Cellecor Gadgets: The IPO issue comprises the sale of 55.18 lakh fresh equity shares, each with a face value of Rs 10, totalling Rs 50.77 crore. The lot size for the IPO is set at 1,200 equity shares, with each lot priced at Rs 1,10,400 at the upper end of the price band.
Incorporated in 2020, Cellecor Gadgets is engaged in the procurement, branding, and distribution of televisions, mobile phones, Smart Wearables, mobile accessories, smart watches, and neckbands.
Incorporated in 2012, Yudiz Solutions is a blockchain, AI and gaming focused enterprise solutions technology company, which provides IT solutions and consultancy services.
Incorporated in 2012, Yudiz Solutions is a blockchain, AI and gaming focused enterprise solutions technology company, which provides IT solutions and consultancy services.