face. russia does continue to battle us in the u.n. time and time again. i have clear eyes on this. i won t wear rose colored glasses when it comes to russia or mr. putin and i won t give him more flexibility after the election. after the election he ll get more backbone. what s so incredible about that, that happened when obama was caught whispering to russian leaders. we ll give you more flexibility after the election. but that s a guy mitt romney that looks like he s ready to step in. it was a step ahead back then. he does agree with trump on iran. definitely on iran. real quickly though, we re talking about russia and thermal nuclear war. blah, blah, blah. we have breaking news here. we ll go over to the kanye west desk. live in london, willie geist is there right now with katty kay. so if you can hear me, if you can hear me, show that shot
significant figure came in who had been on the other side is henry kissinger who had been with hubert humphrey in 1965 and jim baker who twice ran campaigns against ronald reagan. and to connect this to what you just mentioned, joe, mrs. reagan was in favor of bringing baker in. it was having some people who had been on the other side who could deal with loyalists that created a successful ecosystem and so you have to look at it who wholistically. james baker is a perfect example of bringing mitt romney on and why that would be so important. baker was the all-star. a guy who tried to beat ronald reagan twice. so up next, a guy name ryan is giving nancy pelosi a tough time on capitol hill. we re not talking about the speaker of the house. congressman tim ryan of ohio is
and then when you move beyond that, again, talking to romney. doing that. and meetings with obama. a guy that he skewered and obama skewered him. the two can t he won the election. he was going to get flynn and sessions. those people are you know what, he won. that s what you get to do when you win. i would just say bannon is another example. that s exactly right. i would say you don t have to pick every rival. he doesn t even have to pick romney.
about the earlier discussion about mitt romney if i could just toss it in. we believe mitt romney has lost his mind? he has a defined set of foreign policy ideas, which is coherent, which makes sense. i don t agree with all of it. he has it. and donald trump kind of doesn t and to the extent he does, it s different from romneys. i just can t believe he could serve in that administration. maybe he loves america. i m not being facetious there. if i m mitt romney, that s exactly why i want to go in there. i love my country. let s say this is democrats and republicans alike. whether it s donald trump or any president, if you think a president is lacking in a certain area and you can help, it s your responsibility i say this to women. women need to step up. we have to press reset and try and help. i understand that.
goes into a full blown meltdown. and listen to them or this goes into a full blown meltdown as bad as bill clinton s in 1993 when he took office. i m paying close attention to people who are with trump in the campaign and people that were not. a team of rivals. when he was running, party apparatus ran away from him in terms of intellectuals. the one that stuck with him are now in line for the top jobs. does he have confidence to bring someone like mitt romney. it s the big question. a couple updates before we get to break. yesterday the trump campaign banned state and federal lobbyists from joining the administration. that s big news. require staffers not to lobby for five years after leavie ini government. there are people saying it will make it less likely for good people to serve in