Šezdesetjedan migrant, uključujući žene i djecu, utopio se u brodolomu pored Libije, objavila je Međunarodna organizacija za migraciju (IOM) u Libiji na platformi X.
up at ports of entry and use biden s little open table app for migrants. remember, the app chose not countingopentabl them. so if you have an appointment and you go to a port entry and then cross the border illegally. yeah, that s a border crosser. t joe just legalized crossings int order to drop the numbers. plus, thousands get flown in right from venezuela, cuba, haiti and nicaragu from vea bece biden is paroling them with an executive order. he s also not counting them either. he s literally flying borderd no crossers into the country. and not counting them as border bord. rscounting so the real number is not 100,000. it s 170,000.t is so don t tell me the migranti crisis is getting better. joe biden s just finding out upw ways of sweepingtting be itr the rug. up next next., sharks are g and they re high on cocaine.
Si è parlato anche dell attività svolta dall Agenzia delle dogane, monopoli ed accise riguardo lo smaltimento delle imbarcazioni utilizzate dai migranti ed abbandonate lungo le coste calabresi, soprattutto crotonesi,.