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Transcripts for KSKA 91.1 FM [Public Radio for Alaska] KSKA 91.1 FM [Public Radio for Alaska] 20191204 200000

Simply on the publicly available evidence it appears that President Trump pressured a foreign government to interfere in our elections by investigating his perceived chief political opponent today we re here to uphold our oath to defend the Constitution United States furthering our understanding where the president s conduct is impeachable it is entirely appropriate they were examining our nation s history as relates to presidential beach and the framers of the constitutional generally feared foreign interference in our nation s sovereignty and they wanted to ensure that there would be a check and balance on the executive we said here with a duty to the founders to fulfill their wisdom in being a check on the executive We the People s House are that check under our Constitution the House can a peach a president for treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors Professor Feldman you ve discussed high crimes and misdemeanors and the fact that the high refers to both crimes and misdemeanors Can you just give us a little bit of a summary of what High Crimes and Misdemeanors are and how they re distinct from what Professor Turley said they were yes are high crimes and misdemeanors are actions of the president in office where he uses his office to advance his personal interests potentially for personal gain potentially to corrupt the electoral process and potentially as well against the national security interests of the United States I would add sir that the word high modifies both crimes and misdemeanors the framers world knew of both high crimes and high misdemeanors and I believe that the definition that was posted earlier of misdemeanor was not the definition of Hi Mr mean or which is a specific term understood by the framers and discussed in the Constitutional Convention but only of the word misdemeanor and that s an easy mistake to make but the truth is that high misdemeanors were their own category of abuses of office and those are the things that are impeachable Thank you Professor professors Feldman Carl and Gary Hart you ve tall testified the president s conduct your implicates 3 categories of our crimes and misdemeanors abuse of power betrayal of the National entry. And corruption of elections is that right Professor Karlan. Yes it is and Professor Feldman a professor Gephardt do you agree. Professor Karlan you stated that the essence of a peaceful offense is the president s decision to sacrifice the national interest for his own private ins Professor Feldman and Gary Hart also agree with that yes or yes. Based on the evidence you ve seen professors Feldman Harland a Gary Hart has President Trump sacrificed the country s interest in favor of his own professor Carlo Yes he has and is there a particular piece of evidence that most illuminates that I think what illuminates that most for me is the statement by Ambassador Sandland that he wanted simply the announcement of an investigation and several other people said exactly the same thing there is testimony by Ambassador Volcker to this extent as well that what he wanted was simply public information to damage Joe Biden he didn t care whether at the end of the day Joe Biden was found guilty or exonerated and Professor Feldman do you agree or do you and do you have a different of the same illuminating that my emphasis would be on the fact that the president held up aid to an ally that s fighting the war in direct contravention of the unanimous recommendation of the national security community that to me seems to have placed his own interests in personal advantage ahead of the interests of the new and a bill passed by Congress our partners Yes sir Fessor Gary Hart I agree with my colleagues have said I would add that I m very concerned about the president s obstruction of Congress instruction of this inquiry refusal to comply with a number of subpoenas ordering many high level officials in the government not to comply was subpoenas and in ordering the entire executive branch not to cooperate with Congress it s really useful to remember the Constitution says the House has the sole power to impeach because usually uses the word soul twice once with reference to the house in this area once with reference to the Senate with respect to impeachment trials sole means sole means only and this is your decision and let me get Professor Turley into this Professor Turley you re a self described a self annoying to defender of article one Congress guy but you justify a position that says legally issued subpoenas by Congress and forcing its powers don t have to be complied with it seems in this. You re in Article 2 executive guy but you you re and you re talking about the Johnson impeachment is not very useful that was maladministration this is a criminal act thank you professors for helping us understand high crimes and misdemeanors we the people s representatives of the people s house are heirs and custodians the founders vision of the country where the people are sovereign we have a high responsibility in charge with the sole power to hold our Constitution and defend our democracy and we shall do that but the gentleman s time has expired Mr Gomer Thank you. And I m afraid this hearing is indicative of the indecency to which we become. When instead of the committee of jurisdiction bringing in fact Whitson witnesses to get to the bottom of what happened. And not even having time to review the report. Which as Professor Turley indicated is wafer thin when compared to the $36.00 boxes of documents that were delicious Republican Louie Gohmert of Texas one who has a term starts as defenders on the Judiciary Committee to start this hearing with the chairman of the committee saying that the facts are undisputed that the only thing that is disputed more than the facts in this case is the statement that the facts or undisputed they are absolutely disputed and the evidence is a bunch of hearsay on hearsay that it anybody here had tried cases before. Of enough magnitude you would know you can t rely on hearsay only hearsay but we have experts who know better then the accumulated experience of the ages so here we are and I would submit we need some factual witnesses we do not need to receive a report that we don t have a chance to read before there s hearing we need a chance to bring in actual fact witnesses and there are a couple I can name that are critical to us getting to the bottom they work for the National Security Council. Grace shown Miss go they were involved in the u.s. Ukraine affairs and they work with Vice President Biden on different matters involving the Ukraine they work with Brennan and masters they have absolutely critical information about certain Ukrainians involvement in our u.s. Election their relationship to what the witnesses who went before the Intel Committee and others involved in these allegations my. Them the most critical witnesses in this entire investigation and their records including their e-mails or text messages that flash drives their computers have ever made that will bring this effort to remove the president to a screeching halt so we have. Article here from October 11th Kerry Pickett points out that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff recruited 2 former National Security Council aides who worked alongside the CIA whistleblower at the n.s.c. During the Obama and Trump administrations Abigail Grice who worked at the n.s.a. Until $28.00 team was hired in February while shown Miss go and as CIA until 2017 joined shifts committee in August the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint and it goes on to point out that Grace was hired to help shift committee investigate the Trump White House that month Trump accused Schiff of stealing people who were working at the White House. And German chef said if the president warned about our hiring in the border administration people maybe should work on being a better employer No he should have fired everybody just like Bill Clinton did all the u.s. Attorneys on the same day that would have saved us a lot of what s going on here so anyway we need those 2 witnesses there critical and then we also need someone who is a c c I detail later the Ukrainian as C.D. s State Department for years shows that he was Italy state luncheon There s Italy ramifications in the last elections. A speaks Arabic and Russian reported directly to Charles cups Jhon was a friend of the Clinton s aides said Blumenthal he did policy work for your crying corruption. Close continuous contact with the f.b.i. And state Ukrainian officials had a collateral duty to support Vice President Biden it was him Biden was Obama s point man on Ukraine is associated with d.n.c. Operative alley who we also need. Met with her Nov 9th 25th game with Ukrainian delegation and. There s all kinds of reasons we need these 3 with his sleeves and I would ask pursuant to Section 4 House Resolution 660 I ask our chairman to I mean our ranking member to submit the request for these 3 witnesses because we re not having a factual hearing until we have these people that are at the bottom of every fact of this investigation gentlemen I yelled back thankfully bringing down the gavel hard that was a nice gentleman back Mr Johnson thank you Mr Chairman the president has regularly and recently this is Democrat Hank Johnson of Georgia coming elections Professor Turley warns that this is an impulse buy moment and suggest that the House should pause Professor Karlan Do you agree with Professor Turley No if you conclude that as I think the evidence to this point shows that the president is soliciting foreign involvement in our election you need to now you need to act now to prevent foreign interference in the next election like the one we had in the past Thank you Professor Karlan in 30 seconds or less tell us why you believe the president s misconduct was an abuse of power so egregious that it merits to drastic remedy of impeachment because he invited the Russians who are long time adversaries into the process the last time around because he has invited the Ukrainians into the process and because he suggested he would like the Chinese to come into the process as well thank you very much one of the framers of our Constitution Edmund Randolph who at one time was mayor of Williams for the Ginia warned us that quote the executive will have great opportunities of abusing his power in quote professor of film and people like Mayor Randolph rebuild because of the tyranny of the King why with the framers so careful to avoid the potential for a president to become so to ran a cool and abusive and what did they do to protect against it. The framers believed very strongly that the people were the king that people were sovereign and that meant that the president worked for somebody he worked for the people they knew that a president who couldn t be checked who could not be supervised by his own Justice Department and who could not be supervised by Congress and could not be impeached would effectively be above the law and then would use his power to get himself reelected and that s why they created the impeachment committee thank you Professor film and I now want to discuss how the framers concerns about abuse of power relate to president trumps misconduct on July 25th President Trump said 2 presidents Alinsky quote I would like you to do us a favor though professor of film and when President Trump made use of the words favor. Do you believe that the president was benign really asking for a favor and how is the answer to that question relevant to whether the president abused his power its relevance or because there s nothing wrong with someone asking for favors in the interest of the United States of America the problem is for the president to use his office to solicit or demand a favor for his personal benefit and the evidence strongly suggests that given the power of the president and given the incentives that the president created for Ukraine to comply with his request that the president was seeking to serve his own personal benefit and his own personal interest that s the definition of corruption under the Constitution other witnesses of both so testified that it was their impression that when presidents Trump says I would like you to do us a favor though that he was actually making a hit man and not a request professor of film and how does Lieutenant Colonel Vin man s testimony that the president s statement was a demand because of the power disparity between the 2 countries relate back to our framers concerns about the president s abuse of power Lieutenant Colonel Inman s observation States. He clearly that you have to understand that the present United States has so much more power than the president of Ukraine that when the president uses the word favor the reality is that he s applying tremendous pressure the pressure of the power of the United States and that relates to the constitutional abuse of office if someone other than the present United States asked the president Ukraine to do a favor the president of Ukraine could say no when the president of United States uses the office of the presidency to ask for a favor it s a there s for simply no way for the president Ukraine to refuse thank you we ve also heard testimony that the president with Hilda White House meeting and military aid in order to further pressure Ukraine to announce investigations of mice President Biden and the 2016 election Professor Karlan Is that why you had testimony concluded that the president abused his power I thought the president abused his power by asking for an investor criminal investigation of the United States citizen for political ends regardless of everything else that s just it s not icing on the cake it s what you would call any aggravating circumstance that there was a need here all right thank you a president holding an American ally over a barrel to expect to extract personal favors is deeply troubling this is not a impulse buy a moment it s a break the glass moment and impeachment is the only appropriate remedy and with that I will you gentlemen years back Mr Jordan thank Mr Chairman before Speaker Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry 10 weeks ago on September 24th Republican Jim. Problem presents Alinsky on July 25th before the Moeller hearing in front of this committee on July 24th before all of that 16 of them had already voted to move forward on impeachment 16 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee had already voted to move forward on impeachment yet today we re talking about whether the positions they ve already taken are constitutional seems a little backward to me and we can t we can t get agreement I mean we got 44 Democrats or or 4 people who voted for Clinton and they can t agree. Yet today we re talking about the constitution now Professor Turley you ve been you ve been great today but I think you were wrong on one thing you said this is this is a fast impeachment I would argue it s not a fast impeachment it s a pre-determined impeachment predetermine impeachment done in the most unfair partisan fashion we have ever seen no subpoena power for Republicans depositions done in secret in the bunker in the basement the Capitol 17 people come in for those depositions no one can be in there is up a handful of folks that Adam Schiff allowed in those depositions chairmanship prevented witnesses from answering Republican questions every Democrat question got answered Not every Republican question Democrats and Republicans the witnesses we wanted in the open hearings that took place 3 weeks ago and of course Democrats promised us the whistleblower would testify and then change their mind and they change their mind why because the whole world discovered that Adam Schiff staff and talked to the whistleblower coordinator with the whistle blower whistle blower with no firsthand knowledge bias against the president who worked with Joe Biden who s a lawyer in January of 17 said the impeachment process starts then that s the unfair process we ve been through and the reason it s been fair and just cut to the chase. The reason it s been unfair is because the facts aren t on their side the facts are on the president s side 4 key facts will not change have not change will never change we have the transcript there was no quid pro quo in the transcript the 2 guys on the call present trouble presence Alinsky both said no pressure no pushing no quid pro quo the Ukrainians 3rd didn t know that the aide was held up at the time of the phone call and 4th and most important Ukraine is never started never promised to start and never announced an investigation in the time that the aid was paused never once but you know what did happen in those 55 days that the aid was passed there were 5 key meetings between presidents Alinsky and senior officials in our government 5 key meetings and the call in July 25th very next day July 26th we had Ambassador Volker Taylor and Stalin meet with presidents Linsky in key you then had a master Bolton end of August meet with President Selenski with another vice president meet with President Lenski on September 1st and we had 2 senators Republican and more importantly Democrat Senator Murphy with Republican Senator Johnson meet with presidents Lenski on September 5th none of those 5 meetings none of those 5 meetings was aide ever discussed in exchange for an announcement of an investigation and anybody not one of them and you would think the last 2 after the Ukrainians did know the aide was being held you would think it would come up then particularly one where you got Senator Murphy the Democrat they re talking about it never came up the facts are on the president s side but we ve got an unfair process because they don t have the facts we got an unfair process most importantly this gets to something else you said Mr Turley this is scary how mad the country. That was so well said This is scary the Democrats have never accepted the will of the American people. To Mr Turley s points 17 days ago 17 days ago the speaker of the United States House of Representatives called the president of the United States an imposter the guy 63000000 Americans voted for who want to elect a college landslide the speaker of the United States House of Representatives call that individual imposture that is not healthy for our country this is not healthy for the facts are the facts they are on the president s side that s what we need to focus on not some constitutional hearing at the end of the process when you guys have already determined where you re going to go with that I yield back. To Germany you gentlemen back to use to do it. Thank you Mr Chairman Mr Chairman this month we commemorate this is Democrat Ted relate to the Florida which my late Father Bernard toit s then Staff Sergeant Bernard voyage received a Purple Heart fighting in the frigid are dead and. He gave blood among tens of thousands of Americans who suffer casualties were casualties they served under officers and a commander in chief who were not fighting a war for their own personal benefit they put country 1st they made the same solemn promise that members of Congress and the president of the United States make to always put national interests above their own personal interest. The evidence shows that the president broke that promise the Constitution gives the president enormous power but it also imposes a remedy impeachment when those powers are abused in July President Trump said and I quote I have an article to where I have the right to do whatever I want as president close quote. Fessor Feldman the president has broad powers under the Constitution including in foreign policy isn t that right yes sir and do those powers mean that the president can do as he said whatever he wants as President Kennedy abuse the powers that the Constitution gives him he may not if the president uses the powers that he s given for personal gain or to corrupt an election or against the national security interest of the United States he may be impeached for a high crime in his demeanor is using his power to pressure Ukraine to interfere in u.s. Elections and abuse of power yes or Reza Gary Hart how would the framers of the Constitution have viewed a president asking for election interference from a foreign leader. It s always it s practically impossible to know exactly what the framers With thing but it s not hard to imagine how the Constitution deals with it that s their legacy to us and under the Constitution it s plainly an abuse of power is a rather horrifying abuse of power and Professor Karlan we ve heard witnesses over the past several weeks testify about their concerns when the president used his foreign policy powers for political gain Lieutenant Colonel women was shocked he couldn t believe what he heard on the phone call and se advisor Hill realized that a political errand was diverge ng from efforts to protect our national security policy and Ambassador Taylor thought it was crazy to withhold security assistance for help on a political campaign in France or Carlin these concerns are mere differences over policy or they know they go to the foundation the very foundation of our democracy and offering to exchange a White House meeting and hundreds of millions of dollars in security systems for help with his reelection that can t be part of our nation s foreign policy can it know it s the essence of doing something for personal reasons rather than for political reasons and if I could just say one thing about this very briefly which is May. Maybe when he was 1st running for president he had never been anything other than a reality t.v. Show. You know that was his public that was his public life maybe then he could think Russia if you re listening is an Ok thing to do but by the time he asked the Ukraine Ukraine if you re listening could you help but help me out with my reelection he has to have known that that was not something consistent with his oath of office Mr Chairman are our founders granted the president of the United States enormous powers but at the same time what we ve been reminded of today they worry that these powers could be abused by a corrupt president the evidence of abuse of power in this inquiry proved that our founders were right to be worried yes yes the president has the power to direct America s foreign policy but no he cannot use that power to cheat in our elections remember and I ask all of my colleagues to remember the Constitution grants the president his power through the American people the president source of power is a democratic election it is the American people the voters who trusted him to look out for them we trusted him to look out for the country but instead President Trump looked out for himself in helping himself get reelected he abused the power that we trusted him with for personal and political game the founders worried about just this type of abuse of power and they provided one way one way for Congress to respond and that s the power of impeachment Ubik Jeremy years back was the book. Thank you Mr Chairman Professor Turley I want to direct the for if you are asking questions is Republican Ken Buck of Colorado other 3 witnesses have identified this amorphous standard for impeaching a president they said that if a president abuses his power for personal or political gain it s impeachable conduct you agree with me not the way it s been stated in fact there are so many different standards and I got a long ways to go here and it well there s been so many different standards one of them was attempting to abuse office Ok I m not even sure how to recognize that let alone define it so let me let me go with a few examples and see if you agree with me Lyndon Johnson directed the Central Intelligence Agency to place a spot I and Barry Goldwater s campaign that s got advance copies of speeches another strategy deliver that to the Johnson campaign would that be impeachable conduct according to the other panelists. It s week 3 broadly so I assume so how about when President Johnson put a wiretap on Goldwater s campaign plane that be for political benefit Well I can t exclude anything under that definition Ok well I m going to go with a few other presidents will see where we go Congressman Deutsch just informed us that f.d.r. Put country 1st now Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he was president directed the i.r.s. To conduct audit s of his political enemies namely Huey Long. William Randolph Hearst Hamilton Fish father Kaufman would that be an abuse of power for political benefit according to the other panelists would that be impeachable conduct I think it all would be subsumed into it how about when President Kennedy directed his brother Robert Kennedy to deport one of his mistresses as an East German spy would that qualify as impeachable conduct once again I can t exclude it and how about when he directed the f.b.i. To use wiretaps on congressional staffers who opposed his him politically would that be impeachable conduct it would seem to be falling within it. And let s go to Barack Obama. When Barack Obama directed. Made a finding that the Senate was in recess and appointed people to the National Labor Relations Board and lost $9.00 to 0 Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted against the president on this issue would that be an abuse of power. I m afraid you have to direct it s others but I don t see any exclusions under their definition Ok And how about when the president directed his national security adviser and the secretary of state to lie to the American people about whether the ambassador to Libya was murdered as a result of a video or was murdered as a result of a terrorist act would that be an abuse of power for political benefit 17 days before the next election Well not according to my definition of the others will have to respond to their own well be you ve heard their definition you can I those facts they are deaf and hard time excluding anything out of style but when Abraham Lincoln arrested legislators in Maryland so that they wouldn t convene to secede from the union. In Virginia already had succeeded so it would have placed Washington d.c. The nation s capital in the middle of the rebellion would that have been an abuse of power for political benefit well could be under that definition and you mentioned George Washington a little while ago as perhaps having met the standard of impeachment for your other panelists in fact let me ask you something Professor Turley can you name a single president and the history of the United States save President Harrison who died $32.00 days after isn t moderation that would not have met the standard of impeachment for our friends here. I would hope to God James Madison would escape. Otherwise a lifetime of academic work would be shredded. By Once again I can t exclude many of these acts isn t what you and I and many others are afraid of is that the standard that your friends to the right of you and not politically but to the right of you sitting on there. That your friends have have decided that the bar is so low that when we have a Democrat president in office and a Republican House and a Republican Senate we re going to be going through this whole scenario again in a way that really puts the country at risk when you when your graphic says in your A.B.C. s that your b. Is b. Trail of national interest I would simply ask Do you really want that to be your standard now isn t the difference Professor Turley that some people live in an ivory tower and some people live in a swamp and those of us that are in the swamp are doing our very best for the American people actually not pretty Actually I live in an ivory tower in a swamp because I m a g. W. . And it s not so. Gentlemen you know the vacuum is best thank you very much and I want to think the witnesses is now Democrat Karen Bass of California President Nixon was impeached for abuse of power because his conduct was quote undertaken for his personal political advantage and not in further in some in a valid national policy objective and President Gerhardt Why was it significant that President Nixon acted for his personal political advantage and not in furtherance of any valid national policy objectives it s primarily significant because in acting for his own personal benefit and not for the benefit of the country he has crossed a line the line here is very clear and it becomes abuse of power when somebody is using the special authorities of the. Office for their own personal benefit and not the benefit of the country so can the same be said of President from that s could be Yes Yes Well thank you you know I m I m struck by the parallels because one of the things that Nixon did was he launched tax investigations of his political opponents here the evidence shows Trump try to launch a criminal investigation of his political opponent by a foreign government we have heard evidence suggesting that President Trump did this for his own personal gain and not for any national policy interest although President Trump claims that he withheld the aid because of concerns about corruption I do believe that we have example of the evidence of the truth. About her song The State of the president only cares about big stuff I noted there was big stuff going on in Ukraine like a war with Russia. And about a song in reply that he meant big stuff that benefits the president like the Biden investigation the Mr Giuliani was pushing Professor Feldman what would the framers have thought of a president who only cares about the quote big stuff that benefits him the framers were extremely worried about a president who served only his own interests or the interests of foreign powers that was their most serious concern when they designed the remedy of impeachment. So the evidence also suggests the president didn t even care if the investigation actually happened what he really cared about was the public announcement of the investigation so Professor Karlan how do we analyze these facts in the context of abuse of power well I think that to have a president ask for the investigation of his political opponents is an arc type of the abuse of power and you know Mr Buck mentioned past examples of this and to say that those weren t impeachable I think is a big mistake if a president wiretaps his opponents that s a via that s a federal crime now I don t know whether before the wiretap Act of 1968 it was if a president wiretapped his opponents today that would be impeachable conduct. I also serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee and I understand how significant it is to foreign leaders to meet with our presidents to attend the meeting in the Oval Office is very significant president Zelinsky is a newly elected head of state in a fledgling democracy his country is at war with his neighbor Russia invaded and is occupying his country s territory he needed the military resources to defend his country he needed the diplomatic recognition of the American president and he was prepared to do what ever the president demanded many years ago I worked in the nation s largest trauma unit as a p a a physician assistant I saw people at their worst in severe pain after accidents or acts of violence patients I took care of were desperate and afraid and had to wait 5 to 8 hours to be seen can you imagine for one minute if I had told my patients look I can move you up in line and take care of your pain but I do need a favor from you though my patients were in pain and they were desperate and they would have agreed to do anything I asked this would have been such an abuse. Of my position because of the power dynamic I had the power to relieve my patients from experiencing pain it s fundamentally wrong and in many cases illegal for us to use power to take advantage of those in crisis especially a president especially when lives are at stake he ll day. The general way back Mr Radcliffe thank the chairman. Turley I d like to say this is Republican John Ratcliffe I ve said something that I think bears repeating you said I m not a supporter of President Trump I voted against him in 2016 and I have previously voted for Presidents Clinton and Obama but despite your political preferences and persuasions you reached this conclusion the current legal case for impeachment is not just woefully inadequate but in some respects dangerous as the basis for impeachment of an American president so let me start by commending you for being the kind of example of what hopefully everyone on this committee will do as we approach the task that we have of determining whether or not there were any impeachable offenses here one of the problems that you ve articulated as leading you to the conclusion of calling this the should proceed the shortest impeachment proceeding with the thinnest evidentiary record in the narrowest grounds ever attempted to impeach a president. Is the fact that there has been this ever changing constantly evolving . Moving target of accusations if you will the July 25th phone call started out as an alleged quid pro quo and briefly became an extortion scheme a bribery scheme I think it s back to quid pro quo. Now besides pointing out that both Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff waited until almost every witness had been deposed before they even started to use the term bribery I think you ve clearly articulated why you think the definitions that they have used publicly. Are flawed if not unconstitutional both in the 18th century or in the 21st century. But would you agree with me that bribery under any valid definition requires that a specific quid pro quo be proven or is it more importantly the Supreme Court is focused on that issue as well as what is the definition of a quid pro quo so if military aid or security assistance is part of that quid pro quo. Where in the July 25th transcript does President Trump ever suggest that he intends to withhold military aid for any reason. He doesn t and that s reason we keep on hearing the word circumstantial and inferential and that s what is so concerning is that those would be appropriate terms you it s not that kind of a circumstantial case those would be appropriate terms if these were a noble facts but the problem is that you have so many witnesses that have not been subpoenaed so many witnesses that we have not heard from right so so if it s not in the transcript then it s got to come from witness testimony and I assume you ve reviewed all the witness testimony so you know that no witnesses testified that they either heard President Trump or were told by President Trump to withhold military aid for any reason Correct correct. So. Let me turn to the issue of obstruction of justice quickly I think you assumed as I did that when Democrats have been talking about obstruction it was specifically related to the Ukraine issue and I know you ve talked about that a lot today you ve clearly stated that you think the president had no corrupt intent on page 39 of your report you said something else I think that bears repeating today you were highlighting the fact that the Democrats appear to be taking the position that. If a president seeks judicial review over executive branch testimony or documents subpoenaed by Congress rather than letting the courts be the arbiter Congress can simply impeach the president for obstruction based on that that I hear you say that if we were to proceed on that basis that that would be an abuse of power I did and let me be very clear about this I don t disagree with my colleagues that nothing in the Constitution says you have to go to a quarter wait for a court that s not what I m saying what I m saying is that if you want a well based a legitimate impeachment case to set this abbreviated schedule demand documents and then impeach because they have been turned over when so when they go when they go to a court when the president has to record I think that is an abuse of power that s not what happened in Nixon and in fact the ultimate decision in Nixon was that there are legitimate executive privilege cames the claims could be raised and some of them deal with the type of aides involved in this case like a national security advisor like a White House counsel and so the concern here is not that there is that you can t ever impeach a president you go to court just as you shouldn t when you have time to do it so if I were to summarize your your testimony no bribery no store ssion no obstruction of justice no abuse of power is that fair not on this record the Germans time is that fired Mr Richmond. Thank you Mr Chairman let me just pick up where this is I drank Richmond a Democrat going to be an attorney with your words and it s from October 23rd your opinion piece and here you are You said that as I have said before there s no question that the use of public office for personal gain is an impeachable offense including the withholding of military aid in exchange for the investigation of a political opponent you just have to prove it happened if you can extend intent to use public office for personal gain you have a viable impeachable offense we heard today that the president abuses his power when he uses a fish to power for his own personal interest rather than interest of our country I like to spend more time on that because I m really struck by one of the things that was at stake here $400000000.00 of taxpayer dollars President Nixon leveraged the powers of his office to investigate political rivals but here the evidence shows that President Trump also leveraged taxpayer dollars to get Ukraine to announce sham investigations of President Trump s political rivals that taxpayer money was meant to help Ukraine defend itself and in turn defend United States interest from Russian aggression the money had been appropriated by Congress and certified by the Department of Defense multiple witnesses confirm that there was unanimous support for the military aid to Ukraine can we listen to that please from what you witnessed in anybody. In the national security community support withholding the assistance now. I never heard anyone advocate for holding the aid and the entire energy agency supported the continuation of the security assistance is not right that is correct I and others said in astonishment Ukrainians were fighting Russians and counted on not only the training and weapons but also the assurance of us support Professor Feldman you stated that the president s demand to the president of Ukraine constituted an abuse of power how does the president s decision to withhold military aid affect your analysis it means that it wasn t just an abuse of power because the president was serving his own personal interests but also an abuse of power in so far as the president was putting American national security interests behind his own personal interest so we brought together 2 important aspects of the abuse of power self gain and undercutting our national security interests that evidence points to President Trump using military force personal benefit not for the benefit of any official u.s. Policy professor Karlan how would the framers have interpreted that. Well I can t speak for the framers themselves obviously my view is that they would say that the president s authority to use foreign aid and they they probably could ve imagined we even were giving foreign aid because we were tiny poor country then so it s a little it s a it s a it s a little hard to translate that but what they would have said is a president who doesn t think 1st about the security of the United States is not doing what his oath requires him to do which was faithfully execute the laws here a law appropriating money and defend the Constitution of the United States thank you. Let s go back to a segment of Mr Turley s quote that if you can extend Washington to use public office for personal gain you have a viable impeachable offense. Mr Feldman do we meet that criteria here in my view the evidence does meet that criteria and that s the judgment that you should be making mis calling Yes And the one question I would just have for the minority members of the committee is if you were convinced that the president held up the aid because he thought it would help his reelection would you vote to impeach him because I think that s really the question that everyone on this committee should be asking and if they conclude yes then they should vote to impeach Mr Garrott Yes I agree and one thing I would add. Is that much talk has been made here about the term bribery in court decisions with respect to bribery it s your job it s the House s job to define bribery not the courts you follow your judgment on that. I want to thank the witnesses all of the witnesses for coming and testifying today this is not an easy decision it s not a comfortable decision but it s one that s necessary we all take an oath to protect the Constitution military men and women go and put their lives on the line for the constitution and we have an obligation to follow the Constitution whether it s convenient or easy thank you and I yield back the balance of you know many years back Mr Robey very quickly Professor Charlie would you like to respond. This is Republican Martha Roby of Alabama a what was said in the column is exactly what I ve said in my testimony the problem is not that abuse of power can never be in a peach bowl offense you just have to prove it and you haven t it s not enough to say I infer this was the purpose I infer that this is what was intended when you re not actually subpoenaing people would direct knowledge and instead you re saying we must vote in this rocket docket of an impeachment so this leads to my statement that I d like to make. Of course the United States House of Representatives has initiated impeachment inquiry as against a president of the United States only 3 times in our nation s history prior to this one there is impeachment inquiry as were done in this committee the Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over impeachment matters here in 2019 under this inquiry fact witnesses have been called. A fact witness that have been called for in front of the Intelligence Committee we have been given no indication that this committee will can taught substantive hearings with fact witnesses as a member serving on the Judiciary Committee I can say that the process in which we are participating is insufficient unprecedented and grossly inadequate sitting before us is a panel of witnesses containing 4 distinguished law. Professors from some of our country s finest educational institutions I do not doubt that each of you are extremely well versed in the subject of constitutional law and yes there is precedent for similar panels in the aforementioned history but only after specific charges have been made known and the underlying facts presented in full due to an exhaustive investigation however I don t understand why we are holding this hearing at this time with these witnesses my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have it made it they don t know what articles of impeachment they will consider how does anyone expect a panel of law professors to weigh in on the legal grounds for impeachment charges prior to even knowing what the charges brought that this committee are going to be some of my Democrat colleagues have stated over and over that impeachment should be a nonpartisan process and not a green one of my colleagues in the Democratic Party stated and I quote impeachment is so divisive to the country that in less there is something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan I don t think we should go down that path because it divides the country my Democratic colleagues have stated numerous times that they are on a truth seeking and fact finding mission another one of my Democratic colleagues said and I quote We have a responsibility to consider the facts that emerge squarely and with the best interest of our country not our party in our hearts these type of historic proceedings regardless of political beliefs ought to be about fact finding and truth seeking but that is not what this is turned out to be again no disrespect to these witnesses but for all I know this is the only hearing that we will have and none of them are fact witnesses my colleagues are saying. One thing and doing something completely different no member of Congress can look their constituents in the and say this is a comprehensive fact finding truth seeking mission ranking member Collins in members of the minority on this committee have written 6 letters over the past month to Chairman that are asking for procedural fairness for all the underlying evidence to be transmitted to the Judiciary Committee to expand the number of witnesses and have an even more bipartisan panel here today and for clarity on today s impeachment proceedings since we haven t received evidence to review the minority has yet to receive a response to these letters right here today is another very clear example for all Americans to truly understand the ongoing lack of transparency and openness with these proceedings the witness list for the for this hearing was not released until late Monday afternoon opening statements from the witnesses today were not distributed until late last night and the intelligence committees Spamalot report has yet to be presented to this committee you hear from those in the majority that process is a Republican talking point when in reality it is an American talking point process is essential to the institution a thoughtful meaningful process of this magnitude with such great implications should be demanded by the American people with that I yield back you know only of years back Mr Jeffers. I did not serve in the military Democrat going to Jeff Rense of New York he was an Air Force veteran station in Germany during the height of the Cold War in the late 1950 s. He was a teenager from inner city Newark a stranger in a foreign land serving on the western side of the Berlin Wall. My dad proudly wore the uniform because he swore an oath to the Constitution and believed in American democracy I believe in American democracy we remain the last best hope on earth it is in that spirit that we perceive today 1st of Karl in America we believe in free and fair elections is that correct yes it is but authoritarian regimes do not does that right that s correct Thomas Jefferson once wrote. Well John Adams once wrote to Thomas Jefferson on December 6th 787 and stated you are apprehensive of foreign interference intrigue and fluence So am I but as often as elections happen the danger of foreign influence recurs 1st of all and how important was the concept of free and fair elections to the framers of the Constitution honestly it was less important to them than it s become in our Constitution since then and if you ll remember the thing that took one of the things that turned me into a lawyer was seeing Barbara Jordan who is the 1st female lawyer I d ever seen in practice say on the committee that we the people didn t include people like her in 789 but through a process of amendment we have done that and so elections are more important to us today as a constitutional matter than they were even to the framers and is it fair to say that election cannot be reasonably characterized as free and fair if it s manipulated by foreign interference that s correct and the friends of the Constitution would generally and deeply concerned with the threat of foreign interference in the domestic affairs of the United States true yes and why would they so deeply concern because foreign nations don t have our interest at heart they have their interests at heart and with the framers find it acceptable for an American president to pressure a foreign government to help him win an election I think they d find it unacceptable for a president for a president to ask a foreign government to help them whether they put pressure on him or not the record evidence shows direct evidence shows that on the July 25th phone call the president uttered 5 words do us a favor though. He pressured the craning government to target an American citizen for political gain and at the same time simultaneously withheld $391000000.00 in military aid now Ambassador Bill Taylor West Point graduate Vietnam War hero Republican appointed diplomat discussed this issue of military aid Here s a clip of his testimony again or holding up of security systems that would go to a country that is fighting aggression from Russia. For no good policy reason no good substantive original no good for national security reason is wrong. To the extent the military aid was being withheld as part of an effort to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 election is that behavior and piece of oh yes it is and if I could go back to one of the words you read when the president said Do us a favor he was using the royal we there it wasn t a favor for the United States he should have said do me a favor because only King say us when they mean me. And is it correct that an abuse of power that strikes at the heart of our democracy fall squarely within the definition of a high crime and misdemeanor Yes it does so my colleagues have suggested that impeachment would overturn the will of the people the American people expressed their will and November of 20 team the will of the people elected a new majority the will of the people elected a house that would not function as a wholly owned subsidiary of this administration the will of the people elected House that understands we are separate and co-equal branch of government the will of the people of elected a House that understands we have a constitutional responsibility to serve as a check and balance on an out of control executive branch the president abused his power and must be held accountable no one is above the law America must remain the last best hope. On Earth. I yield back gentleman yields back Mr Gates will the American people also elected Donald Trump to be the president United States is now Republican ragin gate and there s one point I can t seem to get over it now we understand the fact that in 2018 you took the House of Representatives and we haven t spent our time during your tenure in power trying to remove the speaker of the house trying to deal with your ability to govern frankly we d love to govern with you we d love to pass us in m.c.a. We d love to put out a helping hand or seniors and lower prescription drug prices it s the will of the people you ignore when you could see in you down this terrible road of impeachment Professor Gary Hart you gave money to Barack Obama right. My family did yes 4 times . That sounds about right Mike Yes Mr and I was seriously amiss consent request Roy and a professor Feldman s work the 1st No If element trumps wiretap tweets raise risk of impeach work been Pietschmann. The gentleman will suspend as I have the Met my time. Will take that time off as the gentleman submitted and we see those the interior we can provide it to you as is to end with our unity it will consider the. Requests later if who you know very well thank you gentlemen they continue Thank you Mr Chairman Mr Feldman wrote articles and titled Trump s wiretap tweets raise risk of impeachment He then wrote Mar a Lago ad belongs in impeachment file and then Mr Flanagan wrote in in courts a Harvard law professor thinks Trump could be impeached over fake news accusations my question Professor Feldman is since you seem to believe that the basis for impeachment is even broader than the basis that my Democrat colleagues have laid forward do you believe you re outside of the political mainstream on the question of impeachment I believe that impeachment is warranted whenever the president abuses his power for personal benefit or to corrupt the democratic process did you write an article entitled It s hard to take impeachment seriously now yes I did right then and that article did you have a right to all that is going on times that I wrote you write since since the late Bunny and Sue mid-term election House Democrats have made it painfully clear that discussing impeachment is primarily or even exclusively a tool to weaken President Trump chances in 2020 did you write those words until this call in July 25th I was an impeachment skeptic they re all trying to my mind sir and for God s mercy at your testimony Professor Carl and you gave 2000 bucks or you gave $1000.00 to Elizabeth Warren right I believe you gave $1200.00 to Barack Obama. I have no reason to question that and you gave 2000 bucks to Hillary Clinton that s correct that I so much more for Hillary than the other 2 because I ve been giving a lot of money to charity recently because of all of the poor people in the United States those are the only Those are the only folks you ve been given to now you have you ever been on a podcast called versus Trump. I think I was on a live panel that the people who ran the podcast called verses on that do you remember saying the following liberals tend to cluster more conservatives especially very conservative people tend to spread out more perhaps because they don t even want to be around themselves would you say that yes I did. Do you do you understand how that reflects contempt on people who are conservative No what I was talking about there was the natural tendency if you put the quote in context the natural tendency of a compactness requirement to favor a party whose voters are more spread out well and I do not have candles on I get on very bit and I m very limited on time reverser And so I just have to say when you talk about how liberals want to be around each other and cluster and conservatives don t want to be around each other and so they have to spread out it makes people you may not see this from you know like the ivory towers of your law school but it makes actual people in this country when the light doesn t use all the men all get to interrupt me on this time now let me also suggest that when you invoke the president s son s name here when you try to you are listening to special coverage of the impeachment hearings from n.p.r. News ability to your argument it makes you look mean it makes you look like you re attacking someone s family the minor child of the president of the United States so let s see if we can get into the facts to all of the witnesses if you have personal knowledge of a single material fact in the shift report please raise your hand. And let the record reflect no personal knowledge of a single fact and you know what that continues on the tradition that we saw from Adam Schiff where Ambassador Taylor could not identify an impeachable offense Mr Kent never met with the president Fiona Hill never heard the president reference anything regarding military aid Mr Hale was unaware of any nefarious activity with 8 colonel didn t even rejected the Democratic talking point that bribery was invoked here and bass or Volcker denied that there was a quid pro quo and Mr Morrison says it was nothing wrong on the call The only direct evidence came from Gordon song when you spoke to the president States and the president said I want nothing no quid pro quo. And you know what if wiretapping of political opponents an image warrants out for going out and I m sure General because maybe it s a different president we should be teaching animes time is expired miss this is silly me thank you Mr progressive let me begin with now asking questions is Democrat David your selenium brother president tells the president of Ukraine to investigate his political adversary is it it is not it is not hearsay when the president then confesses on national television to doing that is that it is not it is not hearsay when administration officials testified that they hear the president say he only cares about the investigations of his political opponent. No that is not hearsay and there s lots of other direct evidence in this 300 page report from the Intelligence Committee so let s dispense with that claim by my Republican colleagues Professor Garrity present truly notwithstanding what he said today wrote an August 1st 2014 in a piece called 5 Myths about impeachment one of the myths she was rejecting was that impeachment required a criminal offense and he wrote and I quote an offense does not have to be indicted of all serious misconduct or violation of public trust is enough and quote was Professor truly right when he wrote that back in 2014 yes I agree with that Ok now . Next time we move to Professor Karlan at the Constitutional Convention Elbridge Gerry said and I quote foreign powers will intermeddle in our affairs and spear no expense to influence them and their response James Madison said that impeachment was needed because otherwise a president I quote might betray his trust to a foreign power President can you elaborate on why the framers were so concerned about foreign interference how they accounted for these concerns and how that relates to the facts before this committee so the reason that the framers were concerned about foreign interference I think is slightly different than the reason we are they were concerned about it because we were such a weak country and 7 $189.00 we were small we were poor we didn t have an established Navy we didn t have enough.

Radio-program , National-security , Latin-legal-terms , Political-terminology , Harvard-law-school-alumni , International-relations , California-democrats , American-legal-scholars , Member-states-of-the-united-nations , American-lawyers , Evidence-law , Political-science

Transcripts for KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] 20191203 200000

Thanks. That firm keep e.f.t. Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles This is rising up on Ali and I m your host son on legal hot car we re online at rising up what s on Ali dot com In today s news headlines House Republicans have released their own report on the impeachment inquiry to rebut the official report from committees that was shared with members on Monday the Republican Party s $123.00 page report which was obtained by media outlets claims that quote the evidence presented does not prove any of these Democrat allegations and none of the Democrats witnesses testified to having evidence of bribery extortion or any high crime or misdemeanor House Intelligence chair Representative Adam Schiff denounced the report as having been written for quote an audience of one and he added that it quote ignores voluminous evidence that the president used to the power of his office to pressure Ukraine into investigating his political rival by withholding military aid and a White House meeting the president of Ukraine desperately sought committee members voted on the official report on Tuesday after being given copies on Monday President Donald Trump was currently in London for the annual NATO summit took an opportunity to blast just political rivals while speaking with reporters he dismissed an idea of censuring him as a weaker alternative to impeachment saying quote I did nothing wrong you don t center somebody when they did nothing wrong you also accused Democrats of being quote unpatriotic while at the summit Trump also clashed with French President Emanuel McCraw saying he had made quote very very nasty comments about trumps role in NATO McCraw had recently claimed a trumps u.s. Leadership. Was leading to a quote brain death of NATO Trump on Tuesday responded saying you can t just you just can t go around making statements like that about NATO it s very disrespectful he may have forgotten the many times that he has personally insulted NATO including calling members of the alliance delinquent only a year ago. Despite Trump s trip to Europe the impeachment process here in the Us will continue with the House Judiciary Committee ordering hearings starting on Wednesday committee chair Jerrold Nadler revealed the list of legal scholars that will testify including No I felt many Harvard law professor Pamela Karlan a law professor at Stanford and Michael Gerhardt a law professor at the University of North Carolina Republicans are calling their own witnesses including Jonathan Turley a law professor at George Washington University there are now reports that Democrats may be considering expanding the list of prompts impeachment offenses beyond the Ukraine stand all. The Justice Department s inspector general has reportedly concluded that the f.b.i. Has had enough reason to launch a probe of the 2016 presidential campaign and collusion with Russia but Attorney General William Barr is apparently skeptical of that conclusion the highly anticipated report on December 9th is the culmination of an investigation done at bar and Trump s behest in order to undermine the special counsel s investigation if Barr rebuts his own department s conclusion it would confirm the partisanship that he s been accused off and repeatedly siding with Trump Meanwhile bar slammed a judge s recent ruling that has allowed lawmakers to see secret grand jury evidence from the special counsel s probe saying that it would discourage future witnesses. Republican lawmaker Duncan Hunter has pled guilty to one of a series of campaign finance violations hunter who represents areas in southern California including parts of Riverside and San Diego had been accused of violating laws for years only language reminiscent of President Trump he had denounced the investigations as fake news a witch hunt and the product of the deep state the l a Times explained that hunters wife and former campaign manager Margaret Hunter admitted to her role in a widespread scheme that saw the couple allegedly spend more than $200000.00 in campaign donations on family expenses like vacations gas groceries school lunches and oral surgery a u.s. Appeals court on Tuesday directed to issue bank and Capital One financing group to turn over Trump s financial records to House committees that have subpoena them the ruling represents another defeat for the president was striven to keep his finances a secret for years. The California State Utilities Commission has just released its report on Pacific Gas and Electric or p.g. And e. California as a model to private utilities company the findings are damning and conclude that key Jenny was responsible for the devastating camp fire that destroyed the town of Paradise last year and killed $85.00 people according to the report quote the identified shortcomings in p.g. And E. s inspection and maintenance of the incident power were not isolated but rather indicative of an overall pattern of adequate inspection and maintenance of p.g. And E. s transmission facilities a day before the report was released Laurette m. Lynch the former president of the California state utilities commission but changed her position at p.g. And e. Seeing she now thinks the state should take it over. The u.s. Senate on Monday confirmed of formal auto industry lobbyist the head of the Energy Department replacing outgoing secretary Rick Perry that grew at was once a lot b.s. For Ford Motor Company and won over 70 senators including several Democrats to oversee the Energy Department. The Washington Post on Monday a pained e-mail showing that state senators in Montana took direction from health industry health insurance industry lobbyists and writing op eds that slammed a Medicare fraud plan the lobby group called Partnership for America s health care future is funded by the industry that relies on our current health care system and that one of the groups consultants provided language but the Medicare for all our beds. The Center for Constitutional Rights c.c.r. Has just published a report on Alec the American Legislative Exchange Council showing that the group has generated bills that promote racism and white supremacy in states across the country Alec whose annual summit opens on Wednesday has been the source of cookie cutter state level builds on a host of conservative issues the report by c.c.r. Is called Alec attacks and was produced by collaboration with Dream Defenders Palestine legal and other groups in international news 7 men have been sentenced up to 50 years in the murder of Honduran and Vajra mental and indigenous rights activist Burke that Gossett s. a Man were convicted a year ago after a court ruled that the leadership of a dam building company ordered home murder. Tensions have once more ratcheted up between the u.s. And North Korea with President Trump again resorting to demeaning name calling against Kim Jong un Trump called Mr camera Rocket Man while the North Korean leader slammed talks for the u.s. As a quote foolish trick he warned the u.s. To drop its quote hostile policy and ominously added It is entirely up to the u.s. What Christmas gift it will get. Protesters in Iran continued their activism against the Iranian regime even as leaders admitted that security forces had killed what they called rioters Amnesty International released a report on Monday concluding that more than 200 people have been killed by the government crackdown on dissent and anger over rising fuel prices meanwhile u.s. Intelligence sources of announced that Iran faces a serious economic recession as a result of being cut off from access to funds through severe international sanctions. And finally California Sen Campbell Harris has just announced her withdrawal from the Democratic Party presidential race heiresses bid made an initial splash a chance recently struggled to make headway in the polls and our campaign was suffering from infighting and a lack of cash and that doesn t fire News Headlines Today will be back with the best of the show after this break. This is rising up with on Ali and I m your host son Ali called hot car on a special national broadcast for the Pacifica Radio Archives airing on keep b.f.a. 94 point one f.m. In Berkeley K.B. s 90.7 f.m. In Los Angeles w b i 99.5 f.m. In New York City keep e.f.t. 90 point one f.m. In Houston Texas and 89.3 f.m. In Washington d.c. The legendary civil rights activist Rosa Parks was on entered with a new statue in downtown Montgomery Alabama on Sunday 64 years to the day that she was arrested for refusing to move to the back of a city bus today will kick off this hour long broadcast with a clip of Rosa Parks speaking to Sidney Rodgers on December 1st 1059 about her break 155 about her brave stand her voice along with hundreds of other iconic figures from American and world history is preserved by the Pacifica Radio Archives and as you re listening to Rosa Parks today please call us at 807350230 pledge 250 dollars to get your own copy of the archives is voices that change the world order your collection on a u.s.b. Memory stick we have a goal of 22 callers this hour to help raise the funds that are needed to keep the . Pacifica Radio Archives alive and thriving I laughed way on my way home the Sam 950 fad about 6 o clock in the afternoon. Downtown. As they. Proceeded out of town on the theory they. Might just head feel their front of the bus when I got own the bus they. Was feel with the passengers and they were beginning to Spain and the sea. Was a voice of the seats where the negro passenger. Take as a around. They noted that they have front of the. Field with passengers and. There would be. 23 me and standing he looked back and that the seat I had taken along with 3 places one in the seat with me and 2 across was seated he demanded the seat that we occupied and they all the passengers there it looked and they gave up their seats but I refused to do so. And the officers of the law they came and placed me. And I was. On. There is and. They. Feel. On the next Monday and they protest began from that day and it is still continuing and measures are just one in the world ever made you decide to be the person after all these years of Jim Crow and segregation What made you work that. Particular moment decided you were going to keep that seat and I think that I was not being treated right then that I had a right to retain the seat that I had taken as a passenger on the bus but Mrs Parks you have been mistreated for many many many years you lived most of your life in more government Alabama what made you decide the 1st part of the month of December 1955 that you would have them out. That time had this kind. Of been placed as. They in to be placed I suppose Mrs Parks had you planned there s no ahead and it just happened yes at the as well have there been many times before in your life when you thought that maybe you were going to do just that kind of. I hadn t thought that I would be the place and to say it had occurred to me but don t you suppose you and many others for one time or another you were going to do those things sooner or later or we didn t know what to expect. An avid. Ways try to have trouble and be as careful as possible to stay out of travel and long as. I want to make various saidan they did this on the state of it I had not taken a seat in the White say. As has been reported in many cases they say. We were in the coast and taken this seat on the way home even though at times own this own the same bus route we had the same seat with white standing in. Space had been taken the seat had been taken out and I was there my surprise at that Dravid at this point the man did that I removed myself from the seat you have done something here that I didn t quite understand myself namely this you said you did not. Take a seat in the white section that I had that and that is there s no doubt that it has been reported in that way what happened that you were in what is normally a colored section and because whites had to stand up at this point the driver asked you to get up to allow someone else to sit down yes I place a white person to sit down yes a person who may or may not have been as tired as you manage straight but who had not paid any more than you had no hand and then what happened. They dragged so you had that if Barry used to leave the seat he would have to come out of a police and tell him just call the police. Day and when they they came they placed me on there it was not a pretty frightening thing to be arrested in Montgomery Alabama you know I wasn t you weren t frightened Why are you frightened I don t know why I wasn t that. Afraid and I had. Decided that I would have to know once and what rights I had as a human being and a citizen even my gammer Alabama because you considered yourself a citizen as well as a human being in Montgomery Alabama you say you weren t frightened and yet to be arrested in Montgomery especially on a charge in which you are in which you are challenging the whole system of segregation could be a pretty frightening thing it could even lead to a certain amount of physical brutality couldn t it that s possible he could have but those didn t bother you no he didn t and a lot of people of course are feel quite ashamed at the disgrace of being arrested apparently you didn t feel there was any disgrace involved in this one you know night in this well then you were arrested and what was the charge validation of this segregation this state and state of Alabama transportation Yes but you were so . And the colored section what Laura were you violating I did think as validating in. Mrs Parks the recent trial of rubber and male came it was brought up by the defense so there had been over many many years many brutalities and humiliations of negro passengers on these buses can you give us some examples that you yourself have seen or experienced personally of some of these humiliations that took place day after day when you were writing the buses yes I have been refused they. Would not pay my riding go around there to. Let me have that again now you need to pay your fare at the front and then were forced to walk around and enter into the rear door if it was a custom if that bus was crowded to the point where the right passes that stat. And even if it was raining or anything of that sort you might have to pay your fare at the front and walk back in the rain to the back of the bus and get it yes that s true but this barge that you were arrested you say you went to you you posted bond did you have a trial yes and you were found innocent or guilty. And what a case. Out of this particular incident of your being arrested and. Convicted and appealing How did this lead to this particular protest. From the time of the there is tonight and and Saturday and Sunday it would have gotten around over money. Because of this and sedan. And people just begin to this sad that they wouldn t ride the bus on the day of match which was the fear. And London. Wanting. They remain there and people. Getting. People who would take them as best they could. Meeting at the Hope Street Baptist Church. And there were many 1000 people. They. Kept coming and some people never did get in the church they were so many in the face they were Maying out that this had been so successful it was. Banned that. We wouldn t read the request had been granted. Mrs Parks How did word get around Montgomery Alabama so quickly 1st of all that you were arrested and convicted and 2nd of all how did the word get around so quickly that there would be a meeting and that people would refuse to ride. Their. Telephone calls from those who knew bad to. So an article came out in the news paper on Friday moaning about the negro woman over the segregation she was stated in the front of the white section the and refuse to take a seat in their area of the it was a face newspaper account. They didn t write on the day of the trial they walked and then how come they kept right on walking and they can t own walking because I was not in the place and who had been mistreated and humiliated. Had gone through the same experience even waste experienced and. And they failed that. The time had that they should. Decide that we would have to stop supposing they best company until we were given van to say this. How did it happen to become the kind of religious movement it became. Or at least we seem to understand it as a kind of a religious movement there s the talking of walking and praying there s the whole appeal to the. The religious peaceful aspect and of course a number of ministers have taken a very active part in the leadership how did this come about. I think this came about because they manifest. There might interested in it and we had our meetings in the churches and being the minority we felt that nothing could be gained by the balance there it s. A bit later in 82. We believe that no could be accomplished through the 9 balance passive resistance we had no quarrel with anyone we only have to. Stop reading the best is until we. Treat it as any other passenger and what you mean when you say is if you are treated as any other person here does this mean for example that you want these buses to be completely desegregated. If that s true you want to stop the segregation on these buses Mrs Rosa Parks December $955.00 and that is an incredible taste of what the Pacifica Radio Archives preserves decades of American history and of course this incredible interview with none other than Rosa Parks done by Sidney Rogers in 1955 the same month that she was arrested for her brave stand just one of the many many things that are available to us part of our voices the change the world encyclopedia of sound it s an incredible collection of ordeal on a single $64.00 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick and all of this history can be yours if you call us right now 180-735-0230 extension 1 this national broadcast and if you pitch $250.00 right now to Pacifica Radio Archives you help the beat you will be helping. To keep this kind of ordeal preserved and available for future generations when you get there enjoy yourself close right now 180-735-0230 page 250 dollars We ve had a few calls already this hour and we are we have a goal of $22.00 callers this hour we are broadcasting across the nation so this is every major signal area that Pacifica Radio has the 5 signal areas in stations around the country that means there s many many thousands of you listening and we just need a couple dozen a few to call us at 180-735-0230 page 200 $50.00 on this Giving Tuesday the keep the Pacifica Radio Archives alive and get your very own copy of voices that change the world what does that include Rosa Parks and others joining me now in studio I keep b.f. Gate Los Angeles where we are broadcasting from e s the director of the Pacific Army archives Mark Torres Mark this is an incredible gift that you re giving away they really is thank you for joining us on this special day for the Pacifica radio archive Sonali and we would like to also thank all of you listeners in all 5 signal areas and all of the stations and programmers who have given the state of the Pacifica Radio Archives we do this only once a year ladies and gentlemen there may be fun drives going on at your local stations but once a year each station gives up a day for the Pacifica Radio Archives because we are the holders of the 65000 recordings from all 5 signal areas going back to 1949 and we need your help to continue our work we have 15000 digitized 50000 to go every 2 $150.00 donation we can digitize and archive another program please get to the phones 180-735-0230 we re getting calls from all around the country Michael can. Allen from Washington d.c. Paul Bundy from Palo Alto Keith Barton from Berkeley California police here Graham from Los Angeles Andrew Gargano from Wayne New Jersey Sharon Wilkinson from Alexandria Virginia Sean Taylor Sebastopol California and so many others please join them we need the entire network of Pacifica Radio and all of the listeners to call right now to help support the Pacifica Radio Archives we have 18 people that we need to have call right now if 4 people call from each of our signal areas we re done for this hour and actually Mark we have a match for this our rights which is very exciting you get to double your contribution up to a $1000.00 this hour if you pledge $250.00 you could double your donation the 1st actually so that would be the 1st 4 callers pledging $250.00 would have their donations to Pacifica Radio Archives double thanks to a generous matching pledge so call us right not eat 107350230 What you get when you pledge for the archives is of course you get to preserve our history in order your format but you personally get 1432 hours of public radio history on a single 64 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick which is incredibly cheap if you think about how much ordeal you re getting and what quality or year you re getting including the clip of Rosa Parks that you just heard that was a taste of tiny taste of the thousands or you know nearly 1500 hours of audio that is available as our thank you gift voices that changed the world at 180-735-0230 It s part of the Encyclopedia of sound and it s our thank you gift to you today during this national broadcast on Giving Tuesday by the way this fun drive had to be postponed for 2 weeks because of the impeachment hearings but the bigger radio took the trouble to air these historic impeachment hearings. Live so it s put the archives a little bit behind this drive should have happened 2 weeks ago they should have had you know their projected monthly funding flow gets delayed by 2 weeks and of course it actually worked out since it is giving Tuesday after you ve sort of spent your money on Black Friday if you ve done that or Cyber Monday and maybe you have maybe you haven t Regardless make up for it by giving on Giving Tuesday to your favorite nonprofits that included the Pacifica Radio Archives 18735023 zeroes a phone number to call we need 18 people calling in budging 250 dollars from all of the 5 signal areas that we re broadcasting on right now to get your very own copy of what he says that change the world so we re going to go in just a moment to an incredible clip of Martin Luther King Jr speaking about militarism and war and how war funding is taking away from the things that actually matter a conversation that is so relevant to our current political moment but before we do that Mark I know that you are very excited about the fact that it is giving Tuesday today and there s a lot of money food nonprofits today absolutely just about $200000000.00 is given on Giving Tuesday if we can get a fraction of that we have $1000000.00 We re good to go we can complete the digitization of the remaining $50000.00 programs there are some large donors we had somebody give a $1000.00 matching fund for this our thank you so much so we need for people to call right now 187350230 Remember your contribution is tax deductible we are a nonprofit unit of the Pacific Foundation goes twice as far as the 1st 4 people who call will be matched by one of these generous donors who donated a $1000.00 if you would like to be. One of those angels you can donate 1000 dollars 5000 dollars will use it as a match in a future hour so next. To Martin Luther King Jr on February 25th 1967 d a speech at the Beverly Hilton in verses military costs a 3rd casualty of the war in Vietnam is a great society. There s going to feel the wall has played havoc with our domestic destiny. Despite feeble protestations to the contrary the promises of the great society have been shot down on the battlefields of Vietnam. Pursuit of this wide and wall has now a domestic welfare program making the white and Negro bad the heaviest burdens both at the front and at home. While the anti-poverty program is called initiated salvos list supervised and evaluated fought immediate results billions of liberal liberally expended this ill considered war. The recent reveal Miss estimate of the wall budget amounts to $10000000000.00 for a single year this Aaron alone the amount committed to anti-poverty program. This a carrot we profess to seek in foreign adventures we will lose in our decaying cities the bombs in Vietnam explode at home. To decent America. If we reversed investments and gave the on. A budget the generals could be forgiven if they walked off the battlefield and. Poverty. Poverty. Problems and social progress in general they are ignored when the guns of walled. A common national obsession. When it is not our security that is at stake but questionable and they regime values disintegrate into foolish an adolescent slogan. It is estimated that we spend $322000.00 for each enemy we kill. We spend in the so-called war on poverty in America only about $55.00 is poor we have escalated the war in Vietnam and the escalated the skirmish against poverty it challenges the imagination comtemplated what lives we could transform if we were to cease killing. It is irrefutable. The press. Our war policy excites pronounced contempt. And aversion virtually everywhere even when some national governments for reasons of economic and diplomatic interests do not condemn us that have made clear they do not share the official policy. In a world demand in social and economic justice we must undergo a very good reordering of on national priorities. Dr 5th 1967 of the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles talking about the expenses of the Vietnam War and how the impact the domestic needs of this country and he could have been giving this exact same talk about the wars that are happening today we are told over and over again right there s not enough money for Medicare for olders not enough money for one of the things that we need for free college for free public education and to fully fund public educational for a subsidized housing there s never enough money for that but there s always new money for and you have 35 so he s talking relevant today you know. Way that is so Howard full is part of why we strive to preserve the Pacifica Radio Archives every single day and you re listening to a special Sunday fundraiser on Giving Tuesday that the archive or you have to do is call us at 180-735-0235 owners to get your very own copy of 1432 hours of public radio history on a single u.s.b. Memory stick 64 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick that $250.00 pledge gets you this beautiful and powerful thank you gift that includes the clip that you just heard and most of all that donation keeps the archives alive so call us at 180-735-0230 we have a goal of 22 callers this hour we ve had about 6 or 7 so far so we re well on our way but we ve got to up the pace in studio with me is Mark Tori s director of the archive again Sonali on the on our National Day on all 5 signal areas here in Los Angeles San Francisco Bay Area Oakland Berkley New York Washington d.c. And Houston Texas thank you all for joining us we re getting calls from all 5 signal areas thank you but we need you to keep the phones ringing the good news is we did a $1000.00 match and we got 6 callers so we made that match the challenge is we need 16 more people to call for us to reach our goal this hour and I know Sonali is a very competitive person really and. Would like for us to make the school yes yes I would absolutely like for us to make this go but not because I m competitive but because I love the Pacific I read archives and like many of the Pacific I programmers I believe in its importance because the programming that I do every day the content that I create every day alongside the content that other programmers create every day that s preserved in the archives for future generations and so today we re listening to ordeal that was recorded on our stations decades ago and it is here today and available for you to listen to enjoy think about an analyzer and be inspired by because the. The Archives has been very carefully keeping charge of them preserving them and disseminating them so please call us right now is 180-735-0230 pledge $250.00 which honestly I know it sounds like a lot of money but what you re getting is so much you are getting I promise you a bargain voices to change the world 1432 hours of public radio history on a 64 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick it s been one of the archives as most popular thank you gifts and we re very excited to offer it to you today digital technology allows us to send it to any pocket sized you know keys of hardware instead of the many many C.D. s that we used to and before that percent tapes and history have to share now in a few minutes we re going to hear Robert Kennedy speaking at San Fernando Valley State College which is now called Cal State Northridge in a speech given March of 1968 just months before he was assassinated a very powerful message again hugely relevant to our current political situation that speech is called which side are you on but before we go to that please keep those calls coming in 18735023 zeros a number to call and all of the history that you re listening to today is preserved in the archives and so much more we ve been sort of short facing black history so far we re going to be but what you get on this memory stick as you know women s history and to history and cultural history in music history in the you know and so much more so call us 18750230 It s a $250.00 pledge for a huge trove a treasure trove of audio that s yours for the keeping even as you help to preserve the Pacifica Radio Archives on this Giving Tuesday so make it your good deed for the day you know not too long ago Sonali we would offer a single cd like a speech from Noam Chomsky for a $50.00 play I remember those oh fuck. C.D. s and you re at $250.00 today here we are 10 years later and we re offering 12 over 1200 hours for to the same amount of money people have said that I ve asked for too little a donation for this gift but we really want this information out you ll enjoy it for years and it ll keep on giving because you can hand it to a family member or friend to enjoy when you re done with it but it ll take a long time for you to get through that many hours and there s a little something for everybody and as we made sure as we curated this collection that everybody was represented women s history black history poetry music cinema active as community people you know just. Solitary Housewives like Rosa Parks who found it in her heart to take us these are things that will inspire us in our own lives but we must know our history and some of the strategies that were used so we can make an impact a better impact today and also the messaging that was used to inspire that framing of ideas that was used to inspire Americans back of then and help us move forward you know you know progressive direction right so here is Robert Kennedy Robert f. Kennedy so in San Fernando Valley State College 1968 just months before he was assassinated asking Which Side Are You On. To cry the growth of just sand yours that and I quote that the time has come to unite. To support our leaders to support our government and they ask which side do you want. Thank. God somebody listening. And I think the Congress to answer that question. And I think you are on the side of those who seek to preserve a decent respect for the opinion of mankind we caning the common sense of purpose that was always our bond and. I am on the side and I believe you are on those who are not afraid to recognize past era as I must recognize it in my own actions in dealing with the problem and struggle in South. Thank you refuse to blindly pursue bankrupt policies which render us from our friends and drain our treasury in the fruitless pursuit of illusions which have long since been shattered Thank you I am on the side of those who seek to reconcile the divisions that exist within our country divisions of age and divisions of belief divisions that exist because the color of our skin we respect differences in ideas Well you know and the determination to meet our dilemmas will not watch frozen in the ice of their own indifference I am on the side of those who seem to bring jobs into the dark corners of our nation. And slit city slums and in the Raul hollows alike where proud men seek work and receive instead a welfare handout and I don t think that s satisfactory Thank you I am with those a seek to build their communities and stead of ignoring them out of apathy or destroying them out of despair I m on the side of those who seek more than blind dissent and only respect the opinion of others I am with those who express not simply opposition to the present but propositions for the building of a better country. And very importantly I am on the side of those who do not shout down others but I will listen and challenge and then prepare a better policy for the United States was. That is Robert f. Kennedy for my attorney general of the United States former senator and of course like so many icons of his time assassinated taken to so in the speech was given just months before he was killed which side are you on he asked it was what I liked about it was its honesty and sincerity the fact that he admitted that he you know was wrong about certain issues about the Vietnam War and how he came around I mean this is the kind of politician that we just don t have as many of these days I mean there s certainly a few prominent ones but it s quite remarkable to get this piece of history on the air and we re so excited today to be celebrating the Pacifica Radio Archives that has preserved clips like and speeches like the one that you just heard a clip of we re celebrating the archives we re also raising money for the archives because money is required to keep it on the air to keep us on the air and to keep our programming preserved by the archives the archives is a very small operation compared to other Pacifica Radio stations but it does need funding it can survive on love and fresh air and so we re calling on you right now to call us at 187-350-2301 this one day fundraiser the one day a year that we set aside where all 5 stations come together to celebrate the Pacifica Radio Archives call us at 180-735-0230 we need over a dozen calls in the next 15 minutes that s just you know over a little under a one call a minute 180-735-0230 is a phone number to call when you pledge 250 dollars to a Pacifica radio archives you will get voices. The change the world an incredible collection of 1432 hours of public radio history on a single u.s.b. Memory stick $64.00 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick that includes so much history we re talking about voices of people like not just Rosa Parks and Dr King and Robert f. Kennedy but Markham x. And James Baldwin and my Angela we ll hear from my Angelou next but you know George Carlin and Russia Rachel Carson and Ralph Nader and Dorothy Dahlan Upton Sinclair and Betty Friedan and so many incredible voices of people whose names you might have read about in history books what have you actually heard them speak of you heard the quality of their voice the tone of their voice as they give the inspiring messages that moved generations and that changed politics so call is right now at 180-735-0230 so that you yourself can hear these for yourself we can t feed all of this history on a single national broadcast right we can only share snippets with you but you can get this incredible treasure trove for yourself even as you through that contribution support the archives and then have this collection for you to enjoy for years later if you have children share it with your children I have played clips of these from my sons who are in school and who have read about these figures and who are so moved to hear them speak directly 180-735-0230 is a phone number to call so that you can get you know the voices of Miriam Akiba and Molly Ivans and June Jordan and Emma Goldman and many many others incredible incredible collection so keep those calls coming in at 180-735-0230 support the Pacifica Radio Archives pitched $250.00 to get you know the voices of people like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn and Studs Terkel and Cornel West and Dick Gregory and so on. Others. In studio still with me is Mark for he s director of the archives he knows better than anybody else how important the archives is and how important it is that we find it absolutely you know Sonali is just you know with all the wonderful names that she s mentioned she s just scratching the surface you know she did mention Bob Dylan when he was 20 years old his 1st live radio performance on Pacifica Radio w.b. In New York City she didn t mention Leonard Cohen his very for he was a poet he didn t he didn t do anything he had nothing to do with music but he picked up his guitar and people heard him strum and he actually his very 1st live radio performance was for a w.p.a. I Pacifica fundraiser in 1968 we have an interview with him in the early seventy s where he tells tells us all of those stories and of course he became a legendary songwriter and just passed a few years ago but holds a very special part Pacifica history in his heart because you know we launched so many we created space for so many important people people that would eventually change the world please get to the phones now 180-735-0230 I don t know we were talking about Cornel West do we want to play his endorsement of. The Pacifica Radio Archives we spoke to him a few years ago about it Cornel West is one of my personal heroes and he loves the archives and so we want to play for you what Cornel West had to say about the Pacifica Radio Archives and of course he is still so active so vocal so proudly militant and uncompromising and you know tickets his ideals and there s a whole section in the archives featuring Cornel West and what he has said his critique of the Obama era and you know he is seminal book Race Matters So here s Cornel West Hello yes this is the corner. Wes and I am here to do all that I can to support the campus campaign. Pacific students faculty teachers need to get in on this magnificent project and program I m doing all that I can and I m behind it 120 percent it is what we need in these times. And that is Cornel West who is emphasizing how critically important the archives ease and I actually want to echo what he just said about how educators and schools in particular could benefit so greatly from the voices the change the world collection that is our thank you gift to you today we just have 10 minutes left in the hour and we need to hear from as many of you as possible right now at 187350230 get a very own collection of this wonderful wonderful treasure trove of ordeal voices the change the world 1432 hours of public radio history and a 64 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick that can fit in your pocket that can be part of your collection a permanent collection for years to come that you can enjoy that you can share with your family and future generations what I really appreciate about the archives is that it isn t just preserving the audio for museums or you know for the Library of Congress which is important too but it s disseminating it to the public and that is where this kind of material can have the greatest impact Pacifica Radio has been right from the start on the frontlines of the struggles for social justice for racial justice for Economic Justice speaking out against the war speaking out for women s rights and we ve been there putting microphones in front of the figures that have changed history that decades later conservatives changed their tune on in the Lord as heroes but that we Pacifica Radio folks have known from the start where the change makers were the important heroes of our time and so we re continuing that work today and we need to. Our history through the Pacific our radio archives call us right now at $187350230187350240.00 It s a $250.00 pledge for voices of change the world I know I m speaking too facile let me say that. And I get carried away I m excited about the archives 180-735-0230 no matter where you are in the country listening right now call the toll free number and support on Giving Tuesday the Pacifica Radio Archives and you don t just supported out of the goodness of your heart you can be selfish and want this incredible collection of audio for yourself because I think you gift to you is where it s so much more than $250.00 it is worth thousands of dollars and on this our own memory stick is the voice of one my aunt Angelou the late great Maya Angelou who just incredibly gave this impromptu performance Mark tell us very quickly about what we re about to hear . My Angela was about to launch her 1st Broadway play and she wrote a song called Phenomenal Woman which is performed in the play and she was giving a talk about women s role in art and she just decides you know what I am going to perform this song before it was launched in the play and still I rise so Pacifica Radio was there at a women s poetry reading and Maya Angelou presented this in 1977. Thank you we are involved in a pub Vonne And a terrifying dance terrifying dance and we are hooked together whether we like it or not and we must add me that the past only the person who knows her past his past can begin to and say where she or he is today and how she all he may begin to chart is tomorrow her tomorrow so we must deal with that ladies and gentlemen. Many young people. Think that the revolution began when they woke up. In the 19th century and in the 18th century there were white American women. Who were involved in the struggle against slavery. Who were serious. Unfortunately for us all then names for the most part have been lost on the sands of time unfortunately I feel belittled because I am not able to tip my heart and my head to those women who sometimes lost their lives in the Underground Railroad movement not because they love the blacks but because they love truth. They love truth more than lie. And because of those women. We are all here today it is a pity if we don t have some of their statues Mr Owen Dodson wrote a poem for 2 women who founded Spelman College. And the 19th century. Just after the Civil War 2 white women went. To Georgia to women who founded Spellman 2 women here and they prayed alone and saw again their vision of an altar of built mind and spirit flesh and bone they never turned away they never said this dream is they are let s go back to New England then cultivate an earth that is not there they never said let down our mothers weep for dark children. This land is barren land incapable of see they made their crucifix far more than our name in they wrestled with denial. And pinned him to the floor year by year their vision is shared it s missed knowing that they had not dared to feel knowing that their future would be now and every April assembled here wonderful idea I suggest particularly to some young white women students that you do some research find the names of people who live in direct relation to this she rose and he rose they keep her alive I would be delighted to know the names of some of those women I would like to share sing a song to you from for my new play the play is called I m Still Iraq and it s opening. In a prolonged Broadway and it s a musical pretty women wonder where Martin secret. I m not cute of Bill so pseudo fashion model size when I start to tell them they think I m telling grounds that he it s in the return of my own span of mind here. And a monastery out there currently lives cause I am lonely Oh my mother. In law men no more. That. I won t get into are saying just to school is to pee and to man the fellow stand up fall down on their knees then there s harm around me honey bees are. In the room my are. Certain not to eat they re around out of my friends. We confound moment. Phenomenon. There may be. I don t know if you didn t find yourself clapping and moving to this incredible recording of Maya Angelou a 977 then you don t have a heart but we know that you do a Pacific a listener is do what an incredible impromptu performance at a coffee shop just you know before this incredible piece when I made it to Broadway the late great incredible Maya Angelou call is right now and support this kind of material being preserved and get your very own copy of it in the last couple of minutes of this our 18073502301807350230 this was the 1st time it was ever performed before it went to Broadway and we have it because Pacifica Radio has always been there capturing these incredible moments in history and Archives has always been there preserving and disseminating them 187350230 as a phone number to call we are asking you to pitch 250 dollars in the last minute of this hour and get your very own copy of voices the change the world 1432 hours of public radio history on a 64 gigabyte u.s.b. Memory stick and you will be celebrating my Angelou when you get this and so many other voices as well Mark I m hoping that we have raised a few $1000.00 so far I think we have and we need 10 phenomenal women to call right on the right $1800.00 lingo Lady 50230 It s toll free it s giving Tuesday it s tax deductible and we will try to get these gifts out to you by the holidays please call now thank you so much Sonali thank you so much Mark and I just want to throw out years and years ago the Cal State Northridge women s studies department gave me the phenomenal women award and I always always inspired and blessed by the thank you so much thank you to Teddy Robinson our board operator Mark tours I m so not equal hacker This is rising up it s on Ali And thank you so much for calling in budget. Well when it comes to. Thank you for listening and keeping our history alive on the radio every donation today helps us more than ever every $250.00 donation helps us preserve and digitise another historic recording that already includes some of the greatest names in history Lorraine Hansberry Langston Hughes Howard Zinn Edward Saeed on indictee Roy Fannie Lou Hamer Maya Angelou Cesar Chavez Dolores Huerta and so many more in return for your donation we will give you our voices the change the world u.s.b. Drive with over 1200 hours of the best of Pacifica s historical action simply call 187350230 thank you and stay tuned for more great programming on this day to preserve the history of Pacifica Radio since 1949. When. And. With the caveat good news made it out Dan Fritz California senator Kamel Harris has dropped her bid for the Democratic Party presidential nomination she made the announcement today on the heels of a report over the weekend detail up people from within her campaign meanwhile another presidential hopeful former secretary of Housing and Urban develop. Oatman and mayor of San Antonio fully on Castro join members of Black lives matter in Los Angeles today to demand justice for Charles Black who was shot and killed by l.a.p.d. Officers last week at a Baldwin Hills Mall the l.a. Police commissioner ruled that the final shots fired by 2 officers while Matt was on the floor violated policy asphalt or Quantas more of the news conference this morning a board member. And the l.a. City council has chosen a new leader council member Nuri Martinez was voted today to become the next council president which would make her the 1st Latina to hold the title support a progressive journalism by donating a k p f k dot over g today tune in to the Cape news tonight at 650 for more. Percent this is all William s in here listening to Pacifica Radio k p f k. You are listening to the Pacifica Radio Archives voices that change the world national broadcast fun drive heard on all 5 Pacifica stations our flagship station k p f 894 point one f.m. Berkeley k p f b 89.3 Berkeley k 248 be our 97.5 f.m. Santa Cruz k p f k 90.7 f.m. Los Angeles k p f t 90 point one f.m. Houston Texas w b a 99.5 f.m. New York City and w.p.s. 89.3 f.m. Washington d.c. Please call 180-735-0230 extension 2 pledge your support for this endangered American treasure or go online at support p.r.a. Dot org.

Radio-program , Congressional-gold-medal-recipients , American-activists , African-americans-rights-activists , County-seats-in-california , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Community-organizing , Incorporated-cities-and-towns-in-california , American-writers , Members-of-the-democratic-socialists-america , American-social-commentators , Princeton-university-alumni

Transcripts for KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] 20191203 210000

Your donation today helps us more than ever to do our work preserving digitising in caring for this historic collection since 949. And welcome back to our national broadcast a day for the Pacifica Radio Archives My name is Mark Tarzan the director of the Pacifica Radio Archives and I want to thank all 5 listening areas for joining in on this day we do it once a year to support the Pacifica Radio Archives I ve been in the archive since 1990 and I ve only just started to scratch the surface of the $65000.00 programs in our collection it s overwhelming yet we are continuing our work and every donation that you make on this day helps us digitize another program we re asking you to donate $250.00 on this day it s giving Tuesday it s 100 percent tax deductible and when you make a donation of $250.00 that allows us to digitize transfer archive put in the metadata on another program that we don t even know what s on it so please continue making those phones ring at 180-735-0230 right now I would like to interview introduce to you to our national audience Johnny angel when Dell he s been 17 year veteran of radio here in Los Angeles and he is k.p. Of chaos and. Phyllis s impeachment correspondent who was very busy the past couple of weeks because as you know as everybody knows these impeachment hearings are pretty critical point in our democracy yes that is true and we heard today from Congressman Schiff. Who was the point man on the House Intelligence Committee and it would appear if you are not watching the news so today or you re just tuning in because you re enjoying a lot of the archival stuff that we re playing it would appear that the Halse intends to bring 4 counts of impeachment against Donald Trump 2 of which would be based upon abuse of power that as president of the United States on the matter of the Ukraine that President Trump was acting on behalf of his own interests as opposed to those of the United States is a clear abuse of power also that there will be one charge of obstructing Congress and that the White House has stonewalled. Veiny Mike Pence and others from appearing and these are subpoenas these are sort of if if Mark or Johnny angel the middle are subpoenaed we appear or we go to go to jail if they the White House is stonewalling on these and the 4th is a straight of just obstruction of justice charge on the matter of what was revealed in the Mulla report probably if I had to guess was going to be more specific than the hasn t been detailed entirely yet that we ve seen. The firing of James Komi to protect Michael Flynn is that that s a straight up obstruction charge so it looks like for charges it s been a very very busy. News day. Yesterday a congressman from out here in California Duncan Hunter announced that he will in fact plead guilty to misuse of campaign funds you ll note Mark that Congressman Hunter before yesterday was pleading not guilty and claiming that all of this was a wake shot at so that the witch hunt would appear to have successfully nabbed a witch I don t know if it s the north east west or south but it would appear that the wicked witch of San Diego is going to plead guilty. To Harris another California politician running for president she s our junior senator is suspending her campaign. So that is another enormous it s a busy news cycle and Pacifica Radio is no stranger to the impeachment process that s right our coverage of the Nixon impeachment is 2nd to none we were one of the 1st to present the Nixon Papers in fact we had a whole team of comedians led by Harry Shearer and others who who went through and read many of these papers over the k.p. F.k.n. Pacifica airwaves and so those are in the Pacifica Radio Archives and of course there s been other presidents that have gone through impeachment proceedings including Bill Clinton yes so the fact that Pacifica has been here. Not just as a news organization but also presenting cultural aspects from our communities but being informed is a very significant Yeah and useful resource for each community we do not if we are not informed we cannot make informed decisions in our votes or we or we are at the mercy of those who would like to dominate the airwaves for example the Republican response to Congressman Schiff report was today say all of it is foolish ridiculous Donald Trump has tweeted out that Congressman Schiff is quote crazy he s saying. They re not refuting any of the points they re just trying to deflect and if all you get is deflection that s what you re going to believe is reality we don t do that kind of thing here if if somebody is baking a case or reporting it s not whether it s from the left or the right or from the center of whatever it s whether or not it s germane or it s real Ok what is real is ultimately critical you know and so what is real is captured in a lot of these archives and the. This actually happened this is history but when you re talking about what happened to Richard Nixon in 1974. 45 years later it s living history you know if you re talking about for example in the mid 1980 s. With the Iran Contra hearings are these also in the archives Did they are in their entirety that is an awful lot like what s going on now we want a foreign power to interfere and well and in the case of Iran Contra we wanted foreign power aid to interfere on the behalf of foreign power be Ok in the in the matter of Donald Trump we want foreign powers a to interfere in the 2020 elections so there is a difference but ultimately you are seeking overseas what you can t find domestically you know which is where the similarity between the Reagan era Country years and what s going on under Trump now why they re so so much the same well we re in good hands throughout the Pacific a network with commentary like what you gave us here in Los Angeles Yeah and there are going to be more starting tomorrow the Judiciary Committees will be holding hearings Fortunately this day which was originally scheduled for December November 19th was the 1st day of the impeachment hearings so we have shifted and adjusted our date to today so this day we have a goal of getting 22 people to call in Johnny in this hour in this hour if we can get 22 people to call in just like we have a stack of people to think you have to have called in during the day and we would love to hear to have 22 more people calling in this hour I think we can do that Johnny what number do you think they ought to call and again it s 180-735-0230 is the number it s toll free. It s giving Tuesday your money goes much further when you support a nonprofit like because you it s a tax write off the end of the year it s a tax write off which means that your money goes to somebody you like as opposed to Donald Trump s administration can I read some people these are people who want to be thanked on the are an awful lot of people don t and I can understand that they what they want to be anonymous That s wind and we respect you for it and we ll keep your name out of this Cathy McFarland of Salon a beach long time Pacifica supporter thank you very much Cathy thank you Jeanne Ladner refused to Texas thank you so much we appreciate it Andrew Hahn of al of media up north in the Bay Area thanked on the air Yeah Ok Roger be in Oakland California maybe Haber in New York City. Right California it s a monogamous one Ok Mark back elder and Santa sell both thank you so much we appreciate it Kareen Lollie in Santa Monica we appreciate this very much your support Thank you David Walker thank you George bliss in New York City New York thank you John hate in San Francisco probably Berkeley Ok And there are so many more if you want to and I want to make clear one of the reasons why this is really really important to add and what this is is that it is a u.s.b. Of Pacifica Radio Archives which holds like 60000 hours of our history and we re trying to archive all of it because tapes disintegrate Yeah they go away they go away here s an example of 2 examples of what happens to tapes on from Boston Massachusetts and I made a record in this studio that we were and I believe we recorded it came out. It was called interview studios and it the band the cars bought it and became synchro sounded that s all irrelevant however the intermediate studios the most famous record ever made that studio was the 1st record by the group Aerosmith and for many many many years that band has been asked Why don t you go in and remakes it it s muddy sounding and it s not very loud you know it s a dream on as the most famous song and what was revealed is that there was a lot of tape deterioration because the tapes just weren t stored and you know so they did the best they would could digitalized but the record essentially sounds the same they couldn t do anything with it we are in the co-anchor pass in Los Angeles if you are listening to us from Houston or Washington d.c. New York City or up north of the Bay Area where we are right near Universal Studios it s right across the freeway from us from the Ventura Freeway in those studios How long was it ago Mark that thousands and thousands and thousands of master recordings were destroyed in a fire there which it in tell us about it it was not a field in a New York Times article that s right no very recently Yeah these are the master recordings of some of the greatest artists of all time Billie Holiday Buddy Holly Ray Charles Tina Turner and others destroyed in a fire now what does means is while it is true that there are digitalized versions of most of if not all of what Billie Holiday recorded. If somebody wanted to go back to the baster tapes that were made in the forty s or the fifty s of Lady Day they can t do that anymore they can t go back to the source they could go back to a digitalized version and try to pump it up through Pro Tools and other computer gimmicks but it s not the same it can ever be remade it can never be remastered off the original tapes we are. Offering you is history that cannot disappear we will archive all of this stuff and this is stuff that when it s gone man it s gone you re talking about Bob Dylan you re talking about John Coltrane you re talking about Reverend Martin Luther King you were talking about. The Loris where to you re talking about cultural icons speaking freely now I don t know about you Mark but you know in 3 weeks Christmas is coming and I don t know what you do on Christmas but I know what I do on Christmas and I bet you that a few people in New York City and Houston at Berkeley and Washington d.c. And in Southern California I bet they do what I do Christmas is a time when you like to kind of lay back in your you. Know. Who better than yourself to be treated of a gift of listening to the people that shaped your formative years. Plus. Who better then your grandchildren your children who may not know this stuff who heard about this sort of thing that s a good gift for them but you talk about pleasure that you sit back and you put that u.s.b. Ported in your laptop or whatever you put on your headphones and you shut your eyes and Martin Luther King speak and in your head it s 1965 again you know it s sometimes nostalgia could be kind of you know gut wrenching in a way because on some level we know that this is an era that that has disappeared but if you hear it and you absorb this. Just for a brief moment you could be like I remember where I was when I 1st heard this or I remember that I wasn t woke I was a suburban kid then I just graduated high school I was going to college I believed everything that my father told me and then I heard Martin Luther King or I heard other activists from the 1960 s. And it resonated with me you can be brought back to that feeling by purchasing this u.s.b. And you re keeping us alive so consider that this is in a way you re keeping any era alive and the fight and you can do this by calling very simply 187350230187350230 What is it 1344 hours. We have 2 people on the phone right now and we need to have 20 people calling in our I know we can do this Johnny. One day out of every year we are on all 5 Pacifica stations in all 5 listening areas they ve given up their day of programming so that we can present some of the best of these Pacifica radio archives going back to 1900 and we re going to be going through a cliff the 9 I believe 59 was here in l.a. But we are 49 in Berkeley Ok I did not yes and so we re going to go to one of these clips we re going to go with who was one of my favorite historical authors a really special guy interviewed him once Yeah over 11 50 am 1150 in Los Angeles 3 years ago or was one of was a guest George McGovern was a guest John Waters was a guess and it was fairly eclectic people and Gore s it all told. Something before you listen to this clip that fascinated me said Johnny I got to tell you something at the end of World War 2 I was absolutely convinced that we were facing the end of the stranglehold of organized religion and we re going to become a secular society says Johnny what what what what came in and say with organized religion in America Death Corbet all telling me this on the Arab sitting there like Ford somebody who I used to watch fight with William f. Buckley on television on Saturday afternoon as he s talking at me like hopping up the down of like a kangaroo I m so excited I said Mr of it all what saved organized religion he said God damn television. He was also and that s the kind of thing that you get when you purchase one of these u.s. Pieces used you think to yourself. So that s how this history happened to evolve now I know well we re going to hear from Gore of adult talking about his he s talking about the end of our Constitution is under serious strain at this point in the early 1990 s. But but after a couple of administrations with Ronald Reagan one way of Bush Senior the 1st Bush and then Gore of it all gives a speech if he were around to see what this man has done to our democracy I think you could turbo charge what he s saying here so let s let s listen to this clip and as you re listening to Gore Vidal please keep those phones ringing 187350230 just know that when you re listening to this you will not only get the entire Gore Vidal collection which is at least a dozen recordings over the last 40 years you will also get over 1300 additional voices just like Gore Vidal keep the phones ringing 18735000 I belong to a minority that is now one of the smallest in this country. And with every day it grows smaller. And I am a veteran of World War 2. And I can recall thinking when I got out of the Army in 1946 well that that we won. And those who come after us will never need do this again. Then came the to mad wars other imperial vanity in Korea and Vietnam. They were better for us not to mention for the so-called enemy. Next we were in rolled in a. War against what seemed like the enemy of the Month Club. Remember Gadhafi remember Noriega all the drugs in the world remember Bishop of Grenada remember Bush Sr is standing tall in the Gulf somewhere. This long war has kept major revenues going to military procurement secret police well withholding money from us taxpayers with our concerns for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness Thank you I live 3 quarters of a thank you held on to the Constitution. And above all to the Bill of Rights Thanks. Times thank all of you. But I always felt that the Republic was upon such a firm foundation that no one could undermine it. Never once believed that I would ever see a day like this with a great part of the nation of We The People. Should be obliged to March against an arbitrary and secret government preparing wars for us to fight in sensibly they leave the fighting to us thank you. Thank you. Bush to the Texas Air Force. Cheney when asked why here devoid of service in Vietnam replied I had other priorities. Well so did 30000000 of us 60 years ago. Priorities and many were never able. To fulfill. How did human events bring us here today and all across the country we can certainly blame the oil and gas hustlers who have hijacked the government from the presidency to Congress to most honestly the judiciary Thanks it was Benjamin Franklin that nice witty gentleman who saw our future most clearly back in 1787 when he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia. He was old he was dying. He was not well enough to speak. But he had prepared a text which a friend read. It is so dark a statement that most school histories omits his key words Benjamin Franklin urged the convention to accept the constitution despite all its for. It might he said provide good government in the short term. And may be a blessing to the people if well administered and only end in despotism as other forms have done before it. When the people as so become corrupted as to need to spot a government being incapable of any other. Franklin s prophecy came true in December 2000. But the bank thanks when the Supreme Court bulldozed its way through the Constitution in order to select as their president the loser in the presidential election of that year at the The Big thank you but. Despotism is now secure in the saddle. The Old Republic is a shadow of itself. And we now stand in the glow of a nuclear world. Well the government it seems as it has its true enemy we are the people deprived of our electoral franchise. Only Gore of adult could have a little chuckle after talking about the demise of this republic on the eve of us going to war in Iraq under George Bush. And in the early 2000. 2003 Yeah and you know said so many important things there you know despotism is in the saddle I wonder what he would say is in the saddle today. I m trying to think of something that s about 5 to 10 times worse. To be absolutely fair all by the way my name is Johnny Angel Wendell if you re wondering why Mark s voice changed so quickly because there s a 2nd person here and that s me absolutely to be completely fair to Donald Trump which is possible you could be fair to when. He hasn t dragged the country into a war like Iraq. Thing I can say about it I m sorry it is true though. 2003 was all rable year I have to tell you though I may have if you remember before the core of it all clip I ve been on the radio here in Los Angeles for 17 years the very 1st segment that I did. It was on this issue we were about to go to war in Iraq and I said I was watching c.n.n. At the gym that I worked out with and you could tell by the way that the clip was being framed of all these Iraqi generals and Saddam Hussein and their bits that they were trying to get us ready to go to war they look silly they look like characters in a 3 Stooges short is what I said on the air you know waving around gigantic scabbards you know and get up and label it like they were they weren t real and I said when you go to war with somebody what you do is you dehumanize your opponent so that the people back home are they re Ok with you dropping lethal weapons on them you know it s a well they re not really people anyway you know and that s what it was. I got to tell you Mark getting to the issue at hand here because what we have what we are doing here is that we are raising money for Pacifica archives Yes is that people will forget if you don t provide actual evidence that there were people who opposed the Iraq war now we re here in Los Angeles on k p f k and I know we re on to Berkeley and it Houston Washington d.c. And New York City as well I marched with 10000 other people Hollywood Boulevard right before the invasion and. You know I think it was at that event and Martin Sheen and others Martin nice Martin and Mike Farrell or left out the front you know Mike Farrell was on mash at Martin Sheen It was an Apocalypse Now. It was. 10000 people and I had to go and at the end of this I was on a conservative radio station here in Los Angeles before I was on the air america affiliate and we had to give equal time to a pro-war rally in Orange County the true 65 people in other words the 10000 of us on Hollywood Boulevard were the equivalent to 65 behind the Orange Curtain 16 years ago and you just it s what management wanted it s commercial radio you do what management deems best if you want to stay on the air the job s a job you know I know that wherever you are in the 5 cities that we re on or listening on the Internet when your boss tells you to do something you do it or you don t work there anymore so that s what I did I was trying not to be snarky about it to we had one of the 65 people on it was courteous as I could muster but the fact of the matter is there are 10000 people in the streets protesting this thing as opposed to 65 in a park in Huntington Beach so it s just it seems to what I think is Fullerton Actually it is it seems to me that you want to get this forces the change the world this this u.s.b. 425-2250 dollars donation or you want this because you could say these people were there Mark. Did you ever hear the story of why the white Eisenhower took so much Times was so deliberate when he liberated the death camps in Europe Ok let s hear it. Twite Eisenhower was that was the head of allied forces that stormed to Berlin from the West you know when the Russians were coming in from the east when they started to liberate people from the death camps that the Nazis and set up Eisenhower said I want all of this on the fill all of it and the reason Eisenhower said this he said as soon as we leave there are going to be people who claim this never happened I want all of this on film I want this archived so that there will never be a dead nihilist that said this was so we re in the same blight of work here that s absolutely true we see so much denial of history bestially things this in ministration came into office that. This collection is more valuable than ever if that point alone doesn t make you get to the phones please understand that this collection is considered by the Library of Congress the most important community radio collection in the United States we have $50000.00 more tapes that we must digitize each one of those to do both that work and the metadata work to put it onto a digital platform is $250.00 per tape that s exactly the amount of this pledge in return we will give you the voices like Gore of adults Now this was done in 2003 but we have it all going back to the 1960 s. He s an incredible author an incredible speaker he has access an insight from an insider s perspective with no allegiance to it now as Johnny Wendell was saying earlier his previous sponsors made him do things our bosses are you the listener that s right we are listener sponsored We depend on you the listener to help us follow through on our mission which is to inform the public and to engage the communities yet. And give space to the communities and that s why you hear from all of these communities in these recordings were playing all day long Rosa Parks housewife What did she do James Baldwin a writer what did he do Bob Dylan a 20 year old folk singer What did he do Fannie Lou Hamer a woman who wanted to register her community to vote what did she do Allen Ginsberg he wrote a poem called Howell and read it live on k b of a and we went all the way for an indecency ruling on that one George Carlin. He s a comedian what did he do well he gave a little spiel here on our station in New York and we went to court but what did he do for w b a after we get into trouble for airing his 7 dirty words routine Yeah he ho s on Saturday I forgot this he was the very 1st host for Saturday Night Live the next Monday which is 2 days later he s doing a free concert sold out benefit show for w.b. AI s legal fees that performance is in the archives we are a community based radio network and these holdings is unlike any other holding there is I was saying a little bit earlier that we get calls from n.p.r. Weekly for things that existed before they went into existence in the early 1970 s. Because we were on the air recording important. Recordings going back to 1949 and that s over 20 years of important materials in the fifty s and sixty s where would you get this particular recording are there s only one place to get it and it s like right now call right now at 180-735-0230 if you re on your computer you can go to our secure online website at support p r 8 dot org And you can donate securely there people have already done it we ve been checking but the easiest way is to call toll free because we know that you re in 5 different listening areas around the nation and it s very easy to do 187350230 put this on a credit card will get it out to you so that in time so you can give it as a gift and what a gift it is because most gifts is something that will entertain you. For a moment and then it s on the shelf or in the trash can this is something that will entertain you for years to come and when you re done with it you can pass it along to another person it s literally the gift that keeps on giving please call 180-735-0230 extension 250 dollars joined like Andrew Gargano from New Jersey musta been listening on w.b. Ai in New York City Debra Crippen Santa Rosa California musta been listening a in Berkeley California. Ya mean called from Houston Texas musta been listening on k p f t that s what we need we need all of our listening areas to respond right now we need 15 more people to call in the next half hour for us to reach our goal Johnny Wendell veteran of l.a. Radio for the last 17 years there you know Rocker may interject something perfect note thank you for the intro Rocker yes before it was on the radio rock musician professional rock musician since 1977 bang in my fingers and head to a pulp w.b. Ai it New York City Mark is famous among rock n roll musicians and connoisseurs of rock n roll for being the 1st radio station out of which bands hometown to put them on the radio. You don t know this very interesting I d love to know I know they put a Leonard Cohen on they put Leonard Cohen on the radio but that kid 969 Ok they put a band on. That we re not getting played on commercial f.m. And certainly not commercial am radio was back in 1960 9 am radio was was Top 40 Ok you know now it s you know. Crazy right wing crap ola but back then it was was. Am radio was was hit 169 you d hear hits you hear The Beatles you know but w b a I our sister station in New York City was the 1st radio station outside of Michigan to perform to play this group that nobody had ever heard of the Stooges the studio. And I believe. If my recollection holds played a live tape of the Stooges either from the Grand Ballroom in Michigan or maybe from a club in New York City I think it s called to God knows where they played at and they had a life to be a I had it they play it over the air and this tape was taped by a couple of guys in Queens New York who became complete devote of the Stooges in this life tape and they started their own band about 7 years later you know what they were called now they would be the Ramones. W b a i k p s k the Pacifica network in our own little way aided and abetted in the formation of punk rock the music that changed your friend Johnny life and made me the lunatic 63 year old that I sit here before you today absolutely Pacifica has done that in so many different areas we want to think. Who just called in from Livermore California San Francisco Bay Area thank you so much keep the phones ringing 187350230 I was saying in this studio here in Los Angeles we had Tom Waits jump on our 9 foot concert grand and did his very 1st line performance of San Diego serenade Ok right before Nighthawks on the diner came out and you could hear him working out the lyrics because the lyrics he saying. Live were different than what we re on the record you know which which tends to happen. It s interesting yesterday we were watching the echoes in the canyon Yeah that was a great documentary what took place here in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles with in the 1960 s. It was home to so many great creatives but what was what was what we saw that I never knew is that the Eric Clapton s famous hit song Let it rain was derived from a Buffalo Springfield song called questions which most people know as the 2nd part of that carry on medley of Crosby Stills Nash and Young 1st record together but I did not know that Eric had essential he cribbed the studio. But he was on it he admitted it you know and it s fascinating stuff like this that is part of history that we are offering to you absolutely get to the phones right now 187350230 we have a couple of lines open right now in this hour so we need to get you to the phones and for a $250.00 donation you will get the gift of knowledge the gift of history the gift that will keep on giving and it s a perfect gift to give on this Giving Tuesday we re a nonprofit 5 a $13.00 c. So your donation is 100 percent tax deductible and on this day around the United States over $200000000.00 are given on this day and it would be very nice for you to choose the Pacifica Radio Archives on this Giving Tuesday as your destination for your final donation dollars for the year 187350230 again there are so many great voices and here we heard Robert Kennedy from 1968 what an. Spidering speech from somebody when we think about the 1960 s. And how many great people we lost starting with his brother John f. Kennedy Dr Martin Luther King Jr Robert Kennedy a lot of our leaders were putting literally their life on the line Pacifica Radio was there to record these voices these voices needed to be heard they try to silence these voices through assassination but these voices live on and we want to make sure that they live on even longer we need to keep this collection alive and well and digitized the next batch of recordings every donation you make helps us digitize another recording please get to those phones we have 15 minutes to go and we need 15 more people we can do that that s only 4 people in each listening area picking up the phone right now 807350230 I would like to ask people on the 5 stations in question which are k p f k Ok p.f.a. Of Berkeley k p f k here in Los Angeles w b a I in New York City k p f t and Houston Texas w p p p s w w w p s w in Washington d.c. . If you are somebody who has sons and daughters or grandsons and granddaughters or nieces or great nieces great nephews and you try to explain to them what the 1960 s. Were like good luck. It s my children take American history in Los Angeles is public schools and both my sons have asked me at one point you know dad you are x. Amount of years old do you what do you remember about all of this stuff that they taught that they are taught about this 1st the civil rights movement that the antiwar movement that the Stonewall riots because those. Are brought up in school now as well the Native American rights movement the a.i.m. People women s rights as well feminism was born into it women s liberation was born in the 1960 s. And they understand that this is when all the stuff was born when I was there or age and they say what was that was this on the news all the time I was like yeah every day I d say I did your grandma would be playing solitaire smoking spring cigarettes watching television in the kitchen as a as American soldiers were being dragged off battlefields and via maimed and massacred I said yes it s real down the street from where I grew up in a Unitarian Universalist Church there were teach ins to let you know how you could effectively be an activist against an undeclared war in a nation that posed no threat to the United States uses Vietnam you know you could you could learn what you could do what you could say further on on the issue of the bombing of Cambodia the mining of Haiphong Harbor all of this stuff It s living history it exists here you know and you can go and you can sit people to wikipedia dot org If you want or whatever on the websites but auditory when you hear somebody say I was there this is what happened this is what I saw people who are really good speakers painting pictures with words people like by Angelou people like James Baldwin people of certainly like Dr Martin Luther King certainly Robert Kennedy were brilliant orators and you hear it. You can imagine yourself swept up in the energy of the moment and it s a look at the $250.00 That s a fair amount of cake for most of us be included certainly sure we were poor folks here you know this is. This is this is not you re not listening to Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern were poor folks Ok but this is the kind of thing that we all should be together because it s part of the history of our nation you know it s funny we have we ve Howard Zinn is on this issue we re going to play him in just a minute the history of America his he is from Boston University and. Noam Chomsky as well absolutely he s a friend of mine back and back in Boston I m from Massachusetts. Howard Zinn s books have done about as much to change a lot of the curriculum at schools what teachers give these books to kids as anything Ok I ll tell you one thing about how words and we are 1st recording of Howard s End is 1963 yet he s been a friend of both from that very 1st day and when he came out with his voices of a people s history series where he would get Hollywood celebrities and each town to come in and read from his book he would grant Pacifica the exclusive right to record these. These events including you know here in Los Angeles I went to. Reading. Danny Glover it was just like a all star celebrity reading any Everybody wanted to be part of these and this is part of the collection when you call 180-735-0230 Johnny were talking about you know the wars that have gone on the illegitimate wars you know when we heard from. That s the beauty of hearing the wisdom of somebody like the doll who s putting these pieces. Together He s a veteran of World War 2 unlike this president that we have today who hasn t seen any action in any war. A veteran of World War 2 he says in this speech we thought that was it we re done. For the World War was done we detonated 2 nuclear when we. Have there s no way anybody s going to arm themselves to do any more harm to any other people ever again we re done let s move on with our lives oh he was wrong to be Gore should have known because World War one after all which preceded World War 2 was known as The War To End All Wars this was the World War One in which 10000 men would die in a day in the trenches in France people came back said they will that can never happen again this one nobody who has ever seen this would ever wish that this would happen again at all Fittler was was in that war and what 18 years after the armistice was signed was back at it so the thing is these people forget unpleasant stuff really fast you know and you are only your ammunition against the craziness of people who will say oh it s different this time an ammunition dump on some sleep those phones ringing 180-735-0230 we re going to go now to a clip from Howard Zinn from 1904 this one is also from a World War 2 perspective Howard Zinn was a Bombardier. He got to think about war very much as he became an educator and what he wanted to pass on to his students and he gives a lifetime of knowledge thinking about is there a good war and this talk do not ever forget that in my lifetime it marks as well the most profoundly anti-war. Main party presidential candidate was also a bobber day or 2 it s very interesting those who have experienced it they added to it now many of them are tourism the director of the Pacifica Radio Archives Joining me is Johnny Angel Wendell for this hour we re going to a clip Howard s in a little speech called The Good War from 1904 and please if you re listening at this keep the phones ringing 187350230 when I was discharged from the army from the Air Force I got a letter. He was sending a letter not a personal letter to me. Dear Howie you know. That it was said to 16000000 men who had served in the armed forces some women to. And the letter was something like as. We ve won the war congratulations for your service it will be a new world it wasn t a new world and we know it hasn t been a new world since World War 2 war after war after war after war and 50000000 people were dead in that War To End All Wars fan fascism dictatorship and militarism So yes I came to conclusions that war cannot be tolerated no why don t no matter what we re told. And if we think that there are good wars and it therefore meant well maybe this is a good war I want to examine the so-called Look wars the holy wars and yeah and take a good look at them and think again about the phenomenon of war and come to the conclusion yes war cannot be tolerated no matter watch with Told the matter what tyrant exists what bought it has been crossed what aggression has taken place it s not that we go to we re going to be passive in the face of charity or or aggression no well we ll find ways other than or to deal with whatever problems we have there war is inevitably in Evidently the industry minutes massive killing of huge numbers of people. And children are a good part of those people every war is a war against children. Shows it s not just getting rid of. Saddam Hussein think about well we got rid of Saddam Hussein and of course if we killed huge numbers of people who had been victims of Saddam Hussein when you fight a war against a tyrant who did kill you kill the victims of the tyrant Anyway all this well this has been simply to make us think again about war and to think you know we we re at war now. Right in Iraq and Afghanistan and sort of in Pakistan since we re sending rockets over there and killing innocent people in Pakistan and just so we should not accept that. Always look for an ad look for a peace movement to join really look for some peace organization a joint. It will look small at 1st and pitiful and helpless but that s how movements start that s how they re moving against a Vietnam War Start it started with handfuls of people who thought they were helpless thought they were powerless but remember there s a power of the people on top of the pens on the obedience of the people below when people stop obeying they have no power now when work is your on strike huge corporations lose their power when consumers boycott huge business establishment have to give a damn when soldiers refused to fight as so many soldiers did in Vietnam so many deserve this so many fragging actually some violets by and listed many against office was in Vietnam. B. 52 pilots refusing to fly bombing missions anymore to work can t go on. When enough soldiers refuse the government just has to decide we can t continue so yes. People have the power if they be in for good nice if they protest if you create a strong enough movement they can change things. That s all I want to say thank you. Yeah my name s monitors I m the director of the Pacific Coast Radio Archives I m joined by Johnny Angel window in the last hour and those are very wise words from Howard s End taken from a perspective that not that many of us have which was World War 2 veteran a Bombardier Yeah and a historian you know putting it all together years of wisdom thinking about this is there a good war of course not and. You know this is the this is the wisdom that you do not get in school very often you know and Howard Zinn has been part of the Pacifica Radio Archives since 19631 of his early students was Alice Walker who would go on to win a wonderful you know bet she would write a bestselling book The Color Purple right would win incredible accolades and you know he inspired his students to think big and to think about the important issues of the day Howard Zinn Oh look we have another person to think over here and it is Boulder Creek worth Yeah Mary v. For a year called in and took away the voices that changed the world and we have only 2 minutes to go Johnny Oh my god to explain here yeah Ok 2 minutes to go we re a 2 minute warning time please go to the phones 8 when a m a c I m sorry is the toll free 800 number 735-0230 we have the Howard Zinn collection of at least a dozen recordings the gourd of a doll collection at least a dozen recordings Dr Martin Luther King Jr at least a dozen recordings. X. Collection at least a dozen recordings James Baldwin Rosa Parks Fannie Lou Hamer. People that in their every day actions help change the world to make it a better place for all of us share not just the few and that s what Pacific is here for it s to build communities it s to bring people together not to divide that s right we want to work it out in conversation we want to work it out by exchange of ideas from different communities different cultures different perspectives hash it out you know in dialogue and on the battlefield sure you know what is it war is considered the ultimate failure of communication if you talk to combat veterans from the Vietnam War my from my father was a combat veteran interesting what my father was very conservative Republican but he was a combat veteran in Korea and had nothing good to say about the Korean War at all absolutely leave it was an absolute waste of time and a waste of energy and nearly killed him a few things which was interesting about my father and it which is I suppose we could go on to talk about this in the next hour because everybody has conservative and liberal members of their family is on r. And r. Once he wanted to go to Hiroshima and see what it looked like and it profoundly moved him yet by the late 1960 s. He was a proponent of dropping Samaan had no way to go figure so human beings are relatively complex beings and if you want to negotiate your way through these minefields you need all the end you know should you could get and what you do is you get to the Encyclopedia of sound voices that change the world Volume one for a $250.00 donation at 180-735-0230 yes that was one of the most ludicrous segues of all I recognize that we must we must in this hour we will return. And. Thank you for listening and keeping our history alive on the radio every donation today helps us more than ever every $250.00 donation helps us preserve and digitise another historic recording that already includes some of the greatest names in history Lorraine Hansberry Langston Hughes Howard Zinn Edward Saeed on indictee Roy Fannie Lou Hamer Maya Angelou s Cesar Chavez Dolores Huerta and so many more in return for your donation we will give you our voices the change the world u.s.b. Drive with over 1200 hours of the best of Pacifica s historic collection simply call 187350230 thank you and stay tuned for more great programming on this day to preserve the history of Pacifica Radio since 1949. When we come and the. Dead.

Radio-program , African-americans-rights-activists , County-seats-in-california , Populated-coastal-places-in-california , American-anti-vietnam-war-activists , Writers-from-new-york-city , Writers-from-massachusetts , Incorporated-cities-and-towns-in-california , American-anti-war-activists , Cold-war-leaders , American-tax-resisters , American-anarchists

Transcripts for KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] 20191202 010000

Band s entire communities improve. The path to success or failure starts long before graduation day and the difference between a graduate and it could be you dear reader tutor or mentor give up picking volunteer live United take the pledge go to living knighted or now by United Way and the accounts. Hi there I m here for my flu shot heard there s an option for people 65 and older there is but you actually have to be 65 very flattering Thanks untutored light do you know who I am right I just turned 65 and I know your immune system gets weaker with age and I don t want to miss a day of work or risk spreading the food of the people I don t think we ve met before but what I do know is you can t be successful Ok what if I said I only have one life to live and I need protection against the flip know how to use the boss of my health I am. 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This is America 1st with Sebastian Gorka Greetings my friends I hope you had a blessed a restful and a peaceful fangs giving Welcome to America 1st with me from a strategist a president ball Trump on the Salem Radio Network we have a very very special guest for opening before we get to him on this Black Friday as you head home after battling the mobs at the mall or you get ready to invite friends over for a nice dinner we would have turkey tetrazzini the day off to love that I d like to ask you a personal favor would you start with me a new Black Friday tradition but tradition will be about helping out one of the thousands of young children who have a mother or father in prison today for them Christmas will come and go without a family and without pleasant memories. Unless prison Fellowship s angel tree is there for them with your help for more than 35 years prison fellowship volunteers have been delivering Christmas gifts and the Gospel to children with a parent behind bars for just 22 dollars from you donated to my website said dot com you can help a hurting child this Christmas know that their incarcerated mother or father is thinking about them 44 dollars will bless 2 children and so on here s a special message from prison Fellowship s president James Ackerman Prison Fellowship has the largest Christian serving the needs of incarcerated men and women and their families and those returning from prison to society I want to thank you personally for your participation in the 3 and your partnership with our ministry and the good work that God is calling all of us. This year with your help Prison Fellowship is determined to deliver gifts and the Gospel to at least 300000 children across the country I am grateful for your help in advance as I try and help the Prison Fellowship through our program reach this goal it s very very easy if you want to help a child if you want to help make that Christmas more real please go to www dot com That s s e b g o 8 dot com and click on the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Bana I thank you those incarcerated will thank you and especially the children who you helping so go dot com Thank you this is an interview I want to do for a long long time to have an on a special day with somebody I consider to be a good friend is Robert Riley the director of the Westminster Institute today there are very few people I know who are true Renee songs men and he is one of them whether it s. Writing about classical music whether it s about the founding principles of our republic or whether it s explaining how we arrived at September the 11th Bob Riley can do it all and one of his 1st books the closing of the Muslim mind was quintessential was cool reading on any course that I took before I joined the White House sees you author of many many other books he s written making gay Ok how. Rational rationalizing homo sexual behavior is changing everything and what I can t wait for next year America on trial a defense of the founding but sleep welcome Robert Reilly to America fest thank you very much it s great to be back with you use in the Reagan administration you assisted the Bush administration you were at v.o.a. We could discuss so many different things but 1st your book is the most concise explication of the field logical background to threats such as al Qaeda and ISIS in the last 3 years we ve seen the Caliphate of ISIS demolished Baghdad he was recently killed by a special operators would you share with us the main theme of that book and why I feel g. Is essential to understanding the threat of modern jihadism I think as you know. Because you have been an affective warrior of ideas in this realm yourself. How much you understand the ideas underlying this war you re going to lose it my mantra is don t go into a war of ideas unless you have an idea. And don t go into a war of ideas unless you understand the ideas you re at war with and in this case regarding his mom ism we have made many many mistakes because we refused to deal with things at the theological level which is the level at which this exists it s a distortion of the idea of who God is in the West thanks to Judeo Christian revelation we see God as law ghost as which means not just word reason that the Divine intellect is behind creation it s manifested in our reason and we re supposed to use our reason to come to know him and also to order our lives morally Now we know this is not true in the majority theological school of Islam God is not reason he is pure Well in power he can do anything your reason is incapable of coming to know the moral order independent of God s revelation and therefore your reduced simply to doing whatever is in that revelation which in the case of the Islamists they take very very literally in their attempt to resuscitate a cow effects and to take out the infidels now. If you can t address this war of ideas at the level of which it s taking place you re going to lose it that doesn t mean the West can directly engage in that war in the sense that. Most of the people in the West aren t Muslims in this is. An intramural argument within Islam but there are Muslims who are on our side who think that this is not stare arse you know sane forms sane of theological schools in Islam they re unfortunately minority ones but we don t help those we don t I ve never as you know because you ve done it yourself we ve worked with. Reform minded Muslim intellectuals I have yet to meet one of them who has ever received any support from the United States or any West European government the very people whom we should be helping we ignore and we ignore them for the simple fact that we don t know what this The struggle is about which is ultimately a theological one could it also be just a function of how little we understand the theological or religious aspects of valor conflict in that civilization but it s also a function of the secularity of all civilization today that if you demean the importance of religion for yourself how would you be able to understand its relevance to obvious I think that s exactly right I was reading this very disturbing survey of how many people today describe themselves as none is a no and he has and that meaning no religion no religion at all and there s a growing proportion of particularly young people who identify as none of you could use this designation is kind of an a bitch a wherry for Western civilization if it doesn t last it becomes nun it s a form of Neil ism therefore you can t take seriously people whose lives are ordered by a form of faith and you can guarantee that those who do have a life of faith will despise you for having none I remember a friend of mine who lived in the Middle East in Saudi Arabia spoke perfect Arabic . He s a Catholic he was told by his Saudi friends you re not the problem. We understand you re a believer in those who don t believe unbelief is the problem. Of the. Truth we ve just scratched the very. Whole issue. Of fruits and vegetables are you sick of your fruits and vegetables going bad just . Fridge fresh dot com fridge fresh dot com fridge fresh fruits and vegetables and tasty fridge fresh is a device that provides an ozone environment. It is silence and it keeps your fruits and vegetables a. Great fridge fresh dot com dot com save your fruits and vegetables and keep them delicious fridge fresh. 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And learn your animal isn t the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on to add insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance take an ordinary Padi knife and scrape off the old wax ring to place the new wax ring over the flange then align up the bolts with the bowl and gently set in place making sure a proper seal is created with a flange in drain next. Yes weighty. Oh yeah yeah I mean you really get. Right you want to stop now. Ok tighten the bolts line up the flushing valve to the opening in the top of the bowl and secure the tank with a screwdriver and Crescent. The smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child s life take time to be a dad today call 8774 Dad 411 or visit. Brought to you by the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and the Ad Council. Hey parents of children with asthma Here s another hit from the Breathe Easy s. Come on and please. Please. Treat. This so maybe for the childhood asthma it s not getting asthma attacks can be simplest cleaning up the mold or mildew in your house from easy tips to help stop asthma attacks go to know what that s done to the e.p.a. And yes. I know Sebastian Well listen to him he s with us. Somebody else we always listen to is my friend Rob but Riley he is the director of the Westminster Institute all of them at Westminster Institute. I m Sebastian golden this is a special edition of America 1st we re talking about Bob s 1st book the closing of the Muslim mind the role of reason for the all the g. Revelation and understanding the threats of terrorist groups like al Qaeda or ISIS it wasn t always this way was it there was a time when within Islam where those who believed in read. Actually had a place at the center they were the azure writes in the mood tiles alights there was this theological debates the wrong side quote unquote one of those who believe that only written revelation matters that s why you have the Qur an ist you have the movement where everything is in the book Man s reason is irrelevant what is the danger of a culture or community thinking that reason is not a reflection of God Is this how we get to the the greeting in law will be it s Could you unpack that the negative consequences of that theological debate being won by the wrong side well you know there was posted on a Saudi site. The injunction abandon reason and submit to the text that s a reflection of the winning side of the philosophical and theological struggle that took place than in the 9th century in Baghdad. In which the one school of theology said God is reason clearly a reflection of their interaction with the lot of huge Christian populations that they had conquered and with whom they were in discussion about these very kinds of things in fact the 1st theological school in Islam posited that God is reason and we have our reason to come to know meant cetra things that are very familiar to us in the West the opposing side saying quite the opposite he s not reason we can t come to know him all he reveals are his roles submit to the text so be a good Muslim is just submission Yes it s a practice it s a few you simply obey unquestioningly. A philosophy which at 1st prospered in many its forms of a scene a very always those Polaski of hers were ultimately rejected within Islam that s why the sub title of my book. Is So the closer the movement was in the mild has a subtitle How intellectual suicide created the modern Islamicist crisis and intellectual suicide is a term that Pakistani Muslim intellectual used to characterize what happened within the Muslim world they know what happened it s just we who are afraid to say it so when was the role of reason is restored within Islam any kind of dialogue. Is going to be very difficult added to the fact is that we ourselves in the United States or in Western what s left of Western civilization have also abandoned reason. And elevated pure will at the center of our lives let me dig 11 little point a little bit deeper. With the unleashing of the military with a president who now has the back of our forces it is amazing how much has been achieved on the ground in terms of the physical war the destruction of the caliphate the location and neutralization of a bucket al Baghdadi though we have to move to the next phase this is where the war of ideas should ideally ramp up and get into a fost version of what was previously the case explain to us as somebody who worked in the ministration that understood that the Reagan administration who who worked in strategic communications for years in the is what is the what does an affective war of ideas in this conflict look like and what is the role of nations like Egypt or Jordan in that war. Well let s 1st of all begin by saying that what is contested in any war of ideas is moral legitimacy right. Our Islamised opponents deny that we have any moral legitimacy we are infidels who who deserve destruction in the Cold War Of course it was the communists who deny our legitimacy just as we contested the moral legitimacy of the communists and it was Ronald Reagan who made that a lecture fine statement in 1983 that the Soviet Union was the evil empire he used the moral right or at appropriate to the reality of what the Soviet Union was as a locus of evil in the 20th century. And it was only he only said it once but in way once was enough and when I got to travel in the Soviet Union in its latter days I could see the powerful effect of his having said that So while the speech can just have an effect on reality yes when you when you address when you admit to reality it s when you live in denial that the problems get worse I m finishing right now Vladimir because of ski s last book judgment in Moscow which couldn t be published in English for 20 years it s finally out this great courage of core a just man whom we just lost several weeks ago. Talks about and reveals through the documents of the Soviet Polish bureau what with the what were they doing saying planning and executing during the Cold War and how they played us and how the people in the West refused to admit the reality of what the Soviet ideology was as a consequence of which. Though the Soviet Union finally collapsed in 91 because he thinks it could have happened 20 years earlier had we not actually extended credits pretended that where there was some kind of convergence going on that we could live to death and that we have but yes the whole detente there detente was a fraud they taunt the help sustain the Soviet Union beyond let s what we would call it s unnatural life and again it was a refusal within the United States or the West. To admit to the. The spiritual disorder of the law is at the heart of so you so you know ideology and of course today s we re seeing the same kinds of distortions in relation to China yes or for so many years this fantasy His existed that if only we can increase trade if only we can. Help their economy that as soon as people have private property they ll want private conversations and this will be transformed into a nice Bush watched a society where well that doesn t happen the the lie we was sold by Kissinger to so many others that economic liberalization will lead to political liberalization hasn t quite worked out we are talking to the director of the Westminster Institute Robert Riley author of the closing of the Muslim mind we will be discussing his incredible works in a moment we are broadcasting from the really fact the dot com studios and very excited that Mike Lynn Bell great patriot is giving you all this is the biggest discount he has ever had on his pillows and all of his products including his new Egyptian cotton Giza dream sheets the body pillow the pet beds the mattress papa s you name it but you ve got to use my name go to my pillow dot com or call 188298 full 68 that s 188298468 my pillow dot com special code g o Ok back with Bob Riley here on America 1st off of his messages. 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And learn your animal isn t the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on to add insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. You re never too old to wacky too wild to pick up a book and read with a child this is Andrew Morell president of the Arizona Education Association reading to your child now can spark a lifetime of reading in learning parents we know you re tired at the end of a long day but by taking just a few minutes to read with your child you ll be setting them on a path towards reading and learning on their own and studies show students who read and are read to do better in school and in life so have books that interest your child around your home if your child enjoys sports of books about sports if your child enjoys Ballet have books about dancing with parents and teachers working together every child in Arizona can learn to read and reading may be the most important thing they ll ever learn. A message from the Arizona Education Association. It takes talent to deliver a very important message about this radio station 960 the Patriot hi to you and I this is Dennis Prager you ve heard me talk about the American charity corpus and In God We Trust liberty the 3 things that set the United States on it s a powerful idea tenets and this radio station is a place where powerful ideas and principles ride every day never forget the Faith and Freedom a part of what makes our country exceptional There are some people in high places who will apologize for America that something this radio station will never get when you listen to 960 the Patriot we promise not to insult your intelligence and to speak the truth and will prefer Larrabee over agree right this is what our radio stations all about this. Long as you re here to listen to us we ll be here for you when you tell your friends about it absolutely tell our sponsors that you will appreciate their support for this radio station Elegy 6 the Patriots. Me a cat moving in with a new human it took a little getting used to she s weird game she likes to play like this giant Feather she sticks it in my face I swatted away she sticks it in my face I swatted away it s almost like she thinks I enjoy it but seeing how much fun she gets out of it well I guess it makes it all worth it that a person is the best thing to happen to us out there Pat be that person adopt brought to you by the Ad Council and the shelter pet project. I ve decided the u.s. Constitution Merica for if you haven t seen it yet see Dennis Prager is new incredible film no safe space is if you want to understand the threat we face in our culture here in the United States go to no safe spaces dot com slash that is to find out where it is playing nearest to you that s Dennis Prager as late as Phil no safe spaces dot com slash the episode we are back with Robert Reilly former cavalry officer former member of the Reagan administration but now director of the Westminster Institute you ve written you re ranges quite stunning Bob one of the other books that you ve written is called how you want the titles of your books a fabulous but I think even the subtitles could be the best thing about them it s making gay Ok that gets the attention but then the subtitle How rationalizing homo sexual behavior is changing everything an incredible book a disturbing book let me let me put it to you that in the. The cultural wall that it looks as if the Conservatives were losing for decades something may be changing and it may be because of the issue of sexuality that it may be because I think of the transgender agenda that people are suddenly waking up even young people and saying you know what we have being told in general just doesn t sit right oh you re an optimist or pessimist Why did you write that book. Well I think I would say that we won the American Revolution but we lost the sexual revolution and the casualty figures from that are simply astonishing in terms of destroyed families. The incredible flood of Pernod graffiti including child pornography of the most degraded in obscene sort the the incredible flood of drugs and other problems all attendant upon this. This loss of moral order and inner moral order. Now none more order is never last. Simply because people follow their appetites if they re going to make a life out of that moral disorder which is what active homosexuals to who are so public about what they do they need a rationalization to explain this is actually this is actually a moral good and I ve read books in which homosexuals say sodomy is a moral good now if sodomy isn t wrong nothing is wrong it s a total inversion of the moral order and if it is right then what can t be right what about mutilating children. Who supposedly self identify. Of another gender and having parents cooperate in it having primary schools teach it it s it s it s gotten totally crazy now so I m a pessimist in that respect that there seems to be such little resistance to the extraordinary law about what homo a boy about what human beings are morally. That has gone to this extent that it is certain real now in the long run I m an optimist simply because unreality he will lose to reality this simply can t be sustained there s a huge burnout factor built into it the problem for us is how much damage of that do before it happens and it just as we said when President Reagan was willing to call the Soviet Union the evil empire we have to use the right moral vocabulary in addressing these moral disorders and we simply don t see that happening to. A large extent except for a few courageous individuals who are willing to say it because when they do say it they pay a price. Professionally they pay a price socially they pay a price or they may even legally pay a price as we know from bakers who refused to do wedding for a young indeed I personally optimistic or rather I think the rapidity with which things will right themselves has accelerated if if just one area is considered and that s the pro-life movement there is an amazing trend that we can witness especially amongst the youth with regard to the question of the unborn child and every scientific advancement actually strengthens the case of those who have said for so long that that is a human life that has dignity inside the womb so you know I am an American by choice I think being an American requires that one is an optimist that s why we exist here on America 1st if you re enjoying the show you know what to do go to said goal could dot com Join our exclusive subscription service the because cabinet this show without commercial breaks and lots of extra content go to as the b g a said goal could dot com and join my cabinet today. 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It s a front row seat to watch me Dennis Prager Hugh Hewitt Mike Gallagher Larry Elder and even Michelle Malkin we discuss the critical issues that are stake ahead of our next presidential election and we give you the truth to watch it now go to watch Salem Media dot com you will be glad you did that watch Salem Media dot com. 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When I grow up I want to be a new pair of blue Jews when I grow up ally a big kid 1st computer when I grow up I want to be a glass countertop and a new home when I grow up I want to be kids that s birthday present I want to be a full stadium when I grow up I m going to be a warm fleece on a cool day I grow up I want to be a fantasy back I want to be a bike that races around when I grow up Allen to be a bank on a 4 I grew or I want to be a rocking chair and I don t know or I ll be a skyscraper I like to me be on the low and I have been learning though and I want I want to. When I grow up I don t want to be a piece of garbage and if you are psycho me I won t be give your garbage another life recycle learn how I want to be recycled dot org a public service advertisement brought. You by Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council. You are listening to America 1st with Sebastian Gorka former strategist to President Donald j. Trump did you know that this show broadcasts on our website 2477 Gorkha dot com as a b g o r k a 7 book dot com It s also available for free on the Apple podcast just look for my name Sebastian gold and one of your vest you can even download the app we make it as easy as possible that is an America 1st app you could download for your smart phone which allows you to access the show even more easily we are here on this special day whilst you are recovering from your turkey overload with our friend Robert Riley director of the Westminster Institute Westminster dash Institute. And now we re going to turn to his next book and I can t wait it will be out next year it is America on trial the defense of the founding from Ignatius Press Bob. We had the great great grandson of off the Guinness in the studio as Guinness and he explained to me the the challenge we face today in our nation is that we ve chosen the wrong revolution meaning we were founded in a revolution in which its actual fight has understood the nature of humankind the relationship to walk creator and objective truth. And for the last 80 years we ve shifted towards the French revolutions values on the individual and the denial of gods. Your response to that summary of our file and doing and how we have lost our way in recent decades I think that s absolutely right one of the chapters in this forthcoming book America on Trial addresses. A comparison between the French and American revolutions to show how very different they were and how some of the key American founders were appalled by what they saw happening and indeed they predicted what what would happen next I just want to go back said to what you said at the end of the last section there that you feel optimistic about the pro-life cause and I share that optimism we are winning we re going to win that one and it s a big one but I want to point out a problem that was revealed when one of my daughters was at the interscholastic weekend debate school tournaments right most of the kids were public school believe it or not Senator Rick Santorum addressed them he asked them how many here believe your rights come from the state large majority of students raise their hand how many of you believe that your rights come from God a very well including my daughter Needless to say very few of them are raise their hands to that question. That let s say that s a index of how far over we ve gone from our revolution which I mean the top of your show indicates that all people are created equal endowed by their creator obviously rights come from God to the French Revolution where they come from the state and as the state gives the state can take away the state has invented these fictitious rights to engage in all kinds of have normal practices and it s taken away the rights from the people who object to those so the country is becoming increasingly unrecognizable from its founding and that s because we ve switched from the primacy of reason that reason was at the heart of the American founding and reasons ability to apprehend the moral order to apprehend the moral order of the human soul how one must live to become fully human. Into what today we see is the primacy of the will that there is no nature we get to make it up if you want to self identify as a dog go ahead and of course as we heard the new attorney general in San Francisco if you want to hear an 8 in the street says dogs to perfectly fine because maybe yourself identifies a dog I mean the absurdity of this the primacy of the will. Is the Seems to have no no end to it because it s not ordered to anything except appetite and the found that other kid cause I like well course that they cause it s an arc of the founders were without exception saying you can keep this republic. Only so long as you sustain your moral virtue this kind of government cannot survive unless the people in it are morally virtuous if you become to pray you will be slaves I remember I just finished this fabulous book called envoy to terror about the American founder Gouverneur Morris who replaced Jefferson is the American ambassador and Paris when him and as he surveyed the scene he was there for the terror and he said the French the French people cannot sustain a republican form of government because they re too morally depraved This is why attorney general buzz recent speech calls such a commotion on the left as you wrote correct exactly because this is what he s talking about this is he courageously told the truth about the moral disorders in which we re currently living it was Reagan ask in that respect it was a magnificent speech. If you want more my friends go to our website said dot com you will get new content every single day a new article every day and also the show 247 where if you watch if you lose contact on the to rest of broadcast that s Ok Just go to s. . And if you want more long form discussions of this nature unavailable anywhere else join all subscription service just $5995.00 for the year 7 dollars 50 a month you get this show all 3 hours without any commercial breaks long form interviews with guests like Robert Riley that you will not find anywhere else and then my take on the real stories behind the news I m Sebastian a strategist to the president United States author of the new book The War for America s soul which you can also find at our website you even get 3 months of his cabinet for free if you a signed copy of my book right now. Dot com for a signed copy and 3 months free cabinet exclusive subscription service back with Robert Riley message. 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This is America 1st and here s your host Dr so fasting Gorka Welcome back friends we are in studio with Robert Riley executive director of the Westminster Institute author of the closing of the Muslim mind making gay Ok how rationalizing homo sexual behavior is changing everything and next to America on trial a defense of the founding Vol one of our previous guest on the show said that given the crisis we are in as a nation and as a culture we need a love a vent to refocus our country we need the president for example to publicly have a rededication of on nation on on the more spacious occasion what else is required for us to find our way. Back from the French Revolution to the American founding What else what other essential agreed ingredient is missing I think you re right it s the restoration of the founding principles and of the philosophical and theological background out of which they came and which they claim these truths of which we speak on which we found this nation are immutable eternal proves they are true everywhere at all times for every one Now either that s so or we re toast you know I I m a huge c.s. Lewis fan and I just wanted to share one quote from the abolition of Man in which Lewis said moral subjectivism must be the destruction of the society which except said and that puts in a nutshell the process of self destruction in which we re engaged and obviously the recovery from that is the restoration of an objective moral order which was articulated so well by the founders of the United States all of whom were Christians all of whom believed in the natural law all of home accepted the synthesis of faith and reason so there s no better place to which to return than the founding where we began and I think if President Trump used the kind of moral rhetoric that he did in his. Extraordinarily great speech in Poland in Walsall Yes And the speech he gave recently up at the United Nations that he needs to talk to the American people that cut down on the peroration and. Return to those super of explications of the moral princes principles at the basis of Western civilization and of our nation I ve I ve said it before on this show I ll say that again as far as I m concerned one of the most important speeches this president has given and maybe the most important speech he will give in his tenure is the war still speech we will reposed it right now with a video link to that speech that speaks to everything that Robert Riley has discussed with us today I m Sebastian Bach of this is America 1st follow him at Westminster dash Institute on g m Sebastian go because this is America 1st and most special guests don t touch that dial. questions let us be the. News this hour from townhall dot com I m going to. The National Weather Service has issued winter storm warnings for expected heavy snow and freezing cold in areas of New when the New York the same storm has been pummeling the u.s. For days as it moves across the country dumping heavy snow from parts of California to the northern Midwest and in dating other areas with rain the storm has been blamed for several deaths including 2 children in Missouri 2 children in Arizona and a 3rd who remains missing and arrest is made in connection with last week s knife attacks and the now the one Dutch police arrested a 35 year old homeless man Saturday on suspicion of stabbing 3 teens on the street in The Hague crowded with Black Friday shoppers the victims 215 year old girls and a 13 year.

Radio-program , American-columnists , Conservative-talk-radio , American-political-pundits , American-talk-radio-hosts , Legal-professions , Identity , Fraud , Crimes , Political-terminology , Abuse , Cold-war

Transcripts for KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] KKNT 960 AM [960 The Patriot] 20191202 170000

Control of everything and everybody well the u.s. Postal Service is expanding its package delivery in high volume areas to accommodate the holiday crush. For standard shipping the deadlines are December 13th for u.p.s. The 14th for the Postal Service the 16th. The Service estimates it will deliver $20000000.00 packages daily between December 16th of the 20th the lines are different for Alaska and Hawaii that s a look at. 60. Days he routinely had a couple of double action but he s a sack of coal black. Frames. For those hard to find. Real genuine Wild West type pieces. Goods from Luck Springfield. Just to name a few. Back in 1988 today they have over a century of combined experience and buy and sell and trade in large scale in the state if you want to lighten your saddlebags. Or 2 you can only. Know for a fair price. And camelback on. Call 602-2425 you really do need new windows but you fear the unknown much will it cause you go on living with noise from the street. And drafting. From the Shadows get a free in home estimate from dream style windows and doors we promise you an exact price quote by tomorrow valid for a year and you ll be relieved at how affordable it really is America s number one remodeling company. Delivers the best home improvement experience the prove is our 4.8 star rating from more than 4000 online reviews for see why fans feed Game Media dot com one of the top lead sites in Arizona visit a.z. Big Media dot com today Patriot Act tip number 5 listening to 960 on the Patriot app but want to see the latest from the Patriot on Twitter and Facebook click the upper left hand corner and access both without leaving the app download the Patriot app at your app store today. Back. To the. Other. News. I detect a quality coverage a little something. The race is on in the show is on in the week is on and the question properly or. If Dennis Prager is in Israel why is the fill in guy here. I m the fill in guy with Mark Davis from 6. In Dallas Fort Worth and quite frankly this was the planet Dennis Gallagher alongside of deployed in Israel and they are get there spent the weekend getting set up plugged in just ball organized logistically and Dennis is broadcasts from Israel will delight and amaze you and they will begin tomorrow so in anticipation of that let us lift up a prayer for safe travel for Dennis and Mike and all the listeners who are enjoying just an amazing stand with Israel voyage it s a trip I ve made it was 16 years ago and I ve been looking for a way to get back ever since and it s just if it s something that you have not done . You just should it is the word life changing is thrown around a lot this one is life changing so can t wait to hear Dennis from Israel tomorrow and meantime you and I are here in these United States for quite frankly wherever you may be listening or watching at Dennis Prager dot com Everybody welcome into the studio here on beltline in Irving Texas hard by d.f.w. Airport that s where I do my morning show each day here in the big and as funny I was fresh back this morning nothing like an entire week off I had all of Thanksgiving week off and nothing like diving into a to talk show day and I ve always said there s no better prep for the Dennis Prager Show than doing my own show this morning and having done so let me share with you some of the mileage that we have that we tallied and then we ll see where we ll go and you know the phone number 18 Praeger 77618 Prager 776 I have questions for you in a Twitter account you can follow as well and stuff there. During me during the breaks at Mark Davis at a r.k. Davis much appreciate all you all and I hope that your Thanksgiving weekend was just filled and filled and filled with blessings upon blessings and let me be if not the 1st I m the 1st in this program to wish you guys a very very happy holiday season containing Hanukkah later on and Christmas shopping so Merry Christmas to everybody within the sound of whatever voice is hosting the Dennis Prager Show and that will be Dennis tomorrow from Israel I mean Dennis in America is impressive enough Dennis in Israel I could barely wrap my head around it so it s just going to be a wonderful wonderful experience so the experience that you and I will have today involves checking in on the day s news seeing if there are things coming off what was for many a long holiday weekend affair things rattling around in your head that you think deserve talk show time we are the repast atory for such things and so just a couple little rants of my own and then you guys are welcome to place the call and shoot me a tweet or whatever you want to do at Mark Davis glad very very glad to be here and every good wish and every prayer for success and safety of the in the travels of the Dennis Prager and Mike Gallagher stand with Israel tour out there I m envious of those folks they re going to they will all have many many stories to regale us with Upon their return but Dennis will do so each day of his broadcasts from Israel All right so it s funny I was off for a week and I think people who do this for a living. Have different. Policies on what to do when they are away some talk show people when they are off they are off like off the grid like an asteroid or the earth and they wouldn t know others just can t. They they may say they re kind of relaxing and take a break from it all but they get a phone in their face and fused to them and they re like show prep and even when they don t have shows I am far closer to the former group because I believe it is just a little more mentally healthy when I m gone I need to be gone but I can t be totally gone I mean some point each day I d hop in to fire up a news channel or social media and see what people are people are saying just a little bit because that kept me sane and it still gave me an enormous amount of down time to spend with family and that s what it was all about and it was joyous again I hope yours was as well so even with the glancing perfunctory attention that I was paying to get to the impeachment nonsense. It s still ongoing. Yet suppose I entertained no no fantasy that the Democrats would wake up and realize how how suicidal impeachment is for their 2020 chances. Anyway. Something. Happens to change that dynamic but. It s like should anybody tell thumb but impeachment is a killer none of the Democrats running wants to spend a lot of time and there are a few from Andrew yang. Jabbered even Joe Biden you can catch him in a coherent moment will tell you that impeachment is not the 1st thing that he wants to talk about but they all know they have to they all know that in order to be good Democrats in order to be perceived as worthy warriors against you know the anti-Christ that is Donald Trump that they better be on board for impeachment there is a there s a line that you re going to hear Democrats use it you probably heard it a little bit I think Amy club which are rolled out she was on This Week with Stephanopoulos I think guest hosted by Martha Raddatz and she tried to float this others will follow because as the air. As the air hisses out of the impeachment. As this entire exercise begins to buckle under the weight of its own silliness. You re going to hear Democrats say things like this. We don t have a choice we we have to do this we simply must I mean it s it s constitutionally required we have no choice in this we we have to go you know where the where the. Facts lead us. Where the facts lead to more of that in a minute but it s like we like it s mandatory like they can t pull the plug. Something terrible if they just wake up one morning and go I think we re done here every impeachment Terry Andrew Johnson s was Bill Clinton s was Nixon s would have been. Clinton Nixon in the modern era you know those real Clinton impeachment and the threat of impeachment that led Nixon to resign looks different about those 2. Those presidents actually did something wrong that. The crimes of Watergate were actual crimes Bill Clinton. Perjuring himself to a federal grand jury in an attempt to fix a civil rights case that s against the law. President Trump is broken no law he has in fact done and it s funny I want to help many of you out who are tap dancing around this and boy when I say you I mean you listeners maybe you listeners who have who have the ear of your member of Congress please disabuse them of the notion that very day need to engage in contortions that say well it was inappropriate but it wasn t illegal or it was wrong but it wasn t an impeachable offense and I think people try to do that dance on the head of a pin so they can maybe still be welcome at a Georgetown cocktail party or 2 and yet not burn their Bridge to the White House or infuriate the base I m here to liberate you there was nothing and by nothing I mean nothing wrong with the trunk call with his Ukrainian counterpart no thing have a clear nothing not only is it not an impeachable offense it s not an offense. The notion of wanting something something justifiable in order and withholding something that a country has to offer like it s taxpayer dollars in order to to achieve even even a political result if it wasn t just corruption if it was a political result you can t you can not like that they can make if you want but people have done that since the beginning of time here in my own state of Texas there s somebody who wrote a magnificent column in The New York Post I may actually share this Josh Hammer wrote this and explains why there s just nothing wrong with the call much to do today Mark Davis and for Dennis Prager stick around. More. Like 43. Something you need to know about Pete unself Talbott The father son owners they re on a mission to help as many people as possible to get out of pain they ve been a consistent sponsor of the show and radio sponsors come and go the humans they eat may even stay for a year or so and then they re gone not so with the relief factor Pete and Seth are consistent year after year why because tens of thousands of people are now taking relief factor every day for their back and neck pain shoulder pain hip pain the pain etc. And now they re in less or no pain at all that s the truth I d like you to try a 3 week quick start is just $19.95 in 3 weeks you ll know if it works how s that not a great thing or what cancel if it doesn t work otherwise it s the best 1995 you will have spent That s the Quick Start relief factor dot com my friends heat holders makes the warmest thermal socks available they keep your feet 7 times warmer than just ordinary socks he told her as he uses a 3 stage process Kashmir like insulating yarn that s soft to the touch along loop pile and then intense brushing on the inside this traps warm air closer to your skin longer keeping your feet warm comfortable and dry that guarantee it he told us will pamper your feet he told us also makes hats gloves throws scarves and much more give someone you love he told us for the holidays receive an amazing 25 percent off your feet holders dot com order this week only through Cyber Monday by entering the code Dennis $25.00 plus receive free shipping with any purchase of $25.00 or more Remember to go to heat holders dot com and use the special code dentist $25.00 by 1st name and the number $25.00 to save 25 percent off your order through Cyber Monday go to heat holders dot com today. Larry Elder explains what the deep state is all about the obsession to get this man out of office the expression deep state these guys thought they were patriots. Struck McCain They thought they were patriots they were intrepid warriors for all the right that s what makes them so did the Larry Elder Show weeknights at 6 on intelligent talk 960 page 3 a 3rd. Look at Medicare stuff that came in the mail this week who has time to read and understand it. This year but how do we know we ll be making the right decision by calling. Insurance service Tina enter team will meet with this review our current player and answer all our questions and help us make changes if necessary. Represents all major Medicare plans in Arizona so we can have confidence in the decision we make. Has an a plus rating with the Better Business Bureau we only have until December 7th making a point right now what s your number 602758898. 758-8998 we can also reach are on the web insurance. 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Autoglass dot com yesterday today and tomorrow covers the current contemporary social issues in the light of our history to understand our yesterday to live fully today and tomorrow through intense research and study our program shares the message that helps us the with our rational and critical mind when we dwell on the past we cannot live fully today but when we forget history we will be doomed to repeat it without being informed listen every Saturday at 5 30 pm to yesterday today and tomorrow on 960 The Patriot. Is now available online video streaming on t.v. As well as our website if you want to watch the show not just listen go to Town Hall dot com and click on the t.v. But. The boys are just waiting on a friend. We re waiting on our friend Dennis Prager to start broadcasting from Israel which he will do tomorrow in the meantime you and I get to hang out and get ourselves warmed up for that experience Mark Davis with you from 660 am a answer in Dallas Fort Worth you know having invoked this piece I m going go ahead and share a little bit of it with you because this this really is this is particularly timely moving forward to Wednesday because let me show you how this is all going to go today the Intelligence Committee will see what has been put together for what will pass for its report on the shenanigans they put us through in the past couple. Weeks tomorrow the Intelligence Committee will vote on sending that report to the House Judiciary Committee which is where articles of impeachment would be drafted on Wednesday that Judiciary Committee with the always entertaining Jerry Nadler at the helm will welcome a bunch of witnesses to trumpet ministration will have precisely nothing to do with this which is brilliant if you find yourself thinking Well maybe they should kind of engage and participate because it makes them look less guilty no and if the police come to your house that s a philosophy if the f.b.i. Is most days that s that s a philosophy is this entire thing is a sham it s a joke it s ridiculous you don t honor it with the response of your participation but there will be get ready for the air quotes constitutional scholars spare me the constitutional scholars the may be lined up for this exercise constitutional scholars are like economists in that they have a certain amount of expertise certain amount of book learnin but you really need to know where they re coming from because there are some economists who are stone cold liberal and they re leftists and they believe that high taxes are good and that capitalism is bad so they re idiots and I. Follow there are constitutional scholars that Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor God help us their constitutional scholars who believe the Constitution is a living breathing document that should change with the you know this and that in this and that so. We re going to constitutional scholars on Wednesday and then the the Judiciary Committee will decide on writing articles of impeachment I want to hold out a possibility and that is the possibility that there won t even be an impeachment vote that this thing will collapse on the weight of its own selfishness and because they know they got if Nancy Pelosi has a shred of. Our left if he has been hijacked by the squad in a o c. And that ilk she knows that impeachment is a net loss to her party so anyway here is. Here s Josh Hammer in the New York Post a couple days ago for months in the White House congressional Republicans and conservative pundit ocracy have rebutted. The House Democrats impeachment efforts by arguing that Ukraine phone call didn t amount to some quid pro quo that s mistaken the no quid pro quo clash amounts to a semantic debate over a phone call transcript it s largely unpersuasive Instead there s a more intellectually compelling and politically potent line of argument free speech and he gives an example right here from my state of Texas in 2014 a Texas grand jury indicted then Governor Rick Perry for supposedly abusing his official capacity he threatened to withhold about $7000000.00 in funding for the D.A. s office down in Travis County where Austin located he held up about $7000000.00 in funding unless the troubled d.a. She was a mess or resigned her post totally quid pro quo totally legal totally ethical at the time and illustrious and ideologically diverse group of legal scholars argue that the 1st Amendment absolutely protects a governmental officials right to threaten taking a lawful action to attain a preferred political outcome. In a nutshell they argued that Perry s threat you know I m holding up this funding unless you get rid of that d.n.a. Was constitutionally protected core political speech and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals agreed. Quote public servants have a 1st Amendment right to engage in expression even threats regarding their official duties this isn t the court. Finding the court held that quote many threats that public servants make as part of the normal functioning of government would be criminalized under the special prosecutor s legal theory and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rationale is neither partisan nor political it s logic and common sense and it was based on the crown jewel of our Constitution s Bill of rights free speech the quid pro quo boogie man is a routine occurrence in day to day life the entire legislative premise of you know law growing the backslapping deal making is as old as Congress itself in more modern times before issuing executive n.s.t. In 2014 President Obama consistently threaten to use the pen remember I ve got a pen going to cell phone if that doesn t happen are going to pan I get a cell phone if Congress didn t pass the laws that he desired when it came to immigration policy similarly Committee chairman routinely threaten to take away on really lawmakers committee assignments if they fail to vote in accordance with congressional leadership desires this is what they do and to treat this kind of could Jolie as a high crime any impeachable if the president does it it would render governing itself impossible how can the duly elected president ited States be removed from office for engaging in constitutionally protected speech aimed at getting a foreign leader to investigate corruption and past election meddling. Federalist 65 Alexander Hamilton defining the Constitution s quote high crimes and misdemeanors impeachment criteria as an abuse or a violation of some public trust how can the president s use of constitutionally protected speech in pursuit of his foreign policy however idiosyncratic You may be that to be amount to such abuse it cannot political exchanges for political value are everywhere ubiquitous in our politics and if this conduct is unlawful then every politician in Washington should be in prison. Get ahead of me sounds good to be built and if his conduct is merely so unethical as to require removal from from office then every president over the last century should have been impeached every legislator in the current Congress ought to be removed as well. The most intellectually tenable and politically far reaching impeachment defense is therefore one that rests on the 1st Amendment itself. The great great work bearer of Josh Hammer in the New York Post why Trump Ukraine remotely illegal I got it on my Twitter feed a couple of days back and take big that I may post it again speak of the 1st Amendment No Safe Spaces That s what Dennis and his buddy Adam Carolla toured the country found people on the left and the right. The shutdown of free speech not just colleges but various other places where people get triggered so easily and people are are trying to shut you up your conservative views being muzzled and sidelined if not criminalized No Safe Spaces check out the theaters near you it no safe spaces dot com slash theaters no safe spaces dot com slash theaters Mark Davis in for Dennis your phone calls next one. From the relief pain free. Here s 916 a. Pretty overwhelming Democrat for scheduling of a deal with Hillary while he s in London but with a dose of it while speaking with reporters at the White House Trump said he will not send lawyers to the impeachment hearings because the investigation is a hoax the House Judiciary Committee will hold its 1st public hearing Wednesday but House Intelligence Committee meanwhile will begin to review its impeachment report today in b.c.s. Kelli hold on mobile to story today lawmakers will get their 1st chance to read the report that will lay out the allegations of abuse of power against President from that will happen in the House Intelligence Committee tomorrow that committee must vote on the report to send it to the next phase which would be the House Judiciary Committee the committee has been investigating the phone call that took place between President Trump and the president of Ukraine. President Trump restoring tariffs on steel and aluminum shipped to the us from Brazil and Argentina Trump made the announcement this morning on Twitter after complaining that the 2 South American nations have been engaged in a massive devaluation of their currencies the president said that s not good for American farmers He also suggested that the Federal Reserve should lower its interest rates weaken the u.s. Dollar giving farmers and manufacturers a more competitive edge and the mesa man went to the emergency room after he says a Christmas tree ornament exploded in his face Paul n.p.r. Says he was changing the button batteries provided in a Hallmark ornament when the incident occurred he went to the emergency room over concerns of debris or battery acid may have gotten into his eyes this report is sponsored by Indy dot com as a hiring manager you need to quickly find the best candidates for your open positions tools from Indy like skills tests will help candidates really show what they can do you ll save so much time you can take the scenic route home post your next job and indeed dot com slash higher today that s a look at do something Alas for $960.00 the pizzeria it. What are you thankful for this holiday season family friends your health good fortune in your career Hi I m John Donvan president of Grand Canyon planet associates and host of the word on wealth many of our blessings in fortunate circumstances are determined by the choices we make our early in life your financial stability is likely a result of your career choices and saving habits so what decisions can you make today that you will be thankful for in the future let s find out together I ve been assisting my clients prover 25 years with the financial state and tax planning needs and I can help you as well call me at 480-991-1055 extension 2 schedule a complimentary consultation that s 480-991-1055 or visit us online at Grand Canyon planning dot com I m John King you don t run out of money before you run out of time secured an advisory services offer to play with your utility a member founder and an investment advisor letting clients. Hi folks Seth leaps in here when you re out and about doing your holiday shopping and you re thinking about that family member or a loved one who s a hunter firearm something just a patriotic American look no further than guns etc guns etc selection is simply the best in the valley they have any type of gift the gun lover in your home would want or pick up a gift card and let them come by the store and splurge folks guns etc is 10200 square feet and it s a holiday destination for firearms lovers and when you shop at guns etc You can know that you re supporting patriotic Americans who believe in the founding principles of our great country Ron has been a huge supporter of conservative talk radio in Phoenix for many years and his store is a beacon of American freedom and as I always say please leave your impeachment talk at the door so whether it s handguns rifles a case ammo or even safes this holiday season don t forget to stop by guns etc or for your holiday online buying go to guns etc dot com and make sure to tell them such sencha. You know. It s the Dennis Prager Show for the 1st Monday in December December 2nd 2900 Mark Davis in for Dennis from 660 am answer in Dallas Fort Worth Dennis s with you tomorrow and moving forward broadcasting from Israel all that wonderful stand with Israel tour now and next segment I m going to mobilize you guys because while Denis is getting more geared up and ready to roll he s going to hit you with a lot of salvation army motivations and yeah I think we ve been through this a few times about what chick fil a did to our friends at Salvation Army not good. But we re going to be there for Salvation Army because they are there living and acting Biblically and we re going to help them out with the Salvation Army Red Kettle the broadcast version of that right here in the Dennis Prager Show I ll tell you about that in a very next segment let s do some phone calls 18 Prager 776 impeachment week big week months season continues little bit about the Democrat field there s an audio clip of video audio clip of Joe Biden Porton poor son of a gun. I m going to suggest to you that if you find 30 seconds of me ranting about something it might sound as wheels off crazy as Joe does in a particular campaign stop but it just adds to sort of the. The snowball effect rolling downhill that people think that Joe is slowly losing his mind. I just think that s kind of baked in. I think Joe has a lot of support a lot of it in the black community which which may or Pete doesn t have Elizabeth one doesn t have Bernie certainly doesn t as I think writing off Joe is still not very smart so I will talk a bit about the Democrat field and a number of other things but phone number is 18 Prager 776 we are in Libertyville Illinois John Hey Mark Davis and for Dennis how are you. I m good servant you recall your church talking to me and then you know we could agree about pretty much . No problem glad you re here are we going to be heard if you hear a lot of credit for. Our President Herbert record that went. Rather Reports of the pro-competition and what the president the parents or her group period he would know being a parent by people like Senator Kennedy. Or Medicare or kind of pure Rick Perry going to rock. Back. For. Their brain no alchemy right Hoover and crane and green and the bikers who wanted to report and were doing what they were. Ok careful careful careful because they care here s here s here s why care is necessary the Crowd Strike thing does not meet a lot of the smell test for being absolutely verifiable but the notion that it s a lie which is when you consciously tell something that you know to be untrue the one thing that you said that is not not true at all is that the theory is somehow that it was not Russia but it was Ukraine the Crowd Strike theory is it might have had Ukrainian roots as well there is no one repeat no one walking around saying that it was Ukraine and not Russia but Percy Ok Well I ve heard that grew out of great. I think you know we re very proud record. And incoherence. In order to record your question. I want to tell you how like you when I hear President Carter and very very cocky to our own higher level. Group I don t like what they re going after. Or whether it really remember kinetic that it. Occur McCosker or that. Osama bin long critic or. Really good are now I think. How would I know I would I don t I don t know that I don t know that s not apples and apples at all but I think there is an apples and apples you could come up with that if there were something that ll get a Democrat president said you know I m not going to go with what the what a lot of the analysts say I kind of got my own pet theory here I guess the 1st thing that would occur to me is does the president s holding of that pet theory hurt me in some way God guided the country in some terrible way and if the answer is now I d say guess what I mean disagree with him but you know that s his call to make Ok but home front lawn help and Walker were recruited over to the plate doesn t. Relate got a real Lattimer now and I don t I don t know that it does I think Putin is widely viewed as a villain so I don t want to get props up his reputation that much I really don t I really really no I just get crack as on the one thing in 866. Or 77618 Prager 776 the call is always agree disagree we welcome all folks here one a peg or 776 Mark Davis in for Dennis spirit back to the Dennis Prager Show line from the relief factor pain free studio. 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Let s face it we love Alexa and we love the letter find your favorite radio station this one of course but she could find us easier if we taught her a simple skill to get started simply say Alexa enable the Patriot Phoenix kill after she confirms you can then say play the Patriots retakes that s all you have to do and Alexa will learn how to find us you can listen to us through your Amazon echo echo show echo doc and Amazon tap devices Alexa What s your favorite radio station that sees the intelligent top 960 the Patriot I can t believe the holidays are almost here again that s not all it s time to review our Medicare player and see what changes are coming in 2020 No not that again that 800 number we call for help last year was so confusing and I don t have time to attend all those meetings not to worry this year we re calling Tina at t.r. B. Insurance service Tina and her team will meet with us answer our questions explain our options and help us make changes if necessary the t.r.p. Team has helped people with Medicare in Arizona for over 19 years and be insurance as an a plus rating with the Better Business Bureau So you re saying they ll actually meet with us and help us through all this Medicare stuff sounds perfect we only have until December 7th so we better call today what s the number 60275889986027588998 or we could reach or on the web at t.r. Be Insurance dot all services are provided at no cost and with no want to change. Donations you guys have done great but the need as you know is even greater as Christmas draws near Dale Bannon of the Salvation Army reminds us that where ever you live the great thing about a lot of time Joey give to charities giving charity is great but your dollars may go to something in some other times on it when you give the Salvation Army your donation to the online red kettle stays in your community. The funds raised during the regular campaign help with out if an army provide toys for kids at Christmas clothes for the homeless food for the hungry countless other social service programs and afterschool programs to those in need around I think it s important to note that every single dollar that s raised in the red kettle campaign stays local your donation stays in the community to serve those who need it most Salvation Army programs all over America have needs and the work of the Salvation Army goes on all year long so listen other bodies back from Thanksgiving getting back into the work that in the rhythms take a moment to help those less fortunate click the red kettle banner Dennis Prager dot com Dennis Prager dot com or visit team Prager dot org that takes you right to the kennel team Prager dot org and help the Salvation Army chick fil a make bail on them but we re not going to we ve got your back Salvation Army Your always doing the most good and we re going to do well for you Dennis Prager not com or team Prager dot org right Mark Davis in for Dennis let us head next to Irvine California and Jeff that is you Hi Mark Davis and for Dennis Happy Monday how are you. Thanks for asking. I have a question for you which is I do you believe that your own political beliefs and your. Status as a trump fan of facts your opinion of this phone call in any way what a great question that is let me take a minute analyze it I ll give you give you the floor right back because that s exactly the kind of question that should be asked anybody who does what I do for a living. I m fond of saying that the only reason anybody can find this in impeachable that the only reason for advocating impeachment is you hate Trump s guts is it possible that the converse is true that the only reason that I see nothing wrong with it is because I m a trump voter and part of the. Base here s the test I apply and objectivity means everything to me. And I ve said this a lot in fact I kind of touched on it with the last caller who talked about what if Obama had done this and I kind of set up an apples and apples innocent then I wouldn t care much let s make it exactly this let s say a Democrat president was holding up taxpayer money for foreign aid because of a suspicion of corruption in some foreign land wanted to see if the new boss was the same as the old boss Zelinsky in Ukraine but in the process of this that Democrat president stubbed his toe on a political rival Oh my gosh there s a Republican in there who s kid is on the board that he has no business being on what the heck is going to would that make me say you ve got to pull up stakes can t investigate anymore this is the devil s work and that answer is no so if you flip the tables completely I would still say this is come please lethally permissible for that president to do. Well yeah I guess when you when you frame it that way except that I m not I m a Republican I m not a truck fan don t know what I don t know if what he did was impeachable I die I don t think so. I did it I can t how I don t know how you can not say it was wrong. That really he said to me a favor check out Biden It wasn t oh oh. Continue your efforts with corruption and let no hold that there s there s an enormous and there s an enormous amount of context about that that Ukraine and 2016 of the where there are efforts going on that were that were anti Trump and pro Hillary in Ukraine was Ukraine corrupt as all get out was bar is more corrupt as all get out was it ridiculous for Hunter Biden to be on that board all those answers are Yes So of course there s a justification for being a curious about what was going on in Ukraine a completely obvious justification so why is that hard for you to grasp I think is not hard for me to grasp I don t I don t see him for being curious about Ukraine market what part is I think you re in denial he specifically said looking into Joe Biden he bragged because his son is because Joe Biden could have been part of a racket to curry favor between Ukraine and the Obama administration what is his son doing on that board Jeff what is Hunter Biden doing on that board is there a possible answer you have for that he s not on the board anymore and no No doubt I just don t play don t play games with me what was he doing on that board if not to curry favor with the Obama administration. I don t agree with height but I think they got that Ok Ok thank you let s get it all right only I m off work it was Ok I think you would our national security that s all that s the deal is struck to think you re. Of course it does no no no you re I love you but you re the one with the blind spot it s because if this shows that Ukraine is still dirty if it shows that the corruption is still there if they are the same country they were in 2016 they don t deserve a dime of foreign aid truck unlike foreign aid anyway so he s going to be particularly tight with the purse strings I have a tiny theory and have at it I have a tiny theory about a minister and that is because what I think because I was glad to get your question about is how does my feelings about Trump at play in my opinion what s your biggest problem with him if you really are Republican if you have a shred of conservatism what s your problem with the Trump administration I think he s a person I m sure. What a load of crap what a load of crap so because he s a jerk you don t like justice Gorsuch you don t like justice Kavanagh you don t like stronger borders you don t like lower taxes you don t like regulatory reform because he s a jerk really Jeff really you know yet really he said the leader of the free world Jeff that s and that s insane that s that s patently insane your conservatism either a is phony or it is so threadbare that it s dismantle a bold because you don t like to get either one is not not a good look either one is just not a good I mean if you re on the phone saying Mark I m a liberal if I were if you re on the phone saying Mark I m liberal and I disagree with his his policies Ok we disagree but for you to sacrifice everything I mean whatever right now do you want him to say it s him Joe Biden him Elizabeth do you want to Democrat to beat him into next year. It depends on the Democrat then that s all I need to know your can see it s all I need to know I love you that s all I need to know no the conservative will ever say that my clear no conservative will ever say that Mark Davis or Dennis right back. In the. Studio. My friends the bed you sleep on is a very important part of your life and I certainly believe this so when my stepson needed a new bed we decided to try out and we could return it as anybody could if they don t want the helix mattress and it s really one that conforms to your body whether you re a side sleep or hot sleep or you re like a plus or a firm bed with helix there s no more confusion it was even awarded the number one best overall match respective 2019 by g.q. And Wired magazine go to helix sleep h e l I x sleep dot com slash Prager take a 2 minute sleep quiz they ll match you to a customized mattress that will give you to refix sleep they have a 10 year warranty you get to try it out for a 100 nights risk free they ll even pick it up for you if you don t love it but you will helix is offering up to $125.00 off all mattress orders for my listeners that he likes sleep dot com slash Prager helix h e l I x sleep dot com slash prayer for up to $125.00 off balance of nature changing the world one life in a time in April of 2017 I got the flu and I had her mercy on the radio for a month so even I know what I m going to try so I ordered them in May of 2017 I started them and I have not been the one people are getting me husband and I not getting sick everyone it s hard to it eats or. So. You know it s a really good experience I will be around I ll take this for my lips. For Black Friday balance of nature s offering 35 percent off and free shipping on your 1st preferred order of balance of nature plus get a set of convenient travel bottles containing 3 additional weeks supply of balance of nature s fruits and veggies this special is ending Black Friday weekend so don t wait call 802468751 or go to balance of nature dot com and use discount code balun I ve been telling you for a while now that you need a Connecticut water system in your home why haven t you called Yet if you don t have a water treatment system you re probably seeing at least one of the signs build up on your Fos it s spotting on your dishes and shower door etching on your glasses or soap scum I bet you ve probably replaced or dishwasher or water heater in the last 5 years right and do you ever smell the chlorine when you shower or feel dry and itchy afterwards let Connecticut help you with these problems and what about drinking water are you still buying bottled water what a hassle and negative impact on our environment even if you do recycle every single bottle meeting u.s. 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Talked about it just a couple minutes ago and try to put somebody on the radio before we close up for this hour Mark Davis on the Dennis Prager Show Dennis says off and running from Israel broadcast wise tomorrow and moving forward we re together just today so let s make the most of it at the beginning of the next hour I ll begin with the genuinely bizarre Joe Biden outtake and I just literally in all fairness I want to ask you is is this fair because I ve said listen if you listen to this show you know when I host it I bet you can find 35 seconds of me that will sound at least half that crazy if not more but gosh he s just riffing about I have blonde hair on my legs and something about roaches and people would rub my leg it s so weird it s just so strange and it s front of mind and so will sort of ask that almost daily question is Joe Ok and we ll do that if he a beginning of next hour from now let s see how you all are doing when it Prager 776 about the last gentleman that was a wonderful call it a totally appropriate question that he asked we should all ask this of each other and of ourselves is there some view that I hold if I mean my my support of President Trump is because of my conservatism it is because of my conservatism is what guides me I love stronger borders I love regulatory reform I love constitutionalist justices I love the. Extreme vetting I love lower taxes I love pro business pro growth economy it is because I love those things that I am an on and un conflicted supporter of this president all this other nonsense that people bring up Oh this tweet or move that that that you know of something from his deep past I could not possibly care less and if I did if I started to obsess about those irrelevancies and sideshows it would mean that there s something wrong with my conservatism it would mean that I ve taken my eye off the ball I no longer care about the most important thing and that s policies and the agenda and I ve started to care about meaningless nonsense and if I can help any of you achieve clarity on that doggone it I m going to do it but the gentleman s question to me though and that is that if if the British were true if a Democrat president was looking at corruption other country stumbled across a rival with the sun on mysteriously on a bone on some board would I blustered that President for looking into it more deeply I would not I hope that passes for consistency on my part and that passes for our 1st hour back in a moment Mark Davis in for Dennis Prager do stick around tennis player show live from the relay factor pain free studio. 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In t.c.t. a Division of Salem Media Group on to radio you have question dear. Here is 960 News. Of a home for finding the builders aboard Hong Kong protesters does not make it easier to negotiate a trade deal with China. He was speaking with reporters at the White House before leaving for London Trump said the Chinese are always to go shooting and he is very happy get where they are currently Last week President Trump approved legislation backing protesters in Hong Kong to certify that the region will retain autonomy and it also threatened sanctions for human rights violations Beijing has retaliated by suspending u.s. Navy visits to Hong Kong and sanctioning pro-democracy non-governmental organizations President Trump is criticizing House Democrats for scheduling an impeachment hearing while he s abroad meeting with foreign leaders at the NATO summit. This. Week. Here. Trump says Democrats are losing ground for the 20000 election to getting killed on the road I think it s going to be a tremendous boon for the Republicans Republicans have never ever so keep. Speaking with reporters at the White House also Trump said the Ukrainian president just came out with another statement saying there was no pressure to investigate the Bidens Trump said he will not send lawyers to the impeachment hearings because the investigation is a hoax and everyone knows that the House Judiciary Committee will hold its 1st public hearing Wednesday to explore the framework of the u.s. Constitution to respond to allegations against the president well mortars in London are.

Radio-program , Conservative-talk-radio , Columbia-university-alumni , American-talk-radio-hosts , Unofficial-observances , Writers-from-new-york-city , Constitutional-law , Latin-legal-terms , Alexander-hamilton , English-language-newspapers , Monday , Christmas-economics

Transcripts for KUAR 89.1 FM [FM 89] KUAR 89.1 FM [FM 89] 20191129 080000

Thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators gathered in a public square in central Hong Kong last night to thank the u.s. For passing 2 laws in support of their efforts one law mandates sanctions against Chinese and Hong Kong officials who carry out human rights abuses and requires an annual review of the special trade status Hong Kong has with the u.s. The 2nd bans the export of certain non-lethal Minish ns to Hong Kong police former Japanese prime minister Yossi rolled up his Sony has died at the age of 101 N.P.R. s Anthony Kuhn reports Nakasone led his country from 1982 to 1987 and forged close ties to then President Ronald Reagan Nakasone died at a Tokyo hospital Friday morning local time he was the descendant of summarising and served as a lieutenant in the Imperial Navy during World War 2 after which he vowed to help revive Japan Nakasone was a conservative nationalist who advocated increasing defense spending instilling patriotism through education and revising Japan s postwar Constitution which bars it from waging war during his administration Japan reached its economic peak and became the world s largest creditor nation he stood down after 2 terms as prime minister but continued to serve as a member of parliament until 2003 Anthony Kuhn n.p.r. News Tokyo this is n.p.r. News from Washington. The world of French cinema is being convulsed by new and repeat allegations of sexual abuse lodged against 2 prominent directors N.P.R. s Eleanor Beardsley reports another woman claims she was raped by French Polish director Roman Polanski he s lived in France since fleeing u.s. Sentencing after being convicted of sexually abusing a 13 year old in 1977 Polanski has always enjoyed respect and success in France but that may be changing his latest film is being boycotted after a French photographer says he raped her in a ski chalet in Switzerland in 1974 says she but there he was just now he says she does. This a month in a video interview that claimed French actress Adele had now accused another prominent director Chris. Of scarring her through constant sexual harassment during the making of a film when she was 12 this week has now has filed charges against the director Eleanor Beardsley n.p.r. News Paris about 50000 people are still out of their homes because of a fire at a chemical plant in Texas there were 2 explosions Wednesday at the plant which is located 80 miles east of Houston 3 workers were injured a mandatory evacuation order is in effect covering a 4 mile radius around the plant investigators in Minneapolis are trying to determine the cause of an apartment fire early Wednesday morning 5 people died in the blaze in a public housing high rise officials say they believe the fire was accidental it broke out in a neighborhood in Minneapolis known as Little no good issue for the many immigrants from Somalia who live there I m nor Rahm n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations and other contributors include the Charles Stuart Mark foundation for more than 90 years supporting efforts to promote it just equitable and sustainable society more admire dot org and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Thanks. Kenny Burrell and hot Some. This is. Laurie Williams an unusual arrangement of My Funny Valentine from her latest full circle Peter Bernstein started off that nice long set with a guitarist s composition hidden pockets from his double cd set signs live and Leslie Charisse glad to have you along up next to it is the entire Marsalis clan we have the patriarch and composer of this tune Ellis Marsalis at the piano Wynton on the trumpet Branford on a saxophone on the trombone and Jason trumps here is swinging in at the Haven. War or. I m Katie King and this is being human What can teeth tell us about migrations of the past some by archaeologists use trace mineral analysis to study this question trace minerals are those that are not major structural components of the body but are incorporated into our tissues through our food and water intake such as strontium copper and lead our permanent teeth begin forming when we are and has once they are completely formed their mineral composition is fixed bone however is constantly being remodeled throughout our lives as older bone tissue wears out newly formed tissue replaces it the levels of trace elements in the soil and water vary from location to location teeth which form in childhood can then be used as a marker for where someone was born and raised bones record the chemical signature of where someone lived their last few years comparing the trace elements in an individual s teeth and bones allows by archaeologists to determine if a person migrated very many life times and if they did how long they lived in the new location for the us a little rock anthropology program this is Dr Katie King with being human. This is 89 point one. A listener supported service at the University of Arkansas in little wrong way Ari s news and culture for Arkansas show years of lore and by becoming a member of a our daughter or. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I m nor rom President Trump made a brief unannounced visit to Afghanistan where he spent part of Thanksgiving with the troops getting a rousing welcome from a crowded bhagam airfield N.P.R. s Frank are Donya his reports speaking in front of a large u.s. Flag and 2 armored combat vehicles the president told u.s. Forces there was nowhere he d rather spend Thanksgiving and that the American public was proud we flew 8331 miles to be here tonight for one simple reason to tell you in person that this Thanksgiving is a special Thanksgiving we re doing so well the visit comes at a critical moment for the President Trump has had to defend his efforts to cut the size of u.s. Forces in the region and holding controversial negotiations with the Taliban about Afghanistan the president made no mention of the House impeachment inquiry against Franco or Dunja as n.p.r. News traveling with the president on Air Force One fires continue to burn at a chemical plant in southeast Texas 2 days after 2 explosions prompted mandatory evacuations in the area Jen Rice of Houston Public Radio reports environmental advocates are concerned about chemical exposure explosions at a facility owned by a Houston based t.p.c. Group come just days after the e.p.a. Rescinded parts of a safety regulation that required companies to tell the public about which specific chemicals are stored on site Catherine Frazier with environment Texas said this isn t the 1st time the t.p.c. Plant has put the commune.

Radio-program , American-jazz-pianists , Industrial-processes , American-jazz-composers , Political-science , Abuse , Rca-victor-artists , Chemical-processes , Sex-crimes , Columbia-university-alumni , Columbia-records-artists , Milestone-records-artists

Transcripts for KSJD 91.5 FM KSJD 91.5 FM 20191129 020000

Hate. It was a Spike Jones pass the biscuits Marandi I was preceded by Woody Guthrie with I don t know who s a covering in. Their little sketch desert rat surety in Rocky Mountain slim. And then Arlo Guthrie his son before that remembering Alice looking back on his relationship with always at least that he said the never ending Groundhog Day. Of his life. At least in song in anyway good stuff here on the eclectic our thanks everybody for dialing in and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you are going to keep going with some stories songs are right now I get to say this that this is k s j d ideas stories community 91.5 k.s. J.d. Cortez 90.5 ks e e t toy back 89.5 k. I see a Rico and courtesy have been a college at 92 point one k. Extol u r l p Saley Listening to make is a 91 point one an unpleasant view at 90.9 of course you can follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and on the web a k s j d r j well. You know I start the 2nd half of this basketball game with another story sung by Greg Brown. Before but before I do I want to give a few shout outs. Howdy to Jeff and Della hope you guys are well and warm. And. See a big shout out to Janet. Who along with roadie Doug. Kind of make the form the backbone of the eclectic hour they they take 3rd Thursday of the month and Sky love and thunder rock will be on the air with you folks next Thursday with their edition of the eclectic hour. Ok here right Greg Brown Greg Brown and I ve heard this guy a bunch. Partly because he hails from Iowa where I went to college and. I got to hear him a time or 2 while I was there and I was able to. Stay abreast of him throughout his career. And I do enjoy his work but I do think. Well one of his greatest. Attributes I think is his capacity to tell a story spent a yarn and he does that with the tune that I m going to play for you now it s a bit about going to grandma s for a family dinner could well be Thanksgiving. Title of its canned goods. a little meaning for. Be courteous kind and forgiving. Be gentle and he s believed to. Be warm and human ungrateful. And have a good thing to say. Be thoughtful and trustful and childlike. You would. Be honest and love your neighbor. The sick purple unbearable and I believe pompous obese any. Job and boring it on the president. Criticized things you don t know about. Be oblong and have your news remote. Be tasteless rude and offensive. Live in a swamp and be 3 dimensional. But a lot of chicken in your underwear. Get all excited and go to a yawning festival. Ok everybody. Be courteous kind and forgiving be courteous kind. Good Be gentle and peaceful each day. Peaceful He s a warm and human and grateful to be around. And have a good thing to say and. If I fell in trouble and tried like everybody on this good job. He would be unhappy and was he would. Be honest and love all your neighbors and. Be obsequious purple and clairvoyant lot of money on sides you know. The promise all be sent to talk to somebody saying maybe. You don t boring and omnipresent he. Was going to. Criticize things you don t know about was you don t want to be oblong and ever need removed the young. Ladies only be tasteless rude and offensive. Now the men live in a swamp and be 3 dimensional. Everybody but I have chicken in your underwear Oh Ok. Go into a closet and suck eggs. Suck. Was with the new guys are going to be on a record. Was the. Maybe someday not mine. Will Steve Martin their grandmothers song I was preceded by Greg Brown telling his wonderful story. That accompanies the song canned goods taking this back to the day with his. Grandmother in. It was known to the eclectic our thanks everybody for dialing and sure am glad to be spending tunes with you this evening I m going to keep spinning those tunes but 1st let me tell you about a couple of things that s happened in that are happening in your community the sunflower troupe is accepting submissions from local playwrights for 10 minute plays for sunflower shorts 2020 featuring a place chosen by a panel of judges that will be performed at the sunflower theater in June of 2020 click on the sunflower troupe plink at Sunflower theater dot org for more details on this talk about what more I had a mere If I could land on some Hey this looks like something that we should talk about. And that s all bs angels rescue will hold and adoption event on Saturday December 7th from 10 am to 2 pm at Office Depot in Durango more information is available online it always angels Rescue dot com. You know what to spin here for you folks. Yes I know I had something going here we re going to start out on. On the chill and with his little set Yo-Yo Ma Nelson Kraus Simple Gifts. She is the cue to who choose. To read to. You. When we find those. To be. And. Thing. We ve. A skill. To. Be. So be it I m in. There are people. Who go in one character s board to be on back. And they re looking for a wife forces and. It s hard for them to say. Somethin man. When a dead dog turned up on the road. The disciples held the nose of. Jesus walked over and said. Mr Wade to say. Man. I am a young boy. Leaves over 7 her nose and. An instant later is an old man reaching 1st came. To the swiftness of it all. We have to say. We always want to intervene. When we hear that the badger. Is marrying her on her some. Of the best things to say and a winning. Man. The grapes. Are planted century. Before can run. Ever praise the Milky Way. Praise God. Damn God. About all synonyms for. Men. And. Women in tree. Love the young man. But when. The son of the deep water. Dies in the bath. In the. Current water. Mary. Said. I mean. Robert Bly there so be it amen. To Kunene Heigho singers before that given as the Thanksgiving song and Alison Krauss with Yo-Yo Ma and there are so their cover of Simple Gifts Jonathan here waiting for the eclectic our thanks everybody for dialing in this evening what I think generally Doug for dropping by with a little bit of. Thanksgiving show we re not supposed to eat in the. Studio No we don t do that on Thanksgiving Oh no no. And and thanks to my folks calling up earlier that was fun to share fun to hear your your voices on this holiday. We re going to be rolled with the music but 1st a little public service announcement Cortez integrated health care will offer assistance with Connect for Health marketplace insurance and roll and health insurance literacy and education at the Cortez Public Library on Mondays from 9 to 11 am through the end of January personal appointments for enrollment assistants can also be made by contacting Arlene Yasi at Cortez integrated health care more information is online at Access Health System dot org or what to do here. Who will Let s pick it up this is a see stick Steve can you cook. The The design. This Land Is Your Land and this land is my land the California and the New York land the redwoods to the go stream water. This land was made for you and me. So I want to get in that ribbon of I wave the salt. In the way we saw a poll we see that golden. This land was my. Footsteps to the sparkling slam her diamond is are all around me was was. This land was made for you and me. but you know the thoughts that I have these days are just so few and far between that when one actually comes back. Asked that they re leaving I say a little. In the telling it better last up there. Probably wasn t important. You know. I think sayings you know it s not like. Used to it but you know back home now of course for. Thinking about you know presidents and stuff. And actually you know because we ve got one and somebody else wants to be one. I mean it s probably important. Not as important as a lot of people make it out I mean I got up this morning and we got in a plane flew over here. Went to the hotel cleaned up a little bit came over here said although we ve been sitting here playing for a couple hours whatever it is you know and during that whole time it has not actually occurred to me who the president was back home. I guess what I m saying is it might be important I mean whatever they re thinking and saying might be important but the truth is is just one of them and there s lots of us. And so whatever we re thinking or think it is important talking about whatever ends up in the long run probably to be just this if not more important than whatever it is they re done. I mean that s how I think of it because in the mean specially these days hard to find a president back home or somebody that wants to be one that has an idea that s actually originating from them that sort of tend to look at the polls and see what everybody else thank you thank you he. Now I think about Ronald Reagan back there now. I actually remember one time when he was president because he was sleepin and there was some trouble with some planes going on or something somewhere and it was a big debate going on about whether they should have woke him up a better or not. The debate went on for months. And I thought Isn t there something more important to talk about but give something back then and 1st my position was let the man sleep. Or he slept say for half a mile. You to be fair he s not the only one I ve been having these thoughts about most if not all of the. You know presidents or whatever and not just back home I m talking about you know all over the world to see me like there s a lot of presidents President which is what every column it seemed looks like they need some sleep to me they ve got this look in their eye like they ve been away to have done these are people who need to chill or something and you know. I know even remember back years ago having the thought that maybe we could get them you know the sleep in the gather. I d end up doing to each other with some of them been doing us a few of these somebody be having some fun but. I guess it would depend on who the president was so. Maybe it s more important and I ll make an analogy here. But I remember you know I was I mean these days even Richard Nixon s beginning to look pretty good I would have sunk. Actually I remember when he was president my mom she would have been a dancer with Martha Graham company you know and she and had gone to they were inviting when China was getting opened they had invited all of these artistic types and she went over there and she came back she was very excited about it she said are well I was out in the middle of China and they brought out these schoolkids and they started singing singing songs and they started singing This Land Is Your And I said stop stop the song My husband wrote that song. She must have drove them nuts she was driving me nuts about it it was weeks after she got back she hadn t slowed down about it one little bit and I just looked at her you know. California. To New York I mean what are they saying in it for over there anyhow. She just looked at me with one of those kind of looks she said oh oh I walked away. Feeling like my usual self. I knew she was right I just didn t know why you know. After a while though it come to me I could see it just causes that California to the New York Allan didn t mean it had to go the short way. I can see it going around back there it would far as good stream waters around l.a. . Then the whole world could be singing as sung. So America. I remember when I 1st had that s. When I realized I didn t know any more after thinkin than before I d begun. But I never let it stop me. Turkeys thoughts at Thanksgiving I always thought I d do more with my life become a writer maybe but it was hard to hold a pencil I couldn t find a typewriter with a turkey alphabet it only has 5 letters counting the double b. And it didn t seem right to use a quill like any young colt I entertained the idea of becoming a fireman till I found out I was flammable as I matured I became active in worthy causes like free Tom and the turkey Anti-Defamation League and the 2 kilometer Turkey Trot to benefit the dumb friends society in which turkeys outnumber cows the next largest species but 1000 to one I painted signs for the turkey. Literacy Foundation which are sort of foolish because nobody could read them and I couldn t write I just drew pictures of turkeys looking at pictures and of course how could I forget the m.t.a. Subway sandwich protest we held a sit down strike in front of the local Subway till most of us got run over I went to the Smoot and wattle piercing face we thought it looked cool then our apartment manager put a band around our ankles you talk about b.m. Backed out we got rattling noise dreaded our stuff but it all went by Zo quickly and now I m in the prime of life I look at my contemporaries we re all grown and have big plans I ve been working on an international Turkey Olympics maybe hold it in Ankara with events like head bobbing cracked leaving egg laying for weight and distance. Lots of people don t give much thought to a Turkish point of view they just assume we spend all day gobbling at each other and eating bugs and staring into space well in my case I spend most of my time trying to think anything just trying to think of anything and when I put my mind to it sometimes I get an idea as you can tell the hard part is trying to remember what it was going to mention politics I know some of you may believe there are already too many turkeys in office but I think I might have a chance if I can just establish residence in Florida oh well people are talking about Thanksgiving everybody s going home for the holidays turkeys are a big part of it I m told I m not sure exactly what it is we do but I hope we do it well and that our contribution is appreciated. Will Baxter Black humor there. Who else do we have that set we started out with. My gosh is that where we started yes it was 65 can you cook for me as Album of the same name just coming it just came out well I think a year ago exactly this November follow that up with Robert O Kane farm fresh onions Woody Guthrie This Land Is Your Land and follow that up with Mr Guthrie s son Arlo who gave us an interesting or a really cool cover of his old man s tune from his album live in Sydney and a little bit of a recollection there to fund stories there and Baxter Black there Turkey s thoughts at Thanksgiving thanks everybody for dialing into the eclectic hour on this Thanksgiving evening it sure has been fun to hang out with you folks going to go out and one more tune here by Professor. But before I do that to get to tell you that this is Kay as j.d. Ideas stories community any 1.5 k. Is j.d. Cortez 1.5 k. Z. Ttyrec 89.5 k. I see a Rico and Chris have been a college in 92 point one Kickstarter you are LP and say Lee You can listen it make it said 91 point one m. Pleasant you and any point 9 follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and on the web a k s j t v dot oh r g. Yep going out with some I think is perfect all my relations if I can get all the buttons pushed away we go guys be good to each other stay warm. To our elders who teach us of our creation States we may preserve mothers for ancestors yet. We are as. This is dedicated to Atlanta just before us thousands of years ago and today 150000000 were extra mile to the past the Western Hemisphere in the 1st 400 years to. The tat tat to those who keep their homelands into the nations extinct due to mass slaughter of slavery deportation and disease unknown to them and to the ones who are subjected to the same treatment today to the ones who survive the real question is who died along. With the ass who carried on tradition and live strong among their people to those who left it in the movies by force my child since my generation asked me. To do so so sad to those that may be so called non accepted to those that bring us together and to those living outside keep in touch with various. To those that make it back to live and fight distribution there to those that do in the last combat pay out to Here s.

Radio-program , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , American-singer-songwriters , Kennedy-center-honorees , Soul-food , American-cuisine , Social-security , Health-care , Guthrie-family , Public-services , American-poets , American-violinists

Transcripts for KVMR 89.5 FM/KCPC 88.3 FM KVMR 89.5 FM/KCPC 88.3 FM 20191128 040000

Minority summertime and cruel summer rains and not quite. Like that around here. We can remember those days the warmth and summer. And we can enjoy. What we have outside there. Right into the studio and right at the road for her it looks like they. Have to stick around for their courage to. Be doing their return this evening for an 8 who can bundle up someplace warm and suppose I m home. And if we all kind of crowd around the radio there then. He ponderously together will have a nice toasty evening that was good music for tonight. And brought along with things I picked up the. Whole lot of new music that. Then came our way here. Probably to turn it all let s think. About the City Classic if rains between French American breakfast and lunch special days including Genevieve strange new life in local and organic greens whenever possible. Looking for options in beer wine and express on Broad Street in the better sitting at the classic Cafe dot com And thank God country Chantix society. Celebrating preserving and sharing the culture of the street people food and music to kill take her to its holding gatherings every 4th Wednesday at the Veterans hall on Pine street then the city county rather to help the club got or and thanks to Ben Franklin for locally owned offering the beauty and color of fall for our friends on the corner projects and knitting Ben Franklin s craft on certain going around me and their online at Ben Franklin dash crafts dot com. Well 1st up here for us to this evening is something from a blind dog from the came last. Any chain where the February and brought with him on one shoulder and over in the new cd to go along with it and show let s play something from and. Thanks for joining me here tonight. Off. The. Love bomb along or fire. A nice hair. In the lungs with care. Fire then. Which But by birth in the car the name of the foreigner lady in line. To extend. Her In the mark nor nonverbally Of bomb with. The. Truth. Katie I m proud to sponsor the following event minor Stonor a present Achilles wheel on Friday November 29th at 8 pm The Grass Valley downtown Association presents the 52nd Cornish Christmas Fridays till Christmas beginning Nov 29th at Mill and Main Streets Grass Valley $6.00 to $9.00. Miners down 3 also presents Santa Jane Kyle with Karen Warner and Deidre Hall on Sunday December 1st at 7 pm the Auburn symphony presents the annual holiday tradition the Messiah sing along featuring carols and seasonal favorites conducted by Peter Jaffe on Tuesday December 3rd at 7 30 pm at the plaster high school auditorium s.p.l. Entertainment presents asleep at the wheel with Mary Texas Christmassy all Friday December 4th at crest the other Keep smiling promotions presents the un authorized Rolling Stones. And the Grateful Dead riders Friday December 6th 8 pm at the Albert Hall 12 to 6 Lincoln Way Auburn miners Andre presents the 3rd annual martinis and mistletoe concert on Saturday December 7th at 8 pm s.p.l. Entertainment presents the American jazz and pop vocalist Jane Monheit Thursday December 5th and John Doyle with Irish musician and songwriter Mick Macaulay December 7th at the Sofia Sacramento for more information on these and other k.b. M r related events please go to k b m r dot org slash. The Name Earl to name. A new beginning. Or rule. Will last up there was Kevin Burke in the group called Open House home was called. Surely Tallahassee and the album s called Coffin boat. There e r r a a a bench kind of any profession is to those of her profession her feet she dances in and inquire her job of thinking but if you want him to be for him the best thing. The cadence morning and in for Andy this evening before which had been parked we heard from Max. And. A number of the performers from the band were at this year s Celtic festival in Alaska and Alexander is one of them. Was called us and rolled up the soonest. Early to talk. And we heard from dogs and they re doing. Marches daughter. And me star of the show is doing early and in between we finished listening to some acoustic guitar by Peter Jensen. Called The Long Road. Something s happening. As a bit of. Ladies will be throwing to hold a karaoke party on Sunday from 6 to 10 pm will be appetizers desserts and beverages as well as musical entertainment lodges located at 518 highway 49 just above the town of the. By calling 55. 5. And a funky kind of Celtic thing quartet 3 times through performed on Sunday 3 to 6 pm and Grass Valley brewery that s 141 East Main Street in the back. And more information before. Gain. Through. Well we were lucky also have a band called Alton somebody are waiting in the past year. Gone. While we were having those utility mandated blackout in October in a world without television the Internet and even sooner or landline phone service k.v. Amar was a lifeline this Black Friday turn your attention off finding parking and raising lines and instead give us something that really matters community radio for all during a power outage fire or other problem calea Maher is here for you 247 during emergencies help us keep it that way this Friday by raising money for a state of the art transmitter and an industrial generator that can do so much more for us and you and keep k.b.r. Close to you during the situation make this a good Friday when you were generous contributions to cave you Mark emergency services every dollar you give and we raise up to $15000.00 will be matched dollar for dollar between 7 am and 6 pm on Black Friday we don t carry that money on the table and we won t with your help. Long musical. Bluebirds. a broader who s the evening by review. It was. So if. The ad or or. Even. The it were. Right. It was the it was. d the poor the of. The Ood where. The food. Lol you re. Poor . Orleans . Or are. Not 856 English and t.v. Mart append the man p.c. Coming along and he kept the key to my names and he doing it where he just heard from it when I think it s about been announcing they were in here in maybe 2 years ago and. When about Frazier s up Phil camping. Extravaganzas at the end it s camp covers called the last port of call here from Matthew Byrne who is serious masters took that 1st full song called Long years ago on. Her from her face during their doing Celine Dion game song called Common Ground you heard from so lost in the tone a tune for Ronan and a hurricane are seldom heard. Alina strays from the dragon s eyes. And. Thanks to the Gold Country hope to. Celebrating preserving and sharing culture history people food it means that the Celtic church holding gatherings every 4th Wednesday at the city preference hall on Pine street. With an accounting killed the club. And thanks to the California College of I remain I m training health counselors. Cold specialists and I are being the doctors for over 25 years school clinic spine guards are open to visitors on signs street the better city. By important. Baden College dot com And thanks to sweeten pottery holding the annual pre-holiday Open Studios 2 weekends that s the bare 23rd 24 and the 29th of November through the chamber 1st. 13694 Miller Road and. Bridge the best city. Sweetling pottery dogs. Being Wally. With.

Radio-program , Fluvial-landforms , Types-of-roads , Columbia-university-alumni , Lincoln-highway , Educational-stages , Fasting , Country-code-top-level-domains , Family , Rooms , Arts , Radio-kvmr-89-5-fm

Transcripts for WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio] 20191128 030000

What gets me in your. Walk just well walk right well. Work well work while you were in a war that s Matthew Langford whose sister was killed in the attack he says he trusts u.s. And Mexican authorities to bring justice and doesn t think they need any new labels to do that for n.p.r. News I m Murphy Woodhouse magistrate setting Federal Reserve says the us economy appears to have been expanding at a modest pace in October and the early part of this month and its periodic assessment of national economic conditions known as the beige book The central bank says at least some of that growth continue to be supported by consumer spending the report takes information from the 12 regions of the country where the Fed has member banks on Thanksgiving Eve The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 42 points to close 228164 The Nasdaq rose 57 points today you re listening to n.p.r. . Online retailer Amazon announced today will hire 200000 seasonal workers for the busy holiday shopping season that is roughly double last year s number the hiring spree just the latest sign Amazon expects that more customers will be using their service to shop from home this year rather than braving stores or the mall to keep up with the growth in online shopping Amazon has been opening more warehouses and delivery stations it s also working to speed up delivery for Prime members and environmental advocates are concerned about chemical exposure that s after explosions at a plant east of Houston John Rice of Houston Public Media has more explosions at a facility owned by a Houston based t.p.c. Group come just days after the e.p.a. Rescinded parts of a safety regulation that required companies to tell the public about which specific chemicals are stored on site Catherine Frazier with environment Texas said this isn t the 1st time the t.p.c. Plant has put the community at risk the facility has a track record of violating the Clean Air Act They ve already had a legal mess and the ban to send 29000 the head of the state s environmental agency issued a statement criticizing what he called an unacceptable trend of significant incidents in the Gulf Coast region over the last year for n.p.r. News I m Jenny Rice in Houston mortgage rates crept up a bit last week mortgage buyer Freddie Macin its latest snapshot of lending rates says the average rate on a 30 year mortgage loan went up to 3.68 percent the average 15 year mortgage remain here relatively low 3.15 percent I m Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a Life Lock reminding consumers that only one in 5 victims of identity theft discovered their tracked through a bank or credit card company and learned more at life black dot com and Americans for the Arts. This is Fresh Air I m Dave Davies in for Terry Gross who s out with a cold yesterday before her voice was as hoarse as it is today she recorded the interview we re about to hear with Edward Norton who wrote directed and stars in the film Motherless Brooklyn he adopted it from a novel by Jonathan Lethem but rewrote much of the story Norton is known for his roles in films such as American history x. Fight Club the 25th Hour Moonrise Kingdom and I love dogs he s been nominated for 3 Oscars including one for his performance in Birdman Norton grew up in a diverse planned community Columbia Maryland designed by his grandfather James Rouse who was described in his New York Times obituary as a socially conscious visionary developer who built new towns in the countryside shopping malls in the suburbs and festival market places like Faneuil Hall in Boston he used some of his profits to help generate housing for the poor Rao stands in contrast to the city planner in developer played by Alec Baldwin brothers Brooklyn he s a corrupt power broker forcing working class Americans out of their neighborhoods to make way for new developments Norton plays a private eye who stumbles on this corruption while investigating a murder Norton s character is a loner who has to read syndrome and is always explaining and apologizing for his tics twitches and verbal outbursts in this scene he s driving a young African-American woman an activist who s trying to prevent working class black people from being forced out of their homes the car radio is tuned to a jazz station and he s trying to explain his tics and verbal outbursts like this 1 . 1000000000 the let s see Dr House. I m sorry it. Edward Norton welcome to Fresh Air thanks for coming I love the film Thanks so much glad to be here so you don t have to read so you re not an orphan like the main character in Motherless Brooklyn is but are there things you identified with about this character. Sure I mean apart from an identification with. Compulsive tendencies and a tendency to have arguments with myself in my own brain. What makes any character great who has a heightened condition this may be more extreme than anything the rest of us live with is if we can still see ourselves in him and I think. Lionel s got paradoxes enemies got contradictions he s he s really smart but he trips himself up he s pretty dysfunctional and chaotic to he he s tough he s a Brooklyn street kid but he s also really lonely and sad you know and I think. Whether or not you got to read so you can relate to the feeling of being misunderstood or underappreciated he s an underdog there s a part in the film where this character is having a conversation with a jazz trumpeter played by Michael k. Williams and the character Lionel the detective is trying to explain his like tics and obsessions and saying things that he doesn t mean to say and how his brain seems to have something wrong with it and the trumpeter said as Ok you ve got a head that s always boiling over turning things around but that s music it controls you some people call it a gift but it s a brain affliction of the same Did you write that yeah and where does that come from you feel that way about acting sometimes I do I do yes in a lot of ways the trumpet player was me. In the sense that I ve always felt like when Lionel says the trumpet player yeah but you know at least you have a horn to push it out through and make it sound pretty I m just you know stuck twitching twitching and shouting I feel like. I feel like acting gives me an outlet for a compulsion I have toward mimicry that I ve always had as a kid imitating people s voices the sounds of their accents. It s a very reflexive thing for me and I think acting you also and writing there s a lot of obsession with words in it a lot of I think compulsive twisting around of words and language. There s a jazz that that music that was playing in that scene is played is from the The Great album bird and does and it s funny like Bird and is is like it s a jazz album that any movie actor can really relate to because they ve got like 4 takes of Lester leaps in and you know for takes each of the tracks in fact this track called Bloom vetoes the only one that there is a single take of it they put multiple takes and that s what film acting is it s it s chasing a variation on a theme that lands right in your head and I think I relate very much to that musical kind of impulse to keep twisting a phrase around until it hits some sort of state of Zen in your head when I get back to the idea that you were a compulsive about mimicking people when you were when you were young tell me more tell me more about that. I think sometimes my parents thought it was funny. And then sometimes it became a thing of like a manners thing like I think they could feel me starting to almost like Zelic like absorbed the vocal mannerisms of people that I was hanging out with and it was so it was totally innocent it was like a. You know if I was hanging around with cousins who were from the south I would I would find myself sort of. Falling into their Southern you know kind of. Partly I think partly I think it s like a genuine kind of memetic impulse to that because I just I can t explain it it is like a compulsion but in part also I think to me there was probably some desire to create kind of a bond or a sense of intimacy or become part of that club because I never really felt like I was in. A clique or anything like that and sometimes I think if you if you feel I don t say isolated but if you feel like an outsider looking in in your social life like in a lot of ways I think you you morph yourself I think all cute kids do that in some ways I just I was very inclined to kind of morph to fit in with the people. I found myself around did you feel like your voice had no personality so should you should take on other people s voices yes somewhat I ve always been drawn to the specificity of other people and I think the idea of playing dress up psychically has always been interesting to me that the idea of like getting inside head spaces or physicalities that are different from my own is it s exciting you know it s like. Getting to lead alternative lives. So when you re a child and you are doing all this compulsive mimicking of other people s voices. That could be a way of fitting in it could be a way of flattering somebody it could be a way of really insulting someone so did you often mimic people s voices behind their backs or to their faces in a way that was mocking and what was there. I was little I was I was little if I didn t slip around in the world in a friendly way I. I was not like I was some tough kid you know just like any I m one who does impersonate and I talked about this with Larry Wilmore who used to be on The Daily Show is a great writer and producers have been Larry s a really really deft talent for impersonating 2 and we talked at length just about how when you have that impulse like you do it by yourself you know you do it in the car you do it singing along and and imitating singers imitating people you know it s like it s it s not always directed at other people or related to the interaction with other people at all. So Motherless Brooklyn is adapted from a novel by Jonathan Lethem but you ve changed so much of the story why did you want to adapt it and after getting the rights to adapt it like totally right you change the setting from the late ninety s to the late 1950 s. You changed a lot of the story you added new characters. So talk about wanting to adapt it and then basically rewriting it yeah yeah Jonathan and I really great relationship with him and he s like a wonderful writer. As I started thinking about adapting it we ran into things that I couldn t I brought up to Jonathan very quickly which were just that the book has a very it has a very mad a tone to it it has a little bit of a self-referential fifty s Raven Chandler Omagh feeling and I was a little concerned about it. I didn t want it to feel like irony I didn t want it to feel like the whole thing was a joke or that Lionel s condition was a gag and there seemed to me something almost more true to the spirit of the book to put it in the fifty s and he really liked that idea because Jonathan loves the war movies he s very. He s got a very deep knowledge of those films and he wasn t precious about the book he was precious about the character he wanted the integrity of the character to sustain but he said things to me like I think some of the best film adaptations are the ones that springboard in the most interesting and unexpected ways so setting it in the fifty s and weaving into it this whole other story that s not in the book of of basically what Robert Moses did to New York in the fifty s was my idea but Jonathan was. Unbelievably supportive he gave me like a very liberal and generous hall pass to go and almost like. Alternative Universe version of this the adventure that his character goes into. Let s take a short break here and then we ll talk some more if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton he wrote directed and stars in the movie Motherless Brooklyn We ll be right back this is Fresh Air. The Splendid Table sure to join us for Turkey confidential. Advice for you on the day you need it most Thanksgiving here taking your calls with some of our favorite friends. Shawna Seaver and Chef unwatchable confidential on Thanksgiving Day. Join us Thursday. This is Fresh Air and if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton he wrote directed and stars in the new film Motherless Brooklyn mother spoken reminds me so much of Chinatown but like the New York version you know Chinatown is set in l.a. . Twenty s thirty s thirty s probably. And what s really scarce in l.a. Is water so the mystery has a lot to do with water rights and corruption in water rights and your movie Motherless Brooklyn is set in New York and what s scarce in New York land rights so this has to do with land rights and construction rights and redevelopment and somebody very corrupt behind a lot of it and that corrupt person isn t a Moses Randolph and they re clearly modeled on Robert Moses. And Robert Moses you know remain a lot of New York he tore down a lot of buildings and buildings sometimes that he considered slums and then built bridges and roads. Theaters beaches. And the projects. The housing projects the federal. You know which ironically. In New York many neighborhoods that were actually stable working class minority neighborhoods were tagged slums so that federal money could be used to clear them and build things like the federal housing projects which in fact became essentially the worst slums in New York. Your grandfather James Rouse was a developer and his emphasis was on building diverse. Diverse communities for diverse economic and racial and ethnic groups to live in together so did you see your grandfather as a kind of alternate version of Robert Moses Yeah he certainly was his values were almost polar polar opposite diametrically opposed however what you want to put it to Robert Moses he a lot of my a lot of my grandfather s Evos and values come through the character that Willem Dafoe plays in the film well of Defoe plays the brother of this sort of dark and powerful developer city planner and. So my grandfather s ideas about cities. And the need to think of them in human terms and to think of the impact on people not some abstract vision of progress or the future or infrastructure but but you know that the idea of cities as a place that helped people become the best version of themselves he had a he had a very humanitarian some would have said almost utopian kind of ideal drove him but he was also extremely effective he was very prescient in terms of predicting what was going to lead to the decay of cities in the sixty s and seventy s and he he was a real he was a real visionary in terms of thinking about the ways that urban centers could be revitalized. Instead of being abandoned. He was he was a big believer in. Community and culture and revitalization as opposed to the wrecking ball among the things he did was develop malls and marketplaces in cities including found a Hall in Boston Harbor Place in Baltimore and in Philadelphia the gallery which was considered I think either the 1st or one of the 1st urban malls and interestingly it was recently basically. Not exactly torn down by totally remodel it s no longer the gallery it s now called fashion district it s a whole a whole different thing. So I don t know if you knew about that. That could have been in Philadelphia actually his nephew my uncle or Willard Ralph does a lot of development that s right that s what I was not I wasn t actually my grandfather but but I want to talk about Baltimore s Inner Harbor and the Faneuil Hall the market place in Boston Those were good examples of places that in cities that had been written off actually the Baltimore Inner Harbor was literally a dump it was trash dump. You know he saw opportunity in parts of city centers that had really been you know essentially relegated to being. Pockets of true decay you know and he he people thought he was crazy you can t make you know a vital market place out of these parts of the city and he proved people wrong over and over again and kind of brought life back and he was really one of the people who kind of shaped the modern urban renewal ideas that we have seen take place in a lot of places where where you ve seen revitalization through creative reuse of sort of decrepit former industrial. You know. Parts of the city parts of cities even in New York we worked on I worked on the Highland project I was an early board member of this project where we you know we turned an abandoned elevated rail track that was slated to be torn down into a park and it was very much in the Spirit of Things My My grandfather loved. You know envisioning something as a place for people as opposed to simply like an old piece of infrastructure that needed to be torn down which would have cost hundreds of millions of dollars and gotten the city nothing and instead we got we something it became not just not just a gem in the city but actually a big part of the economic revitalization of the whole industrial west I haven t been to that yet but I ve heard great things about it what was your role in developing. I was just I lived in the neighborhood I used to climb up on it and walk along just kind of wild stretch of tree filled train tracks and I was amazed by it and then when I saw that these 2. Guys Joshua David and Robert Hammond had launched this little community group. Initially just to. Fight against tearing it down there wasn t a vision of a park Originally I joined forces with them I became an early fundraiser and board member. And just was was a passionate. Supporter and advocate of that project from the early days of it. And those guys became some of the most noted civic heroes of my generation in New York they won the Jane Jacobs prize and and really you know showed what people can do when they when they stand up and. Defend their city there s a lot of that in Motherless Brooklyn too there s a scene where you actually go into the old Penn Station you know and of course that s like New York s great ghost we lost Penn Station we lost our great transcendent train station that you entered and exited the city from because of dark backroom deals and people weren t aware of what was going on and when it was gone suddenly everybody was saying how could that have happened you know how could we have lost our our our great rail station like you know that s like Paris is gathered in order Victoria Station or Union Station you know it s like we now New York you know you scuttle in underground like a rat you don t have any you don t have any great transcendent experience of entering or exiting the city. And those kinds of wounds those kinds of losses I think are a lot about models because got a lot of that in it I think it. It s like what what do we lose when people don t know what s going on in the shadows you know when we don t pay attention to the ways that powerful people are you know rewriting the rules we re listening to the interview Terry recorded yesterday with Edward Norton he wrote directed and stars in the new film Motherless Brooklyn after a break they ll talk about how some of the film s plot is inspired by Norton s grandfather James Rouse an idealistic developer who stands in contrast to the corrupt developers and power brokers in the film Norton grew up in a planned community his grandfather developed I m Dave Davies and this is Fresh Air . The new of our Family Foundation supports w.h.y. Wise fresh air and its commitment to sharing ideas and encouraging meaningful conversation. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from dual lingo a language at whose mission is to make language learning fun and accessible to the world with lessons in more than 30 languages including French Spanish and Chinese available in the store or dual lingo dot com. And from little cost for it s their new science junior subscription for Tim aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science contacts more at little passports dot com. Connecticut Public Radio presents an evening with David said they re the center 8 at the Shubert Theater featuring all new stories and observations plus an audience q. And a and book signing tickets and information that she brought to dot com. You know how it is you get the heritage turkey and then you get the organic turkey and you get the turkey that was specially raised where they actually got a liberal arts degree at Sarah Lawrence we ll talk turkey with Adam Gopnik from the New Yorker and will remember Mary Oliver she ll read her beautiful poems of Thanksgiving I m John Bird with music and stories for Thanksgiving it s giving thanks from American Public Media listen Thursday afternoon at 3. Their cars last drive can help keep local news alive donate your car to Connecticut Public Radio it s easy and you ll get a tax deduction visit c.t. Public that board slash car to get started. This is Fresh Air I m Dave Davies in for Terry Gross who s out with a cold let s get back to Terry s interview with Edward Norton who s had starring or supporting roles in such films as American history x. Fight Club 25th Hour Moonrise Kingdom I love dogs and bird man he wrote directed and stars in the new film Motherless Brooklyn he plays a private detective with Tourette s syndrome who is uncomfortable around most people but is great at digging up information while investigating a murder he discovers corruption in the world of New York City Planning and Development working class neighborhoods with predominantly African-American residents are being destroyed to make way for new projects the residents are being evicted and the city isn t providing the help it promised. You grew up in one of your grandfather s planned communities in Columbia Maryland and this was a community built from scratch what was different about that community from other communities it was very idyllic it really was I mean you took things for granted that would have been very strange you know there was. If there was an elementary school and a public pool. And other sort of neighborhood facilities Columbia was designed so that upper middle income housing middle income housing and even Section 8 housing like all was were woven together in ways that made people of all socioeconomic and ethnic mixes persuasions shared you know community resources neighborhood resources Cool s pools shopping centers even mailboxes in Columbia weren t at your house they were on your street they were joint you know mailboxes where everyone in the neighborhood had to go to the mailbox to get their mail and it was literally done by design so that people would meet each other at the mailbox and foster a sense of community it was it was very very very forward thinking and very and so when I was growing up there was a lot about the mixed and shuffle of kids I played with it was from a very diverse bunch of backgrounds and you just didn t think about it as a kid it was just really cool where you known in the neighborhood as the grandson of the developer who created the community funny question some somewhat somewhat it was a very low grade for of of notoriety in our community. Fortunately he was such an unpretentious person he was a real eccentric he wore He was very beloved he was the kooky granddad of the whole place because he wore modest pants and green jackets and fishing hats with Fly lawyers and the men and he was just kind of a character so a lot of people really loved him and it made it easy it wasn t he was he was so folksy and homespun that he he was very excessive all the people so it wasn t like . You know he was on the show we like he had a very modest lifestyle so it was like being John d. Rockefeller Center something like that at all it was the opposite do you live in the community oh yeah you know it was like sharing your granddad with everybody else but that was fun because he was so funny and goofy and I was like proud of him but almost more just because everybody loved him what was it different for you when you moved out of that community and went to communities that weren t as diverse church Yeah you know I was I was in shock when I went to an Ivy League school and had roommates that had gone to you know schools where there was virtually no black kids in this in their schools like it you know and that just private school the public schools you know one of my roommates went to a public school outside Pittsburgh and it was like 2000 people is like always school and it s just like hard for me to even comprehend that that had been people s experience you know or that the idea of we had a roommate from Compton and it was that was quite exotic to some of my other roommates and if they don t even you know I couldn t really comprehend you know a growing up experience that. Was that. Segregated it really there s no other word for it. I recently read in The New York Times an article that was partly about Columbia Maryland where you grew up because the county that it s in is trying to do some redistricting and school busting to make things more ethnically diverse in the schools and there s been a lot of resistance to it if you ve been following the school I saw that yeah yeah I some of the undertones of it were so ugly you know not even undertones like. You know it s like things people talk about because I did this film American history x. And when we did it it seemed the ideas in it were so friendly and we were presenting them as you know if you were in the you know Nazi and you were actually just you know you know a skinhead and all these things and now you re constantly seeing examples of essentially the same ideas given room within mainstream conversations when I read that article and I realized that there was people you know opposing it who were invoking that level of of racist. Zina phobic dialogue and some notion of defending like a community had made me sick to my stomach my grandfather would ve been rolling over it s a little bit complicated because Howard County Columbia Maryland sits within Howard County and Howard counties is a big county and so there s a lot you know there s Columbia but there s a lot of county around it was unclear how much of the resistance was more broadly across like more rural parts of the county and how much of it actually stemmed from within Colombia which would be. Beyond shocking to me I mean really really shocking on the other hand you know I grew up in the early days of that. And claim you know as a community of I think 150000 people so you re probably going to see all dimensions and points of view in America even the negative ones reflected in some measure in any community that size I but I haven t I haven t lived there so long I just don t know so there s one more question about growing up in Colombia I mean you can create housing for economically diverse groups of people and hope to attract racially and ethnically diverse people but I mean you re not going to be auditioning them for humanitarian values that conform to your grandfather s humanitarian values and envisioning this community you know I mean so I am wondering like how many people in the community actually shared the values that the community was meant to represent I think most people would say that in the beginning the declared values of community and it wasn t passive they my grandfather was extremely active in writing about and in the marketing they they used phrases Columbia Maryland will be an open community you know they were very overt in declaring that it was welcoming to people of all ethnicity race creed economic station and it was they did wave a banner or ring a bell and say this is a progressive community and in the early days there was an enormous amount of I think many many if not the majority of people who were drawn to live there were very much drawn specifically to the idealism of Columbia and I think you felt it growing up there. You know we ve been talking about Robert Moses the very powerful developer in New York who had been parks. Commissioner among other powerful jobs that he held. And we re also talking about your grandfather James Rouse who was a very idealistic developer so the developer in your in your movie his name is Moses Randolph is inspired by Robert Moses and you cast Alec Baldwin to play him which is interesting in so many ways and one of the ways it s really interesting is that like Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live plays Donald Trump who is or was you know a developer and a racist property developer running the world. Well your words Yeah but the thing is here s the thing I wrote the script I was finished writing the script by 2012. In 2012. Are insane clown president was was a game show host and it was certainly not aimed at him it was much more to me a kind of a distillation of the people that I think are the most dangerous and that I think in a lot of ways no are as a film tradition tends to look at which is Who are the people in the shadows where is the power that s dangerous to us that we can t see well let s hear a scene with you and Alec Baldwin from Motherless Brooklyn and you ve been posing as a reporter trying to dig up information about the murder of your friend and mentor who is the head of the detective agency where you worked until he was murdered and you ve connected you ve managed to connect the murder to this corruption in this redevelopment scheme in New York that seems to be masterminded by Alec Baldwin s character so. You re talking to him knowing that he s a ruthless power broker with plans to tear down a lot of neighborhoods to create his vision in their place. It s above the law and it. Just ahead of it is the difference. We make for the times we find ourselves in to rebuild the city in my experience the law will follow you and adapt to what you do you love people like to see the way it is we rebuild and for. The people to come. A day 100 years from now Opal matter of the. People to make science fiction real the laws of today are roads and bridges and tunnels for commerce to move swiftly over beaches and parks to let people escape the rat race and inspire the my Palace of Culture brick hellish slums used to be all sounds pretty grand I guess it lets you happen to be one of the people whose house is in the way right now. Ok to see from Motherless Brooklyn with Alec Baldwin and my guest Edward Norton So when you cast Alec Baldwin to play the Robert Moses like character. Was Baldwin already portraying on s n l. Yes he was already he would he have been doing that and did that figure into casting him at all no no really in a way the opposite he and I both were like Do you think it matters that there s a couple little side posts on this and it didn t to me because there s just not that many actors like Alec who have the have to and that old world New York political boss. Like characteristic you know and he s he s so great with language but I also I just thought Baldwin because when I imagined that big final dark soliloquy in the pool at the end of the movie I really couldn t think of very many people who I thought would do it better than I could hear him saying those things in my head were you thinking of going Gary Glen Ross also of course you know coffee is for closers only Dexter I can sit here and say you know you know. The fact that you can remember a scene like that is a testament to something about the power of that actor s ability to deliver that kind of a line. Let s take a short break here and then we ll talk some more if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton he wrote directed and stars in the film Motherless Brooklyn We ll be right back this is Fresh Air. Is the season for Grace and Gratitude and classical music. I m Andrea playing on Thanksgiving Day celebrate with every good thing and our stories from our listeners about how the gift of classical music touched their lives that every good thing from people. Listen Thursday night or day. Honey. I m almost 5 yet. Why no one. Look you saw my just lat long that was from the hedgehog years by Lilly Ackerman. Playing on a great American short claims with great American tunes listen Friday afternoon it was. Support for n.p.r. . And from Viking dedicated to bringing the traveler closer to the destination by river and offering a small ship experience with a shore excursion included in every port. Viking cruises dot com and from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting This is Fresh Air and if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton he wrote directed and stars in the new film Motherless Brooklyn. A lot of film noir has jazz scores and certainly Chinatown has a great jazz score and Chinatown seems to be one of the inspirations for your film. Things I want to play back to back from the soundtrack you use a song by Thom Yorke of Radiohead and flee the Red Hot Chili Peppers and it s a new song I m wondering how that became part of the film yeah Thom Yorke has been for me my generation I think he s one of the very best writers in modern music in terms of capturing both sort of stations in the heart. Melancholy but then also in his music really capturing kind of the the fracture and the darkness and the dissonance of living in times that feel overwhelming or oppressive and stuff and I just liked the idea that his voice was sort of Lionel s voice like a I got this notion in my head that Lionel with this dissonant brain that he has I thought you know well Tom just sort of expresses a lot of what I think is going on in Lionel and instead of using some cliched needle drop of like a Billy Holiday song in a jazz film to express melancholy I thought we should try something new we should write our own standard we should write a Amelle in Cali ballad that s unique to Lionel so that you know you re not having a relationship with the song you know that song Ari I already know is in this movie you have a moment where you go what is this hunting beautiful song invoicing that way you can envelop the character and become one with the character and become one with the movie instead of being an imposed prior relationship that you have so I asked him if he would write a ballad that feels like it s plucked from the past and he he wrote this beautiful song daily battles so I want to play that but later in the film there s a jazz version of it just an instrumental version with Wynton Marsalis playing trumpet and it s really it s really beautiful so I want to play them back to back 1st the Thom Yorke version and then the version with Wynton on trumpet you want to say anything about that before we hear it it s funny it was. My character had to dance with the girl in the jazz club in this one moment and Wynton had help make your 8 and was playing the music in this jazz club and it was sort of like if we play a ballad that everybody knows they ll be distracted by that we want to focus on the characters and so when did an arrangement of Tom song which he really liked he arranged Tom song as though it was something Miles Davis was playing in a club in 1957 during the birth of the cool kind of phase of his career and and and it was just so beautiful he adapted it and we wove it into the film as if it was a fifty s ballad and Tom just loved it Tom was overwhelmed by it and in particular there s a kid on the piano name Isaiah Thompson who s very young he s one of Witten s proteges at Juilliard and he just does this absolutely beautiful piano break out in the thing that I love. Ok so this is back to back daily battles 1st the time your version and the version with Wynton Marsalis on trumpet both on the soundtrack of the film other. The air. Was written by my guest. You know sometimes the sound. That it just. Gives me. And then the opposite happens to in the music. I couldn t agree more. That I don t think it s hard for people to. Grasp how. If the music is exceptional versus you know I think. There s an unfortunate reality the way you make films which is you have to edit the film and for a long time you have to work with temporary music it s very very very rare that people get to work with their composer all through the course of the making of the film and it usually comes at the tail end usually a little rushed and as a result a lot of film music is what I would call it it s a cheap mirror of what s already taking place in the film it illustrates or just emphasizes the exact same thing that the scene is telling you in all its other dimensions its not its own voice its not its own thread of emotion. And when it s great the opposite is true it is its own thing that gives you a different information than you re getting in any other way let s take a short break here and then we ll talk some more if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton and he wrote directed and stars in the film. Right back this is Fresh Air next time. We have. A never smiling. Because all the time. That the great American Kaffir gets short shrift it seems like. I don t understand it because. That s next time. Coming soon the winners of the 29000 competition the best audio documentaries. I can. Say something was up. Out of. My eyes will become. The best from the. Radio Station Thursday morning. This is Fresh Air and if you re just joining us my guest is Edward Norton and he wrote directed and stars in the new film Motherless Brooklyn so you re a father now you re you have a son who s about 4. 6 actually oh Ok Did being a father affect your approach to work the kind of movies you wanted to make or how much work you wanted to take on yes. Definitely I think I probably for instance would have gotten around to making. This film model s Brooklyn sooner. Possibly than I did I was I had it ready and I was ready to make it but you know that when when kids come into your life like you ve got to make a lot of room and space for that. The idea of like missing out on a. Magical phases of early life and so I just to me like there s no movie that s worth that. At all. So the times that I ve delayed. Doing work or diff you know just sort of like hit pause. For family it s not even. It s never really been a major debate for me it s it s always a very easy decision but the good news was by the time I did this you know we were in good footing I got to make the movie at home which is a big deal you know like in New York so yeah you know people yeah I know but literally at home some people some people their dream project it might take them to you know Romania and Egypt for Tunisia to shoot their film you know and. And. And I was working at times literally 2 blocks from home Alec lives across the street from me Willem Dafoe lives about 4 blocks down the other way most of the actors are really raising my own you know we shot all over we shot all over in New York but we. But the pleasure of working at home and. Having family nearby being able to be at home on the weekends as there was it was great and when you re really small. It s especially great so I think that acting in films is a big commitment and I take it seriously so I don t dive into it but directing is another level of commitment entirely and. I do understand why in some ways people that I really respect need need time. In between directing films. So how many years did you work on Motherless Brooklyn. Most Brooklyn I have worked on actively for I think about 15 years to really long term is a fresh trainee to know that you can work on a movie for 15 years and it can play in theaters for a few weeks and then be got. Look the chest station and it s not like I was sitting in my room trying to get it made for 15 years not doing anything else I mean I made 20 films in that time and I got yeah I got nominated a couple times I made were some pretty good films you know I mean like yeah I know you mean and I made I built some companies and sold them had some kids like it s great I ve been I ve been on the busier side of life yeah so the fact that underneath it something was gestating. And it was a thing that needed gestation and needed sort of like the equivalent of slow cooking you know. That s not pain that s just that s just a creative process you know what I mean this project needed that and then eventually because I m persistent I got it done there was great victory in getting this movie done is very hard to get these kinds of films made at all these days and . Unlike you know I mean Garrison cost $200000000.00 and Once Upon a Time Ali would cost almost a $100000000.00 I made this movie for like $26000000.00 so the pressures on it are very different and we did it in 46 days so I was very conscientious about trying to diminish minimize the pressures of releasing the movie in the theatrical context by doing it in a very reasonable way Well Edward Norton I want to thank you so much for talking with us pleasure Yeah Edward Norton spoke with Terry Gross yesterday Morton wrote directed and stars in the film Motherless Brooklyn which is based on a novel by Jonathan Lethem tomorrow on fresh air we ll spend Thanksgiving remembering Prince Our guest will be Dan pipe and brain was collaborating with Prince on his memoir When Prince died bring has edited a new book that includes the pages Prince had already written hype and brings an essay about working with Prince. Pushchairs technical director an engineer is Audry Bentham our associate producer for digital media is Molly c.v. Nasser. Directs the show gross I m Dave Davies. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Life Lock reminding consumers that only one in 5 victim. Identity theft discovered there through a bank or credit card company learn more at Life dot com. And from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what s in your wallet Capital One and. Stay up to date with us on Facebook search for a Connecticut Public Radio. How on earth are you supposed to get through this holiday if you have to spend time with friends or relations whose political opinions differ from yours think about how likely it is if you voted for Trump How likely is it that you re going to sit down at the Thanksgiving dinner table and someone s going to convince you you were wrong. And real conversation tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Listen from $5.00 to $9.00 support comes from Avon family and cosmetic dentistry. Coming up on the next on point a conversation with Dan Rather he reflects on American character and patriotism in this time of extreme political polarization Plus the music of the human brain a neuroscientist an opera singer who guides us through the science of how and why music moves us that s coming up on the next on point from n.p.r. . This is Connecticut Public Media n.p.r. . Meriden at $90.00 their. Age 89.1. 88.5. 91.3. Or it s a live in a clock. Today on Studio 360 I wanted to make a feminist film that had a missing girl at its center how one director deals with the beautiful dead girl trope certainly I want this film to be a kind of battle cry for young people why Jennifer readers knives and skin is being called a contemporary Heathers. Plus a new novel about such a sense of her seems to be on the way to becoming another instant bestseller The big 19 sixties erotic novel but it is not all it seems to be that turned out to be a great prank what came out was very poignant for reading the worst bestseller in the world. One of the greatest literary hoaxes ever That s ahead on Studio 360 right after this. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I m nor rom during the busiest travel week of the year much of the Western u.s. Is continuing experience heavy rain snow and fierce winds from a series of early season storms off the Pacific Ocean N.P.R. s Kirk Siegler reports Utah is expected to bear the brunt of the latest snowstorm there are winter storm warnings in effect through Friday evening in the Salt Lake City area and Wasatch Mountains some flight delays are being reported at the Salt Lake airport a major hub for Delta Airlines their arsenal Weather Service is warning drivers that some mountain passes in the central and northern parts of the state will be impassable next door in Oregon and California travel conditions are also treacherous due to what forecasters are calling a bomb cycle on a storm that intensifies quickly due to a dramatic drop in atmospheric pressure it can cause a near immediate blizzard with winds more than 100 miles an hour Kirk Siegler n.p.r. News Salt Lake City the Anti-Defamation League is tracking a new slang term of far right extremists are using as a euphemism for what they say is a coming civil war the word is Boogaloo it comes from breakdancing moving breaking 2 Electric Boogaloo N.P.R. s Hannah Lamb has more the movie was in 1900 Classic Now the title is finding new life among far right extremists who believe the country is on the brink of what they call civil war 2 Electric Boogaloo parity shirts hashtags You Tube videos all dedicated to the vocal who talk about which weapons to use and how to communicate in wartime as the latest attempt by the far right to couch by.

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Our Web site for details. What are you doing just sending a gift to Dave 2037 who me in the future I save a little money from every paycheck as a gift to Dave 2037 so you can spend it on things like antigravity boots or a hologram Doberman something cool like that I think Dave 2037 deserves it he worked hard What are you getting Steve 2037 I guess I was thinking Steve 2037 would just fend for himself well all right but don t expect me buying my anti-gravity boots you want to have money in your future you gotta start saving now putting some money from every paycheck into a savings account or contributing to your 4 a one k. Can make a big difference later put away a few bucks feel like a 1000000 bucks for free ideas and easy ways to say no to feed the big. Day Let s just hope Steve 2037 doesn t get his hands on a cold time machine because he is going to come back here and knock some sense into you this mess is brought to you by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the council. Today we decided to walk to school at the corner we waited to cross the street the stoplight counted down 154131 I mean 13 we took a left up here 3 car street loud music was coming from the car did is a smart kid but the kids distracted there are so many other sounds I did not want to focus on Danny earth to Danny Suddenly he realized he forgot his homework again left homework on the table at the school stuff we have the time I really hope he isn t having a bad day of school today when you can see learning and attention issues from their side you can be on their side that s why there s understood dot org a free online resource for the parents of the one in 5 kids with learning and attention issues get personalized recommendations practical tips daily access to experts and more go from misunderstanding to understood dot org brought to you by understood in the Ad Council. This is. That time of year it s known as the the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. When I was a kid it was called t v t. It s t.v. T.n.a. Everybody knew what you were referring to Tuesday before Thanksgiving. All right and now returning to earth as your host Dennis Prager. Hi everybody. At Thanksgiving coming up. And it is fascinating to me and today I did a top cast yesterday you know what they wanted to talk about it is so interesting how if you do something and it s critical one of your major points with you my producer repetition and habit. I have become associated in a lot of people s minds and I don t I never exaggerate not close to everybody I know that but a lot of people s minds with gratitude with the importance of gratitude and that s what they want to talk about. Obviously was you know spoke about no safe spaces and the rest of the time it was gratitude by those on Martha MacCallum and then Fox News seemed to feature that interview. It s another thing I m. Proud to be associated with but very said to. Be the 1st for the 1st time in American history the suppression of freedom. In the United States where people don t believe that quote hate speech should be allowed. Like almost every foolish and destructive idea comes from the intellectuals comes from the universities the. Troika to gratitude I have a theory I d like to share with you most professors are secular especially in the humanities most professors period so in fact radically secular the way the notion of a religious life and religious faith is is to them and match them it s for it s for fools it s for morons and it s destructive and and all progress will come from a godless Delton shounen a godless outlook on life so that s that s removed from their lives they they confronted then with the dilemma where do I get my meaning from because meaning is everything the pursuit of meaning. This is the biggest pursuit in the human species after food. So they can t meaning not from religion but from activism from change what why do people on the left love the word change remember how often Barack Obama would use the term change and we even had a change remember that. Triple g.v. You remember the jingle jangle and the jungle This is what change looks like it was fast. You re always fast on t.v. T.v. Is and it s something I ve noted. But I remember the way we used to have sound effect of coins for chores or the Torah cash register this so why do they love it because change for people for many secular people who look to activism for meaning change is meaning change is exciting see they think we lead very boring lives we who are essentially happy with America we who are essentially happy what what is it that Barack Obama said with our guns and our walk guns and and bibles see they can t imagine that we would be happy without activism So if the university is say you re a professor of English you have 2 choices you can blaze new trails with it with a new insight into gender race and class right or you can teach Shakespeare and Hemingway and other great writers in the English language but what you re teaching was taught by a professor of English in the previous generation and a professor of English in the previous generation you re not blazing new trails this hit me yesterday such a forceful insight into things. That the one thing. The average intellectual wants to blazing new trails that is why there was so much nonsense in the New York Times opinion page. Garbutt a piece on Thanksgiving yes this weekend or yesterday. That well it s important to have gratitude but not on Thanksgiving because this is already your grateful holiday it was him it was meaningless but he needed to break new ground now listen to this so I went to religious school so I was thinking what s a religious Jewish school called yeshiva till I was 18 half the day religious studies and Hebrew half the day secular studies in English. And I realized the the rabbis who taught me just like the priests who told the cuff the kids that the pastors are taught the the Protestant kids and the Mormons are taught the Mormon kids they don t believe they need to break new ground teachings the greatest insights from let s say the Bible is sufficient. You got joy in giving over to your students the greatest ideas of the past. The traditional religious or even in some cases traditional secular professor did not think I will get meaning from breaking new ground I will get meaning from inspiring a new generation with the greatest ideas that I have I have ever been subjected to exposed to. Their excitement doesn t derive from breaking new ground their excitement derives from young faces excited by Shakespeare excited by Isaiah excited by Beethoven excited by Leonardo get it. Their excitement comes from while I passed on to a new generation the greatest of the past that is not at all what the average professor thinks at a university passing on the greatness of the past to a new generation Iva Lisicki your sons and in fact is dismissed because those people were so morally flawed What is the latest one on go gamble or is that correct. What they want to remove his place is his paintings because they were of young girls in the in Polynesia. Because he took advantage of them this is just time machine so now all art will be judged by the artist s morality I think I stop playing Wagner like it was it was one of the biggest anti semites and racists of the 19th century. It s this is this is the way to understand what s happening I I when I thought my my greatest joy came from passing on the greatest of the past if I had a new insight that was as it was wonderful thing it was a bone it was a bonus but Shakespeare was the thing the Bible was the thing the founders of the United States were the thing. It s exciting to give a new generation greatness of the past but not enough to the left wing professor which is almost redundant or was told or when. We are we are going to. Break new ground but there s so little new ground to break. So now you get into That s right in this class I want to know your preferred pronoun. That s breaking new ground that s exciting. 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The following message is brought to you by goodwill and the act Council. The and again I m right. In one of the elements of greed greed. And. With the bottom of the greed. And spyin it should be. But to make those resources about humanism a lot more the enjoyment of. We approach this problem of realignment with the. Finding. That we have. Your stuff can be more powerful than you think your staff can be a resource for change donate to Goodwill or your donations help fund job placement and training for people in your community goodwill donate stuff create jobs find your nearest donation center at Goodwill that org. a mic terrific organization. And them the case is pretty ironclad if your values are not on the left you should join a mic rather than a r.p. 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This is another thing that animates a lot of professors they want to be the governors of society and they are they resent the fact that the country ignores them this is a deep thanks to in France professors and philosophers here on national television in the United States actors and actresses are on national television. By the way I have contempt for both national television preferences I am stunned that people like the late night the late night shows. It s basically actors and actresses being interviewed about nothing their latest movie and then pablum but Ok it is what it is it s certainly in a certain sense it s actually less destructive than having the average professor on . But they resent deeply that they re they are not regarded as the. Sort of priestly class in society that s that s why so many bad ideas come from the university they want to make new ideas it s interesting I thought I taught high school and I thought college and I loved giving over the the ideas of the past the big. Committee I found that very fulfilling if I had a new insight that I felt good about myself I have a new insight but I wasn t driven to give them new insights I was driven to make the past as relevant as possible to them but I started out happy left the stone started out happy so they look at all these places for fulfillment. So this is a new theory if you were as as to why you get so many terrible ideas from the intellectuals I ve said it and I am not happy to say that it s because I am an intellectual myself but I I have to say that if I if I hear someone has a Ph d. In the humanities I assume they re foolish now I know that not all are foolish. Obviously. I just assume on the basis of the law of averages that they are. This is what we have come to. Covers I ve indicated I was on Bill Maher and said among the lies of the left as men commenced to 8 and the entire audience hundreds of people 400 I think left at me Bill Maher laughed at me the rest of the panel that right away these things don t bother me. It only bothers me from wrong I don t I don t I m not bothered by booze and. Being yelled at it doesn t doesn t have no effect on me but it was it was fascinating to watch there they don t even know what their own side says and now that they know it the a.c.l.u. Tweeted men give birth and men have periods and why was that but do they also tweeted something and it was like 10 times repeated Do you remember what it was Take a look there with 2 a.c.l.u. Tweets these ideas come from from the intellectuals that men have periods to say America s anti-Semitic is a lie to say it is racist is a lie Ok these are joint left wing law which on my degree say that men can menstruate is a lie and that is now that is what is said. That. They couldn t can contain themselves in the laughter. They were heard all leftists are heard so what will happen is now that they know that they are supposed to believe men menstruate they will all say men menstruate what they laughed at 3 weeks ago they will now assert is true 6 weeks later is not a phenomena a year from now if thats what they are and so for. Get direction from from the left wing media. And that and l g b t or feminist or whatever left wing group it is you re told what to think and then you think. This is this is proof you re not that s why it s a valuable for me to go on left wing shows that I like thank Bill Maher. Truly do sincerely. One a Prager 776 minutes prior to the Dennis Prager Show Live from the relief factor pain free studio. Funny I switched the family to Boost Mobile and we got so much more like well what we got for free phones 4 lines for just $25.00 per line per month I smashed up the car and unlimited gigs wait did you say you smashed up the car yes it s completely smashed but for free phones switched to boosting it for lines for just $25.00 per month for. All our super live a nationwide network. Switch that gives you more terms and conditions apply. Pretty. Big this holiday season with great deals at Walgreens this week all 12 pack soft drinks and 3 for 99 with card limit Well Greens tested since 1000 for valid with card supplies last restrictions and explosions of. 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America s wounded warriors are coming home after serving on foreign shores these brave men and women are returning to their families and communities many have wounds you can see and many have wounds you can t see but post traumatic stress disorder now that these warriors are back home they are ready to enter the civilian workforce to help wounded warrior project has developed the Warriors to work program and a career counseling service that helps warriors translate their military experience to the civilian workplace these extraordinary men and women bring proven rolled class job skills and a unique perspective on teamwork to the job and to ensure the right warrior finds the right job would. Warrior Project works with employers to find just the right match when you hire a wounded warrior you hire an intelligent talented and committed new employee contact winded Warrior Project at find. Org Welcome Home the brains. Of everybody Dennis Prager here. And. I have a guarantee Carol I have something you can do that would guarantee. That you would be. A. Happier human being that is to donate to the. To. The Salvation Army as a tag are we having a half a man on today have a good. You know how much I believe in the Salvation Army more than ever because now even chick fil a has abandoned them you can tell the moral state of the old g.p. T.q. Organizations by the fact that they hate the Salvation Army the left hates goodness . It s so obvious it brings you liberals don t hate goodness conservatives the left those. That hate the healthy it s a force of chaos it s very deep in human nature you know as a kid I learned I learned the the the 1st 5 books specially of the Bible known as the Torah very thoroughly and there s a lot I think it s in Deuteronomy I will put before you life and death and you should choose life. And most of my life it didn t make any sense who s going to choose death and never made sense to me kind of kind of statement is that it s like I put before you air and this fixation choose air who s going to choose to success fix it themselves. But. One of the reasons I always said when. When I when I differ with the Torah the tour is right and I m wrong. It s been. My life s a lesson that death isn t just you know blowing your brains out that death is is chaos death is putrified cation. People do choose it it s an astonishing thing it s like people choose to be a. Drama queen or drama kings right they they choose it s an astonishing thing some of I hate I hate personal drama I hate it a love piece so I don t understand people who choose to. Constantly look for the dramatic but that s the nature. Of the left is the drama queen of society we lurch from one existential crisis to another existential crisis Bloomberg News that that no he s not even with regard to global warming the president is an existential threat to America. It s not bad enough to oppose him he has to be an existential this is Bloomberg by the way if. It is astonishing to me you have to watch the Bloomberg 62nd bad or statement to that if you send it to me I don t think so I got a saw I think my wife gave it to me and that s what he said to me. It is so monotone it is so it is so what inspiring it is actually funny I d like to play it on the air we have to play. Let s put it this way after Michael Bloomberg speaks not many people go. I am inspired to March. That says you the I think there s a such a simmering panic among Democrats that they don t really have a candidate Lisbeth Warren is not serious she s a hysteric and a liar and a liar because she just repeatedly lies I mean about herself not about crowd sizes there are different forms of lies just makes up stuff like the Indian thing I don t understand why that wasn t disqualifying to make up a fake identity and go through your whole professional life with it. It s an astonishing thing but it doesn t matter her policies are so cracked the crackpot. So they have with booted judge is now almost heading the pack you know that they are in trouble I keep hearing talk about Michelle Obama. But. My my thinking on that is that it s going to take a lot to convince her to run. She has a very good life. And it s not a very good life running for president he he enjoys fun as this what we re up to. Well. I will take a break to tell you about relief for. 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Give it a try 1995 quickstart at relief factor dot com The Dennis Prager Show life from the relay factor pain free studio Hello I m ill Xander Green chief investment strategist at the auction club where one of the oldest financial clubs in the nation with more than 140000 members and our audit a track record shows we re one of the few groups whose recommendations have outperformed the market for the last 20 years the reason our approach is unique we ignore the mainstream financial media we don t listen to politicians and we really don t care about analysts rating those things are a waste of time there s only one thing you need to know do very well in the stock market and that is find great stocks with breakthrough products record revenue and very happy shareholders with that in mind I ve been covered my highest rated stock of the year it s a company that brings in more revenue than i.b.m. 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Old electronics can be used to make new products and conserve natural resources. Then let s gather up. That website again Greener Gadgets. It takes 2 of us to deliver a very important message about this radio station 960 the Patriot I and this is Dennis Prager you ve heard me talk about the American Trinity porpoising them in God We Trust liberty the 3 things that set the United States apart it s a powerful idea Dennis and this radio station is a place where powerful ideas and principles drive every day never forget the Faith and Freedom a part of what makes our country exceptional There are some people in high places who will apologize for America that something this radio station will never get when you listen to 960 the Patriots we promise not to insult your intelligence and to speak the truth and will prefer clarity over agree right and see what our radio stations all about this long as you re there to listen to us we ll be here for you please tell your friends about it absolutely tell our sponsors that you appreciate their support for this radio station intelligent talk 960 The Patriot. Meet them and that. Is going to. Now Doug in Huntington Beach California hi. Good morning Carol how you doing well. Good yeah I just wanted to share with you because it was topical what you were discussing earlier I was in the restaurant business several years ago and I read a quote from the c.e.o. a Burger King and he said that change for the sake of change is the mindset of a cancer cell and throughout through all these years I ve just seen that where things are changed just because we ve got to change something. Well that s exactly right I think the cancer cell analogy is perfect. Leftism is a cancer because everything it touches it destroys there is no exception to it from art to music to universities to schools to religion. It s the it s to chaos force in the human being I don t know where it comes from I love inner peace love societal peace they don t they re all the role drama queens that s what they are. When I like I could document my life as a series of left wing hysteria is that have taken over the country here with the hysteria by the way some conservatives during this one but it was largely from the left the Do You Remember folks because people don t remember the left gets away with everything because there s national and international amnesia with regard to the left here many people s lives were ruined because of the hysteria of children being abused in daycare centers remember that. That with a youth to kids testified they brought an elephant into the room and then sexually molested them remember how many I was at the admiral family in Massachusetts kept in Boston it Blumenthal was Blumenthal the attorney general of the state is where s Connecticut so is Connecticut not Massachusetts. So it was I know it was a woman but I thought I thought I m sorry utterly innocent people s lives ruined in prison in the United States over hysteria and Americans are prone to believe the hysteria is because any society would because it s repeated over and over by the left wing media which is redundant the role left wing almost all. Thanksgiving can t leave that alone right it s another example can t leave that alone it s too sweet It s too nice people getting together celebrating how lucky they are to be Americans we don t we on the left have contempt for you fools who believe in this myth. The Federalist today has a. Has a piece on this pity the poor child in Portland Oregon schools. Well many still think of Thanksgiving as a time to come together with family and friends to celebrate our multicultural heritage over a festive meal 8th graders in the n.t. For epicenter if that s what Portland should be remained the n.t. For the Center at the center have the notion that drummed into them that Thanksgiving really is a celebration of the genocide of the Indians by greedy capitalists Europeans That s right the district celebration of Native American Heritage Month in November is intended to win the words of the National Congress of American Indians quote celebrate rich and diverse cultures traditions and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of the native people as well as to quote educate the general public about tribes to raise a general awareness about the meek challenges native people have faced both historically and in the present and in the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges him. As a 2nd grader in Rochester New York area member eagerly learning about the Seneca Indians of people who had lived in the very same place where I walked to school with numerous families living in one quote long house unquote by instruction gave me an appreciation for the region s history and for people who live there long before I did today in Portland all 8th graders are resigned Marxist Howard Zinn s a Young People s History of the United States not astonishing I have had words into the world is no better because the United States was made remember I asked them. And if you read the book you think the world is worse because the United States was made. Few people can truly be said to have done a lot of damage or words and as one of them. Might play that interview you know that he didn t think World War 2 was justified he said that to me I should play that interview he s passed. So people about the 2 great videos. We have a previous 5 minutes each You should watch them they have the family watch them it s not political it s kosher. The link is up at Dennis Prager dot com. Today in Portland all 8th graders are assigned Marxist Howard Zinn s a Young People s History of the United States the simplified version of his phenomenally influential a people s history of the United States Rebecca Stella Stefan adapted Zinn s book from the original version with sentences in my opinion at the 3rd grade level it makes a cartoonish presentation of myriad people groups from the Bahamas in South America to Mexico in New England they are falsely old falsely oversimplified as universally peace loving Mother Earth respecting generous and welcoming. Slay is correct. When a Prager 776 the Dennis Prager Show Live from the relief factor pain free studio. 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This is the sound of salmonella gyrating on your under cooked chicken. And it looks like mom might be taking it out a little early. Don t let someone else get fucking with your chicken on average one in 6 Americans will get a food borne illness this year so use a thermometer to cook each type of meat to the right temperature keep your family safe at food safety dot gov brought to you by the u.s.d.a. h h o. Yes and the end counts. Everybody . Puts It s quite remarkable Thanksgiving is being corrupted beyond beyond recognition. Kids are taught that all of his genocide of peace loving Indian tribes capitalist Europeans came with their corrupt inequalities the sexes were treated equally among American Indians they were at peace with the land I mean it s all it s all made up if you understand they just make it up now why would they do that it s a very it s a very complex question but part of it is they really do believe that Western civilization is not superior morally they re statically intellectually culturally. They may be technologically they would have to acknowledge that and that would be at that So this is part of let us reject Christianity and the God of the judeo christian world introduced I am convinced I wasn t convinced that this is early in my life. It took a life time for me to realize that that s the ultimate issue a phrase I love the ministers I have an ultimate issues our. But that is the ultimate issue is getting rid of this the God of the Bible and with the west this for whatever reason I and that s are it s complex why they believe that. What s wrong with this god of the Bible God of the 10 Commandments is a. Is unworthy of worship. So there is an alternative and one of the alternatives obviously atheism is one but obviously Indian religion was not tainted by Judeo Christian thought and theology so if they were meant to size the Indians. It was it was a beautiful thing Thanksgiving for most Americans through most of America history. For your kids today of shame. It s a myth and shame and shameful. One day Americans will awaken maybe maybe maybe about to take their kids out of both schools. I frankly at this point don t see any alternative. Please donate to the Salvation Army the banner is at my website it is a beautiful thing to do. I m a firefighter a teacher I m a farmer I m a barber a waitress a mom we re all part of your community every day we move in and out of each other s busy lives it s easy to take for granted all the little moments that make up our every day some are good others not so much but that s life it s when you experience a moment of uncertainty something or someone s behavior that doesn t seem quite right these are the moments to take a punch because if something doesn t feel right it s probably not it s not about paranoia or Dan afraid it s about standing up and protecting our communities one detail at a time because a lot of little details can become a pattern we we we we trust our instincts just like you should because only you know what s not supposed to be in your every day so protect your every day if you see something suspicious say something to local authorities. K k n t s Phoenix and online at 960 the Patriot dot com a division of Salem Media Group Nasdaq simple as Salem we are the patriot. News this hour from townhall dot com Rick Ross had a rather less public for the president from the Democrats are selling the same. Needs a diversion the radical left Democrats are trying to rip our nation apart. Curtis . It was the Russia hoax total hoax. It was a failed overthrow attempt and the biggest fraud in the history of our country the president says he continues to enjoy unprecedented support across the nation it doesn t matter just get me the biggest to read it and we get these massive arenas like this one and they re packed and we put big screens outside so people can see and it happens because this something happening in our country like has never.

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