you know them. they re your neighbors. like arthur daniels, out there on the weekend polishing his white crown victoria. and kenneth proctor with his beloved yellow mustang, who if you asked, would fix your car, too. he was the friendly face at the store. sylvia frasier with her unforgettable gold hair who took a second job at walmart because she said she just loved working with people. she was the die hard fan you sat next to at the game. kathy gaarde loved her hockey and her caps. season ticketholder for 25 years. there were the volunteers who made your community better. frank kohler giving dictionaries to every third grader in his county. marty bodrog leading the children s bible study at church. they lived the american dream.
hmm? [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] no problem. oh.and hair products. aisle 9. [ inhales deeply ] oh, what a relief it is. a washington, d.c., police have just released the names of five more victims. we want to share those with you right now. they are arthur daniels, mary francis knight, gerald l. reed, martin bodrog and richard michael regel. i want it to invite retired navy commander kirk lipold to stay because you know one of those victims? marty bodrog was a 1/2 academy classmate of mine and marty was just a great guy. you spend four years with