I've reviewed, researched, and generally looked around for a selection of gifts that could work for kids ranging from very small to High School (and beyond!?!?) that are science oriented.
(For gifts, mainly books, for adults, see THIS.)
Liz Heinecke: On Writing Creative Nonfiction
Nonfiction author Liz Heinecke explores her journey from writing books for children to a more general audience and the journey to write her latest book Radiant.
Feb 21, 2021
Liz Heinecke has an undergraduate degree in art from Luther College, a master s degree in bacteriology from UW Madison, and worked as an academic molecular biology researcher before starting her wildly successful online educational platform KitchenPantryScientist.com. She has written seven books teaching kids (and their parents) how to perform simple science experiments at home, including two which pair science experiments with history lessons about scientists. She is a regular fixture on local TV morning shows including CBS and ABC, and frequently makes appearances for library programs, and at STEM, STEAM and tech festivals. Between experiments and writing, Liz paints, sings, and plays the banjo. She lives in Minneapolis, Minn.