let s take a look at the key features of this deal. it calls on all countries to transition away from the use of fossil fuels. but some governments feel this wording isn t strong enough. there is a recognition that global emissions will likely peak before 2025 and that for developing nations this may be later. but elsewhere, language appears to have been weakened, with the text reiterating rather than requesting developed countries give support to vulnerable nations facing climate change. sultan ahmed al jaber went on to praise the deal as an historic package . applause many said this could not be done. but when i spoke to you at the very start of this cop, i promised a different sort of cop, a cop that brought everyone together. private and public sectors, civilsociety, ngos, faith leaders, youth, and indigenous peoples. everyone came together from day one. everyone united, everyone acted, and everyone delivered. we operationalised loss and damage and started to fill