unfair it is? you are rigging the election, and he says you are rigging the election, and then he gets thrown in jail for saying you are rigging this election. this is probably the best campaign strategy of the democrats have ever come up with. i don t know if it is going to work. i don t think it is working. stephen a is right. we sent johnny out, black as americans, hispanic american, young and old americans alike, a biden fan in my life through johnny except my mother and so this could be a landslide that nobody sees coming because of how unfair this is. i would make them put me in ja jail. i would have a tweet about something, maybe perhaps i set on the five or jesse waters primetime, and i would force them to throw me in jail if i were donald trump. the mug shot backfired. the indictments have been backfired. being a martyr in jail may be
point in the watergate skanldal is whether nixon might be indicted and potentially put in ja jail. they get the final report in the house and don t even bother debating. they re like, yeah, we re going to hold the vote. we re going to cept this report as the very last thing we do here so that the formal record of this incredibly unique and terrible moment in american history is now formally adopted into the congressional record and it is officially put in the history books. and three members of congress vote no on that? they vote no, they don t want to do that? they re against putting that in the congressional record? we should make no record of what just happened here. what? i m telling you in an impeachment anything can happen. who were the three people that voted against accepting into the congressional record the watergate report? well, of the three of them two of them were dixiecrats, segregationist, southern white democrats. one of them was named sunny montgomery. fun fact again