So didnt lock lamarcus, but dont silla my love without my yes be i dont, theres like a good deal with my mom when the bank as a whole a bomb more is or was against a get of course mom and dad know choi, a in la nina and her grandfather live in the village of dan etzky and the lugens peoples republic. Right on the border with ukraine. Wonderful. M with a chart now go back and go on your more i was your, your talk with her, but among escrow good deal of composure. Moy davis camel yellow gear for the past 8 years. As in, on don bass border regions. Children have come under constant shilling from Ukrainian Military. A lot of their rebuttals have been emerged further. Oh yes, im not sure yet. The militia, if at the record, just let me bonanza just said the dodge. Sure. Theres a bunch of them. Yes. If im with thought yom up 300 law, look i and children recognize the sound of shelling and know when to run to basements, but its not always possible to out run. The shells and childrens deaths ha