perice frequent infectio, or havflu-like symptom or sores. liver probms can occur with eyvio. ifour uc ocrohn s mecation n t woing for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission with reach. ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. something new has arrived. uniquely designed for the driven. inoducing the first-ever infiniti qx30 crossover. visit your local infiniti retailer today. infinitiempower the drive. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51. prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. for safe schools vote yes on 51.
may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver probms can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn s medication isn t working r you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission thin reach. scpel. i have no idea what i m doing. i m just av doctor. i never went clege. (scream) i don t do blood. but now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. is that a foot? we are the tv doctors of america. anwe re partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you is to a readoctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, a take control of your alth. door poses. cigntogether, all the way. today s a holiday for the federal government and something of a day of mourning for native american tribes from
we re cleaner, domestic, abundant and ready now. we re america s natural gas. the smarter power today. learn more at what was i thinking? but i was still skating on thin ice with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren t enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i ve been eating healthier, exercising more and now i m also taking lipitor. if you ve been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. lipitor is a cholesterol-lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 18 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver probms and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakne