Racine Art Museum’s Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts opened its Watercolor Wisconsin 2023 exhibit on Wednesday, Dec. 13.Now in its 57th year, this statewide exhibition features 96 works
treated here? no, sir. there is one metropolitan police officer who is here. the other two are civilians who are here. we understand that there is potentially a second metropolitan police officer at the scene but we have no con fim mags confirmation about that. would you say that they are in critical condition right now? they are in critical condition. in order to maintain privacy, i m going to be very brief about it. we have a gentleman who is who has multiple gunshot wounds to his legs. his injuries involve bones and the blood vessels of his lower legs. we have another individual who was shot in the shoulder and we have a third individual who just arrived who had a gunshot wound to the head and to the hand. male or male, first one. female, female. is it fair to say that their chances of survival are pretty