On Friday, Jio Financial Services shares jumped over 10 per cent and touched a new high of Rs 347. The surge propelled the company's market capitalisation on BSE to cross the Rs 2 lakh crore mark for the first time., Companies News, Times Now
Isha Ambani, Akash Ambani and Anant Ambani’s appointment will take effect from the date they assume office after approval by shareholders of Reliance Industries Limited.
Reliance AGM 2023: In his AGM speech last year Mukesh Ambani had said that he would give an update on the IPOs of Reliance Retail and Reliance Jio this year.
Reliance AGM 2023: Mukesh Ambani said that like Reliance Retail and Reliance Jio, he is confident that Jio Financial Services will prove to be an invaluable addition to Reliance Industries’ ecosystem of consumer-facing businesses.