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Transcripts for BBC Radio Solent BBC Radio Solent 20191122 170000

Soon afterwards in hospital 18 year old Jamie Higgs of Windsor Road in Boston was remanded in custody to appear at Winchester crown court on December the 18th. The parents of a disabled Dorset boy have received that apology from Dorset Council after the over the lack of any disability access where I m trained crossing Salman s Devon Cole had to carry their 4 year old son Stanley who has cerebral palsy in his wheelchair up steps in the dark to use a bridge because the pedestrian level crossing is closed at night than his mother Salman Khan understand the situation where having a child in a wheelchair you realise how inaccessible a lot of the world is you manage when you get on with it crossings either side of us where room just have the automated barriers and they re just as busy and cool if not busy and yet where I am has been chosen I think because of one things that in a couple of years ago there wasn t a mess and they made this decision to put these huge barriers up it is quite an inconvenience for people Dorset Council says no apology can be enough for the situation this family found themselves in aware of and says it s deeply sorry. Nigel Farage has to set out the bricks it party s policy platform for the election describing it as a contract with the people as well as a clean break Breck s it he wants an annual cap of $50000.00 on permanent immigration insisting any skills shortages could be filled by training more young people in trade jobs rather than arts degrees mean all of the general election looming many Churchills and balls are being booked up with hustings meetings the time candidates can address potential voters want to teach and data directly from the island is arranging hustings event at a barn ride however it comes with a twist as they ve banned the word bricks it organizer Jay Palmer says it s going to be tough not to mention the b word it will be very difficult everyone s talking about bricks and it does have a bigger impact of C.R. s but hopefully the candidates and the audience who were to give a straw and really focus on these other issues which I m sure many of the candidates . It s really do you want to be talking about and want to be surrendered this campaign talking about those key issues and what we re going to afford a little big turning point for our country never happens right and finally was. Craning he made the bells of St Mary s Church town Canton famous around the world in his $945.00 classic movie of the same name now several letters sent between the sing a big cross me and the families of soldiers serving in during the 2nd World War happening on Earth in his attic being released alongside photographs of the star performing for troops serving in West Europe his daughter Mary Cross Bay told the b.b.c. How his signature on white Christmas became a hit amongst homesick American soldiers he originally sang the song on his radio show just a couple of weeks after Pearl Harbor and then by 42 it was the song that people wanted to hear when they were far away from. The radio said it needs a full minutes past 5 thanks Karen. Let s turn our attention to the very very wet weather Shereen Jordan what is going on sorry yes this afternoon has been and I got rained on a little bit murky we do some have a yellow warning for rain in place from the Met Office that will last until 6 o clock tomorrow night for western parts of Dorset we could see some disruption in the rights locally we could see up to 30 minute meters of rainfall especially on higher ground as we head into tonight then we will see some dry conditions for a time but sickening cloud will then bring spells of rain in 3 for the rest of the night quite breezy tea with a brisk easterly wind blows this evening off between 7 to 9 degrees as we head into Saturday morning well it starts wets that s what s in store for us we re going to see spells of rain and drizzle throughout the morning as we head into Saturday afternoon though it will turn slightly dry a lot of clout they were around that. Linger for some time still brisk easterly winds tomorrow with highs of 12 degrees as we had Sesay evening there will still be a good deal of cloud around and we could see some patchy mist and folk over higher ground where the cloud breaks it should be by mostly dry on Saturday nights and lows of 4 degrees now that mist info could be slow to left as we get into Sunday morning when it does lift though it could go into a low cloud and that will link it throughout much of Sunday mostly dry day and the best a day out of the 2 of the weekend less breezy than Saturday we could see some sunny spells and some brightness and Sam as we had overnight into the start of the new working week while more wind and rain in store for us this is not good news because rolled in and over his 3 little was a weekend when just a Christmas market not mine well yes I am but I is obviously going to be rather damp fat so go early to get a parking spot I don t think I m going by the train yeah very if you like your public transport I love a bit of public transport and of course a patch we can put into Corum has just gone Wet Wet Wet 3 little. We re going to win just the 2 more I learned We are other thing we need to have a conversation because I m also having my other 3 little words champagne celebration take off I know very excited so what s your 3 little words lunch chocolate. Lunch chocolate and babies well it doesn t matter what the weather is then does a. B.b.c. Radio. Phrase. earlier on in the show when Alan Sinclair popped in for a chance you ll have heard a little about the distressing story that we re going to be talking about now livestock have been found in the New Forest which would be mutilated and killed and some left with satanic or occult marks on their bodies they have been a number of attacks in Brum short 2 sheep of being killed is believed to have happened on Tuesday night and a half was injured by stab wound the local church has also been targeted with graffiti a few days before on Sunday 3 cattle were injured in a knife attack at Linford 7 miles away retired couple Judy and Norman rods from found some of the animals 2 sheep each on Monday night Tuesday morning a week apart there were also some cattle stabbed one. Stabbed or slashed not to show us some. Nearer to Lynwood but one in this area so again it s someone who is trying to injure animals I saw see dead sheep at the top of the road with aerosol symbols sprayed on it so whatever the reason for it and my guess is it was intended to. Shock rather than anything else it s still very both agreeing to have someone with a knife prepared to use it because the sheep had been stabbed to death and the symbol described. They were a mixture of symbols and again it looked as though it was intended to cause upset I didn t get too close because I had the docs with me so I didn t say I didn t identify symbols one not like the bam the bombs which offend. How frightening to have this on the doorstep. I don t agree it s done to shock or you don t derive knifing animals simply to shock people. It s related to my view related to some something other than simply the desire to read. It or the witchcraft or whatever what is it like to know that this is in the right on your doorstep rather worrying specially as it would be extremely difficult to catch whoever it is even with a big police presence it would be very. In an area like this to find out who it is but the idea of someone with a knife prepared to use it is all 3 yes I was Judy and Norman Rod s talking to our reporter Tristan Pascoe Well one of the dead sheep was killed and painted with a symbol known as a pentagram all Satan star a star symbol is also painted on the animals face appears to be a cross on the far right young cows also stabbed a needed vet retreatment the owner agreed to be indeed but she didn t want her identity revealed all at out in the morning to let the men. In this abrasion on the on the animal and on the side of the neck obviously I was quite concerned and study and then call the vet to find out what happened and it looks like a sniper Yes it did. Say what s been going on in the village the last few days I was very concerned about the situation and how does it make you feel emotionally about what s happened I m very concerned because like for the welfare of the animals and the people on the forests that. Go out there what would your message be to people in the forests at the moment to be very vigilant and to keep their eyes out for any think that. They think this is specious because it s quite concerned in and scary Do you think people will be bringing livestock in. No I don t think so but I think of the Say that be you know a study in that last talk more than what they normally day keeping an eye out for ashers Yeah yeah yeah I think you ve got to because it s happened quite often and last week. Steve humpy reporting that graffiti has also been discovered on some Peters Church in it s been dubbed with satanic and phallic symbols is not certain if what happened to the church is related to the attacks on the animals the vicar some pieces is the reference David Bacon a very basic level it s annoying because good people had to come along and clear up afterwards. Is it more significant than just a bit of fun people thinking they have an affair fun I don t know I think has any sinister terms I ve been told that one of the symbols was a 666 which of course is a biblical sawin of. The sort of thing is is rare yes we ve not had anything here for a long time do you think it s a mass of people in the area keeping their eyes open and looking out for mutual activity yeah I mean that s the only security we have really is is people near people dogs people come to visit grapes. I m sure police has issued an appeal for information about the attacks they say these are unusual incidents and that trying to find out what happened and if they are all linked to urging anyone who uses the forest including communists to be vigilant and to contact them if they see anything suspicious. B.b.c. Radio. Keeping its eyes on the south right ahead. It s closed both ways because of delays approaching the. Street but that is still possible. The temperature of the university and the hospital. And. About roughly a 10 minute delay Portsmouth on the m 275 coming in. Heading away from Pompeii on the a 3 am. Plane. The opposite direction is slow instruction 34. Reports all machine away is fried with St Mary s buses continue to replace trains between Weymouth and mill because of the line between stalls. Is able to get that for the has left a few delays and cancellations course of updates there s more in 15 minutes. Radio travel hotline 080-8103. B.b.c. Radio. With Sam Fraser. The stories making headlines today and the conservatives have said they d force foreigners to pay an additional 3 percent in stamp duty when they buy properties in England the party claims it would help people get on the house by taking the heat out of the property market the money raised thought to be around $120000000.00 pounds a year would be used to help tackle homelessness. Breaks a party leader Nigel for all his has published what he s called a contract with the British people calling his party the new radicals he promised a fundamental change for the u.k. Breaks it the document off is a cap on permanent immigration of $50000.00 a year the abolition of the House of Lords and a large scale trade planting program. And it. Will. Have. To be several letters sent between the singer being Crosby and the families of soldiers serving during the 2nd World War have been honest in his attic being released alongside photographs of the stop performing for troops serving in Western Europe. Here at b.b.c. Radio silent for getting ready for all annual carol concert and this year we re having to pull on Sunday the 8th of December. It s going to be a spectacular afternoon are you going to entertain us a solo of some sort a Christmas classic most definitely not and I m going to lead. To the professionals the so community quiet going to be the Christmas favorites with. Tickets of 3 but you need to hurry as they re going to pick up your pair of tickets simply send a stump addressed envelope to Carol concepts b.b.c. Radio silence Southampton 147. The b.b.c. Radio show Christmas Carol. On Sunday the. We ll see that. B.b.c. Radio silence as Wet Wet Wet and with a Little Help From My Friends now just in relation to that new for a story of this a rather distressing Caroline story Carol has. Emailed in from Lymington say Sam It s not just the chocolate box image that is floated around the natives and welcoming to others it can feel sinister to live here or on the edge of the forest just to point out that he she finds that the New Forest is not perhaps as as we might like to think of it and certainly that story very very disturbing and there will be more on it from $630.00 on b.b.c. One on south the day I keep your weekend plans in 3 little words coming Fred Incheon the soldiers decided that speaking of politics is his fame for the weekend Dave in Midan brain shopping haircuts caring. In an on line in Scotland cooking for Fraser That sounds very organized I m very impressed with that and on the e-mail just Julian has just emailed to say my 3 little words are winning the lottery I don t know how you can have this for sites Judy and he says I have a free lucky dip to use on Saturday let s just hope it comes true and people want you to be witness to this if it does I ll give you a share you heard it here 1st Julian is offering me a share of his potential winnings on the lottery this weekend Jan in San Diego Thanksgiving cooking preparations she is gearing up for Thanksgiving in San Diego next Thursday the 28th to tell me what you re up to this weekend 3 little words is very straightforward. Email Sam got Fraser at b.b.c. Don t kowtow u.k. You can text on 813 star you message the word servant or cool 808103800 that s the number now let s return to the general election campaign trail this week we ve been following all of the party leaders around as they try to win your vote today is the turn of Labor s Jeremy call been he s been campaigning in Stoke on Trent and he spoke to our political reporter Pete so on a canal boat Hello Pete s. Hello how you doing well it s and I think I m having as good a time as you are it sounds quite like the way you are but it sounds it doesn t it they just turn the music up I think you know to be honest they were delivering afternoon say a short while ago and now the cocktails are starting to come out which means it s definitely Friday night here in stark contrast that I ve been on about stay with Jeremy Corbyn as he s saying creating that interview on a canal by you with a pottery manufacturer earlier only was given a lesson in how to paint on a on a pottery place he held up the plane it said register to vote on it I was with the key messages he wanted to get across that if they d. Voter registration deadline next Tuesday then he wants the canal by one of the more strange campaign locations there was a bizarre moment where he was leaning out of the window of the boat and delivering the local speciality oatcakes to some members of his team and also his wife it was with him today now we don t often see very much of Lowry she keeps a very low profile but of course you know she will become effectively the 1st lady of the u.k. Should he win the Premier become prime minister so yeah and we saw for example boxing him around see you know she said him can you bring me a hot chocolate and he tried to bring a hot chocolate and he was stopped from getting a hot chocolate by his advisers was hungry but he returned very much to familiar territory in the afternoon dressing packs a town hall full of Labor activists already the message from him was to go out and knock on as many doors as possible in what is a cheap battleground here in this general election we re getting a sense that huge determination amongst supporters of our party to take the message out there and whilst the media framed the election the very beginning of the BRICs election is of course a very very important issue it s not the only us I m picking up much more is health housing education and environment issues that coming up much more young people tend to raise environment issues as well as house in older people trying to raise hell 6 years but it s not exclusive because it goes into all directions and so. Is trying to address the issues of the need for investment in our country for the future. That s a manifesto launch yesterday did seem very confident from Jeremy Koeppen and he certainly got a great reaction How s his day being today in the wake of it. Yeah I mean when you see these campaign visits on the t.v. What they don t show you is pretty much the age man is really and often there aren t many interactions with wooden revotes in. So it s hard to say at this early stage found a manifesto is going down here in Stoke on Chan he did have one quite difficult moment actually Jeremy called him when he came off the canal boat and there are a couple of men on the bridge above the canal doing him and shouting we back Boris to get Bragg s it done so far seems to be very happy that that particular slogan is cutting through in Stoke on Trent bottom to get a sense here that there s much election fever in spite of the huge attention that is on China wanted just up the road from here into town sends a short while ago to see how voters in these key battleground are feeling. With the brush and things going on or not going on in the future I m fraid you watch and watch the I m going to vocal. Quality interesting but no idea. When I may have been told they just seem to pull down the other party they don t say what they again today they just like a field to say we re just confused it s got General actually going on. I m not. You know heard about that. They can t really be somebody left as the herd bait. Yeah I think she was pulling my leg to be honest. And them how dare we call been approaching this evening specially does edition of Question Time. Where he told me that he would be courteous calm explain his policies he really wants to pick up that manifesto that was launched yesterday he does believe there are loads of things in there that are potential value when it is but I think you ll come under quite close scrutiny tonight for how he s going to pay for some of those very very expensive pledges often Question Time audience members ask much better questions than we do as chairman as I think and they provided for some quite awkward moments for senior politicians over the years remember back in 2015 actually had Miliband almost falling off the stage one point so I think Jeremy Corbyn Boris Johnson and the Lib Dems need a choice Winston the s.n.p. Nicolas sturgeon who ll have often hours have. You know I think we re. Serious. In the. Anything else. 8. On the election campaign trail. And. The train starting to run again with the. And now 531 on his headlines with Caroline Rundle a group of British orphans arrived back in the u.k. From northern Syria for the 1st children to be repatriated from territory previously held by the Islamic state group. Livestock has been found in the forest which has been mutilated and killed and some left a satanic cult marks on their bodies the local church has also been targeted with graffiti an 18 year old Bournemouth man has appeared in court charged with murdering 20 year old Kyle Archer he was knifed in the chest in the town close to the main train station late last Saturday he died soon afterwards in hospital and the parents of a disabled boy have received an apology from Dorset Council over the lack of access where untrained crossing at night time the 4 year old s parents had to carry him in a wheelchair up steps to use a footbridge b.b.c. Solon news the time is 530 Thanks Caroline Caroline what about your week employer weekend plans in 3 little words option think lots of rest. A little bit. Yes as the rain falls Carolina feet up let s hear about that rain Sara has the details thanks ever so much more we have seen some heavy spells of rain at times today even some lightning strikes in parts we do have a yellow weather warning in place for western parts of Dorset which is valid right through until 6 o clock tomorrow evening that s for that rainfall as well continue to see spells of rain on and off as we go through the overnight period in particular so through this evening maybe some cloudy drizzly conditions in parts but gradually we ll see a band of rain pushing northwards that s going to bring us some heavier and more persistent Best s overnight temperatures down to 7 or 8 degrees and still in that on the breezy side to Saturday morning then and some rain may just linger in parts but gradually as an imperial proving picture it doesn t like we ll see some dry conditions developing through the course of the afternoon probably. Limited brightness with 12 degrees in some spots some day perhaps a bit of fog for some of us gradually seeing some bright and cheery skies some sunny spells to look forward to the dry conditions don t hang on for too long mind you because the wet and windy weather come Monday. For tomorrow wind southeast for all 5 becoming variable for less than west for all 5 packing Southwest visibility moderate or poor becoming good weather occasional rain showers later state moderate becoming slight and slight moderate. Become aware the want to go online to. B.b.c. Radio. 3 little words in you can call it 103800 that s what Sally did her 3 little. Friends family. Takes. 3. His one feel little black book this weekend I m getting absolutely have a. Liberation champagne. Joining you Mike. Tell me what you re up to this weekend in 3 little words. You can email. You coming 6 o clock. With. Very shortly with the sports news. B.b.c. Radio so that s a lot of miles and black velvet at $26.00. B.b.c. Radio. And thinking about things and nice and fuzzy days this week a really thank you very much let s start with our Premier League game tomorrow to live Premier League games on b.b.c. Radio silence where we bomb if as they take someone throws in they ll be without striker Joshua King the 27 year old returned from the international break with Norway with a hamstring problem Cherry s boss Eddie Howell told us that he doesn t know how long it will keep him out for just 4 should be out for this game he picked up a hamstring for Norway right in the late stages of that games that was a real blow for us and that is the perils of international for but I m afraid for us he s had any major hamstring injuries of us but this was something that the player played in but he had problems with Manchester United when he was younger so I want to make sure we treat injury right and he comes back fully fit it will be defended Lloyd Kelly Well winger Ryan Fraser will have a late fitness test on his knee injury Southampton s veteran defender says Saints need to frustrate Arsenal tomorrow and create unease around the Emirates Southampton head to North London at the start of a critical spell in their season and whilst yes she did knows they face a tough start to an end to an important run he believes a good performance will help them with more winnable games around the corner restarts for ourselves. How to be fresh physically and mentally so no excuse. To show the spirits like we did. You can hear more from me on Saints current problems and on getting his 100th cap for Japan on the sports after 6 Pompey winger Ronan Curtis says they re chomping at the bit to get back to action after 12 days without a match Pompey didn t play last weekend it due to. Internationals but they re still 13th in League One and make the long trip to Rochdale tomorrow live on b.b.c. Radio Sol and said it hardly is going for the lads and the fans Now obviously we ve been training we ve been training a lot and working working on scepticism over the last 12 days and just calling it and it s going more from Ronan after 6 o clock you ll also be able to hear his thoughts on the current contract situations of Fratton Park 10 players out of contract at the end of the season but the club say they will not do any discussions until the end of this campaign for the live commentary to morrow comes from Yorkshire a slate they make the long trip to how the facts in the National League will also have live reports from 2 matches in the f.a. Trophy 3rd qualifying round with Gosport Barra travelling to bath and shoaling hosting Paulton Rovers John Holmes presents his match day warm up show from midday tomorrow he ll be joined by special guest how you read nap pulls some bird won the opening race of the new formula e.c.s. In Saudi Arabia the Invision version driver took his 9th career win the 2nd race of the season takes place tomorrow more reaction on that off the 6 Goldstone s alum you is the New England men s seniors team captain the 66 year old from Hampshire takes over the reins from Cheshire s Roy Smith Hurst following his retrial at the end of a successful 5 year tenure as the latest be back in about 20 minutes time with the build up to our weekend commentry he s I m just going to take you up on a phrase eased chomping at the bit is actually champing at it is how do you know this I know this because it s from racing and champing is when the horse grinds its teeth against the bit chomping is the transitive which needs an object you have to chomp on something. Something rose so many big words and I there have an i.q. Test I used to teach me to do the script to get absolutely no idea what road this is also it s a time. Well I just need to do my duty would I if I didn t know. About your students love to you they absolutely did. They love me because I taught them all the useful things about being alive. Botox I don t even know to do that well you see I to every kid that came through my classes because I didn t think that it should be the preserve of the upper classes to show off about these sorts of things and I said you know you get university you can talk about high you know you will back you out the door for your help you know they loved it work yeah I did it s not cute for me when after all you. Know where a little boy she s just being able to you know find useful skills that are unexpected Well just try it will you can you mark me out of a b. Or c. On the sports are on the way home you can have a listen and pick up on and you are my star people always you know and you know it Jordan Clarke ones that I ve never said that to Joan Clarke but you know I would like you to want to know exactly what you think I said. But we re going to talk about you 3 little words because I always love you as it always features carry for a while it was going to feature Carrie but our salute sport Christmas due has already been organized for next week and we re going to a curry house so I want to say you ve room for that so mine will be I have a j.d. Wetherspoon s or. Does that count or drowning my sorrows off the subject and the result some are oh so it ll be one of them but either way I ll involve scones. Thank you very much have a great weekend. General election 2020 on b.b.c. Radio so. Tell me about North Dorset miles of rolling green countryside predominantly rural and donated by the farming sector North Dorset has a population of just under 100000 of which 3 quarters are eligible to vote this time the numbers in the seat more than doubled over 4 days every summer the. Great Dorset steam. What s the history its traditional. 50. 5 have been conservative. 150. Has one of the largest conservative majorities in the country more than $25000.00 and what is the choice. For the conservatives. And for the Greens. It s. The. Combined. Of the conservatives. From the. Through the. The radio travel hotline. 103. B.b.c. Radio. With Sam Fraser Yes stories making headlines today and the Labor shadow chancellor John McDonnell has rejected analysis by the think tank the Institute for Fiscal Studies which suggests that Labour s manifesto commitments can t be met with 95 percent of taxpayers paying no extra tax the I.F. s has also suggested that increasing corporation tax would result in low wages on higher prices but Mr McDonnell insisted that wouldn t happen a major fire has severely damaged a historic sea front hotel in East bone guests were moved out of the Grade 2 listed Clermont hotel as the flames took hold 6 people were treated for minor injuries and one person was taken to hospital with breathing difficulties. And the 1st comic book produced by Marvel the Us publisher behind Spider-Man X.-Men and the event just has sold ocean for a record $1260000.00 It was published in 1939 by time the comics but most expensive comic book in history remains the 1st issue of Action Comics in which Superman makes his debut that sold for $3200000.00 in 2014. Across England on b.b.c. Local Radio 3 weeks to polling day it s time for the people who want to number 10 face the welcome to question time on a dream tonight we re bringing together b.b.c. Local radio across England for a Question Time leader special followed by. Your questions and your reaction which is not. Based in the country you re not. Going to be doing a lot now I think this election was ready to join me tonight from 7 b.b.c. Radio. They gave Have Your Say the election special leaders debate and. That s on tonight gosh I mean we re inundated with election specials that limit you all weekend plans in 3 little words lovely to hear from you this evening and just a few more minutes to go on that Roy an old supporting lifeboats Yeah he s going to be selling stuff for the on an ally in Winchester Mars culverts new Marks and Spencers might drop in there and. Roy. Martin hailing island has just called Inside the Environment Agency has an emergency phone line if you spot any flooding this weekend say the number is 880-7060 his 3 little words watch the drains. Love it Kings of Leon and yes somebody 6 minutes to 6 now all this week we ve been following the story of news make us a hale Hussein from Chandler s Ford he was inspired to trace his family history after discovering a suitcase full of old documents that had lain ignored in the attic for 40 years the story that unfolded included his mother s escape to England from Germany and his grandparents death in Auschwitz in this final installment sale explains to our reporter Joe Palmer how he went about his research. I think when my mother died things came home to me in a different way because you start thinking about ancestry and I started looking through some of her old paperwork. To follow here the starting point was the papers that related to her struggle to get compensation from the computer I don t know why I started with those Maybe they were easier to read because a lot of them were typed and it was only subsequently that I started reading the personal letters looking at other documentation and what started off as intended to be a 2 week job just kept growing and it s dated January 9th you ve obviously there is so much information online now that it quickly expand it. Through the documents a while contacted numerous individuals Facebook groups and organizations each providing a further piece of the jigsaw the lives of my grandparents my mother s parents commemorated in the remembrance book compiled by the German government which is available online as well as in various other documents there are camps wreck ords and from that I ve been able to discover that my grandparents were both transported to terezín starts and subsequently put on a train to take them to Auschwitz camp it s not know when they died there I guess from one point of view I feel that the shorter their stay where. Less hard it would have been. However painful the journey believes he s closer to his mother as a result. Much closer to understanding what she had to endure much more impressed and astonished at how she managed to get through the difficulties and how she protected me and my sister from her experiences. Could have been much more significant impact on our lives Hutchie dwelt on her past or exposed us to it further when we were younger. Even this story of news make it so Hale is sane from Chandra s forward how close is there anything interesting going on in your life well let us get involved that you can always give us a ring unless know what s going on oh wait I ll wait 103800 if you have an interesting story that you d like us to help you tell now 3 minutes to 6 us joining the my time up for this week thank you so much for your company a few last weekend plans in 3 diddle words Cheryl in North bad is Lee packing up house Cheryl that s me too and I m not doing it the weekends just I m doing all every single day everywhere I look there s just so much stuff I ve been slinging out stuff I ve been using all of the auction sites and the Free Cycle the Facebook marketplace everything you name it I ve got something on the to sell or give away also e-mailing in on Sandra Fraser b.b.c. Don t you k. Brenda in fake um she says hi sam tennis. So that s easy to. Film clips. Have a lovely weekend whatever you re up to Brenda at the church fair. And Chris in Winnipeg shoveling snow again and I have just checked the weather in Winnipeg and I can tell you that it is minus 2. Which is jolly cold full well the middle of the day Chris more power to your elbow treat yourself to something nice to drink later on that s it for me today thank you so much for your company I ll be back Monday 4 o clock Do join me again then. B.b.c. Radio. Let s take a look now at the roads all of a head has the latest there are floods the main road through the a 3030. There is closed in both directions flooding in Abbott s free on West Street as well although that is still possible 6 way approaching the St Paul s roundabout for the railway station is slow coming in Southampton it s road which queues on the m 271 heading towards Winchester as well by the hospital and the university and busy on the south between one Winchester and 12 inch on this 4th West End Botley road is queueing coming from the hedge and direction back. Charles what s way out of hedge ends who was the most weigh in on the canes who roundabout is really slow going new ports a vast improvement. Clear now into the St Mary s roundabout buses are replacing trains between Weymouth and because of floods between so. Delays and cancellations are possible and ferries Red Funnel on the red Jets seeing delays of up to 10 minutes to get in touch the updates for now thanks very much just a reminder up next is Ken Reeves after the news with sports hour and then from 7 o clock we have election 2919 Have Your Say the 1st leaders debate with Fiona Bruce and then taking your calls between 9 and 10 phone number for. That Oh wait 081009956 or text 81 traveled 3 and start your message with England. And you ll smile. We are in the. Radio so the sound of. The knees are 6 from b.b.c. Radio silent I m Caroline Rundle Greater Manchester Police have been accused of jeopardizing the start of the public inquiry into the 2017 suicide bombing which killed 22 people in the city they ve apologized after a preliminary hearing was told that the force had missed a deadline to provide statements from offices in command on the night his Judith Maurits the public inquiry into the 2017 attack in which 22 people died is due to begin on the 6th of April but as a hearing this morning it emerged that there were 2 critical issues with the police evidence which could delay it g.m.p. Was said to be the only organization involved which has failed to meet the deadline for providing statements in addition the force is said to have submitted incomplete recordings of police radio transmissions the chairman of the public inquiry said John Saunders said any delay would be simply not fair to the families or to Manchester in general a man has been cleared of neglecting his elderly mother and leaving had to die in an arm chair 83 year old Hazel Kimber died from the effects of starvation and inability in 2015 at her home in sea view in the Isle of Wight prosecutors claimed Anthony Kimball left her in a school for 2 years as she molded into her chair he was cleared of manslaughter by gross negligence and causing or allowing the death of a vulnerable adult after a trial at Winchester Crown Court several British chill several British children who were often in Syria have been flown back to the u.k. And reunited with their wider family the Foreign Office had come under pressure from the children s relatives in Britain. To repatriate them from an area previously controlled by these law mixtape group livestock causing found in the New Forest which has been mutilated and killed and some left with satanic all occult monks and their bodies have been a number of attacks from the local church has also been targeted with graffiti a few days before on Sunday 3 cats were injured in a knife attack in Lynn Fitz 7 miles away to the road from Bramshaw found some of the animals I saw see dead sheep at the top of the road. The fish if you run like the feel of my kids might be the 1st time I ve tried to put it back up put it back to claim it s great to talk about all the charity became so you can stand up when I needed a job if you were king of the opportunity to put that in front here I can i do we keep you every fear in the corner knowing never knowing if easy choice you make a thief calls it a perfect 10.

Radio-program , Elections , Christian-terms , Military-terminology , Members-of-the-united-kingdom-parliament-for-english-constituencies , Uk-mps-2010- , Local-government-districts-of-south-west-england , Christianity , Silence , Christmas-food , Democratic-socialists , Local-government-in-dorset

Transcripts for BBC Radio Oxford BBC Radio Oxford 20180314 180000

Moscow will give a fitting and symmetry call response to the expulsion of 23 of its diplomats over the spy poisoning case trees are made old M.P. s under cared intelligence officers have a week to leave the u.k. Has been described by Moscow as a hostile act James Sherk from Oxford is an expert in Russia the role Institute of International Affairs he says the u.k. Is now seen by Russia as weak not just because of our failure over the past few years to prosecute some 14 mysterious macabre murders of Russian citizens here but wrecks it as they see it is a colossal diminution of our place in the world meanwhile police and the army have sealed off parts of Gillingham in North Dorset as part of the investigation into the attempted murder of Sergei scribble a wide cordon is in place around a lorry which is thought to have recovered Mr scruples car from Salisbury 20 miles away. A quarter of staff are docs such as hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that s according to a survey of staff at Oxford University Hospitals Trust which has been published today at a public board meeting our report of a Jones was there and he told me more about the survey just to give you an idea the vice chairman of the hospital board of trustees described the answers to this questionnaire as sobering but not surprising there were a number of key questions where the hospitals schools this year were significantly lower than last year more than a 3rd of staff didn t look forward to going to work just 29 percent felt there were enough staff at the hospitals to do their job properly importantly 79 percent of staff felt satisfied with the quality of care they gave to patients that was down from 84 percent last year and as you say only 75 percent would be happy with the standard of care if a friend or relative needed treatment all of this the board said made it clear that staff were feeling the pressure and felt disconnected from leaders in senior managers presumably they didn t just hear the report they must have some plans to improve things what are they going to do Yes Well the vice chair said that staff morale at the hospitals was the biggest single challenge that the transport faced he went on to say that it was their responsibility to do something especially because staff morale can affect other areas of the service that they provide Now as part of their response we know that the trust says it will listen to staff concerns group meetings they calling them listening at groups they want staff to be involved in their plans and they re going to agree on areas to prioritize before looking at any specific actions anything else on the agenda at today s board meeting yes the 1st gender pay gap report was also published it shows the difference in pay between men and women working at the hospitals is higher than the national average the issue was discussed at the meeting in Dame Fiona Caldicott who s chair of the Trust said women needed to be given more encouragement to go for a promotion the majority of our medical consultants are men and that shows a pattern that s consistent across the n.h.s. So I think it shows us we ve got a lot to make sure that we re encouraging women in all our professions and posts to fulfil their potential. Next toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is closing all of its $100.00 shops after going into administration no buyer has been found for the business $3000.00 jobs are expected to be lost by the end of next month Simon Thomas is a partner at more fields advisory they re doing the administration he explained what s going on we re done says at the head office took place earlier today we ll continue to move all the stock out of the distribution center into the different stalls and we ll be following a further sort of range of discounts we introduced to try and get the best recovery possible for the creditors one of the great scientists of his generation that s just one of the many tributes being paid today to to pursue Professor Stephen Hawking the world renowned physicist died this morning at the age of 76 his most famous book a brief history of time has gone to the top of the Amazon bestsellers list plans are underway to create a memorial garden for George Harrison in Henley the town he made his home the Beatles legend moved to the Grade 2 listed Friar Park where his wife still lives in the 1970 s. a Previous campaign to erect a statue to George Harrison was halted following a request from Mrs Harrison Kelly Hinton is the mayor of Henley She says they re looking at a number of possible locations for the garden site there are a number 6 to locations one area that has been discussed as Marius and they called mill meadows which is by the river so it makes a flowing water it s an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty lots of open green space because we want the garden to be not just a memory of George but actually inspired by him we wanted to be very tranquil very zen. Now with a brief roundup of some other national and international news here s nationally Verney school peoples and staff in the United States a holding a series of Catherine walk outs to demand tighter gun safety laws the protests have been led by survivors of the school shooting at Parkland in Florida a month ago the walkouts each lost 17 minutes one for every life lost in the attack I think tank is warning annual tax rises a 40000000000 pounds will be needed if the government wants to balance its books by 2025 the Institute for Fiscal Studies says dismal productivity earnings and g.d.p. Growth have become the new normal and some of the biggest former names in the world of professional dance have been paying tribute to Jim Bowen who s died at the age of 80 he was best known for hosting the t.v. Game show a Bull s-Eye in the 1980 s. And ninety s you really good at darts not useless just checking I can usually manage to hit that the nice green lamp that hangs over the top of the dart board oh lovely it s got a scrape marks on it oh there goes another Anyway other news a new building is causing tensions between 2 Oxford colleges since Hilda s college has been given permission for a new accommodation block despite nearby Christchurch branding the design bulky and inelegant if you care to make a judgment yourself have a look at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Slash Oxford and form your own opinion the designs are on show there. Are other matters what are people talking about this even trending on Twitter tonight the hash tag pie a day I got my hopes up here this might offer a eatable pies but no it s people wishing each other a happy payday because it s March the 14th that makes 3 point one for the value of pi if you don t extrapolate to ridiculous degree by 3 for you you re all right here s the Hollywood actor Tom Hiddleston to explain more. Always keep me oh is this a conference divided by the die. Matter of any circle. It s impossible to know the exact value but pi is approximately 3.14159265358979328462 Yes I had enough of. Tom Hiddleston thank you weather rain arriving with lows of 6 degrees the sunshine and showers forecast for tomorrow. It s 7 minutes past 6 you are up to date or as up to date as you need to be I suggest on payday I think will revert to eating proper pies showing. In the mood for a pie haha Need you ask 3.143 pounds 14 then. Good heavens I thought I said to myself at least to be a little pork pie that were good and nothing took into my nothing was pressed against the studio. Not even a scrape was the traffic situation like well so it was a good news for the a 423 opened in both directions between what field and kings lane Foley occlusion or over to a structure should say but it s been closed since around 3 pm so it s all been recovered but is now reopened as always do keep you updated if you can all 34593 little warm 6 double 6 Now if you want a decent edible pie sometimes a football ground is the place in any recommendations sports man on the best pies to be had yes for a screen Reivers and it s a controversial entry for many Karnit carnivores because it s a vegan pie it s no ward winning beacon Pio is quite skeptical I had my 1st visit to the ground this season and it is amazing really want to be nice I ve been in there twice this season of Eagan Pi I m not sure what the the pilot was it is that they ve won but they are quite proud of it very good other matters arising in sport yes. So much for the pie situations like in Russia where the World Cup we miss some a ton and have confirmed that Harry Cain has damaged ligaments in his ankle but is expected to return to 1st team training in a force or hope he ll be involved in the World Cup and Chelsea face a stiff test in the Champions League tonight for their white trip to Boston if of course we go to the World Cup but that s a whole different set of questioning a whole different ball game a whole different piece of cock solids not your life stories this is c.b.c. Suffer Tainted Love. Queen is to send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge he was 76 he was given just 2 years to live when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at $21.00 but went on to become a towering figure of physics leading scientists have said his work on black holes and a unified theory of the universe will go on to inspire compass generations that s have a word with astrophysicist. Gillian Welcome to the program tell me how you very much how will you remember Professor Stephen Hawking. Well he s not someone I ever met personally or worked with professionally but I think the thing that will stick with me the most is his book a brief history of time it s something I read as a kid and it s one of those books you know some books when you read when you re very young they just stick with you through your life it was one of those for me so I think the the impact he had through the public conception of thinking about space and time will really last of a long time and his legacy in the scientific community. Just he was such an impact and. His resolute Shamir a ways of thinking about black holes and that that s going to stay I mean he I remember a story of someone going to one of his talks an expert in the field going to one of his talk coming out and saying I didn t quite follow the math I ll have to sit down and look at it but I m sure it holds up. You are going to be appearing in Oxford this weekend as part of the Oxford Literary Festival what you re going to be talking about I ve just written a book called Master critical it curious journey through a cosmic family tree thought we talking a bit about that and how it came to be and why it s full of such weird bits on space and outer space and how it all works and what you could do if you could bend it or break it in some unusual way it s one of those things you could never ever stop pondering about as long as there is humanity will be pondering. The skies are such an easy thing to sit back and then get lost in its. Find me I enjoy I doing it at a much more detailed level now I can sit down and. Work but I still enjoy sitting back and. Good to talk to you this evening thank you astrophysicist Dr Julian Scudder appearing in Oxford this weekend to go to be at the Martin school lecture theatre this Saturday at 6 pm It s part of the Oxford Literary Festival. Radio Oxford. It is 615 at home such as traffic control center. Well let s start with some good news for the a 425 Swindon. All lanes are now reopened but even watch Fielden King s lay in bed early overturned lorry has been cleared of looking in which better along that stretch some. $44.00 still tonight as well thanks to Kate for the call the stole the 3 way temporary traffic lights are still stuck on red there so it s that causing a lot of the layers not only on the a 44 but also on the before old tutus you travel up from spells bery as well so where expect them to laze if you re on the a 44 tonight still looking very busy travelling from Bladen as far as along on the a for all mine 5 this is because of the closure of the lower old bridge repair works there so it s extra extra busy through blatant towards a long night the a 40 still struggling along from Cass and about as far as I mentioned 100 toll bridge very very busy 2 this is very very slow as you come across from far more tonight and the a 34 North but again very very patchy and slow all the way up from having the last through the hill and the change City Center looking a little bit better I do expect some delays though along the bottom we rolled from the junction of parks or old park town because a temporary traffic lights there for water works as a result of that of the Woodstock road extra busy time life in both directions a lot of traffic avoiding the Woodstock road live from the architect traffic control. R.i. a Cool travel used for 593 devil 16 devils. Radio Oxford. Travel. News headlines the Kremlin is warning Britain to expect to retaliate after a series or may announce $23.00 Russian diplomats will be expelled over the nerve agent attack in Salzburg a quarter of staff at Oxford as hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there according to a survey of staff published at a public board meeting today and toys r Us stores in Oxford and Banbury is closing all of its $100.00 shops after going into administration we re seeking a comment from Geoffrey the giraffe but so far none whether it s turning increasingly crowded through this evening and overnight rain arriving from the southwest through the air early hours of tomorrow fresh to strong southeast winds overnight minimum temperature 7 Celsius 45 in the other wet and windy to start with breaking up by the afternoon maximum temperature tomorrow of 11 Celsius if you are looking for the sunset this evening I think you ve missed it 7 minutes past 6 but if you back up again at 622 a normal. B.b.c. Radio expert. 18 minutes past 6 the pretenders. The. a sort of nice quickie. Still being brewed in the. Point it was in the Guinness Book of Records for the amount of the small air about the wineskin set world records. B.b.c. Radio. Get involved all throughout. Druggy do when it s past 6 and the best things to see and do in Oxfordshire over the next week have a chat with Hero Brown from the muddy still Atos blog and she started off with the Oxford Literary Festival it s a massive big beast isn t it this literary bent 22nd Oxford Literary Festival kicks off on Saturday packing some real beef actually over 100 events where you can meet the leading authors and public figures and one of my favorites could be children s laureate Lauren Child she s I m actually talking to the story museum. On Saturday and also always talking not at the story museum but around boxing but anyway the list of alumni goes on and on and on well in magnificent settings and then in theatre various colleges and also black holes marquee So yes should be absolutely amazing goes through to the 25th of March. Next on the list Alexander McQueen of the factory Yes not so much Alex on the Queen but one of his illustrators Actually it s a really lovely chance to see Christine McCormick and she s a London College of Fashion trained illustrator she s previously design prints products on the McQueen and I love the gem factory and you know it yes yes indeed yes listen it down it down the bottom event George Street and the new short sleep robots here in summertime in T.V. s lovely I say there s a fantastic little section there and the Cafe and Bar and everything so it s really if you haven t been there it s really really lovely and they said she looked so coming an artist s design is a lovely airy dining room so anyway she s going to be there and more of her works going to be there and anyway for the next couple weeks to Milton Keynes next the comedy duo for each of the Concorde s Yeah I love these guys and the New Zealanders course and I actually were discovered in America when they were 12 years and years to be discovered in New Zealand and it took New York to them to get them to get a fantastic they started last night there s a 3 night gigs going on at Milton Keynes so you can catch them tonight and tomorrow night so we see the best time there s hardly any tickets there so you have to beg and borrow so it s actually business time with these guys and yeah I think they re incredibly funny so if you want to have a good laugh and optional thinkings we re talking weddings next I m promise to another and I suspect you are too but for anybody who isn t wedding. I thought you would be a pleasing to me their. Talk about weddings. On Saturday I mean stater is lovely in its own right and you can go around the grounds going to the ends of the beams and also they ve got one which is that and yes you put a sparkling speculate on my figure I ll say yes to anybody this but it s a case it s a Marquis s on the lawns in front of the house is fully decorated for starting a wedding so it s just an extra thing you would get if you if you pops along this weekend it s a beautiful i think is one of the loveliest houses and it s one that doesn t seem to get quite the publicity that the London palace is. Going to the world. Cup of new eating places opening Yes I m never backwards in coming forward to the town very excited to see there s a really fantastic one in Hendley and it s the copper club which is well established obviously in sunning and in London in various fake locations but this one is a painting it s officially opening on Monday in Bel street in the middle of Henley But this is a soft launch from tonight and going through all weekend it s right next to the cinema where strong Do used to be and then a couple of in and the Westgate o.c. That Westgate is actually fantastic on the top floor with all those big top restaurants and there s Mowgli which is a kind of Indian street view having to eat at home on the street so lots of smash and grab zingy of spice you know the sort of things and then the soul the source which is a farce of a casual offering basically focused loosely around the British should be very popular in London again and it started in 20012011 so he s a pop at restaurant and the hackneyed pie and fish pie and mash up and that it s going great guns it s got is one of the best seafood restaurants in London and it s coming to what extent happy days finally I need your help with this one because because I m you know knocking on a bit and no longer done with the kids so to speak Justin s band coming to the new theater and I understand this is a good thing tell me all about Justin s back and it s a very good thing let me tell you any parent with children under 5 years knows intimately Justin Fletcher who is probably best known as Mr Tom. Tumbling right now is going to but yes exactly but actually he s a he s a much bigger than that now and he does all sorts of all sorts of things and so you might say he s got Justin s band which is coming to the new theater on the 3rd of April so I m mentioning it early because he s absolutely going to sell out and he s really good at live performance he was inventing actually a Christmas for the pan tell you that and his new show is called musically bench and there s lots of singing learning about musical instruments possible requests to play the Chiba he s in all the pictures but this Chivas I don t know is that we absolutely brilliant. For little people so and probably a really good one too busy for a couple of hours can I do a special request not to play the tuba or is that comfortably I m afraid to. Say I got Best of luck to Mr Tumble. Here are rather. Brilliant as ever the drafters on Saturday night at the movies and other fine soulful voice coming in our vinyl revival in the next few minutes if you ve not heard who it is yet this week stay tuned for details. 630 update from Iran well looks like we still got some delays on a 420 if you re Swindon tonight we had confirmation just before 6 o clock that it had all reopened between watch field and kings lane certainly the traffic heading towards Oxford is getting through all right but I ve just had several calls Thanks to all in particular tells me that traffic is still diverting along cut if you are Swindon coming down from Oxford tonight you might be able to update me further on that on the Travel line if you can and let me know if the 820 is in fact Orpen in both directions. A little bit patchy. A 420 from the wall that roundabout traffic lights out all the way out as far as end and heading into still looking for my busy and slowly to usual volume of traffic for this time of a Wednesday for a little bit patchy in places as well and just a reminder to expect some delays if you re only a 40 for tonight at Enstone still delays in all directions going to be $4.00 to $2.00 as well from spells abrade the 3 way temporary traffic lights still stuck on red and expect delays through long Bladen tonight because of the closure of low rolled from going Ridge works there so that s causing delays once again live from the traffic control center. Use. For it travel. News headlines of the U.K. s expelling 23 Russian diplomats who it says are under Clare and intelligence officers as part of a package of measures announced by to reason may after Moscow refused to say how a Soviet era nerve agent was used to attack a former spy in Salzburg those 23 diplomats had been given a week to leave. A quarter of staff at Oxford just hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that is according to a survey of staff at Oxford University Hospitals Trust which was published at a public board meeting today toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is to close all of its shops in the u.k. After the firm s administrators failed to find a buyer $3000.00 people are set to lose their jobs the queen is to send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge aged 76 leaving scientists have said his work on black holes on the unified theory of the universe will inspire countless generations and plans are underway to create a memorial garden for George Harrison in Henley the town he made his home the Beatles legend moved to the Grade 2 listed Friar Park in the 1970 s. . Ross even here with sports headlines Tottenham have confirmed that Harry Kane has damaged ligaments in his ankle but is expected to return to 1st team training in April and had been fears the entry sustained in the win over Bournemouth of the weekend could make him a doubt for this summer s World Cup England s World Cup winner Gordon Banks has told b.b.c. Sport the Spurs striker is vital for England in Russia often needed by a bottle of him and volatile will be just the right for them for the for better because once you got a terrific lot of speed and he goes shooting up the defenders are there draw a line that gives a bit of more room for came to to do what he wants to do which is another big night of action in the Champions League and Chelsea are away at Barcelona hoping to cause an upset which is see them progress to the quarter finals the tie is level at 10 on aggregate ahead of the 2nd leg in Catalonia and the hosts have yet to lose a single league game this season Chelsea boss Antonio contest knowledge is that his side are underdogs but he s not writing off their chances the final result of their the 1st leg given a great advantage but a lot. I did the same time I think we know very well if you loss of your Barcelona and for sure they want to try to bleed their football try to score to try to win the game and we have to try to do our best. In the competition this evening is already underway by immunity took a 5 no aggregate lead to Turkey ahead of their 2nd leg. The Germans lead to one of the 70 minutes in that 2nd game also signed Bradford City house we can in League One and the Continental Cup final will take place at what comes Adams Park tonight between astore and Manchester City women the postponed Oxford Cup semi final between Bambery Knight and Killington has been rescheduled with a new date and a new venue the match was due to be played at Northlake but has been switched to Oxford city s Court place far more on a poor the 4th racing now on Al tour has won the Queen Mother Champion Chase at the Cheltenham Festival Minn was 2nd with God s own 3rd his trainer and he Henderson It s good to watch it do that should already be all about he was electric was it in behind there is probably not doing an awful lot but there was a good base structure cover great very cool right great writing echo and Great Britain s men a Fitzpatrick and her guy Jen care hope of one a 3rd medal at the Winter Paralympics they took silver in the visually impaired giant slalom to now have 5 medals in total towards their pre-game target of 7 your 3 days before the b.c.s. Radio walks though it. Is Green with the forecast thank you Charles through the course of today we ve had many try day with a strong south easterly wind all to prices spells at a high of 12 Celsius tonight rain will move in from the west and could be quite heavy at times during the early hours of the morning and there will be a fresh to strong south easterly wind Temperatures tonight will drop to round 809 Celsius so it s quite a wet and windy start to the day tomorrow through the morning the rain will clear away north and east woods leaving a brighter afternoon with sunny spells and the all. Heavy shower the winds will also ease through the afternoon with a high of 12 Celsius Fridays a cool day with a fresh breeze and heavy thunder showers it s the last of the mild days because over the weekend there will be a very cold easterly wind which will give a significant wind chill there is a chance of wintry showers over the weekend and the Met Office have issued a snow warning for Sunday there may be accumulations of snow which could cause travel disruption for a full 14 day forecast log onto our website bbc dot co dot u.k. Slash Oxford. Snow I know we do not want to hear about snow at the moment thank you very much Yeah right we need the warning but let s try and dodge it if we possibly can. The time is 23 minutes to 7 on the breakfast show in the morning in 12 hours time David prevail we warming up for your Thursday Breakfast Club talking about the pressures on the health service Well you heard there the results of that stuff survey that says basically a whole lot of the staff are saying Oh I wouldn t advise a relative of mine to have treatment here but apart from vats we ve heard a lot in the last couple of months about the pressure on the hospitals at the moment and lot of operations being canceled of course elective surgeries being canceled postponed and so on so the latest on pressures on the n.h.s. Round here and also in the morning both occurred the same shop has been ransacked 3 times in the last couple of months and locals are taking exception and they re going to think about doing something about it in that know my thinking about it they are doing something about it find out exactly what on the breakfast club with David prevent here tomorrow morning from 7 another one to our vinyl revival and the album this week chosen by Daniel Butterfield from the Whitney social social club soul club that I m sure the social to the Whitney soul clubs Daniel has chosen the album it s Hudson s 1970 s. Funk soul masterpiece Hutson to the roots and who was for at least some time the lead singer of the impressions they did in the way of several of these groups like the Drifters and so on they went through a lot of lead singers anyway here s Liriano Hudson solo from what some of. You. On the radio rocks would. Proceed with caution. With this evening s final revival track this is I do I do want to make love to. Terms and conditions apply. You. Well we ll see about that not you very much that was there I had some from a vinyl revival album too which features a picture of the aforementioned stouts and on the back in the most bizarre outfit is an orange hats and a sort of fur waistcoat but then it came out in 1976 and to be honest if I could have worn a fair waist instead of orange hats and 976 I probably would have but I consider myself a bell bottom jeans and patent leather platform shoes. Long Ago and Far Away thanks to field of the Whitney Social Club keep saying social. Who suggested that album this week. Coming gigs on Good Friday March 30th 9 pm at the police and the 2nd of June at the elm tree at 8 o clock. Travel on the way. a little bit slow of you heading toward Swindon tonight halfling those early delays between watch field Kings lame baffling that earlier overturned lorry that scrap Lloyd and I was all been cleared apparently the a 420 had been reopened especially if you re travelling from Swindon towards alter the traffic is certainly getting through Ok but I just get me a couple of calls from people saying that if you re heading towards Wyndham traffic is still diverting down via long cut your mike could be a little update on the Travel line if you can all dots which would be most welcome in a city center not looking too bad as you make your way home along the road and Woodstock rolled easing off now full of those earlier delays Ringworld still busy at least to my passata the city because Cali rising cost along else field way as you travel towards the cut slow run about traffic lights on all the a $40.00 travelling go towards Whitley running a lot better now just looking at our causing them traffic lights couldn t study alone back to expect delays only a. Fiber blade and Long Hammer because of the closure of the lower rolled because of the bridge works along there and also only a $44.00 cylinder $3.00 to $3.00 way temporary traffic lights they are stuck on red so it s causing problems with traffic coming up from Spell debris and also traveling a 44 in both directions live from the traffic control center m r I I am cool with your travel news. 593 devil 16 devils. Radio Oxford. Travel. News headlines the Russian foreign ministry says Moscow will give a fitting and send trickle response to the expulsion of $23.00 of its diplomats over the spy poisoning case a quarter of staff at Oxford has hospitals wouldn t recommend their friends and relatives have treatment there that s according to a state survey of stuff published at a public board meeting today and toys r us which has stores in Oxford and Banbury is to close all of its 100 shops after going into administration they ve been doing it for a buyer for the business but none has been found whether it is turning increasingly as the unit goes on rain arriving from the south west during the night in the early hours of Thursday and quite windy minimum temperature 7 Celsius 45 in the other tomorrow wet and windy to start with brighter later and a maximum temperature of 11 Celsius after 7 this evening Georgie spends weeks here getting pampered ahead of ladies day finding out from an even evolutionary anthropologist why we choose the clothes we do here what your clothes say about you and chatting to the key champion who keeps halfway up Everest that are a tribute to Jimbo and as well with Georgie Spanswick the other side of 7 this evening. This is Grace. From a couple of years ago Grace with that cover of You Don t Own Me original of 963 Leslie God Incidentally the 963 original was produced by Quincy Jones who is 85 today great great man of popular music production what a skilled turn he has 9 minutes to 7 Stephen Hawking one of the world s most famous theoretical physicists has died 76 years old he was the author of a bestselling book on the origins of the universe and defied predictions that he would die in his early twenty s stag nosed motor neuron disease and when he was about 21 they told him he probably only had a couple of years and here he is finally leaving us at 76 lived a long and successful life the b.b.c. Science reports that Rebecca Morel looks back now at that life a little my name is Stephen The instantly recognisable voice of the cosmologist he became a cultural icon Stephen Hawking brought physics to the mainstream I think I assured . Him that I have. Hair so pretty and I got back back. Back and he was an inspiration to many for accomplishing all of this despite a debilitating disease erratic office success one of the few. Which being disabled just know. It s all in the mind it was at university that Stephen Hawking s talent for science began to shine through he found physics ridiculously easy and didn t have to work that hard Stevens mother Isabel spoke to the b.b.c. In 2002 I think Stephen was a very normal young man he liked parties he liked pretty girls only pretty ones. He. And he did to some extent like work but there were already signs that something wasn t right and while studying for his Ph d. At Cambridge University he was diagnosed with a form of motor neuron disease a degenerative condition that causes progressive weakness a muscle wastage the Astronomer Royal Martin Reese was a postgraduate student with Stephen I remember this young man already walking with difficulty who was embark on his thesis and was told that he may not live to finish his Ph d. But he defied this prognosis and went on to make his biggest theoretical breakthroughs I suppose his greatest single achievement. The one he said he wanted to have inscribed on his gravestone was an equation which linked together 3 previously unconnected areas of physics it linked together the nature of gravity the quantum principle and terms in attics and this is the so-called Hawking radiation. So stable basically be talking about insanity. As Professor Hawking s condition progressed his speech became increasingly slurred and after about 70 Monye of that nearly killed him he lost his capacity to speak entirely he had to use a speech synthesizer which created the voice that became his trademark people describe that section some American but Americans say the Scandinavian or Irish. Or whatever it is everyone can understand around this time to Professor Hawking turned to writing the most successful of his mainstream books was a brief history of time published in 1908 Kitty Ferguson is his biographer the underlying motive for writing that book was to make science and his work understandable to what he calls for in the area people like like you and I there s only one equation in the book and that s the equals mc squared that s home though Professor Hawking s life was type event he divorced his 1st wife and went on to marry one of his nurses he described this marriage as passionate and tempestuous there were even allegations that his 2nd wife physically abused him although he always tonight this Cambridge police are investigating allegations of an assault on Stephen Hawking a disable scientist and author of the best selling book a brief history of time despite his private life occasionally appearing in the media Professor Hawking generally liked fame he told the world was invited on to chat shows and in 2014 was portrayed by Eddie Redmayne in a film about his life he even appeared on The Simpsons. King the world s smartest me. His daughter Lucy spoke about her father s love of the limelight in 2012 another facet my father People don t very rarely highlight is what a showman he is he s a bit of an impresario at heart and he loves a big show a big stage bright lights whether it s him on stage or whether it s watching the spectacle underneath it s Although multi Merissa found his friend s ordinariness extraordinary work was amazing all through his life was the way despite his immense handicaps he remained so psychologically normal not only in being able to continue with his science but also in his interest in kind of thing as his willingness to express robust opinions and his enjoyment in activities quite away from his science Stephen Hawking will be remembered for turning almost unimaginable adversity into something he described at times as an advantage and it was this attitude that made him an inspiration for so many I had fired sample we could sink her return and hope to live there since similar situations have her kids up. Rebecca Morel their home the extraordinary life really extraordinary son of Oxford Professor Stephen Hawking . a 44 year travelling towards Chipping Norton the saving through m. Stone the 3 way temporary traffic lights they are still stuck on red from what I can gather so traffic looking quite slow as you come up from spells bery as well along that stretch the laser to only a 4 or 5 as you travelled through along because of the closure of lower older that s still causing problems on the layers there looking a little better on the speed sensors on a $420.00 if you re Swindon bomb tonight it finally looks like all lanes have reopened there we had had confirmation just under an hour ago that all lanes had reopened but traffic still look quite slow down through a long court but hopefully things back to normal there live from the ultra chair traffic control center. Good evening Mr Ryan you be back in the morning with us to prevent I will indeed dear heart yes sir for most would Mr Cox In fact for 6 am keeping a careful eye on proceedings have a good evening and David prefer brings you the Breakfast Club 7 o clock tomorrow morning with a feature on the latest on the pressures of the n.h.s. Bit of a busy time you may have noticed have a good evening. To. Spread criticism for refusing to explicitly blame Russia. For the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter in Salzburg trees a maze ordered the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats in retaliation accusing President Putin s regime of being culpable for the attack a number of Labor M.P. s have distanced themselves from Mr Corbin and the Prime Minister s told the Commons he s in the minority it was clear from the remarks that were made but there is a consensus across the back benches of this house a way I am truly sorry that the consensus does not go as far as the right honorable gentleman who were Meanwhile a wide cordon is in place around Laurie in June Emma North Dorset the vehicle is thought to have recovered scrip tells call from Seoul s parade the Queen it will send a message of condolence to the family of Professor Stephen Hawking who died last night at his home in Cambridge age 76 he was given just 2 years to live when he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease in his early twenty s but went on to become a leading figure in physics these teenagers at the Big Bang science event in Birmingham.

Radio-program , Members-of-the-order-british-empire , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Local-government-districts-of-south-west-england , Commanders-of-the-order-british-empire , Stephen-hawking , Fellows-of-the-royal-society , Traffic-law , George-harrison , Neurons , Shakespearean-actors , Local-government-in-dorset