Maharashtra witnessed the highest number of mosquito-borne cases like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya last year, with a staggering 36,857 cases, and this year, the mosquito outbreak is exhibiting similar trends.
In his study, Professor Choubey recruited 20 volunteers and divided them into two groups of 10 each – One group received Covaxin, the other was administered Covishield.
‘Second wave peak nowhere in sight’
April 22, 2021
Covid patients in ambulances waiting for admission at Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad on Thursday - VIJAY SONEJI
Covid patients in ambulances waiting for admission at Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad on Thursday - VIJAY SONEJI×
Epidemic surging simultaneously in multiple locations reason for caseload
As India reported the world’s highest-ever daily Covid-19 spike of around 3.14 lakh cases experts cautioned that the peak of the second wave is yet to come.
With hospitals under tremendous stress and severe shortage of beds, medicines, and ventilators, many feel that this situation could have been avoided with some foresight.