The text presented by the Indian side for negotiations on the draft leaders’ declaration for the G20 Summit does not go “far enough” on the Ukraine crisis, and Russia and China stand isolated on this issue. | Latest News India
the 620 is there to do. we will see if it can continue today as all the leaders meet. with re . ards all the leaders meet. with regards to the all the leaders meet. with regards to the 620 itself, | all the leaders meet. with i regards to the 620 itself, in an era of currency, of billionaires worth more than countries, future emerging economies who aren t members of the 620, is it still fit for purpose? the 620, is it still fit for urose? ~ . v purpose? well, that s the fundamental purpose? well, that s the fundamental question - purpose? well, that s the fundamental question of. purpose? well, that s the i fundamental question of this 620, different than any other 620, different than any other 620 that has preceded it. usually you go into a 620 summit anything about what is on the agenda, what do they need to make progress on, and is not that we have a shortage of issues to talk about, inflation, debt relief, but the fundamental question of this 620 is will the 620 continue to e