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VOA [Voice of America] Global English-20200128-220000

Have closed some border crossings with mainland China over fears of contagion of the deadly corona virus which has killed more than 100 people in China infections have been found in more than a dozen countries Joe Davies has more checkpoints nice to rhyme China's lockdown area and to nearly 16000000 people and the epicenter of the coronaviruses Broad's and global health concerns every driver and passenger the process in fact if you buy a province here is tested and he would fine with a high temperature is told to go to hospital immediately 3 Russian regions have not close the borders of China and Hong Kong has suspended its high speed rail and ferry services to the mainland leave the car alarms all residents of the city currently on the mainland to return soon as possible and stay home for 2 weeks telling that everyone at a news conference was wearing a protective mask including the leader has self acquired in Japan the government is sending a chartered flight to would harm to evacuate to citizens France the u.s. Germany and Spain are among other countries doing the same as writers Joe Davies reporting lawyers for u.s. President Donald Trump wrapped up their defense Tuesday at his Senate impeachment trial strongly rebuffing claims in the withdrawal withheld military aid to Ukraine to benefit himself politically Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow told the 100 senators who are acting as jurors we are clear in our position there was no quid pro quo the case in question happened last July when the United States withheld military aid from Ukraine at the same time President Trump was requesting that request Ukraine's president investigate a trump political rival the arguments came on the 3rd and last day of the president's defense and that he should be acquitted of 2 articles of impeachment of using the power of the presidency and obstructing congressional efforts to investigate his actions in Ukraine. From Washington d.c. You're listening to news. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was formally indicted in court on Tuesday on corruption charges after he withdrew his request for parliamentary immunity from prosecution Sara Lee has more Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now formally been indicted on corruption charges off to withdrawing his bid for parliamentary immunity he said in a statement that immunity proceedings would have been a quote so the case now moves towards trial a process which could take months or years Netanyahu is accused of wrongfully accepting $264000.00 worth of gifts from tycoons and of dispensing favors an alleged basis for improved coverage by Israel's biggest selling newspaper who denies old wrongdoing Sierra Leone reporting authorities in the western African nation of say as many as 30 people were killed in an attack on a village by suspected Islamic extremists late last week the impoverished country has been plagued by attacks by militia forces from neighboring Mali and since 2015 . Attacks have left hundreds dead and displaced more than 500000 civilians despite a large presence of French and u.s. Forces as well as a 13000 strong United Nations peacekeeping force. Officials in Afghanistan say a pre-dawn Taliban attack in northern Afghanistan has killed at least 13 policeman The attack comes as the insurgent group is engaged in days of talks with the United States on a possible reduction in hostilities to advance their stalled peace process a police spokesman contrived to v.o.a. The attack left the Post Commander dead and both sides suffered heavy casualties and so in clashes. The record holder for the longest space flight by a woman Christina Cook is getting ready to go home a piece at Donohue has more after more than 300 days in orbit Cook says if visitors were allowed she would stay it's been a long time since I've seen my friends and family so for their sake I think that it's probably time to head home cook told the a.p. Adapting to life without gravity was an easy I really actually miss chips and salsa the most her highlight the opportunity to do the 1st all female space walk with Jessica Mir which she feels could be an inspiration to future space walkers when Christina Cook is back on Earth what will she do 1st Hands down it's going to be going for a swim in the Gulf of Mexico I do live next to the ocean there cooks 320 a day mission will be the 2nd longest by an American trailing Scott Kelly slight by 12 days I'm a Donahue and Istanbul court has defied the European Court of Human Rights ruling in favor of the continued detention of prominent philanthropist Osman Qabala in December the European court demanded the immediate release of who's on trial for sedition I'm Melissa Melton this is the news. The center of the problem is and who Bay province which is key to the Chinese. What is China's coronavirus doing to the economy we'll take a closer look at that this is Wednesday January 29th and this is video Asia I'm I remembered in Washington also ahead that corona virus is spreading with many more infected and dead you will hear the personal story of someone caught in the China shut down from Washington the conclusion of another phase of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump all of that and much more on today's v.o.a. Asia. Just a few weeks ago the trade war between the United States and China seemed to be easing theys one deal was announced by the world's 2 largest economies financial markets worldwide for the most part we're in an upturn but then came a mysterious virus in the Chinese city of who han that buyer is has now spread to other nations with the death toll in China at 106 more than 4500 cases of the virus have been confirmed in China the effect on world markets is being closely watched Jeff moon is the former assistant trade representative for China in the Obama administration I asked him about the negative effect of the virus outbreak on world markets. Well the problem here from a business perspective is uncertainty that due to the uncertainty that's been created created by this fire is businesses can't move forward trade is completely interrupted and this has short and long term effects it's not clear in the short term where we're going the number of cases is rising quickly but we really don't know what's a long term trajectory is because it's unclear. What that whether patients are going to be contagious or not because they don't present symptoms necessarily this comes at a particularly difficult time because all of China traditionally is traveling during this period during their equivalent of Christmas during the Spring Festival and in the short term this is causing shortages of basic supplies like food and it will reduce consumption in China at a time when the Chinese economy economy is too solid reading it really needs consumers to fuel economic activity the most immediate signals that we're seeing are in the stock market as you suggested there was a sharp drop today there has been some recovery but that the sock market is watching very closely what's going to happen here other short and long term implications include whether companies where individuals will make purchases whether they want to vest whether Neuf you know ventures will go on hold there are lots of the just to quote disruptions here there are travel restrictions that are being imposed by the Chinese and other governments foreigners foreigners are being evacuated shipping is being interrupted the railways between Hong Kong and the mainland have been interrupted in the air industry there are more screenings of the passengers and fewer routes that are out there and then there are some industries that are immediately impact by this like tourism gaming but we don't know the longer term implications for industries like manufacturing for example the center of the problem is and who be a province which is key to the Chinese watching Fox Conn serves Apple and many other tech companies so this could in the longer term cause supply chain. To diversify further away from China and further push decoupling if you're looking for any kind of silver lining in this picture the the One small positive aspect of this is that this country to those who want to push decoupling this shows the importance of international cooperation this problem can't be solved on cooperation between China the United States the w.h.o. And all of our global partners and this is a very graphic representation station on ports that international cooperation is there have been concerns that the virus outbreak could lead to a worldwide recession mooned says that is possible it really depends on the longer term effects how serious the disruptions will be relooked back to SARS when the weather warmed up a few months from now the problem was dissipated so that would that would minimize the problem to a certain extent but as I said China is already a salary doing in terms of its economy it does not need a hit to consumption and the Phase one trade deal actually relies on Chinese purchases of American goods if there are problems in the supply chain and production of goods then theoretically if this goes on long enough there could be some impact on China's ability to fulfill those terms and that would be that would be a major problem too Jeff moon is the former assistant trade representative for China in the Obama administration he spoke with us via Skype. These are among the top Asia headlines you'll find right now at v.o.a. News dot com u.s. Forces working at a mostly Taliban controlled region of Afghanistan have recovered the remains of 2 military personnel killed when their plane crashed in the country's Gosney province the us government Tuesday charged the Harvard university department chair at a Boston University employee with failing to disclose their dealings with Chinese research agencies while receiving federal research funding a division of the World Bank has just made its 1st so-called green loan to a bank in Vietnam meant for businesses to help with environmental problems in a nation that has one of the world's highest the mission's rates relative to its economy China has agreed that the World Health Organization will say in international experts they are as soon as possible. V.o.a. Asia continues now the World Health Organization warns the evacuation of nationals from China to their home countries carries the risk of spreading the deadly corona virus the w.h.o. Reports $4428.00 cases of the disease in China that includes $106.00 deaths another $45.00 cases are confirmed in 13 countries Lisa reports from w.h.o. Headquarters in Geneva. W.h.o. Chief Tadros I don't know I'm gay priests This is wrapping up several days of talks with China's president Xi Jinping and other high level officials in Beijing they have been discussing measures to protect the health of Chinese citizens and foreigners during the corona virus outbreak w.h.o. Spokesman Christian Lindenmayer says officials also have considered possible alternatives to the evacuation of foreigners from China to ensure no infections are imported back to their home countries he calls that a real possibility as the incubation period of the corona virus is between one and 14 days that means people can transmit the virus during that period there are possibilities that also some to match the people so people showing no symptoms at all. Could be infectious are definitely interesting and concerning and have to be closer looked at that's all I can say so far is one of the big unknown about this virus which have to be solved Linda Martellus we await that the w.h.o. Does not yet have a position on the pros and cons of quarantining nationals upon their return he says the w.h.o. Is waiting for clarification on the dangers of transmitting the disease during the incorporation period before issuing advice closely monitoring or even isolating people who have who are coming back might be a measure yet if we see symptoms monitoring closely monitoring or as some countries refer to isolating them even for a certain amount of time is a measure possible it could help the scenario it could help prevent the further spread of the virus the good news is Lindenmayer is that there has not been any major spread of the infection outside of China the w h O's latest risk assessment of the corona virus rates the regional and global risk level is high and that of China as very high well. The virus is not rapidly spreading outside of China the Guardian Rachel urges countries to remain vigilant and be prepared Lisa shrine for v.o.a. News Geneva at least 5 people in Australia have tested positive for the corona virus the latest is a young Chinese student diagnosed in Sydney Australia is increasing its border and bio security measures from Sydney Film Mercer has more medical authorities a warning it's likely there will be more confirmed cases in Australia of the potentially deadly coronavirus schoolchildren in New South Wales states have been told to stay away from class for 2 weeks if they've been in contact with a confirmed case of the disease the symptoms of the virus include fever difficulty breathing and coughing the coronavirus causes severe a spirit tree infection and there is no cure or vaccine most of the deaths have been of those with preexisting respect problems well the elderly doctors in Australia are being urged to wear protective face masks when seeing patients who potentially carry the corona virus it's thought to have originated in the Chinese city of hand the capital of hoop a province Australia's chief medical officer is Professor Brendan Murphy we are starting to look at people who've come from parts of China rather than here by as potentially at risk if I can still run mines on that Hugh by province of China which is the a.p. Censure and which is the only place where human to human transmission has been identified Australia is also bracing for a slump in visitors from China its biggest international tourist markets because of restrictions put in place to try to stop the spread of the disease the Australian Government doesn't know how many of its citizens a port in the vast quarantine lock down area. Imposed by all Florence's in China reports have suggested that $100.00 Australians including children could be unable to leave corona virus cases have also been confirmed in central countries including Germany Japan South Korea the United States and Canada film Assefa v.o.a. News Sydney Japan and the United States Wednesday geared up to airlift 100 to their citizens from ground 0 of China's deadly virus epidemic Han up next on the away Asia you'll hear from a woman in Beijing who is desperately trying to visit her 103 year old grandmother elsewhere in China but she cannot. Happening now in Asia news Britain will allow China is while way technologies to help build the country's next generation cellular network giving a blow do we us campaign to launch over world wide boycott of the telecom equipment giant say up to date we'd be away this is the only Asia. More than 50000000 people have been locked down in and around with the central industrial city where the outbreak 1st began in a bid by authorities to stop an infection that has since spread to more than 15 countries thousands of foreigners are among those effectively trapped in the area and numerous countries are devising plans to evacuate their nationals middling who is Beijing resident who was looking forward to travelling to judging province to visit her elderly grandmother for the holiday she spoke with the always that Myra for an end is about her situation at 1st I didn't believe it because I was so excited to go back home Thank You see my grandmother who is over 100 years old so that meant more important and more special for me. Unfortunately at the time the ride was already spreading very fast and people advised me not to go and my family was very concerned of course and very worried and. I was calling with my sister and she told me to cancel the flight because we can both not risk to travel at a time where so many people are traveling over a 1000000000 people are traveling around these time a year being in such a massive crowd and exposed basically our own health to such a virus that is so unknown and so because it's unknown it's it's experts scary by the way it weighs your grandma leaving. So she lives in eastern China it's about a 6 hour drive from Shanghai and it is actually the problem is that is. Severely affected personally I have tried to look at it. As rational as I can because I do not believe that. Panicking helps in this situation but to be very honest with you today and yesterday were very challenging for me not to stress and not to feel overwhelmed by the news and how fast it's spreading and people are scared. Streets are empty indeed in you do see some people. Still walking maybe maybe walking their dog or some shops are still open to some supermarkets open but most of what you can see in the. Say most of the storage is is either empty or they have difficulty. For supplies of mass of detergent of disinfectants of. All the things that you need to be super clean. Lacking in most of the shops and pharmacies right now. To get you to share my personal experience with you the day before yesterday I went out to get more mass and I was checking 6 pharmacies and 3 very big supermarkets to find any but without any luck so must very trustful sold out my score thought out and and shops have difficulty. Resupplying them because people are buying them online people are stacking basically stacking boxes of those every time it gets resupplied all there is a lot of demand for that and just supplies at the moment. Is not enough you would think that way your grandmother lives. Most affected areas you talk to your family every day you shacking up checking on them. Yes we're staying in touch and how she's doing and how everyone is doing. Mi Ling who was a Beijing Richard into was looking forward to travelling to j.j. Proppants to visit her elderly grandmother for the holiday she spoke with be always Myra Fernandes coming up the u.s. President's lawyers state his case will take you to Capitol Hill you're listening to v.o.a. Asia. Away Asia is on Twitter follow was the v.o.a. Asia for developing stories in Asia perhaps close to you our Twitter feed also has updates on programmes you can hear and see with links to easily find out would be a way Asia also follow radio program hosts peel away Stevenson and Away moment v.o.a. Asia Twitter We're always online for you. Be away Asia continues. Rashmi Saad Twyla never expected to start working at the age of 59 let alone join India's Diggs economy now she's part of an army of housewives turning their homes into cloud kitchens to feed type starved millennialists the so-called Cloud kitchens restaurants that have no physical presence and a delivery only model are rising in popularity as there is a boom in food delivery absentia sweet tea and the model although Indian women have long battled praxis through education and employment opportunities the biggest hurdle for many is convincing conservative families to let them leave home but new apps like curry full home foodie and not the guide are tapping the skills of housewives to slice dice and prepare meals for one hungry urbanites from the comfort of their homes so. Obviously it just looks like the name because even as they. Go easy outside and well one of the 1st housewives to join Curry folate Nov 28th teen shortly after its launch 500 while I was initially apprehensive despite having 4 decades of experience in the kitchen since then she's undergone a crash course in how to run a business from creating weekly menus supplying supplies from wholesale markets to cut costs to. Businesses in the Philippines take a taste say the popular tourist destination which borders the rest the volcano are opening back up despite central government warnings that they stay closed all the erupted over a week ago and local authorities have since enforced the 14 kilometer exclusion zone around the volcano which continues to keep a back he waited locals away from their abandoned pets the Department of Interior and loafing. The government has officially advised all businesses along with zone to stay closed but now open signs are creeping back across much of the ash covered tank a day but we still Karami to subtotal once a bread shop just outside the exclusion zone has kept this establishment open since the day of the eruption he and his wife continue to prepare bread by candlelight on a daily basis despite the lack of electricity and water I realize at 1st establishment people would probably open would be me so we decided to open it we have to stop and it's because of it but I had so what we decided to do offer them some but I had to see if they would buy it and so be it I don't need and not what he did for me more than $100000.00 people had to abandon their homes around the ball came only after it spewed smoke and ash on Jan you were a child disaster authorities have deemed the danger level to 4 out of a possible 5 that means that a hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days for business scene I'm Ira Mehlman. This news break from be away Asia a wildfire sparked by a military helicopter helping firefighting efforts with blazing out of control and threatening homes on the outskirts of Australia's capital Wednesday despite your danger escalated across the country southeast fire spread over 9500 hectares since it was started by a transport helicopter landing light that ignited grass in the area. We continue on v.o.a. Asian lawyers for u.s. President Donald Trump wrapped up their defense Tuesday at his Senate impeachment trial strongly rebutting claims that he withheld military aid to Ukraine to benefit himself politically Joining us is be away Congressional Correspondent Catherine just said this is not the end of the impeachment hearing I take it right now not at all tell us more shorter So basically what happened today is that the 1st phase of the trial came to a close and that was the opening arguments phase with both sides presenting their teeth as were their prosecution then what happens next is that senators get to ask a series of written questions to each side alter the Democrats and Republicans well that could take until how long I don't know how much of it depends on whether or not witnesses are permitted Well the next question phase we know for certain will take 16 hours bring it out over 2 days when say you know Thursday which would be that the witness issue would come up for the 1st time on Friday. The law still has that Republicans are meeting right now p.r. Is it likely to scuffing the strategy square that went into boat and how that is all going to go down on Friday explain as simply as you can for an international audience why all of a sudden that witnesses or possible. Right so over the weekend a New York Times report reveals that former national security bastard John Bolton is due to publish a book in that book he says that he had personal conversations with President Trump in which trump holding him that the Ukraine aid was conditioned on the a desiccation wanted it to do with political violence this bombshell revelation really pushed forward the witness discussion here on Capitol Hill never to be a trial which up until that moment had been a little bit up at the air Republicans did not want to call witnesses there was some talk up until I read that but the trial with the sun on Friday that McConnell would move very quickly towards that issuing those off with that vote on the president's Bill Dal it's really hard for Republicans to turn away from that with the ball to do so reopening this whole discussion about a call needed not just Goldman but a whole slew of witness of what is the possibility and this is just speculation on your part and what you've heard walking around the Capitol for the past how many years is whether or not there will be a vote for witnesses. The sun so that there is definitely enough food for witnesses . For earth but that also means that Republicans are going to push for what they want to eat too they're looking for a possibly a one got one witness where are the Democrats get to call John and as a witness they get the call of their witnesses that are they want to break the Bidens into the Senate impeachment trial they want former Vice President Joe Biden who got the campaign trail to talk about his son and Ukrainian traffic company pretty well they want actually to call his son Hunter Biden the company how surprised I want to kind of that deal where they get what they want and well Katherine Jepson is our congressional correspondent and she actually gets maybe a few minutes to take a break now and enjoy yourself I try thank you you've been listening to v.o.a. Asia you can get our program on i Tunes and Sound Cloud download our podcast take b.o.h. You with you this interview a News dot com program page on You Tube follow us on b.o.h. And Twitter and we'd like to hear from you would be a way age of Facebook our email be away be away News dot com you will be quizzed on all of this tomorrow thanks for joining us thanks to our director Tracy Carter our engineer Dan crafted our managing editor Diane gal in our team of Jim Stevenson Keith Lane and Doug Bernard I remember the washer didn't have a wonderful day. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Jonathan Abbott it's and I'm Ashley Thomson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower. And we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Katy Weaver Alice Bryant Susan shad and and ball later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st here is Katie Weaver. Controversy and sadness were part of this year's Grammy show but for the music awards ceremony even began Sunday host Alicia Keys opened here we are to gather on music's biggest night celebrating the artists that do it best but to be honest with you we are all feeling crazy sadness right now she said she was talking about the tragic news that basketball superstar Kobe Bryant his 13 year old daughter and 7 other people were killed in a helicopter crash Sunday morning the National Recording Academy Awards show was broadcast live from the Staples Center the home court of the Los Angeles Lakers the team Bryant played for all of his 20 year career we are literally standing here heartbroken in the house that Kobe Bryant built keys said. The controversy clouding the ceremony was the suspension of Debra Dougan as chief of the Recording Academy Doogan took the leadership position in 2019 partly to deal with reports of sexism at the academy she is the 1st woman to head the organization less than 2 weeks ago Duken was suspended the academy said another employee had accused Doogan of hostile behavior to gain a sense taken legal action herself with Equal Opportunity Commission but the sadness and the controversy did not stop the artist Sunday night from producing a major celebration of music singer and flute player Liz started the night's many songs with truth hurts and because I love you the Artist won the best pop solo performance Grammy for Truth hurts the big winners of the night however were 18 year old Billy Eilish and her brother Phineas O'Connell they shared the best album Grammy for when we all fall asleep where do we go Billie Eilish also took home the Best New Artist prize and her song Bad Guy won Best Song and best record Phineas O'Connell won a producer of the year a Grammy and another for Best Engineered album. Together the sister and brother one the last Pop Vocal Album. I'm Katie Weaver. Zachariah Mohammed's living room is filled with things he does not own he pays $200.00 a month for the couch side table bar cart dining table and 4 chairs and his living room the cost is worth it says the 27 year old New Yorker Mohammed has moved to times in the past year that is not unusual in places like New York City if he needs to move again he will not need to carry a couch across the city or worry about whether it will fit in his next apartment Mohammed solution is further a new company that lets renters change furniture whenever they want Mohammed is a social media manager who lives with his partner and their dog he told the Associated Press we don't want to be stuck with a giant couch. Further and other companies aim to rent furniture to young adults who do not want to make big purchases or move heavy furniture it and similar companies are part of a growing rental culture Thomas Robertson is a marketing professor at the war in school of the University of Pennsylvania he told the Associated Press that people who are using furniture rental services likely move and change jobs a lot these companies target people who make good money live in cities and want nice furniture but only temporarily the quality of the furniture is a little higher than that of Swedish brand Ikea I'm 32 years old and have lived in 25 different places 5 different countries 12 different cities says Chan park he helped launch the online furniture rental company Oliver space last year before starting the company Chan often bought and then threw away low cost furniture then he moved to a rental apartment in Singapore that already had furniture in it it was probably the 1st time my adult life that I felt like I was truly at home park says such companies mostly only operate in a few coastal American cities they offer furniture from Crate and Barrel West Elm and smaller brands. Others have begun renting home goods to a high end clothing rental company Rent the Runway recently added West Elm pillows and quilts Ikea is also testing a rental service in several countries including Switzerland and Belgium renting may make sense for a generation that sees life as always moving says han a band shocked she is the founder of Gen planet a research and advisory company that studies the generation born between the late 1990 s. And 2016 moving her furniture from New York to Los Angeles would have cost Clarissa Wright $3000.00 Instead she gave away most of what she own and traveled through Europe for 2 months and then rented a couch bed and other furniture in her new place she pays $255.00 a month further delivered the furniture and put all the pieces together in one day Wright is a 28 year old marketing advisor for clothing and beauty brands she says she can change the furniture add more things or move to a new apartment or city but right now she is not sure what her future holds I don't think too far ahead she says that comes at a price critics have called the furniture rental business exploitation of stores like rent a center target poor people who cannot pay full price for furniture or home appliances. And the company charges higher prices overall and competitors for some of the newer furniture rental companies there are membership costs there are also costs if furniture is badly damaged Margot Saunders is with the National Consumer Law Center she said if people think this is the best way to buy a couch they are wrong Saunders added They should recognize that they are paying for the convenience of renting I'm Alice Bryant and I'm Susan Shand. People who work long hours and have long commutes to their jobs may be more likely to have sleep problems and not get enough exercise a new study suggests researchers in Sweden carried out the study they looked at people who work more than 40 hours a week and commute more than half an hour each way on an average day. The researchers found that those people had a 25 percent higher risk for having an in active lifestyle and a 16 percent higher risk of having sleep problems John a whole loan in is the study's lead rider she is with a Stockholm University and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki Finland she said sleep problems may happen from lack of time for stress releasing activities and relaxation She also said people with long work days and a long commute may be too tired to be physically active the study recently appeared in the publication Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the past researchers have linked long work hours to unhealthy behaviors like physical inactivity smoking and poor eating choices however little is known about the combined effects of working long hours and having long commutes over time for this study researchers questioned more than 22000 working age adults at least 2 times between 282018 they asked them about their work and commute hours as well as how much they exercised and slept. The researchers also asked the study subjects how often they smoked and drank alcohol many of those questioned had a usual way of getting to work that remained unchanged during the study period but 14 percent had commute times change once during the study and about 5 percent had commute times change at least twice among people who normally worked less than 40 hours a week the study found that commute time had little effect on habits such as drinking alcohol smoking or exercising the researchers did lack data on how people commuted This makes it unclear if a commuter had an in active method for getting to work like driving a car or if their commute included some form of exercise we know walking and cycling for commuting tend to be associated with better health said all of her mitten he is a researcher at Britain's University of Cambridge and was not involved in the study mitten told Reuters that there is clearly a message here about when choosing a job with a long commute He said that people should think about the effects that their job situation may have on their health. Not everyone has much choice over where they work or the chance to work from home mitten noted but he said that this suggests there is a role for employers and governments to show flexibility to employees needs I mean a on ball. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in v.o.a. Special English the United States did not play a very large part in world events during v 18 hundreds at the beginning of the 1900s However it expanded its interests throughout the world. America's president at that time strongly supported the expansion he was Theodore Roosevelt a distantly related cousin of the future President Franklin Roosevelt surely Griffith and Frank Oliver complete the story of America's 26th president who was also known as Teddy Theodore Roosevelt became president in 19001 after the assassination of President William McKinley He completed the last 3 years of McKinley's term then he was elected in his own right those 4 years are spoken of as Roosevelt's 2nd term. It was during this 2nd term that Roosevelt gained his most important foreign policy success he negotiated an end to a war between Russia and Japan later he was asked to settle another international dispute at issue was Morocco in 1000 all for France and Britain signed an agreement on North Africa the agreement gave Britain control over Egypt it gave France responsibility for security and reforms in Morocco Germany opposed the agreement it felt threatened by any French British alliance and it feared France would block German trade ties with Morocco. Germany demanded an open door policy that would permit all countries to trade freely in Morocco. He had proposed an international conference to settle the dispute. France and Britain rejected the idea. The ruler of Germany Kaiser Vilhelm the 2nd warned that the dispute could lead to war. The Kaiser asked Theodore Roosevelt to intervene President Roosevelt agreed to help some American lawmakers criticized him they said it was an American tradition not to get involved in European disputes but Roosevelt believed peace was more important than tradition. He set out the conference in the Spanish seaport of Algiers Saurus 12 European nations and the United States attended the conference agreed to an open door trade policy in Morocco it organized an international bank to control Morocco's finances and it gave France and Spain almost complete control over police forces in Morocco's port cities beard or Roosevelt had become a powerful world leader at home however he was losing power one reason was an economic depression business leaders blamed it on Roosevelt they said it was the result of his efforts to gain government control over industry the other reason was one he had created himself at that time there was no law limiting a president's term in office but America's 1st president George Washington had established a tradition of only 2 terms when Theodore Roosevelt won the election of 1904 he announced he would not be a candidate in 100008 he had completed the term of President McKinley he would serve full term of his own that was enough later he said I would be willing to cut off my hand if I could call back that statement. During his last year in office Roosevelt was a lame duck president. Everyone knew he would not be back there was little political reason to support him he think increased opposition from Congress and from his own Republican Party his final message to Congress was extremely bitter President Roosevelt accused Congress and the court system of working only to help rich Americans he called for attacks on earnings he called for legislation to give workers a greater share of the nation's wealth the House of Representatives voted to reject the message it said Roosevelt had failed to show respect for the legislative branch of government Roosevelt refused to give up hope for the policies he believed America needed he would not be able to fight for these policies himself but he could find a presidential candidate who would he was sure the people would vote for his choice. He decided on his close friend Secretary of War William Howard Taft. Taft had spent most of his life in government service he had been a judge in both a state court and a federal court he had been a lawyer in the Justice Department and he had been governor of the Philippines there was one problem however Taft did not want to be president he really wanted to be chief justice of the United States. But there were no immediate openings on the Supreme Court also his wife his brothers and his good friend Theodore Roosevelt urged him to run so Taft agreed to be a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1908 when he won the nomination Taft said Mr Roosevelt led the way to reform my job if I elected will be to complete and perfect his programs the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan Bryan had been a candidate 2 times before without success. The presidential campaign was not especially exciting William Howard Taft did not like being on the campaign trail he was a big heavy man he did not like to travel Roosevelt urged him to campaign with more energy. Hit hard old man Roosevelt said make the people see the truth let them know that for all your gentleness and kindliness there never existed a man who was a better fighter when the need arose Roosevelt said Vice and strong support helped Taft win a big victory on Election Day. A few weeks after Taft was sworn in as President Roosevelt left on a year long trip overseas he spent most of the time hunting wild animals in Africa. President Taft wrote a warm goodbye letter to his friend he promised to do his best as president but he admitted he could not lead as Roosevelt had done in fact Taft said he was still surprised when anyone called him Mr President each time it happened he turned around to see if Roosevelt was there there was no question that Taft's way of leading was much different from Roosevelt's Taft believed a president should not interfere too deeply in the actions of Congress he also believed a president should not claim special powers or rights. He believed in the Supremes power of the law even if the law did not work very well the progressives who had supported Roosevelt did not support Taft they said he was too friendly with conservatives they said he had surrendered to special interest groups Taff for his part did not like progressives he thought they were too emotional and extreme. Yet tapped worked hard to put into law many parts of Roosevelt's progressive programs he was successful in several areas during his administration for example a separate Department of Labor was established to constitutional amendments one congressional approval and were sent to the states for ratification. One amendment provided for a federal tax on earnings the other provided for direct popular election of senators Taft also worked even harder than Roosevelt to break up companies or trusts that blocked economic competition at the same time Taft failed in several areas he signed legislation that lowered import taxes neither businessman nor progressive Republicans liked it he negotiated a free trade agreement with Canada the Canadian parliament rejected it he believed in protecting America's wilderness areas yet he did not believe existing laws gave him the right to close public lands to private development so he was seen as an enemy of conservation. These struggles and failures made Taft's for years as president the unhappiest of his life. The final blow came in an effort to reduce the powers of the speaker of the House of Representatives the speaker was a conservative Republican progressive Republicans opposed him the issues the party the Adore Roosevelt far from home read about the trouble he had promised to stay out of politics but each of the opposing groups in his party had asked for his support. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson. And this is the news I'm arisen Melton u.s. President Donald Trump's lawyers in the impeachment trial are arguing that the.

Radio-program , American-freemasons , Nobel-peace-prize , Immunity-law- , Legislatures , American-roman-catholics , International-relations , Political-science , Constitutional-law , American-progressives , Harvard-university-alumni , New-york-republicans

VOA [Voice of America] Global English-20200128-130000

President Trump's defense team continues making its case to the Senate that the president did nothing wrong that would warrant his removal from office a.p. Correspondent Jackie Quinn against the backdrop of new revelations about the draft of a book from former national security advisor John Bolton President Trump's defense team was presenting a case against Hunter Biden who took a lucrative job on the board of Ukrainian energy company then law professor Alan Dershowitz testified nothing the president did meets the level of criminal activity the constitutional framers Invision you cannot turn conduct that is not impeachable into impeachable conduct simply by using words like quid pro quo he says even if John Bolton testifies that President Trump was withholding aid until Ukraine agreed to investigate the Bidens that would not constitute an impeachable offense President Trump denies Bolton's account while a few Republican senators are suggesting they may want Bolton to testify in the impeachment trial Jackie Quinn Washington Public point continues and so does the investigation into the helicopter crash near Los Angeles that killed retired n.b.a. Star Kobe Bryant A.P.'s head Donahue report outside the Staples Center the rights given me some of the best memories of my life fans like Chris remarries were leaving flowers basketballs basketball shoes and lots of Kobe Bryant jerseys he gave us everything he had and at the very least I got a couple respect and then not just him and other people who died Bryant's 13 year old daughter and 7 others were also killed maybe ation safety expert John Fox says the helicopter that crashed has a good track record he was asked about fog in the area that morning it was clear that the pilot. Who. Want to warn the want to. Box says this investigation will take time I'm a Donahue this is v.o.a. News. U.s. President Donald Trump has offered China any help needed to combat a deadly outbreak of a corona virus that has killed 106 people the latest figures reported by Chinese health officials include more than 2700 cases of people being sickened by the virus with at least 106 people having died cases have also been reported in nearly a dozen countries now the World Health Organization says that most of these people had a travel history and will go on with several others having contact with someone who had traveled there for more on the w.h.o. And their role in world health emergencies Lisa Schneider reports from Geneva in 2019 the World Health Organization and partners have responded to 51 emergencies in more than 40 countries and territories executive director of w.h.o. Emergencies program Michael Ryan says the unseen work of sustaining fragile health systems in conflicts and other emergencies does not stop in Bangladesh. Refugees living in the crowded times Cox bazaar. Vulnerable population. Ryan says w h o n partners have provided health services to more than 10000000 people in Yemen. For v.o.a. News Geneva regarding the coronavirus there been no reported deaths linked to the virus outside of China Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at the White House yesterday was greeted by President Trump today there will be an announcement of a new long awaited Middle East peace plan b. Always Cindy's saying reports Netanyahu is trying to trump saying he is the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House Palestinian leaders would likely agree that Trump is the greatest friend to Israel and have rejected the deal as dead on arrival. This deal which is not the. Based on international legality and international law which also gives Israel all it wants at the expense of the national rights of the Palestinian people that embodied in an independent sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital and the right of its refugees for return does not make the base for a quick solution it comes from a party that has lost its credibility to be an honest broker in a serious and genuine political process. Palestinian Authority has not had any could say. Get out of school. You look for to drop a little play. With a secret trick they say look brave get this from the car to keep in The to. Be away one day it's the weekend blinding lights one of the moments I really appreciated at the Grammys was Alicia Keys and voice to mention tribute to Kobe Bryant their reaction to his death they came on and they sang It's so hard to say goodbye and my heart just bursted rest in peace Kobe Bryant you can find out more about his death and the investigation into it on our Facebook page Ed v.o.a. Won the hits here is Justin Bieber yummy. Mail I want and the kids my name is make you strong you know you can always reach me on social media on Facebook and Twitter at I am and i k k I s t r o n g This is v.o.a. One that hits. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America Jonathan of it and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from Katy Weaver Alice Bryant Susan shad and and ball later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st here is Katie Weaver. Controversy and sadness were part of this year's Grammy show but for the music awards ceremony even began Sunday host Alicia Keys opened here we are to gather on music's biggest night celebrating the artists that do it best but to be honest with you we are all feeling crazy sadness right now she said she was talking about the tragic news that basketball superstar Kobe Bryant his 13 year old daughter and 7 other people were killed in a helicopter crash Sunday morning the National Recording Academy Awards show was broadcast live from the Staples Center the home court of the Los Angeles Lakers the team Bryant played for all of his 20 year career we are literally standing here heartbroken in the house that Kobe Bryant built keys said. The controversy clouding the ceremony was the suspension of Debra Dougan as chief of the Recording Academy Doogan took the leadership position in 2019 partly to deal with reports of sexism at the academy she is the 1st woman to head the organization less than 2 weeks ago Duken was suspended the academy said another employee had accused Doogan of hostile behavior Doogan has sense taken legal action herself with the Equal Opportunity Commission but the sadness and the controversy did not stop the artist Sunday night from producing a major celebration of music singer and flute player Liz though started the night's many songs with truth hurts and because I love you the Artist won the best pop solo performance Grammy for Truth hurts the big winners of the night however were 18 year old Billy Eilish and her brother Phineas O'Connell they shared the best album Grammy for when we all fall asleep where do we go Billie Eilish also took home the Best New Artist prize and her song Bad Guy won Best Song and best record Phineas O'Connell won a producer of the year a Grammy and another for Best Engineered album. Together the sister and brother one asked Pop Vocal Album. I'm Katie Weaver. Zachariah Mohammed's living room is filled with things he does not own he pays $200.00 a month for the couch side table bar cart dining table and 4 chairs in his living room the cost is worth it says the 27 year old New Yorker Mohammed has moved to times in the past year that is not unusual in places like New York City if he needs to move again he will not need to carry a couch across the city or worry about whether it will fit in his next apartment Mohammed solution is further a new company that lets renters change furniture whenever they want Mohammed is a social media manager who lives with his partner and their dog he told the Associated Press we don't want to be stuck with a giant couch. Further and other companies aim to rent furniture to young adults who do not want to make big purchases or move heavy furniture it and similar companies are part of a growing rental culture Thomas Robertson is a marketing professor at the war in school of the University of Pennsylvania he told the Associated Press that people who are using furniture rental services likely move and change jobs a lot these companies target people who make good money live in cities and want nice furniture but only temporarily the quality of the furniture is a little higher than that of Swedish brand Ikea I'm 32 years old and have lived in 25 different places 5 different countries 12 different cities says Chan park he helped launch the online furniture rental company Oliver space last year before starting the company Chan often bought and then threw away low cost furniture then he moved to a rental apartment in Singapore that already had furniture in it it was probably the 1st time my adult life that I felt like I was truly at home park says such companies mostly only operate in a few coastal American cities they offer furniture from Crate and Barrel West Elm and smaller brands. Others have begun renting home goods to a high end clothing rental company Rent the Runway recently added West Elm pillows and quilts Ikea is also testing a rental service in several countries including Switzerland and Belgium ranting may make sense for a generation that sees life as always moving says han a band shocked she is the founder of Gen planet a research and advisory company that studies the generation born between the late 1990 s. And 2016 moving her furniture from New York to Los Angeles would have cost Clarissa Wright $3000.00 Instead she gave away most of what she own and traveled through Europe for 2 months and then rented a couch bed and other furniture in her new place she pays $255.00 a month father delivered the furniture and put all the pieces together in one day Wright is a 28 year old marketing advisor for clothing and beauty brands she says she can change the furniture add more things or move to a new apartment or city but right now she is not sure what her future holds I don't think too far ahead she says that comes at a price critics have called the furniture rental business exploitation of stores like rent a center target poor people who cannot pay full price for furniture or home appliances. And the company charges higher prices overall and competitors for some of the newer furniture rental companies there are membership costs there are also costs if furniture is badly damaged Margot Saunders is with the National Consumer Law Center she said if people think this is the best way to buy a couch they are wrong Saunders added They should recognize that they are paying for the convenience of renting I'm Alice Bryant and I'm Susan Shand. People who work long hours and have long commutes to their jobs may be more likely to have sleep problems and not get enough exercise a new study suggests researchers in Sweden carried out the study they looked at people who work more than 40 hours a week and commute more than half an hour each way on an average day. The researchers found that those people had a 25 percent higher risk for having an in active lifestyle and a 16 percent higher risk of having sleep problems John a whole loan in is the study's lead rider she is with Stockholm University and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki Finland she said sleep problems may happen from lack of time for stress releasing activities and relaxation She also said people with long work days and a long commute may be too tired to be physically active the study recently appeared in the publication Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the past researchers have linked long work hours to unhealthy behaviors like physical inactivity smoking and poor eating choices however little is known about the combined effects of working long hours and having long commutes over time for this study researchers questioned more than 22000 working age adults at least 2 times between 282018 they asked them about their work and commute hours as well as how much they exercised and slept. The researchers also asked the study subjects how often they smoked and drank alcohol many of those questioned had a usual way of getting to work that remained unchanged during the study period but 14 percent had commute times change once during the study and about 5 percent had commute times change at least twice among people who normally worked less than 40 hours a week the study found that commute time had little effect on habits such as drinking alcohol smoking or exercising the researchers did lack data on how people commuted This makes it unclear if a commuter had an in active method for getting to work like driving a car or if their commute included some form of exercise we know walking and cycling for commuting tend to be associated with better health said all over mitten he is a researcher at Britain's University of Cambridge and was not involved in the study mitten told Reuters that there is clearly a message here about when choosing a job with a long commute He said that people should think about the effects that their job situation may have on their health. Not everyone has much choice over where they work or the chance to work from home mittened noted but he said that this suggests there is a role for employers and governments to show flexibility to employees needs I'm a on ball. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in v.o.a. Special English the United States did not play a very large part in world events during v 18 hundreds at the beginning of the 1900s However it expanded its interests throughout the world. America's president at that time strongly supported the expansion he was Theodore Roosevelt a distantly related cousin of the future President Franklin Roosevelt surely Griffith and Frank Oliver complete the story of America's 26th president who was also known as Teddy Theodore Roosevelt became president in 19001 after the assassination of President William McKinley He completed the last 3 years of McKinley's term then he was elected in his own right those 4 years are spoken of as Roosevelt's 2nd term. It was during this 2nd term that Roosevelt gained his most important foreign policy success he negotiated and and to a war between Russia and Japan later he was asked to settle another international dispute at issue was Morocco in 1000 all for France and Britain signed an agreement on North Africa the agreement gave Britain control over Egypt it gave France responsibility for security and reforms in Morocco Germany opposed the agreement it felt threatened by any French British alliance and it feared France would block German trade ties with Morocco Germany demanded an open door policy that would permit all countries to trade freely in Morocco he had proposed an international conference to settle the dispute. France and Britain rejected the idea. The ruler of Germany Kaiser Vilhelm the 2nd warned of that the dispute could lead to war the Kaiser asked Theodore Roosevelt to intervene President Roosevelt agreed to help some American lawmakers criticized him they said it was an American tradition not to get involved in European disputes but Roosevelt believed peace was more important than tradition. He set out the conference in the Spanish seaport of Algiers Saurus 12 European nations and the United States attended the conference agreed to an open door trade policy in Morocco it organized an international bank to control Morocco's finances and it gave France and Spain almost complete control over police forces in Morocco's port cities beard or Roosevelt had become a powerful world leader at home however he was losing power one reason was an economic depression business leaders blamed it on Roosevelt they said it was the result of his efforts to gain government control over industry the other reason was one he had created himself at that time there was no law limiting a president's term in office but America's 1st president George Washington had established a tradition of only 2 terms when Theodore Roosevelt won the election of 1904 he announced he would not be a candidate in 100008 he had completed the term of President McKinley he would serve full term of his own that was enough later he said I would be willing to cut off my hand if I could call back that statement. During his last year in office Roosevelt was a lame duck president. Everyone knew he would not be back there was little political reason to support him he faced increased opposition from Congress and from his own Republican Party his final message to Congress was extremely bitter President Roosevelt accused Congress and the court system of working only to help rich Americans he called for attacks on earnings he called for legislation to give workers a greater share of the nation's wealth the House of Representatives voted to reject the message it said Roosevelt had failed to show respect for the legislative branch of government Roosevelt refused to give up hope for the policies he believed America needed he would not be able to fight for these policies himself but he could find a presidential candidate who would he was sure the people would vote for his choice. He decided on his close friend Secretary of War William Howard Taft. Taft had spent most of his life in government service he had been a judge in both a state court and a federal court he had been a lawyer in the Justice Department and he had been governor of the Philippines. There was one problem however Taft did not want to be president he really wanted to be chief justice of the United States. But there were no immediate openings on the Supreme Court also his wife his brothers and his good friend Theodore Roosevelt urged him to run so Taft agreed to be a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1908 when he won the nomination Taft said Mr Roosevelt led the way to reform my job if I elected will be to complete and perfect his programs the Democratic Party nominated William Jennings Bryan Bryan had been a candidate 2 times before without success. The presidential campaign was not especially exciting William Howard Taft did not like being on the campaign trail he was a big heavy man he did not like to travel Roosevelt urged him to campaign with more energy hit hard old man Roosevelt said make the people see the truth let them know that for all your gentleness and kindness there never existed a man who was a better fighter when the need arose Roosevelt's advice and strong support helped Taft win a big victory on Election Day. A few weeks after Taft was sworn in as President Roosevelt left on a year long trip overseas he spent most of the time hunting wild animals in Africa. President Taft wrote a warm goodbye letter to his friend he promised to do his best as president but he admitted he could not lead as Roosevelt had done in fact Taft said he was still surprised when anyone called him Mr President each time it happened he turned around to see if Roosevelt was there there was no question that Taft's way of leading was much different from Roosevelt's Taft believed a president should not interfere too deeply in the actions of Congress he also believed a president should not claim special powers or rights he believed in the Supremes power of the law even if the law did not work very well. The progressives who had supported Roosevelt did not support Taft they said he was too friendly with conservatives they said he had surrendered to special interest groups Taff for his part did not like progressives he thought they were too emotional and extreme. Yet Taft worked hard to put into law many parts of Roosevelt's progressive programs he was successful in several areas during his administration for example a separate Department of Labor was established 2 constitutional amendments one congressional approval and were sent to the states for ratification. One amendment provided for a federal tax on earnings the other provided for direct popular election of senators Taft also worked even harder than Roosevelt to break up companies or trusts that blocked economic competition at the same time Taft failed in several areas he signed legislation that lowered import taxes neither businessman nor progressive Republicans liked it he negotiated a free trade agreement with Canada the Canadian parliament rejected it. He believed in protecting America's wilderness areas yet he did not believe existing laws gave him the right to close public lands to private development so he was seen as an enemy of conservation these struggles and failures made Taft's for years as president the unhappiest of his life the final blow came in an effort to reduce the powers of the speaker of the House of Representatives the speaker was a conservative Republican progressive Republicans opposed him the issues the party the Adore Roosevelt far from home read about the trouble he had promised to stay out of politics. But each of the opposing groups in his party asked for his support. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson.

Radio-program , American-freemasons , Neo-soul-singers , American-progressives , Mass-media , Burials-at-arlington-national-cemetery , Columbia-university-alumni , American-political-writers , New-york-republicans , American-essayists , Ohio-republicans , American-legal-scholars

VOA [Voice of America] Global English-20200101-120000

The long range missile tests it is the clearest indication yet that North Korea may soon resume major provocations but although Kim's speech was full of threats most came with conditions suggesting that North Korea is still open to talking Kim wants the United States to relax sanctions he also wants a formal end to joint military exercises with South Korea and no more advanced weapons sales between the 2 countries speaking late Tuesday Trump appeared to downplay the importance of Kim's threats saying his relationship with Kim remains very good that was v.o.a. Is Bill Gallo in Seoul South Korea it is the new year and they traditional Times Square a ball drop in New York City went off without a hitch just 2020 made its debut in the United States crowds in world capitals across the globe celebrated a.p. Correspondent Matt small reports. About 3000 pounds of confetti showered New Yorkers and tourists still Times Square to watch the famous ball drop in Rome Pope Francis delighted tourists and Romans when he strolled St Peter's Square to admire the nativity scene but the visit when one woman grabbed his hand glued to order to shake it forcing the pope to strike a grip twice to free his fingers. Back in the u.s. Huge crowds attended the night fireworks along the resort line and Las Vegas strip a man. From Washington this is News and Iraq's security forces at the American embassy in Baghdad today used tear gas to disperse protesters led by pro Iran militia men in a 2nd day of demonstrations some spent the night camped outside the embassy walls after a large crowd on Tuesday breached the outer reaches of the compound and set several fires u.s. President Donald Trump has put Iran on notice that he holds it responsible for the mob violence here as we always marry Mada the tropics ministration has pressured the Iraqi government to take. Reader action to protect the embassy but defense expert Michael preachin questions Iraq's commitment to the u.s. The Iraqi government do condemn the Thomasville laws attack on Iraq e Bay's there in Iraq as. America's response to just visited terrorist organization in America defense experts warned the escalating tensions between Tehran and Washington may endanger u.s. Troops in the region u.s. Defense secretary Mark announced Tuesday the United States is sending additional forces to support personnel at the embassy but was real ways Marymount of President Trump says he'll sign what is called Phase one of a China trade deal in 2 weeks we get a report from a.p. Washington correspondent soccer Madani Washington and Beijing announced the 1st step or earlier this month with the us agreeing to reduce tariffs and China saying it will buy more American farm products the president tweets from his Florida home he will sign the deal at the White House January 15th alongside high level Chinese officials the 1st phase does not cover some major issues including practices the u.s. Complains unfairly help Chinese companies those will have to be worked out in a 2nd round of talks the president says he will go to Beijing later to start negotiations Saager Magni Washington the global refugee crisis continues to deepen according to the u.n. The world is witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record here's railways are data during conflict and persecution continue to push people outside their communities in their countries in 2019 adding to the unprecedented school bill of the global refugee crisis the number of total displaced people is over 7XW2X5W are refugees and we have seen of course with on growing new flare ups in Syria as well as men as numbers increasing in some of the population u.s. . The c.r. Spokesperson giving Williams says 2019 so low numbers of refugees returning to n j z would shining now everybody suspected beyond say would be performing in a cool. You to drop a little play. With a secret maybe. A single brave get from base. To keep in Music all unfold was. Told. Such a. Good . Deal a one bids Billy Island all the good girls he was recently spotted rocking it a basketball a Gucci basketball as a purse while in London she definitely has an a regional sense of style My name is Nikki strong Here is our girl is so good as Hal and Billy were on their heads. Let me. Want to make it they just want to 27. Point to one of us does. Body. Press on there when she takes. It down and watch the clip The only one they had one republic Rescue Me We also had g.e. Easy with holes the human diet and juice world rest in peace with lucid dreams my name is Nicky strong Shasta Mohamad and India and I think I got that thanks so much for listening and connecting with us on our Facebook page at v.o.a. One that hits Happy New Year. Welcome to learning English a daily 30 minute program from the Voice of America I'm Jonathan Abbott and I'm Ashley Thompson this program is aimed at English learners so we speak a little slower and we use words and phrases especially written for people learning English. Today on the program you will hear from John Russell and ball and Brian Lynn later we will present our American history series The Making of a nation but 1st. 2 companies that employ independent workers are taking legal action to block a California law that offers protections to such workers the ride sharing company or joint delivery service Post Mates in the lawsuit the 2 companies argue that the new law violates federal and state constitutional guarantees of equal protection and fair justice the law is set to take effect in California on Wednesday supporters have argued that the new rules to protect the rights of workers who are independent contractors the law requires companies to provide some independent contractors with the same kinds of work protections and benefits that employees receive in addition to and opposed to mates the lawsuit includes to end dependent workers fighting the law California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the law in September it has brought greater attention to the rights of independent workers the California law is seen as a possible model for future legislation in other states companies like Lyft post mates and others that panned on the state's estimated 450000 contract workers to work as drivers to keep their businesses running. The workers are considered end up and then to contractors they choose which hours and days they want to work the lawsuit argues that the new law covers some industries like ride sharing and delivery but not others that operate similarly It also states that the rules violate workers' rights to choose how they earn a living the lawsuit also argues that the new law harms companies providing independent services by the 9th their constitutional rights to be treated the same as others to whom they are similarly situated the lawsuit described a study that suggested that the law would increase lifts operating costs by 20 percent and cut the number of drivers in California by about 300000 Democratic state lawmaker Laureano them solace of San Diego helped write the bill she said the law is meant to extend employee rights to more than a 1000000 independent workers who lack benefits those benefits include a minimum wage paid a time off and medical coverage Gonzalez noted at that had sought to receive exemptions to the law when legislators were working on the bill. Joined it lift and door dash and promising to spend $30000000.00 each in an effort to have the law overturned by voters during the 2020 election. Gonzales said in a statement the one clear thing we know about Goober is they will do anything to try to exempt themselves from state regulations that make us all safer and their driver employees self-sufficient She added In the meantime bluebirds chief executives will continue to become billionaires while too many of their drivers are forced to sleep in their cars. And. The United States government recently proposed new rules designed to improve transplant operation. The goal is to ease a severe shortage of kidneys and other organs the shortage is so severe that more than $113000.00 Americans are on the transplant waiting list and about 20 die each day part of the problem is this an Associated Press study recently found some organ collection agencies missed opportunities that could have saved lives some of these groups secure donors at half the rate of others the u.s. Government currently has little way to directly compare organ collection agencies and force poor performers to improve. The rules come after President Donald Trump ordered a reworking of care for kidney disease under the proposed rules Medicare the National Health Insurance Program would rate the performance of organ procurement organizations or Opi owes no life saving organ should go to waste Medicare chief seam of Irma said while announcing the proposals organ transplant activists praised the move patients are dying and they deserve better said Jennifer Erickson about the government campaign targeting o.p.o. . Erickson worked on transplant policy for the administration of former President Barack Obama the association that represents the organ collection groups promised to work with Medicare to put the stronger rules into action the new measures are an opportunity to drive meaningful changes that will increase the availability of organs for transplant and save more lives said Kelly Rana the associations president Ranum also heads the state of Louisiana o.p.o. a $27000.00 study by University of Pennsylvania researchers estimated that an improved transplant system could get as many as 28000 more organs for patients the trumpet administration also aims to increase the numbers of living donors. The idea is that living donors should be reimbursed for lost wages and other costs during their hospital stay and recovery currently the transplant recipients insurance company pays the donor's medical costs but donors are out of work for weeks while they recover and not all employers permit some form of paid time off Health and Human Services secretary Alex aids are as father received a kidney transplant from a living donor when an American wishes to become a living donor we don't believe their financial situation should limit their generosity he said most transplant organs come from deceased donors but the people lucky enough to receive an organ from a living donor often cut their wait time yet fewer than 7000 of the 36529 transplants performed nationwide last year were from living donors I'm John Russell. Indonesian students are among the lowest performers in Southeast Asia says a recent report released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development o.e.c.d. . The o.e.c.d. Program for International Student Assessment Pisa is a test given every 3 years to 15 year olds across 79 countries it examines student ability in math reading and science the results from the 2018 Pisa place Indonesia in the bottom 10 of the countries the findings point to education quality issues in Southeast Asia's most populous country it's a wake up call for all of us in the education sector Orfield said Toto look on mean Sophie John tow a policy expert at Param Edina University in Jakarta Indonesia has a large youth population in the country of 260000000 these young people represent considerable possibilities for economic growth however education problems can interfere with that aim poorly qualified teachers are a major problem 65 percent of students Pisa questioned said their teachers rarely provided direct feedback to them the Indonesian government uses teacher ability tests in 20153000000 teachers in the country took the test the average score was 53 percent reported University of Melbourne Professor Andrew Ross or who examined the results. The tests have not been repeated since then Param Edina University's Sophie John toe thinks they should be because if we don't measure this he said we don't know where their skills are decreasing one in 5 teachers often misses school the World Bank reported in 2017 Indonesian teachers also work for low wages and are often appointed as favors to others Ross or says hundreds of native languages are spoken in the island nation adding to the complexity of its education system under military rule or Suharto from 965-2998 the Indonesian school system was highly centralized but as the government moved towards democratic reform control of educational policy began moving to local governments because Indonesia covers an area of 15000 islands this spread makes it difficult to a stablish national education guidelines or teacher qualifications the o.e.c.d. Report notes that Indonesia has made progress in getting children into school from 2001 to $28.00 teen those taking the Pisa increased from 46 percent to 85 percent of 15 year old students. The report says increasing student populations can create weaknesses in school systems it points out that Indonesia's Pisa results have remained about the same since 2001 suggesting the country has been able to raise the quality of its education system Indonesia's education minister not d m car I'm told the Indonesian newspaper compas that the Pisa results should not be packaged as good news he announced this week that the country's national examination will be reworked to test students on math reading and writing skills math was a difficult pieces subject for Indonesian students just one percent of those tested performed at the highest levels this compares to 44 percent in mainland China and 37 percent in Singapore sudden resources for Math and Science Study have been reorganized to support other subjects such as religion almost 2 thirds of the country's secondary schools are private and offer Islamic education students that these schools generally score lower on tests than students at non-religious schools 2017 study reported. Indonesia has spent about 3.6 per cent of its gross domestic product on education in 2015 lower the neighbors like Malaysia and Vietnam the amount however observes a constitutional requirement to spend 20 percent of the national budget on education. And ball and dime Brian Len. Welcome to the making of a nation American history in v.o.a. Special English the cattle industry started in Texas during the $870.00 s. With its growth came a new kind of worker the man who watched and took care of the cattle these men who watched the cows and rode with them as they moved across the wild lands were often young just boys and so they were called Cowboys Cagle and tells what life was like for the early American cowboy. People all over the world have seen all sorts of films about the cowboy and he is often shown in television shows. But the real life of the cowboy is not often shown his work has been hardened and his life lonely and full of danger. Because boy has told his own story in many songs and ballads hundreds of these have come from carboys whose names are not known they just saying these songs as they rode on the saddles of their horses across the cattle lands or as they sat at their campfires at night they saying about the things that were closed to them horses and cows and danger and death often they saying about the long ride to the cattle markets where the cows were sold for beef as in this song Gold get along little doggie though gate is another name for a young Col especially one which wanders away from the heard the song tells how the young cowboy keeps driving the doggies forward. He feels sorry for them because they will soon be sold for meat but that's their hard luck One of the most famous of cowboy ballads is this one called the Chisholm Trail. Day and night the horse was at the cowboy side a cowboy was as proud of his horse as he was of his skill in riding him there is this feeling in this song I ride an old paint a paint or Pinto is a horse of 3 or more different colors. Don't The. The cattle herds were driven a very long way to the cattle markets and had to be kept and watched on the open trail for many weeks and the trade you took with Cowboys over rough country in all kinds of weather the wild prairie lands were not friendly to man or animals it was a lonely land and the howling of wolves and winds at night made it more soul across this strange land no man in the early days of the West knew just where death was waiting for him a listener hears the mournful feeling Cowboys had for the prairie in this song called The dying cowboy he does not want to be buried out in these wild lands in the lone prairie as the song says still the dying cowboy does not get his wish there is no choice he can be buried only in the lone prairie in a narrow grave 6 by 36 feet deep and 3 feet wide. Oh very. Are you moving. On. And that's our program for today listen again tomorrow to learn English 3 stories from around the world I'm Jonathan Evans and I'm Ashley Thompson. This is the only news I'm Gene Randall in Iraq today security forces at the American embassy in Baghdad used tear gas to chase off protesters led by pro Iran militiamen in a 2nd day of demonstrations some had spent the night camped outside the embassy walls after a large crowd on Tuesday breached the outer reaches of the compound and set several fires Here's v.o.a. Correspondent Edward Uranian. A crowd of. Pro Iranian militiamen and their supporters threw stones and chunks of concrete at the wall of the u.s. Embassy complex inside Baghdad's fortified Green Zone Wednesday as government security forces lobbed tear gas intermittently at the crowd of protesters. U.s. President Donald Trump told journalists late Tuesday for a situation at the embassy will not get out of hand as happened at the u.s. Consulate in Benghazi in 2012 when attackers there torched the building and killed u.s. Ambassador Christopher Stevens that was v.o.a. Correspondent Edward Uranian in Cairo. It is the new year in a traditional Time Square ball drop in New York City went off without a hitch as 2020 made its debut in the United States crowds in world capitals across the globe celebrated with people the world over hoping the term Happy New Year this year would be translated into reality in Australia 2020 Biggins us 21000 ended with dry conditions hot weather and strong winds continuing to fuel history making wildfires a 3rd death has been reported and a 4th victim is listed as missing on the country's southeast coast Emergency officials say more than $200.00 suit bush fires are blazing throughout Australia since early September flames have destroyed more than 4000000 hectares of land surrounded cities forced to. Accusations and killed wildlife from Washington this is v.o.a. News North Korean leader Kim Jong un is once again using fiery rhetoric but should it be taken at face value here is v.o.a. Correspondent Bill Gallo in Seoul in his annual New Year's Day comments Kim Jong un and then once he is no longer bound by his self-imposed moratorium on nuclear on long range missile tests it is the clearest indication yet that North Korea may soon resume major provocations but although Kim's speech was full of threats most came with conditions suggesting North Korea is still open to talking.

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Has been a major spike in anti-Semitic attacks in New York this year for n.p.r. News I'm Sean Carlson in New York the Russian military has declared its new intercontinental weapon operational They say the weapon can fly 27 times the speed of sound and can make Sherpa new verse while heading toward its target if true that would make the missile much harder to intercept officials say the missile can also carry a payload of up to 2 megatons the flu is in full swing just in time for the holidays the c.d.c. Estimates that 4600000 Americans have had the flu so far this season and it's not over yet N.P.R.'s Sidney leptin reports 25 states are now experiencing high flu activity according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It estimates that there have been $39000.00 hospitalizations from the flu so far the rate of hospitalization is similar to previously seasons this flu season is still gaining steam according to Dr William Schaffner with Vanderbilt University Medical Center it likely will peak within the month and then several weeks we might see it recede know of course flu is fickle meaning it can be unpredictable last year there were 2 peaks one for each dominant strain of the virus public health experts say it's not too late to get a flu shot Sidney leptin n.p.r. News the major stock indexes on wall street clothes don't most flat to finish the week the s. And p. 500 closed out the day up 110th of a point to finish at 3240 the Nasdaq composite slipped 15 points the Dow Jones Industrials closed up 23 points to end the week at 28645 this is n.p.r. . U.s. Officials say an American defense contractor was killed today in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base several u.s. Service members and Iraqi troops were wounded the bases located near the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq officials there suspect the attack was carried out by Iranian backed militia. Legendary Broadway songwriter Jerry Herman has died he was 88 years old Hermann is best known for writing big happy optimistic musicals including Hello Dolly may mental Akasha fall he was also a major contributor to Aids research Hermann died yesterday in Miami from pulmonary complications Jeff Lunden reports one of Jerry Herman's biggest hits was a full which opened in 1983. And while Herman won a Tony Award for the score it was not the best of times the aids crisis was starting in many of the show's cast members died Hermann was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1905 and his lover passed away in 1989 but thanks to a cocktail of drugs he survived and gave back says Marilyn Stasio who coauthored Herman's autobiography he started a lot of hospices he gave a lot of money to Aids causes for n.p.r. News I'm Jeff Lunden in New York at least 12 people were killed today when a plane crashed shortly after takeoff in Kazakhstan another 54 people are said to be hospitalized the back Air jet was leaving the main airport in the city of all muddy when it crashed I'm Dale Willman n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include age 24 presenting uncut gems starring Adam Sandler Edina I'm Kevin Garnett directed by the staff the brothers now playing in theaters everywhere and a Annie e. Casey Foundation. This is Fresh Air I'm David Bianculli editor of the website t.v. Worth Watching sitting in for Terry Gross we usually spend this time of the season revisiting some of our staff interview picks for the year but since this is 21000 where widening the scope and presenting some of the staff picks for the entire decade today the focus is on Broadway musicals and our guests are some of the artists behind some of the biggest hits of the decade later we'll hear from T.V.'s South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker whose musical The Book of Mormon premiered on Broadway in 2011 and became a major hit the biggest hit of the decade was written by our 1st guest Lynne Mann Well Miranda who's musical Hamilton one Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize for drama Miranda wrote the music the lyrics the book and starred on stage in the original cast almost 5 years since it premiered in 2015 Hamilton remains the hottest ticket on Broadway Miranda's 1st Broadway show in the Heights was a musical set in a Latino neighborhood in New York similar to the one in which he grew up in 2008 that show also won the Tony for Best Musical Terry Gross spoke with Lynne Mann Well Miranda in 2017 after he had left his starring role as Alexander Hamilton but his hip hop musical about the Founding Fathers remains a cultural phenomenon. Ok so I want to talk to you about how often. And so let's start with my shot and this is Alexander Hamilton making his big statement about how you know he's come to America he's going to make it and he's not giving away his shot you know and you know 1st it's going to be in the Revolutionary War and the new American government so let's hear some of it and then we'll talk so this is Lynne Mann Well Miranda from the cast recording of Hamilton by you know. Such. A trivial scrap. To King's College. I got Maysan astonished. The brains of an old Polish. Knowledge. Speech. Cold. Enough to get a job at McDonald's don't just walk the streets famishing the food is just. A column. For the Flynn man while Miranda from his cast recording of how much and so you are so incredible at these like intricate rhymes that you do in this show how do you assemble all these intricately placed rhymes for me the fun of writing my shot was it's Hamilton's declaration of purpose and I wanted to demonstrate his intellect and his ambition not just in what he was saying but in the way he was saying it so. Prior to his arrival and singing my shot the other guys in that bar right Laurens Mulligan in Lafayette are raw. I mean at the end of the line it's I'm John Lawrence in the place to be 2 pints and I was but I'm working on 3 rhyme at the end of the line and then here comes Hamilton and suddenly you're getting a lot of internal assonance and a lot of internal rhyming and not content to just rhyme at the end of the line but you know have these Big Pun ask lyrics you know I know the action in the street is exciting but Jesus between all the bleeding and fighting not been reading and writing so it's there intricately tied together and if you consider that Hamilton is delivering this in real time suddenly like whoa this is the greatest 1st Tyler who ever lived. And so that was the fun in constructing that and it was many days and months of work to sort of make his lyrics just that much more intricate than everybody else's because he was so smart and so verbal Yes So do you use any tools like a rhyming dictionary do you catalog words do you have like lists of words that you know when you were doing your research did you write down key words that you thought would be good to use in their lives and so that you'd have a kind of storage box like words or phrases that you could work with I would love to tell you that that's exactly what I did that would seem like it took such care but honestly I kind of throw the kitchen sink at whatever situation I'm in at the moment I'm writing so I remember when I got up to Lafayette section and being like wow I don't even have conversational French so going and figuring how do you say in French How do you say how do you count to 10 in French I didn't know any of these very elementary things and doing research just to be able to have it feel tossed off my life I get a mix of French and English while he is learning English in the original colonies and that was you know that amount of time. That I spent for those 2 lines. I'm also sort of a love letter to Lancelot in Camelot which is my my mother's favorite score so have him ending his line with Sam wa which is Lancelot's big tune that's my little love letter to Lerner and Loewe just him saying that So the answer is No I kind of I stop and research whatever situation that's and that being said I did have Ron Cherry Now his book as a guide post do you do anything to be able to capture the speed without tripping up your tongue does it get harder or easier over time when you're doing the same you know wraps every night and again it's really fast intricate lyrics and you have to get them unbeaten do it without stumbling. The fact that I'm a performer helps me enormously as a lyricist I wouldn't give a performer something I couldn't deliver myself. With the occasional exception of Davi Diggs who's just so exceptionally articulate and able to articulate at high speeds that I give him some raps that I probably couldn't deliver the same way at that velocity but I'm not trying to make something is difficult to perform every night needs to proceed at the speed of that character's thought because that's the only way it's actable But you know it's interesting I think the. It was an enormous challenge to do that show every night and yet who to blame but myself I wrote the heart and a and it was also the most thrilling roller coaster every night you know I got to fall in love I got to win a war I got to write words that inspired a nation so how it has such an interesting connection to the White House for 2 reasons the show basically originates at the White House you started off thinking of Hamilton as a concept album about Alexander Hamilton and the 1st time you performed one of the songs the opening song from the show it was at the White House what was it like an evening of American music or something that Michele Yeah about my thing about poetry and spoken word and it was in about May of 2009 you know fresh new administration and thrilled to be asked let's hear a little bit of that performance at the White House from 2000 Here's one man Well Miranda. I'm thrilled the White House called me tonight because I'm actually working on a hip hop album it's a concept album about the life of someone I think embodies hip hop Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. You laugh but it's true that he was he was born a penniless orphan in St Croix illegitimate birth became George Washington's right hand man became treasury secretary beef with every other founding father and all on the strength of his writing I think he embodies the words ability to make a difference so I'm going to be doing the 1st song from that tonight I'm accompanied by Tony and Grammy winning music director Alex like more. Anything you need to know I'll be playing vice president Aaron Burr and snap along if you like. This is a bastard for Finn son of the whole reason the Scotsman dropped in the middle of the forgot and spot in the Caribbean but probably the wrist disqualified to be a hero when the scholar. Found him father without a father I got. To know a lot. Of stuff. Placed him in charge of the trade in. The way he. Was long. Haul the brawl that Flynn ran while Miranda performing the opening number from Hamilton at the White House with Michelle and Barack Obama in the audience so let's skip ahead when Vice President elect Mike Pence attended Hamilton and he was cheered he was booed when he was there and then when the show was over Brandon Victor Dixon who now plays Aaron Burr came out and read like a little speech directed to Mike Pence and I'll read some of it for our listeners who might not have heard this yet this is what he said Vice President elect Pence we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton an American Musical we really do we serve are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us our planet our children our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights sir but we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us all of us thank you truly for seeing this show this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men women of different colors creeds and orientations. So you co-wrote this as minors and you co-wrote. It with the director and the producer doing it right yes with Tommy and Jeffrey we got the heads up that he was coming that afternoon and sort of put that together before his arrival Ok so what was the conversation like between you and whoever else was involved whether you should say something or not. Well the conversation was this is been an incredibly divisive election with a lot of hurt feelings and disappointment and anger on both sides and the overwhelming sort of statement within that statement is we truly hope you lead all of us we're a play that tells the story of our founders with a very diverse company that we feel if you know reflects what our country looks like now and so it was really intended as an olive branch you know please lead all of us and I was what I was really grateful for was that Sunday Mike Pence really was grateful for that and I think got it in the sentiment in which it was intended he said I wasn't offended I assure you that we are trying to lead all of you and so I was I was grateful for his statements and for him stopping to listen you know he didn't have to do that but he did and I thought it felt like a a civil dialogue between us Lynn mineral Miranda the composer and lyricist of the Broadway musical Hamilton speaking to Terry Gross in 2017 more after a break this is Fresh Air. This is Fresh Air Let's get back to Terry's 2017 interview with Lynn manwell Miranda the composer lyricist and original star of the musical Hamilton It's one of our staff picks for interviews of the decade so how often is in part a story about an immigrant and about immigrants and which of course relates to your family background your father came to New York from Puerto Rico for college and your mother technically making him not an immigrant because Puerto Rico is a commonwealth but the experience of Spanish to English displacement right are similar exact in your mother I think moved as an infant to the u.s. From Puerto Rico correct and you grew up in a predominantly Latino neighborhood. You went to like the Hunter College elementary and high school to have that right that's right yeah so you've spoken in the past about this divide between who you were at home and in your that neighborhood and who you were at school with friends what was the difference between those 2 use. Oh man I feel like we've just stepped into codes which because that's what I was doing I think that's that's sort of the interesting thing I mean I think if you want to make a recipe for making a writer have them feel a little out of place everywhere have them be an observer kind of all the time and that's a great way to make a writer I won the lotto when I got into Hunter to get a great free public school education sort of saved my family and I was aware of it I was aware of that I was at a school with kids who were really smart. And I also had friends in the neighborhood who do went to the local school and I remember feeling that drift happen you know when you spend your entire day with someone your closer friends become the ones you go to school with and yet I'd still have sleep overs with the friends from the neighborhood make movies with my friends and they were hood and you know the corner of that I lived in was like this little Latin American country it's one in which the nanny who lived with us and raised us who also raised my father in Puerto Rico never learned needed to learn English all of the business owners in and around our block all spoke Spanish and yet I'd go to school and I'd say I'd be at my friend's houses on the Upper East Side Upper West Side and I'd be the one translating to the nanny who spoke Spanish so it's interesting to become a Latino cultural ambassador when you're 7 you know. So I had that experience as well so you know we change depending on the room we're in I'm talking quieter because I'm talking to Terry Gross. So you obviously you know love rap and hip hop what were the 1st recording. That made a big impression the 1st rap recordings that made a big impression on you. I've several I remember my sister bringing home the Fat Boys when I was really little and also taking me to the 1st hip hop movies I remember going to see Beat Street going to see breakin as a really little kid being sort of dragged along by my older sister I my sister is as responsible for anyone for giving me good taste in music. I remember stealing her copy of Black Sheep a wolf in sheep's clothing and learning engine and. The New York transit law and I think that's probably the 1st rap song I really worked hard to memorize in 6th grade but then also you know naughty by nature and Queen Latifa the music you love when you're a teenager is always going to be the most important to you and I find that it's it's all over the score of Hamilton the quotes are big quotes they're Big Pun these are all New York east coast ninety's rappers and that's when I was a teenager so I'm going to put you on the spot and ask you to do one the 1st rhymes that you remember writing that you still remember today. Well hello my name is Lynn but if you're dyslexic call me male my rhymes are going to kill so I suggest you write. To me I am the you picked to me it coolest can't be read to me because I will be hitting the mike tonight notice my voice went up about 2 thirds it's because at that time I was listening to nothing but the far side and my favorite rapper in the far side had that well there she goes again don't just Ethiopian and now the world around me it was it was that cadence and I think my rapper voice is still influenced by far side but that is those lines were a rhyme I wrote in one thread that I showed to friends and they're like oh right stick to your day come on those are pretty good that's funny. Now so your father has or had a political consulting company he worked with New York City Mayor Ed Koch he still has it and it vising him on Latino Affairs and you apparently wrote jingles when you were younger for this political consulting company that your father. How old were you when you started writing them and please sing one for us well jingles is misleading because it sounds like a way to wake up in the morning it's not they're not like I like Ike they were it's background music for commercials I was basically cheap labor for my dad he would say I need 30 seconds of some jazz for a Sharpton spot that's going to be on w.b. Ls or I need some bright spots for Fernando for air campaign commercial you know I wrote music for Eliot Spitzer before we knew what we knew when he was running for governor and whatever Democrat was running or my dad was working with I was writing the campaign music I like writing the negative ads more than because it's more minor chords you just kind of hit the synthesizer. Politician x. Voted against that and then it ends with bright salsa. Vote politician y. So you know who you're talking about. The compartmentalize you that you are when you are at home and you know that Tino neighborhood in the you you were at school when your friends were white and Latino and then you learned finally to bring all those parts together with the same kind of compartmentalisation happening for you musically you loved Broadway shows and you loved him and it's maybe hard to find people who were in their teens love both. Yeah I mean absolutely and honestly what a fantastic question because theater is really the thing that began to break that divide for me my senior year in high school I was the director of the school musical and I picked West Side Story painfully aware that there were not enough Latino kids to play all the sharks. At hunter must or at least audition and so what that became for me was actually this kind of weird. Way of bringing my culture to school I remember being knocked out when I 1st saw the movie in 6th grade that there's actually a musical number in the canon about whether you should stay in Puerto Rico and live in the United States. You know that's amazing when you're 12 and you grow up in New York and your family is all from this other island to have that conversation happening in front of you in an iconic musical and so. I had my white and Asian sharks and I brought my dad in and he did dialect coaching you know while they're singing America I want the things they're yelling while they're cheering each other on to be accurate I want the accents to be accurate. Our guest is Lynn men will Miranda original star of the Broadway musical Hamilton who wrote the show's music lyrics and book he spoke with Terry Gross in 2017 and after a break we'll continue their conversation we'll also hear another of our staff picks for interviews of the Decade by revisiting Terry's 2011 interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone creators of the Book of Mormon I'm David Bianculli and this is Fresh Air. We're finally on the field and got quite the wrong grants we get the job done so what happens if I go back bring freedom to my people to give it will be with you. Not. To looks like. Someone who is more like a memory where we could speak. To me at least. Expecting . To get the sinew of our Family Foundation supports w.h.y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas sleep encouraging meaningful conversation support for n.p.r. 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Support for Alaska Public Media comes from listeners like you thank you the University of Alaska college savings plan helps you and your child save for college every step of the way from diapers to diploma more information if you a college savings dot com this message concert by the University of Alaska college savings plan the 2020 census is on its way remember the census is safe census data is confidential and protected by law your responses can't be shared with any landlord employer or agency including immigration or law enforcement the census asks for less personal information then your p.f.d. Application you can't be counted this message sponsored by Alaska counts and initiative by Alaskans for Alaskans to get a complete count in 2020 This is Fresh Air I'm David Bianculli in for Terry Gross back with more of Terry's 2017 interview with Lynne Mann Well Miranda creator of Hamilton the Broadway Hip-Hop musical about the Founding Fathers won 11 Tonys and the Pulitzer Prize for drama this interview is one of our staff picks for interview of the decade. So I have to ask you about Stephen Sondheim because you have a very interesting history with him 1st of all when you were directing West Side Story in high school he came to your class because he was the friend of the father of one of the students in the cast and spoke so. John white men's Oh you wrote the book for assassins and Pacific overture sculptures Yeah Ok so there's that so you get to meet him in high school and then you get to write the Spanish lyrics for the Spanish production of West Side Story and then you got to be in a production of Merrily We Roll Along which is a great Sondheim musical that always needs to be revived because the original Broadway run was so very short and so this was a city center in New York City Center encores production in fact I want to play just a little bit of you in that which was gracious enough to this I saw you in this in this production so you're playing a lyricist who works with a composer but the composer has kind of like sold out and you know he's just doing like commercial work and the lyricist now has come to think of the composer instead of just being his friend and collaborator Franklin shepherd he thinks of him now as like Franklin Shepherd Inc because he's so much about like deals and making money in this scene like you're getting interviewed on t.v. You're just kind of pretty bitter about the whole collaboration with this composer Now how do you do you work together you know you answer that. How do we work together sure he goes. And I go. And soon we're humming along. To writing the song. 2 and I go. And the phone goes down. And he goes mother mother mother mother yester all mother no dro mother mother mother mother that's going to Rome but her mother mother mother mother do it to Rome quick sorry Charlie 2. So I go. And he go. And I go. And soon we're tapping away. Sorry Charlie secretary intercom guess Franklin Shepard think. The president what I like this Ok that's my guest Lynne men will Miranda you're so much fun and that and I really think doing hip hop rhymes is great preparation for that lyric. Singing Yeah and Sondheim has written so many He's just like the most brilliant lyricist but what are some of the things you feel you learned either from talking with song Hi I'm because I know he also gave you feedback on Hamilton before you actually put it on stage so what are things you've learned from actually talking to him or just from like. Getting intimately acquainted with his work. The thing he always sort of stressed was variety variety variety variety variety when you're dealing with a constant rhythm no matter how great your lyrics are if you don't switch it up people's heads are going to start bobbing in their skin to stop listening to what you're saying so consistently keep the ear fresh and keep the audience surprised and you know that was his sort of watchword throughout the writing of Hamilton this Sondheim song that's closest to comic rap is in my opinion not getting married. Which is they don't is everybody here because of it but if you would like to thank you all for coming to the wedding you do more thing where I'd appreciate your going but more I mean you must have lots of better things to do and not a word of it's Paul remember Paul you know the man I going to marry but I'm not because I never ruined anyone as wonderful as he is thank you all for the gift of the flowers Thanks you all for the card in the showers don't tell Paul but I'm not getting married today anyone who could do that song has an incredible tongue it's absolutely so tricky it's so fast in the words or so it just kind of like dance and funny and rhyme Ian So have you thought about that song a lot in terms of intricate rhyme schemes and what the human always I say capable of without totally. Honestly I think about that song more when people ask me how did you think rap was going to work on Broadway and I go nothing in my show is faster than getting married today. So I don't know what you're talking about there's so much precedent for the work in both quote unquote hip hop and not in terms of patter for the stage but you know what's what's amazing about getting married today is also in a master class in making a lyric easy there are consonants on which you waste air h. There's no h's in that because if you say Ha you've lost half the air in your lungs so it's very. Easy Thank you all as everybody here because if everybody's here I'd like to thank you all for coming to the wedding it's more about breath can. Troll than being a it's not a tongue twister it's very consciously not a tongue twister it's about being able to say it in one continuous breath and getting out of the way and choosing words that do not require any extra air or any extra tongue or jaw work so it's actually not about trying to make it hard it's about making it easy so did you learn that intuitively or did Sondheim tell you that that was as intention to stay away from as many ages as possible and to keep it to things that could easily be said I think I read about that in a conversation he had at some point but I also knew that intuitively because of the hip hop artists I liked who rapped fast you know they're not trying to make something that's hard for them to perform I mean they're trying to make something that sounds impressive and is a joy to deliver trying to think of like a really specific early ninety's example it's not just broke it looks more like a fractured catch that but let's see what we've got to crush that's even 1902 and it's it's fast there's. You and I to watch shows there's plenty of people out there which is ready to pull it while you're trying to jump in front of the bullet young lady no h's so you learn intuitively that like the writer is trying to make something that flows easily off the tongue so did the writer of Alexander Hamilton try to avoid a chance. Writing Well if you will observe that Hamilton is not in any of the fast wrapping that happens on stage right it's George Washington goes Hamilton and Jefferson is the want to go so he knows the do when they're trying to engineer would have included friends I mean so we're not pampering anyone with Hamilton. Well Lemon Well Miranda it's just been wonderful to talk with you I thoroughly enjoyed it thank you so very much Likewise the joy as mine. Lynn Maine Well Miranda is the creator and original star of the hit musical Hamilton Terry Gross interviewed him in 2017 Next up we'll hear from the writers of The Book of Mormon another hit musical of the decade as our staff picks of favorite interviews from the decade continues this is Fresh Air. That's support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet a capital one and a and from the y.m.c.a. a Nonprofit working to fill gaps and bridge divides in 10000 u.s. Communities details about the impact of donations are available at y.m.c.a. Dot net slash giving the why for a better us. This is Fresh Air continuing with our staff picks of favorite interviews of the decade is a conversation from 2011 with Trey Parker and Matt Stone the creators of T.V.'s South Park and the co-creators with Robert Lopez of Avenue Q Of the hit musical The Book of Mormon which $19.00 Tony Awards including Best Musical if you know anything about South Park you would expect that a musical written by Parker and Stone would be irreverent and you'd be right but it's also got heart the story is about 2 young Mormons who are sent on their 1st mission to Uganda where they learn Africa is not like the line King let's start with the opening song set at a mission training center in Salt Lake City where young Mormons are learning door to door missionary technique. L.o.l. My name is Elder Price and I would like to share with you the most amazing book. My name is. A long long time. So many awesome parts. Much this book can change your life hello. My name is Elder Green I would like to share with you this book. This book with you to just. It has. To change. Right. No no. That's not how we do it don't make things up again. True Parker Matt Stone welcome back to Fresh Air and congratulations on the Book of Mormon Thanks Paul thank you to did Mormons come to your door and did your family let them in when you were growing up. They never came to my door I don't think I don't know if my dad would have let them in either yeah we were we live in we grew up in Colorado so we actually we were around a lot of Mormons and we went to school with Mormons and things like that but I think of the 1st time I actually saw them come to the door was in college actually I had some Mormons come to where I was staying in college since then we've had we've had a few and we always try to I always try to start a kind of a dialogue with them but you learn pretty quickly that they are trained impeccably to be able to handle anything but you know with Hello The idea was that that we would you'd reveal that you're at the missionary training center which is in Provo Utah which is where they get they learn all their language skills and they learn their you know what to do when you do get invited into a house and we found out later that missionary training center they actually have like prop living rooms like fake living rooms with actors that you know it's like one of your tests is the go and I go into this fake living room and sit down and do your spiel and you have to deal with this in a in a real situation it's like it's like a holodeck on started driving simulator Yeah so I don't want people to get the wrong idea about how you present Mormonism in your show because you kind of challenge. The credibility of this the literal credibility of the story of the Book of Mormon but you love your characters and you think that eventually they do do good in the world in a way that they expected to but you're not about being like really kind of cynical in this yeah no and I really what what I grew up loving Broadway for was the fact that it at least the you know in all these classics you know they weren't cynical they were they were very optimistic and it offered this kind of there was ended with a big happy number and everything was Ok and as easy as that can seem I loved it you know and that's you know I don't think anyone would want to go see a 2 hour long Mormon bashing that's not what we would want to see that either it's just not obviously you have to have characters that you love and even if you. Things have characters that you love to hate that's fine but you know everyone wants to see a little piece of themselves up there and that's what makes a musical draws people in and so you know like we were saying about the whole thing about this even though this is about a very devout Mormon getting put was someone getting shot around the world and trying to be very Mormon people can relate to just that feeling of being in high school and getting out and thinking Ok well now I'm ready to just go tell everyone what's up and make my mark in the world and it's going to be really awesome and then you get slapped back down to reality you know and I think that everyone can relate to that part of it and also what the reason we knew or work great with Bobby right away was because we all shared this thing where it's like we love the goofiness of Mormon stories we love the you know some of them are so incredulous and yet we really like most almost all the Mormons we've ever met so I have Mormons in the audience enjoyed the musical Do you know I've gotten feedback it's really funny we can actually when we were there for previews and we were there that whole month where we go and watch it every single night and try to change it you could hear the pockets of Mormons you could hear where they were because there's some certain things in the show that are very specifically Mormon and things you you either or at least x. Mormons you know I think you could hear these people little group of people laugh and no one else really got the joke but it and it would just be some reference to something that's very Mormon and and you know obviously it's a select group of Mormons that are going to come to this show of have kind of embraced it and the official church response. Fishel were church response was something along the lines of the Book of Mormon the musical might entertain you for a night but the Book of Mormon the book of scripture well could change or will change your life through Jesus or something like that which is a great many actually completely agree with you totally very big hearted American response it's kind of like they're the Mormon Church's response to this musical is almost like our q.e.d. At the end of it's like See we told you Mormons are that's a cool that's a cool American response to like a ribbing you know a big musical that's done in their name so. It just that was like the end were like there see that's we were talking about because before the church responded a lot of you know people would ask us about like Are you afraid of what the church going to say and train our like they're going to be cool trust us they're going to be cool and people in New York are like no they're not going to be you no matter you guys are going to be protest like no they're going to be cool and I mean I don't know if we totally knew but we weren't that surprised by the church's response we had faith in them yes we had faith we're listening to an interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone from 2011 more after a break this is Fresh Air. This is Fresh Air Let's get back to Terry's 2011 interview with South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone their musical The Book of Mormon 19 Tony Awards and their conversation with Terry is one of our staff picks of the decade Ok time for another song. So I want to play turn it off which is this great production number and you know in a lot of musicals there's that big inspiring number where you're told to like you know be yourself and think great thoughts whenever you're sad like put on a happy face or if you fall down pick yourself up and start all over again but this is called Turn it off like if you're feeling something unpleasant just like turn it off it's a song about repressing feelings tell us about writing this song and the kinds of songs that inspired this one. This was a little ditty. I wrote a 1st version of this basically because I just we knew we had to have a big tap number we've got a bunch of dude's And you know white shirts and ties it's like we've got to have a tab number but this is a great example of a sonnet like I had just a little ditty for there was just this rip very repetitive turn it off like a light switch just go click it and I remember Bobby right away saying yet cool kind of runs in place you know like it was the same thing musically over and over and over and this song expand and expand and then we all would sit in the room together and say well maybe it shouldn't just be that it was all just the stuff about gay thoughts and all those jokes and they were great jokes and it worked but then we sat there going Well what else you know maybe we should have other Mormons chime in and other things that aren't just gay thoughts but other things and we started writing the other verses and then Bobby actually wrote the verse about the father the abusive father and then it grew and grew and then Casey came in and turned your co-director our number yeah rector and whatever and turned it from a little tap song into a giant taps and add all this other stuff and so there's just this great song that you watched going from this little ditty to this big Broadway number you know kind of before your eyes so let's hear it this is turn it off from the new cast recording of the Book of Mormon which was co-written by my guess Trey Parker and Matt Stone the creators of South Park. Turn it all like a light switch just go. It's a cool little mole or main trait that we do with all the time when you're feeling certain feelings that just don't seem right treat these pesky feelings like a reading lights turned off like a light switch it's just go. Really hard about that turning. Turning right. When I was young my dad would treat my mom really that every time is my. Turn into. The sad feelings of the fear that I might get cancer too hot. When I was in the rain and I had a friend Steve Steve and I were close as 2 friends could. Lead to another. Was having really strange things for Steve I thought about us on a deserted. What . The. Speech there. For you. Should be with a company. So if you ever feel you'd rather be with her. Family I think it's a good question it off from the new cast recording of the Book of Mormon and the show was co-written by my guests Trey Parker and Matt Stone who also created South Park so every time I hear that song I I laugh. Because it's. It's ironic but it's also it's so upbeat and so catchy and so I don't know the other song for me yet so for me is is is is funny because it's so happy but it's about something that likely all exactly is about early on I think it's kind of the most tragic thing you know and I mean not just for you know like the character that sings is played by Rory O'Malley who just kills it and that song is amazing. Is about a missionary you know who's overseas and obviously gay and the church has just said you know you're not just don't think about that you know which is like no solution at all and but it's not even even if you were just they send these 19 year old kids around the world even if you know they're just the sexual beings you know their sexual animals and they just turn that off and there's just nothing in that you know at that point in the story when price they're now they've landed in Africa they've seen some or they're really questioning what the hell's going on they go back to the mission he says while having some confusing thoughts and then this is the song that's given to them so the song is not supposed to really help you you know he realizes it doesn't really get much he doesn't get much out of it just one more thing I think that the Book of Mormon has something of the quality of South Park in the sense that South Park is just kind of stripped down animation it's down to the basics and there's something so basic about the show it's a great music great performers great orchestrations really original concepts but there's nothing fancy about the sets it's just like it's been was a very conscious decision the reason that we did that is because we did so many workshops in New York in the sort of 3 years leading up to and we do would do these workshops which were no costumes no light just in a big room with Horizon lights and a c. You know 40 people sitting there and it would kill and we're just like Ok all we can do now is ruin this so let's add just enough to make it a beautiful Broadway show but not not step on any toes what's been great to talk with you again congratulations on the success you've been having with the Book of Mormon and thank you so much for coming back to Fresh Air thank you thanks thanks a lot Trey Parker and Matt Stone speaking to Terry Gross in 2011 their interview with Terry was one of our staff picks for interviews of the decade. On Monday show fresh air is ending the decade with a holiday week series of interviews featuring staff picks from the decade on our next edition we'll hear from 2 beloved journalists whom we lost this decade Anthony Bourdain and David Carr for Dane was a food writer a chef and the host of several food t.v. Shows Carr was a respected and very readable media columnist for The New York Times I hope you can join us. One final note since today's show was devoted to Broadway musicals we'd like to acknowledge the Jerry Herman the composer of Hello Dolly and mame died yesterday at age 88 Here's a song from the original Broadway cast recording of mame with Angela Lansbury singing one of Hermann's many famous songs if he walked into my life. Did he need a stronger. Did he knew. That time. a shame I never already. Told. Support for n.p.r. Comes from the station and from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation supporting creative people and effective institutions. Committed to building a more just verdant and peaceful world more information is at max found dot org Support for Alaska Public Media comes from middleway cafe celebrating 25 years of contributing to a healthy balanced and sustainable life through food drink and community located in the heart of spin ard since 1994 and from the sustaining members of Alaska Public Media thank you our members made it possible to bring you intelligent balanced in-depth reporting along with the national and local programs you enjoyed 2019 members also stepped up to recover 59 percent of the recent state funding cuts if you have yet to make a year and donation to help us ring in the New Year keep the momentum going by making a give before December 31st at Alaska public dot org or by calling 5508484 thank you and happy holidays this week in This American Life when we go into our families sometimes we buy them devices hey look there's something I get it get a it's good distraction Ok that's Ok we can watch them arguing with technology this thing is it a cyst but then there are those brave family members who had something important they have to get off their chests and things that last Saturday at 10 am repeating Sunday at 5 pm on f.m. 91 point one. K s k Anchorage life informed This is Alaska Public Media. Ask. To see the fire because of the teacher it's the single greatest witch hunt in that because his ideas are limited plus whales catch anchovies now news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm deal Willman rescue teams in Hawaii say they've seen no sign of passengers or crew amid the wreckage of a helicopter that crashed on the island of Kauai the helicopter went missing Thursday night a pilot and 6 passengers were on board the helicopter when it went down the radio host Don Imus has died at the age of 79 in a hospital in Texas where he'd been since Christmas Eve during nearly 50 years on the air Imus's with an acid tongue one legions of fans all this tendency to trade on racism and sexism one plenty of critics as well and P.R.'s Andrew Limbaugh has more his most memorable bit is probably his most infamous in 2007 making fun of the Rutgers women's basketball team some of them nappy headed hos. The comments sparked national outrage and got Imus canceled from his network c.b.s. Though he came back to radio on a different network later that year Imus was born in Riverside California and he began his broadcast career in 1968 he got his own show in New York just 3 years later and he quickly racked up an audience and accolades including hosting the White House Correspondents Dinner in 1986 and while his popularity faded he continued working retiring from Imus in the morning just last year in June buying n.p.r. News Russian military officials say their new weapon which they claim can fly 27 times the speed of sound is now operational they say can also maneuver sharply while in flight which if true would make it much harder to intercept Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the weapons creation as a breakthrough comparable to the 19 $157.00 Soviet launch of the 1st satellite. Police in New York City are increasing their presence in some Brooklyn neighborhoods following some possibly anti-Semitic attacks during Hanukkah police say that early this morning a woman slapped 3 other women in the face and head in the Crown Heights neighborhood that was the 6th attack this week around the city thought to be anti-Semitic. Officials from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are investigating the.

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To come every American should be concerned that Speaker Pelosi doesn't trust us this is represented by the Carter Ga who should lead our great country this impeachment process isn't focused on strengthening and protecting our political foundations but rather shaping public opinion I ask you is it worth that not only is the process alarming but as wasting taxpayers' dollars and valuable time that elected officials could be using to move our country forward that includes securing our borders addressing student loan debt our bringing down the cost of health care and prescription drugs are all of my colleagues while considering these articles to ask themselves whether this is truly being done for the good of the country. Thank you batter Mr Speaker and I yield back the gentlemen Uzbeki the gentleman from New York Mr Neville or. Would you mind the gentlemen that after recovering millions of dollars in gotten gains the most investigation was actually a net plus for the taxpayers I now recognize the gentleman from Colorado Mr niggas for 2 minutes gentlemen propeller riders recognize. Thank you Mr Speaker and I want to thank Chairman Adler and Speaker Pelosi for their leadership This is joining us of Colorado today the House of Representatives is debating whether to take the rare step of voting to impeach a president for only the 3rd time in our country's history unfortunately President Trump has left us no choice the fact of the matter is that the president abused the power of his office and invited a foreign country to interfere in our elections in so doing he undermined the sanctity of the free and fair elections upon which our republic rests making matters worse over the past several months President Trump and his administration have done everything they can to prevent Congress from uncovering the truth let us be clear in the history of our republic no president has ever obstructed Congress like this before during the Watergate investigation as my colleagues well know President Nixon's chief of staff testified before Congress President Trump's chief of staff refused President Nixon's counsel testified. President tromps refused White House aides close to President Nixon testified President Trump refused to allow any aide who may have knowledge relevant to this investigation to testify Simply put his administration has engaged in a wholesale obstruction of Congress and that is exactly why we're considering not just one but 2 articles of impeachment before the House today every member of this body has a responsibility to uphold our Constitution to defend our republic and when necessary to hold the executive branch accountable and we are exercising that responsibility today so with that and therefore I will vote yes on both articles because it is what the Constitution requires gentlemen I am not sure our demands and with that I yield back general news back to the gentleman from Georgia thank us bigger Wilder never thought that a department just investigation was used as a money revenue plot but I guess one thing is true it was a loser for the minority in a net profit situation without a yield to the Mr Newhouse a minute gentlemen who recognized Mr Speaker the people's house should be better than this we should be better than this during a member's remarks in the Judiciary Committee. Committee's impeachment proceedings he stated and I quote To my Republican colleagues how do you want to be remembered during this watershed moment in our nation's history Well Mr Speaker it won't be watching sports on a laptop during official Judiciary Committee proceedings to impeach a sitting president it won't be using expletives to refer this is Dan new House Republican of Washington statement just hours after being sworn in to Congress it won't be using the chairmanship of the once respected intelligence committee to distort the president's words in order to mislead the American people and it certainly won't be using the most serious and solemn powers of Congress to overturn a legitimate national election for political expediency No Mr Speaker my fellow Republican colleagues and I won't be remembered in history for doing any of those things because we know this is far too grave a matter for subversion such as these of our democratic republic we should all be better than this a year back gentlemen us parents are gentlemen reserves is to massacre Mary inquired how much time remains on both sides. As to NAVL your advice sir that you have 156 and 3 quarter minutes remaining The gentleman from Georgia is has 157 minutes remaining divide that by 60. Thank you Mr Speaker I know you told to minister gentle lady from Texas Ms Escobar you know ladies recognize our country faces a great tragedy and moment of truth we have witnessed the president of the United States abuse his public office for personal political gain this is Veronica Escobar of Texas never meant to interfere in our elections putting the integrity of a government of for and by the people at great risk the evidence is overwhelming and clearly shows that President Trump will continue to abuse his office and obstruct Congress if left unchecked the intelligence committee conducted a robust investigation into the president's misconduct members interviewed 12 witnesses in public hearings totaling over 30 hours conducted 17 depositions totaling over 100 hours examined text messages and e-mails reviewed the president's own words and actions and published a $300.00 page report detailing their findings all of this despite the fact that under the president's direction 12 current and former administration officials refused to testify even ignoring subpoenas and $71.00 document requests were denied the Judiciary Committee then reviewed the evidence and concluded that 2 articles of impeachment which I support were warranted the evidence shows that President Trump is a clear and present danger to our free and fair elections and our national security the most powerful evidence of this pattern has come from the president himself in 2016 we heard him when he called on Russia. To interfere in our elections he said Russia if you are listening he then repeated this call for election interference on the July 25th call with the Ukrainian president and we heard him again on the White House lawn further adding China to that mix I stand ready to protect our sacred Republic support these articles of impeachment and I pray that my colleagues have the courage to do the same we must uphold our oath of office defend the Constitution and our fragile democracy because no one is above the law I yield back gentlemen to us back the gentleman from Georgia thank you Mr Baker I yield a minute and a half to the gentleman from Florida Mr other gentleman recognized like the gentleman for yielding Mr Speaker the 26th letter here Putin and his cronies waged war on our elections with the goal of so with the goal of sowing discord and division in American. You think he's been successful. Somewhere in Russia right now Putin is laughing at us today but his representative John Rockefeller of Florida what he wants a divided America with a pure partisan politics with nasty political rhetoric at an all time high. And some already across the aisle are discrediting the real you read the results of future elections already it seems to many Americans that for the past 3 years the House majority has been carrying out the wishes of the Kremlin and the sad part is the Democrats are valid to continue their sham investigations even after today's vote. Impeaching a duly elected president in a purely partisan manner with no crimes to show for one element of a crime to fund the scrapes is the integrity of our democracy now's the time to in the partisan politics come together and put America 1st I or is this body to vote the partisan impeachment. The gentleman used back to preserve gentlemen reserves must never Mr Speaker I Now you 2 minutes to distinguish gentlemen from New York Mr Jeffreys Jefferson is recognized for 2 minutes George Washington and his farewell address to the nation council the America this is Representative Jeffries of New York to Torrey upon all it is in that spirit that we proceed today Donald Trump pressured a foreign government to target an American citizen for political gain and at the same time withheld without justification $391000000.00 in military aid to a vulnerable Ukraine as part of a scheme to solicit foreign interference in an American election that is unacceptable that is unconscionable that is unconstitutional. There are some who cynically argue that the impeachment of this president will further divide and already fractured Union but there is a difference between division and clarification slavery once divided the nation but emancipate is rose up to clarify that all men are created equally suffrage once divided the nation but women rose up to clarify that all voices must be heard in our democracy Jim Crow once divided the nation but civil rights champions rose up to clarify that all are entitled to equal protection under the law there is a difference between division and clarification we will hold this president accountable for his stunning abuse of power we will hold this president accountable for undermining our national security we will hold this president accountable for corrupting our democracy we will impeach Donald John Trump we will clarify that in America no one is above the law the gentleman years back the gentleman from Georgia thank you Mr Speaker I now you'll 2 minutes from the door from California Mr McClintock gentlemen recognition Mr Speaker notifying a national election requires an overwhelming case of high crimes supported by indisputable evidence that a vast majority of the nation finds compelling. This is Tom McClintock California abuse of office it does not charge that the president broke any law but that Congress doesn't like the way he lawfully discharge his constitutional duties this would reduce the presidency to that of a minister serving at the pleasure of Congress destroying the separation of powers at the heart of our Constitution Article 2 is another made up crime called obstruction of Congress it means the president sought to defend his constitutional rights and those of his office it removes the judiciary from our Constitution and places Congress alone in the position of defining the limits of its own powers relative to the president our Bill of Rights guarantees every American the right to confront their accuser to call witnesses in their defense to be protected from hearsay and to defend these rights in court the Democrats have trampled them all in their stampede to impeach even in this kangaroo court the Democrats hand-picked witnesses provided no 1st hand knowledge of the president leaked to action in fact 2 witnesses provided 1st hand knowledge that he specifically ordered no quid pro quo. Any case the charge no actual crime and offered no legally admissible evidence would be laughed out of court in a heartbeat that's the case before us today it would redefine the grounds for impeachment in such a way that assures that it will become a constant presence in our national life now we know just how reckless is the Democrats' chant of resist by any means necessary this is a stunning abuse of power and a shameless travesty of justice that will stain the reputations of those responsible for generations to come back you know when used as a gentleman reservist and that is the speaker and abuse of power was no Vaiko weak notion to the framers it had a very specific meaning the use of official power to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or injuring the national interest President Trump has abused his office and must be removed I now yield 2 minutes to distinguished gentleman from Tennessee Mr Cohen The gentleman is recognized Thank you Mr Speaker from our founding in the United States has been a special nation a city upon a hill our values aren't trying to Our Constitution liberty equality and opportunity we are such as Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee person is equal before the law in the United States we don't have a king we choose our leaders we vote for 3 generations of Americans have fought and some have died to secure these in a liberal rights the Constitution begins we the people of the United States that's us it's not we the leaders of Russia Ukraine or China are we the Democrats are we the Republicans it's we the people of the United States and all Americans and only Americans get to have a say in our elections Donald Trump used the high power of the presidency to pressure a foreign nation to be smirched is perceived primary political opponent he corrupted our elections and compromised our national security so that he could keep power not power for the people power for himself. In 2016 candidate from called for foreign interference when he said Russia if you were listening in 21000 President Trump sought foreign interference when he needed a favor from Ukraine to intervene in the 2020 Alexion President Trump attacked in his good continuing threat to our system a free and fair elections like all of you I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution I urge my colleagues to abide by that oath and stand up to President Trump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle our people to your patriotism in a poor you to defend free and fair elections and preserve the Constitution God save the United States of America a year back the balance of our time. The gentleman years back and the gentleman and all members are remanded to address their comments to the chair. Gentleman from Georgia thank you Miss speaker and I do believe misspeak that our election should be free and fair I do believe that with all my heart except it seems like in this case this impeachment is based on the fact that the speaker who said in this last month it will be dangerous to leave it to the voters to determine if Mr Trump stays in office with that I yield a minute and a half to the dem of Louisiana Michigan's gentleman is recognized. Thank you Mr Speaker I have descended into the belly of the beast I have witnessed the terror within and Iraq is committed to oppose the insidious forces which threaten our public America's being as is represented Kleynhans of the its own just and weaponized impeachment brought upon us by the same socialists who threaten unborn life in the womb who threaten 1st Amendment rights of conservatives who threaten 2nd Amendment protections of every American patriot and who of long ago determined that they would all get us and can spawn to overthrow President Trump we don't face this whore because the Democrats have all of a sudden become constitutionalist were not being devoured from within because of some surreal assertion of the socialist new found love for the very flag that they trod upon we face this horror because of this mess this is what the Democrats fear they fear the true will of We the people they are deep establishment d.c. They fear. They call this Republican map fly over country they call us deplorable they fear our faith they fear our strength they fear our unity they fear our boate and they fear our president we will never surrender our nation to a career establishment d.c. Politicians and bureaucrats our Republic shall survive this threat from within American patriots shall prevail there's just Baker. And gentlemen Neo's bearers are gentleman from New York Mr Nadler Mrs Speaker I now yield 2 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from Georgia Mr Johnson the gentleman from Georgia Mr Johnson his record merits. Thank you Mr Speaker I was not among those who supported impeachment before Ukraine but are called for impeachment to day this is henna Johnson president is as we speak abusing his power and placing himself above the law president trumps attempt to separate touch the 2020 election is a clear and present danger on our democracy we the people know this and more American support impeachment today than at any time since Richard Nixon's final weeks in office we know that it's wrong to elicit the help of foreigners in a in interfering in our elections we know it's wrong to cheat and we know what's at stake it's not just that our elections were attacked our elections are under attack right now on. The very day the Judiciary Committee voted out articles of impeachment of President truck welcome Rudy Giuliani back to the White House President Trump is still at it he's doubling down he doesn't think he can win an election fair and square so he's trying to cheat. To ignore these crimes it's not just giving the president a pass it's giving him a green light those who voted against impeachment are not just endorsing President Trump's past actions but it's future ones as well if you think I exaggerate and warning that our elections can be undermined I don't need you to come down to Georgia find a black man a woman of a certain age and they'll tell you the danger is real and do to you a brave Americans patriots willing to risk far more than a political career who marched and struggled and sometimes dark so that we could have fair and free elections were not asked to possess even a fraction of their courage we're simply called upon to day to do what's right and I'm proud to vote yes on impeachment and with that I. Can amend from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker I would I'm glad that my colleague missed out a speaker just mentioned Georgia because in the last since 2014 the actual voter participation among minorities African-American female African-American male Hispanic male Hispanic female have risen double digits I'm very proud of what George is doing to get everybody to the poll I'm glad he chose and 48 years in the wrong way and I will not yield Mr Speaker I yield minutes I have to the gentleman from Pennsylvania Mr Miller comments recognized for a minute and a half and went from. Madam Speaker back home people refer to Capitol Hill as a bubble they are right it's as if we are completely detached from what's going on in communities across America many here don't hear or listen to what people are saying and many here as well Representative Daniel means their. Communities are benefiting greatly from President terms of gender a booming economy secure border better trade deals or a stronger military unfortunately inside the halls of Congress Democrats obsession with impeachment is all consuming Is this how Democrat leadership chooses to represent the. People of America by notifying the results of the 2016 election disregarding the will of the American people and doing everything in their power to prevent the president and this Congress from doing the job we are elected to do after 3 years of trying months of unfair politically motivated impeachment proceedings Democrats have delivered 2 week articles of impeachment abuse of power not according to the Ukraine present Selenski confirm many times that there was no quid pro quo no action taken and significant military aid was delivered without anything in return of course his words have been conveniently dismissed obstruction of Congress is this the new standard if this is the new stand then every president since Jimmy Carter and every president moving forward would and will be impeached let me be clear it is an honor to serve in the United States House of Representatives but today I am distraught today Democrats will disregard the will of the American people and vote to impeach the duly elected president the United States which would be equally troubling is that this has a road if not wiped out the trust the American have 116 Congress gentleman from now you'll back ours or. Many speaker present terms said no quid pro quo only after the White House learned of the whistleblower complaint and after the Washington Post had published an article about the president's pressure campaign and Ukraine I now you know 2 minutes to sing with gentle lady from California Ms Bass generally is recognized for 2 minutes Madam Speaker this is a sad day in u.s. History when we have to vote on articles of impeachment because Donald Trump has abused the power of the office of the president has represented can pass of California Democrat action the facts are uncontested fact one the president abuse the power of his office by attempting to shake down the president of a country that has been our ally Trump wanted presidents Alinsky of the Ukraine to dig up to make up. Dirt on Vice President Biden because he sees him as the biggest threat to his reelection fact to Trump wanted to Linsky to go to before the press and announce an investigation of Biden hoping the mere announcement would create doubt about Biden and strengthen Trump's hand in the 2020 election fact 3 trump obstructed Congress by engaging in a cover up Trump has refused to comply with congressional subpoenas and has blocked current and past employees from testifying before congressional committees Congress is a co-equal branch of government and one of our central responsibilities is to provide oversight and investigation of the administration the very checks and balances the framers built into the Constitution so no one branch would have unchecked power the House of Representatives has no choice but to vote and pass articles of impeachment because President Trump has abused his power and obstructed the ability of Congress from performing our constitutional duty the urgency to move forward with articles of impeachment is because there is no reason to believe President Trump won't continue to a blip abuse the power of his office no reason to believe he won't continue to put his foot on the scale of his reelection and in fact his attorney just returned from the Ukraine and in an article just released in The New Yorker magazine confesses to continuing the effort to interfere in the election in many of our congressional districts we worry about voter suppression and schemes that purge legitimate voters from participating in the election or we worry about Russian interference in our election it is a sad day in America when we have to worry about the commander in chief interfering in the election in order to be reelected election should be decided by the American people I will vote for both articles of impeachment it is my constitutional duty that for fill my old office no one is above the law gentleman from Georgia. To me here Thomas you gentlemen nice for 2 minutes. I discovered something recently Shocking I know but it turns out that some people don't like President Trump. They think he's loud they think he can be arrogant they think sometimes he says bad words and sometimes he's rude to people and to their sensitive natures they've been offended I get that I really do this is representative. Tom Republicans today has nothing to do with Ukraine it has nothing to do with abuse of power it has nothing to do with obstruction of Congress and this vote this day is about one thing and one thing only they hate this president they hate those of us who voted for him they think we're stupid they think we made a mistake they think Hillary Clinton should be the president and they want to fix that that's what this vote is about they want to take away my vote and throw it in the trash they want to take away my president and diligent in my c.m. So that he cannot be reelected that's what this world is about and for those who think this started with this investigation what nonsense you've been trying to impeach this president since before he was sworn into office some of you introduced articles of impeachment before he was sworn into office this isn't something you're approaching prayerfully and mournfully and sadly all the all the chaos all the sadness this is something you're gleeful about and you've been trying to do it for 3 years and it's very clear you don't have to go back and google very much to find out that is the absolute truth I could give you pages of examples of things you have said for 3 years about this president. That's what this is about. And if you think of this if this impeachment is successful the next president I promise you is going to be impeached and the next president after that if you sent this bar as being impeachable every president in our future will be impeached if the roads are republican ways that our founding fathers recognized they got it right high crimes and misdemeanors other than that settle it at the ballot box I look forward to that day John it lets the American people decide members ever minded to direct their comments to the chair gentleman from New York Reserve and the speaker I would remind the gentleman that if the president is President Trump is impeached and removed the new president will be Mike Pence not Hillary Clinton and now you 2 minutes to the distinguished gentleman 80 from Florida because of the power. I'm sorry. 2 minutes to gentle ladies gentle is recognized for 2 minutes Madame Speaker I did not have the frivolous is Democrats will howl this kind of cry to Florida my mother brought me from Ecuador looking for freedom and opportunity but that's not my story alone this is a story that I share with so many people that live in Florida's 26th District and all over the country we've left and experienced corruption in our countries of birth or brutal dictatorships have choked their potential to benefit those in power this president elected by the American people has violated his oath of office and violated the rule of law the evidence is overwhelming that he withheld military aid approved by Congress and leveraged a White House meeting to extract a political favor from a foreign government the president actively sought for an election interference to benefit himself it is undeniable that he has abused his power and obstructed Congress he presents a clear and present danger to our democracy as an immigrant I still get chills because I feel so fortunate to live in this extraordinary country the genius of American democracy lies in our Constitution and the dedication to the rule of law I want my children and all of our children to feel the same way when they grow up however if we sit idly by as cracks begin to appear in our democratic institutions our children will be in the same situation like so many of us experienced when we left countries whose leaders destroyed democracy we in Congress must abide by our oath to defend our Constitution that is my duty as a member of this body that is my duty as a mother I yield back. That of the French. Thank you for speaking at this time of year the minute I have to the gentleman from New York Mr King Gemma's recognize for a minute a general feeling that I'm speaking I rise today as strong opposition to the articles of impeachment against President Trump as chairman Adams recourses Representative Peter King of New York Republic spoke at this floor in opposition to the impeachment of President Clinton and 21 years ago tomorrow I voted against all 4 articles of impeachment against President Clinton today's articles of impeachment against President Trump on assault on our Constitution and the American people to impeach a president for a phone call for which no crime is charged never mind a high crime and asserting his constitutional prerogatives as president is a clear abuse of power by the Congress it sets a dangerous precedent of weaponize impeachment to undo the solemn decision of the American people. Madam speaker President Trump and I grew up in the same bar of New York City and so proud to stand with President drum and urge a no vote on these horrible acts of of impeachment it's all because of Peter and the balance of my time and strongly urge a no vote gentleman Yes fact powers are gentleman from New York. Speaker and now you 2 and a half minutes to the gentle lady from California Ms Lufkin generally speaking nice for 2 and a half minutes Madam Speaker the president and members of Congress each take an oath to uphold the Constitution when the president abuses his presidential power to up and the constitutional order we have an obligation to live up to our oath of Representatives. To ram evidence about the president's actions they threaten our national security and undermine the integrity of the next election we now vote on articles of impeachment for abuse of power and contempt of Congress as a result of that evidence I've worked on presidential impeachments as part of the Judiciary Committee twice before this 3rd time brings me no joy President Nixon attempted to corrupt elections is agents broke into the Democratic Party headquarters to get a leg up on the election and then just like President Trump he tried to cover it up then he resigned this is even worse President Trump not only abused his power to help Israel lection he used a foreign government to do it he is military aid provided to fight the Russians as leverage solely to benefit his own political campaign George Washington would be astonished since he warned against the insidious wiles of foreign influence the direct evidence is damning the president hasn't offered any evidence to the contrary these actions constitute grounds for presidential impeachment what is before us is a serious abuse of power and destruction of Congress these abuses strike at the heart of our Constitution the president's. Constitutional abuse of power a high crime and misdemeanor is ongoing He totally refused to provide any information to Congress related to the impeachment inquiry it's our responsibility to use the tool our founders gave us in the Constitution to preserve the constitutional order we must impeach and I yield back I meant from George I think about a speaker at this time. To minute have to the gentleman from North Carolina Mr Chamish recognized for a minute half about his speaker the Washington Post headline the story immediately following President Trump taking the oath of office stating the campaign to impeach President Trump has been this is Representative David Rosen of North Carolina Republican here we are almost 3 years later and what we are witnessing today is unprecedented in American history a very partisan based impeachment with no facts that warn it this is an impeachment based on hearsay and speculation rooted in a deep seated hatred for a man for whom many of my colleagues on the other side detest. Not all but many no where in the Constitution does it say that personal disdain is grounds for impeachment at every turn the claims made by my Democrat colleagues have turned out to be false early on when it was claimed there was evidence of Russian collusion there was done we were told the f.b.i. Didn't have abuse of process and its investigation of the truck campaign that too has now been proven completely false then when the Russian collusion hopes collapsed we were told that we would hear from a whistleblower that had details of the nefarious call between the president and the president of Ukraine then we found out they weren't even on the call and we still don't even know who the whistleblower is we were told there was clear evidence of a quid pro quo for personal gain after reading the transcript it is obvious that you have to make assumptions that would even stand up in traffic court to come to that conclusion instead indisputable facts of record destroy their case and though they allege treason and robbery by the president the articles we are considering today only make vague accusations of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress because they found no evidence of treason or time or anything else for that matter Mr Speaker today is a generous and a fiery gentleman from New York the country is now divided judgments recognize the country is now to more divided than it ever has been in my lifetime the truth has been trampled by this House of Representatives and because of the abuses at the f.b.i. And the Department of Justice more can more Americans have an even dimmer view of the very important American institutions Thankfully the lens of history will ensure that the truth is told and will endure we're going from New York. Many speaker one specific concern of the framers was a president who would corrupt our elections who would abuse the great powers of his office to ensure his own reelection the impeachment inquiry is not an effort to overturn an election it is a reaffirmation of the simple truth that the that in the United States of America no person not even the president is above the law and our democracy cannot allow a duly elected president to abuse the power of his office for personal and political gain and that now you hold 2 and a half minutes to the gentle lady from Texas Ms Jackson Lee generally striking nice for 2 and a half minutes. This is Representative Sheila Jackson Lee Texas. I hate no woman no man. Today the American people should receive clarity and truth. The Constitution is the highest law of the land the president breached and violated the Constitution of the United States of America the president committed constitutional crimes the president's crimes are in p. Trouble John f. Kennedy said if this country should ever reach the point where any man or group of men by force or threat of force could defied the commands of our courts and Constitution then no law would stand free from doubt and no citizen would be safe from his neighbors the facts undisputed 1st President Trump violated his oath of office by placing his personal political interests above the national interest by scheming to of course Ukraine into investigating a potential election opponent 2nd President Trump or trade the nation by interest by withholding the congressionally agreed $391000000.00 to a fragile ally against a very strong Russia 3rd the essential purpose of the scheme concocted by the president was to enlist a foreign country to help in the 2020 Alexion these acts are constitutional crimes and abuse of power the truth is the president did ask for a favor those were his own words and the July 25th call no mention of corruption only the mention of the Bidens the president was engaged in wrongdoing and is a clear and present danger he has a pattern and his behavior remains a continuing threat to America's national security the truth is that abuse of power does violate the Constitution while both corrupting and cheating American democracy is acts betrayed the nation he must take care to execute laws faithfully This is the truth why does the truth matter because it matters to the farmer and his or her plough it matters to the waitress on an early morning shift it matters to the steel work of building American matters to the teacher in a 5th grade class it. That is to a mother kissing off our military recruits going off to war the Constitution must be preserved our laws must be honored and respected the bloodshed and sacrifice of fellow Americans cannot be ignored trampled on or rejected and today our actions on the vote taken today must be for no personal gain or grantor the bright light of this constitutional democracy has been dimmed because of his acts the truth is no longer for all it is for one man Donald j. Trump his truth his way we must reject that abuse of power because this is not America no one is above the long Alexander Hamilton said impeachment was designed to deal genocide on this kind of like manner and violation public trust of the time the president and his titanic violated the trust we must take smacking down some Jay Trump. Down then from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker it is time is my pleasure deal a minute and a half to the general commission this Mr Gemma's recognize for a minute. Today the House Representatives votes on 2 articles impeachment for President Trump Representative Paul Mitchell of Michigan Republican it's that it was attended to be a safety valve rarely used only when a president acts in such an immoral completely unlawful manner as are threaten the very basis of our republic as we cast votes on these articles the future tone of this house and politics in this nation must be carefully considered the issues not whether we agree with or like the president's rhetoric political tactics use of Twitter policy choices or his political rallies one of our founders Alexander Hamilton warned of the risks of becoming of a piece of it becoming a solely partisan act in the Federalist Papers this a piece or an inquiry and these articles clearly do not heed that warning these proceedings are weapon icing impeachment make yet another election tool. I've carefully examined the evidence presented throughout through inquiry and contrary to some considered our history our founding documents and our future it is clear present chunks actions as described in these articles to not constitute treason bribery or high crimes and misdemeanors you simply don't like you I'll be voting no on these articles and we'll hope some day we return to serving the needs of the American people with that I yield back can a man spatters or a man from New York. Mary speak right now you 2 minutes to the gentleman through Louisiana Mr Richmond Chamish recognized for 2 minutes madam speaker President Trump on January 20th 2017 raised his hand and swore to preserve protect and defend the Constitution now we must preserve protect and defend the Constitution from you know Representative Cedric Richmond of Louisiana hurts and embarrass the president of the United States but to defend our precious democracy I speak today not because I hate this president but because I love this body the people's house I have heard Republicans say why are we rushing to judgment this is not a rush to judgment it's a rush to justice and we must not delay corruption is corrosive it eats away like acid and the longer we wait the more time we allow for this president to do irreparable harm to our country and our democracy just last week Rudy Giuliani was back at it in Ukraine so please don't tell us to wait because the corruption continues there's a famous quote that says. Politicians worry about the next election statesman worry about the next generation today cause upon us to be statesmen and stateswomen Democrat Republican and Independent our election is under attack from within so to my Republican colleagues many of whom spent a lifetime trying to build a reputation of honesty and courage I beg you don't do it out a way for President Trump he doesn't deserve it no we really appreciate it pass the next week on next week my fear my prediction is that his actions will continue Madam Speaker Donald Trump recently said I can do anything I want but He also bragged that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it well he's shooting holes in our constitution on Pennsylvania Avenue and our House the people's house must defend the Constitution from a domestic enemy to the rule of law Donald Trump because I don't want generations to come to blame me for letting our democracy die I've therefore rise in favor of impeaching Donald Trump with that Madam Speaker I yield a gentleman from Georgia thank you and I think at this point I yield a minute after the donor from Missouri slicker Gemma's recognized for a minute and a half a minute speaker Rice today in strong opposition to this political sure you did his term in our country for nearly 3 years representative Blaine littler of Missouri are legitimate investigation is 100 percent politically motivated earlier this month Speaker Pelosi actually admitted the impeachment process began 2 and a half years ago let me say it again the speaker of the house said publicly that the Democrats have been trying to remove our president from office since the day he got elected simply because it was not the outcome they wanted another my Democrat colleagues publicly admitted in May that the driving force behind their actions was and I quote If we don't impeach a president who get reelected. This was an investigation meant a speaker this was a political Critz crusade in order to arrive at their Stalinist Dick predetermine conclusion House Democrats spent the last 3 months staging well rehearsed hearings where the trudges were drawn up by their own focus groups Democrat donors served as witnesses and Democrats staff served as judge and jury even at the odds so lightly stacked against the president Democrats still came up with absolutely nothing. A while ago the speaker spoke of the Pledge of Allegiance the last phrase of the period of the pledge is justice for all just was not something for the president investigation he was a knight due process something Supreme Court said should be afforded all congressional investigations that makes this process illegal and illegitimate What a shame what a sham with that you know better reserved gentleman from New York. Now you. Generally do Texas because Garcia gentle a 2nd nice for 2 minutes is bigger I didn't come to Congress to peach the president even when he separated babies from their parents at the border Sylvia Garcia representative from Texas troops to help as well no I didn't call for impeachment because I am here to make a difference in the lives of my constituents yet here we are in the middle of a constitutional crisis as a former judge I took my responsibility seriously to weigh the evidence and determine if the president's actions were impeachable Unfortunately the evidence in the intelligence and judiciary reports leaves us with no choice but to peach the president so I stand on my of that I have sworn to the Constitution and to the American people and today I urge my colleagues to stand by their own to the framers of the Constitution included in Pietschmann as a safeguard against a corrupt president whose misconduct could destroy the very foundations of our country Donald j. Trump abused his power when he obstructed Congress and ordered government officials not to appear before us Donald j. Trump corrupted our election when he asked a foreign government to interfere for his personal and political gain today sadly I asked my colleagues will you put your party over our country or will you help save our democracy and vote yes on the articles of impeachment before you I urge you to vote yes I yield back thank you Madam Speaker gentle lady inspect gentleman from Georgia thank you Miles speaker others have an inquiry as to the time remaining for both sides. Gemma from Georgia has 2 hours 22 and a half minutes. Joe from New York has 2 hours and $27.00 and a half minutes that's. Ok Thank you Madam Speaker if this point is my. You'll now to a minute after the DOMA File Mr King. Gentlemen thank you nice for 90 center for a minute half Thank you Madam Speaker thank General for yielding and I start out 1st that represent is the violent Republican assy of cover up of a such a list of crimes against our country and it goes so far as to bring impeachment hearings to try to cover all of this up and I would take you back to October of 2015 when Barack Obama said Hillary Clinton never intend to jeopardize our national security again the following able the next month Peter Struck wrote the statement that was delivered by James Komi and they spent Democrat money and Hillary Clinton money in Russia to pick up dirt on Donald Trump and then Joe Biden goes to goes to Ukraine and makes a statement here's a $1000000000.00 But you must do when I tell you to do your accusing Donald Trump of doing that which Joe Biden has confessed to doing and by the way. Joe Biden was not the opponent of Donald Trump he's in a 21 way primary for Dimon he's running 3rd in that race his opponents are the other 20 Democrats how would anybody dig into that message 21 people and decide he's going to go overseas and pull someone over like this you have to assign him a motive you assign him a motive then you create the dots and you go dot to dot but the reality is that it was Biden that was doing the extortion now the power play in order to protect his own son and it was Donald Trump that was following the law that said you have to ensure that there is not corruption here before this money is ended over and by the way there was a violent war going on in Ukraine and that's when we sent blankets an m.r.e. Is over there under Barack Obama so this but when I hear this from the gentleman from. Georgia Mr Johnson he doesn't think he can win the election fair and square so he will he would cheat and I've heard that here on this floor no it's the other way around your number one proponent of impeachment is Al Green of Texas and he said those very same things and they brought this case Nov 9th the day after Trump was elected I yield back. Reserve gentleman from New York. Most speak right now you 2 minutes to the gentle lady from Pennsylvania Ms Deen gentle A's recognized for 2 minutes. Out of speaker words matter we've heard many representative Madeleine dean of Pennsylvania still what strikes me are the words that are missing from my colleagues on the other side of the aisle a gaping hole in this conversation the words they cannot or will not mouth defending a president's conduct conduct that threatens our constitutional order and so Speaker I ask when is it ever right for a president to coerce a foreign power to interfere in our elections when is it ever right for a president to intimidate a foreign leader into announcing false investigations into a political rival when is it ever right for that president to withhold congressionally appropriated aid to that country at the expense of its national security and our very own and when is it ever right for a president to block a co-equal branch of government from investigating this scheme to cheat an election the answer of course is never but that word does not come trippingly from the tongues of those who are making the choice to stand behind a man whose behavior is not worthy of your tortured words by our vote today we are speaking to future presidents and to future generations. We are declaring that we will not tolerate foreign interference in our presidential elections Americans alone will determine the outcome and we will not permit a president to order the complete defiance of a co-equal branch of government and in the end regardless of the outcome of this impeachment the president's tenure will and and this body and our grandchildren will be left with what we did here today Ours is a somber generational duty about love of country and lifting a constitution to its grave its protections but its highest aspirations our democracy as a matter of conscience and by voting to stay fart our Constitution mine is clear I thank you Madam Speaker and yield back to the ideals fact gentleman from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker is a reminder many times we have all of sham process that we've had to deal with and we fall on the facts and won both and I will remind that if you want to talk about elections remember it was a speaker of the house and we can trust the voters to too dangerous to leave it with the voters for president from next year with that you'll 2 minutes to the gentle lady from Arizona of this list generally is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Madam Speaker as you all know this is Representative Debbie Lesko of Arizona Republican. And I have literally spent hours hours poring over testimony looking at documents sitting in hearings and you know that could include and I got from all of that. This impeachment is a total joke and a total sham. And let me tell you one of the reasons why I think that all of those witnesses the 17 witnesses that the Democrats brought forward not one single one of them was able to establish that President Trump committed bribery treason high crimes or misdemeanors which is required in the u.s. Constitution. And again 17 out of 24 Democrat members on Judiciary Committee voted on this floor to move forward articles of impeachment before the phone call and 5 out of 9 rule committee Democrat members did the same thing so if the main part of your impeachment is the call why did you vote for impeachment prior to the core. I also want to remind the American public and others that for 2 years Adam Schiff claimed he had proof proof that President Trump had colluded with Russia that turned out to be faults and then overnight it was obstruction of justice then quid pro quo then bribery then extortion and the list goes on but yet not one of those is listed in the articles of impeachment to my Democrat colleagues Madam Chair I say please stop tearing the country apart stop this sham and I yield back the. Gentleman from New York the gentle lady is correct prison terms behavior is not new he has a pattern of engaging in misconduct and then obstructing any investigation into his misconduct to cover up his actions and I do truth from the American people I now used to the gentle lady from California Ms Roy large for the purpose of unanimous consent request generally started nice medicine I rise in support of today's impeachment proceedings and ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks that objection. Distinguished Gentleman from Rhode Island missile engine. I thank the gentleman for yielding Madam Speaker. I nation was founded on certain principles that government should be on by and for the people this is Representative James landsman of Rhode Island would provide the checks and balances necessary to ensure the people's voices are heard and that no one is above the law today sadly we have voted to impeach President Donald John Trump because he has found fundamentally broken his covenant with the American people in doing so we are using the power of the founding fathers in trying to the Constitution. To address a president who has violated his oath of office the evidence is clear and the facts are not in question President Trump has consistently gaijin a pattern of behavior inconsistent with the rule of law he has refused to take responsibility for his actions he has undermined the checks and balances we rely on by obstructing You're listening to special coverage of the impeachment vote from n.p.r. News and it's coming to you on 89.3 p.c.c. Pasadena 89 point one k you are red light 90.3. And 89.5 k j a I defend the Constitution and I will vote in favor of impeachment yield back the balance of my time and yes fact gentleman from Georgia thank you Madam Speaker this time it is my pleasure deal 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ohio Mr Souter Germans recognize for 2 minutes thank you Madam Speaker today is a sad day in our nation's history as House Democrats are poised to approve on a strictly party line vote articles of impeachment based on what constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley called wafer thin this is Representative Steve Shabbat of a high risk of resident weren't Pietschmann becomes the norm rather than the exception that's not what our founding fathers intended they wanted impeachment to be rare they set a high bar for impeachment treason bribery high crimes and misdemeanors alleged abuse of power this is special coverage of the impeachment hearings from n.p.r. News We're listening right now to the House of Representatives debate the impeachment of President Donald Trump and little Garcia Navarro I'm joined in the studio by Rachel Martin in the end also in the studio is Ron Elving senior editor from The Washington desk is in Davis N.P.R.'s congressional correspondent who is up on the Hill and we're just going to briefly recap I'm going to start with you Susan what have we heard so far it's not necessarily been a surprising debate we know where the votes are but it's certainly been a dramatic and passionate one at times I think it is eliminate illuminated how completely different the political realities the 2 parties exist. And there's just no middle ground when it comes to the question of Donald Trump Republicans are defending a president they see trying to be thrown out of office for thin charges Democrats say this is about the constitutional order of the country Ron Elving your thoughts it could not be any more important to either of these 2 parties speakers now I know not everyone is going to speak it's a minority of each party that's going to actually have time to speak many of the members would just as soon not speak frankly because while many of these people want to have the little video clip to show in their campaign next year many of these people would all rather be remembered by their constituents for other things not everyone has to go back home and worry about a primary not everybody has to go home and worry about whether or not Donald Trump is sufficiently in their favor in their corner as a Republican not everyone has to worry about whether or not he was the most anti troll or she was the most anti Trump member of the Democratic Party so it's interesting to watch how they sort themselves out and the people who are chosen to speak are not necessarily the people who you would expect to hear from in many cases in many cases their folks who may not have heard of before let alone heard from before Ok We're going to go back now and listen to the House debate Pietschmann Donald Trump was President Nixon's case and again in prison Clinton's There is no higher crime than for the president to use the power of his office to corrupt our elections are now your old one did it to the gentleman from Wisconsin is to poke in the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Think you Madam Speaker this July President Trump blocked 400000000 in Congressionally approved aid that Ukraine desperately needed to defend itself against Russia because he needed Ukraine to do him a favor 1st he asked the president has been remarked on how candid of us constitution into a political rival military aid and other benefits would only come after but this is not about a single call or a single transcript this is about a perfect storm on subjectivity directly or. By the president to his senior cabinet and political appointees in orchestrated plan demanding a foreign power interfere in our democracy President trumpy trade his oath of office he abused the power of his office for personal and political gain and has refused to cooperate with a co-equal branch of government this is a vote for cow.

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Anna due to a rare December tornado tornadoes have targeted much of the mid and deep south specifically parts of Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama there has been widespread damage and power outages many schools dismissed early because of the weather the storm so still will bow East on Tuesday bringing with it the threat aboard nasty storms from Florida to North Carolina House Democrats have released a more than $600.00 page impeachment report it accuses President Trump of violating federal laws and is meant to supplement the 2 articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of justice the top Senate Democrat minority leader Chuck Schumer says he wants to hear from the president's acting chief of staff and his former national security adviser I haven't seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldn't testify or these documents be produced unless the president has something to hide and his supporters want that information hidden for just the 3rd time in our nation's history the House is expected to vote to impeach the president as soon as Wednesday the military academies at West Point in Annapolis are investigating whether their students were flashing race's hand signals before the Army Navy football game on Saturday or David Martin reports from the Pentagon video from E.S.P.N.'s College Game Day Saturday shows 3 cadets and midshipmen flashing their hand sign some of them making a point to show their hand to the camera hand gesture is similar to the Ok sign but the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt says lately it's been used by white extremists including the Christ church shooter in New Zealand and by White Nationalists at a Portland Oregon rally in August. 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Where it is any kind of decency I mean it's across the spectrum things are absolutely crazy things have gone funk or is beyond the scripture welcome back our number 3 here on Schmidt We have the North Korean situation and went there are Christmas promises for us again as I said at the end the last hour it's just time for President Trump to slap this this hugs wad this Kim Jong un into some kimchi submission because nothing's going to change here so you know any time in the go she a she just not going to happen and I told you the story of the latest information from a top defector out of North Korea a type a top government or military defector I told the story last week who says that Trump's been duped played by Kim Jong Il and that he has 0 plans to denuclearize live and saying that all along because the nuclear arsenal and the delivery systems that's his insurance policy for literal survival for him his family and his regime are going to give up that insurance policy that trump card if you will I've always worn it's rope a dope same thing that happened a Clinton and Madeleine Albright back in the mid ninety's same thing that happened through the George w. Bush administration in the Obama administration and here we are in a belief that there's some kind of magic and special relationship here and things are going to change not true not going to happen so the latest crap coming out of North Korea is they're promising us some kind of a Christmas gift if we don't lift sanctions and that's enough threat that is an absolute through wrecked. You know then if you know we don't change our ways if we don't lift the sanctions against North Korea there we're going to get a Christmas gift yes a Christmas surprise for the United States from the North Koreans. And you know how much longer are we going to be threatened how much longer are we going to put up with in action and this is an important question for the president to confront for President Trump to answer because this little buddy buddy this bromance whatever the hell you want to talk about the the love letters I mean it's just an extenuating it's it's an extension. It's an extenuation of circumstance that we've seen for for decades now with his father and now Kim Jong on for some time a Christmas gift that's a few red I'm sorry the United States of America we should not put up with threats from some 2 bit dictator and we need to help foment the overthrow from within the try to bring this country into the 21st century as far as human rights goes in treating their people they're starving people a Christmas gift Yeah a Christmas gift for the United States if we don't forge some new path and give them you know sanctions relief relief you know they've they've given us this deadline so they've given us deadlines the North Koreans are giving us all to made a mess and deadlines should we put up with that garbage Absolutely not and also over the weekend there was some kind of a new nuclear test and North Korea's long range rocket site the last that I saw over the weekend was that all of the exact details of the test were not completely clear but. I guess the expectation that it had to do with North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile program so is that part of the Christmas gift is that part of the the Christmas surprise that hey us we now have a long range i.c.b.m. That can be launched from the east coast of North Korea and can now hit the United States of America on the contiguous $48.00 mainland USA not just Alaska not just a watch. But the entire United States is that what they're getting ready to announce So if you couple Whatever the activity was whatever the test was at their long range rockets site and then hey you give us sanctions relief now or else you're going to get a Christmas gift is that gift the announcement listen not to launch a missile at the United States I mean that would be just Sure sure and sheer suicide but it seems like the Christmas gift could be the announcement that they have tested a missile or they have missile capability now which could reach intercontinental ballistic status and hit the United States in the State Department saying that we're just going to watch closely as to what the North Koreans are doing as will the South Koreans and the Japanese but. Again Christmas gift oh isn't that lovely Kim Jong un is sending a Christmas gift. Well maybe we need to return something and slap that Pudge bitch and 808018999 the nationwide number here on Schmidt 808018999 I saw the president today told reporters that. He was praising Rudy Giuliani and that Rudy Giuliani is a very great crime fighter so I don't think is any. Indication that President Trump is going to jettison Rudy Giuliani as he should the president needs to ditch Rudy Giuliani I've said this for a long time since last spring and I guess the president doesn't like it that there are Fox commentators that are saying the same thing because Giuliani is not helping the president what is this tweet from Kaitlin Collins Caitlin Collins from c.n.n. She tweeted this out a couple hours ago that she asked the president what Giuliani shared with him upon his return from Ukraine and Trump said not too much but he's a very great crime fighter he's a great person who loves our country and he does this out of love believe me. Giuliani told the Wall Street Journal that he had more than Trump could imagine so let women so the Wall Street Journal reported that Giuliani told Trump that he had more than Trump could imagine regarding Ukraine and the Bidens and Hunter and Joe and then the president today on top of you know as I mentioned calling Rudy Giuliani a quote very great crime fighter. Also said that he's not much what did Rudy share with him not much as Rudy came back from Ukraine but remember that Rudy Giuliani was spotted last week and I brought this up he was spotted with file folders walking into the White House. Oh it didn't look like not much unless these were just blank reams of paper just meant to look like he had dug up all kinds a great dirt over in Ukraine look. At one of them off the Chinese diplomats that were expelled from the United States it was a report that came out over the weekend the 2 Chinese diplomats had been kicked out of the United States after they drove onto a sensitive military base in Virginia and that they were secretly kicked out of the United States and this allegedly marks the 1st expulsion of Chinese diplomats in over 30 years and this happened that in Norfolk my one of my hometowns over the years I grew up in the Virginia Beach Norfolk area from the age of 11 to 18 when I went off to college and then came back after college and worked several years in radio in the Norfolk Virginia market the Chinese embassy officials were stopped back in September at the naval base in Norfolk in a home to special operations forces they were chased by military personnel according to sources and at least one of the Chinese diplomats was believed to be an intel officer who was actually operating under the cloak of diplomatic immunity or a diplomatic cover story and the reports are that there were 6 people familiar with the knowledge. That led to the expulsions of these Chinese officials and the officials had been with their wives when they drove up to a checkpoint at the base and they were only allowed in to make a u. Turn and then immediately leave but instead of making the u. Turn they continued driving on to the base and then they evaded the military personnel that was after them and they were only stopped when they were blocked by fire trucks so the base security the base the M.P.'s the base military police or the Naval La Police they were able to enlist some of the base fire trucks to block the road and stop them the diplomats they said all they didn't understand the instructions from the guard but u.s. Officials think that they were just trying to test the security of this particular base in order to then potentially send other undercover or spies other infiltrators on to the base in Norfolk. Unbelievable so we threw them out of the u.s. Back in September I guess along with their wives and this is the 1st known expulsion of Chinese diplomats since 1987 that's what over 30 years 32 years. As in the just like the Russians folks Chinese are doing everything they can to bring down the United States of America in the freedoms that we love in this story this country in our constitution they are can trust the Chinese can trust the Russians at all ever nothing when they speak assume they're lying. 808018999 the nation wide number here on Schmidt 880-018-0999 What about this Bernie Democrat wishing cancer on Obama. Not making this up. Of Bernie Democrat who loves Bernie running for Congress so we've got this socialist commie Democrat who's trying to unset Joaquin Castro a liberal Democrat House of Representatives member in Texas and this guy who's trying to challenge Hooley on Castro's brother Joaquin he's wishing brain cancer or cancer on Obama I'll give you the whole story coming up next auction and Hang on folks back in a minute standby back in a moment. The high country. 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Text and whatever just don't text and drive visit stop texts stop wrecks dot org a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council sky clears quieter weather the rest of this week hello I met make into the car on his own channel to his people with a forecast cold tonight with a clear sky lows in the single digits below 0 for Tuesday sunshine We're back in the middle twenty's low forty's for Wednesday Thursday and Friday very close to 40 degrees this weekend looks quiet as well. Season as the sales event time it out of Glenwood Springs now is the time to save on the Audi you've always dreamed up during the season about his sales event or offering up to $4000.00 off of a new 2019 purified in stock and up to $6000.00 off your set of target on one of these and decorate your tree like never before Audi lovers from all over the state have made out to have been whisperings their preferred Audi store why drive anywhere else plus with rebates and tax credits you can get up to $10500.00 off on a new you try to lease see the dealer for details it's this season of Audi sales event now at Audi and Glenwood Springs the dealership I do business with you should check it out to exit $114.00 off of I 70 in Columbus Springs Happy holidays from the team it out a Glenwood Springs and we wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season. All aboard the conduct the belle it is me and my family hopped on the train the Grand Central so many years ago all bones run non-exhaustive Christmas if you like me trains will always hold a special place in your hook and though you could relive those fun memories of us all firearms we have a wondrous selection of classic Buckman model electric trains something special about an electric train circling around the tree on a frosty Christmas morning while the youngsters enjoy the train and opening gifts might want to pull mom aside to give it a special gift from a song. Firearms a beautiful piece of jewelry could be a ring bracelet a necklace a watch or the wise she will even though you got it from the $30.00 all that you got a gift wrap free of charge you want to see of writing this is really not a fly you can spot Rudolph in effect in a red suit from a 1000 yards with some of the range finders and binoculars always make great gifts for Christmas or Hanukkah cellphones to 31 middleman Newcastle to 79512 and next up the North Pole. David Bach here I'm at Heidi's Brooklyn deli so much these days I really need to build a studio there he should join me one day at Heidi's Brooklyn deli for breakfast or lunch you'll find me at the Carbondale location it's right next to City market or if you're in Eagle County you'll find Heidi's next to Cosco fresh bread baked daily and a great selection of hot and cold sandwiches plus soups perfect for winter see their menu a Brooklyn deli dot com And remember they cater to good news. Right now. With the fit of the vitriol in politics Democrats versus Republicans Republicans versus Democrats the Democrats and what they have to say about Trump Trump and what he has to say about Democrats or or whomever Well what about this what about a Bernie Sanders Democrat wishing that Obama gets cancer. Is a vat lovely Here's a story there's a guy by the name of Justin let's see. If I'm pronouncing it properly his last name is spelled l e c e a I don't know who the hell this guy is I mean I got a picture of the guy I don't know who they really just then Lisita who calls himself a Bernie Sanders supporter and a Bertie Sanders Democrat and he is trying to take away the seat from a Democrat in Texas by the name of Joaquin Castro who happens to be the twin brother. Who Leon Castro Democratic candidate who doesn't have a chance and over the last couple of days this list Cea. Re tweeted. A Baracoa Obama tweet the Obama tweet was about health care coverage so Obama tweets out you can get the Zen Garden next week but tomorrow is the last day to sign up for health coverage and health care dot gov This year most current health care dot gov customers can find an insurance plan with a monthly premium of $10.00 or less get covered today so Obama tweets that out yesterday because yesterday was the deadline for open enrollment and. This just in for Congress this Bernie Sanders lover tweets I just want to think about all the people who have and will die because Obamacare is pointless and your entire presidency was a waste if God was just you if God was just you. Would get the most malignant cancer a man what does he say he doesn't even make something up back in a minute. Diabetes high blood pressure and anxiety meds everyone's on them if you're a 50 year old male maybe a bit beefy or even with type 2 diabetes a $1000000.00 of Term insurance may only cost you about 200 bucks a month of fordable term life insurance is out there called term provider and speak with big blue at 8048114588411458 or visit Big Blue dot com Remember Big lose like you he's on meds too this is Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans and we want to help your house feel more like a home with some of the lowest refinancing rates ever rates have dropped so much that many Americans can reduce their rate you may be able to save money on your monthly mortgage payment right now the rate today in our 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.99 percent a.p.r. 4.18 percent call us at $800.00 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com rates up to change one point we have a 5 percent fee to see the discount rate cut for customers and commissions equalising under license in other states and in the us over 33. From the Road studio this is the high country roads report brought to you by Dahlan Pollack Colorado's personal injury attorneys champions of the people dot com It's still slow going in the high country today with all of the roads north of I 70 and most of them south of I 70 have reporting icy and snow packed conditions I 70 is dry chain and traction laws remain in effect on Hoosier passing as well as the 3 high passes on us 550 more after this or ice still on the way to the I could be a little tricky out there but it's smart to keep an eye on road conditions but who's keeping an eye out for you when it comes to an auto accident that wasn't your fault time to go to an appalling at champions of the people who just gum the attorneys at Bell in public no you need a game plan to go up against the other guy's insurance company who want to pay you the least amount for damages to your car or more importantly any medical bills remember Bill unpolished at champions of the people just calm. Please take note that traffic flow will be disrupted on I 70 on Wednesday between 9 am and between Beaverbrook and Downieville that's in the Dumont area both directions I 70 will be closed for those 3 hours for rock mitigation which involves blasting that's Wednesday 9 am to noon I 70 closed both directions. Be careful. From the Road studio to citrus fruits. Hey guys this is Larry King Are you sick and tired of prostate pills that don't work I've got great news for you I have prostate problems that would drive me nuts I tried several different natural products none of them worked one day I heard about process that Gen x. It being over 157 of the prostate supplements an independent lab tests and was rated number one most powerful prostate supplement in the world so I got some bras that Jennings and bought him I'm glad I did now my prostate troubles are a thing of the past I sleep like a champ I feel like I did 20 years ago Do yourself a huge favor do what I did and get yourself some prostin genic trust that Jennings comes with a 90 day money back guarantee so you can order absolutely risk free so go online or call 8060202080602020 if you call in the next 6 minutes you can get a free bottle with a livery King t.v. Special 80602020 pick up the phone right now the running for valleys premier dining experience this holiday season is the Riviera supper club and piano bar England look Springs enjoy time with friends in loved ones feasting on one of the many revere and delicacies that Chef Travis has prepared and it's not too early to make plans for their annual New Year's Eve celebration 6 courses and live entertainment to ring in 2020 make your reservation today at Revere a gloomy wood dot com. If your tires are so they can literally remember the Alamo. That's a big no no. Thankfully for all your car's big nose there's always a big oh yes now through December 31st effort to subpoena big old tires saves $70.00 instantly on sets of 4 Continental Coopers Goodyear or Yokohama brand tires with paid installation purchase not valid with other offers dispose of these extra up to 10 percent should be based on not just on a regular retail price not to exceed 35 dollars of minutes or for details. Jim Rome who you run report I've said this before let me say it again right now when it comes to the n.f.l. Nobody knows anything and if you want more proof check out the Atlanta Falcons beating San Francisco actually check out the Falcons period what is with that crew they start the year one in one they lose 6 straight they beat you all and to Carolina then they lose 2 straight then they beat Carolina again and they go across the country and not only hang with the $49.00 er's but they close them out in the last 2nd the Niners Meanwhile just beat the Saints in New Orleans and then they lose to the Falcons in Santa Clara which is crazy and so is the n.f.l. Week to week nobody knows anything the only thing that you really can't count on is the Bills mafia they're incredible waiting at the airport for their team to return home at 2 o'clock in the morning with it 25 degrees outside and they show our. Doctors Without Borders teams confront hard facts and conflict in crisis sounds when others look away we step in to act because measles still kills more than 100000 children every year we're there to vaccinate more than 1000000 because some countries have only one or 2 mental health professionals we provided over 400000 mental health consultations last year the fact is your support makes our lifesaving work possible picture the impact we can have together Doctors Without Borders dot org spokesperson paid for by the attention military vets and current soldiers who served between 2002 to 2016 have your loved one suffer hearing loss or tinnitus after serving or while serving in the u.s. Armed forces you may be entitled to compensation 3 of the manufacture of your plugs made for combat recently paid the government $9100000.00 to settle a false claims a case for knowingly selling these defective ear plugs if you are a loved one suffer hearing loss today defective ear plugs call us now for a free case review call 805904514 that's 805904514. Our calling is going to spam the 737 Max production now one of the article. You believe I mean company like Boeing the mess they got themselves into hang on I think the story just broke. A short time ago I'll give you the details coming out from the Wall Street Journal and see n.b.c. Have gotten a 2nd just finishing up on this this nutjob this Bernie Sanders fanboy democrat socialist who wants Obama to get cancer not just any cancer but a malignant cancer so again his tweet makes no difference or makes no sense rather his tweet makes no sense because he says grown up punctuation so this brain surgeon clearly just then for Congress for Texas 20. This this this imbecile just in for Congress who loves Bernie Sanders a Bernie supporter I mean this is the vitriol I mean this is the the degree of how toxic the climate is here you have a democratic socialist wishing cancer on Obama so this just in for Congress who is trying to primary Joaquin Castro the brother of holy I'm Castro in Texas. He's wishing cancer on Obama again and here's where the punctuation is important cause as written his tweet makes no sense and what a difference just a little comma can make so this mba tard tweets out after Obama so Barack Obama I'm not an Obama fan obviously I was. Against virtually everything Obama slim for especially how divisive he was in his country folks want to call Trump divisive trop might have taken it to the to a new level but the original divisive Meister was Puracal Bamma I mean he ripped this country apart ideologically and with his you know commentary and you know the beer summit crap and that the police officer acts acted stupidly and member of the how many times they don't bomb I mean people forget people have short memories but this just in for Congress tweets out after Obama's trying to remind everyone that the open enrollment for health care dot gov that ended yesterday on the sever 15th and this just in for Congress for Texas 20 tweets out I just want you to think about all the people who and who have and will die because Obamacare is pointless and your entire presidency was a waste if God was just you would get the most malignant cancer imaginable well see what this idiot didn't do was punctuate So what he's trying to say here is if God was just. Such a low down little pause if God was just you would get the most malignant cancer imaginable and that lovely from a Bernie Sanders democratic socialist supporter. Wishing brain cancer on or a cancer a malignant cancer on Barack Obama if God was just needed a comma there but also I'm not an English professor I was not an English major but I think also when you have the if so if if you're asking a question or use if I believe that it's more proper to say we're instead of was so if God were just come a which he avoided you would get the most malignant cancer imaginable so to grammatical mistakes here if God were just not was just and then after if God was just you needed a comma to separate your thought but I mean how grotesque how nasty is it for you to wish moley them cancer on Obama I mean this this for left lignin see this toxicity this venom it's poisonous this rancor so awful so that he kind of apologizes by deleting the tweet but the tweet was preserved wasn't really an apology it was he disowning or disavowing the tweet Well I'll let you decide because he later went on beyond wishing that Obama got cancer to saying that Obama should get and even quote worse deadly disease. What is going on here yeah so this guy tweets out after this storm today so the original cancer tweet for Obama was yesterday and then today this just in for Congress. Tweets out people are criticizing me for wishing cancer on Obama I say that having lost my parent to brain cancer that's from the brain cancer from after 12 years of fighting a getting to see just how horrible our health care system is and I still think he deserves it or worse. This socialist This Justin Lisieux for Texas is 20 of congressional districts what a beauty this guy yes and he loves Bernie Sanders big Bernie Sanders supporter he calls himself a Bernie Democrat there we go that's what this country needs and the Bernie Sanders mentality and this jackass this jack wagon on believable just I mean pure total insanity here I've got some health news Also coming up in just a bit by jogging running hold on the latest I haven't had time to vet the whole story here but Boeing is going to suspend its 737 Max production next in January so coming up next month Boeing is going to suspend this and let me give you the Boeing statement the Boeing statement is just out. True. All right here's the Boeing statement regarding 737 Max production soon just sent me the official presser from Boeing and. Here's the statement safely returning the 737 Max to service is our top priority we know that the process of approving the 737 Max is returned to service and of the term of the appropriate training requirements must be extraordinarily thorough and robust to ensure that our regulators customers and the flying public have confidence in the $737.00 Max updates as we have previously said the f.a.a. And global regulatory authorities determine the timeline for certification and returned to service we remain fully committed to supporting this process it is our duty to ensure that every requirement is fulfilled and every question from our regulations or regulators answered throughout the grounding of the 7 $37.00 Max Boeing's continue to build new airplanes and there are now approximately $400.00 airplanes in storage we have previously stated that we would continually evaluate our production plans should the max grounding continue longer than we expected a cash flow issue here as a result of this ongoing evaluation we have decided to prioritize in the livery of store aircraft and temporarily suspend production of the $737.00 program beginning next month folks you realize the $730.00 seven's the bread and butter for both the $737.00 is the cash cow. We believe this decision is least disruptive to maintaining a long term production system and supplying chain health this decision is driven by a number of factors including the extension of certification with 2020 the uncertainty about the timing and conditions of return to service and global training approvals and the importance of ensuring that we can prioritize the delivery of stored aircraft We'll continue to assess our programs towards the return to service milestones and make the terminations about returning production and deliveries accordingly so there you go there are going to stop making new or they've been piling these things up to be a cash flow crunch not to mention as I said this was the cash cow the 737 is the is is the big profit margin airplane the cash cow for for Boeing the you know the fact that they got themselves into this predicament the fact that Boeing allowed through stupid decisions and short cuts and. Putting this plane into production when their work questions by some employees manned that Boeing get themselves into a jail and I am and have always been just such a huge Boeing fan. I mean just awful you know the workers the integrity I mean how could they even keep the max name you know the 737 you can keep but they're gonna have to lose Max So the 737 Max 8 max 9 then I also see it was a max 10 on the drawing board Yeah they do have to lose Max they have to get rid of Max That would be smart that would be Maxwell Smart yet to get rid of the name so you know they have to come up with a new name. For now this new generation of 737 because. That's that's not going to that's like a fly I mean literally the plane is not flying but what a disaster so that was directly from Boeing's statement. From their release and I'm just looking at c m b c now has some of the notes from their top story Boeing will suspend 737 Max production in January always planning to suspend production of the 730 Max after regulators said they don't plan to lift the flight ban this year so that's not going to happen this year and I know that I have friends at Southwest I've got several Captain pals at Southwest who follow the 737 Max because Southwest had I like 2430 of these aircraft that they've ground which has put a strain on Southwest Airlines and. The captains the friends that I know at Southwest they were told by their company by Southwest Airlines as the biggest operator of the 737 Max in the u.s. They were told not to expect the 737 Max to be into service again until March or April and I had heard that over a month ago maybe 2 months ago I think was 2 months ago that it was going to be March or April before Southwest expected to have the plane go so you know are they going to able to get these things in the air in the 1st quarter or early 2nd quarter of 2020 we'll see but look for a rebranding in a renaming the are they going to fix it folks they're going to get the aircraft right I mean the $737.00 is a work course it's one of the safest aircraft when you look at passenger miles flown. From the original 737100 series in 200 series with those old long cigar like engines too you know the 300 the 400 the next gens you know the 800 series the 708-0900 series models and then of course the new max is they got to fix the problem because the airplanes too important and it is carried you know folks hundreds of millions of passengers over the years and the aircraft safety record is strong but it just shows that you know cutting corners in trying to nickel and dime and trying to rush this airplane out when they should have just corrected these issues avoided 2 crashes and what like $300.00 plus deaths and the economic damage and damage to their integrity and to their reputation is enormous I mean what a study in. A solid brand I mean a rock solid brand like Boeing want to study and how to damage a brand I'm not a Boeing stockholder. Boeing stock you know taking hits obviously I think is down even again today. But. I mean how they got how they got to this position and if I were a stockholder I would be so damn pissed terrible the company isn't planning to lay off or furlough any employees at this point at the plant in Renton Washington north of Seattle I went to the Everett plant I've never been to Renton Renton is that ever I know ever it is north of Seattle is Renton also north of Seattle and I've been to the Everett plant I think the 2 Boeing plants I've been to the ever plant and then in Charleston South Carolina Jason to the airport I've been to the Boeing plant there and I got a fantastic private media tour behind the scenes of the 787 production. Got to take pictures in areas where typically you don't get to take pictures and I posted that stuff on my website a long time it's years ago I'm a huge Boeing fan I love Boeing aircraft I'd rather be on a Boeing aircraft than an Airbus Airbus makes some fine machines as well but my issue with Air Bus was always the subsidies provided by the European consortium and how that early on and even you know midway and probably even to this day. Provides an unfair advantage against Boeing you're getting governmental subsidies from Europe and European nations and the European consortium behind Airbus Industries originally it just it was unfair advantage so I was always the Boeing fan and also I'm an American made fan as well unless I get an Airbus has the the the a 320 plant in Mobile I get it employing Americans I understand and I like I do like the fact that they move production. For the Airbus a 320 s. You know some of them are here to Alabama here to the u.s. I do like that I hate joggers Now this is pretty good news here joggers and runners any amount of running is shown to lower risk of death I can get some better with your with a mile or or 12 feet but there's new analysis researchers from Australia Austria Finland Thailand. Long analysis and evidence shows that any amount of running significantly lower is one's risk of death from any cause and adds to longevity. According to study finds so not to run 10 miles even a mile. If you're into Colorado sports k n f O's got everything you need the Broncos the nuggets and the Rockies. For Colorado school. As a kid I wanted to snowboard all over the world but then I contracted bacterial meningitis my legs were amputated below the knees thanks to great care I became a professional athlete that your money where the miracles are getting your Children's Miracle Network hospital. Spokesperson paid for by the central group potential military vets and current soldiers who served between 2002 to 2016 have you or a loved one suffered hearing loss or tinnitus after serving or while serving in the u.s. Armed forces you may be entitled to compensation 3 of the manufacture of earplugs made for combat recently paid the government $9100000.00 to settle a False Claims Act case for knowingly selling these defective ear plugs if you were a loved one suffer hearing loss due to defective ear plugs call us now for a free case review 205904514 that's 805904514 this is the commercial announcement Mike Reagan here I think the impeachment of President Trump is really outrageous Nancy Pelosi doesn't care what you think but many in Congress do I am asking conservatives to take Newsmax poll asking the President Trump should be impeached it's easy to vote in the back poll just text the word rock a 95577 that rock to 95577 and vote support President drop by connection the word rock 295577 at 95577 this is John Green House and if your teeth are stain from coffee tea or smoking power swabs is the answer in 5 minutes you'll see 2 shades whiter teeth and in 7 days 6 shades even better there is no messy strips or trays that you have to leave in your mouth for an hour just wipe your teeth for 5 minutes and you're done to try power swabs call 180-679-0969 your bright white smile will have your friends talking about how great you look dry at risk free 180-679-0969 that's 180-679-0969 I was 9 when I lost my leg to cancer but thanks to my children's hospital I beat the odds today I'm a Paralympian and play in the u.s. 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Trick that I'll see back here tomorrow yeah what financial investments are very important but so are the investments of time patience and encouragement our young athletes receive from their coaches teachers and mentors I understand this and that's why I'm a proud sponsor of the Eagle Valley football on Colorado sports network I'm Edward Jones Financial Advisor Chuck small would stop by our offices at 56 Market Street in the Gulf or call us at 328454748 face to face appointment Edward Jones making sense of investing for member. As i.p.c. I'm Jeremy Hubbard you can count on Fox 31 to bring you the latest information during breaking news and weather that have. Gone. On t.v. K t v e r dot com and the Fox 31 news at and will stay with it until the story is complete watch Fox 31 news tonight. Fox 31 when the work you love involves actual hard work you need a John Deere Gater utility vehicle to your Listen indicating the phone and fan assault also found on Booster k n f o f m one Glen blood spring. Without the playoffs now the Buffalo Bills will play in January for the 2nd time in 3 seasons that's exactly why they hired head coach. You know. To get turned around we got turned around and that's a lot of work it to do we have. Got a lot of work to do. But his bills clinch with last night's 1710 victory in Pittsburgh and also. 99 in the n.f.l. Is a week to week business team failed week 15 game series and things of that nature so we respect what. We understand it. As we sit here. On a 3 game win streak they remain 6 in the a.f.c. Still winning the conference winning percentage tiebreaker with the Titans in primetime tonight at the same called Cindy barely alive at 6 and 7. 3 atop the n.f.c. East 7 consecutive wins for the Lakers after last night's 196 final in Atlanta they again share the best record in the n.b.a. With the Bucs at 243 Milwaukee hosting Dallas. The man. With a sprained ankle the next official update on Wednesday a new a.p. College basketball poll about to be released hands is expected to be the 15th to reach number one with losses last week from Louisville and number 3 Ohio State I mean this is a you've come to the right places. Live . From Southern California please he's the Kim Wong show on c.b.s. Sports radio.

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KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio]-20191212-200000

To avoid another election but they could not agree on a power sharing deal Netanyahu has been indicted on several corruption charges British voters are going to the polls in a rare December parliamentary election dominated by the issue of Bracks that the contest pits prime minister Boris Johnson who says he'll take Britain out of the e.u. By January 31st against opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn who promises another referendum on Bracks it Corben has also warned electing Johnson could lead to dismantling of Britain's National Health Service. Doctors say they've ended a 3 day protest against the trumpet ministrations refusal to allow them into detention facilities and administer flu vaccines to migrants held there the protests led to the arrests of 4 doctors and 2 other demonstrators outside the Border Patrol region headquarters in San Diego this week one of the doctor says officials met with protesters a group was told Customs and Border Protection would pass their request to start such a pilot program up to their chain of command in the past year 3 migrant children have died from influenza after being detained by u.s. Border Patrol agents and Klute a 16 year old Guatemalan boy seen on security footage recently writhing in agony before he died of influenza in the Border Patrol cell. There are fewer than 72 hours left to reach a deal at the international climate talks in Madrid on key issues to address the climate emergency United Nations Secretary General Antonio good tennis suggested negotiators in Madrid should stop listening to those who oppose more ambitious measures for reducing global warming emissions more than 100 activists led by representatives of indigenous people from Latin and North America have staged impromptu protests blocking the gates of the main plenary hall for a few tense minutes President Trump today said it's ridiculous that Time magazine had named great at tune Baird as its Person of the year she spoke during the climate change talks I'm Christine honest it behind the news is next. Hello and looking behind the news my name is Doug Henwood this is a special fundraising edition of the show featuring a recent talk by Paul Ortiz author of an African-American and Latino access tree the United States were just published about a year ago by Beacon the book places black Latino and indigenous voices and actors at the center of u.s. History countering the standard narrative as manifest destiny before we get to that a reminder that today's main item of business is raising money for k. P.s.a. Our fundraising is a bit derailed over the last couple of weeks because we wanted to bring you the impeachment hearings that's the way we operate around here the opposite of commercial broadcasting where it's all about maximizing the revenue but we are paying a price for this dedication to the cause the fundraising is behind schedule and if we want to keep this marvelous radio station going we've got to make up for lost ground today we're featuring the work of Paul Ortiz next year from this talk recorded in Berkeley a month ago will be offering a copy of that talking either an m p 3 cd or download for a contribution of $75.00 to get the essay or his book in African-American and Latino acts history that states for a contribution of $80.00 or if you're feeling flush and generous but $320.00 a rather substantial discount from their combined single price tax you can make a contribution by calling 804395732 or visiting us on line a k p s a dot org If you take the online route be sure to mention how much you love behind the news that's $800.00. 35732 or k.p. If a dot org More when Brian Edwards taker chose you for the last 20 minutes of the show but why not act now and they just relax and listen for the next 45 minutes Ok now the 1st excerpt from Paul Ortiz is talk recorded in Berkeley Nov 12th or teases a professor of history at the University of Florida and director of that Samuel Proctor oral history program Paul Ortiz to be a good historian of this is something I learned from the people at Tommy how to be a historian to be a good historian you have to have imagination to be a good u.s. Historian you have to either be able to leave this country physically and be able to look at it from the vantage point of other people or you if you can't leave it physically you have to do it imaginatively you have to use your imagination what does the u.s. Look like to people in war Livia or in Caracas right now or in Mexico City where my wife and I were there for a month last year and a lot of people joked with us your president may not let you come back to your country what would you do and say I would love to live in Mexico City but in all seriousness and this is going you know this is going to be hard for us to hear because it is just but I'm just gonna say it involves is for the imagination you could sit Donald Trump down at it at a table with Thomas Jefferson with John Adams with Andrew Jackson with even a younger John Quincy Adams and they would be best buds they with congealed they would come together over issues of race and class domination they would have a common discourse a common rhetoric and I found this I'm making this argument because I've read the papers of a lot of these so-called founding fathers they had no love for anyone in this room by the way. They really did not if you read what Alexander Hamilton said when the British evacuated the port of ports of New York and Savannah and hundreds even thousands of former slaves evacuated with them Alexander Hamilton is apoplectic they've stolen our property our property when poor farmers in western Pennsylvania rise up against the 1st excise taxes who's the one who leads the charge to crush the farmers revolt even George Washington doesn't have the stomach to do it but Alexander Hamilton does he calls Native American savages that have to be eliminated. For our economy to grow that's why I say down are the founding fathers had no love for us this is why Donald Trump talked about making America great again he made a historical pitch in 2016 it may have been a coded pitch some people argue but to me it was just kind of a why don't you know in your face kind of pitch if you read what John Adams said about the Mexican War of Independence what Thomas Jefferson said about the Haitian revolution it's almost exactly the same kind of thing Trump says today here's another example a couple of folks came up to me and they said you know you're a historian tell us what this time period now looks like to you what other time period in American history is most like this time period I think it's kind of a trick question. But I said you know to me it is very much like 1930 again the world is in a global crisis certain people are coming to power not just in the United States but throughout the entire world the term strong men authoritarian masculine hyper masculine characters it's not a mistake it's connected to a global crisis in capitalism when Herbert Hoover was elected a president by the way when I asked my students a question well who is the president the presided over the the initial part of the Great Depression you know 9 times out of 10 they say j. Edgar Hoover. I find it to be very interesting now Hoover was very powerful right but what I tell them as I say I want to think about the Great Depression. And how Herbert Hoover believe or not up to that point is probably the smartest man who's ever president United States he was brilliant right brilliant engineer brilliant planner he had one of the smartest cabinets does ever been assembled in Washington d.c. But when the Great Depression broke out and it was clear that it wasn't just a one time one off thing that it was a national and it was an international crisis who did Hoover's cabinet blame for the onset of the Great Depression who were the 1st people to be blamed Mexicans poor people in the United States government see and went into communities and terrorized and kidnapped abducted and deported over a 1000000 Mexican Americans and sent them to Mexico some of them had never stepped foot inside Mexico matts family my family were impacted by this but this is something we didn't talk about growing up it was my great you know grandparents' generation it was considered to be a shameful thing to be terrorized like that and no one ever told me this growing up I had to ask questions and so to me my students have to deal with the fact that they may have federal agents in their backyards right now spying on them abducting their parents in Florida. Parents who lacks state issued I.D.'s cannot even step foot. And they're children's schools so how can they be part of the education education is supposed to be to take it out right and so that's why I think I those 2 time periods and on the negative side resonate but also on the other and on the more positive side these incipient movements you know the me to movement black lives matter the dreamers movement right now we're looking at the Supreme Court and I can tell you whatever decision the Supreme Court makes immigrant rights activists and labor activists are not going to quit they're going to keep struggling they're going to keep fighting there's a reason this nation didn't go fascist in the 1930 some years back as it was right as bad as Jim Crow was and lynching there's a reason it didn't get worse the reason is is that people organize together we had members of my family involved in the little still strike in 1037 this is a sacred moment if you're if you're a labor union or labor activists member when they organize the little still strike in Chicago Illinois steel and some of the other smaller still corporations the Chicago Police came out and shot and murder and workers and the headlines read the Chicago police were interviewed about this oh we only killed Mexicans and Bolsheviks and that was supposed to make it Ok but you know what those workers didn't stop organizing and they unionized all those plants and we just have to be as persistent as our ancestors and struggle. Was the 1st excerpt from a talk by the historian Paul Ortiz author most recently of an African American and Latino acts history of the United States we are fundraising here and we are the news I already mentioned hey get a copy of Ortiz's talk for a contribution of 70 to k.p. Essay or his book for a contribution of 80 but I also want to measure the k.p. If a speech back in embarrassment of riches but a u.s.b. Thumb drive a collection of all the k.p. F.a. Events from this year. Which you can get for a contribution of $200.00 Among the speakers in the collection or Hodgin storage a mole bonded as Shiva Katrina that in who will Stephen Cohen Carolyn for Shay Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Dana Frederick and Bess Carson Carra that is more for $200.00 and that more clued supporting kid p.f.a. This 70 year old experiment of community broadcasting help keep us going for another 70 and these pressures are too high I will be grateful for whatever you can spare the basic membership is just $25.84 to work a p.f.a. Dot org that I want a 2nd except from historian polar teases talk recorded at Berkeley a month ago I grew up in a shipyard Sam primarily called grammar turn Washington every adult that I grew up with or around had been either you know in the military and fought in World War 2 had been in Korea been in Vietnam I grew up towards I was born in 1064 all the male members of my family had been in the military and my father you know when it's Marine boot camp in 1986 he remembers the hits that your buddy Holly in both deadly You know that's how he kind of my dad remembers history just turned 81 but even you know his his uncles my great uncles and my grandparents' generation all fought the Mexican revolution that's how we ended up in the United States in 1914 the family moved to the United States the same time that the u.s. Invaded Mexico to supposedly secure the oil fields around Tampico and so growing up the earliest photographs that we have of me as a young boy are photographs of me with guns 1st plastic guns and then later you know when I learned how to shoot real guns so growing up in war was all we knew and I remember as a young boy a hearing about you know a friend's father. I've been killed in Vietnam are friends own goal and so that was really visceral for us the house forward I'm going to go to the classroom because so much of what I know comes I've learned from my students some of whom are here the 1st song that we play when I when I teach this course is Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldiers to me that's one of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard and we spent we spent a lot of time thinking and talking about Buffalo Soldiers and what that song means because as people of color as working class people as a present people were often the 1st recruits who then turn around and then become the soldiers of the Empire and I remember against Reno wish I could tell you that I you know became woke about us imperialism when I was in the military but that would not be true where I grew up there was no talk about nonviolence there was no talk about being against the why I didn't even know you could be against the war I remember the 1st time I had an inkling that you could be opposed to war in this country when I was on my way home from deployment from Central America back to the United States I read in a newspaper that this minister called Jesse Jackson was in Mexico City trying to broker a peace accord between the u.s. And nations of Latin America Central America I didn't know you could broker a peace accord because again growing up in a militarist environment and you know I told a story I was talking a message earlier about this and this is going to sound very odd to people but I remember of the last day I was in the u.s. Army I was in Panama City and that last day somehow I ended up in a small post I was filling out paperwork trying to get out of the military and anyone who's been in the military knows you spent a lot of time we have a phrase we call hurry up and wait right hurry up in a wait and so you fill it paperwork then you wait for someone to. Process it and I remember walking across the street to the post library a very small library and I picked up this very thin volume out of the stacks at a very interesting very intriguing title and I started reading it and this rider was talking about how his people have been oppressed for centuries and it was time to stop being oppressed it was time to take action and it was a moral imperative to take action but he was using this language he was saying we need to take nonviolent direct action nonviolent civil disobedience and I had never heard of that in my entire life because I grew up in a country as Dr King said which is the most violent nation on earth we're so violent We don't even understand that for youth of the town I grew up in Bremerton and there are many towns like Bremerton were raised to be fighters were raised to be soldiers like I said the 1st photographs of me are with toy guns toys pistols the book I'm working on now I'm trying to figure out how did we get to be that way and so I'm writing a book on subtler colonialism because my belief is that settler colonialism has so profoundly impacted our culture we were not even aware of it so again that's kind of you know going back to thinking about my trajectory coming back to the United States the 1st time I ever had a picket sign in my hand was to protest the u.s. Invasion of Panama in 1989 and the promise that the u.s. Government gave for that war was a complete lie and I would hears up on the radio or on t.v. I hear my friends say well this is why we're invading Panama and I'd say you know that's a complete lie the other thing that kind of woke me up was that when I came back home in 1970. Friends that I grown up with some of whom are veterans to ask me Paul what are all these Hondurans doing in Los Angeles what are all these El Salvadorans doing in Seattle what are all these refugees doing and so one of the 1st things in fact I met my wife doing this work in part was getting involved in the sanctuary movement because I would tell my friends I would say you don't know why all these people are leaving Central America you don't know what I was doing there you don't know what u.s. Foreign policy is actually giving military training and weaponize ing the Central American conflicts and this is why people have to leave but when I would say these things to friends and again remember these are people I grew up with that I played sports with they look at mean they would say Paul I just cannot accept what you're telling me I was told that we were in Central America to stop communism and I would say I'm sorry but that's that's a lie that's not true. And then the next thing the luckiest thing one of the like as things in my life is that an older veteran who was in Vietnam Veterans Against the War put a book in my hand he says signed you have to read this book it's written by another combat veteran by the name of Howard Zinn. People's History United States. And because of the way Howard wrote the book and I had the incredible honor of meeting him years later through dinner Frank who many of you know was an incredible historian at u.c. Santa Cruz that book really helped me quite a bit as as I think it's helped many of us as a 2nd x. Or from the top but a historian Paul or tease recorded last month in Berkeley and we get a fundraiser in today's behind the news if you like the show and want to keep it coming please contribute our featured previews today or a copy of that talk for a contribution of $75.00 and Paul or teases book an African-American and Latino access tree of United States for 80 dollars or both 320 dollars you can make their contribution by calling 804395732 or visiting us on Ludeke at p.s.a. Dot org If you take the online route be sure to mention Behind the News 8043 month 732 or k. P.s.a. Dot org The reason you can hear serious material like this and keep p.s.a. Is because we don't have to rely on advertisers were foundations for support advertisers like it quick and shallow foundations like it slow it complacent but both in their own way reinforce the status quo because we rely only on our listeners for support we can disturb that status quo Please support us by calling 804305732 were visiting us on a lot of the hip e.f.i. Dot org And now on to the 3rd and final excerpt from last month's talk but Paul Ortiz hosted by Sabrina Jacobs a lot of us are familiar with what's been happening and with the right wing coup what's been happening in chill way what's happening in Iraq what's happening in Iraq. What's even happening in many u.s. Cities right now and part of it is to educate each other and our friends about the role that the u.s. Plays and has always played in Latin America and in Central America and to try to get people to understand the role that capitalism has played in the under development and the profoundly unequal economic systems throughout the entire Americas not just Bolivia if you think about this ever more Alice was the 1st indigenous president of Yemen that's an incredible thing to even contemplate given the fact that this is an indigenous majority society what was it that kept back indigenous people for centuries in countries like will Libya what is it now that allows the United States government to continue to tyrannized us native in addition is people in this country trying to take their water rights trying to take their mineral rights I direct the oral history program to University of Florida and we've had students who've done oral histories with Western Shoni people in Nevada we've had students who do oral histories with the porch creek and southeastern Alabama and other parts of the country and I can tell you all of those Native American nations are really under siege right now the federal government private capital private interests are trying to take their resources away from them all the way from Latin America to to North America one of the exciting things about what's happening now in the indigenous rights movement was that indigenous groups are looking hemispheric wide now and saying Our problems are not rooted just in one country they're rooted across the entire hemisphere and then calling out American imperialism and one of the things in my book that I talked about. Again I learn those from my movement and intellectual elders is the concept of racial capitalism and we have to think about these things working together and the slavery that Indigenous people were faced with both in this country but also in Latin America continues to really mark the entire hemisphere but I think you know movement organizing teach ends are really important in Florida this issue is particularly acute I don't have to tell you Florida is not like California you know we've done amazing things in Florida we just finished an incredible 34 years long struggle which culminated in the Memmott 4 which overturned a felony disenfranchisement we got over a 1000000 signatures. And we had Cantor serves who are cameras in Haitian Creole and French and Spanish in English we had to go you know to get a 1000000 signatures to lift felony disenfranchisement you can't just go to the County Fair to get a 1000000 signatures. Part of what we have to do when we educate people about imperialism and talk about imperialism and talk about racism is we have to go outside of our comfort zone this is one of the reasons I love oral history in the classroom when I teach at the University of Florida and in a workshop Yes we're trying to create a respectful nurturing inclusive space but as soon as we began getting outside of that space to be effective politically we're going to unsafe territory the last oral history interview that I did in Florida just a few weeks ago I actually interviewed a retired Cuban American former CIA operative who was involved in the Watergate break in who was involved in a lot of bad things worse than Watergate believe or not Daniel Ellsberg will be talking about. Right this guy was involved in torture and other things and so you have to remember in the Florida culture or it's very common to hear people say things like well if the military calls for the coup then I guess we should support it I think about that for a minute the military calls for a coup we should support it in Bolivia What about the u.s. What if what if the u.s. Military called for a coup in this country should be supported. So so these are the types of things that we need to like you know talk to our neighbors about talk to our families about families are divided over this issue I'm actually the faculty advisor for a lot of Hispanic student organizations that you have one of them was the Venezuelan Student Association and we go back and forth and they're like well you know we have to support President Trump in Venezuela I'm like no you don't. He actually said that oh yes and some of them he set them right and while we talk we dialogue I try not to you know to browbeat them that's not an effective teaching technique right be gentle be kind this is where I can use my own background because I say look I'm not here to judge you because again I'm a soldier of empire right that's on my c.v. I will never get rid of that and so. Far be it for me to tell you you can have your believes if even if I think they're wrong are right. But actually brings me to to the next question American exceptionalism very sizzix and Mansa Pittodrie International was some talk to us about that described that so does everyone know what American exceptionalism is. Kind of Ok so is the belief broadly shared by our 2 major political parties that the Us is the greatest country on earth that we really can't do much wrong that when we do wrong it's not because we set out to do bad things it's because something went wrong along the way Ok but what American exceptionalism does by saying that the Us is the greatest country on earth us is a middle class society is it denies the reality of people or towns and neighborhoods that I grew up in I didn't grow up in middle class culture society most people the United States do not most of us grew up in working class communities and American exceptionalism denies our very existence we don't become successful my father and all of his generation of young Mexican American teenagers had to drop out of school in the 7th grade to help support their families so the whole thing about education true for some people not true for other people so trying to situate the u.s. In a reality where the United States is as good or as bad as its actions as our actions and when we do wrong let's come to grips with why we do wrong especially if we do want over and over and over again the master internationalism is grass roots movements that people like Frederick Douglass people like Harriet Tubman and people like Henry Howland Barnett Antone must sail hosts a model t. Counterpose to the idea of American exceptionalism and this is an idea of building solidarity across borders instead of building walls build bridges. I started the book with the Haitian revolution because this is the most important revolution from the vantage point of a present people it's more important than the French Revolution it's more important than the American Revolution it's more important than those revolutions because it ends with the abolition of slavery is the 1st successful slave slave revolution in human history chapter 2 is about the Mexican War of Independence and again here is a revolution that reaches across borders to fire the imagination of the radical abolitionist movement in the United States to where people are saying wow the Mexicans from the very outset an 810 start their revolution against Spanish imperialism by striking a blow against slavery and the oppression of indigenous people wow why could we do that what do we have to learn from that I guess the big thing is learning what this country has to learn from nations are around us when I talk to audiences I'm a long time member of Veterans for Peace and when I talk to audiences about war and they say war Constitution doesn't give us much of a way out I say then we need to study other constitutions let's start with the Mexican Constitution which has a very long and venerable history of anti interventionism how often is it in modern history that Mexico gathers an air force or an army and invades another nation. There's a reason for that it's not accidental there's a there's political traditions that we can learn from the decade I grew up in was a decade of backlash even a decade or 2 later as a younger labor organizer the eighty's to try to organize unions frankly we didn't organize many new unions in the late 1980 s. All we were doing is trying to protect and hold onto what we had our civil rights organizations were under See we were very much on the defensive There's a reason a mass incarceration as an enormous take off in the 1970 s. There's a reason that the society militarize us there's a reason that ideas of masculinity get hyped up in the eighty's and in the ninety's there's a thing called neo liberalism you know I talk about this in that chapter but these are all attacks against gains that we made that our elders fought and bled for in states like Mississippi the Central Valley of California the United Farm Workers the women's movement. Movements that period of time was very much a part of backlash and I think right now based upon what I'm seeing and places in the deep south in Florida we've had fight for 15 rallies and marches and civil disobedience that has has involved hundreds of people in towns that you're not you don't normally associate a movement with like Orlando where we had hundreds of people engage in civil disobedience under the chant fight for 15 and a union this is happening in the Deep South and we're seeing this all across the country just a few days ago the Seattle bit is simple elections Seattle said no to Jeff Bezos and Amazon. I was speaking at Bronx community college 2 days after Senator Sanders rally and you want to see some excited people the Dominican community was was so excited the Puerto Rican communities around the the South Bronx are so excited they're like something new is happening we're part of a new kind of movement so there's a lot of movement energy my argument about the 2006 general strike is that. We still don't understand how formative an experience that strike was we make a mistake if we think of that strike is just one of that I know this because a lot of the organizers of that strike are now in the labor movement some of you from u.c. Santa Cruz may remember a student on Tez who did I think graduated from Santa Cruz in 2006 and I just got a call from her the other day she's been elected vice president to one of the largest health care unions in the state of New York and this student close one of the organizers in the 2006 general strike young lawyers social justice lawyers now teachers people who are in all different types of occupations are really shaking things up but that 2006 general strike was a really important experience for them and so that's why I see that strike as being is being really formative and again reminding us where change comes from we all know that we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the sacrifices of people who came before us that shouldn't just be a slogan has should be something we just say in m.l.k. Day right it should be something that we remind ourselves constantly it's something that our government with actually like us to forget by the way I've had generations of students who say why do I have to wait to coddle hits it to get to college to learn the real story of the grass right civil rights movement why do I have to wait to college to learn the sacrifices of women suffragettes in my responses look no smart government is going to teach you how to shake things up right that's why you're not learning in high school and here's here's the last I'll say about that is psychologists of race are telling us now. That racial attitudes are formed as early as age 2 So what that means is we can't put off discussions the tough discussions about the bad parts and the good parts of us Sr We can't put them off like years ago I Can Never people say well you know maybe young people or we should try to teach about slavery or racism until you know they're in high school too late by then too late they've already learned I was in 4th grade the 1st time someone called me a weapon addict and my father grew up in a generation where the signs were right there in front of them no negroes no Mexicans no dogs and so you're telling me in a society like this where again many of my students have to worry about when they come home are their parents going to be there or did the federal government kidnap them and put them in a detention center. And mourners decide where we have some school administrators who say that high school students in East Los Angeles are not mature enough to read James Baldwin So we have to we really have to kind of look at ourselves and say what are we doing as a society to to educate each other but what are we doing to prevent education from happening and so I think right now we're in this incredibly you know fraught moment of possibility of the potential danger things could go either way it is kind of like the early 1930 s. And you know in a certain sense there was a 3rd and final excerpt from polar teasers talk no they joined by Brother stickered in the k p f a studio and we'll tell you how you can support k.p. If they get these excellent premiums. Thank you recorded Doug had would and will be joined by his live counterpart very shortly. So the polar teases book is in African-American and Latin x. History of the United States I interviewed him about it earlier this year on my show up front which is on in the mornings and I have to say looking back on 2019 we do a lot of author interviews over the course of the year. And this is one that I've probably got the most out of in terms of learning things from actually reading the book while I was preparing and just thoroughly enjoying the conversation with Paul or t.v. As he is smart he is radical he is kind and the book is this incredibly important counter narrative to the kind of American history that we get from our textbooks and basically what it does is it puts at the center of the narrative oppressed people who are trying to change the circumstances of oppressed peoples in this country. That 1st chapter is on the Haitian revolution which obviously is incredible beacon tear. Everybody in the United States working against slavery the 2nd chapter is on the Mexican War of Independence which is really remarkable because it's just a few decades after the u.s. Wage its old war of independence. And the United States' political elites are completely against it because Mexico is also in addition to trying to free itself from Spain trying to abolish slavery within its borders the 3rd chapter looks at the internationalist dimensions of the Civil War and Reconstruction which is really interesting to see how the people involved in evolutionism and of the reconstruction is cause we're really taking a hemispheric perspective the 4th chapter looks at the u.s. Cuban solidarity movement in the late 19th century something I did not know much about. But you know it it I think speaks to this kind of balancing act that people have to do today which is. You look at an oppressive government abroad like what was operating in Cuba and the late 19th century. And you want to be on the side of the people suffering under that government and also not cheerlead your own. Imperialist intervention. When it cloaks itself in the rhetoric of operating on their behalf it takes you through chapters of the role of American banks and banana republics in Central and South America and opposition from within the borders of the United States to that through the congealing of modern racial categories in their early industrial era in the United States what he calls the emergence of racial capitalism and right up through the social movements of the president it's an incredible tour de force he's a really excellent writer the Writings are always accessible and it is also one of our most affordable thank you gifts of the Dr Paul are teases in African-American and Latin x. History of the United States is yours for a pledge of just $80.00 or $8.00 a month if you sign up to become a k p f a sustainer at 180-439-5732 if you can bump up the pledge amount a little bit we'll throw in a recording of the entire k.p. If a event you've been listening to excerpts from can't get that anywhere else $120.00 will get you the book and recording at 180-439-5732 if you want to go above and beyond. Because it is the end of the year we have compiled our recordings of every single p.f.a. Event from 2019 These include new talks from dark to male on Climate Change economist Robert writes in his book the common good bond on a shiva Nation magazine publisher Katrina Vanden Heuvel Native American radical historian Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Richard Wolfe the Marxian economist incredible novelist Amitav Ghosh Rabbi Michael Lerner from to coon Mantei e.b. From Rolling Stone once a frequent guest on this radio program investigative journalist Aaron Glantz we played him last week in this time slot Sylvia Federici I think you were hearing her last hour on Chris Welch a show a new talk from Michael Eric Dyson Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg in conversation with CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling and many more $27.00 talks in total. Normally during pledge drives the math is we ask you for a $75.00 pledge for the recording of a single talk if you were to pay $75.00 the one off level for $27.00 talk separately you would be out of pocket more than $2000.00 but because it is the end of the year we have compiled them all together in High Fidelity audio on one u.s.b. Drive the size of your thumb that you can get instead of for $2000.00 for $200.00. 180-439-5732 that is the k p f $829000.00 speech pack combine it with the book and we will discount the combined pledge rate still further you can get both together 425-1800 hake a p.s.a. Or online at w w w dot org And before I bring in Doug Henwood here is one final piece of news to move you. We have exactly 14 minutes left in the hour and in those 14 minutes 3 of our listeners Kevin in Santa Rosa Paul in Berkeley and William in Walnut Creek have teamed up to put up a challenge they are willing to double $1000.00 if we can raise at least that much to match them. So now you have a chance to pick up a pole or 2 this book an African-American lot next history of the United States you have a chance to show your support from behind the news without Henwood and you have a chance to make that pledge go further because this challenge is your opportunity to leverage your contribution it's like giving more to keep the faith than you dig out of your own wallet the $1000.00 countdown starts now and we are starting with one caller on the line 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kaye p.f.a. Or online at w w w k p.f.a. Dot org We're going to toss it now all the way to the bells of Brooklyn and bring in Doug Henwood over us. Connection Hello hello Brian Sheree. I'm not. Familiar with the appropriate realtor designated neighborhoods in your area Oh it is just half a block outside historic district so I don't know whether you know cool or uncool being half a block outside historic district. It's a neighborhood in transition as they say. These matching challenges always make me nervous. A nail biter to the end will we make it or will that money just of the operator. I believe I've brought up Tantalus last time we did this and very much again because we don't want does that $1000.00 just to elude our grasp we are dependent upon our listeners to make that money good to double your whatever you pledge or give during this remaining 13 or so minutes will be doubled if you can if you can. Make it to the phone in the next quarter hour or so. We'll also you know we had to spend some fundraising in order to cover the a piece in hearings which to real the fundraising but that's you know the kind of thing we do it k p f a and it be really good if we were rewarded for our good behavior through a generous torrent of gifts coming up in the next 10 minutes or so 804395732 The number to call or on line to get p.s.a. Dot org. If you do pledge on I'll be sure to mention behind the news so I get my back appropriately padded yeah I also think you know that this event of parties kind of speaks to the importance of k p f a not just as a broadcaster but as a community institution I go our our producers our hosts are paid staff to a tremendous amount of work kind of sifting through the world of ideas for people who are publishing interesting articles and books and. Going out how to bring their ideas to the airwaves through a conversation but we also have this event staff who work on bringing people like Paul or ts to the stage to have a much lengthier interaction than our on air schedule allows for our events run about 2 hours including the q. And a and to have a really interactive experience where the type of audience that comes to a k.p. If they have it can pose questions to Paul or tease his you know normally do in the college professor thing in Florida dealing with a very different constituency and his classrooms there's a certain magic to that that I think speaks to the importance of k.p. If a is a community institution that plays this kind of convening role this platforming role and that's the work that we're asking you to support and we just got our 1st caller towards the pledge at 180-439-5732 we have a $1000.00 riding on our ability to get more of you to go to your phones in the next 10 minutes at 180-439-5732 what we're asking you to do is to support that work now the book is fantastic and African-American a lot next history of the United States. I wholeheartedly vouch for it it is yours for a pledge of $80.00 or more 180-439-5732 what is 80 dollars 80 dollars is half the price of an annual Netflix subscription what is 80 dollars 80 dollars that is less than one 6th the price of having the New York Times delivered at least in my neighborhood $80.00 is 112th the price of getting a cable subscription with a few premium channels thrown in and if you can pledge $80.00 right now you'll help get us started on that challenge you'll pick up this incredible book for yourself you'll be supporting an author doing important work and radio station doing important work each and every day and you'll be signalling your support for behind the news with dot head what you. You have 9 minutes to do all of those things with your pledge 180-439-5732 extension 1800 k. P.f.a. Or on line at w w w dot k p.f.a. Dot org And again if you can go further kind of the book with the recording of the event you get both together for $120.00 or combine it with our entire $29900.00 event recording collection and get both together for $250.00 whatever you do we have 9 minutes we have just one caller on the line towards that $1000.00 challenge 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hague. Or online at w w w dot k.p. F.a. Dot org Doug Yes the book which I have to admit I haven't seen but really fastening is an important sense of an important corrective to the kind of you know prose labor profound in the Father pro Andrew Jackson kind of history you get in school or you know the kind of popular history that circulates we have a president who has a picture of Andrew Jackson in his office now or in the Oval Office and this book is written from the perspective of the people who are resisting the slavers and the founding fathers of the in the Jacksonian killers and that's an important corrective to the kind of history that dominates people's thinking they see educational system and that's what the kind of thing that k.p. Play is so important for and as I was they were doing these things not just at my age you're speaking about so much that it's. There's so marvelous in themselves but they're also so much a sign of a really living community of people it's not just you know this is radio station might turn on an hour or 2 a week it really is a living thing and the unfortunate living thing is a little little money now and then because it can't go on for nothing. Rather the very very tight budget there are many radio stations are run on such tight budgets but it still requires more than 0 money so if you can help out. Help keep k.p.s. They independent what allows us to be told to run this sort of material. We need your help 804395732 The number to call around Monica p.s. I don't org The the talk is 75 book 82 together for 120 and that's what like $0.30 a day if you spread out over a cost a cost of spread the cost out for over a year yet and we love people such obvious dangers you know you can sign up you get a copy of the book by becoming a k p f a sustainer at the level of $8.00 a month you can't get anything for $8.00 a month you you can't go out to the movies once a month for 8 bucks unless you're getting a real matinee special I'm not even sure where you can't get 8 Netflix for 8 bucks a month but you can become a member of k. P.s.a. And get a picture of a copy of this book as your signing bonus for coming on board we love sustaining pledges that is a steady stream of income that we can count on that we can plan around it has a profoundly stabilizing effect on our finances and our planning and we're hoping will make it possible for us to shrink the length of future fund drives right now we've got 3 callers on the line so if the best you can do for k p f a is like 8 bucks a month do it and we'll get a copy of the book 180-439-5732 the best way the way we do Challenge Fund math is that the full annual amount of that gift which I guess would be about $96.00 will count towards our challenge it'll get us almost a 10th of the way there 180-439-5732 extension 1800 k. P.f.a. Or online it k. P.f.a. Dot org And if you can go a little further do it by all means keep your phase in each according to their ability kind of situation. If you can become a k.b. Of a sustainer at $20.00 a month we would love to give you that 2019 speech collection $27.00 new events from k p f a from the past year really stunning a ray of speakers that we brought to the stage they all include the q. And a session with the kind of questions that only a.k.p. If a crowd can produce for callers on the line now we need you to join them cause we're down to 5 minutes left on that $1000.00 challenge 180-439-5732 extension 1800 k. P.f.a. Or online at w.w.w. Dot k.p.s. a Dot org Joining us just pledge from Pleasanton thank you Akash who just pledged from Kensington thank you Esther she says I hope Kip if he keeps going for another 70 years she noticed that we marked our 70th birthday this spring 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate p.f.a. Are on line w w w dot. A dot org Doug looks like we have just recorded our 1st 180 dollars towards that 1000 dollars challenge we have for callers on the line who haven't been tallied yet but just 4 minutes to close our $820.00 gap 180-439-5732. This is very hard I think nails or there are very few left at this point. Save my digits please 804395732 The number to call or online to k.p.n. Fade out or to make your pledge and keep this marvelous thing going and I know there are a lot of people who listen to my show on the web here from people all over the world who listen to it. If you're doing that right now well you have about 3 minutes to open up a browser window and make a pledge. You can do it online and be sure to mention behind the news if you do. Just what it really matters is making a contribution to keep the p.f.a. Going and reward us for our good behavior for having broadcast the impeachment hearings because they're so newsworthy rather than just looking towards our bottom line which is pretty paltry thing our bottom line but you know it would be probably a little less paltry if we hadn't done that so beef it up show a social appreciation for our sense of the importance of covering the news 1st 804395732 the number to call in line to keep e.f.i. Dot org looks like we've only got about 3 minutes left so let's make sure that 1000 dollars doesn't disappear like you know a mirage in the sun 3 minutes left for callers on the line we've now at $260.00 raised $740.00 Tico at 180-439-5732 extension 1800 hake a p.f.a. Oh just got 2 more pledges in that took our total up by a combined total of $400.00 so now we are at $660.00 raised and 340 to go in 2 and a half minutes 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey k.p.n. Fair money k p f a dot org tearing just pledged from Oakland and said This person I don't can't assign a gender but they typed a comment with their pledge that says k.p. If they are Mike. Aunts and uncles who live in my radio I love you. We love you too Terry look turn is there helping us make this $1000.00 challenge and if you feel the love for k.p.s. a Deep absolute best way to express that would be to make a pledge in the 2 minutes that we have left to make this challenge so that Terence contribution was not in vain 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Haiti p.f.a. Or on line a w w w dot k p f a dot org totals just bumped up again we're now at $710.00 raised $290.00 to go but we're also in our final 90 seconds 180-439-5732 Doug Yeah we love being inside to turn around and warm in here so we need to get out and get some fresh air so if you make that pledge right now that we can you know you can take a little walk in the clear clean air instead of inhabiting all this electronic space 804395732 that I want to call or I want to keep you have a dot org. Since time is winding down and I do want to thank the people who have pledged during the last. Hour or so and I want to thank the people who are on the line now and the people who are going to take advantage of the last 1545 seconds and they call it 10437 $32.00 or online a k p s I don't work now we're down to $170.00 to go but we're in our final 30 seconds at 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kay p.f.a. Again the polar to book an African-American the Latin x. History of the United States that's just 180-439-2573 extension 2 we just need 170 more to make 818-043-9573 extension 2 or you could do it in one fell swoop by pledging 482-1900 speech back 420-180-4395 extension 8732. Or k p f a dot org dot Henwood thank you so much for doing the show every week and for joining us to help raise money for the station as well thank you thank you as always for your help this is k p f a k p f e n Berkeley K.F.C.'s point one f.m. In Fresno k 248 be our 97.5 f.m. In Santa Cruz and on line around the world at w w w dot a dot org Still no thumbs up on that challenge we are so close and they will keep counting pledges as the next hour starts 180-439-5732 stating. My name is Brian Edwards Tikker Usually I'm on in the morning I'll be joining Liam in east yesterday for a special today as we mark 30 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake. That was quake started 30 years ago 5 o 4 pm just before game 3 of the World Series championship was about 10 miles outside of Santa Cruz that's where the epicenter was but the worst impacts were just a couple miles from k p f a studios and the East Bay where the cypress viaduct on Interstate 8080 collapsed ultimately killing 42 people. It was an elevated freeway right in the middle of West Oakland and West Oakland at that time was the neighborhood that that elevated freeway had been built to basically help suburban commuters not have to pass through. That is the topic of a very special production from East Bay yesterday that will be bringing you for most of this hour let's take it away. You're listening to the spade yesterday this show's about history. In the past. Let's begin let's be clear. I have a buddy Leon here that episode you're about to hear is a little different than usual it's a collaboration with one of my favorite shows snap judgment snap is an incredible story telling a show it was an honor to work with these folks so 1st you're going to hear the story that's airing on snout and then you're going to hear an additional story about what happened after that story and I know that sounds a little vague but I don't want to give anything away you'll see what I'm talking about in a 2nd. President . Off to.

Radio-program , American-culture , Theories-of-history , Political-theories , Social-movements , American-planters , American-lawyers , Adoptees , American-journalists , American-presbyterians , Civil-disobedience , American-politicians

KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio]-20191212-160000

And he did it with Ukraine he's a serial solicitor the House is expected to vote on the impeachment articles next week that would send them to the Senate for a 2020 trial Green Peace activists scaled one of the European Union's main buildings in Brussels and unfurled a huge banner warning of a climate emergency the action took place hours before leaders from the e.u. Nations gather to discuss a European Union Green New Deal the e.u. Leaders will debate ways for the 28 nation bloc to become carbon neutral by 2050 European Commission vice president funds Timmerman said achieving that goal will require systemic change you can't just change a few things and turn knobs and to make sure that you get where you are we really need to rethink the way economies organize our societies organize we have to look at all elements of our economy our industry our agriculture our transport systems the way we build the way. We organize our agriculture the way we move around Europe and in the world a large majority of European Union members have committed to the goal but Poland the Czech Republic and Hungary have not there are fewer than 72 hours left to reach a deal at the end our national climate talks in Madrid on key measures to address the climate emergency world leaders agreed in Paris 4 years ago to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius and ideally no more than one and a half degrees at $2.00 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century scientists say both of those goals will be missed by a wide margin unless drastic steps are taken to begin cutting greenhouse gas emissions next year Swedish teenage climate activists credit tune Berg laid out the science in a speech to the conference then asked those present what they plan to do about it so please tell me. How do you react to these numbers without feeling at least some level of panic. How do you respond to the fact that basically nothing is being done about this without feeling the slightest bit of anger. And how do you communicate face without sounding and honest I would really like to know . President trying today said it's ridiculous that Time magazine named gratitude Berg as its Person of the year the president tweeted quote Gretta must work on her anger management problem then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend Trump added chill Gretta chill Algeria's pro-democracy movement is boycotting today's presidential elections they call it a sham and say none of the 5 candidates deserves to be elected because they all have ties to the former corrupt government British voters are going to the polls in a rare December a parliamentary election dominated by the issue of Bracks it the contest pits prime minister Boris Johnson he says he'll take Britain out of the European Union by January 31st against opposition leader Jeremy Corbin who promises another referendum on BRICs it Corben is also warning that electing John said could lead to dismantling of the nation's National Health Service Israel's parliament failed to meet a midnight deadline to form a coalition government triggering an unprecedented 3rd election in a 12 month period students and faculty at San Francisco City College are expected to turn out for this afternoon's the board of trustees meeting they oppose the administration's plan to cut $289.00 more classes on top of $455.00 eliminated last year the class cuts are aimed at reducing C.C.'s deficit the administration plan would eliminate 90 percent of course offerings in the older adults program 40. And eventually hearing classes and dozens more are ethnic and social studies classes supervisor Gordon Moore has directed the city attorney to draft a plan to restore and expand his city fun permanently setting aside money for San Francisco city college programs and classes me as shot reports according to the administration these are necessary cuts that will balance the budget following a new $13100000.00 deficit expressing frustration with the administration's spending priorities the Higher Education Action Team is calling for an independent audit of c.c.s. F. Bombs a part time political science instructor at City College we are calling today for a full and independent audit for example just a couple months ago they tried to sneak through them pay increase for the administrators they did it secretly for some of that would've been as much as a $100000.00 per person at a time that they're claiming we have a deficit that's so massive that it requires a cutting of numerous classes and a statement Chancellor justified the races saying it was quote essential for the retention and recruitment of the best people alongside 4 supervisors the f.t. 2121 faculty Union and the Higher Education Action Team are requesting a one time appropriation of $2700000.00 to restore cancel classes giving stakeholders more time to work out budget and political solutions however Chancellor wrote to the Board of Supervisors in opposition to the funding saying the cuts are part of a long term restructuring plan for k p f a news I mean weather forecast for the San Francisco Bay Area chance of rain on and off today breezy with highs in the lower sixty's in Fresno in the central San Joaquin Valley a dense fog advisory until 10 then sunny and warm are 63 to 68 degrees I Only Delfin dairy when used in 94 point one to 10 on letters and politics join us at 6 for the Pacifica evening news a to wait in the morning you're listening to up front count perks out today I'm Brian Edwards Tikker we're going to stay on the k p f a stage this hour and bring you another new talk from last month by historian Paul Ortiz He's a professor. The University of Florida he also directs that university Samuel Proctor oral history program he's got several books out but his latest is really important and was one of I felt the best books I read this year in order to prepare for in interview it's entitled An African-American and Latin next history of the United States an incredible counter narrative about the history of our country that centers the struggles of oppressed people and looks at how they worked across borders not just with in the boundaries of the u.s. This talk is from November 12th 2019 here's Paul or tease. Wow thank you so much for being here this evening see so many friends always feel at home in Berkeley living my wife and I some of you actually know in Florida. Florida as we call it down there since 2008 and just being back in Berkeley I had to remind myself hey in Berkeley crosswalks means something cars have to stop for pedestrians here in Florence the other way around in Florida the driver always has the right of way so that's I may have to learn different cultural code code switching Xah stuff you know. But really thank you so much k.p. Have a. Rather wonderful church a wonderful friends and colleagues for having me back in Berkeley now I feel like this is quickly becoming my 2nd home or I home away from home. I gave a talk u.c. Berkeley not too long ago and actually really are this morning I was at San Jose City College talking to ethnic studies a Mexican American Studies students and it was such a treat it was so cool to be at San Jose City College what was really cool too was that to my former students from u.c. Santa Cruz. Those are actually now Chicano studies professors there and the students are doing incredible work in trying to change the curriculum not only of their community college but of their high schools where they came from to make those curriculums not not to you know to create fantasies or stories that are true but to try to us history back to where it should have been all along where nations like Haiti. May he co were always at the center of u.s. History and it's kind of a truth we lost and I'm not the only person doing it a lot of people are really a part of this historical reclamation project. To be good historian and this is something I've learned from the people of Tommy how to be a historian to be a good historian you have to have imagination to be a good u.s. Historian you have to either be able to leave this country physically and be able to look at it from the vantage point of other people or you if you can't leave it physically you have to do it imaginatively you have to use your imagination what does the u.s. Look like to people in boy livea or in Caracas right now or in Mexico City where my wife and I were there for a month last year and a lot of people joked with those you get your president may not let you come back to your country what would you do to say I would love to live in Mexico City. But in all seriousness and this is going you know this is going to be hard for us to hear because it is just but I'm just going to say it. Involves this for the magination. You could sit Donald Trump down at it at a table. With Thomas Jefferson with John Adams with Andrew Jackson with even a younger John Quincy Adams and they would be best buds. They would congealed they would come together over issues of race and class domination they would have a common discourse a common rhetoric and I found this I'm making this argument because I've read the papers of a lot of these so-called founding fathers they had no love for anyone in this room by the way they really did not if you read what Alexander Hamilton said when the British evacuated the port of ports of New York and Savannah and hundreds even thousands of former slaves evacuated with them. Alexander Hamilton is apoplectic they've stolen our property our property. When poor farmers in western Pennsylvania rise up against the 1st excise taxes who's the one who leads the charge to crush the farmers revolt even George Washington doesn't have the stomach to do it but Alexander Hamilton does he calls Native American savages that have to be eliminated. For our economy to grow that's why I say down are the founding fathers had no love for us this is why Donald Trump talked about making America great again k. Made historical pitch in 2016 to May have been a coded pitch some people argue but to me it was just kind of a why don't you know in your face kind of pitch if you read what John Adams said about the Mexican War of Independence what Thomas Jefferson said about the Haitian revolution. It's almost exactly the same kind of thing Trump says today here's another example a couple of folks came up to me and they said you know you're a historian tell us what this time period now looks like to you what other time period in American history is most like this time period I think it's kind of a trick question. But I said you know to me it is very much like 1930 again the world is in a global crisis certain people are coming to power not just in the United States but throughout the entire world certain it's the term strong men authoritarian masculine hyper masculine characters it's not a mistake it's connected to a global crisis in capitalism. When Herbert Hoover was elected a president by the way when I asked my students a question well who is the president presided over the the initial part of the Great Depression you know 9 times out of 10 they say j. Edgar Hoover I find it to be very interesting now Hoover was very powerful right but what I tell them as I say I want to think about the Great Depression. And how Herbert Hoover believe or not up to that point is probably the smartest man who's ever present a united states he was brilliant. Right brilliant engineer brilliant planner he had one of the smartest cabinets does ever been assembled in Washington d.c. But when the Great Depression broke out and it was clear that it wasn't just a one time one off thing that it was a national and it was an international crisis who did Hoover's cabinet blame for the onset of the Great Depression who were the 1st people to be blamed Mexicans. Poor people of the United States government seized and went into communities and terrorized and kidnapped abducted and deported over a 1000000 Mexican Americans and sent them to Mexico some of them had never stepped foot inside Mexico matts family my family were impacted by this but this is something we didn't talk about growing up it was my great you know grandparents' generation it was considered to be a shameful thing to be terrorized like that and no one ever told me this growing up I had to ask questions and so to me my students have to deal with the fact that they may have federal agents in their backyards right now spying on them abducting their parents in Florida. Parents who lacks state issued I.D.'s cannot even step foot and their children schools so how can they be part of the education education is supposed to be to take it out right and so that's why I think I those 2 time periods and on the negative side resonate but also on the other and on the more positive side these incipient movements you know the me too movement the black lives matter. The Dreamer's movement right now we're looking at the Supreme Court and I can tell you whatever decision the Supreme Court makes immigrant rights activists and labor activists are not going to quit they're going to keep struggling they're going to keep fighting there's a reason this nation didn't go fascist in the 1930 s. I mean as bad as it was right as bad as Jim Crow was in lynching there's a reason it didn't get worse the reason is is that people organize together we had members of my family involved in the little still strike in 1937 this is a sacred moment if you're if you're a labor union or labor activist member. When they organize the little still strike in Chicago and when steel and some of the other smaller still corporations the Chicago Police came out and shot and murdered 10 workers and the headlines read the Chicago police were interviewed about this oh we only killed Mexicans and Bolsheviks and that was supposed to make it Ok but you know what those workers didn't stop organizing and they unionized all those plants and we just have to be as persistent as our ancestors and struggle. The voice of historian Paul Ortiz presenting his new book African American and Latin next history of the United States will make a p.f.a. State and we're going to return to him very quickly. I just want to let you know what our gifts are this hour his book I think is incredibly important it is also incredibly readable I have to say of all the books I read to prepare for an interview this year this is probably the one I enjoyed the most and learned the most from. It is also one of our most affordable thank you gifts today it's yours for a pledge of just $80.00 or more at 180-439-5732 if you'd like to combine it with the full length recording of Paul or teases k.p.a. Event he was on stage with our colleagues who printed Jacobs if you get both together for a pledge of just $120.00 or more at 180-439-2573 extension 2 or you can get that recording as part of keep your face 2019 event pack normally for a recording of a single k.p. If a event we ask for a pledge of $75.00 but now and only now because it is the end of the year we have compiled every event we've done this year they are $27.00 in total and instead of charging you 75 bucks a pop which is normal fund drive math which would sum up to just over $2000.00 for $27.00 talks we'll give you all of them compiled in High Fidelity audio on a u.s.b. Drive the size of your thumb for a pledge of just $200.00 at 180-439-5732 you can even get it by signing up to become a k p f a sustainer at the rate of $20.00 a month and if he is worth that much to you we could use more sustain or c.s. Through the next few months here 180439 to 57321800 Hey k. P.f.a. Or k. P.f.a. Dot org Ok one more piece of news before we go back. If those thank you gifts were not enough to convince you to give right now we have 3 listeners Nicholas in Berkeley Lauren Oakland and Renee enrichment who have collectively offered to double 1250 dollars if we can raise that much to match them. Now it took us the bulk of last hour to make an $1100.00 match and this one is higher pressure the note I got from the pledge room says it is a 20 minute speed challenge so the $1250.00 countdown starts now if we can raise that much it becomes $2504.00 k. P.f.a. But it is all or nothing so whatever you can do for this radio station we're asking you to do it now the book for 80 speech packs for $200.00 if you want to get everything the book plus the $27.00 new talks from k.p. If they will discount the already discounted pledge rate still further to just $250.00 it will get us one 5th of the way towards that challenge 180-439-2573 extension 2 or $1800.00 Hey p.f.a. . All right I'm out of time we're going to hope you keep calling or pledging I might make a p.s.a. Dot org Let's go back to Paul or tease presenting an African American in Latin next history of the United States I grew up in a shipyard town primarily called Bremerton Washington every adult that I grew up with or around had been either you know in the military and fought in World War 2 had been in Korea been a Vietnam I grew up towards I was born in 1064 all the male members of my family had been in the military and my father you know when it's a Marine boot camp in 1056 he remembers the hits that your buddy Holly in both deadly You know that's how he kind of my dad remembers history just turned 81 but even you know his his aunt goals my great uncles and my grandparents' generation all fought the Mexican revolution that's how we ended up in the United States in 1914 we moved to the united the family moved to the United States the same time that the u.s. Invaded Mexico to supposedly secure the oil fields around Tampico and so growing up. The earliest photographs that we have of me as a young boy are photographs of me with guns you know 1st plastic guns and then later you know when I learned how to shoot really goes so growing up war was all we knew and I remember as a young boy a you know hearing about. You know a friend's father who'd been killed in Vietnam or a friend's own goal and so that was really visceral for us thouse forward I'm going to go to the classroom because so much of what I know comes I've learned from my students some of them are here. The 1st song that we play when I when I teach this course is Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldiers to me that's one of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard in the. Then we spent a lot of time thinking and talking about Buffalo Soldiers and what that song means because as people of color as working class people as a present people were often the 1st recruits who then turn around and then become the soldiers of the Empire and I remember against me I wish I could tell you that I you know became woke about us imperialism when I was in the military but that would not be true where I grew up there was no talk about nonviolence there was no talk about being against the why I didn't even know you could be against the war. I'm serious I mean I remember the 1st time I had an inkling that you could be opposed to a war in this country when I was on my way home from deployment from Central America back to the United States I read in a newspaper that this minister called Jesse Jackson was in Mexico City trying to broker a peace accord. Between the u.s. And nations of Latin America Central America I didn't know you could broker a peace accord because again growing up in a militarist environment and you know I told a story I was talking a message really or about this and this is going to sound very odd to people but I remember the last day I was in the u.s. Army I was in Panama City. And that last day somehow I ended up in a small post I was filling out paperwork trying to get out of the military and anyone who's been in the military knows you spend a lot of time we have a phrase we call Hurry up in a wait right hurry up in a wait and so you follow the paperwork then you wait for someone to process it and I remember walking across the street to the post library a very small library and I've always enjoyed reading and I picked up this very thin volume out of the stacks at a very interesting very intriguing title and I started reading it and this rider was talking about how his people have been oppressed for centuries and it was time to stop being oppressed it was time to take action and it was a moral imperative to take action but he was using this language he was saying we need to take nonviolent direct action nonviolent civil disobedience and I never heard of that mine's higher life because I grew up in a country as Dr King said which is the most violent nation on earth we're so violent We don't even understand that for youth of the town I grew up in Bremerton and there are many towns like Bremerton were raised to be fighters were raised to be soldiers like I said the 1st photographs of me are with toy guns toys pistols the book I'm working on now I'm trying to figure out how did we get to be that way and so I'm writing a book on subtler colonialism because my belief is that settler colonialism has so profound lead. Impacted our culture we were not even aware of it and so again that's kind of you know going back to thinking about my trajectory coming back to the United States the 1st time I ever had a picket sign in my hand was to protest the u.s. Invasion of Panama in 1989 some of you remember that and the promise that the u.s. Government gave for that war was a complete lie and I would Here's up on the radio or on t.v. I hear my friends say well this is why we're invading Panama and I'd say you know that's a complete lie the other thing that kind of woke me up if you will was that when I came back home and I 987. Friends that I grown up with some of whom were veterans to ask me Paul Why what are all these Hondurans doing in Los Angeles what are all these El Salvadorans doing in Seattle what are all these refugees doing and so one of the 1st things in fact I met my wife doing this work in part was getting involved in the sanctuary movement. Because I would tell my friends I would say you don't know why all these people are leaving Central America you don't know what I was doing there you don't know what u.s. Foreign policy is actually. Giving you know military training and weaponize ing It's the Central American conflicts and this is why people have to leave but when I would say these things to friends and again remember these are people I grew up with that I played sports with they look at mean they would say Paul I just cannot accept what you're telling me I was told that you went to Central America I was told that we were in Central America to stop communism and that's why we were there and I would say I'm sorry but that's that's a lie that's not true that's not what we were doing and then the next thing the luckiest thing one of the like is things in my life is at an older veteran who was in Vietnam Veterans Against the War put a book in my hand he says you have to read this book it's written by another combat veteran by the name of Howard Zinn. People's History the United States. And because of the way Howard wrote the book and I had the incredible honor of meeting him years later through a dinner frankly who many of you know was an incredible historian at u.c. Santa Cruz that book really helped me quite a bit as as I think it's helped many of us the voice of historian Paul Ortiz on the cape if a stage last month presenting his book An African American in Latin next history of the United States were to return to that in less than 2 minutes. Very quick fund raising update we are counting down a $1250.00 challenge we have exactly 12 minutes left to make it most of the 12 minutes will be occupied with more of this k. P.f.a. Talk. As if this 2nd we have raised $720.00 we are just under half way there. We're asking for your help at 180-439-2573 extension 2 Paul's book an African American in Latin next history of the United States is yours for a pledge of just 80 dollars and it is incredible combine it with the recording of this event get both together for $120.00 if you'd like to combine the book with the recording of every k. P.f.a. Event that has happened in 2019 we have them all gathered together on a u.s.b. Drive $27.00 in total. You can get the book plus all $27.00 talks for $250.00 and it would close one 3rd of our gap on making that challenge I've got one minute left to convince you to call 180-439-5732 that's 1800 hake a p.s.a. . Or particular if you want to shop around for other thank you gifts k p f a dot org However you do it. Do it quickly we're almost out of time on this challenge we are behind in this fund drive we're trying to make up some ground and this is your chance to make that pledge to go further to give more to k.p. F.a. Than you're actually digging out of your own wallet 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate b.f.a. Or on line a k p.f.a. Dot org Back to Paul or tease the decade I grew up in was a decade of backlash. As it even a decade or 2 later as a younger labor organizer the eighty's to try to organize unions we frankly we didn't organize many new unions in the late 1980 s. All we were doing is trying to protect and hold onto what we had our civil rights organizations were under sea we were very much on the defensive There's a reason a mass incarceration as an enormous take off in the 1970 s. There's a reason that the society militarize us there's a reason that ideas of masculinity get hyped up in the eighty's and in the ninety's where I think we're now in you know there's a thing called neo liberalism. You know I talk about this in that chapter but these are all attacks against gains that we made that our elders fought and bled for in states like Mississippi the Central Valley of California the United Farm Workers the women's movement. Movements this very much that period of time was very much a part of backlash and I think right now based upon what I'm seeing and places in the deep south in Florida we've had fight for 15 rallies and marches and civil disobedience that has has involved hundreds of people in towns that you're not you don't normally associate a movement with like Orlando or the Epcot Center where we had hundreds of people engage in civil disobedience. Under the chant fight for 15 and a union this is happening in the Deep South and we're seeing this all across the country just a few days ago the Seattle admissable elections Seattle said no to Jeff Bezos and Amazon and you know lost a couple races but then won you know the majority of those things so this kind of grassroots energy I was speaking at Bronx community college 2 days after Senator Sanders rally and you want to see some excited people the Dominican community was was so excited the Puerto Rican communities around the the South Bronx are so excited they're like something new is happening we're part of a new kind of movement so there's a lot of movement energy my argument about the 2006 general strike is that we still don't understand how formative an experience that strike was we make a mistake if we think of that strike as just one of that I know this because a lot of the organizers of that strike are now in the labor movement in fact one of . Some of you from u.c. Santa Cruz may remember a student. Was Who did I think graduated from Santa Cruz in 2006 and I just got a call from her the other day. She's been elected vice president to one of the largest health care unions in the state of New York. And this student close one of the organizers in the 2006 general strike. Young lawyers social justice lawyers now teachers. People who are in all different types of occupations are really shaking things up but that 2006 general strike was a really important experience for them and so that's why I see that strike as being is being really formative and again reminding us where change comes from we all know that we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the sacrifices of people who came before us that shouldn't just be a slogan has should be something we just say in m.l.k. Day right it should be something that we remind ourselves constantly it's something that our government would actually like us to forget by the way I've had generations of students who say why do I have to wait to coddle hits it to get to college to learn the real story of the grass right civil rights movement why do I have to wait to college to learn the sacrifices of women suffragettes and they really why do I have to wait in my responses look. No smart government is going to teach you how to shake things up right that's why you're not learning in high school but again I've seen the changes in curriculum in high school to suggest that hate. And here's here's a last will say about that is. Psychologists of race are telling us now that racial attitudes are formed as early as age 2 k. So what that means is we can't put off discussions the top discussions about the bad parts and the good parts of us Sr We can't put them off like years ago I Can Never people say well you know maybe young people or I shouldn't have to we should try to teach about slavery or racism until you know they're in high school too late by then too late they've already learned Ok I was in 4th grade the 1st time someone called me a weapon addict and my father grew up in a generation where the signs were right there in front of them no negroes no Mexicans no dogs. And so you're telling me in a society like this where again many of my students have to worry about when they come home. Are their parents going to be there or did the federal government kidnap them and put them in a detention center and we're in a society where we have some school administrators who say that high school students in East Los Angeles are not mature enough to read James Baldwin. So we have to we really have to kind of look at ourselves and say what are we doing as a society to to educate each other but what are we doing to prevent education from happening and so I think right now we're in this incredibly you know fraught moment of possibility. Of a potential danger or things could go either way it is kind of like the early 1930 s. And you know in a certain sense the voice of historian Paul Ortiz on the Cape you have a stage last month presenting his book an African-American and Latin next history of the United States and here's our final update on a $1250.00 speed challenge that was put up by 3 of our listeners with 2 minutes left on that challenge we are $280.00 away from making it. This is our last chance the phone number is 180-439-5732 ask you to link up with the people who pledge to get us this far to make sure that we go over the top 180-439-5732 any amount will help if you can pick up one of the gifts we're offering Paul or to use his new book in paperback one of our most affordable thank you gifts an African-American and Latin x. History of the United States it is yours for a pledge of $80.00 or you can get it by becoming a kid p.f.a. Sustainer for $8.00 a month 180-439-5732 combine the book with the recording of his talk will give you both for 120 or combine the book with our collection of every cape you have a event like this one in $21927.00 vents in total including with Robert right to mail on Climate Change Johnson as Shiva. The incredible novelist Amitav gauche Rabbi Michael Lerner from to Khun glance you heard last hour Marxian economist Richard Wolfe Pentagon Papers whistle player whistle blower Daniel Ellsberg with CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Michael Eric Dyson and many many more. We will give you every one of those talks on a u.s.b. Drive $27.00 Total for a pledge of $200.00 by itself or if you combine it with the book just 251-804-3957 extension 32 whatever you do we've got 40 seconds to convince you to get on the phone in time for it to count towards this $1250.00 challenge we have 3 callers on the line we don't know how much they're pledging yet you could be the one who's worth an extra 1250 to k.p. If you take those over the top 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate b.f.a. Mind at w w w dot k p f a dot org All right I am out of time we're going to take a leap of faith we're going to put our fate in your hands we're going to hope you keep calling 180-439-5732 as we go back to polar tease a lot of us are familiar with what's been happening in Libya the right wing coup I what's been happening in chalet what's happening in Iraq what's happening in Morocco What's even happening in many u.s. Cities right now and part of it is to educate each other and our friends about the role that the u.s. Plays and has always played in Latin America and in Central America and to try to get people to understand the role that capitalism has played in the under development and the profoundly an equal economic systems throughout the entire Americas not just Bolivia if you think about this ever more Alice was the 1st indigenous president I mean that's an incredible thing to even contemplate given the fact that this is an indigenous majority society what was it that kept back indigenous people for centuries and countries like will live in. What is it now that allows the United States government to continue to tyrannizes native in addition is people in this country trying to take their water rights trying to take their mineral rights is remarkable what's happening I direct the oral history program to University of Florida and we've had students who've done oral histories with Western Shoni people in Nevada we've had students who do oral histories with the porch creek and southeastern Alabama and other parts of the country and I can tell you all of those Native American nations are really under siege right now the federal government private capital private interests are trying to take the resources away from them all the way from Latin America to to North America so that to me is one of the exciting things about what's happening now in the indigenous rights movement was that indigenous groups are looking hemispheric wide now and saying Our problems are not rooted just in one country they're there they're rooted across the entire hemisphere so I think that and then calling out American imperialism you know and one of the things in my book that I talked of and again I learned this from my movement and intellectual elders is the concept of racial capitalism and we have to think about these things working together you know in tandem and the slavery that Indigenous people were faced with both in this country but also in Latin America continues to really mark. The the entire hemisphere but I think you know movement organizing you know teach ends are really important in Florida this issue is particularly acute I don't have to tell you Florida is not like California you know don't get me wrong we've done amazing things in Florida we just finished an incredible 34 years long. Struggle which culminated in the Memmott for which overturned felony disenfranchisement we got over a 1000000 signatures. We had candor serves who were cameras in a Haitian Creole and French and Spanish and English we had to go you know to get a 1000000 signatures to lift felony disenfranchisement you can't just go to the County Fair to get a 1000000 signatures. Part of what we have to do when we educate people about imperialism and talk about imperialism and talk about racism is we have to go outside of our comfort zone this is one of the reasons I love oral history is that you know in the classroom when I teach at the University of Florida and in a workshop Yes we're trying to create a respectful you know nurturing inclusive space but as soon as we began getting outside of that space to be effective politically and to change things we have to be very you know we're going to unsafe territory we're going and so for example. The last oral history interview that I did in Florida just a few weeks ago I actually interviewed a retired Cuban American former CIA operative. Who was involved in the Watergate break in who was involved in a lot of bad things worse than Watergate believe or not Daniel Ellsberg will be talking about that right. You know this guy was involved in torture and other things and c.f. Remember in the Florida culture or it's very common to hear people say things like well if the military calls for the coup then I guess we should support it. Now think about that for a minute the military calls for a coup we should support it in Bolivia What about the u.s. What if what if the u.s. Military called for a coup in this country should we support or so so these are the types of things that we need to like you know talk to our neighbors about. Families about families are divided over this issue I'm actually the faculty advisor for a lot of Hispanic student organizations that you have one of them was the Venezuelan Student Association and we go back and forth and I'm like well you know we have to support President Trump in Venezuela I'm like no you don't. They actually said that oh yes and some of them he set them right and while we talk we dialogue I try not to browbeat them that's not an effective teaching technique right be gentle be kind this is where I can use my own background because I say look I'm not here to judge you because again I'm a soldier of empire right that's on my c.v. I will never get rid of that and so. Far be it for me to tell you you can have your believes if even if I think they're wrong are right. But actually brings me to to the next question American exceptionalism very sizzix and Mansa potoroo International was. Talk to us about that described that so does everyone know what American exceptionalism is. Kind of Ok so is the belief broadly shared by our 2 major political parties that the Us is the greatest country on earth that we really can't do much wrong that when we do wrong it's not because we set out to do bad things it's because something went wrong along the way Ok if you think of a book like Graham Greene's The Quiet American Green is trying to gently coaxes out of this idea of American exceptionalism but what American exceptionalism does by saying that the Us is the greatest country on earth us is a middle class society is it denies the reality of people or towns and neighborhoods that I grew up in I didn't grow up in middle class culture or society most people in the United States do not most of us grow up in a working class communities and American exceptionalism denies our very existence we don't become successful my father and all of his generation of young Mexican American teenagers had to drop out of school in the 7th grade or to help support their their families so the whole thing about education true for some people not true for other people so. Trying to situate us in a reality where the United States is as good or as bad as its actions as our actions and when we do wrong let's come to grips with why we do wrong especially if we do wrong over and over and over again Ok I'm as mature internationalism is as grass roots movements that people like Frederick Douglass people like Harriet Tubman and people like Henry Howland Barnett and Tony must say oh hosts a moderate. She kept her pose to the idea of American exceptionalism and this is an idea of building solidarity across borders instead of building walls build bridges I started the book with the Haitian revolution because this is the most important revolution from the vantage point of a present people in this country all throughout the Americas it's more important than the French Revolution it's more important than the American Revolution it's more important than those revolutions because it ends with the abolition of slavery is the 1st successful slave slave revolution in human history. Chapter 2 is about the Mexican War of Independence and again here is a revolution that reaches across borders to fire the imagination of the radical abolitionist movement in the United States to where people are saying wow the Mexicans from the very outset an 810 start their revolution against Spanish imperialism by striking a blow against slavery and the oppression of indigenous people wow. Why could we do that what do we have to learn from that I guess the big thing is learning what this country has to learn from nations around us when I talk to audiences I'm a long time member of Veterans for Peace and when I talk to audiences about war and they say war Constitution doesn't give us much of a way out I say then we need to study other constitutions let's start with the Mexican Constitution which has a very long and venerable history of interventionism how often is it in modern history that Mexico gathers an air force or an army and invades another nation and carpet bombs another nation how often does that as that happen. There's a reason for that it's not accidental there's a there's political traditions that we can learn from the voice of historian Paul Ortiz on the k.p. Of a stage just last month presenting his new book An African American and Latin x. History of the United States you heard him walking through kind of the chapter structure of the book it is I believe our most affordable book gift at this fund drive it's yours for a pledge of $80.00 or more at 180-439-5732 the money of course goes to supporting k p f a so that we can keep bringing you people like Paul Ortiz if your ears perked up if you feel like you learned something from this hour of radio I want you to think about everything that went into getting him out here putting him on stage bringing an audience to that event and then getting him to the airwaves that is what it means to be a community institution and if you learn something imagine that impact multiplied by the 10s of thousands of people who are listening during morning commute hours when you play adage you are it Van sing that calm and good you are giving to something bigger than any of us and we're asking you to do it right now because we're behind this fund drive we're behind because we took on the Civic educational project of broadcasting impeachment hearings gavel to gavel and we need to make up some ground because that meant effectively suspending our fundraising 184395732. Now here's a reason to make that pledge right now with exactly 7 minutes left in the hour a collection of our listeners Julie in Berkeley Jonathan also in Berkeley Jenny and in Clovis California and Ed in San Francisco have collectively offered to double $1000.00. I faced a challenge earlier this hour is a little bit bigger than a $1000.00 but it took us almost a full 20 minutes to make it now we're at 6 minutes and 40 seconds that is a lot of money for a radio station that operates on a shoestring we are starting with 0 callers on the line if we can get probably a take about 12 of you to make a pledge in the time that we have remaining that is enormous for k. P.f.a. And so now the ball is in your court the phone number is 180-439-5732 extension 1800 hate p.f.a. Or online at k. P.f.a. Dot org Here's what you can get when you pledge polities his book an African-American to lead next history of the United States is this incredible counter narrative about the history of this country at that centers the struggles of oppressed people in this country trying to better their circumstances and I think most distinctively looks at how internationalist their analysis was movements are not generally contained within national boundaries but that's how historians tend to characterize them and this is a corrective to that he has a chapter that Haitian Revolution which he. Identifies as the dawn of what he calls a manse of a Tory internationalism he looks at the Mexican War of Independence you just heard him talking about the Mexican Constitution Mexican War of Independence you know just a few decades after the u.s. War of independence it's pretty hostile treatment from political elites in the United States why. Well the Mexican War of Independence set a goal that never occurred to elites in the u.s. Or at least in the curtain unfavorably and that was ending slavery. He has a chapter on the internationalization of the Civil War how people involved in the project of reconstruction were looking outside the boundaries of the United States to the rest of the hemisphere chapter on the late 19th century Cuban Solidarity Movement chapter on the congealing of the modern racial categories we are familiar with today in the early years of industrialization what he calls the formation of racial capitalism in the United States is incredibly good writer I learned a lot from reading this book I think of all the author interviews I did 21000 this is probably the one I got the most from preparing for it's also one of our most affordable thank you gift at $80.00 for the book an African American in Latin next history of the United States and if you pledge right now that pledge is doing triple duty it's supporting k.p. F.a. It's going further because of this challenge and it is getting that book into your mailbox we've got 2 callers on the line but. I bring so much time talking we're down to 4 minutes 180-439-5732 extension 1800 hake a p.s.a. Or on line at w w w dot p.f.a. Dot org. You can combine the book with the recording of this talk it's available to download It's available as a cd you post the other for a pledge of $120.00 or more at 180-439-2573 extension 2 or if you would like a collection of every k. P.f.a. Event we have done in 2019 this is something we only offer at the end of the year normally during fund drives for the recording of a single event we asked for a pledge of 75 dollars this year we pulled off $26.00 events in total with an all star lineup Robert Wright Richard Wolfe Amitav Goetia Aaron Glantz you heard last our boss Carson Carr Adar Jamail Vandana Shiva Michael Eric Dyson Daniel Ellsberg you heard Paul Ortiz getting excited about that event. Instead of asking you $75.00 a talk which would sum to over $2000.00 for all $27.00 events in 2019 you can get all of them together on a thumb drive the size of well your thumb a little u.s.b. Drive for a pledge of $200.00 you can even do that by becoming a kitty of a sustainer at $20.00 a month and a full $200.00 will still count towards our challenge 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey Kate p.f.a. Or on line a w w w dot k.p. F.a. Dot org Oh now we're down to our final 2 minutes and 15 seconds on that $1000.00 challenge and we're up to 4 callers on the line if you want to combine all $27.00 events with the book by Paul Ortiz we will discount the combined play trade still further that would be just 250 dollars 180-439-5732 the final thing we're offering will be offering through the end of the fund drive unless we give all the seats away is dinner and to tour this is something special really do it about once a year we organize a tour of k.p. Phase beautiful light filled studios in downtown Berkeley purpose built home to the world's 1st listener supported radio station I'll take you on the tour take a journey into k p f A's history and it's present and then we will go out to dinner and drinks around the corner Our guest of honor is going to be amidst the rich who will take us on a tour of what we expect will be a van impending Senate impeachment trial count Burks is coming out to dinner and if we can get 2 more people to pledge for dinner and a tour will be taken out Eileen Berry as well pair of tickets that's for you and her friend the tours at $530.00 dinners at $630.00 right around the corner. And this is Thursday January 16th a pair of tickets a pledge of $500.00 and if you make that $500.00 pledge right now it will count towards our $1000.00 challenge we could desperately use 818-0439 of 57321800 hake a p.f.a. Or odd line at k.p. Have a dot org just got our 1st count we're at $340.00 towards the challenge to people on the phones who haven't been tallied but less to both pledging for dinner and a tour there probably not enough 180-439-5732 The 27 speech collection is yours for 200 the book just 80 dinner and a tour 500 you've got 20 seconds left to start that call in time to make it count towards this challenge 180-439-5732 extension 1800 Hey b.f.a. Or w.w.w. Dot. Org we're pushing into overtime here a k.p.n. a 94 point one f.m. In Berkeley k. P.f.b. 89.3 f.m. In Berkeley K.F.C.'s 88 point one f.m. In Fresno k 248 be our 97.5 f.m. In Santa Cruz on line around the world at w w w dot k. P.f.a. Dot org Thank you for those 2 calls and please keep calling pledges will count they come in during the opening minutes of democracy now 180-439-2573 extension 2. Trace this. 3 week. Take a. Vacation it was a fine all. Right we are set for any sign of. This is Democracy Now Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean the good men we're broadcasting from the u.n. Climate summit in Madrid Spain the European Commission has proposed a sweeping new plan to address the climate crisis the European Green Deal would be the biggest overhaul of European policy since the foundation of the modern European Union system this is commission president Ursula Vanderlei and we do not.

Radio-program , G20-nations , Political-theories , American-political-writers , American-memoirists , Liberal-democracies , American-lawyers , Incorporated-cities-and-towns-in-california , American-politicians , French-revolution , Historiography , Adoptees

KYCA 1490 AM/K278CN 103.5 FM [KYCA News Talk Radio]-20191212-050000

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The great shots at Customs Enforcement says more criminal aliens are out on the streets because of sanctuary cities and the flow of migrants who showed up at the border this year acting ice director at Matthew Albans estimates there are 13000 more criminal aliens in u.s. Communities who were not arrested this past year because of 2 things the crisis at the border ice had to divert resources to assist there and because of sanctuary city policies in which certain jurisdictions refused to cooperate with them and notify them of undocumented people in their jails the surest way to advice in your community is to not let us in the jail because we are going to arrest these public safety threats and if we can't get in the jail we're going to be out there on the street doing it arrests aside ice removed or deported more than $267000.00 people this past year 5700 of 5700 of them were members of families Jessica Rosenthal Fox News series are mounting that a deadly shooting at a Jewish market in Jersey City New Jersey on Tuesday was an anti semitic attack authorities describing a band it would have deliberately pulled up to the place of a stolen rebel van got out and started shooting New Jersey's attorney general says they haven't yet confirmed a motive but a source. Tells the a.p. That at least one of the shooters was a member of the black Hebrew Israel like move but 6 people were killed in the attack including the Jersey City police officer but another baseball free agent citing the Los Angeles Angels fell short in trying to land a pitcher Garrett Cole but they wasted little time and turned their sights on Anthony Rendon reportedly locking down the 3rd baseman Wednesday night to a 7 year 200 $45000000.00 contract Rendon widely considered the top authentic free agent after having a career season with the Washington Nationals leading the majors with $126.00 R.B.I.'s last season named to his 1st All-Star Game and also had career highs in that ng average slugging percentage and home runs with 34 and helped Washington clinch their 1st World Series title in franchise history and his hometown of Houston not a politician on Fox News they'd be York killer here this is Fox News. You know Kathy we've been with the same and shared company now for some time maybe we should shop around Laurie so I'm sure it's a local So let's give her a call here right Ron it's time to look at our coverage and pricing with so many policies our home rental property liability insurance and $5.00 vehicles including our motor home we called Lori sell insurance and say over $3000.00 a year and she did all the shopping for years Laurie's local and she cares color resell insurance you could save money 24456704 those for the next journey into broadcast excellent reading sure you'll Truth Seeker's in conversationalist Rush Limbaugh America is proof of the detector of broadcast like don't go there combines 2 elements really phone numbers and stations a serious discussion of issues and an irreverent humor both also bring credibility as America's most listened to talk radio host Dr of democracy and the chief of the Patriots isn't pleased and where do you find him so right. Rush Limbaugh weekdays at 10. It is not been established the allegations that there was something that they had some da c.e.o. Would have worked on present in the lake trout but it's men's work ploy it is that they all saw since it is said that am I right. Yeah well there's. Always a multi-million dollar a year and b.b.c. News journalists and. Other you spell the word journalism but setting that aside. Happy Wednesday we're at 863096250. We were just reviewing some of the c n n was fed the fake dossier Hillary Clinton's opposition research as part of a scheme set up by James Komi who worked in concert present a professor in New York to leak his notes to the New York Times says notes having to do with a classified briefing that he had just given to the president elect of the United States Donald Trump. He also coordinated with Clapper who we have videotape of lying under oath we have video tape of James Comey lying under oath none of this seems to matter in a corrupt America 2019 and and when c.n.n. Got ahold this was kind of remarkable when c.n.n. Was given the the dasi and they said well yeah this is not reliable though and then because we don't know where it comes from but it was being shopped around by the Democrats and fusion g.p.s. And and they were they were offering up Christopher Steele as fake reliable source and then the f.b.i. Crooked laid and deceptively fed the information of the Pfizer cord after script stripping all of the important markers off of it and and so on and c.n.n. Was then they had the report and they were told the leak is c. Came they fed it to the New York Times and then they had clappers somebody get ahold of c.n.n. Who had already been provided with Hillary Clinton's opposition research and they were told that it was it had a French name what was it was it Kellyanne Conway the other day said the word dasi a is a French word that means load of crap I think that sets it's French you wouldn't scuse my French da ca and like that and c.n.n. So c.n.n. Is like All right we can run with it we got the whole thing with the golden showers and the and the prostitutes being in the bed that Obama slept in and Moscow I mean and there and there they were lapping it up like the brain disease dogs that they are and naturally they chose Jim Shooter as their anchor to announce that the. Because Jim shooter Cho was an Obama administration official who after leaving his job as an Obama administration official years as an Obama administration official he got a job at c.n.n. Naturally as a $1000000.00 a year anchor right he's a $1000000.00 anchor slash Obama administration official So when this smear came out using Hillary Clinton's opposition research which has since its debugged conspiracy theory big phrase in Washington these days usually the Democrats use that to describe things like President Trump was elected president that's a debunked conspiracy theory now it's not technically but they had an Obama administration official slash c.n.n. Anchor what's the difference announced the phony Hillary Clinton opposition research as though it was breaking news multiple u.s. Officials with the wreck knowledge of these briefings tells c.n.n. That classified documents on Russian interference in the $26000.00 u.s. Election presented last week President Obama and preselect Trump included these allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising both personal and financial information about Mr Trump the allegations part of a 2 page synopsis based on memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative whose past were u.s. Intelligence officials considered to be credible they don't that's another lie Everything's a lie Jim Should I was happy a liar is an Obama administration official posing as a journalist you know George Stephanopoulos is a Clinton administration official posing as a journalist and his sources now I we could probably guess it's Clapper Clapper work for c.n.n. Or does he work for m s n b c they'll work for c.n.n. Or m s n b c because they're crooked news organizations meet crooked government officials and a hand meat glove it's like o.j. You know. Klepper c.n.n. Works for c.n.n. And they hired the crook that was fired from entry McCabe who was fired in fact we have a sound bite him but Jim Shooter c.n.n. The day they got the big breaking news and by the way it was January 11th $2179.00 days before Inauguration Day minutes not even hours but minutes after James Komi briefed the president elect Donald Trump then he called his friend and what would they say that like the fish has been hooked to code phrase that he used as he spread the word all right now we can let the media in and that's when Jim Shooter and Obama administration official was let off the chain by his corrupt deceptive lie under oath sources like James Clapper so that they could go with this story about Donald Trump hawkers golden showers peeing in a bed in a Moscow hotel because Barack Obama had slept in the hotel and in the bed recently now President Trump is a German nobody I mean you know you guys are confusing President Trump with your friends and your your daughters who apparently you know you guys think this is commonplace I think on Martha's Vineyard they pee on each other all summer long I think they don't even wait to be stung by jellyfish they just they just be on each other that's why they thought it was plausible we at c.n.n. Could not independently confirm the allegations some of which were salacious some very personal like in this document hooker and because we are daughter it was our editorial decision not to put them out there in public and to focus on till the people in the organizations that are taking a hard look at this yeah you take a hard look at this on Monday that's a little. These guys let me take it let me take a phone call now that I got to I have 33 people who. Who are under investigation and there are other crooks they're all crooks I'd Let's go to let's go to the telephones Where's my sheets here it is now let's go to let's go to Bill calling from Reston Virginia William you're on the Chris Plante show Hey thanks Chris. I know this from a close family member who's an agent with the bureau. When you joined the bureau very quickly you either wind up on the aging track or the management track. So you wind up with all the characters. Are good at politics that bureaucrats they cycle through headquarters and they go from office to office office but they never actually acquire a lot of functional knowledge in anything they did well other than being government screws being you know bureaucrats sitting on wood basement offices with fluorescent lights buzzing over their heads which is why you know you might get rid of the Cape and that crew and call me but the people coming up Chris Ray and everyone else are going to be exactly like them because that's how they were trained even while the field agents who actually know their subject matter they will get promoted to an opening for a supervisor because the next hot shot political weenie coming out of the Hoover Building have to take the job on the next step up to assistant director. Well you know unless you change the structure of how they manage you're going to have the same you know problem over and over Yeah and that of course is never going to change is it well I mean I suppose you could start picking people from the field to take management positions but it becomes the buddy system doesn't it it's a club thing it's a country club thing and you promote the person next to you in the cubicle next to you while the real agents the real people doing the real law enforcement tens of thousands of them who's good names are being bought smirched by these crooks in Washington you know that the real agents are out there catching bad guys from terrorist to bank robbers and and so on and all kinds of other bad guys and these management screws are more concerned about the you know whether their tie clashes with their bosses tie today pretty much pretty much they are no longer going to be going out what their next promotion is yeah yeah so I mean that's what you're looking at and you see because you're an f.b.i. Family you see what's going on or you hear about it over the dinner table you're about when you're driving you hear about it on vacation and you hear about well you know some of us are doing the lord's work here and some of us are like in the Kremlin back here in Washington and they behave like they're in the Kremlin Exactly yeah Bill thank you for thank you for sharing that you got it thanks thank you. Yeah it an amazing and what you have you have McGill a gorilla McGill lugger a we got a gorilla for self. Won't you but I him tell his this is Fredo Cuomo of course on c.n.n. The day that the this is the day that the documents came out January 11th 20179 days before an operation to the same day that Komi briefed the president elect started leaking stuff in order to undermine the president of the United States to sabotage the president I'd States and this horror which person. Says No there is no political intent here there's nothing malicious about this Komi himself briefed the president elect and started undermining him minutes later got on the phone to his buddy he had already set it up he is given a high science to people to start releasing the stuff called the media confirm it for him say the president elect has been briefed on this dossier and that means the news media can go with it right then Buzz Feed went with it 1st c.n.n. Couldn't wait to jump in to be clear it's not fake news because these documents are real and they were included whether or not the allegations and them are real is a separate question that needs to be investigated that's one of the things that we're going to have to figure out here that's how dumb this guy is he he really there it's insulting to call him a gorilla gorillas can use sticks and put them down like holes in the ground and eat the ants often stuff he's not that bright he is unbelievable he's a fake journalist he went to Yale and then he went to Los goes father was Papa Doc you know his brother is Baby Doc goo bitters of the state of New York they love infanticide and pretending to be Catholics that's another thing they're very big on but that's amazing stuff I think his conclusion is since it's written on paper and the paper is you can feel it it's a tactile it exists in the physical world that means that the documents are real See doesn't understand what this means he's he doesn't understand the meaning of words his he's as dumb as a rock Ma he's a moron he's freight Oh Cuomo and he is McGill a grill He wears a little top hat a little tight a miniature top hat like my girl McGill a girl with suspenders and he rides on a bicycle around in circles at c.n.n. And they say hey it's time to anchor Miguel law and he says mom mom mom come on trade Oh it's time for a little t.v. Show and he said well the documents are real just for the 1st part of that again because this is the thing. Documents is that he can say the documents are real because they're sitting on his desk to be clear it's not fake news because these documents are real you know the documents are real now all the information in the documents fake but the see the documents her reveal that he doesn't understand his job his he's too dumb really to drive a car isn't him as a right that's McGill a gorilla that's c.n.n. And what is this what are they doing there dipping out when Republicans are talking and then dipping back in when Democrats are talking is that kind of their pattern over here it's filth it's a it's a dirty filthy cable channel right now on to this other guy here's the Jerry Dunn lady at the Washington Examiner This morning f.b.i. Lawyer under criminal investigation altered document to say Carter page quote was not a source and quote for another agency that was a lie and this f.b.i. Official corruptly light and as Lindsey Graham said it's like having the fingerprints that show that it's not you and then saying that the fingerprints are yours right these are your fingerprints when clearly they're not your fingerprints . The f.b.i. Came close to correcting a mistake in the 3rd and final warrant application renewal targeting one time Trump campaign adviser Carter page but an f.b.i. Lawyer improperly altered a document to cover up the fact that the bureau had erred in the previous filings What's this now. In a report released on Monday just Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz offered a detailed description of the actions taken by Kevin Kline Smith this is Kleinsmith as c l i n e if you want to look it up s m i t h. A then f.b.i. Lawyer who is part of a special part of Special Counsel Robert Muller's team now Witt wait a minute get a lot of that. That led to the criminal referral reported 2 weeks ago hang on Horowitz who looked into allegations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse found the f.b.i. Made mistakes and omissions in the Russia investigation but did not determine that political bias tainted the effort now they're just corrupt as hell Kleinsmith is not named in Horowitz as report but it's clear he is the Office of General Counsel attorney who had been acting in response to a question by a Justice Department attorney now listen to listen to this supervisory special agent to who swore to an affidavit for all 3 Pfizer renewals against Carter page Naval Academy grad working with the CIA in 2017 told Horowitz's investigators that on the 3rd renewal he wanted quote a definitive answer to whether Page had ever been a source for another Us government agency meeting the CIA before he signed the final renewal application this is all getting a little convoluted because it's Washington. I'm going have to pause right there aren't I now there's I going to have to pause right here because you know this ain't n.p.r. Hey listen this season Oh boss takes is sharing an amazing limited time offer with my listeners and there's still time to place your order to get delivery in time for Christmas go to all the hostel dot com enter the code plan to do the search bar and order the favorite gift package the gift all your friends and family will love for only 6999 Now listen to this here's what you get when you order 46 ounce bacon wrap to fill a main Younes I'm hungry for savory premium pork chops for Omaha steak burgers for perfectly brown potatoes all Groton. 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I hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me I turn back to the examiner piece here on this Kevin Kline Smith character at the f.b.i. Who altered a document in an effort to incriminate Naval Academy grad Carter page turns out that the f.b.i. Was in touch with the CIA in 2016 in August about Carter page and the CIA informed the f.b.i. That Carter page Naval Academy grad was in fact working with the CIA And and they said didn't fact have a prior relationship with the CIA and an e-mail from the CIA to their lives on office to set. Kleinsmith that the f.b.i. Said Kleinsmith then altered this is from the Horowitz report altered the LEO's John's e-mail by inserting the words not a source into it thus making it appear that the liaison had said that page was not a source for the other agency the CIA and this crooked guy at the f.b.i. Set up per page by altering the CIA document so they could get the Pfizer for it to spy on him by lying this piece though Chris Plante you know. 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Had Jim Shooter go in place and Obama administration official to go on with it then they had McGill a gorilla who's a Democrat McGill a gorilla family as father was Papa Doc McGill a gorilla his brother is Baby Doc McGill a gorilla and and then see they did it on a day it's all to sabotage the president elect because they didn't vote for him and they think he's crass so they decided to become Soviets and to undermine our republic and that's what James Comey did and James Clapper was involved in this conspiracy this cabal this corruption as well as 3 Cs and and. It was on a day see Komi went and he briefed him knowing President Trump was going to hold a press conference later that day as president elect I think it might have been his 1st press conference is that possible as president elect and Komi knew this he went in knowing oh I got a press conference later today so come by and brief me on the and Clapper is there and then and then call me ask for a little private time to tell him about the urine and stuff like that and it was all set up ahead of time it was a set up also and it was on a day when President Tripp they knew Komi knew that the president was going to go to hold a press conference so that's when they gave the signal to Jim Shooter Oh an Obama administration official at c.n.n. To go with it so they went with it President holds a press conference President elect 99 days away from being inaugurated and the 1st question is about hookers paying and beds from the people you know Acosta crooked c.n.n. And and that's and then the whole press conference was derailed for the president elect by comi who is sabotaging it undermining the incoming president the United States it's quite remarkable remarkable stuff does anyone really believe that story I'm also very much of a German folk by the way but he had to respond to question after question because Komi was undermining the president elect the f.b.i. Director in the United States of America sabotaged undermined and did everything he could to trip up the president elect by by setting him up and then not going to down by 1st of all they were spreading around they knew about this this phony dossier that was Hillary Clinton opposition research by the way I believe he didn't tell he didn't tell President elect trump that it was Hillary Clinton's opposition research either said it was something that was making the rounds and you should know about it Obama had already been briefed on I assume a bomber was told it was Hillary Clinton's opposition research nothing it was true came from a person that the f.b.i. Didn't consider to be credible then the f.b.i. Changed all that and said oh no he's credible you know a source is a source of no money and it's all a lie it's all a lie it was all and we now in the end they that this is her it's report even reveals all that now then Kleinsmith back to Kleinsmith who's a crook and should go to prison. Kevin Kline Smith is a is a corrupt person at the f.b.i. He altered the CIA's document saying see I said oh yeah he's a source for us and you know we and he's a Naval Academy guys one of our guys he's on our team and Kevin Kline Smith that the f.b.i. As corrupt as he is he altered the document and then Kevin said no no he's not a source for us he's not a saurus but he was for the CIA for another agency in the government and so Kleinsmith has a criminal and should be in a penitentiary legit he's subverting our republic and our Constitution and that's actually real not like when Nancy Pelosi says so let me just stop here for a sec f.b.i. Lawyer under criminal investigation we're talking about Kevin Klein's but that's the headline in today Well yesterday's Washington Examiner quarter page was not a source he altered the document is under criminal investigation and and now let me go to another one here's another one from n.b.c. News and the date on this is April 19th 2018 inspector general recommends criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe This is last year well over a year ago sources say the Justice Department has been urged to investigate whether entry McCabe who has since been hired by c.n.n. As a pundit on there the fired f.b.i. Deputy director lied to federal officials Isn't that what they're trying to put General Flynn in prison for forever when he didn't even know he was being interrogated it was secret they misrepresented themselves to General Flynn and then when they got back to the f.b.i. Headquarters to write up the report on their conversation with General Flynn they altered it they altered it to incriminate General Flynn where there was nothing to incriminate him. These are criminals all right and Horowitz is. Fired I'll just say fired so here is so the f.b.i. Lawyer Kleinsmith Kevin Kline Smith right here in the headline yesterday f.b.i. Lawyer under criminal investigation here's n.b.c. News inspector general recommends criminal investigation of Edra McCabe and then you know what happens a year and a half later it's like oh everybody just kind of forgot about it and we move on and if nothing ever happens because it's corrupt it's the city of Washington is corrupt No let me go to the Washington Times from September 18th of 2019 this is a couple of months ago Justice Department inspector general referred James Komi for criminal prosecution by Jeff Moredock the Justice Department Inspector General Michael you are with said Wednesday this is back in September that he referred former f.b.i. Director James b. Called me for a criminal prosecution after concluding he leaked sensitive materials to a friend and it's much worse than that he leaked them to a friend the law professor in New York and that he called his friend gave him the secret signal to release it to the New York Times once the New York Times had it its Ok go ahead and give the signal to Jim Shooter Oh Obama administration official at c.n.n. He goes with it McGill a gorilla goes well he's confused he thinks because it's on paper it's real not a very bright guy Komi asked as law professor friend to share with the New York Times a memo detailing his conversation with President elect Trump to pressure the Justice Department to open an investigation in to the president of Russia inclusion which we now know did not exist. This is really where Venezuela where Cuba we're not America anymore because of a handful like a ball of corrupt government officials 3 of them are under criminal investigation including James Comey the f.b.i. Director. Of course Andrew McCabe who was the f.b.i. Deputy director so we've got from the Obama era the inspector general has referred the f.b.i. Director for criminal prosecution that's the headline here and the deputy f.b.i. Director was referred for criminal this headline says investigation from n.b.c. News and yesterday's headline f.b.i. Lawyer under criminal investigation altered document of quarter page 3 senior f.b.i. Investigation officials under criminal investigation all of them for targeting Trump for sabotaging Trump and Horowitz emphasis on Hoare comes up with this report says no there is no political melt his or and then of course we have the page and stroke text messages we have Bruce or and his wife Nellie are working for a fusion g.p.s. Peddling the dust around the Justice Department at the State Department on and on and on and on and on and on and then Horowitz comes up with this report let's go to a sound bite number 17 William Barr the attorney general of the United States great stuff from him yesterday one headline from The Daily Caller attorney general Bill Barr blasts completely irresponsible press for f. And hits f.b.i. For quote gross abuses and quote in trying to probe and Horowitz is like well this is how our government works if it is we need to dismantle the Justice Department and make it a parking lot. William Barr speaking yesterday to the Wall Street Journal. Talking about how the they do you know the f.b.i. Chieftains and they and this is actually CIA This is John Brennan who is also corrupt as the day is long he just doesn't hold water because on August 4th. They contacted the head of Russian intelligence and said we know what you're up to you'd better stop if they did again and later office and President Obama did it to wreck Lee and so tender shall it doesn't strike me as plausible that you would tell the Russians who clearly were guilty of interference but you wouldn't you wouldn't go and talk to the campaign again Hillary Clinton's campaign was given a courtesy briefing on what was going on and Trump's campaign was not they falsified documents at the f.b.i. So they could spy on Carter page and spying is the right word take Aleck tronic surveillance and shove it and amazing amazing stuff chests just remarkable Now let's go to some but number 2626 it's Andrew McCabe who was under criminal investigation last time I looked up for malfeasance while he was the number 2 man at the f.b.i. Under James Comey who is also under criminal investigation Kevin Kline Smith's lawyer at the f.b.i. Under criminal investigation for altering documents misrepresenting information presented to the Pfizer court so they could spy on Carter page a naval academy grad doing work with the CIA completely innocent of any wrongdoing railroaded by the f.b.i. Under Barack Obama and James Comey and Loretta Lynn Hsu by the way has been given a free pass on all of this where the hell is she. She might be on a volcanic island in New Zealand or something Andrew McCabe He's very very upset that you know he has been accused of terrible things and also we what we wanted to have with this was the you got the Ok Andrew McCabe yesterday on c.n.n. He was a news new employer by the way along with Jim Shooter Oh the Obama administration official now with the leak of the thing and afraid oh Cuomo of paramount importance to the president and his administration is the perpetuation of a politically beneficial narrative he did that against my organization and my colleagues by calling us all treasonous you know politically biased people we now know that that's not true and the president himself repeated the same allegations yesterday the day the report came out dispelling them we don't know that that's not true the reality is the inspector general has no force of law to coerce people into telling the truth if they deny that there is political bias notwithstanding all of the text messages and so on that's quite remarkable that he's upset how dare President Trump call us treasonous you're under criminal investigation for undermining the president States James Comey your boss is under criminal investigation for undermining the president I'd States Kevin Kline Smith is under criminal investigation for. And gauging an illegal activity to undermine the present United States duly elected and anybody remember the CIA director from you know who voted for the Communist Party candidate for president Gus Hall and Barack Obama made him director of the Central Intelligence Agency this guy is Soviet style corrupt this he should be in prison already while he's awaiting trial even before he's charged just kidding but that's how the Democrats were doing anybody remembers he was on with his Pell Rachel Maddow and. She loves a little sloppy bt goodness and calling the president so how dare the president call me treasonous just for undermining him along with a cabal of other f.b.i. People who are undermining him I said it was nothing short of treasonous I didn't mean that he committed treason but it was a trust and know what it was nothing short of treasonous what you didn't mean that he committed treason but I said something for treason that was the term they use so that if we if we diagram the sentence nothing short of treasonous means it's treason how dumb are these people I mean is he that corrupt Brennan or is the is anybody that stupid can anybody be that stupid I think it's impossible is not let's go to war so the the guy the crook who is under criminal investigation is president from out from under the cloud of criminal investigation created by comi and McCabe because now they're under criminal investigation for sabotaging the president along with Kleinsmith who altered the documents and so on. Aren't they amazing we have President Trump from from last night. And I don't we we should try to let's try to get to some what do you think the highlights from President Trump last night he was in Hershey Palace go with 18 he was in Hershey Pennsylvania last night home of the world famous truckload of course Pennsylvania. Right straight to be back in the state it gave us the liberty Bam Pennsylvania. Chocolate I like fishing. Also yesterday plus see that us get over that Palosi about let's get to number 20 you know Nancy Pelosi has so they passed a Us Mexico Canada agreement. She's been holding it up for Euro we've been making it better Yeah by whizzing in it and. What they want to do is prevent the economy from taking off like a rocket ship because that would be good for truck so they want us to suffer because it benefits the Democrat Party what's bad for America is good for the Democrats right now everything terrorist attack mass shooting bad economy that's all good for Democrats they hope for it trust me on this they do President Trump on the media you have some really great journalists and you have some honest publications but not too many of them I have to be honest with you. The legislator or you know that does anybody think the media is honest. Does anybody think they are totally corrupt and dishonest. And Ira Hi Ira Listen I have a couple of more sound bites from President and I have I have I have Palosi. I have and I think are 2 they're very brief from those nutcases on Capitol Hill still coming up. On this crazy day. Jersey City bears says God but targeted Jewish grocery store etc Should out they just wouldn't want to call it terrorism or a hate crime yet because. Really there were Democrats that did the. School teacher attack attacks high school girls for wearing women for trouble then a mammoth high school teacher attacked the girl rip the period off of or offer her clothing. A basic. Good Mason Michigan. The teacher won't be fired because Get out the lefties drug the teachers you're going to. That's a problem. If you're listening to the Chris Plante show. 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To Porky sound bites from President Trump's rally in Hershey Pennsylvania last night media very upset they say the president called the f.b.i. Scum scum he used the word that he's talking about the people that were undermining him the news media Joe Scarborough that no president has ever called the f.b.i. Scum unless you're talking about the Russian president. Russia Russia again President shop last night and the f.b.i. Also said several undercover human spies juicers a gallon records people associated with our campaign or whatever they've hurt people they just wrote the lives of people that were great people that are still right people their lives have been destroyed by scum Ok by sky. Of course referring to the specific people that have sabotaged Carter page and George Papadopoulos than himself. Not the entirety of the f.b.i. But the the news media can't wait to rush to the defense of any government agency as long as it's not the military that they're stooges for their government agency and their stooges for Putin I didn't call the whole f.b.i. Scott he called the people that were doing this Joe Scarborough the only Putin would call the f.b.i. It all started with the Russia which China try to rush or which other than the inspector general's jockeyed report proves that the Obama have to die optative secret warrants to spy on my campaign based on a phony foreign does ca all the bugs smears paid for by could get Hillary Clinton and the d.n.c. The f.b.i. Failed to disclose in nature the political hit job to the Pfizer cause they headed they deceived it and they live now he says all those true things and the news media just focuses on the word scum and says only Putin would call let's wait as we said a little Palosi here I think the way Nancy Pelosi thinks the impeachment is very solemn this solemn day and I think calls this a hearse full of business for members of Congress. Is the solemn asks a solemn to take an oath subject has been defend the Constitution of the area stay there constitute I should play the Battle Hymn of the Republic on to that she's such a great patriot where do we find such men hey what do I know I haven't checked. Where do we find such men and what can we do to stop the flow of such men I'll tell you. We are the news f.m. One of 3.5 and 4980 m k y c a press kit k 270 c.n. Press kit it's so Levin o'clock. I think the like which of impeachment of Jack Kelly on Fox News Day one completed here the House Judiciary Committee is markup session finalizing the articles of impeachment mostly just opening statements a little subtle ones that like Republican Matt Gates saying the articles of impeachment are a consolation prize for Democrats because they're sore losers resident trumps true crime in their eyes was winning the 2016 election against all odds and against the establishment of both parties Democrat Zoe Lofgren says the president's actions are a slap in the face of our founding fathers I wasn't sure if Washington would likely be astonished since he warned against the insidious wiles of foreign influence once the articles are finalized the committee will likely send them to the House floor for consideration Vox's Steve Rapaport there were fireworks earlier in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with inspector general buckle Horowitz justified about his reported to the F.B.I.'s investigation of Russian election meddling in which he says there were mistakes so many basic and fundamental.

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