The longtime curator of the Nanticoke Indian Museum in Millsboro, Delaware’s only museum of its kind, retired last week in his humble way, without fanfare, leaving the position he assumed
In observance of Delaware Day, Gov. John Carney toured the Nanticoke Indian Museum near Millsboro, where he greeted Chief Natosha Carmine and Museum Curator Sterling Street, who led a tour
To commemorate Delaware Day Dec. 7, Gov. John Carney made trips to historical locations in the state, including a stop at the Nanticoke Indian Museum near Oak Orchard. He was joined by Sen. Gerald Hocker, R-Ocean View, and newly elected Rep. Jeff.
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony last week for Beebe Healthcare’s new Mobile Health Clinic, the “road” and “driving” puns were flying. The unit’s purpose, however, is no joke, and Beebe officials