From predicting the days when accidents are more likely to happen, to million-pound project savings,
James Wilmore discovers how artificial intelligence is transforming the way projects are planned
Big road projects will often uncover historic finds.
During the £1.5bn upgrade of the A14 in Cambridgeshire, an archaeologist found what was believed to be the earliest evidence of beer brewing in Britain, dating back around 2,000 years.
Generating as much excitement, for different reasons, was the introduction of a very modern concept on the same scheme. The project team pioneered artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning technology to successfully predict times when an accident was more likely to happen – and to take action to stop it. By collecting swathes of information and using the AI, data scientists were able to spot problems before they occurred.
Booze and Buried Mammoths - All Found Whilst Using AI to Upgrade an Arterial Road
Artificial Intelligence Makes Working Safer and Easier on A14 Project
UK – The A14, the road which carries vast amounts of freight traffic from Britain s busiest container port at Felixstowe to the Midlands, has been the bane of many truck drivers for decades. Now Highways England is crediting artificial intelligence (AI) for a huge boost in both safety and productivity at the conclusion of the latest upgrade works.
It is claimed up to 85,000 drivers a day will benefit following the new £1.5 billion upgrade to the route in Cambridgeshire following the new 12-mile bypass opening in December and with the upgrading of the rest of the 21-mile stretch to three lanes being completed this month.
Julian Makey
Pioneering technology was used to improve safety of workers on A14 project.
Poineering use of Artificial Intelligence trialled in the construction of the £1.5 billion A14 upgrade could help to speed up major road projects in future, Highways England has said.
Thousands of pieces of information gathered by the innovative system, being used for the first time, also made sites safer for staff and it will now be rolled out elsewhere.
While working on the 21-mile A14 upgrade between Huntingdon and Cambridge, contractors wanted to create a uniform way of collecting data and launched an app to record hazards and good practice, with the project recording 4,500 observations in a single month.