This post is syndicated by the Las Vegas Advisor for the 888 casino group. Anthony Curtis comments on the 888 article introduced and linked to on this page.AC Says: This article corrects the errant thinking that there are ways to hedge bets in craps that will overcome the house advantage.
One of the hallmarks of the Dancer/Daily strategies, especially the advanced ones, is that they presume the player can follow simple logic. An example of what I’m talking about can be found in last week’s blog, when we discussed the strategy for holding a solitary A with a JT in the
Blair Hull was known as the first "BP" or "Big Player". Ken Uston wrote a book called, "The Big Player" after he replaced Blair in that role. Taking what he learned from counting cards Blair moved to a much bigger casino with higher stakes, the options exchange.We discuss three big
A few weeks ago, I discussed the taxonomy of 3-card straight flushes. The first comment after it was published was “Dork Alert!” I assumed that I was being called a dork by someone who didn’t like the column. I was such a dork that I didn’t even know the meaning
Your goal today is what happens in Vegas doesn’t all have to stay in Vegas. Take some home with you.Bobby Vegas rule number three: It’s not hard to win, it’s hard to walk away a winner.My good friend Mr. H calls on a Friday afternoon from Vegas. We’ve been buds