On Saturday, the New Iberia local Cub Scout Pack 463 hosted its annual Blue and Gold Banquet which commemorates Cubs who have completed the last step of Cub Scouts called
The event brought out young racers from grades kindergarten through fifth, along with their family members, who could compete in the Open Class rounds.
PROJECT O.R.E.K (Ohio River Educational Kiosk) was the capstone project of the first female Eagle Scout of the Ohio River Valley Council: Madison Yaron, 13 year
PROJECT O.R.E.K (Ohio River Educational Kiosk) was the capstone project of the first female Eagle Scout of the Ohio River Valley Council: Madison Yaron, 13 year
Learning about government is one of the requirements to be awarded the Arrow of Light patch.
The Scouts learned about the business aspect of City of Auburn government. Information about taxes, utility rates, personnel and budgets was presented.
Then, the legislative side of city government was covered by appointing den members as temporary, unofficial council members to
discuss two topics:
⢠Can the Scouts camp out in the city limits as a group on city property?
⢠Can a sidewalk be installed along Morningstar Road in the areas that are lacking walks and at the bridge over
Cedar Creek?