But some were beheaded. Heiko was frantic, had no idea what to do where to turn. That very day, the cavalry came running in. My boss from work called, Come On Over to work, the fbi is here for you. What was it like to hear the fbi was actually paying attention to this . It is really real now. This is a real thing. We never know how families are going to react, obviously. But almost in every case, they are in a state of crisis. Mark thundercloud was a leader of a special Fbi Hostage negotiating unit. Formed precisely for an emergency like this. More than that it doesnt agents set up the lunsmann house. Covered windows, set up a Surveillance System and heikos kitchen, not ready for what they knew was coming. Demand for ransom. Hes negotiating really with someone who is selling his family. The fbi told me that my wife