AlexIs mcadams Is outsIde the courthouse In new York CIty wIth more now. Good mornIng. BIll and dana, good mornIng. I just looked through the federal IndIctment just unsealed thIs mornIng In new York CIty. Were talkIng about some serIous charges. Weve been watchIng thIs closely for a very long tIme here. Months sInce p. DIddy has been at the center of the federal InvestIgatIon. It stems from verbal, emotIonal, physIcal and sexual abuse. Because It Is such a there are so many allegatIons In here that are so serIous and go back to so many prIvate thIngs that these women who dId come forward and talk to the feds they dIdnt put a lot of specIfIc InformatIon In there. They trIed to keep It pretty vague. They do have a lot of InformatIon were told. They put In here that he used hIs power, because for years has been a huge musIc mogul, to manIpulate women to have sexual actIvIty wIth male commercIal Sex Workers sayIng he would fly In the women agaInst theIr wIll. Also lIsten to thIs. He was o
EXCLUSIVE: Hezbollah has exchanged heavy fire with Israel since the start of the war, fuelling fears in Tehran its greatest asset in the region could be at risk.