From the Yellow Brick Road to the Oregon Trail, Wamego goes big on Kansas nostalgia with a Wizard of Oz Museum, nature parks, a Prairie Town Village, and more.
County native airs the unearthly
By: Nancy Kline Thursday, April 29, 2021 8:29 AM A stone in Gilboaâs Cholera cemetery lists âother childrenâ on the stone. Putnam County-born Melissa Davies recently began investigating Gilboaâs Cholera Cemetery, and rumors of otherworldly phenomena said to occur there. PUTNAM COUNTY Born and raised in Putnam County, Melissa (Luersman)
Davies has always enjoyed folklore. She is intrigued by unexplained
phenomena. Since 2018 she has pursued that interest by researching and
airing podcasts about nearly 40 locations in Ohio, including her most
recent site, the Gilboa Cholera Cemetery.
“I spent a couple of
months learning all I could, which was considerable,” said Davies about