Patrick Welton of Welton Investment Partners talks about ESG standards and low carbon as an asset class, the relationships between debt, growth and rates, and tipping points in the Chinese economy.
Dr. Patrick Welton of Welton Investment Partners, an alternative asset manager, offers his observations on the major macro themes expected to affect the markets in 2022.
know, with lena and the others where you work on the script and dialogue and contribute something? yeah. it s an amazingly collaborative process given that none of us or at least i would not consider myself even though i wrote the kate middleton thing, i wouldn t consider myself a professional writer. we do get to do improve on set, which is a pleasure for me because that is my background and sometimes we use it as a tool to loosen up the scenes and sometimes it ends up being in the final product. it s fun to see what little moments sneak in that weren t in the script. for the most part, the writers and our executive producers craft these scripts that are like mini novels and have larger macro themes and smaller things going on in the microlevel. they re so brilliant. whenever we read them, we re consuming them. it s really, really exciting. i m so excited for you. some day i m going to say you helped me when i lost my voice at the democratic convention in denver. i remember.