getting him in a good place. so, at that event she speaks so highly of latinos her campaign
chairman considers people on this list media latino. reconcile those two for me, robert. first of all, victor, i have to say this quite sincerely the idea that we re even discussing emails that are not authenticated, emails hacked from russia according to our intelligence officials and in fact the idea this is driving the discussion i think is really very wrong and very dangerous. the bottom line is whatever the internal strategy that e-mail discusses about reaching out to certain individuals, i m very proud of hillary clinton, because she s articulated a vision for the country about bringing us together that is a very sharp contrast to donald trump and the racist hateful rhetoric that s defined his campaign. let me get the question out. before you jump to the attack and you talk about the stark contrast, there s a stark contrast between what she said there at the event and what her campaign chairman is saying here about media latinos.
no, it s not. the subject line is not you need to call these people it s media latinos. we don t know if that subject line is legitimate or not. that s an e-mail about calling a certain individual as opposed she s articulating a message that s sharply different. donald trump has been denounced for being racist. it s defining tissues that separate the two individuals. not these games about emails that you and i don t know are legitimate or not. matt, before you answer let me read bill richardson s response statement to the albuquerque journal . he writes this. i do not care about any characterization of me he made in an e-mail. i fully respect john and recognize the difficult job he has. so that s from the former governor. and matt your response.
well first of all, if the standard in this election that we ll only talk about charges that are factual and have been authenticated that ought to work on every topic including the first ten minutes of our conversation here. exactly. in the debate hillary clinton was asked a question by anderson cooper about one of these released wikis. she never said i questioned the authenticity. she answered the question about why she has both public and private positions and she justified it by saying she felt like honest abe lincoln did the same thing. the fact is this. what these emails show was the release of her transcripts from her speeches which she should have released a long time ago and there s many troubling things at all. your trouble at all robert the government of qatar gave bill clinton a million dollars cash so that they could have a five minute meeting with him to talk about redevelopment in haiti? they were proven to be false.
that s not false. robert, this is we have to clue people in what you re talking about. there was an earn mail that was sent that was on the occasion of the former president s birthday, the last million dollars that they wanted to give. the question was and we haven t gotten an answer remember cnn has been looking into this was what money handed over, of it to the foundation, we re still investigating that. fair enough. second of all, she said that we can t properly vet the syrian refugees. she said that when she thought that was in a private conversation giving a speech to a room. i think that s problematic. i don t like the fact she said robert let me finish. you ve been able to talk. i respect you. i m on tv a lot with you. i ll answer and then i ll be quiet. thirdly i think it s offensive these emails demonstrate a breathtaking anti-catholic bias when they call us extremely backwards. when they mock how we baptize our children. when they mock saints of the church. when they try to act
again mischaracterization. if they could have a coup inside the catholic church. amazingly bigoted statement to people of faith from a campaign whose only central theme we re deplorable and irredeemable and now we re severely backwards. she s running on no issues. robert go ahead. first let me just say i much rather have hillary clinton quoting abe lincoln than watching in fact donald trump in fact channel andrew dice claim and his commentary. that s the difference between two individuals. and the kind of fielt we re seeing from the trump campaign. that s not fair. i m not a liar. matt hold on he called me a liar. if we can talk one at a time we ll wrap it up right now. matt please hold on. robert finish up and then we got to go. very simply the idea we re looking to a man who brags about engaging in sexual assault.
who brags about predatory behavior. we got to wrap it there. matt, robert, thank you very much. christie, i ll give it to you. we have to talk about something else. it s been weeks since hurricane matthew hit the east coast and look at what they are still dealing with today. more flooding. areas already that are mostly under water. we ll tell you what they are dealing with and how they will get out of this. also there s a new california start up company. it found a way to deliver healthy find timely manner with the help of an app. this week s start small think big for you now. san francisco start up sprig is delivering healthy meals on demand. we created an app every day you can scroll through a menu, tap twice on your phone and 20 minutes later a hot nutritious meal is delivered to your door step. dhou they deliver the food so fast? they use a math equation to
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