POTSDAM — The Potsdam town highway budget received an unexpected boost, surpassing its planned amount for the year due to higher state road construction aid allocation.
In mid-December, Arkansas Sens. Tom Cotton and John Boozman voted yes on an $858 billion federal defense spending bill that will fund several projects around Arkansas, including $1.8 million for one at the Pine Bluff Arsenal.
If the Army shuttered its Pine Bluff Arsenal tomorrow, nearly 1,000 people would be out of relatively high-paying jobs, government spending would dry up and the annual economic loss to the vicinity would be about $158 million.
It will cost an estimated $9.8 million to upgrade Arkansas Highway 256 from Interstate 530 to the Pine Bluff Arsenal s Plainview Gate, with the goal of turning the two-lane country road into one that can handle daily traffic from employee vehicles and heavy commercial and military trucks, according to officials.