He earned five stars at The Mansion. But his tenure there ended abruptly, amid allegations that he drank on the job and threw cutlery. Now he’s out to prove that he won’t once again self-destruct.
A small but treasured bar and restaurant in Deep Ellum has closed: Shoals Sound & Service, which first opened at 2614 Elm St. in 2017, closed on March 27
Watching the Anamosa and Monticello football teams battle it out on the field in yet another nail-biter Friday, Oct. 8, brought back a lot of memories for me, and made
11 Beach Vacations a Flight Away From Dallas, Once It’s Safe to Travel
The goal line is in sight. Let us give you a head start on planning your first safe vacation in more than a year.
D Magazine Editors
Published in
D Magazine
Original Photography by Elizabeth Lavin | Other Photography Courtesy of Resorts
As of February, guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is clear: “Travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time. Delay travel and stay home to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.”