On August 27, 2022 Manatee County EMS employees will see their salaries increase as part of a new pay structure approved by the Manatee County Board of Commissioners. These pay changes will make Manatee County EMS a leader in pay for the Tampa Bay Region:
a report released by the inspector general s office reveals that mms employees accepted gifts, used drugs and had sexual relationships with oil industry employees, which critics say calls into question mms s enforcement of some environmental and safety standards. you can t trust mms. they ve shown they re too cozy with industry. it is long past time to drain the safety swamp that has become the minerals management service. reporter: and that may be harder to do than one might imagine. a so-called revolving door between the mms and the oil industry had workers leaving the agency and going straight to work for oil companies. we contacted mms for a statement and they declined to comment. it s sickening we ve allowed people at bp to go out and support our resources when they have a long history of deliberately defying our rules and regulations, policies and safeguards. reporter: that is why the mineral management service makes our list of the culprits of the