never worked a real job in his life. a trust fund brad with the most radical positions. john fetterman, sadly fund brat, john fet struggling even more on the campaign trail.. it s getting. it s gone from bad to worse. ser om bad to arand it s getting ha. we ll play the tape. also, we have an exclusive interview with congressman mac gates as career prosecutorare rm is now reportedly recommending chargow conin the investin and that has now consumed his life for almost twfeo years.t wh but first tonight, which is forty six days until, well the critical, well, inflection point midterm elections. point midterm elections, i want to take a i just want to take a stepy out back and lay out exactly what is at stake, because as i ve been trying to say, this mayimp be the most important and consequential midtermn midtn election of our lifetime. and it is critical thatcritical republicans be very clear withel you, the american people,e what beliwhat they believe and why they believe it an
two years. where are they now? think about informants i and pursuing president trump. they went from negotiation to the grand jury subpoena to raide in four years.ny there s not been any accountability in the hunter accountability. that investigati biden. the investigation is now four years old, started i in 2018.ems and even though we have emails, we ve published emails showingtd hunter biden knew he hadn t paid his taxes after biden was doing this his biden lobbying ag lobbying to gain influence in washington. not a single ouncein of accountability yet. that s what frustratesf americans. they see a dua that s what frustrl system when. they compare these two cases. all right. let s go to another articl they compare e that you put out on your website, and it has to do it was a decision. amy be amy berman jackson. people mightrm remembeanpeopler she was the judge in rogerroger stone s case and paul manafort case. .but she ruled in 2014 on the issue of declassification and the power
i m glad you re doing this. because there s a there sis. ther a very strong component of accountability here. all of your members thatall members that will run on these will run on these commitments will they re pledging to voters that they re going to keepto voters that arg to keep them. the correct. ct correct. and , you know, sean., we re here. i want to roll out inwanted washington, not washington.o rou d.c., but washington county, pennsylvania. why? becaus abouour commitment to america is about you. america, not washington. washington. wh and what we have is a plan for a new direction. we spent the last year and a mes half, all the republican i members in congress on different task forces going out to listen to the american r and if you watchut the rollout, today, that s exactly what we did y we didn t get up and just talkou to you.. we took questionk question froms the audience, how can we make this economy strong?ng price?n we? lower our gasoline price? how
people. that s unfair in this case, to the people in the commonwealth. of pennsylvania is just wrong. it s it just the systemdr is broken. dr. ross, thank you.oz, thank yu i appreciate you being with us.i ng with swerinand answering que now, coming up, biden s border crisis is so out of control now. one texas town is being forced to bury migrants at a localantsa cemetery. t a local cemetery our own sara carter visited that cemetery. that s straight ahead. when it comes to where we get our energy, we re pretty united . we need more natural gas and oil produced here in america. but the u.s. is struggling to lead on energy, asking foreign governments to produce more natural gas and oil and blocking new production, limiting access, opportunity and independence. when it comes to energy, we have a choice more natural gas and oil made in america. america agrees. washington should do the same. great feats deserve great feat. help get them with you up.